Psychological Determinants and Consequences of Internet Usage:
An Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model
Yang Lu, Savvas Papagiannidis and Eleftherios Alamanos
Newcastle University Business School, Newcastle University, 5 Barrack Rd, NE1 4SE, Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K.
Keywords: Technology Acceptance Model, Internet, Social Inclusion, Psychological Needs, Well-being, Emotions.
Abstract: The Internet, as a representation of pervasive technological platforms, has brought a series of effects on our
everyday life. An exploration of the determinants and consequences of Internet use from the psychological
and social perspectives can facilitate current information system studies. As such, this paper hypothesised and
examined the effects of a number of psychological factors on technology acceptance. A comprehensive
framework has been put forward and empirically tested with data collected from 615 Internet users. Statistical
results support that the hypothesised antecedents, i.e. social inclusion and psychological needs satisfaction,
have significant effects on users’ beliefs and intentions of Internet usage. Also, the individuals’ continuance
intention of using the Internet significantly affects their emotional reactions, well-being, and perceived value
of the Internet.
Over the years, there has been an increasing interest
in exploring the potential emotional influence of
pervasive technologies, such as the Internet. Studies
from a psychological perspective have largely been
focused on the impact of excessive Internet use,
especially its negative causes and effects (e.g.
problematic Internet use, Internet addiction,
compulsive Internet use). However, there has been
little discussion about the wider emotional
consequences that the Internet can bring to the public.
As such this study’s first objective is to make a
contribution by exploring the emotional antecedents
and outcomes of using the Internet. By tackling this
objective this paper aims to make a second significant
contribution related to technology acceptance. Over
the years, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
has facilitated understanding of technology
acceptance and has made possible extensions and
elaborations for the contextualisation of information
technology (IT) studies (Lee et al., 2003). At the same
time, though, excessive focus on replication and the
subtle adaptation of popular models such as TAM
could restrict the progress of information system (IS)
research (Venkatesh et al., 2007; Venkatesh et al.,
2012). Integrating individual characteristics, rather
than over-emphasising system and design
characteristics, may offer a way to enhance IS and IT
studies (Ajzen, 2005; Benbasat and Barki, 2007;
Venkatesh, 2000). To this end, a number of studies
have incorporated psychological factors, such as
cognitive absorption (Mohd Suki et al., 2008), flow
(Hausman and Siekpe, 2009), psychological needs
and self-determination (Partala and Saari, 2015;
Partala, 2011), and emotions (Beaudry and
Pinsonneault, 2010), etc. Still there is more much
scope for considering psychological factors as
antecedents and outcomes of acceptance Given that
psychological states and individual differences are
gaining importance in technology acceptance studies,
this article extends TAM by incorporating emotional
constructs, i.e. social inclusion, basic psychological
needs, well-being, perceived value, and emotions.
2.1 Technology Acceptance
TAM has been longitudinally found at the centre of
technology acceptance. Compared with other
technology acceptance theories. The first version of
TAM includes five main constructs, namely,
perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use
(PEOU), attitude toward using (Attitude),
behavioural intention to use (BI), and actual system
use (USE) (Davis et al., 1989). (Davis et al., 1989)
Lu, Y., Papagiannidis, S. and Alamanos, E.
Psychological Determinants and Consequences of Internet Usage: An Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0006898400460056
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2018), pages 46-56
ISBN: 978-989-758-324-7
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
showed that PU and PEOU have direct effects on BI
instead of being mediated by attitude. The authors
suggested omitting attitude to explain intention more
concisely (Davis et al., 1989; Venkatesh et al., 2003).
PU and PEOU are grounded on behavioural
psychology and the observation of technology
adoption (Davis et al., 1989). They are the two most
influential determinants that represent human beliefs
and represent the foundation of technology
acceptance theories (Davis, 1989; Venkatesh and
Davis, 2000; Davis et al., 1989). PEOU is the degree
to which a person believes that using the Internet
would be free of effort (Davis et al., 1989; Davis,
1989). PU refers to the degree to which a person
believes that using the Internet would enhance
performance in completing particular tasks (Davis et
al., 1989; Davis, 1989). The relationships between
PU, PEOU, and Intention have been retained in most
TAM-based empirical studies (Lee et al., 2003).
Additionally, a meta-analysis by (Lee et al., 2003)
showed that the majority of the studies support the
idea that PEOU affects PU, and both PU and PEOU
have influences on Intention or USE. Our study
examines the psychological impact on existing users,
hence we have focused on the intentions to continue
using the internet (continuance intention (CI).
H1: An individual’s (a) perceived ease of use, and
(b) perceived usefulness of using the Internet has a
significant positive influence on the intention to con-
tinue using it, while (c) perceived ease of use positively
affects the perceived usefulness of the Internet.
2.2 Social Inclusion and Information
and Communication Technologies
Various definitions of social inclusion (SI) have been
introduced over the years that offer different vantage
points into this multi-dimensional phenomenon, e.g.
(Secker et al., 2009; Sayce, 2001; Huxley et al., 2012;
The Charity Commission, 2001). For the purpose of
this study, social inclusion is defined as an
individual’s perceived opportunities and rights of
access to the social and economic world and
participation in socially valued activities (Richardson
and Le Grand, 2002; Sayce, 2001). Although social
inclusion is based on the concept of social exclusion,
social inclusion cannot be simply viewed as “non-
exclusion”, but rather as creating opportunities
proactively and having freedom in making choices
(Andrade and Doolin, 2016; Selwyn, 2002; Phipps,
2000). Accordingly, social inclusion relates to the
emotional and health benefits generated by access to
social capital, social acceptance and social activity, as
well as positive actions taken by an individual to
dealing with social exclusion, then enabling people to
fully participate in the society (Andrade and Doolin,
2016; Sayce, 2001; Secker et al., 2009; The Charity
Commission, 2001).
Not surprisingly, social inclusion/exclusion
closely relates to digital inclusion/exclusion, with
high digital inclusion being a catalyst for social
inclusion (Hill et al., 2015; Selwyn, 2002; Tapia et al.,
2011). With the proliferation of ICTs, digital
inclusion has become an increasingly important issue
as it describes how ICTs serve society and promote
social inclusion (Tapia et al., 2011; Hill et al., 2015).
Diffusion of new forms of technological
breakthrough could potentially exacerbate existing
social exclusion or even create new ways through
which digital exclusion can be manifested (Andrade
and Doolin, 2016). On the other hand, it can also
bring many advantages. First of all, social inclusion
motivates people to use connecting technologies such
as mobile phones, social networking sites, and e-
learning systems (Choi and Chung, 2013; Park, 2010;
Park et al., 2013; Smith and Sivo, 2012). Empirical
results suggest that social inclusion has positive
effects on one’s PU, PEOU, and CI of using mobile
phones (Park et al., 2013). Social capital is a key
element of social inclusion, which is generated
through individuals' social activities and interactions,
and offers benefits for their social participation (Choi
and Chung, 2013; Secker et al., 2009). Perceived
social capital positively and significantly correlates to
perceived usefulness and ease-of-use on SNS among
graduate students (Choi and Chung, 2013). Social
presence and sociability facilitate users' degree of
social inclusion as well, which has been found to
positively correlate with PU, PEOU, and CI on using
e-learning systems (Smith and Sivo, 2012).
Moreover, the beneficial impact of social inclusion is
also reflected in enhancing the well-being of citizens
(especially those ICT-engaged individuals) via
technology use. For instance, socially excluded people
tend to shop online via computer or cell phone rather
than in-store (Dennis et al., 2016). Such preferences
can potentially mitigate the negative effects of social
exclusion on well-being and the happiness of
individuals with mobility difficulties (Dennis et al.,
2016). It is worth noting that ICTs do not increase
social inclusion automatically. They promote
participation in social activities and communities, and
in turn can help transform social inclusion into well-
being (Andrade and Doolin, 2016).
H2: Social inclusion positively influences the
users’ (a) perceived ease of use of, (b) perceived
usefulness of, and (c) continuance intention of using
the Internet.
Psychological Determinants and Consequences of Internet Usage: An Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model
2.3 Self-determination Theory, Basic
Psychological Needs, and
Technology Acceptance
According to the Self-Determination Theory (SDT),
when faced with new skills and ideas, people have
innate needs to feel effective, agentic and being
connected, which derive from the three basic
psychological needs for competence (NC), autonomy
(NA), and relatedness (NR) (Ryan and Deci, 2000c;
Ryan and Deci, 2000b). These three psychological
needs are the basis of maintaining an individual’s
intrinsic motivation and self-determining extrinsic
motivation (Ryan and Deci, 2000b). Specifically,
interpersonal activities can catalyse people’s need for
competence and fulfilling this need enhances their
intrinsic motivation (Gagné and Deci, 2005; Ryan
and Deci, 2000b). Intrinsic motivations could be
diminished by external factors such as rewards,
threats, deadlines, and competition pressure, which
hinder the individuals’ experienced autonomy
(Gagné and Deci, 2005; Ryan and Deci, 2000b). The
environmental and social contextual conditions that
support or control the needs for autonomy and
competence could facilitate or undermine intrinsic
motivation and social functioning (Ryan and Deci,
2000c; Ryan and Deci, 2000b). Satisfying the need
for relatedness is the main motivation driving people
to perform activities which, per se, are less enjoyable
or not of interest, but valued by people connected to
them (Roca and Gagné, 2008).
Studies based on SDT have reported close
relationships between Internet use, needs satisfaction,
and psychological states. Need fulfilment can
indirectly lead to excessive Internet use, which is
fully mediated by psychological distress (Wong et al.,
2014). Psychological distress, such as social anxiety,
has direct influences on excessive Internet use as well
(Casale and Fioravanti, 2015). For males, this
influence can be partially mediated by the satisfaction
of the need for self-presentation, which can be met
through social networking service use (Casale and
Fioravanti, 2015). In addition, the basic psychological
need satisfaction perceived online and in daily life
both significantly predicts Internet use behaviour and
the emotional effect among elementary school
children (Shen et al., 2013). Participants who fulfilled
their psychological needs online tend to spend more
time on and more frequently use the Internet, and they
will also experience more positive outcomes (Shen et
al., 2013). In the context of e-learning system use,
users can be intrinsically motivated by fulfilling the
three psychological needs, which in turn affects their
well-being and emotional responses (Gagné and Deci,
2005; Roca and Gagné, 2008; Ryan and Deci, 2000b;
Ryan and Deci, 2000a). The need for autonomy is one
of the salient needs that could be satisfied to a
significantly larger extent by technology use,
especially in successful cases of technology adoption
(Partala, 2011; Partala and Saari, 2015). Previous
work which incorporated the SDT with technology
acceptance theories supported a number of significant
relationships between the three psychological needs
and technology acceptance constructs. More
specifically, although PEOU has been found to be
positively affected by the three psychological needs,
their influences on PU and intentions are relatively
ambiguous. The majority of the empirical studies
suggest that the three needs have significant positive
influences on PU and BI. Still, the needs for
competence and autonomy were not found to
significantly relate to PU in three of the studies
(Nikou and Economides, 2017; Sørebø et al., 2009;
Roca and Gagné, 2008). Notably, these studies were
conducted in different contexts, with models
featuring additional determinants, such as intrinsic
motivation (Sørebø et al., 2009), perceived enjoyment
(Lee et al., 2015), perceived playfulness (Roca and
Gagné, 2008), etc.
H3: The users’ need for competence positively
affects their (a) perceived ease of use of, (b) perceived
usefulness of, and (c) continuance intention of using
the Internet.
H4: The users’ need for autonomy positively
affects their (a) perceived ease of use of, (b) perceived
usefulness of, and (c) continuance intention of using
the Internet.
H5: The users’ need for relatedness positively
influences their (a) perceived ease of use of, (b)
perceived usefulness of, and (c) continuance intention
of using the Internet.
2.4 Well-being, Perceived Value, and
Social Inclusion
An individual’s degree of well-being can be affected
by social inclusion and the satisfaction of basic
psychological needs (Andrade and Doolin, 2016;
Dennis et al., 2016; Broadbent and Papadopoulos,
2013; Ryan and Deci, 2000c; Deci and Ryan, 2000;
Tay and Diener, 2011). The positive influences of
social inclusion and need fulfilment on well-being
can be enhanced by technology use (Roca and Gagné,
2008; Gagné and Deci, 2005; Andrade and Doolin,
2016). Accordingly, this study defines well-being as
the degree of need satisfaction and life quality
enhancement by using the Internet. Empirical studies
have explored the role of well-being in technology
WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
acceptance. For instance, in studying the mobile
money service agents’ technology readiness and
acceptance, subjective well-being has been found to
be a positive outcome of mobile money service use,
which was directly affected by PU and PEOU
(Rahman et al., 2017). Well-being can act as both a
driver and an outcome of social networking service
(SNS) use (Munzel et al., 2017). Subjective well-
being can only increase the highly extraverted
individuals' time spent on SNS when they are
unhappy, which consequently improves their general
well-being (Munzel et al., 2017). In addition, well-
being can also be measured from the perspective of
psychological flourishing (psychological wealth,
positive emotions, and life satisfaction) and mental
health (“the lack of depressive symptoms”) (Partala
and Saari, 2015). Regarding the users’ most
influential experiences of successful and
unsuccessful technology adoptions, psychological
flourishing well-being has been found to be largely
dependent on the fulfilment of needs and concordance
of value (Partala and Saari, 2015).
H6: Users’ continuance intention to use the
Internet has a positive impact on their well-being.
Researchers have developed a number of
constructs to represent different values affecting
technology acceptance and use, such as
performance/utilitarian value (e.g. PU and PEOU),
hedonic value (e.g. cognitive absorption, perceived
enjoyment, and playfulness), social value (e.g.
subjective norm and social influence), and monetary
value (e.g. price value) (Lowry et al., 2013; Agarwal
and Karahanna, 2000; Venkatesh et al., 2012; Davis
et al., 1989). Turel et al. (2007) decomposed users’
overall perceived value to a multi-dimensional
determinant of short messaging service acceptance.
Their study demonstrated that the hedonic and
monetary values significantly influence behavioural
intention, that performance value was a potential
moderator on use intentions and that the social value
did not show a significant impact on use intentions
(Turel et al., 2007). On the other hand, perceived
performance value, which describes the perceived
benefits and profits offered by the IS/IT, has been
found to be an antecedent of acceptance of hotel front
office systems (Kim et al., 2008). (Wang, 2014)
investigated utilitarian and monetary aspects of
perceived value, which illustrated the user’s “overall
assessment of the utility” regarding the mobile
government system. Results indicated that mobility,
security, and PU were antecedents of the overall
perceived value, while technology satisfaction, trust
in technology, trust in the agent, and trust in
government were the consequences (Wang, 2014).
Users’ perceived benefits, i.e. perceived usefulness,
perceived enjoyment, and social image, and
perceived sacrifice, i.e. perceived risk, were all found
to have a positive effect on their overall assessment
of the perceived value of media tablet adoption (Yu
et al., 2015). Taking into account that this study aims
to examine the emotional and psychological factors
related to the adoption of a pervasive technological
paradigm, i.e. the Internet, the users’ perceived value
is investigated from a comprehensive perspective. As
such, perceived value is defined as the justification of
the experience of using the Internet in individuals’
daily life, regardless of whether this is for work or for
personal purposes (Okada, 2005).
H7: Users’ continuance intention to use the
Internet has a positive impact on their perceived
2.5 Emotional Responses to Internet
An emotional response is defined as a set of
emotional reactions elicited during IT/IS use or by
use experiences, such as happiness, anger, anxiety,
and excitement (Westbrook and Oliver, 1991;
Beaudry and Pinsonneault, 2010). Prior studies
provide evidence that users’ emotions critically affect
beliefs, intentions, and behaviours in technology
acceptance and adoption contexts (Beaudry and
Pinsonneault, 2010; Kim and Lennon, 2013; Chang et
al., 2014). For instance, positive emotions such as
happiness and excitement were found to positively
relate to information technology use, either directly
or indirectly (Beaudry and Pinsonneault, 2010). How-
ever, negative emotions, e.g. anger and anxiety, also
have an indirect positive influence on technology use.
This article adopts (Beaudry and Pinsonneault,
2010) classification of the emotional responses,
specifically toward information technologies. Their
framework has been developed by combining two
appraisals of technology assessment which determine
users’ emotional reactions toward a new IT (Beaudry
and Pinsonneault, 2005; Beaudry and Pinsonneault,
2010). The primary appraisal is whether a user
perceives a new technology as constituting an
opportunity or a threat, which is in line with the
individual’s goal achievement (Bagozzi, 1992;
Beaudry and Pinsonneault, 2010). Fundamentally, the
goal or outcome of an individual can be either
achieved or not, which in turn triggers pleasant or
unpleasant feelings toward events in both planned and
unplanned cases (Bagozzi, 1992). This primary
appraisal determines the users’ emotional reactions as
Psychological Determinants and Consequences of Internet Usage: An Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model
positive (they perceive the technology as an
opportunity, they achieve the goal) or negative (they
perceive the technology as a threat, and do not
achieve the goal). Notably, individuals can
experience both positive and negative emotions,
triggered by the same external stimulation, thus the
levels of these two dimensions of emotions can be
measured separately (Chang et al., 2014; Partala and
Kujala, 2015; Russell and Carroll, 1999). The
emotions aroused by the adoption of a given IT may
vary among individuals depending on their unique
psychological evaluations (Beaudry and
Pinsonneault, 2010).
The second appraisal refers to the degree of users’
perceived control over the achievement of the
expected outcome of accepting a technology
(Beaudry and Pinsonneault, 2010; Lazarus and
Folkman, 1984). This dimension further classified the
emotions triggered by an IT event into four
categories, i.e. achievement, challenge, loss, and
deterrence emotions. The achievement and challenge
emotions are experienced when the users perceived
an IT as an opportunity that would generate positive
outcomes, such as happiness and excitement
(Beaudry and Pinsonneault, 2010). The achievement
emotions refer to the users' pleasant feeling when they
are able to achieve their goal by using the IT with very
little effort (Lee et al., 2012; Beaudry and
Pinsonneault, 2010). Challenge emotions could
enhance users' positive attitudes toward the
technology and help them achieve their goals (Lee et
al., 2012; Beaudry and Pinsonneault, 2005). A new IT
which is perceived as a threat would be likely to
trigger loss or deterrence emotions (Beaudry and
Pinsonneault, 2010). When individuals lack control
over their expected outcomes of the new technology,
they are likely to experience loss emotions such as
anger, disappointment and frustration (Beaudry and
Pinsonneault, 2010). Finally, when users have some
control over their expected outcomes, their emotional
reactions fall into the deterrence aspect, represented
by anxiety, fear, worry, distress, etc. (Beaudry and
Pinsonneault, 2010).
H8: An individuals’ continuance intention to use
the Internet has a positive impact on their (a)
achievement and (b) challenge emotions, and has a
negative impact on their (c) loss and (d) deterrence
Based on the above hypotheses, Figure 1 presents
the emotional-TAM model (E-TAM) which depicts
the main effects.
3.1 Data Collection and Sampling
A quantitative approach was adopted. The
questionnaire was made available online and data
collected using a consumer panel. The sample
respondents were Internet users in the United States.
670 full questionnaires were initially received. Prior
to the main survey, a pilot study was carried out with
10 participants. Based on evaluation of this pilot
study and the average completion time of the main
study, collected questionnaires that had been
completed in less than five minutes were excluded
Figure 1: Research framework: E-TAM.
WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 1: Demographic profile of respondents
Demographic characteristic Frequency
Male 266 43.3%
Female 349 56.7%
20-29 69 11.2%
30-39 127 20.7%
40-49 114 18.5%
50-59 139 22.6%
60 or over 166 27.0%
Current employment status
Full-time employed 258 42.0%
Part-time employed 64 10.4%
Out of work (looking for work) 26 4.2%
Out of work (not looking for
6 1.0%
Homemaker 77 12.5%
Student 16 2.6%
Retired 125 20.3%
Unable to work 43 7.0%
African American 65 10.6%
Native American 6 1.0%
USA White 452 73.5%
Asian American 28 4.6%
Hispanic American 37 6.0%
Multiracial 8 1.3%
Other White Background 15 2.4%
Other 4 0.7%
Education attainment
Some high school or less 12 2.0%
High school graduate or
118 19.2%
Vocational/technical school 54 8.8%
Some college, but no degree 157 25.5%
College graduate 156 25.4%
Some graduate school 22 3.6%
Graduate degree 78 12.7%
Professional degree 18 2.9%
Residence area
Urbanized area 256 41.6%
Urban cluster 231 37.6%
Rural area 128 20.8%
Household income
$0- $24,999 114 18.5%
$25,000-$49,999 161 26.2%
$50,000-$74,999 138 22.4%
$75,000-$99,999 95 15.4%
More than $100,000 107 17.4%
from the dataset. Additionally, this study removed
questionnaires completed by selecting the same
answer for most of the scaled measurement items,
including the 11 reversed ones. By applying the
above-stated criteria in the data screening process,
615 completed questionnaires were entered into the
analysis. Table 1 illustrates the participants’ profile.
3.2 Measurement Items
Table 2 presents the constructs’ factor loadings and
reliability, which describes the variability of
independent variables explained by the measurement
model. Items for the TAM variables, i.e. PEOU, PU,
and CI, were adapted from (Venkatesh, 2000;
Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975; Davis, 1989). Social
inclusion items were adopted from (Richardson and
Le Grand, 2002), while items for the psychological
needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness
were adapted from the Work-related Basic Need
Satisfaction scale (Van den Broeck et al., 2010).
Items measuring the well-being and perceived value
were adapted for the Internet users in the post-
adoption context from (El Hedhli et al., 2013) and
(Okada, 2005) respectively. Lastly, we included ten
potential emotional responses to using the Internet
(Beaudry and Pinsonneault, 2010). The majority of
the items were measured using a 7-point Likert scale
(“Strongly disagree” to “Strongly agree”).
3.3 Data Analysis Strategy
SPSS v.23 and SPSS Amos v.24 were used for the
statistical analysis of the main hypotheses. A
confirmatory factor analysis was undertaken to
ensure construct reliability and validity. The
composite reliability, Cronbach’s α, and model fit
indices were satisfactory (Table 2). There was no
convergent validity issue with the model (Table 3). A
structural model has been established to test
hypotheses H1-H8 (Table 4).
The E-TAM framework satisfied the model fit criteria
(Table 4), with the majority of hypotheses being
accepted except for H2b, H3c, and H4b. More
specifically, all TAM relationships (H1) were
statistically supported. PEOU showed significant and
strong influence on CI (H1a) and PU (H1c). The path
Perceived Usefulness Continuance Intention
(H1b) was the weakest among the three hypothesised
effects. The proposed antecedents, i.e. social
inclusion and the three basic psychological needs,
were found to significantly affect users’ perceptions
of and continuance intention of using the Internet
(H2-H5 partially supported). When comparing
standardised coefficients, the four antecedents
Psychological Determinants and Consequences of Internet Usage: An Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model
showed overall stronger effects on PU and PEOU
than on CI. Among the four antecedents, social
inclusion was the most significant factor influencing
PEOU, and the users’ need for competence most
strongly affects PU. When it came to CI, the effect of
the need for competence was not significant. Lastly,
the statistical analysis supported the significance of
the six-proposed psychological and emotional
outcomes of using the Internet (H6-H8 all significant
at <0.01 level). The users’ continuance intention of
Internet use strongly and positively affected their
well-being, perceived value, achievement emotions,
and challenge emotions. Negative emotions, i.e. loss
emotions and deterrence emotions, were negatively
affected by CI, with path estimates much smaller than
positive outcomes.
Table 2: Item loading and reliability.
Variable Loading Reliability References
Perceived Ease of Use
0.821 Cronbach’s α = 0.925
C.R. = 0.927
(Venkatesh, 2000)
Perceived Usefulness (PU)
0.880 Cronbach’s α = 0.936
C.R. = 0.938
Continuance Intention (CI) 0.877 Cronbach’s α = 0.868
C.R. = 0.868
Social Inclusion (SI) 0.807 Cronbach’s α = 0.898
C.R. = 0.884
(Richardson and Le
Grand, 2002)
Need for Competence (NC) 0.866 Cronbach’s α = 0.913
C.R. = 0.915
(Van den Broeck et al.,
Need for Autonomy (NA) 0.869 Cronbach’s α = 0.889
C.R. = 0.890
Need for Relatedness (NR)
0.876 Cronbach’s α = 0.921
C.R. = 0.927
Well-being (WB)
0.875 Cronbach’s α = 0.783
C.R. = 0.857
(El Hedhli et al., 2013)
Perceived Value (PV) 0.906 Cronbach’s α = 0.806
C.R. = 0.829
(Okada, 2005)
Achievement Emotions
0.895 Cronbach’s α = 0.899
C.R. = 0.899
(Beaudry and
Pinsonneault, 2010)
Challenge Emotions (CE) 0.778 Cronbach’s α = 0.761
C.R. = 0.765
Loss Emotions (LE) 0.922 Cronbach’s α = 0.890
C.R. = 0.892
Deterrence Emotions (DE) 0.895 Cronbach’s α = 0.940
C.R. = 0.941
Notes: Items measured by 7-point Likert scale: Strongly disagree; Disagree; Somewhat disagree; Neither agree nor
disagree; Somewhat agree; Agree; Strongly agree.
Reliability test: C.R. = composite reliability (>0.7); Cronbach’s α ((>0.7).
Method: M.L.; Model fit: χ2 (551) = 1200.367, CMIN/DF = 2.179, GFI = 0.904, CFI= 0.967, RMSEA= 0.044.
WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 3: Convergent validity test.
0.607 0.779
0.783 0.284 0.885
0.802 0.291 0.852 0.895
0.809 0.199 0.693 0.623 0.899
0.761 0.343 0.570 0.568 0.461 0.872
0.834 0.295 0.674 0.589 0.606 0.672 0.913
0.767 0.334 0.527 0.537 0.394 0.762 0.590 0.876
0.749 0.199 0.667 0.592 0.814 0.508 0.645 0.411 0.866
0.621 0.324 0.661 0.655 0.580 0.688 0.664 0.734 0.672 0.788
0.748 0.414 0.662 0.639 0.552 0.699 0.591 0.688 0.602 0.756 0.865
0.619 0.230 0.658 0.661 0.683 0.461 0.572 0.339 0.703 0.568 0.633 0.787
0.805 -0.221 -0.158 -0.142 -0.062 -0.348 -0.156 -0.347 -0.093 -0.276 -0.336 0.064 0.897
0.842 -0.203 -0.076 -0.077 0.037 -0.262 -0.086 -0.328 0.012 -0.212 -0.293 0.126 0.840 0.918
Note: AVE = average variance extracted (>0.5), abbreviations of the constructs were present in Table 2.
Table 4: Statistical results of hypotheses test: structural equation model (H1-H8).
Hypotheses Path Coef. (t-test)
H1a Perceived Ease of Use Continuance Intention 0.480 (12.052***)
H1b Perceived Usefulness Continuance Intention 0.114 (2.836**)
H1c Perceived Ease of Use Perceived Usefulness 0.406 (10.376***)
H2a Social Inclusion Perceived Ease of Use 0.183 (4.842***)
H2b Social Inclusion Perceived Usefulness 0.038 (1.166ns)
H2c Social Inclusion Continuance Intention 0.095 (3.607***)
H3a Need for Competence Perceived Ease of Use 0.228 (2.543*)
H3b Need for Competence Perceived Usefulness 0.358 (4.720***)
H3c Need for Competence Continuance Intention 0.121 (1.914ns)
H4a Need for Autonomy Perceived Ease of Use 0.251 (3.026**)
H4b Need for Autonomy Perceived Usefulness -0.096 (-1.374ns)
H4c Need for Autonomy Continuance Intention 0.157 (2.764**)
H5a Need for Relatedness Perceived Ease of Use 0.111 (2.167*)
H5b Need for Relatedness Perceived Usefulness 0.223 (5.132***)
H5c Need for Relatedness Continuance Intention 0.171 (4.704***)
H6 Continuance Intention Well-being 0.711 (14.730***)
H7 Continuance Intention Perceived Value 0.875 (15.278***)
H8a Continuance Intention Achievement Emotions 0.859 (19.242***)
H8b Continuance Intention Challenge Emotions 0.653 (11.286***)
H8c Continuance Intention Loss Emotions -0.333 (-7.101***)
H8d Continuance Intention Deterrence Emotions -0.258 (-5.979***)
Method: M.L.; Model fit: χ2 (602) = 2530.516, CMIN/DF = 4.204, CFI= 0.901, RMSEA= 0.072.
Significant at p: ns = > .05; * = < .05; ** = < .01; *** = < .001
5.1 Technology Acceptance
This study has extended TAM using a number of
psychological antecedents and outcomes. As the
majority of the hypotheses (H1-H8) were accepted,
this study further corroborated the robustness,
flexibility for extension, and explanatory power of
TAM (Mathieson, 1991; Venkatesh et al., 2003;
Davis, 1989). Path analysis results suggested that
PEOU had a stronger influence than PU on CI. This
research did not support previous literature which
suggested that PEOU is less influential than PU when
Psychological Determinants and Consequences of Internet Usage: An Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model
it comes to affecting technology acceptance, e.g.
(Chau, 1996; Chau and Hu, 2001; Davis et al., 1989).
One possible interpretation may be that the users’
increasing familiarity with the Internet may alter their
expectations on new ICTs (Mathieson, 1991).
5.2 Social Inclusion and Satisfaction of
This paper has provided evidence for the relationships
between social inclusion and technology acceptance
(i.e. PEOU and CI), which is broadly consistent with
previous findings (Choi and Chung, 2013; Park,
2010; Park et al., 2013; Smith and Sivo, 2012). Two
of the main effects between psychological need
satisfaction and TAM were not supported, namely
Need for Competence Continuance Intention and
Need for Autonomy Perceived Usefulness. The
overall effects of the need for competence on TAM
were in line with previous results (Huang et al., 2016;
Lee et al., 2015; Roca and Gagné, 2008). The
influence of the need for autonomy on PEOU and CI
partially supported the studies of (Hew and Kadir,
2016; Huang et al., 2016; Nikou and Economides,
2017; Roca and Gagné, 2008). Statistical results
reported significant relationships between the need
for relatedness and TAM, which were broadly
consistent with (Huang et al., 2016; Lee et al., 2015;
Nikou and Economides, 2017). The effects of the
needs for autonomy and relatedness on ones’
continuance intention were significant, which
partially corroborated the viewpoint that the
psychological need fulfilment perceived online
enhances Internet use (Shen et al., 2013).
5.3 Psychological Outcomes
This paper has investigated six psychological
outcomes of using the Internet. Path coefficients
indicated that the intention to continue using the
Internet positively affected the positive outcomes, i.e.
well-being, perceived value, and positive emotions.
The negative coefficients between intention and
negative emotions offered additional evidence that
the outcome of using the Internet is, overall,
beneficial. These findings also agreed with previous
studies suggesting that users could experience both
positive and negative emotions triggered by the same
technology (Beaudry and Pinsonneault, 2010; Chang
et al., 2014; Partala and Saari, 2015; Partala and
Kujala, 2015). The results presented a strong
relationship between continuance intention and well-
being, which is consistent with (Rahman et al., 2017;
Munzel et al., 2017; Partala and Saari, 2015). The
correlation between the continuance intention of
Internet use and perceived value was significant and
strong, which confirmed the finding of (Kim et al.,
2008; Partala and Saari, 2015).
This article is not without limitations. First of all,
longitudinal studies are required with the aim of
elaborating how the big changes in technological
paradigms transform individuals’ emotional states.
Secondly, this paper posited direct effects between
psychological factors and TAM-based constructs.
Further tests and validations such as the interactions
and crossover effects between these emotional
variables are required. Lastly, the data was collected
from consumers in the U.S. to elaborate the
influential emotional states and consequences of
using the Internet. The compatibility of the E-TAM
framework should be examined in other contexts,
such as users in societies with different cultural
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