autonomous navigation. To achieve this purpose, the
movement cost of Ground nodes were made much
higher than the movement cost of Aerial nodes. The
path followed by HyFDR is shown as red line in
figure 12. It only used flight mode during navigation
from start point to target.
Figure 12: Gazebo world simulation for test case 3.
It is obvious from these experiments that
movement cost of nodes decides whether the
HyFDR will fly air or drive on ground during
autonomous navigation. If the movement cost of
Ground nodes is smaller than movement cost of
Aerial nodes then the HyFDR will be energy
efficient but will take more time to reach target. If
the movement cost of Aerial nodes is less than
Ground nodes then HyFDR will be less energy
efficient but requires less time to reach the target. To
get the optimum results with respect to energy
efficiency and travelling time, the movement cost of
Ground nodes and Aerial nodes can be arbitrarily
assigned depending upon the position, size and
number of obstacles in the path.
The energy consumption by a Quadcopter during
locomotion can be reduced by giving it the ability to
drive on ground. Addition of wheels to a Quadcopter
increases its weight, and causes a slight increases in
energy consumption during flight, but due to its
ability to drive on ground, its overall energy
efficiency increases. Our modified A* algorithm
finds energy efficient path and influences the
locomotion mode of HyFDR, forcing it to frequently
drive on ground during autonomous navigation.
Depending upon the obstacles and terrain, the
movement costs of nodes can be arbitrarily assigned
to achieve optimum results with respect to travel
time and energy consumption.
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