Introducing a New Haptic Illusion to Increase the Perceived
Resolution of Tactile Displays
Rebekka Hoffmann
, Manje A. B. Brinkhuis
, Árni Kristjánsson
and Runar Unnthorsson
Faculty of Psychology, University of Iceland, Sæmundargata 2, Reykjavik, Iceland
Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Iceland,
Sæmundargata 2, Reykjavik, Iceland
Keywords: Haptic Illusion, Error of Localization, Tactile Spatial Acuity, Vibrotactile Resolution, Tactile Displays.
Abstract: Tactile high-resolution displays gained importance during the last decade due to their wide range of
application areas. To maximize the throughput of information developers can be tempted to mount as many
tactile actuators (tactors) as possible on a haptic device, thereby risking to overexert the user’s sense of
touch, and to critically decrease its usability. Studies therefore explore ways of increasing the perceived
resolution of tactile displays by exploiting haptic illusions. We demonstrate a new spatiotemporal haptic
illusion that has not been described in literature yet. We conducted an experiment, in which we manipulated
the vibration intensity of two successive tactor activations, the direction of consecutive tactor activations
(up, down) and inter-tactor distance (40, 20, or zero mm). Fourteen naive participants judged whether the
second tactor activation was above or below the first activation. Our results suggest that varying the
sequence of activations with different intensities leads to an error of localization. High intensity activations
followed by low intensity activations resulted in an illusory downward movement, and vice versa. The
haptic intensity-movement illusion provides a promising possibility to enhance the information conveyed in
tactile displays, without increasing the tactor density at the cost of the product’s usability, comfort and
Tactile displays using vibrating motors (tactors)
accompanied by effective haptic languages, are
particularly powerful tools providing a great variety
of application areas. Tactile high-resolution displays
are an especially auspicious choice as hardware
components for Sensory Substitution devices
(SSDs), non-invasive human-machine interfaces that
draw on the central nervous system by bypassing the
impaired peripheral components (Kristjánsson et al.,
2016; Reich et al., 2012). It is an exciting possibility
to augment the sensory experiences of people, who
have deficiencies in one sensory dimension, by
conveying the missing information through an intact
sense, like touch (Sorgini et al., 2018). For the 253
million people living with vision impairment (WHO,
2018), transforming visual into haptic information
may constitute a vital alternative to costly invasive
technologies (Striem-Amit et al., 2012), and research
in the field of tactile displays to support visually
impaired in orientation and mobility has gained
impetus (Bach-y-Rita and Kercel, 2003; Cosgun et
al., 2014; Kristjánsson et al., 2016). Within the
Sound of Vision project, a multisensory SSD was
developed for the blind that provides continuous,
real-time haptic representations of the environment
by means of a high-resolution tactile display
(Hoffmann et al., 2018). Additionally to serving as
visual aids, the development of devices transforming
auditory information into tactile information aims to
improve the life quality of hearing impaired by
extracting features of speech in a sound-to-touch
system (Novich and Eagleman, 2015), or enhancing
experience of music perception (Jack et al., 2015;
Nanayakkara et al., 2013). Moreover, beyond the use
of tactile displays as SSDs, there are plenty of
further areas of applications. For instance,
vibrotactile arrays can support people with balance
impairments by providing vibratory feedback (Wall
and Weinberg, 2003), they can enhance the
immersive experience in virtual environments for
entertainment, or professional training (Faroque et
al., 2015), and provide crucial means of
Hoffmann R., Brinkhuis M., Kristjà ˛ansson à ˛A. and Unnthorsson R.
Introducing a New Haptic Illusion to Increase the Perceived Resolution of Tactile Displays.
DOI: 10.5220/0006899700450053
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2018), pages 45-53
ISBN: 978-989-758-328-5
2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
communication and guidance for firemen, police and
rescue teams in difficult environments, e.g. when
navigating in dense smoke (Carton and Dunne,
Since, in all application contexts, highly complex
information must be conveyed, a key consideration
in the development of tactile displays is to find ways
of maximizing the throughput of information.
Regarding SSDs, the bypassed non-functional sense
usually has a much higher resolution than the sense
of touch: In order to convey speech information,
bandwidths between 64 and 110 bits per second are
required - a range of bandwidths that is not
supported by the skin (Novich and Eagleman, 2015).
Furthermore, music consists of highly complex
compositions of auditory elements like rhythm,
timbre and harmony, and when trying to transform
these elements to tactile information, the original
auditory information may extend beyond the tactile
spectrum (Karam et al., 2009). Whereas audible
vibrations span frequencies from 20 Hz up to 20
kHz, our tactile system can only detect vibrations
ranging in frequency from 10 Hz and 1000 Hz
(Nanayakkara et al., 2013). To convey the full visual
experience would rely, similarly, on being able to
convey information at a high resolution to encode
the characteristics of a visual object (e.g. depth,
brightness, colour, distance, direction, quantity, size
and elevation), through tactile displays. Attempts to
mimic the functioning of the human visual system
through tactile stimulation, would be thwarted by the
skin’s limited processing capacity.
In the attempt to convey as much information as
possible, developers may be tempted to mount as
many tactors as possible on a tactile device, which
may overexert their user’s sense of touch. Therefore,
an important body of research focusses on
determining vibrotactile spatial acuity, meaning the
minimal possible spacing between tactors on a given
body site before their loci become indistinguishable
(Jóhannesson et al., 2017; Jones and Sofia, 2012;
Van Erp, 2005). However, to simply mount the
highest density of tactors on a device, even if
correctly considering the tactile spatial acuity, still
involves practical drawbacks from a usability point
of view. If users are to be expected to use a
particular device, a plethora of requirements need to
be considered, e.g. portability, comfort, accessibility
of interface, and appearance (Kristjánsson et al.,
2016). Every additional tactor entails the use of
more cables, bigger control units, increased weight,
size and bulkiness of the device, and increased heat
and noise emissions, as well as increased production
costs. These implications critically decrease
practical and ergonomic functioning (Dakopoulos
and Bourbakis, 2010) of the device, leading to a
trade-off between accuracy and usability, varying
the number of tactors.
Another important body of research therefore
explores innovative ways of increasing the amount
of information that can be conveyed through
vibrotactile signals, e.g. by exploiting haptic
illusions. In the past decade, the rate of discovery of
new tactile and haptic illusions has increased
greatly, indicating growing interest in the subject
(Hayward, 2015; Lederman and Jones, 2011). Haptic
illusions arise when the interpretation of an object
through the sense of touch does not correspond to
the physical stimulus. Beyond well-known tactile
illusions with optical geometrical counterparts
(Gentaz and Hatwell, 2004; Ziat et al., 2014), tactile
perception is subject to characteristic spatiotemporal
illusions related to the underestimation of inter-
stimulus distance and overestimation of inter-
stimulus time, e.g. the tau and kappa effect, or
apparent movement illusion (Carter et al. 2008;
Lechelt and Borchert, 1977). Once understood,
especially the spatiotemporal illusions that involve
an error of localization, like the funneling illusion
and the sensory saltation illusion, could be exploited
to increase the perceived resolution of tactile
displays. The funneling illusion (Gardner and
Spencer, 1972) occurs when two adjacently located
vibratory stimuli are presented simultaneously and,
instead of being perceived separately, the associated
sensation is perceived to originate from between the
two tactors. Barghout and colleagues (2009) applied
multiple funneling stimuli on the forearm and
were able to create a continuous touch sensation by
manipulating the tactor intensities. They thereby
established an additional information channel and
increased the spatial resolution of vibrotactile
perception. Further, Cholewiak and Collins (2000)
explored the sensory saltation illusion (also called
the cutaneous rabbit, Geldard and Sherrick, 1972),
which is evoked by tapping two or more separate
regions of the skin in rapid succession. Tapping, for
instance, wrist and elbow creates a sensation of
sequential taps hopping up the arm from wrist to
elbow, although there is no physical stimulus
between the two actual stimulus locations.
Cholewiak and Collins (2000) placed a row of seven
tactors at three body sites and activated them
sequentially to draw a line on the skin, comparing
two presentation modes: veridical, where each tactor
was activated, and saltatory mode, where only the
first, fourth, and seventh tactor were activated. They
found that that the saltatory mode produced
CHIRA 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
equivalent sensations to the veridical mode, and that
both resulted in clearly perceived lines at each body
site. These results promote the possibility of
omitting tactors by exploiting haptic illusions like
sensory saltation.
In the current paper, we introduce a new haptic
illusion, for which manipulation of vibratory
intensity (frequency, acceleration) of a sequence of
vibrotactile stimuli leads to an error of location. The
illusion was discovered during the Sound of Vision
project (Hoffmann et al., 2018), and, to the best of
our knowledge, has not been described in the
literature yet. When a vibratory stimulus of high
intensity is followed by a second vibratory stimulus
of lower intensity at the same location, the location
of the 2
stimulus is erroneously perceived to be
below the 1
stimulation location (in vertical plane).
The same seems to apply vice versa, with a more
intense 2
vibratory stimulation being erroneously
perceived to be located above the first stimulation.
Importantly, the described haptic intensity-
movement illusion could be exploited to increase the
perceived resolution of haptic products. This is a
promising option to increase the amount of
information that can be conveyed in high-resolution
tactile displays, instead of increasing the density of
tactors and thereby lowering the product’s usability,
comfortability and ergonomy. In what follows we
describe an experiment that we conducted to
demonstrate illusory movement caused by vibratory
intensity-changes, by assessing the participant’s
responses while systematically manipulating the
intensity of vibratory tactor stimulations.
2.1 Participants
Fourteen students at the University of Iceland (7
females, 21-28 years, M = 23.79, SD = 1.89),
participated. They were naive about the purpose of
the study, and gave written informed consent before
the experiment started. The experiments were
approved by the appropriate ethics committee and
conformed to the Declaration of Helsinki.
2.2 Apparatus
An array of 4 x 4 tactors was glued to a 15 cm thick
layer of foam, as shown in Figure 1, whereby the
central part of the device consisted of 4 additional
cm of foam to ensure good fit in the spine area. The
foam was mounted on a plastic frame containing the
electronics board, battery and charger circuit, and
was equipped with straps to be fastened around the
participant’s waist, with the tactor array placed on
the lower back. We created custom software, written
in Python, and making use of the Psychopy library
(Pierce, 2009) for stimulus presentation. The tactors
were Eccentric Rotating Mass (ERM) motors,
covered in a plastic shell (diameter: 9 mm, length:
25 mm, Precision Microdrives, 2018; model #307-
103), and were controlled with a simple Darlington
driver. Based on previous work determining
vibrotactile spatial acuity (Jóhannesson et al., 2017),
the ERMs were placed as close as physically
possible, at an inter-tactor distance of 20 mm,
measured from center-to-center (c/c). The tactors
were run at two intensities, either at high intensity (4
V), with 230 Hz vibration frequency (100 mA, 7 G),
or at low intensity (1 V), with 90 Hz vibration
frequency (30 mA, 1G).
Figure 1: Array of 4 x 4 Eccentric Rotating Mass motors
mounted 20 mm (centre-to-centre) apart from each other
on a frame with foam, to be placed centrally at the
participant’s lower backs.
2.3 Stimulus
Each trial consisted of a pair of successive tactor
activations. The tactors were activated along the
vertical axis, meaning that the 2
tactor activation
within each trial was either above, below or the at
the same location as the 1
tactor activation. Within
each trial, the intensity of tactor activation was
systematically varied in two conditions, with either
the 1
activation being strong (230 Hz, 7 G) and the
being weak (90 Hz, 1G), aiming to induce a
perceived shift of localization downwards, or vice
versa, with the 1
activation being weak and the 2
being strong, aiming to induce a perceived shift of
localization upwards. Additionally, the inter-tactor
distance was systematically varied across trials, in
Introducing a New Haptic Illusion to Increase the Perceived Resolution of Tactile Displays
five conditions: The 2
tactor activation was either
40 mm (c/c) below the 1
(with one inactive tactor
in between) or the 2
tactor activation was 20 mm
(c/c) below the 1
(adjacent tactors). The same
approach was applied for the upwards direction,
with 40 and 20 mm (c/c) inter-tactor distance.
Finally, the fifth condition consisted of the same
tactor being activated twice. On each trial (in all
conditions), the tactors were turned on for 200 ms
with an inter-stimulus interval of 50 ms, and an
inter-trial interval of 1500 ms.
Overall, the experiment consisted of 400 trials,
and every condition was assessed by 40 trials in
random order. The experiment was divided into four
blocks of 100 trials each, whereby the location of the
tactor, the distance to the 2
tactor, the direction
of intensity-change, and whether the 2
tactor was
above, below or the same as the 1
tactor, were
randomized and equally balanced within one block.
2.4 Procedure
Participants were requested to wear a sheer shirt to
avoid the vibrations of the tactors being absorbed by
thick fabric. After signing the informed consent,
participants took seat in front of a computer screen
in a quiet room. They were outfitted with
headphones and the tactor array, which was placed
centrally in the participant’s lower back.
Subsequently, participants received task instructions.
Importantly, all participants were naive about the
full set of inter-tactor-distance conditions and not
informed about the possibility that the same tactor
might be activated twice. In a two-alternative forced
choice task (2AFC), participants were asked to judge
whether they perceived the 2
tactor activation to be
located above or below the 1
activation by pressing
the up and down arrow keys on a standard keyboard,
respectively. Further, participants were encouraged
to close their eyes to avoid visual distraction, and
they wore headphones playing white noise to mask
the sound of the tactors to avoid that it would serve
as an auditory cue. After a short training session of
100 trials, the experiment started and took about 15
minutes to complete. There was a break after each
completed block, where participants could decide
individually when to proceed. All in all, the
procedure took about half an hour.
2.5 Statistical Analysis
In order to demonstrate the proposed haptic illusion
of an apparent shift of location induced by an
intensity-change of tactor activation (downwards in
case of strong-to-weak, and upwards in case of
weak-to-strong), the trials in which the same tactor
was activated twice without the participants being
aware of it, were of particular interest for the
analysis. If the responses were independent of the
intensity-change, in both conditions, the
participant’s responses would be random and the
proportion of up/down responses would therefore be
equally distributed at chance level (0.5). If the
intensity-change, however, induced an apparent
movement, the probability of participants
responding with up in the strong-weak condition
may be attenuated and, likewise, the probability of
responding up in the weak-strong condition may
increase. Furthermore, the effect of illusionary
movement caused by the intensity-change may be
most pronounced when the inter-tactor distance is
zero, whereas increasing inter-tactor distance could
increase discriminability when judging the direction
of activations, minimizing the illusory effect.
One sample, one sided t-tests were conducted in
R (R Project for statistical computing) to assess if
the participant’s responses for the same tactor
activation differed significantly from chance level
(0.5). Further, a repeated measures ANOVA was
conducted to assess the main overall effects of inter-
tactor distance, presentation direction, intensity-
change direction (strong-to-weak, weak-to-strong),
as well as possible interactions. Generalized eta
squared statistics (η
) were calculated with R
ezANOVA function and are reported as
recommended for within-subject designs (Olejnik
and Algina, 2003). Pairwise post-hoc comparisons
were conducted (Tukey's HSD adjusted) to assess
whether the two conditions of intensity-change
(strong-to-weak vs. weak-to-strong) differed for the
same tactor activation, the close inter-tactor
distances (20 mm c/c) as well as for the far inter-
tactor distances (40 mm c/c), for up and down
presentation direction, respectively.
Figure 2 reports the ratio of up-responses as a
function of intensity-change condition, and distance
between the two stimuli. While Panel A shows the
two distance conditions, where the 2
activation was below the first, Panel B shows the
condition, in which the same tactor was activated
twice, and Panel C plots the two distance conditions,
in which the 2
activation was above the first.
CHIRA 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
Figure 2: Panel A shows the ratio of up-responses as a function of intensity-change, and inter-tactor distance between the
two successively activated tactors for the condition, in which the second tactor activation was below the first. Panel B
shows the ratio of up-responses for the condition, in which the same tactor was activated twice, and Panel C shows the same
for the two distance conditions, in which the second tactor activation was above the 1st. Error bars represent the standard
error of the mean (SEM).
Figure 2 indicates that the ratio of up-responses
within each presentation condition is substantially
influenced by the sequence of intensity changes of
the vibratory stimuli, which was confirmed by the
statistical analysis. Besides the significant main
effect of presentation direction and distance (F(4,52)
= 100.10, p < .001, η
= .72), we found a highly
significant main effect of intensity-change direction
on the up-response ratio with a large effect size
(F(1,13) = 13.35, p < .003, η
= .31).
In detail, for the trials in which the same tactor
was activated twice, participants did not respond
randomly but were influenced by the intensity-
change direction. If the first stimulation was of high
vibratory intensity followed by a low intensity
stimulation, participants appeared to perceive the 2
stimulus to be below the first and responded up
significantly below chance level (t(13) = -3.95, p <
.001). Likewise, in case the first stimulus was of low
intensity followed by a high intensity stimulus,
participants tended to erroneously perceive the 2
stimulus above the first, and responded up
significantly above chance level (t(13) = 2.81, p =
Furthermore, there was a significant interaction
between the two main effects of presentation
direction/distance and the intensity-change direction
(F(4, 52) = 8.26, p < .001, η
= .05), meaning that
varying the direction of intensity-change within each
stimulus pair affected the ratio of up-responses
differently, depending on the presentation direction
and distance. The pairwise comparisons indicate that
the influence of intensity-change was strongest when
the same tactor was activated twice, with a
difference in the up-response ratios of -0.34 (95%
CI: -.55 to -.12) between the strong-to-weak and
weak-to-strong condition, which was significant (p <
.001). The influence of intensity-change was lower
but significant when the 2
tactor activation was
close (20 mm c/c) to the 1
, for both up (-0.27, 95%
CI: -.48 to .06, p = .003) and down (-0.24, 95% CI: -
.46 to -.03, p = .016) presentation directions. At the
furthest inter-tactor distance of 40 mm (c/c), the
influence of intensity-change on the up-response
ratio was, even though still noticeable as a trend, not
significant anymore, neither for the up (-0.15, 95%:
CI: -.37 - .07, p = .44) nor for the down (-0.13, 95%
CI: -.35 - .08, p = .56) presentation directions.
Introducing a New Haptic Illusion to Increase the Perceived Resolution of Tactile Displays
To demonstrate a spatiotemporal haptic illusion that
could be exploited for increasing the perceived
spatial acuity of tactile displays, we systematically
manipulated the sequence of vibration intensity of
two successive tactor activations. Our results
indicate that varying the sequence of stimuli with
different vibratory intensities (frequency and
acceleration) causes an error of localization. When
the same tactor was activated twice without the
participants being aware of it, they did not respond
randomly. Our results show that when a vibratory
stimulus of high intensity was followed by a
stimulus of low intensity, participants appeared to
perceive the 2
vibration to be located below the
first, even though there was no actual change of
location. Further, our results suggest the same effect
for the opposite direction: presenting a vibratory
stimulus of low intensity followed by high intensity
at the same location provokes a perceived upwards
movement. The effect of illusionary movement was
still apparent in ambivalent situations, when two
adjacent tactors of close inter-tactor distance were
successively activated (20 mm c/c), but decreased
with increasing inter-tactor distance (40 mm c/c).
Even though, to the best of our knowledge, this
haptic illusion has not been described in the
literature yet, there is a body of research on
multisensory correspondences that provides a
theoretical foundation for explaining possible
underlying mechanisms. In general, cross-modal
correspondences refer to universally experienced
associations between apparently haphazard stimuli
across different senses (Spence, 2011). In the
intensity-movement illusion, high vibratory
frequency (and acceleration) in tactile stimulation
appears to be associated with elevation, whereby
low vibratory frequency (and acceleration) appear to
be associated with being located below.
Interestingly, there is a commonly studied and
robust audio-visual cross-modal correspondence
between high and low pitch (auditory frequencies) as
being associated with high and low visual
elevations, respectively (e.g. Jamal et al., 2017).
Additionally, a large amount of research suggests
similarity correspondences between audio
frequencies (high pitch vs. low pitch) and the visual
features of size, colour, brightness and form (e.g.
Gallace and Spence, 2006; Melara, 1989). Further,
the occurrence of synesthetic visuo-haptic
interactions have been documented, with
participants preferentially matching black and white
squares with low-frequency and high-frequency
vibrotactile stimuli, respectively (Martino and
Marks, 2000). Besides these intensely studied vision
based correspondences, research further suggests a
strong cross-modal audio-haptic connection (Nava et
al., 2016; Wilson et al., 2010). It is therefore not
surprising that Occelli et al. (2009) demonstrated a
multisensory correspondence between the pitch of a
tone and the elevation of tactually stimulated
locations. Summing up, these cross-modal
associations found for all senses (visuo-auditory,
visuo-haptic, audio-haptic) linking high frequencies
(of haptic vibration or auditory pitch) to elevation
(spatially on skin, or visually) and opposite, could be
the underlying mechanism for the described haptic
illusion of perceiving an illusory downward
movement when vibratory frequency changes from
high to low (and vice versa). In general, such haptic
illusions are worth studying, since they provide a
powerful tool to gain insight into the limits of haptic
perception (Lederman and Jones, 2011). Tactile
representation of our physical environment relies on
the acuity of the tactile sensory system. Due to the
low receptor density, tactile perception is prone to
spatial imprecision (Jóhannesson et al., 2017), and
the tactile sensory system builds on prior knowledge
and multisensory correspondences to enhance
perceptual resolution beyond the limits set by
sensorineural imprecision (Adams et al., 2004). Such
correspondences usually occur between stimulus
properties that are correlated in nature, and therefore
serve to increase the efficiency of information
processing and support the integration of sensory
data into meaningful representations (Spence, 2011).
Relying on these heuristics, however, comes at the
cost that rare physical events violating the
expectation, as artificially recreated in our
experiment, are misperceived.
Besides serving as a tool for studying cognitive
processes, the haptic intensity-movement illusion
could be applied practically to increase the perceived
resolution of haptic products, as has been shown for
other haptic illusions (Barghout et al., 2009;
Cholewiak and Collins, 2000). This is a promising
option to increase the amount of information that
can be conveyed in high-resolution tactile displays,
while avoiding the trade-off of lowering the
product’s usability, comfort and ergonomy by
increasing the density of tactors. Furthermore, to
exploit tactile illusions may yield benefits beyond
usability related aspects, by possibly bypassing the
anatomical and morphological changes of the skin in
old age. This aspect is especially relevant since the
majority of the target group for SSDs, a key
application area of high-resolution haptic displays, is
CHIRA 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
of older age. According to the WHO (2018), for
instance, 81% of people who suffer from vision
impairment are older than 50 years. It has been
shown that spatial tactile acuity substantially
decreases with age (Stevens and Patterson, 1995),
resulting in less accurate tactile information
conveyance when using tactile devices. Although a
causal link between impaired tactile acuity in old
age and receptor loss remains controversial (Dinse et
al., 2006), a lower density of mechanoreceptors in
the skin (Bruce, 1980), and slower conduction
velocities of peripheral nerves (Peters, 2002) have
been documented. The intensity-movement illusion
demonstrated in this study might help circumventing
these morphological limitations by increasing
perceived tactile spatial acuity. Moreover, while
haptic illusions can be affected by aging, as shown
by Ballesteros et al. (2012), the current perceptual
effects may rely on neurological mechanisms that
are unrelated to morphological limitations. However,
since the result of our study bases on a sample of
adolescents, with ages ranging from 21 to 28 (M =
23.79), we are cautious to generalize to other ages.
Further studies should therefore explore the effect of
age on the intensity-movement illusion, to
investigate its applicability in SSDs for different age
It is important to note that the described
intensity-movement illusion needs further empirical
exploration in order to investigate how robustly it
can be replicated across various conditions and
experimental setups, and which factors act in a
facilitating or inhibiting way.
Since the current results are limited to the back
area, future studies should examine if the haptic
illusion extends to other body sites, like abdomen,
arms, legs, or face. It is of particular interest to
explore how the direction of upward/downwardin
the vertical plane relates to other body parts that
require a more specific definition of direction (e.g.
arms and legs), as the understanding of up or down
depends on their position. Specifically, following the
neurologic classification system for body directions
(proximal vs. distal, medial vs. lateral), “upwards
relates to “proximal” (towards the brain, e.g. from
wrist towards elbow), and “downwardrelates to
“distal” (away from the brain). Such an approach
may yield valuable information on how the haptic
illusion relates to body position.
Finally, future studies should further assess the
effects of using different tactor types, and
spatiotemporal parameters, like inter-stimulus-
interval, stimulus duration and inter-stimulus
distance, on the occurrence of the illusion. We will
conduct follow up experiments to specify the
frequency range in which the illusion can be reliably
demonstrated, and at which frequency differences
the illusion is most likely to occur.
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