Semantic Representation of Information by Ontological Networks to
Improve Knowledge Management in Higher Education
Roberto A. Garc
, Jorge Andr
es Gal
, Ahmed Dahroug
Vladimir E. Robles-Bykbaev
and Mart
ın L
atedra UNESCO Tecnolog
ıas de apoyo para la Inclusi
on Educativa, Universidad Polit
ecnica Salesiana,
Calle Vieja 12-30 y Elia Liut, Cuenca, Ecuador
Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt
AtlanTTic Research Center for Telecommunication Technologies, University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain
Ontologies, Higher Education, Knowledge Management, Semantics.
Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) seek to respond to new ways of conceiving and projecting higher edu-
cation embodied in the profile of a professional. Faced with this challenge, educational models focus mainly
on the theoretical-practical references of critical training, constructivism and collaborative learning. Although
there are several knowledge management solutions in the field of higher education, which have managed to
formalize the organizational structure of academic institutions in ontologies, so far none of these proposals
divides and makes explicit the development that the actors of the ecosystem (students and educators) take over
time. Our proposal is to construct a semantic representation of the academic ecosystem by implementing an
ontological network that allows managing the knowledge generated in a more efficient way. This architecture
is intended to be used as an instrument to support the academic body and for the centralization of information.
To achieve our objective, we carry out a reengineering process of relevant institutional documents, such as the
academic record of the students, in each of their facets of learning. We have interviewed specialists in the area
and reuse academic domain ontologies to form a consistent knowledge base.
Higher education institutions periodically generate
large volumes of data associated with the academic
field (Mora-Arciniegas et al., 2017). Unfortunately,
the information that revolves around the university
academic environment is usually distributed among
multiple sources of subsystems that use different da-
tabases or digital repositories (Mora-Arciniegas et al.,
2017; Aminah et al., 2017). Having a diversity of un-
structured formats from different sources of informa-
tion generates a restriction of interoperability among
them. This particularity restricts the ability to effi-
ciently manage and exploit the full potential of this
information in the form of knowledge, which could be
used in a timely and relevant manner by the different
actors of the academic ecosystem. Although there are
several knowledge management systems in the field
of higher education focused on solving this difficulty
(among them, transactional systems that allow associ-
ating information between different subsystems), the
information retrieved does not have semantic relati-
onships that would allow subsystems to identify even
whether two pieces of information relate to the same
topic or entity.
Based on this background, in order to help univer-
sities ensure an efficient management, sharing, search
and reuse of information, we have proposed the crea-
tion of an ontological network that allows linking the
information generated and take it to a higher level,
making sure the right information gets to the right pe-
ople at the right time to make the right decisions. In
this paper, we describe an experiment in which these
ontologies supported knowledge management within
the Universidad Polit
ecnica Salesiana (UPS), located
in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador. From our findings, we
analyze the strengths of knowledge administration in
higher education supported by semantic technologies.
We also suggest some avenues to support this activity
within higher education institutions.
The idea of using semantic technology is to enable
universities to improve the mechanisms for searching
for information and knowledge. This is particularly
necessary for academic institutions of higher educa-
García-Vélez, R., Galán-Mena, J., Dahroug, A., Robles-Bykbaev, V. and López-Nores, M.
Semantic Representation of Information by Ontological Networks to Improve Knowledge Management in Higher Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0006920801610168
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2018) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 161-168
ISBN: 978-989-758-330-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tion, where sharing, reusing and inferring new know-
ledge plays a central role.
In Section 2, some related works developed in
the field of higher education institutions are descri-
bed. In Section 3, the development of the proposal
is detailed indicating the methodology used (which
implies the specification of requirements for the on-
tology network), the reuse of resources, the reengi-
neering carried out to reuse the ontological resources
and the conceptualization of the ontological network
proposal based on the UPS datasets. Continuing, in
Section 4 we present the results of the experimenta-
tion, and Section 5 contains the conclusions of our
There is a broad field of work related to knowledge
management in the academic domain using ontolo-
gies. Several authors have used them as a means to
represent different perspectives of the academic dom-
ain. For example, the authors of (Laoufi et al., 2011)
proposed an approach to establish an organizational
Memory of the University System (MUS). The MUS
is not only on pedagogical knowledge (topics, sub-
jects, courses, etc.) but also works with other know-
ledge used in the context of a university system, whet-
her administrative, educational or related to the intel-
lectual capital of the university. For the construction
of the ontology, the actors are trained to explain their
knowledge, promoting in this way a collaborative cul-
ture of creation and indexation of knowledge. The
captured knowledge provides a resource dedicated to
the representation of ontological knowledge, which
facilitates the search and navigation between concepts
related to the academic system. The architecture of
the system is able to integrate different ontologies,
and enables different types of reasoning and intelli-
gent information retrieval.
A similar approach was done by the Universidad
ecnica Particular de Loja (UTPL) research univer-
sity (Mora-Arciniegas et al., 2017). They propose
the use of semantic technologies to represent acade-
mic knowledge through ontologies, creating a set of
comprehensible and interoperable data. To fulfill their
objective, they developed an ontological network cal-
led Linked Academic Data (LDA) for the representa-
tion of the organizational structure and teaching plan-
ning. LDA was comprised of ontological resources
non-ontological resources that required reengineering
to transform them into accessible resources, and the
creation of a new vocabulary.
A more recent proposal can be found at (Melgar
and Quilca, 2016), consisting in an architecture for
organizational memory systems in higher education
institutions. The proposed architecture for organiza-
tional memory is based on CESM model and Com-
monKADS methodology, concerned with the kno-
wledge representation for semantic search of docu-
ments. This approach allows adding semantic content
to the documents and to the information, enabling the
construction of knowledge bases. The semantic con-
tent added to the documents allows the retrieval of
information based on inference, unlike the relational
database that is based only on the content of a field.
To achieve this, they add semantic annotations to do-
cuments and link them to defined ontologies.
Finally, the authors of (Gasmi and Bouras, 2018)
proposed a system that allows to improve vocational
education, conducting an analysis of the gap between
education and industry. To this aum, they used a sy-
stem of semantic concordance based on ontological
models that allows to analyze these two domains. In
particular, the educational and industry profiles are re-
presented as profiles of O*NET competency frame-
works, which allows to analyze the gap according to
the structure of higher education and the peripherals
required by the industry in the social context.
In order to unify the scattered information in several
database repositories that occurs around the different
learning processes of higher education institutions,
we propose the construction of a new formal model
that captures the corresponding knowledge. We chose
the NeOn framework (Su
arez-Figueroa et al., 2012b)
as the basic was chosen for our implementation, be-
cause it offers features that allow to manage the life-
cycle of the ontological network very easily.
3.1 Elicitation of Requirements
In order to identify the purpose of creating the formal
model, who the end users would be and the features
it would enable, we went through a process of speci-
fying ontological requirements (Su
arez-Figueroa and
erez, 2012). To fulfill the different tasks
specified by the NeOn methodology, a group of spe-
cialists was formed, composed of practitioners and
specialists from the academic side of higher educa-
tion institutions, who issued their criteria according
to their role in each task. Table 1 presents the group
of most frequent terms obtained from an interview for
KMIS 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Figure 1: Modular scheme of the ontological network of the academic ecosystem.
the identification of functional requirements, which
were already grouped and validated.
Table 1: Group of most frequent terms obtained.
Code Item Competence Questions
TG87 Micro curriculum PC18, PC26
TG100 Class period PC11
TG114 Task PC7, PC22
TG41 Teacher PC1, PC3, PC6
3.2 Formalization of the Scheme
Starting from the requirements elicitation process,
we sought existing resources to reuse and reengi-
neer (Su
arez-Figueroa et al., 2012a), ending up with
the following selection:
Friend of a Friend (FOAF) (Kalemi and Martiri,
2011) which describes a basic social network of
people and their relationships;
VCARD (Iannella and McKinney, 2014) is an on-
tology that describes information of people and
VIVO has a focus for a community of research.
Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) (Arp et al., 2015)
is a top-level ontology that helps the integration of
multiple ontology in a single formal framework.
In the construction of our ontological network it
was decided to modularize the classes, both those
built from the reengineering of non-ontological do-
cuments and the selected ontologies to be reused.
Figure 1 shows the scheme of our network, where
we have reused VCARD, FOAF, BFO and VIVO
ontologies by means of different links and selection
of components according to the necessary domain
through a process of alignment and modularization of
ontologies. Our academic ecosystem ontology (AEO)
is separated into 5 modules: Micro Curricular (MC),
Roles (R), Academic Metrics (AM), Metrics (M) and
Occurrent (O). These modules participate as links
between the reused ontologies, which have different
dependencies and cover specific domains within the
same context.
The main classes defined in our ontology are the
Person: It is a representation of a person, reused
from the FOAF ontology.
Evaluated Role: Inherent role to a person that
fulfills the function of being evaluated within a
Subject: Representation of a subject that is
taught in a course within a study program.
Career: Consensus of the name that is given to
a study program that leads to the granting of a de-
gree to practice a profession.
Curriculum: Organization of the subjects and
requirements of a career that determine the pro-
Semantic Representation of Information by Ontological Networks to Improve Knowledge Management in Higher Education
fessional profile of the student.
Tuition: Representation of the document of re-
cord of notes of a student enrolled in a subject be-
longing to a curriculum.
Tuition Status: status of a license plate, it can
be: approved, failed or canceled.
Identity Card: Identity document that belongs
only to one person.
Each one of the modules of the ontological net-
work belong to a specific context, allowing us to bet-
ter manage the different components imported into
our network. For the construction of the modules, the
tool was used as shown in Figure 2, where
each one of the ontologies is developed separately ta-
king into account the alignment of the components
through links that are classes of other modules. To ve-
rify the operation of the network as a first step, all the
modules were imported into the same project. Finally,
we ran the HermiT
reasoner to verify that there were
no inconsistencies in the axioms.
Figure 2: Prot
e capture of the classes of the ontological
network modules of the academic ecosystem.
3.3 Information Mapping
The construction of the ontological network implies
both the formalization of the RDF (Klyne and Carroll,
2006) scheme. Starting from this referential semantic
framework we start with the population of the onto-
logical network on which information can be inferen-
ced. Commonly, the transactional systems in which
the data acquisition of the academic ecosystem is car-
ried out in higher education institutions have two cha-
racteristics: the systems do not use a single reposi-
tory of information but are found in different sepa-
rate databases, and they use relational databases. The
management of multiple entity-relational models im-
plies that the data in each of these repositories must
be interpreted to derive their meaning, but the inter-
pretation lends itself to ambiguity. On the contrary, an
expressive language of knowledge such as ontologies
allow interpreting the knowledge unambiguously.
A strategy that can be used to transfer the infor-
mation stored in a traditional database to a semantic
network is through the data mapping procedure. Data
mapping allows populating the ontological network
with a semantic encoding of instances in RDF format
in an ontological scheme. As can be seen in Figure 3,
on the left side there is a fragment of the model entity
relationship of an academic system of students of a
higher education institution and on the right its equi-
valence in the model of the ontological ecosystem, in
which we can map the information between schemes
starting from their tables in the relational model:
Student: The table contains the personal informa-
tion of the student, including ID, name and sur-
name, email and date of birth. The representa-
tion of a student in the ontological model separa-
tes concepts of the role as a student and the person
Subject: The table contains the information of the
name of a subject offered. The mapping in the on-
tological model is similar to the table where there
is only one data property of the name of the sub-
Tuition: It contains a field with the offer date
and a one-to-many relationship from Student and
also from Subject. The ontological model for this
section already implies that in order to enroll a
student in a subject there must be a process that
participates as an intermediary –in this case, the
instance of the Course class must also be instanti-
This first mapping exemplified from the informa-
tion of a student named Peter Smith allows us to de-
fine in a logical way a first interpretation of the infor-
mation that is stored in an entity relationship model
and its equivalence in an ontological model as instan-
ces of the defined classes in the modular schemes of
the ontological network of the academic ecosystem.
As there are several transactional systems in the
same academic ecosystem in higher education insti-
tutions, we can show an example of an excerpt from
the relationship model of the employee administration
KMIS 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Figure 3: Mapping scheme between the model entity rela-
tionship of the academic system against its version in an
system in which a data mapping is applied in order to
transform it into instances to populate our ontologi-
cal network as presented in Figure 4, where we can
interpret tables of the relational database as follows:
Employee: The table contains the personal infor-
mation of an employee, as for the Student in Fi-
gure 3. In the ontological model as well as in the
previous model, the appointment of professor is
taken as a position within an organization and the
person as something totally different, where per-
sonal information can be mapped in a similar way
as in Student.
Institutional Position: It contains the informa-
tion of the positions that exist in the institution. It
is mapped in a similar way with a data property
with the name of the position, but we make expli-
cit that there is an organization to which that po-
sition is related, which in this case would be the
institution of higher education.
Employee Institutional Position: It is an inter-
mediate table between Employee and Institutional
Position where the start and end date fields of the
position are also counted. In the ontological mo-
del, a time interval is assigned to the position node
by defining the start date as the end date as instan-
The mapping of this second fragment of the rela-
tional database of the employee management system
demonstrates the integration of information from
another source of information under the same schema
of the ontological network, taking into account that
the employee for reasons of exemplification was cal-
led Peter Smith as in the mapping of the academic
Figure 4: Mapping scheme between the model entity re-
lationship of the employee management system against its
version in an ontological model.
3.4 Axioms and Rules of Unification of
The AEO-I module helps us to identify people who
have unique identifiers by means of axioms about the
classes and their relationships, taking advantage of the
fact that OWL allows us to enrich the meaning of the
properties of the objects ought certain axioms, one
of these axioms are the functional properties that are
those that, given an individual, by means of this pro-
perty the individual can be at most related to a single
individual (Horridge et al., 2004), for the case of our
module we have made functional the object property
”identifier of” which helps us to discern if an indivi-
dual is the same as another, as we can see in Figure
5, an example is presented where, through the object
property ”identifier of”, a node of the Identity Card
class is related to two people: Andrew J. M. and A.
Jone, which implies that Andrew JM and A. Jone are
the same individual, this logically implies that the two
nodes are merged through the ”sameAs” relationship
of OWL.
Figure 5: Example of the “identifier of” functional property
of the AEO-I module.
The functional property would be a good option to
detect similarity of nodes in our ontological network
but this scenario is possible only if our instances of the
Semantic Representation of Information by Ontological Networks to Improve Knowledge Management in Higher Education
Figure 6: SPIN rule capture to find individuals of Identity
Card class that are similar.
“Identity Card” class have already gone through a
process to find their similarity. As we could see in the
mapping process with the example of Peter Smith this
person is represented in the system as two instances
p1 and p2 corresponding to the Person class, but in
turn both p1 and p2 have different IDs instantiated as
dni1 and dni2, so by not pointing to the same ID could
not operate the functional property.
To solve this problem, we must first unify the in-
stances of the “Identity Card” class by means of ru-
les using the SPIN language as presented in Figure 6,
where we compare whether the data properties in the
instances of the “Identity Card” class.
When we establish the rules and define the axioms
we will use, we can discover information between the
instances of people who claim that one individual is
similar to another. Returning to our example where
we had two nodes p1 and p2 that represented Peter
Smith, as a first step we analyzed their identifications
dni1 and dni2 by means of the rule defined in SPIN
where they would be unified forming a logical level
as a single node and later through the Functional pro-
perty axiom of ”identifier of” will infer that p1 and p2
are the same individual. From a general perspective
we have integrated the information of two different
transactional systems in the same semantic context,
but at the same time we also integrate the informa-
tion under the same context, in our case an actor can
have the information of his academic process, but also
coexist in the same ecosystem as an employee of the
After checking the correct functioning of our schemes
in the ontological network we have migrated the infor-
mation corresponding to two systems of a higher edu-
cation institution, the first system contains informa-
tion corresponding to the students since 1993 and the
second corresponding to the personnel management,
each of these systems uses a traditional database of
Univerisdad Polit
ecnica Salesiana. The Karma tool
helps us to exploit what is exposed in the data map-
ping, as we can see in Figure 7. Based on the views of
the two transactional systems, we were able to trans-
form the information stored in the tables into an RDF
data structure that is consistent with our ontological
Once the mapping process was finished we obtai-
ned two sets of instances in the form of RDF structu-
The first set, coming from the migration of the
transaction management system of employees,
generated around 30,000 triples, which are instan-
ces of different classes of our ontological network
detailed in Table 2 where it can be seen that there
are about 2,000 employees in the system.
The second set of data, corresponding to students,
has 99879 records of people as can be seen in the
breakdown of classes in Table 3. This set gene-
rated more than 2 million triples in our exported
Table 2: Results of the Mapping of the Transactional Em-
ployee System.
Class Instances
foaf:Person 2236
vcard:Email 2089
aeo:Identity Card 2236
vcard:Name 2236
vcard:Individual 2236
Table 3: Results of the Mapping of the Transactional Stu-
dents System.
Class Instances
foaf:Person 99879
vcard:Email 78043
aeo:Identity Card 99879
vcard:Name 99879
vcard:Individual 99879
These RDF triplet files and the modules of our
ontological network were charged to the Allegro
triplet database, in order to be able to ma-
nage the amount of information that was generated
from the mapping and design processes of the ontolo-
gical network. To comply with the unification of our
information through SPIN rules, we use a script of the
Top Braid Composer
tool called Motion SPARQL,
KMIS 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Figure 7: Capture of data mapping using the Karma tool.
which allows us to fulfill the role of an ETL tool. Fi-
gure 8 shows the diagram of the script where the tri-
ples are first imported through a connection to the tri-
plet databases; then, through a process of building tri-
ples from rules with SPIN, we generate the similarity
relationships through the OWL sameAs relationship
to unify the information of the IDs and subsequently
export the triples in a document in OWL format.
Figure 8: Capture of the SPARQL Motion script for gene-
ration of similar triples using SPIN.
Based on the rules with SPIN, we obtained that
out of a total of 102,115 people between employees
and students of the institution, 373 similarities of in-
dividuals belonging to the Identity Card class were
created, which means that there are this number of
people who are in the two systems, both that of stu-
dents and that of employees, but they were unified in
our ontological network, having the same context.
We loaded the set of pre-processed triples with
SPIN rules to the triplet database to populate our onto-
logical network, where by means of a SPARQL query
as shown in Figure 9, we were able to verify the uni-
fication of the people who had the same ID in our in-
stances of the triples:
The result of the SPARQL query is presented in
Table 4, where two columns are presented of which
each row is a similarity correspondence of instances
of the foaf class: Person, individuals with an IRI that
Figure 9: SPARQL query capture in AllegroGraph.
Table 4: Results of SPARQL consultation of people simila-
Node Person 1 Node Person 2
aeo:psd69 aeo:ps999
aeo:psd7 aeo:ps633
aeo:psd70 aeo:ps102219
aeo:psd71663 aeo:ps8889528
aeo:ps76 aeo:ps105536
starts with “psd” followed of a number are correspon-
ding to the instances generated from the employee ad-
ministration system and the instances that start with
”ps” followed by a number correspond to the student
The present investigation addressed the construction
of an ontology that formalizes the knowledge of the
processes produced from the chair in institutions of
Semantic Representation of Information by Ontological Networks to Improve Knowledge Management in Higher Education
higher education, addressing its main actors, both te-
achers and students. Based on the NeOn methodo-
logy, we were able to cover the processes involved in
the life cycle of our formal model, based on an in-
terview and competency questions for the acquisition
of our requirements, which were the starting point for
the other processes of both resource reuse semantics
as well as the reengineering of non-ontological re-
sources, plus an alignment process to form our on-
tological network.
We have tackled some problems of the informa-
tion distributed in several databases of transactional
systems, where the interpretation of that information
lends itself to ambiguity, where by means of mapping
processes plus axioms and SPIN rules we can inte-
grate and unify more than twenty thousand records in
a set of instances that populated our ontological net-
work with 2 million triples that more than allows the
coexistence of information from different sources hel-
ped us to discern what 373 of employees and students
were the same people.
As future works it is proposed to be able to use this
ontological scheme in two directions: First, discover
relevant information that allows to manage in a more
efficient way both the human and physical resources
of the University. Second to find through the onto-
logical system characteristics that allow us to predict
the performance of a student. In this context it is also
very important to identify patterns related to students
that could lead to a state of student loss or desertion,
and be able to propose possible mitigating actions.
This work has been supported by the European Regi-
onal Development Fund (ERDF) and the Galician Re-
gional Government under agreement for funding the
AtlantTIC Research Center for Information and Com-
munication Technologies, as well as the Ministerio de
on y Ciencia (Gobierno de Espa
na) research
project TIN2017-87604-R.
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KMIS 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing