Do We Need a New Architecture for Simulating Power Systems?
Gary Howorth
and Ivana Kockar
Institute of Energy and Environment, University of Strathclyde, 99 George St., Glasgow, U.K.
Institute of Energy and Environment, University of Strathclyde, 204 George St., Glasgow, U.K.
Keywords: Agent based Modelling, Multi Agent Systems, Multiscale, Multilayer, Power, Simulation, Smartgrid.
Abstract: The delivery of electric power and organisation of electric power systems is an incredibly complex system,
which will become ever more complex with an increased penetration of Distributed Energy Resources (DER),
including electric vehicles and renewables. Optimization of such a system using conventional techniques is
difficult and fraught with a myriad of issues, so simulation provides a more holistic approach to understanding
the evolving issues. We argue that although power simulation frameworks exist they may be inadequate for
simulating a more complex and evolving smart power grid infrastructure. A brief overview of research on
existing systems is provided and this paper argues for the development of a distributed multi-scale, multi
layered hybrid ABM/MAS system.
In his work, Watts (2003) characterised power
systems as complex systems. Others have followed
this work but have focused on using graph based
statistical measures to help understand their stability
e.g. cascades and other issues. However Holland
(1999) suggests that a graph based statistical or
mathematical approach gives us no insight as to how
patterns e.g. price or power flows in our instance
arise. It tells us nothing about emergence in what is a
Complex Adaptive System (CAS). This emergence in
our context is an important element to understand and
enable us to develop (i) policy rules for future system
operation and (ii) appropriate short-term technical
control measures. Currently only a simulation
approach appears to provide us with a route to
understanding complex dynamics in these systems.
However, Agent Based (ABM) and Multi Agent
System (MAS) modelling could also provide us with
an important arsenal in discovering these patterns.
Holland also suggests that as we add stochastic
mobile agents to the system the potential for new
rules and patterns to emerge tends to grow rapidly,
resulting in many more persistent states as a result of
system emergence. In our case, electric vehicles
(EV’s) are the stochastic mobile agents of Holland’s
discussions. Understanding this complex system
behaviour seems to be an important ideal for us to
achieve. Essentially, our model of the power system
has to represent its physical and commercial aspects,
including the grid, the market, the generators, the
demand, DERs etc. The model also needs to include
an ability to represent and study adapting participant
behaviours. Therefore, it is now recognized that a
more holistic approach is required, one that ultimately
requires a more sophisticated simulator. This short
position paper presents initial scope/ideas for an
ABM/MAS system that meets our needs for an
electrical power simulator and can look at complex
interactions in a future power system (Smart Grid). It
is therefore a concept paper and is not meant to solve
and give detailed architectural designs for our
framework at this stage.
The paper is organised as follows. In Section 2,
relevant examples of academic research on ABM and
MAS are presented. Section 3 focusses on
ABM/MAS systems used in electrical engineering,
while section 4 proposes the conceptual design of a
new power system simulator. Finally, Section 5
concludes this paper.
There have been many surveys on ABM and MAS
systems (Heath et al., 2009, Kantamneni et al., 2015,
Leon et al., 2015, McArthur et al., 2007) plus many
Howorth, G. and Kockar, I.
Do We Need a New Architecture for Simulating Power Systems?.
DOI: 10.5220/0006917801900197
In Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2018), pages 190-197
ISBN: 978-989-758-323-0
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
dedicated webpages and tutorials outlining what they
can do in terms of Agent Communication Languages,
openness, programming language choice and so on.
Typically, the systems focus on a particular area of
research i.e. they are specialised to analyse particular
features or behaviour, or have other limitations. Only
a few specifically focus on power system
applications. There are now over 70 ABM/MAS
systems in existence with a typical lifespan of 4-5
years. Only a few of these systems /designs (e.g. Jade
(Bellifemine et al., 2007) , Repast (Cardoso, 2009)) )
have lifespans in excess of 10 years.
Few researchers propose aggregation of systems
or components or simple reuse. However, Cardoso
(2015) in his paper on SAJas proposes the use of an
API to join Repast to Jade, with a justification that
“multi-agent based system simulations (MABS)
focus on applying MAS to model complex social
systems typically involving a large agent population.
Several MAS frameworks exist, but they are often not
appropriate for MABS”. In a similar vein, Gormer et
al. (2011) propose the JRep framework for simulating
an agent-based airport scenario, linking Repast
(ABM) to Jade (MAS). As they note, “existing agent
frameworks focus on either the macro or the micro
perspective”, but don’t combine the two. The
objective of the proposed combination of an ABM
and MAS frameworks will allow us to better
understand power system organisation/operation.
Although there are over 70 ABM/MAS systems in
existence few have been developed to address power
systems, with categorisation and analysis of MAS
applications in power provided in (Sujil et al., 2016).
Table 3 in that review summarizes papers that have
focused on lower level distributed simulation, while
Table 4 provides a useful breakdown of papers that
deal with specific power issues e.g. markets,
generators etc.
For example, AMES (Repast) (Li and Tesfatsion,
2009), ECMAS (Repast) (Conzelmann et al., 2005),
EMLab (Agent Spring) (De Vries et al., 2013) are
specific modelling environments that have power
system implementations, while “lower level
modelling” of multi agent systems using Presage2 is
presented in (Chen et al., 2016, Macbeth, 2015).
Furthermore, Anylogic (AnyLogic, 2018), which is
not specifically designed for power systems, is a
proprietary system that could be used and has an
architecture design whose logic allows analysts to
model not only agents, but also discrete events and
also use system dynamics. The agent behaviours can
be modelled using JavaScript, but this is too limiting
for our purposes, as we require a fully-fledged
asynchronous Object Orientated Programming
(OOP) language to model complex interactions. More
sophisticated agents using Java and Neural Nets
which are linked into AnyLogic using a Java Archive
file (JAR) have been developed in (Wallis and Paich,
2017). This method requires a greater degree of
programmer intervention to link in the various
components and is less flexible than our proposed
conceptual design.
EMLab has based their system on the Neo4J graph
database (Merkl Sasaki et al., 2017), rather than build
a Relational Database Management System (RDMS).
This is an open source/commercial system used by
many to analyse Twitter feeds and relationships. It is
a very efficient and can be used to store knowledge
maps, power networks and, most importantly, the
relationships between agents in different layers and
between agents on the same layer. It can in the right
circumstances be a faster than a normal database
(RDMS). It can also be used to quickly analyse
networks and identify problem nodes for example.
Due to its features which also fit nicely with the
typical representations of power grids (i.e. they are
node based) it may be a useful base for a future power
simulator framework.
Furthermore, the Mosaik platform (Rohjans et al.,
2013) is designed to allow reuse of components like
Matlab and other “simulators to create large-scale
Smart Grid scenarios”. It is written in Python,
provides an API for connecting these different
simulators including MATLAB, and uses JSON to
communicate between packages.
An ideal ABM/MAS power simulator would provide
the following functionality:
A design which allows us to understand how
different behaviours of the various power
system agents (generators aggregators,
consumers and policy makers etc.) will affect
the system technically and commercially. For
example, how will power flows across the
system change? How will prices change at
various nodes in the system? Will they be too
high? Will resulting power flows cause
congestion in the system and require new
Do We Need a New Architecture for Simulating Power Systems?
Test out new policy rules or potential control
Try out different agent behaviour techniques
e.g. policy agent rules, different agent learning
Understand how voltage extremes (which
would result in system performance
degradation or failure) might be generated by
behaviours of participants in the system, which
in turn might be driven by policy makers rules;
The framework will also need to have the following
Has both a market and network physical (i.e.
power flow) layers that are incorporated into
market clearing and bidding representations;
Is extensible and is truly layer based allowing
us the ability to switch in and out different
layers and change agent behaviours as needed;
Easy to use;
Could be solved in distributed manner so to
allow analysis of large scale networks;
Plug in based while using a Component
modularity architecture;
Have models of agents representing various
actors such as generators, loads, electric
vehicles, aggregators, storage, atomic and
temperature controlled loads, system operators,
regulators, and companies;
To reuse existing software components where
ever possible;
4.1 Proposed Architecture
These requirements appear to drive us to a conceptual
design that would include the following elements
shown in Figure 1.
We discuss the main elements of this proposed
architecture in the sections below.
4.1.1 Asynchronicity
A review of ABM surveys and systems shows that
ABM (macro level) models are typically
synchronous, whereas micro level systems such as
Jade (MAS) are typically asynchronous. Youssefmir
and Huberman (1997) have investigated the impact of
asynchronicity on system performance. Figure 2
below shows such an impact from this paper. Note
that the system is usually stable and is punctuated
with periods of instability.
Youssefmir and Huberman's paper considers
multiple agents who take decisions and act on the
system simultaneously in an asynchronous manner to
improve their utility. Our problem domain has exactly
these characteristics and will incorporate learning and
adaptive agent behaviour. Initial experiments on a
simple power system model show similar patterns of
punctuated bursts of activity followed by “stability”.
Figure 1: Proposed high-level architecture.
SIMULTECH 2018 - 8th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
Figure 2: Asynchronicity impacts on system dynamics.
Cornforth et al. (2005) discusses MAS agent
update strategies using a cellular automata (CA)
framework as a case study. They examine updating
strategies associated with some real life systems
where the agents behave with different asynchronous
update schemes and compare this with synchronous
updating. The paper provides results on the dynamics
of the CA system, under the different update schemes
and shows that the outputs can be significantly
different. Again initial experiments on a power
system show similar behaviours.
In a future smart grid system, peer to peer (P2P)
bargaining/interactions will have an important impact
both on local conditions and further afield in the
wider power system. By their nature these
transactions are asynchronous, but other parts of the
system will have synchronous interactions e.g. like
market clearing. Designing and testing the
interactions between these types of system e.g. P2P
and the system operator, will allow us to understand
how the system might perform in the future. A
simulator with the ability to try out different
synchronous/asynchronous protocols does not
currently exist in the power domain and would be a
useful addition to the power engineers toolkit.
In finance (Jacobs et al., 2004) developed the
“JLM stock market simulator” to look at the effect of
asynchronous investments on price patterns.
Although written nearly 15 years ago, few authors
and simulator designers have taken this approach,
which as they argue is more realistic. All of the power
system simulators that we have investigated assume
synchronous investments. We know from our own
domain experience, that in the real world, power
investors do not act synchronously. In our context,
earlier large capital investments in infrastructure may
“lockout” later investments, so timing is crucial.
Modelling asynchronous behaviour in our context
is therefore extremely important, so we would argue
that models that ignore asynchronicity would find it
difficult to predict future system states accurately.
Our domain has elements of all the examples we cite
above. We therefore propose that any future power
simulation environment provide a mechanism to
switch between modes of synchronization.
4.1.2 Multi-Scale (Equation Free Modelling)
From a CAS perspective, emergence occurs when
events in one scale (micro) are propagated to another
scale (macro) and vice versa. Capturing those effects
(Holland, 1999), is key to identifying and
understanding emergent behaviour in systems. In the
context of the power domain, we suggest that it is
important that system modellers investigate, these
phenomena, so that they can design appropriate
mitigation strategies. The multi-scale architecture
allows us to model these propagation effects. It also
fits well with the idea that we need to combine ABM
(macro) and MAS (micro) architectures.
However, developing models that can simulate a
combination of events that occur at both the second
(for generators, EV’s) and the years’ timescale (for
investments in infrastructure), are typically
computationally inefficient. We require some kind of
glue or bridge to join these timescales.
There have been many papers on multi-scale
simulations, in recent years, and this provides a
potential solution for our specific problem area.
However, as we discussed above, our systems
Do We Need a New Architecture for Simulating Power Systems?
typically are “stable” for large periods and are
punctuated with bursts of activity. Equation free
modelling (DeAngelis and Yurek, 2015, Kevrekidis
et al., 2004, Kevrekidis et al., 2003, Kevrekidis and
Samaey, 2009, Kevrekidis, 2004, Le Maître and
Mathelin, 2010) provides a promising
viewpoint/solution for this particular aspect and we
believe warrants further investigation, particularly in
the methodology to trigger the micro level simulation.
In this regard, there have been far less papers focused
on this specific aspect, especially in recent years. This
approach has not been implemented in the area of
power systems simulation and therefore
corresponding techniques need to be developed.
4.1.3 Multi-Level
Although there has been growing interest in
developing models on multi levels and multi time
scales, there still only a few concrete examples
(Sarjoughian et al., 2001, Ferreira et al., 2015). The
layered approach is discussed in many papers, but
typically as a conceptual model, rather than used as a
programming paradigm. This layer or multi-level
model also fits well with the conceptual model
presented by SGAM (Santodomingo et al., 2014) for
Smart Grid interactions in power.
We would propose that any new conceptual
design adopts a multilayer structure so that it can
capture different views of the system represented as
layers in a model (see Figure 3), such as a physical
layer (devices power nodes, flows, congestion),
market layer (prices) etc. We also propose that any
new conceptual design allow users to easily add,
define or remove layers, to allow experimentation
with different designs. This would be easier using a
graph database structure as the links in the database
would define the layers and their interconnections.
Figure 3: Multi-layer concept.
Figure 4: Representation of a power system.
SIMULTECH 2018 - 8th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
4.1.4 Distributed and Scale
Many of the models we have investigated have been
developed using smaller problems and therefore may
be difficult to scale. To provide a realistic simulation,
our problem space requires that a potential model can
simulate tens of thousands of power nodes with
thousands of power consuming and producing
devices attached to each of those nodes. This drives
us to a potential distributed architecture.
4.1.5 Power Simulation Specifics
A power system can be represented as a cause and
effect diagram, as shown in Figure 4, which indicates
flows, interactions and relationships between
actors/agents e.g. generators. Note that that this
diagram will evolve through time, e.g. 5-10 years ago
EV’s would not have existed on this diagram.
Considering this, one of the necessary features of
a new proposed architecture is that it can easily allow
changes of the relationships and flows.
We take as given that in the power domain that
any model would also need to represent power flows
and be able to “clear” the market on a large scale. This
would necessitate that any framework have a
methodology and a database structure/design suitable
for power and particularly for designs associated with
the evolving smart grid area and its new participants.
Links to existing power system simulators e.g.
MATPOWER (Murillo-Sánchez et al., 2013,
Zimmerman et al., 2011) should be considered.
4.2 The Suitability of Existing Systems
Using a “traffic light” ratings approach for gap and
needs analysis we have created a “Navajo blanket” of
our power research problem to help us understand
how four systems stack up against the requirements
for an “ideal” power system simulator (see Figure 5).
For brevity we only show one of the “Navajo”
blankets” analysed.
Extensive experimentation with
the various systems discussed above has also been
performed and forms the basis of the scores presented
in Figure 5.
Each row represents a potential need or
requirement for our ideal simulator. The four columns
represent the four currently available systems that we
are comparing. Scores from 1 – 10 have been given
to each cell, with 10 representing that the system
meets that current need. This is the equivalent of dark
green in the figure. Zero represents that the system
does not currently have that functionality. Colours are
provided automatically by conditional formatting in
Figure 5: Navajo blanket of an ideal ABM/MAS power
Excel 2016 using a graduated green - yellow – red
colour scale. Although models that are circled in
Figure 5 can be regarded as most comprehensive in
class, gaps for our requirements remain. Therefore,
the above analysis indicates that there is a need for a
hybrid ABM/MAS simulator to model electricity
systems that fills these gaps.
It is clear from the proceeding sections that there
are many useful ideas and components in the existing
systems that can be reused, and therefore we would
not advocate the complete redesign of a simulation
system, but the reuse of large parts of existing
simulators (e.g. EMLab, AMES).
This paper introduced current research and advocates
for the development of a hybrid ABM/MAS system
for power simulation. It presented an initial scope and
ideas for this potential simulator. The addition of a
multitude of electric vehicles and DER’s to the power
grid will exacerbate the complexity of the system and
suggests that we should develop a distributed multi-
scale, multi- layer architecture that will make use of
reusable components. We are not advocating that we
should build a completely new system, but see a
solution in reusing and linking existing simulators,
while some changes to their designs to accommodate
better asynchronous modelling capabilities will be
required. We have looked at a number of systems
applicable to our problem domain and found that they
lacked the following:
Do We Need a New Architecture for Simulating Power Systems?
An easy way to address asynchronicity and its
effects on power systems especially at scale i.e.
millions of agents;
A system that models both the micro levels
interactions and communications that are likely
to occur between Consumers, EV’s and system
mangers in the longer term without the need to
simulate every second for every agent;
Systems that adequately link OPF to the
ABM/MAS environment at scale;
Our proposal therefore adds the following main
features to existing ABM/MAS power simulators in
the power domain; An asynchronous/synchronous
base applied to an existing ABM and MAS simulator;
the use of an equation free modelling technique or
some other alternative to simulate at the micro scale
when required, and an existing large scale OPF
model. We are currently looking to design and build
this simulator and are developing agent
methodologies and detailed interaction protocols
using an agent orientated design methodology.
Investigations into multiscale methodologies
(particularly equation free modelling) are ongoing.
This research is funded by the UK Engineering and
Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC) and the
International Strategic Partner (ISP) Research
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Do We Need a New Architecture for Simulating Power Systems?