Plantar Fasciitis Prevention Technique based on Data Aggregation
from Computer Diagnostics
Vladislav Bakayev and Alexander Bolotin
Institute of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University,
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Keywords: Adaptation to Load, Plantar Fasciitis, Foot Functions, Prevention Technique, Data Aggregation from
Computer Diagnostics.
Abstract: In this paper, we discuss the solution of the task on justification of plantar fasciitis prevention technique based
on data aggregation from computer diagnostics. It is found that the assessment of the degree of damages in a
condition of the plantar surface of the trial subject’s foot that was made based on data aggregation from
computer diagnostics in 3D format may be a basis for not only determining the disease extent but also for
determining the necessary means, for special training, as well as for regulating a load on feet during the
recovery of the foot functions. When using the plantar fasciitis prevention technique based on data aggregation
from computer diagnostics, it is revealed that in conditions of its occurrence in an athlete, the two-phase
dynamics of change of the foot condition indicators had been registered: the initial decline in functions
followed by their increase to the original positions. This evidences the high efficiency of plantar fasciitis
prevention technique based on data aggregation from computer diagnostics.
Plantar (foot) fasciitis is a quite common disease. It is
frequently encountered in the athletes who are
involved in the long distances running (Ammann and
Wyss, 2015, Bakaev et al., 2015, Bolotin and
Bakayev, 2017, Kuznetsova et al., 2015, Zakharova
and Mekhdieva, 2016, Bakaev et al., 2016) It can be
inferred on the status of this disease in the runners by
indicators of computer studies in 3D format. At the
same time, the modern prevention strategies for
plantar fasciitis in athletes are based primarily on
assessing their subjective feelings, without taking
into account the objective data. The existing
diagnosing methods of the condition of the plantar
surface of the foot in the long distance runners do not
allow evaluating in a qualitative manner the
functional status of its muscular-ligamentous
apparatus. This affects adversely the functional
condition of the runners-stayers (Bakayev et al.,
2018, Bolotin and Bakaev, 2015, Bolotin and
Bakayev, 2016, Bolotin and Bakayev, 2017).
Purpose of Research is to develop the prevention
technique for plantar fasciitis in the runners-stayers
based on data aggregation from computer diagnostics
in 3D format.
Research Objectives.
1) To evaluate the athlete’s condition at the initial
stage of plantar fasciitis.
2) To explore the plantar fasciitis in an athlete
using data aggregation from computer diagnostics in
3D format.
3) To identify the most effective means of
prevention for plantar fasciitis in runners-stayers that
are based on data aggregation from computer
diagnostics in 3D format.
The study involved a long-distance runner at the
initial stage of the emergence of plantar fasciitis at the
age of 34 years, with a normal type of foot.
Experience running for about 20 years.
During research, the athlete’s condition at the
initial stage of plantar fasciitis was evaluated. (Figure
A complex of prevention measures for plantar
fasciitis in runners-stayers that was based on data
aggregation from computer diagnostics in 3D format
has been developed by taking into account the results
of diagnostic. The plantar fasciitis was examined
Bakayev, V. and Bolotin, A.
Plantar Fasciitis Prevention Technique based on Data Aggregation from Computer Diagnostics.
DOI: 10.5220/0006892601060110
In Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2018), pages 106-110
ISBN: 978-989-758-325-4
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
using the gait analysis system (Zebris Medical
GmbH, FDM-T system, Germany). The indicators of
the runner’s feet alignment were evaluated in the trial
subject that were based on indicators derived from
Zebris system. Using the Zebris system, a distribution
of resting static and dynamic pressure was measured,
as well as the same in motion mode. To assess the
plantar fasciitis severity, the coefficient of uniformity
distribution of load on the feet during treadmill
(track) running was used. The value of the load on the
feet in dynamics and statics was measured.
An uneven load distribution was observed in the trial
subject during the research. (Figure 2).
Figure 1: Static analysis of the athlete’s feet at the initial stage of research.
Plantar Fasciitis Prevention Technique based on Data Aggregation from Computer Diagnostics
Figure 2: The analysis of the load in 3 zones of the foot during moving on the treadmill.
icSPORTS 2018 - 6th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
Figure 3: 3D model of the static feet position in the trial subject at the beginning of the research.
Figure 4: Analysis of the static condition of the trial subject’s feet at the end of the experiment.
The source data, which characterizes the uneven
distribution of load on the feet, was obtained from
data aggregation from computer diagnostics in 3D
format. (Figure 3).
After identifying the degree of damages in a condition
of the plantar surface of the trial subject’s foot, a
range of preventive means have been offered to him
in the form of special exercises, massage, and
changing the shoes insole thickness. It is found that
the most effective means of preventive training are
the following: exercises on the foot flexion and
extension under the controlled load; exercises with a
massage ball; lifting and lowering to the tiptoes when
sitting and standing; foot flexion and extension using
hands, etc. (Bolotin and Bakayev, 2016, Kalmykova et
al., 2017, Kuznetsova et al., 2015, Gorshova et al.,
2017, Ivashchenko et al., 2017). The complex of these
exercises was performed in the morning and evening
for 40 minutes. Then a foot massage was made.
During the day, the trial subject was walking in shoes
with shoe insoles selected specially for him. The
remeasurement of the degree of damages in a
condition of the plantar surface of the trial subject’s
foot was made after three months of special training
on the plantar fasciitis prevention based on data
aggregation from computer diagnostics in 3D format.
Figure 4 shows the results of this research.
Under the conditions of the plantar fasciitis in an
athlete, the two-phase dynamics of change in the foot
condition indicators had been registered: the initial
decline in functions followed by their increase to the
original positions. This indicates that the assessment
of the degree of damages in a condition of the plantar
surface of the trial subject’s foot that was based on
data aggregation from computer diagnostics in 3D
format may be a basis for not only determining the
disease extent but also for establishing the necessary
means for special training, as well as to regulate a
load on feet during the recovery of the feet functions.
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