The Addition of Geolocation to Sensor Networks
Robert Bryce
and Gautam Srivastava
Heartland Software, Ardmore, Canada
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Brandon University, Brandon, Canada
MQTT, IoT, Networks, Protocols, Geolocation, Broker.
Sensor networks are recently rapidly growing research area in wireless communications and distributed net-
works. A sensor network is a densely deployed wireless network of small, low cost sensors, which can be
used in various applications like health, environmental monitoring, military, natural disaster relief, and finally
gathering and sensing information in inhospitable locations to name a few. In this paper, we focus on one
specific type of sensor network called MQTT, which stands for Message Queue Transport Telemetry. MQTT
is an open source publisher/subscriber standard for M2M (Machine to Machine) communication. This makes
it highly suitable for Internet of Things (IoT) messaging situations where power usage is at a premium or
in mobile devices such as phones, embedded computers or microcontrollers. In its original state, MQTT is
lacking the ability to broadcast geolocation as part of the protocol itself. In today’s age of IoT however, it has
become more pertinent to have geolocation as part of the protocol. In this paper, we add geolocation to the
MQTT protocol and offer a revised version, which we call MQTT-G. We describe the protocol here and show
where we were able to embed geolocation successfully.
Today, due to the increased use of smartphones, push
notification services are now commonly used (Than-
gavel et al., 2014a). Push notifications service keeps
the device online for every certain communication
cycle, and the server pushes the mess ages to each
client when necessary. Compared to the polling
method, push notification method was proved to be
more efficient in battery and data consumption (Banks
and Gupta, 2014). MQTT is a client-Server pu-
blish/subscribe messaging transport protocol, descri-
bed in Figure 2. It is light weight, open, simple,
and designed to be easy to implement by both pu-
blishers and subscribers alike. These characteristics
make it ideal for use in many situations, including
constrained environments such as for communication
in Machine to Machine (M2M) and Internet of Things
(IoT) contexts where a small code footprint is requi-
red and/or network bandwidth is at a premium. As
a well-known example, Facebook Messenger is ba-
sed on MQTT (Lee et al., 2013). MQTT Protocol is
suitable for implementing integrated Simple Notifica-
tion Service (SNS) gateway servers which can merge
different SNS protocols and OS into a unified single
platform. Also, there is no restriction in messaging
while using push notification services.
Some of the positive characteristics of MQTT are
its light weight nature and binary footprint, which
lead it to excel when transferring data over the wire.
In comparison to well used protocols like Hypertext
Transfer Protoccol (HTTP), it only has a minimal
packet overhead. Another important aspect of MQTT
is that it is extremely easy to implement on the client
side. This fits perfectly for constrained devices with
limited resources. Its ease of implementation was one
of the goals that was met when MQTT was invented
(Stanford-Clark and Hunkeler, 1999).
1.1 History
MQTT was invented by Andy Stanford-Clark (IBM)
and Arlen Nipper (Arcom, now Cirrus Link) in
1999. Its initial use was to create a protocol for mini-
mal battery loss and minimal bandwidth connecting
oil pipelines over satellite connections (Stanford-
Clark and Hunkeler, 1999). It was then updated to
include Wireless Sensor Networks in 2008 (Hunkeler
et al., 2008). In (Stanford-Clark and Hunkeler, 1999),
the following goals were specified:
Simple to implement
Provide a Quality of Service Data Delivery
Lightweight and Bandwidth Efficient
Bryce, R. and Srivastava, G.
The Addition of Geolocation to Sensor Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0006921907620768
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2018), pages 762-768
ISBN: 978-989-758-320-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Publish and Subscribe Model of MQTT.
Figure 2: Publish and Subscribe Model of MQTT.
Data Agnostic
Continuous Session Awareness
We focus here on an open source implementa-
tion of MQTT 3.1.1 called Mosquitto, prescribed
recently in (Light, 2017). Mosquitto provides stan-
dard compliant server and client implementations of
the MQTT messaging protocol.
To quote (Light, 2017),
MQTT uses a publish/subscribe model, has
low network overhead and can be implemen-
ted on low power devices such microcontrol-
lers that might be used in remote Internet of
Things sensors. As such, Mosquitto is inten-
ded for use in all situations where there is a
need for lightweight messaging, particularly
on constrained devices with limited resources.
In our current project, we focus on three parts, na-
The main Mosquitto server
The Mosquitto publish and subscribe client utili-
An MQTT client library written in C/C++ wrap-
1.2 Current Uses of Mosquitto
We have seen some very interesting applications of
MQTT recently using Mosquitto. First, (Thangavel
et al., 2014b) compared the performance of MQTT
and the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP).
CoAP is a specialized web transfer protocol for use
with constrained nodes and constrained networks in
IoT. The protocol is designed for M2M applications
such as smart energy and building automation. In
(Fremantle et al., 2014), the authors investigated the
use of OAuth in MQTT. OAuth is an open protocol
to allow secure authorization in a simple and standard
method from web, mobile and desktop applications.
We have also seen Mosquitto used to evaluate
MQTT for use in Smart City Services (Antoni
c et al.,
2015). The authors compare MQTT and CUPUS in
the context of smart city application scenarios, which
is currently a hot topic with many large cities wan-
ting to join the digital age and become Smart Cities.
Furthermore, it has been used in the development of
an environmental monitoring system (Bellavista et al.,
2017). Mosquitto has also been used to support rese-
arch less directly as part of a scheme for remote cont-
rol of an experiment (Schulz et al., 2014).
The Addition of Geolocation to Sensor Networks
Figure 3: Publish and Subscribe Model of MQTT.
1.3 MQTT Publish/Subscribe Pattern
In a publish/subscribe pattern a client publishes in-
formation and other clients can subscribe to only the
information they want. In many cases there is a bro-
ker between the clients who facilitates and/or filters
the information. This allows for a loose coupling bet-
ween entities.
The decoupling can occur in a few different ways:
Space, Time, and Synchronization.
Space - the subscriber does not need to know who
the publisher is, for example by IP address, and
Time - the two clients do not have to be running
at the same time
Synchronization - Publishing and receiving does
not halt operations
Through the filtering done by the broker not all
subscribers have to get the same messages. The bro-
ker can filter on subject, content, or type of message.
A client, therefore could subscribe to only messages
about temperature data or only messages with content
about centrifuge machines. They could only want to
receive information about specific types of errors as
well. In our version MQTT-G, we also add the ability
for clients to receive messages based on some geolo-
cation criteria.
1.4 Simple Example
Thinking about an IoT situation with, for example,
a device with environmental sensors connected to it
such as a temperature sensor and a moisture sensor,
we could be publishing that data. Specific clients that
are connected to our broker may be interested in that
and others may not. They would subscribe to the in-
formation they want and the broker would provide the
necessary information accordingly. The topic string
is determinant regarding whether the data is forwar-
ded to the subscriber or not. To date, we have seen
lots of work on IoT with various uses and applications
(Kopetz, 2011),(Weber and Weber, 2010), (Wortmann
and Fl
uchter, 2015), and (Xia et al., 2012).
Once connected to the broker the publishing client
simply sends its data to the broker. Once there, the
broker relays the appropriate data onto the clients who
have subscribed for that data. Again, those subscrip-
tions can be filtered. The subscribing client then has
the opportunity to use or discard the packet upon ar-
rival. All of this data transferring is done in a light
weight fashion designed for small, resource limited
devices; network usage is efficient because logic on
the broker’s side provides the initial filtering.
The message packet shown in Figure 3 is just an
example of what a message may look like. Along
with the message, or payload, a real packet would
include additional information such as a packet ID,
topic name, and quality of service (QoS) level. Also
included in the packet would be flags so the broker
knows how long to retain the message and if the mes-
sage is a duplicate.
This is just the tip of the iceberg for MQTT; there
are several other features of interest as well. Features
such as Retained Messages, Quality of Service, Last
Will and Testament, Persistent Sessions, and SYS To-
pics to name a few. It should also come as no surprise
given the importance of security in today’s world, that
MQTT has strong security features as well.
1.4.1 Our Contributions
We modify MQTT by adding geolocation informa-
tion into specific MQTT packets such that, for ex-
ample, client location could be tracked by the broker,
and clients can subscribe based on geolocation. This
ICSOFT 2018 - 13th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 4: Polygon Geofence.
can lead to the clients last known location having a
comparison to a polygon geofence. One of the im-
portant features of GPS Tracking software using GPS
Tracking devices is geofencing and its ability to help
keep track of assets. Geofencing allows users of a
Global Positioning System (GPS) Tracking Solution
to draw zones (GeoFence) around places of impor-
tance, customers sites and secure areas.
In MQTT-G, by adding geolocation, information
reaching subscribers can be filtered out by the broker
to only fall within the subscribers geofence. We can
see an example of a geofence in Figure 4. Take for
example a forest fire containment situation. By pres-
cribing a geofence, specific subscribers can work to
contain the fire knowing the polygon geofence in real
time as given out by the messages from the brokers
to clients and without receiving messages associa-
ted with a seperate geofence/forest fire. Furthermore,
third-party additions to the containment of the fire
could quickly be added to the subscriptions using the
geofence. Other subscribers (managers) may choose
geofence (being a political boundary) to monitor all
messages associated with all geofences/forest fires in
a given area. The applications for this are plenty and
Field team coordination
Search and rescue improvements
Advertising notifications to customers within spe-
cific ranges
Emergency notifications, such as inclement weat-
her or road closures.
The basis of adding geolocation to MQTT is to le-
verage unused binary bin data within the protocol de-
finition itself and optionally embedding geolocation
data between the header and payload. The major
change to the packets was the inclusion of the Geo-
location Flag. The flag is sent in packets between the
client to broker to notify the broker that a client is sen-
ding geolocation data in the packet. The packets that
are used to send geolocation information are given in
Table 1 derived from the original protocol implemen-
Geolocation is not sent for CONNACK, SUB-
ACK, UNSUBACK, PINGRESP packets as they are
only for information passed from broker to client, and
thereby deemed unnecesary to contain geolocation in-
formation. For all packets mentioned in Table 1, with
the exception of PUBLISH, the 3rd bit of the fixed
header is unused (reserved) in the original implemen-
tation in (Stanford-Clark and Hunkeler, 1999), so we
can easily use it to indicate the presence of geoloca-
tion information.
Figures 5 and 6 explain where the location data is
on the packet. We also give the structure of the code
shown by the struct mosquitto location.
struct mosquitto_location {
uint8_t version;
double lat, lon;
float elev;
The PUBLISH control packet needs a different
implementation. Because the 3rd bit is already allo-
cated for Quality of Service (QOS), and all other pac-
The Addition of Geolocation to Sensor Networks
Table 1: Packets Used For Geolocation.
Packet Details
CONNECT client request to connect to Server
PUBLISH Publish message
PUBACK Publish acknowledgment
PUBREC Publish received (assured delivery part 1)
PUBREL Publish received (assured delivery part 2)
PUBCOMP Publish received (assured delivery part 3)
SUBSCRIBE client subscribe request
UNSUBSCRIBE Unsubscribe request
DISCONNECT client is disconnecting
kets are also reserved for an existing use, we chose
to implement a new control packet type. PUBLISHg
(=0xF0) is used as the flag type for geolocation data
when it is to be sent. There are 16 available command
packet types within the MQTT standard and 0 through
14 are used.
We deem geolocation data as an optional attribute,
as not all clients may wish to publish any geolocation
data. The geolocation of manager of the forest fire
crews in the aforementioned example does not need
to be shared with the crews, it is irrelevant. In our ap-
proach, geolocation data is not included in the packet
payload, since not all packet types support a payload,
thus rendering payloads not a viable option. Further-
more, we did not wish to require the broker to exa-
mine the payload of any packet, thus keeping our pro-
cessing footprint low.
2.1 Justification of Overhead
There are many transport protocols that MQTT pac-
kets may go over in size, where 21 bytes may be a
concern. However, if you are using TCP/IP as we
discuss here, 21 bytes is negligible when considering
the bytes required just for the overhead of TCP/IP.
Finally, there is no need for a client to only sub-
mit MQTT-G (geolocation) packets; there is nothing
stopping a client to submit MQTT-G packets when it
is time to update location, then just use unmodified
MQTT packets otherwise. The logic is based on a
single bit, and we have not introduced any require-
ment that all packets must be MQTT-G either from a
specific client or from multiple clients.
2.2 Handling of Packets
Packets that are received without geolocation are
handled via the original Mosquitto functions, and as
such can be left unmodified. Packets that are recei-
ved with geolocation are handled similarly but with a
call to a last known location updating method, which
stores the clients unique ID and the location data into
a Hashtable object designed to be compared against
the geofence if and only if they are a subscriber to be
sent a PUBLISH. We have elected to attach geoloca-
tion data from all packet types originating from the
client to eliminate the need for specific packets car-
rying only geolocation data, and thus reducing overall
network traffic as well.
2.3 Quality of Service
To ensure the reliability of messaging, MQTT sup-
ports 3 levels of Quality of Services(QoS) (Behnel
et al., 2006). Figure 7 shows packet exchange mea-
sure according to 3 different QoS levels. QoS Level 0
sends message only once following the message dis-
tribution flow, and does not check whether the mes-
sage arrived to its destination. Therefore, in case of
sizable messages, it is possible that the message will
be lost when any kind of loss comes in the way. QoS
Level 1 sends the message at least once, and checks
the delivery status of the message by using the sta-
tus check message, PUBACK. However, when PU-
BACK is lost, it is possible that the server will send
the same message twice, since it has no confirmation
of the message being delivered. QoS Level 2 passes
the message through exactly once utilizing the 4-way
handshake. It is not possible to have a message loss
in this level, but due to the complicated process of 4-
way handshake, it is possible to have relatively longer
end-to-end delays. The higher QoS level is the more
packets will be exchanged.
It is true that higher-level QoS is more effective if
you do not want any message loss, but such complica-
ted processes will increase the end-to-end delay. If we
can deduct appropriate QoS level utilizing correlation
analysis of the relationship between the message loss
due to the size of payload and the end-to-end delay, it
will be possible to build a optimal service network for
push notification services.
ICSOFT 2018 - 13th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 5: Original MQTT Packet.
Figure 6: MQTT Geolocation Packet.
Figure 7: Quality of Service.
2.4 Geofencing
Creating the geofence code was a major part of the ad-
dition of geolocation to MQTT. The geofence filtering
is only called when a PUBLISH reaches the broker, as
these packets are forwarded to subscribing clients.
The mosquitto check polygon returns a boolean
value indicating whether the clients last known loca-
tion is within the polygon. If the point is outside the
polygon, it simply aborts forwarding the PUBLISH
as the client has indicated it is not interested in the
message. This condition is tested for each client so
that other subscribers may receive packets of interest.
Thus, we have used our own custom geometry library
originally implemented in (Tymstra et al., 2010) with
features first discussed in (Bose et al., 2009). The
library is unmodified for the broker implementation,
but it is reconfigured for mobile clients.
Geofence data is presently submitted and cleared
by a client to the broker using the $SYS MQTT to-
pic convention so that clients may individually sub-
mit geofences of interest. The broker maintains po-
lygon data for each subscribing client. Polygons may
be static in shape and location or dynamic and move
with the last known location of the client.
We are still finishing the final testing of the imple-
mentation of MQTT-G for the Android OS. Once fi-
nished, the implementation pull geolocation directly
from the Android OS and allow clients to quickly and
easily create and destroy polygon geofences on the
go. Applications of the Android client are plentiful
but have some key uses in natural disaster contain-
ment and safety in this age of mobile devices and In-
ternet of Things.
One alternative approach that we have not explo-
red is introducing geolocation data to the MQTT pay-
load. However, in this instance, the packet would
need to be forwarded to a specific client understan-
ding the format of the payload, then sending the PU-
BLISH data on another topic for interested clients to
subscribe to. This division of logic between a sepa-
rate client and the broker potentially doubles the load
on the broker and is thus not considered. However,
geofencing remains an expensive operation in com-
The Addition of Geolocation to Sensor Networks
parison to the rest of the broker logic, and future ver-
sions of the broker will be multithreaded to address
performance concerns.
MQTT is an open source standard for M2M commu-
nication. Originally designed by IBM, the main use
for MQTT is as a publisher/subscriber protocol. In
this paper, we have introduced a new version, cal-
led MQTT-G, that adds geolocation information to
the protocol and offers a revised implementation, that
can help aid in the breadth of uses for MQTT. We
also modernize the protocol to include a somewhat
standard feature of most protocols in today’s IoT age.
The advanced protocol we implement can be used to
offer geolocation as part of the publish/subscribe in-
frastructure, thus aiding in the real time applications
that it can be used for. Our implementations offer ver-
sions for both its native C/C++ environment and as a
mobile Android client as well.
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ICSOFT 2018 - 13th International Conference on Software Technologies