Towards an Exploration of Several Dimensions in Learning:
Application on Crisis Management
Sammy Teffali, Nada Matta and Eric Châtelet
Université de Technologie de Troyes, 12 rue Marie Curie, 10300 Troyes, France
Keywords: Crisis Management, Stress, Knowledge, Learning, Experience Feedback, Fuzzy Sets.
Abstract: A crisis is a complex situation, which actors have some difficulties to manage it. They are under stress to
deal with problems that they cannot predict consequences. The human conditions (familial and life) and, the
influence of the environment (politic, economic, media) pushes the actors to lose control of the crisis
situation. The question we face in this paper is: “is it possible to predict stress impact situations based on
experience feedback?” “Is it possible to use this type of prediction for learning?” Our main hypothesis to
represent experience feedback in a situation prediction in order to show negative consequences and
correctness actions is taken account. Fuzzy theory concept is used in prediction in order to generate several
situations and allow learners to explore different options.
During crisis management actors are submitted to
different types of pressures driven by some factors
(politics; time; media; environment; etc.). Those can
lead to potentially dangerous or catastrophic results.
Among these factors are the stress and its different
impacts on the managers and actors. The purpose of
this paper is to predict a stress impact situation by
using fuzzy sets and knowledge management. This
can help crisis management actors to learn by
exploring different situations due to stress impacts.
So, the main questions can be: Is it possible to
predict the impact of the stress in this type of
situation by using the fuzzy logic? How can
prediction help in learning? In this paper, some
answers to these questions are explored, especially,
the representation of experience feedback with stress
impact in crisis management. Firstly, a presentation
of the concept of the rhizome and the learning in the
organization are shown. The description of the crisis
management as a cooperative situation and the
impact of the stress during the crisis that can
generate some uncertainty situations is studied.
Then, the use of the fuzzy logic in the representation
of the stress impact during a crisis situation is
discussed and a representation of the structure of the
fuzzy generator called “NOE” is proposed. The
fuzzy set generator can predict different situations of
crisis by using a kind of elements that we defined.
This study is illustrated in a real case of a terrorist
attack crisis management in Algeria during a civil
Cyert and March define learning as the adaptation of
the organization to its environment (Cyert and
March 1963). Whereas, it is a process for creating
knowledge by transforming a feedback experience
(Kolb 1984). The knowledge is acquired by the
combination of the transformation of the feedback
experience and the prehension. The human behavior,
its language, comprehension, reasoning are more
complex and multiple. It is like a rhizome. This has
various shapes, from the beginning of its
ramifications to the bulbs and tubers. The
philosophic concept of the rhizome (Deleuze and
Guattari 1988) is used in learning to use virtual
environments, for instance to manage crisis
situations (Laurent et al. 2016). This concept is used
in our approach. Uncertainty is a situation of
inadequate information. It can be of three sorts:
inexactness, unreliability, and borders with
ignorance (Funtowicz and Ravetz 1990). It can
prevail in situations where a lot of information is
available (Van Asselt and Rotmans 2002). A new
information or knowledge can decrease or increase
Teffali, S., Matta, N. and Châtelet, E.
Towards an Exploration of Several Dimensions in Learning: Application on Crisis Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0006920001530160
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2018) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 153-160
ISBN: 978-989-758-330-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the uncertainty. Uncertainty is related to factors or
determinants that may influence actions or
responses. The difficulty to manage the uncertainty
had brought Zadeh to use the fuzzy logic (Lotfi
Asker Zadeh 1983). This reinforces our choice for
the fuzzy theory. In addition, some researchers
suggest that uncertainty may be an important
mediator of the impact of role stressors on the stress
(T. Beehr 2000; T. A. Beehr and Bhagat 1985;
O’Driscoll and Beehr 1994). In the daily life and, for
any problem or situation, experience feedback is
used. Yet, knowledge management approaches
define some techniques to promote learning from
experience feedback. By including experience
feedback on technical and organizational means,
actors can learn how to face stress in crisis
management. Then, an actor or a group of actors can
adjust its approaches; policies; procedures; methods;
models and its organization, guided by previous
experiences, to try to obtain as possible as a nominal
3.1 The Crisis Management
The crisis is an unstable and dangerous situation
affecting individual, group, community and the
whole society. It generated a collective stress
(Rosenthal, Charles, and Hart 1989). It is an
exceptional situation. One of the definitions of crisis
is: “a serious threat to the basic structures the
fundamental values and, norms which under time
pressure and, highly uncertain circumstances
necessitates making a critical decision” (Rosenthal,
Charles, and Hart 1989). A crisis requests an
organization to manage it and, to make pertinent
decisions with the aim to request from this situation
or to reduce its effect in a short time with minimal
damage. The crisis situation can be represented as
relations between event and states respecting this
dynamicity (Sediri et al. 2013). Each state can be
defined as a couple event/consequences (Sediri et
al. 2013). A state can generate events and events can
modify states and so on.
3.1.1 Crisis Management as Collaborative
As indicated previously, during a crisis management
actors come from different organizations. They
work, communicate, cooperate, coordinate and,
exchange their own experiences. Their main
common objective is how to deal with the crisis for
reducing its effect? In this relationship, is noted that
multiple actors are interdependent in their work.
They interact each other to improve the state of their
common field. In CSCW (Computer-Supported
Cooperative Work), this activity is defined as:
“distributed in the sense that decision-making agents
are semi-autonomous in their work in terms of
contingencies, criteria, methods, specialties,
perspectives, heuristics, interests, motives and so
forth” (Schmidt 1994). This distributed activity can
be represented as Triple C (Communication,
Coordination, Cooperation). Several papers in the
literature mention the role of Triple C in crisis
management, and their interdependence (Martin,
Nolte, and Vitolo 2016). The interdependence of the
3C is affected by the regulation. Indeed, the
regulation adjusting consists of sending or to
receiving information, giving a warning
(Communication); using means (Coordination); and
to use the procedure, decision and organization
(Cooperation). Experience feedback can be so
represented considering these three dimensions.
3.2 The Stress in Crisis Management
3.2.1 Stress
As is noted above, the stress is an important factor in
the success or the failure of the decision-making in a
situation of crisis management. It is a particular
relation between an actor and his specific
environment. Its evaluation can be weak or exceed
the actor resources and can be endangered his well-
being (Richard S Lazarus and Folkman 1984). It was
noticed that “Some policymakers reveal
resourcefulness in crisis situations seldom seen in
their day-to-day activities; others appear erratic,
devoid of sound judgment, and disconnected”
(Hermann 1979). Several approaches for the stress
have been proposed, based on response (Selye
1974); stimulus (Hobfoll 1989); the interactionism
(Jones, Bright, and Clow 2001); and the
transactional approaches (Cox, Griffiths, and Rial-
González 2000). In the case of this study, the
transactional approach is chosen. It is related to
cognitive and emotional processes, which gives
interaction between a person and his environment
(Boswell, Olson-Buchanan, and LePine 2004). This
indicates that the individual and the demand are two
components. Those define themselves in a
continuous process with a retroactive loop. More
concretely, the stress result from the imbalance
KMIS 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
observed during the cognitive evaluation between
the demand and, the capacity to deal with. Indeed,
an actor possesses personal characteristics that
differentiate him from others. He is under the
influence of environmental variables. There are
different studies that propose training and mental
preparation methods to help actors to face the stress
in crisis management (Ducrocq et al. 2000;
Pauchant, Mitroff, and Lagadec 1991). This paper
focus on the impact of stress on decision-making in
order to promote learning from fails and guides
based on experience feedback.
3.2.2 The Impact of the Stress on
Decision-making in a Crisis
Boswel et al present four classes of indicators that
influence stress conditions (Boswell, Olson-
Buchanan, and LePine 2004). (1) Task conditions:
workload, etc; (2) relational conditions: conflict,
harassment, etc; (3) job conditions: Mobility, no
promotion, etc; (4) interaction private/profession:
husband, children, family, etc. Different observable
indicators of the stress are considered in psychology
as manifestations of stress. Some of these are mainly
noted: Speech rhythm (Kanfer 1959; Siegman and
Pope 2016), repetition of expressions and words
(Kasl and Mahl 1965; Osgood and Walker 1959),
using specific words (Kasl and Mahl 1965; Lalljee
and Cook 1973; Siegman and Pope 2016) etc; super
activity, inadequate movement (Dittmann 1962;
Mehrabian and Ksionzky 1972) etc; silence
(Aronson and Weintraub 1972; Weintraub and
Aronson 1967); ambivalence, self-confidence
(Aronson and Weintraub 1972; Eichler 1965;
Osgood and Walker 1959); hostility and aggression
(Gottschalk et al. 1966; Murray 1954); inappropriate
behavior and actions (Mehrabian 1968b, 1968a).
Other studies have shown some manifestations of
stress impact on decision-making as: Situation and
context simplification (Lazarus et al, 1966; Holsti et
al, 1964); fixation on one possibility without any
flexibility and alternatives (Berkowitz 1962; Holsti,
Brody, and North 1964; De Rivera 1968; Rosenblatt
1964); consulting several opinions without
concluding on a decision (Holsti 1972; Cooper et al,
1988); imposing a decision without measuring the
impact and the consequences (Holsti 1972; Korchin
1964); missing decision-making and actions (Holsti
1972; Schlenker and Miller 1977). In this work,
some of these indicators that can be measured
directly from crisis management actions feedback
are selected: super activity and imposing decision
without considering the impact; silence, missing
decision and actions; speech rhythm, aggression, and
conflict of opinions and decisions; simplification of
the situation and inadequate means and actions. The
stress during a situation of crisis management
generates some uncertainty situations as we noted
above. Fuzzy logic can be used in order to simulate
this type of uncertainty.
4.1 The Fuzzy Sets
It is a mathematical theory of Lotfi Zadeh (Lotfi A
Zadeh 1996) based on intuitive reasoning. This
theory considers the subjectivity and the impreci-
sion. It may treat digital literacy; non-measurable
values and for a linguistic issue (Bouchon-Meunier,
Yager, and Zadeh 1995). Fuzzy sets provide
techniques to represent subjective and uncertain
reasoning. Its goal is to build a formal system that it
can make a qualitative reasoning (Rosental 2004).
The fuzzy sets are used in different domains like
pattern recognition, robotics, biology, economy,
medicine, ecology, etc. (Zimmermann 2010).
4.2 Representing Stress Impacts with
Fuzzy Sets
The advantage of the fuzzy theory is to use the
linguistic value and to give for this value a
mathematical sense. The main characteristic of this
theory is the quantification of the uncertainty. As we
know, the human reasoning in different areas is
based on uncertainty. One of our principal
preoccupations is how to interpret the impact of the
stress in crisis situations using the human behavior
and reasoning. Our proposition is so to use the
natural expression or words with fuzzy theory and
especially the fuzzy sets. Our model representation
is based on event/state representation. We know that
state can generate events and events can modify
states and so on. And also action or data and actors
compose that event. On the other hand, the state is
composed of actors; place; means; and data.
4.3 “NOE” Architecture
Considering all these components, and the fuzzy
logic theory we imagined a fuzzy generator called
“Noé” who can generate state by introducing event.
Towards an Exploration of Several Dimensions in Learning: Application on Crisis Management
In the beginning we feed all the components
mentioned above in a knowledge-base. The
information contained in the event is introduced in
the generator. By using the fuzzy theory and the
knowledge-base, Noé generates the out-put state.
4.3.1 Components of the Model
As previously announced, the crisis situation can be
represented by several states evolving through time
and space. A state can generate events and events
can modify states and so on. For the next phase of
this study, we are going to give more precision about
some components that will enable us to use this
We define for the first time a number of the sets:
A is a universe of three actions:
A= a
{ }
Where a
=Communication, a
=Coordination and
B is a universe of n actors:
B= b
{ }
C is a universe r places:
C = c
{ }
D is a universe of j data: D includes different
kinds of information as weather (w); crisis-place
(cp); victims (v); population (p); morphology-of-
land (m); assailant (as): infrastructure (in); and
crisis-situation (cs). Then the function D is
represented as the intersection of r-tuples noted.
, 𝑣
, 𝑐𝑝
, 𝑣
, 𝑝
, 𝑚
, 𝑎𝑠
, 𝑖𝑛
, 𝑐𝑠
E is the universes of z places:
E = e
{ }
F is the universe of q means:
F = f
, f
,...., f
{ }
T the set of I time:
T = t
{ }
The linguistic modifier is a set of atomic terms
defined and in relation to the feedback
experience of the expert.
The State is defined as a function composed by
actors (b), place (c), means (f) and data (d).
state= b
, f
( )
, b
, f
( )
,...., b
, f
( )
{ }
The function event is composed by the couple
action (1) or data (4), and by actors (2).
event = a ou d
( )
, a ou d
( )
,...., a ou d
( )
{ }
For all a
, a
, a
. State and event
attributes are detailed in the following.
The objective is to define the impact-stress
function O composed by the functions state (9),
events (10), and the sets of the time (7) and the
linguistic modifier (8).
Decision = O= ÇG
( )
;i =1,n
{ }
By using the impact-stress function O we can
generate several situations during a crisis situation.
4.4 Using NOE” for Generating
To verify our generator, we called a crisis
management expert. . The expert is the one who has a
good mastery of his activity and is considered a
reference by his colleagues (Bogner and Menz 2009).
Several primitives can be used (entity relations,
ontologies, etc.) to model results of interviews. We
choose entity-relations to illustrate the situations
through events-states in order to illustrate the
dynamicity of this type of situation. . This interview
allows us to verify our generator NOE by using the
triple C actions cited above. An example for each C
action is cited below in this paper.
4.4.1 For the Communication Action
Speak quickly
The Chief
Weather: probably
Victims: increase
Means: equal
Population: probably
Assailant: probably
Situation of crisis:
Weather: change
Victims: increase
Means: equal
Assailant: probably
Situation of crisis:
Weather: probably
Victims: increase
Means: equal
Population: probably
Assailant: probably
Situation of crisis:
Weather: probably
Victims: increase
Means: equal
Assailant: probably
Situation of crisis:
Weather: probably
Victims: increase
Assailant: probably
Situation of crisis:
Weather: probably
Victims: increase
Assailant: probably
Situation of crisis:
KMIS 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
4.4.2 For the Coordination Action
The Chief
Victims: increase
Means: decrease
Situation of crisis:
Place of crisis:
Victims: increase
Means: decrease
Situation of crisis:
Place of crisis:
Victims: increase
Means: decrease
Situation of crisis:
Place of crisis:
Victims: increase
Means: decrease
Situation of crisis:
Place of crisis:
Weather: probably
Victims: increase
Assailant: increase
Situation of crisis:
Weather: probably
Victims: increase
Assailant: increase
Situation of crisis:
4.4.3 For the Cooperation Action
The cooperation action affects only the subordinate
actors and the population.
Simplification of
the situation
Imposing a
Victims: increase
Situation of crisis:
Victims: increase
Situation of crisis:
5.1 Case Observed and Studied with
the Stress
A real case study in a situation of crisis
management. The author's observation can reveal
some aspects of the impact of the stress during this
event. It also provides, a timeline for actors reaction
with a general view on errors committed, means
used, the places where the event was reported and,
different information and data known. For this, a
retired officer of the Algerian Army has been
interviewed (as an expert) about one of crisis
situations he dealt with.
5.1.1 Case Description
A lieutenant of Algerian Army explains, in this case,
his experience about a terrorist attack on two
villages “Ramkaa and Had El Chekala”, in the
Algerian mountain. In fact, the army had to deal
with a group of terrorists in the area. The tactical
command post was installed near the mountain, in
order to prepare their track. In the morning (6h AM)
of a day in February, some soldiers had been awake
by a young man running to the camp and crying:
“They killed them, they killed them.” Soldiers tried
to calm the young man and conducted him to the
nursery. The crowd woke colonel and lieutenant.
The young man explained then that the terrorists
were killed all people in his village. Colonel asked
the lieutenant to prepare three cars, and they directly
went to villages with only simple guns. They drove
on a winding road. Terrorist cloud is everywhere and
could be attacking them. Arriving at the village, they
discover horrible landscape, “everywhere dead
bodies, disembowelled women, blood, etc.” They
were shocked and did not believe their eyes. One of
the Chief starts to talk nonsense words. Soldiers
removed his weapon, they were afraid about his
safety. The Colonel decided then to visit the nearby
village with the lieutenant and some soldiers. They
discovered the same horrible situations, adding that,
the school was burned with the nursery and the post-
office. The colonel sat on the ground without
moving. Soldiers and Lieutenant did not have any
idea on how to react and what to do. Their radio did
not work. There was no network. They stayed in this
state more than one hour and a half. Then, other
soldiers arrived at the base of ambulances and radio-
communication post. Because they guess that their
colleagues needed help after two hours of silence.
After that, the colonel recovered his senses and
Towards an Exploration of Several Dimensions in Learning: Application on Crisis Management
called the government crisis cells. He called the
tactical command post to send him fire fighters and
medical emergency resources. It was about 10h AM.
Crisis Cells were installed at Ramkaa village. Dead
Bodies were gathered. They discovered some
survivals. They received first aid on site. Helicopters
arrived and first evacuations started at 1 PM.
5.1.2 Case Analysis
The case analysis shows us some impact of the
stress: (I) Imposing a decision without measuring the
impact and the consequences: The colonel took
three vehicles with simple guns and went to the
village. He decided then to visit the nearby village
with the lieutenant and some soldiers; (II) Repetition
of expressions and words: One of the Chiefs started
spelling nonsense words; (III) Silence, missing
decision and actions: The colonel sat on the ground
without moving. Soldiers and Lieutenant did not
have any idea on how to react and what to do. (IV)
Simplification of the situation and inadequate means
and actions: With simple guns, they went to villages.
Their radio did not work. There was no network.
The impact of this stress during this situation is:
time-lost; wounded died (waiting from 6h AM to 1h
PM); the first soldiers can be attacked and killed by
terrorists on the road and in the villages; no
communications between operational and tactical
teams. This analysis, show us, how the stress can
cause considerable damage during a crisis situation.
5.2 Using NOE to Generate Situations
from the Case Studied
We use the generator NOE for the same situation
example, we noted that for the same state and for the
same action, cooperation, the fuzzy generator can
generate a variety of situations (Figure 1).
Otherwise, for the same state we can use other
actions and with the fuzzy generator, we can
generate a considerable number of state.
Figure 1: The NOE generation
KMIS 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
The present study is to determine the stress impact
including the experience feedback in the situation of
the crisis management. It suggests a Stress Impact
predicts situations, which generate a number of very
useful states for crisis management training actors.
Based on that, we answer the main question about
the possibility to represent stress impact in crisis
management and by using experience feedback in
order to show consequences of stress behavior.
Experience feedback is also used in our system to
show actions to avoid stress consequences.. Actions
are defined under three dimensions: cooperation,
coordination, and communication-related to the
representation of collaborative crisis management
activity. This representation is illustrated in a real
case study in order to verify its applicability. The
situations predict system is based on the Fuzzy set
theory that helps to deal with uncertainty and
dynamicity of situations. So, for the same state and
for the same action, the predict-system can generate
a variety of situations. We discover that we can
generate lived situation and non-lived situation. The
natural progression of this study is to develop the
algorithm of the stress impact prediction in order to
test in other crisis cases. This type of environment
can illustrate the rhizome principle and be used for
learning when integrated in simulation. This can
help the crisis manager to explore different
situations of the crisis and discover stress
consequences to deal with.
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