Detecting and Analyzing Privacy Leaks in Tweets
Paolo Cappellari
, Soon Chun
and Christopher Costello
College of Staten Island, City University of New York, New York, U.S.A.
Macaulay Honors College, City University of New York, New York, U.S.A.
Privacy, Text Analytics, Machine Learning, Social Media.
Social network platforms are changing the way people interact not just with each other but also with companies
and institutions. In sharing information on these platforms, users often underestimate potential consequences,
especially when such information discloses personal information. For such reason, actionable privacy aware-
ness and protection mechanisms are becoming of paramount importance. In this paper we propose an approach
to assess the privacy content of the social posts with the goal of: protecting the users from inadvertently dis-
closing sensitive information, and rising awareness about privacy in online behavior. We adopt a machine
learning approach based on a crowd-sourced definition of privacy that can assess whether messages are disclo-
sing sensitive information. Our approach can automatically detect messages carrying sensitive information, so
to warn users before sharing a post, and provides a set of analysis to rise users awareness about online behavior
related to privacy disclosure.
Over the past decade, the rise of social media out-
lets such as blogs and social networks has provided
people with the means to disclose information about
themselves publicly. Cybernauts directly or indirectly
share information about themselves or others, e.g.
friends (Krishnamurthy and Wills, 2009; Mao et al.,
2011; Malandrino et al., 2013). People are aware that
their online behaviors are, to some degree, monito-
red in exchange for the fruition of the services. Ne-
vertheless, users tend to neglect the potential implica-
tion such information can have on their life, especi-
ally when interacting on social networks (Wang et al.,
2011). Awareness of the potential implications of on-
line behavior is becoming of paramount importance.
People need to realize that repercussions of online be-
havior are no longer confined to the social aspect of
life, but can propagate into the professional one. As
an example, in a recent CareerBuilder’s annual so-
cial media recruitment survey,
it has been observed
that 70 percent of recruiters use social media to rese-
arch and consider job candidates; 49 percent of which
admitted to having rejected candidates or the content
they have shared.
Information sharing can be achieved via social
posts, chat messages, emails, blogs, etc. Generally,
repercussions of online behavior are correlated with
the disclosure of sensitive (or private) information
about the individual user or others. Privacy is a ma-
jor challenge in the modern web-oriented society. In
this paper, we present an approach to analyze and as-
sess “the amount” of privacy content disclosed by a
user when sharing information online. Our approach
allows to analyze social media user’s activity over a
period of time, as well as to assess in real-time whet-
her a piece of information about to be shared contains
sensitive information or not. Ultimately, our approach
provides the mean to assess information leakage both
historically and momentarily: it can be used by users
or organizations to detect and assess information le-
akage before it occurs, or to analyze already occurred
leakage in order to educate users.
One major issue in detecting sensitive information
is that the definition of what is private (from what
is not) varies between individuals: people have dif-
ferent, subjective, views on what constitutes a private
content. It is also true, however, that people belonging
to the same community tend to share the similar de-
finition of what constitutes sensitive information. In
our approach we use a “societal definition” of sensi-
tive information. The societal definition we use in this
work has been built by asking groups of people to an-
Cappellari, P., Chun, S. and Costello, C.
Detecting and Analyzing Privacy Leaks in Tweets.
DOI: 10.5220/0006845602650275
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2018), pages 265-275
ISBN: 978-989-758-318-6
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
notate social posts into two basic categories: private
vs non-private. Each post has been classified by mul-
tiple people, whose votes have been democratically
coalesced in a final annotation.
When it comes to social media users privacy
protection, there is a surprising lack of protection
tools and controls related to what Richthammer et
al. (Richthammer et al., 2014) described as “seman-
tically unspecified” data (i.e.: social media posts). On
one hand, tools such as the browser add-on NoTrace
help users against collection of personally-identifiable
information, web tracking and other privacy threats.
On the other hand, social media platforms provide
users with some form of control to define which au-
dience has access posted contents. However, social
media sites largely leave post contents to the discre-
tion of their users. According to Sapuppo (Sapuppo,
2012), 14 to 17 percent of social media users are un-
concerned with the privacy value of what they share,
while only 10 to 17 percent are “fundamentalists”
who are extremely reserved with what information
they share. The majority of users are “pragmatists”
who are somewhat concerned with the information
they disclose, but even they are liable to unwittingly
disclose some private information.
In the academic setting, a number of efforts are
trying to tackle the problem of information leakage.
For example, in (Acquisti and Gross, 2006) authors
focus on analyzing a number of privacy issues rela-
ted to the user of social networks, but do not address
the problem of prompting the user before an infor-
mation leakage occurs. The authors of (Mao et al.,
2011) can automatically classify social posts in set
of privacy categories, however such categories are
fixed and have been defined arbitrarily and upfront.
The work in (Malandrino and Scarano, 2013) prompt
users when sensitive information is about to be dis-
closed, however it limits its scope to well structured
data in emails, name or social status. In (Cappellari
et al., 2017) authors propose an initial study to generic
privacy detection and assessment, however the appro-
ach seems to be in a small scale and geared towards
the analysis of past information leakage occurrences.
Overall, a comprehensive approach helping users as-
sessing and overcoming information disclosure issues
is missing.
With this work, we present a machine learning ba-
sed approach to automatically detect messages car-
rying private information. Our main goal is to detect
messages carrying sensitive information, so to alert
users before the messages are shared with others, and
to provide online behavior analysis to rise users awa-
reness regarding online privacy behavior. Our contri-
butions are as follows:
A semi-automated system to generate annotated
datasets, to be used directly as training set for the
machine learning model;
A data pre-processing processor that reduces the
text to analyze to its core and essential features;
A model to detect and assess messages carrying
sensitive information;
A performance comparison of several machine le-
arning models;
A privacy analytics platform to analyze individual
and population level privacy leakage behaviors in
social media message sharing.
Our contributions also include that we share a
dataset of 6000 tweets annotated with the privacy-
related labels with the research community, to enable
follow-up research of this study for verification and
replications, as well as enhance the machine learning
models to detect the privacy-related messages.
The paper is organized as follows: in Sec. 2 we
present the related research; in Sec. 3 we describe how
we select the data that will be used to build our privacy
classification model; in Sec. 4 we present our appro-
ach to the crowd-sourced annotation of social posts,
to create our societal definition of privacy; in Sec. 5
we present our privacy detection approach; in Sec. 6
we discuss our finding; finally, in Sec. 7 we draw our
The approaches in (Islam et al., 2014; Liu and Terzi,
2010) both focus on associating a user with a pri-
vacy score, that indicates her/his tendency to disc-
lose sensitive information. In (Islam et al., 2014) the
authors analyze the Twitter users privacy disclosure
habits by building a machine learning model that as-
sociates each Twitter user with a privacy score. The
privacy score is then used to analyze how the user’s
privacy behavior is influenced by other users in the
same network. Similarly to our work, authors creates
a machine learning model by using tweets annotated
by Amazon Mechanical Turks (AMT) workers. Dif-
ferently from ours, however, AMT workers are pre-
sented with a fixed set of possible privacy categories,
therefore limiting the ability of the model to recog-
nize privacy in general. Also, the authors focus on
scoring the user privacy leakage behavior by analy-
zing their timelines, and by correlating the score of
the user with the score other users the former has be-
friended or mention in posts (so to determine a pri-
vacy leakage influence pattern). Our work, instead,
DATA 2018 - 7th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
focuses on assessing each message individually: each
message can be classified in real-time before it is dis-
closed. Also, by collecting series of messages, analy-
tics can be built to provide insights on the day, time,
location, and content of privacy leaks, as well as on
the likelihood that a user (or group of users) will dis-
close sensitive information.
In (Liu and Terzi, 2010), authors propose a frame-
work to associate users with a privacy risk score. The
score is determined by analyzing the user’s messages,
and can be used to: alert the user when a posted mes-
sage exceed a set privacy risk score, or to let the user
know where s/he stands compared to the rest of the
community. The approach mostly focuses on devising
a mechanism to formalize a mathematical function to
calculate the user privacy risk score. Many factors are
considered in the mathematical function that calcula-
tes the user’s score. However, the approach does not
account for the societal factor, which is the first major
difference with respect to our approach. The second
major difference is the attention to the evaluation of
the user score after the privacy leak has occurred, si-
milarly to (Islam et al., 2014), rather than on the as-
sessment and prediction of the generic piece of text
the user is about to post, like in ours.
In (Mao et al., 2011), authors analyze information
leak associated with a number of fixed categories of
interest: vacation, drug, and health condition. The
first category is concerned with users disclosing plans
and/or locations of where they will (or not) be and
when. The second, is concerned with people posting
messages under the influence. The third, looks into
social posts disclosing medical conditions, personal
or not. Authors focus on Twitter posts, associating
tweets to the mentioned categories by relying on a set
of keywords representative of each category. The li-
mit of this approach, and the difference with respect
to ours, lies in the small number of categories of in-
formation disclosure authors look into, and in the ar-
bitrarily, fixed, and subjective, set of keywords that
are associated with each category. Our approach, on
the other hand, relies on crowd wisdom to know what
should be considered as sensitive information, rather
than on a fixed set of keywords. As a consequence,
we are looking at a larger spectrum of sensitive in-
formation disclosure possibilities, and to a more de-
mocratic way of classifying messages which is more
aligned with the privacy perception of the society.
In (Sleeper et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2011), aut-
hors study what messages users from Twitter and Fa-
cebook tend to regret. Authors surveyed a number of
users from both platforms to classify regretted posts
into categories, and analyze the effort and time users
spend in making amends for their posts, when possi-
ble. Both works analyze the aftermaths of information
disclosure, and focus on educating users on the use
of social media and on the implication of underesti-
mating information sharing. Differently, our work is
more focused in providing users with insights about
privacy leakage, as well as in supporting users with
actionable mechanisms that can prevent these (regret)
situations from happening altogether.
Hummingbird (Cristofaro et al., 2012) is a
Twitter-like service providing users with a high de-
gree of control over their privacy. The service offers
a fine grained privacy control, including: the ability
to define access control lists (ACL) for each tweet;
and the protection of server-side user behavior iden-
tification. With this approach, users are limited to a
specific service, and have to proactively address the
privacy issue by taking actions before using the ser-
vice itself, such as defining ACL. With our approach,
users are free to use any service, do not have to confi-
gure any tool, and can assess the amount of informa-
tion leakage in a message before sharing it.
The work in (Kongsg
ard et al., 2016) focuses on
sensitive information leakage detection for corporate
documents. Authors employ machine learning techni-
ques to automatically classify a document as sensi-
tive vs non-sensitive. A curated training set of do-
cuments has to be provided to create the classification
model: an administrator has to craft, select, and anno-
tate which documents should be considered as private
vs not private. This solution can provide great degree
of customization, which is ideal of a corporation need.
On the other hand, it is impractical on a large scale,
which is on what our approach focuses, where an ad-
ministrator cannot possibly prepare the dataset(s) ma-
Selecting the right data is a crucial task for both cre-
ating the training dataset for our classification model,
and for validating our approach. Due to the lack of
available privacy related datasets, we had to devise a
mechanism to collect and create our own privacy da-
taset. Our data source is Twitter, where we have been
careful to select only tweets that users have marked
as fully public (no restrictions). We have used Twitter
as our data source due to its public and openness po-
licy. We have collected millions tweets from the live
sample Twitter stream, over multiple periods of time
during Fall 2017 & Spring 2018. Part of this dataset,
after annotation, has been used to train the machine
learning model, and to run privacy leaks analysis on
historical data. Note that our application also use the
Detecting and Analyzing Privacy Leaks in Tweets
the live Twitter stream to provide privacy leakage in-
formation in real-time.
To guarantee an approach as application agnostic
as possible, we decided not to consider any informa-
tion beyond the tweet text itself and its geo-reference
(as latitude and longitude). In fact, all tweets’ meta-
data, user profile information, etc., and all application
specific lingo, such as the hashtags for Twitter, have
not been considered in our approach. In addition, in
order to build a higher quality training set, we focused
on the English language, and on tweets of reasonable
length, which are more likely to provide a meaningful
content. In summary, we have retained tweets with
the following characteristics:
are in English;
have at least 10 words (beyond stop-words);
have no hashtags;
have no URL;
are not retweets.
The focus on the English language is motivated
by the availability of libraries to process the English
language and by the fact that adding additional lan-
guages would not have improved the generality of our
approach. In fact, having to support multiple langua-
ges would require more work, but would not add me-
aningful contribution to the methodology itself. The-
refore, we decided to focus on the English language
only, thus discarding tweets in any other language.
Filtering on tweets that have at least 10 words, in
addition to stop-words, maximizes our chances of col-
lecting tweets with a well formed, meaningful, sen-
tence. Tweets, and social posts in general, can be rat-
her short in nature, which poses a major challenge:
they tend to provide little-to-none “surrounding con-
textual information” about the message it is being
shared. The lack of contextual information makes it
harder to assess the content of the messages for pri-
vacy leaks. Therefore, we decided to discard all those
messages that are too short, and would not only pro-
vide little value, but could potentially generate unde-
sired “noise” in our privacy assessment approach, re-
sulting in improper classification.
In tweets, hashtags are metadata information that
users embed in their messages. Hashtags are a simple,
yet effective, way for users to annotate their messages
with a theme or topic, so it is easier to search and fol-
low social trends for such topic. While hashtags can
provide a very valuable information on the topic and
context regarding the message, and can be used to as-
sess privacy leaks, we have decided to ignore them.
This way, we do not rely on any lingo or feature of
a specific application, Twitter in this case, thus deve-
loping an application agnostic approach that can be
used with any application and in any context.
Filtering out URLs maximizes the chances that
each message is self-contained, thus does not relying
on information located somewhere else on the web.
Such linked information should be considered as fully
part of the message, and included in the privacy leak
analysis, ideally However, URLs can link to hetero-
geneous resources, such as images or videos which,
while potentially of paramount relevance, pose a com-
pletely different challenges from a sensitive infor-
mation disclosure analysis point of view, which are
beyond the scope of this work.
Finally, we skip retweets because from a privacy
leak point of view they are duplicate information that
do not provide additional value. As a result of our data
selection criterion, we are able to generate a generic
privacy dataset that allow us to build an application
independent privacy leak classification model.
Our privacy assessment approach rely on a machine
learning model. In order to use such models we have
to craft a so called training set of annotated data in
order to build the classification model.
Since we want our model to assess each message
in isolation, the training set is composed of a set
of messages, where each message is annotated with
either the following tags: private, or non-private. The
first tag denotes a message that is disclosing sensitive
information; the second one states the opposite, that
is no privacy is leaked in the message.
From our collected data we selected just more than
6000 messages, satisfying the criterion described in
Sec. 3. These messages have then been manually
annotated as private or non-private by Amazon Me-
chanical Turk (AMT) workers. In order to minimize
the risk of an arbitrary annotation of messages (which
would introduce bias in the model), each message was
annotated by 5 different workers, where the final an-
notation for such message is decided by a majority
vote: if at least 60% of the workers have tagged the
message as private, then message is deemed as pri-
vate; otherwise, the message is deemed as not-private.
When annotating a message, a worker is presented
with 3 mutually exclusive options to choose from:
a) not-private, the message does not contain sen-
sitive information;
b) somewhat-private, the message discloses sensi-
tive information, to some extent;
DATA 2018 - 7th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Figure 1: HTML custom template for posts annotation for Amazon Mechanical Turks.
c) private, the message discloses sensitive infor-
mation, definitively.
The first and third options, not-private, and
private, are intended for messages that without any
doubt are either not disclosing or disclosing sen-
sitive information, respectively; the second option,
somewhat-private, is meant to capture that gray
area where users, in their subjective definition of pri-
vacy, are not sure themselves on whether the message
is or is not disclosing sensitive information. At an-
notation election time, the somewhat-private tag is
equipped to private, meaning that both counts as a
private. In fact, whether the user is ready or not to
admit it to herself, if she considers a piece of infor-
mation to be “somewhat private, then that message
is carrying private information, indeed, thus should
be distinguished from the non-private ones.
We have developed an AMT custom HTML tem-
plate, and a program to automatically convert col-
lected messages between ours and AMT format. In
addition to speeding up the annotation process, this
also allows us to easily and semi-automatically extend
our training set, if/when necessary. The HTML tem-
plate is designed to presents AMT workers with 12
messages at the time on a single web page. Fig. 1 il-
lustrate the top part of our custom template, including
2 of the possible 12 messages. We chose 12 because
we believe that it is the right trade-off that guaran-
tees a level of consistency among the answers of a
single task (for a single worker), while also keeping
the task itself reasonably short, thus not tedious for
the worker. The template is also supplemented with
the definitions of our 3 possible annotation tags, each
supported with an example.
To maximize the quality of the annotations, we
have restricted the set of workers that are allowed to
work on tasks. Tasks are made available to workers
that satisfy the following criteria:
are AMT masters, and have a history of task ap-
proval rate above 90%;
are English speakers from these countries: USA,
UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.
Messages to be annotated have been posted on
AMT in batches of incremental sizes. The first ba-
tch was a test batch of about 100 messages, so that
we could verify the initial results, detect and correct
any potential issue with the annotation process. Sub-
sequently, we incremented the batch size to 300; and
finally to 5600. To further guarantee the quality of
the annotation results, we injected the 6000 messa-
ges to tag with an additional set of 140 for which the
annotation was already known. This set of 140 pre-
annotated tweets has been constructed in the same
manner as the primary dataset, however it has been
manually inspected for quality assurance. Tasks for
AMT workers would include some of these 140 ve-
rified messages, so we could determine whether their
annotations were sound.
The turnaround time for individual tasks, from pu-
blishing to results availability, has been less than a
week. Overall, including our incremental batch tests,
it took about one month to have all 6000 tweets an-
notated. The resulting annotated privacy dataset can
be used in many different contexts to improve people
understanding of privacy in the modern information
sharing oriented society.
Detecting and Analyzing Privacy Leaks in Tweets
We tackle the sensitive information disclosure asses-
sment problem by adopting a supervised machine le-
arning approach. Messages are classified individually
according to our two categories of interest discussed
in earlier sections: private, and non-private. Several
classification models exit, each with pros and cons. In
choosing which model to use, we followed a pragma-
tic approach: we tested the most popular models for
text classification and compared their performance.
Then, we selected the model showing the best perfor-
mance to develop our privacy assessment application
as detailed below. Regardless of the model, a number
of data pre-processing steps had to be put in place in
order to maximize the quality of the result.
5.1 Model Training Set
Results from AMT annotation process were reaso-
nably balanced. Out of the 6000 messages, about
60% were labeled as not-private, and the remai-
ning 40% as private. A training a model with such
a dataset would generate little-to-no bias in the classi-
fier, thus providing a balanced prediction model. The-
refore, we did not sample the dataset to reduce the
data to a 50-50 perfectly balanced training set bet-
ween private and not-private tweets.
5.2 Text Preparation
Social media users often use a less formal version of a
language. In Twitter, for instance, messages are con-
tracted to a more succinct form because of the plat-
form nature (micro-blogging). In doing so, users of-
ten resort to lingo, abbreviations, and other sort of
“broken” versions of a language.
To create a model that is resilient to these varia-
tions, we pre-process collected data so that the mes-
sages are reduced to a more uniform and basic form.
This text pre-processing is applied to both the training
data and the actual input. In this pre-processing, mes-
sages undergo the following transformations:
the text is converted to lowercase;
common and stop words are removed;
letters are converted to basic ASCII alphabet (e.g.
no accents, etc.);
contractions are collapsed into one word, e.g.
“I’m” is reduced to “Im”;
words are stemmed to remove derived or inflected
the less statistically relevant terms are removed.
These data transformations have been implemen-
ted in a series of cascading scripts developed in R.
Lower-casing, removal of numbers, punctuation, ex-
tra white-space, and stop-words is achieved via com-
mon standard libraries; ASCII conversion via the
stringi package. Stemming is applied to reduce in-
flected variation of words to their common root. In
doing so, we are able to reconcile multiple words to
a single semantic, thus increasing the reach of our
vocabulary. Finally, less relevant terms are removed
to further improve correct classification as follows:
the words are filtered into a document-term matrix
(DTM) where the text of each message counts as a do-
cument, and the term frequency is measured by term
frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF): the
terms that appear in less than 0.1% of the documents
are removed altogether.
5.3 Model Training and Assessment
The 6000 labeled Tweets are randomly sampled to
create two partitions: a training set partition, contai-
ning 80% of the messages, to be used to train the ma-
chine learning model; and a validation set containing
the remaining 20% of messages (i.e. 1200 labeled
tweets) to be used to evaluate the quality of the model.
A variety of classification models have been de-
veloped over the past number of years. Each has
pros and cons, and performs differently depending
on the contextual settings. To decide which classi-
fication model to adopt in our work, we followed a
pragmatic approach: instead of tampering with state-
of-the-art algorithms, we have tested the most popu-
lar models and selected the best performing one for
our case. The models we include in our evaluation
are the following: Support Vector Machine (SVM),
the Generalized Linear Model (GLM), the Maximum
Entropy (MAXENT), the Supervised Latent Dirichlet
Allocation (SLDA), as well as Bagging (BAGGING),
Boosting (BOOSTING), Decision Tree (TREE), and
Random Forest (RF) models. The models have been
trained and tested against the same training set. The
results are illustrated in Table 1
The best performing model resulted to be SVM,
with an accuracy of 70%, roughly. Therefore, we cre-
ated our privacy model using SVM, which is used in
our applications detailed later.
5.4 Privacy Topics
Besides detecting whether a message discloses sen-
sitive information, it is also of interest understating
what kind of information is being disclosed, or at least
DATA 2018 - 7th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 1: Classification Models Accuracy, Precision and Recall Performance.
Accuracy 68.5% 66.4% 61.0% 66.7% 53.4% 58.6% 67.6% 48.6%
Precision 68.2% 64.1% 60.5% 65.5% 51.1% 54.7% 69.6% 48.6%
Recall 66.1% 70.4% 57.5% 67.1% 96.4% 87.0% 59.5% 100%
on which topic. Topic modeling (Blei, 2012) and to-
pic identification (Stein and zu Eissen, 2007) are two
research areas that try to cluster documents in catego-
ries of topics, and to associate a label to each identi-
fied category, respectively.
Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) (Blei et al.,
2003) is a popular statistical model to extract a set
of topics (categories) from an unstructured set of do-
cuments. Briefly, the intuition behind LDA is that a
set of documents only covers a limited set of topics,
that is the documents can be classified in a few cate-
gories, and that only the same small set of words is
used frequently in each topic.
We use LDA to analyze the topics of privacy dis-
closure across the users’ timelines, and geographical
areas. Currently, we do not try to identify the to-
pic: we limit our attention to find the most occurring
words on each topic, delegating the labeling of the
discovered topics to users.
Analyzing the set of messages annotated from AMT
workers we have observed that almost half of the mes-
sages discloses private information. This fact alone
proves that sensitive information is being disclosed
rather frequently, which reinforce the motivation for
our work. Clearly, users should be provided with sup-
porting mechanisms to catch these information leaks
automatically, giving users both a protection against
possible “share regrets” episodes, as well as an edu-
cational tool.
We have developed a set of applications that can
assess users privacy leak behaviors by classifying
tweet messages as disclosing sensitive information or
not. Specifically, we developed a web application
composed of multiple services: a text privacy asses-
sment service, a user disclosure behavior analysis, a
geo-area disclosure analysis, and user disclosure topic
analysis. All our applications, including the privacy
dataset are available on our web-server
. The first is
a tool that users can use to assess their message for
sensitive information before posting it. The other ser-
vices are detailed below and validate the quality of
our approach. At the core, the application is develo-
ped in R, running on a Shiny server. Eventually, we
would like to release this service as a browser plug-in
so that users can have immediate privacy assessment
without having to copy-and-paste in third-party web
pages before posting their messages.
6.1 Assessing a Post for Privacy Leak
Before sharing a post, the user can use our applica-
tion to assess a message for privacy content. The ap-
plication is a simple web-page with an input text field
and a submit button. Fig. 2 illustrates an example for
a sample post. By submitting the message, the user
is prompted with a report deeming the messages as
private, or not, and with a degree of confidence re-
garding the classification. Under the hood, the appli-
cation performs the data pre-processing as described
in Sec. 4 before passing the text to our privacy mo-
del. The confidence value provide with the annota-
tion, informs the user how accurate the classification
is. Simplifying, the user can interpret this information
as the amount of sensitive information the post would
disclose, if published.
6.2 User Disclosure Behavior
The User Behavior service analyzes a user timeline
to assess the behavior of such user. The applica-
tion scans through the user’s messages, classifies each
message as either private or non-private, and return an
aggregate view on how much, and when, the user was
disclosing sensitive information.
More in detail, the application expects a user Twit-
ter handle as input; then, it fetches in real-time all
the messages posted by the user, retrieving as many
tweets as allowed by the Twitter API (currently, about
1500). Retrieved tweets are then passed to our clas-
sification model, where each tweet is assessed indi-
vidually for sensitive information content. The con-
tribution of each message is aggregated to provide a
user profile that reveals: how much of the user tweets
contains sensitive information, as a percentage of all
tweets, and when such tweets are shared on the plat-
form. The application presents a breakdown of which
day of the week and which hour of the day the user has
shared tweets with sensitive information. Fig. 3 illus-
trates an sample run of this application for the Twitter
handle: @realDonaldTrump.
Detecting and Analyzing Privacy Leaks in Tweets
Figure 2: Privacy assessment evaluation for an individual post.
At the top of the illustration, there is a pie chart
summarizing the tendency of the user to disclosure
(or not) sensitive information. Right below it, there
is a stacked-bar chart providing information on how
much sensitive information is disclosed in which day
of the week. Finally, the application also presents the
breakdown by the time of the day, using an horizon-
tal stacked-bar chart. For the specific user we can
observe a 51-49 ratio, roughly, in terms of amount
of messages carrying sensitive information disclosed.
Peak days are Tuesday through Friday, with peak
hours occurring at the start and end of the day.
6.3 Geo-area Disclosure Analysis
The Geo-area Service collects and assess all messa-
ges within a defined geographic area. The geo-area
is defined as a “box” of four points indicating the
North-East, North-West, South-West, and South-East
corners. Each box’s corner is a pair latitude and longi-
tude. Tweets are analyzed by sub-area, where a sub-
area can be a country, a state, a county, or a neig-
hborhood. Fig. 4 illustrates two examples of the geo-
graphical area analysis, on the world (Fig. 4a), and on
New York City, USA (Fig. 4b).
In the application page, the slider at the top allows
to browse through the hours of the day, so to see the
amount of sensitive information disclosure varies in
countries, on the left, or neighborhoods, on the right
during the day. The lightest the blue color in an area
in the figure, the higher the percentage of messages
classified as carrying sensitive information (for such
area). During our experiments, we have observed that
sometimes there are areas for which (almost) 100%
of the messages are disclosing sensitive information.
This, while possible, is more likely caused by the an
unrepresentative sample of messages, which is due to
the limitations of the free Twitter API. The latter, in
fact, only returns a small percentage of all the tweets
posted in a selected area which, by chance, all happen
to be labeled as private by our classification model.
6.4 Topic Analysis of Privacy Disclosure
With the Topic Analysis service we want to un-
derstand which topics a person is more likely to
share sensitive information on. The application pulls
the user timeline (currently limited to the last 1500
tweets) and tries to assess the topic for each mes-
sage. A major challenge with Twitter messages is that
they contain little amount of text, thus making it very
hard for statistical methods to reliably classify the to-
pic. Furthermore, while methods such as LDA allow
to model the topics, identifying (labeling) the topics
themselves is an additional challenge. Therefore, in
the application we limit our attention to discover the
topics, leaving the user with the task of understanding
and labeling them. Fig. 5 illustrate a use case of this
In the figure (top-right) we can see a number of
topics, one per column, where the most representative
(key)words are listed within each topic. An observer
can (arbitrarily) identify the first topic as about “fake
news”, the second about the “presidential motto”, the
third about jobs, and so on. At the top of each key-
word list we leave an editable input field, initially po-
pulated with the word “Topic-#” (with # a number), so
that the user can provide a label for such topic, if s/he
wishes. For future work, it is our intention to investi-
gate this topic labeling challenge, possibly in the same
fashion we crowd-sourced the private vs non-private
annotation of tweets, so to develop a AI approach to
topic label identification.
We have presented an approach to automatically de-
tect sensitive information disclosure in social posts.
The approach relies on supervised machine learning
algorithms to assess in real-time whether a text mes-
sage carries sensitive information so that the user can
be alerted before the message is shared, therefore pro-
tecting the user from sharing regrets episodes. In ad-
dition to individual message assessment, the appro-
DATA 2018 - 7th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Figure 3: User disclosure behavior evaluation.
ach can also mine through a user timeline or a geo-
graphical area to summarize the online behavior with
respect to privacy leaks, where summary information
shows the online habits of the user(s), detailing when
and where sensitive information is mostly disclosed.
Finally, the approach allows the user to analyze the
topics to which her social posts belong to, so to under-
stand what kind of sensitive information is disclosed.
As part of out contributions, we have tested multiple
machine learning models, we have provided a semi-
automatic procedure to build the training set required
by the supervised learning model, and we have pu-
blished the set of privacy annotated data.
For the future work, we would like to tackle the
following problems. First, we want to explore met-
hods to improve the privacy classification for very
Detecting and Analyzing Privacy Leaks in Tweets
(a) World.
(b) New York City.
Figure 4: Snapshots for the world and the New York City area.
Figure 5: Topic disclosure analysis for an individual user.
short text: this is a challenging problem because the
less the text, the less reliable the supervised model is.
Second, we want to automate the identification and la-
beling of the topics of privacy disclosure, so to further
refine the support we can provide to the users. Finally,
we want to build an open platform for the continu-
ous refinement of the privacy annotation mechanism,
were to publish social posts and collect people’s anno-
tations, to create an automatic self-improving system
for privacy classification.
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