Controlling the Drift of Semantic Indexing Systems
Ivan Garrido Marquez, Jorge Garcia Flores, Franc¸ois L
evy and Adeline Nazarenko
LIPN, Paris University 13 – Sorbonne Paris Cit
e & CNRS, Av. J.-B. Cl
ement, Villetaneuse, France
Quality Measures, Document Classification, Blog Posts Categories.
Document classification is often meant to serve as semantic indexing to help readers finding documents related
to a given topic. However, the quality of indexing often deteriorates with time: some categories are misused
or forgotten by indexers, others become obsolete or too general to be useful. This paper proposes measures to
assess the quality of an indexing system and an algorithm that guides indexers in restructuring their indexes.
Focus is put on the reader’s rather than on the annotator’s point of view (Does the classification really help
accessing information? vs. Is a category adequate with the content of the document?). The whole approach
is illustrated on a corpus of 20 blogs which posts are associated with categories. We show that indexers have
difficulties to adapt the blogs indexing systems when the number of posts increases and we show that our
approach can significantly improve the quality of these indexing systems, by simulating blog restructuring.
For a long time, librarians have been trying to orga-
nize documentary collections according to classifica-
tion plans to facilitate access to information. In addi-
tion to the full-text search functionalities, people con-
tinue to categorize documents, often using automatic
classification tools. This classification can be consi-
dered as a semantic indexing: classifying newspaper
articles or blog posts allows journalists or readers to
quickly find documents that have been published in
the past in relation to a given topic.
However, quite often, these indexing systems drift
over time, either because the relative importance of
the different covered topics evolves (the number of
documents related to a topic fluctuates depending on
the news), or because people in charge of indexing
(indexers) change their way of indexing (e.g. one ca-
tegory replaces another, some categories are ”forgot-
ten”). Indeed, a document is always indexed on a ”lo-
cal” basis, when it is published. The indexer usually
does not have a global view of the indexing system,
so more that he does not know in advance which ca-
tegories will be more or less prevalent in the future.
There is a need for a tool assessing the quality of
This work has been partially funded by the French Mi-
nistry of National Education, Higher Education, Training
and Scientific Research and is supported by the French Na-
tional Research Agency (ANR-10-LABX-0083) in the con-
text of the Labex EFL.
the indexing system and helping to restructure it if ne-
cessary. Two distinct user roles are considered here:
the indexer (information provider), who needs to be
assisted in his/her indexing or annotation work, and
the final user or reader (information consumer), who
needs an efficient access to the documents.
This paper proposes measures to assess the quality
of an indexing system for its readers, and an algorithm
that possibly guides the indexer’s restructuring work.
It is not an indexing system, in the sense that it does
not consider the adequacy of a category to its content,
but a system intended to control the overall quality of
an existing indexing system. The focus is therefore
put in the readers’ point of view.
We are interested here in document flows and we
consider a set of blogs over a period of 10 years. The
analysis of the existing posts classifications confirms
that indexing is difficult to master even for small do-
cument collections, but we propose a restructuring al-
gorithm that significantly improves the quality of the
indexing systems created over time by indexers.
Section 2 recalls work related to knowledge-based
document classification in a broad sense, far beyond
the indexing perspective which is ours. Section 3 pre-
sents in more details category-based indexing systems
and shows the heterogeneity of classification practi-
ces on our blog corpus. Sections 4 and 5 present the
quality measure that are used for auditing the quality
of indexes and the algorithm that help indexers to re-
structure their indexes when necessary. Simulations
Marquez, I., Flores, J., Lévy, F. and Nazarenko, A.
Controlling the Drift of Semantic Indexing Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0006926501990206
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2018) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 199-206
ISBN: 978-989-758-330-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
show the impact of the suggested restructuring on the
quality of indexes of our blog corpus.
2.1 Document Classification
Document classification is expected to help document
search and navigation in document collections. For a
long time, librarians used document subjects, classes
and categories to organize the resources in a library,
based on their content. The development of full text
search as well as the advent of folksonomies and the
exploitation of web query log have popularized al-
ternative approaches based on users’ requests. Do-
cument classification has also become a widespread
practice. Bloggers, for instance, often organize their
posts into categories that are displayed in the blog in-
terface to help readers explore blog content.
Automatic document classification has received
a lot of attention (Sebastiani, 2002) and various le-
vel of supervision (supervised, unsupervised or semi-
supervised) have been explored. In the literature, the
quality of document classification was first studied
from the point of view of the adequacy between the
categories and the content of the indexed document.
Since there is not a single good way to index content,
emphasis has been put on indexing consistency. Stu-
dies have been carried out for a long time on the in-
dexation of bibliographic resources, in particular for
the medical field (Funk and Reid, 1983; Leininger,
2000). (Cohen, 1960; Mathet et al., 2012) have eva-
luated the quality of indexing or annotation systems
based on the agreement between indexers.
(Blei et al., 2003) proposed a fully automated met-
hod, which computes both the classes and the classi-
fication from a document collection. Classes are cha-
racterized as sets of topics and topics are infered from
the words cooccurring in documents. The evaluation
compares the learning performances of the topic mo-
del with that of other models on the same task.
2.2 Index Properties
Evaluating the quality of a document classification as
a formal indexing system is a different issue. The ba-
sic relevant analysis is Shanon’s theory of information
(Shannon, 1948). Within a given a system, it says that
dominant category is less informative than the others,
as its selection brings little information about the in-
dexed documents. On the opposite, a rare category
contains much more information when it occurs but,
being seldomly selected, it almost never convey its in-
formation and it is not informative either. This vision
of information is expressed through the notion of en-
tropy (Shannon, 1948; Battail, 1997).
The informativeness of a category system only
partially accounts for the process of accessing docu-
ments because it does not take into accout the size of
the classification. Considering annotations as a tool
to help readers of electronic media, (Jan et al., 2016)
points out the fact that limiting the number of availa-
ble annotations
is cognitively more effective: while
a small number of annotations improves the reader’s
attention, their mutiplication hinders understanding.
Since we are considering category structures as
tools to facilitate document access, we are also re-
lying on classical algorithmic results regarding the
complexity of the access to data structures (such as
search trees) to measure the document access costs
for potential users (Cormen et al., 2009).
To evaluate the quality of an indexing system, one
must consider how its potential users would use it to
access information. We illustrate this in the case of
readers searching for blog posts. We show that the ef-
ficiency of a blog indexing system varies greatly from
one blog to another and usually tends to decrease over
3.1 Category-based Document Access
The quality of the category-based indexing system is
considered from a formal point of view, on the ba-
sis of the elementary operations that must be done to
find the document that meets one’s requirements
. We
evaluate the quality of the indexing system by estima-
ting the average searching time based on the elemen-
tary operations performed by users.
Accessing a document is a two-step process for re-
aders (Fig. 1). They have to select the category or ca-
tegories that best match their information requirement
and to browse the documents retrieved by the system
until they have read the whole set of documents or
Those annotations are free-text annotations more simi-
lar to readers’ comments than to well structured metadata
used to facilitate information access.
Thus disregarding any other means of information
access, such as keyword search, or the ergonomics of the
interfaces that may be proposed to readers.
KEOD 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
found a relevant document
We evaluate the quality of indexing systems by es-
timating the average number of elementary operations
(querying/category selection and document browsing)
performed by users searching for documents.
Figure 1: Model of access process (the user is a reader).
Several cases must be considered, depending on
the number of categories that can be associated to a
. In mono-categorial systems, each docu-
ment is associated to exactly one category, whereas
a document can be associated to several categories in
multi-categorial systems.
We consider that the users formulate their query
all at once, even if the query consists of a list of cate-
gories. A query corresponds to a basic category or to
a compound category (a set of basic categories) and
the system returns the set of documents which have
been indexed with that/all these category/ies.
3.2 Blog Posts Indexing
We experiment our approach for controlling the drift
of indexing system on the FLOG corpus (Garrido-
Marquez et al., 2016), where each blog consists of
a flow of documents or posts. The posts are traditi-
onally annotated for easy access and consultation by
its potential readers. The indexers are usually the blog
author(s) or editor(s). Quite often, the blogs support
two types of annotations: the tags corresponding to
We do not consider here the case where the user refor-
mulates the initial query.
We assume we have a flat vocabulary of categories.
freely chosen keywords, and a smaller set of catego-
ries used as a controlled vocabulary. Even if blog-
ging systems propose different types of annotations
for indexers, the blogging activity is done freely, wit-
hout any guideline for post annotation. The indexing
practices vary a lot from one blogger to another, even
among the same blog.
Table 1 gives an overview of the FLOG corpus,
composed of 20 blogs in French covering 4 different
domains related to cooking, technology, law and vi-
deo games over a 10-year period (2005-2015). 8 blogs
rely on a mono-categorial system while the others of-
ten associate several categories to a single post. The
table shows how heterogeneous blogging practices
are w.r.t. blog size (from 184 to 6587 posts resp. for
jeuxvideo6 and jeuxvideo3), growth speed (some
multi-author blogs may publish several posts per day),
size of the vocabulary of categories (indexers cannot
manage a set of 60 or 91 categories as they do for a set
of 4 categories), mean size of a category (from few to
several hundreds of documents).
It also appears that the quality of post categori-
zation varies a lot from one blog to another. Some
blogs, such as jeuxvideo3, are hardly manageable
and bloggers seem to have difficulties mastering their
own categorization system. Actually, the indexers
have introduced 91 different categories, ranging from
1 to 932 documents, the largest covering 1/6
of the
3.3 The Drift of Indexing Systems
The blogs of the FLOG corpus cover a rather long pe-
riod (10 years in most cases), which allows a diachro-
nic analysis. Of course, indexers introduce new ca-
tegories when the underlying topic of the blog evol-
ves (Fig. 2), but often not enough to counterbalance
the increasing number of posts or to give an effi-
cient access to users (e.g. the curves of droit4 or
jeuxvideo3). Some categories become huge with
time (Table 1 shows that 8 out the 20 blogs have cate-
gories with more than 500 posts) while others remain
only scarcely used or simply stop being used.
Assessing the quality of indexing systems and con-
trolling their drift require adequate measures.
4.1 Balance
The first measure of quality for an indexing system
refers to the amount of information that it conveys.
Controlling the Drift of Semantic Indexing Systems
Table 1: Blogs from the FLOG corpus (all of them in French). The size of a category corresponds to the number of posts that
are associated with that category.
blogname #posts #cats min cat. size mean cat. size max cat. size
cuisine1 452 60 1 7.5333 112
cuisine2 927 26 1 35.6538 155
cuisine3 395 50 1 7.9000 42
cuisine4 1561 25 1 62.4400 401
droit1 243 4 8 60.7500 154
droit2 931 48 1 32.7292 277
droit3 283 13 1 30.6154 135
droit4 1752 15 1 366.6000 1481
jeuxvideo1 1422 43 1 112.7674 866
jeuxvideo2 1234 33 5 156.4242 1120
jeuxvideo3 5486 91 1 60.0110 932
jeuxvideo4 1501 40 1 83.1250 913
jeuxvideo5 1134 37 2 90.1892 548
jeuxvideo6 184 18 2 10.3333 17
technologie1 1423 56 1 27.1786 522
technologie2 243 38 1 11.9737 62
technologie3 343 41 1 10.9512 73
technologie4 573 12 2 47.7500 177
technologie5 132 16 1 18.4375 117
technologie6 374 25 2 62.4800 262
Figure 2: Evolution of the category-based indexing systems
of 5 blogs from the FLOG corpus.
We model the searching process as a document draw:
a document is (imperfectly) identified by its index or
by its category. Since Shanon’s work, the amount of
information of a finite space of events is measured by
its entropy, i.e. H =
e atomic
P(e)Log(P(e)). The
entropy of an indexing system is therefore:
H(b) =
b is a document base with N documents
| is the number of categories
) is the size of the i
To measure the entropy of a multi-category sy-
stem, we transpose it into a new formal mono-
categorial one having the same power of documentary
discrimination but a broader vocabulary of categories
and we compute entropy on the formal categories
Let’s take a simple example of a multi-categorial sy-
This measure can be used to compare two systems
having the same number of categories. To disregard
the number of categories, we use a derivative mea-
sure that has been defined to compare the diversity
of animal population over different territories (Pielou,
1966): the balance is a normalized entropy compared
to the maximum entropy that can be reached with the
same number of categories. It is defined as follows:
balance(b) =
The balance ranges from almost 0, when most do-
cuments are in the same category, to 1, when all cate-
gories have the same frequency. Intuitively, we consi-
der that a balance of 0.8 or lower is poor.
Fig. 3 presents two graphs showing the evolution
of cuisine1 with this respect
. The top one shows
the balance over time. The black thick curve shows
that the balance is rapidly deteriorating (from 0.75 to
stem to illustrate this point. In a given document base, the
documents d
and d
are associated to the category c
, d
associated to c
whereas d
and d
are associated with both
and c
. c
and c
are two basic categories, respectively
containing d
, d
, d
, d
and d
, d
, d
. The compound
category c
contains d
and d
. That multi-categorial
system can be transposed into the following formal mono-
categorial system:
= {d
} c
= {d
} c
= {d
} ¬c
The full quality results of the corpus are available on
KEOD 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
0.69). The other curves show what would have hap-
pened if the new categories had not been added: it ap-
pears that the new categories (from 23 in 2007 to 60 in
2015) actually aggravate the imbalance. The bottom
graph gives the distribution of posts over the 60 cate-
gories of the blog in 2015: it shows an overwhelming
category that clusters 25% of the posts and a long trail
of very small categories with 1 or 2 posts. Although
one could expect a mono-author and mono-categorial
blog such as cuisine1 to be well structured, its ba-
lance appears to be poor. This shows how difficult it is
for an human indexer to maintain a balanced category
system over time.
Figure 3: Drift of the balance - an example.
4.2 Access Cost
We also consider the effort required for retrieving a
document. Based on the model presented in Fig. 1,
we consider that the access cost depends on the ef-
forts required 1) for selecting a basic or compound
category that is used for querying the document base
(querying cost), and 2) for browsing the documents
returned by the system (browsing cost).
If the categories form a flat vocabulary, the que-
rying cost is related to the size of that vocabulary, |V
as one has to choose 1 category among |V
| ones. In
the compound case, one has to choose successively
each of the basic categories that compose the com-
pound one. In our simple access model, every re-
turned documents is browsed, which implies that the
browsing cost depends directly on the number of do-
cuments returned by the system for the selected cate-
gory, be it basic or compound.
The cost is modeled as the expected cost of access
over the whole set of queries that return a non-empty
set of documents. The following formula covers the
cases of the mono- and multi-categorial systems, on
which we focus in this paper:
Cost(b) = E
|i)+ β freq(q)
b is a document base
is the vocabulary of basic categories
Q is the set of non-empty queries
l(q) is the number of categories composing q
freq(q) is the number of doc. associated to q
α, β are formal parameters (see below)
By default, we assume that all categories are equipro-
bable and that the querying and browsing costs have
the same weight in the global access cost (α = β =
. To appreciate the cost of an indexing system, we
compare it to the optimal cost that can be obtained
for a mono-categorical indexing system containing N
documents (hereafter, reference cost). This minimal
cost is obtained for the indexing system consisting of
N categories, each associated with
N documents
(cost(b) = 2
Figure 4 shows the evolution of the cost for the
blog cuisine1. The black thick curve shows that the
cost increases with time (from 29.4 in 2007 to 67.5 9
in 2015). Such an increase is expected as the blog is
constantly enriched with new posts and categories but
the black curve exceeds the other colored ones, which
show what would have been the cost if no new cate-
gory had been added. In this case, the introduction of
new categories degrades the access cost, which shows
how difficult it is, for human indexers, to control the
introduction of new categories.
Figure 4: Drift of cost - example.
In concrete applications, these relative weights can be
tuned to take into account the types of documents or the
functionalities offered by a users’ interfaces.
Controlling the Drift of Semantic Indexing Systems
4.3 Redundancy
The balance and the access costs are global measures
that may hide local problems which matter for effi-
ciency. To analyze the relevance of the combinations
of categories in multi-categorical systems, we com-
pute different redundancy scores between pairs of ca-
tegories. This paper focuses on the overlap score.
A simple Jaccard Index (Manning and Sch
1999) measures the overlap between two categories:
) =
where c
and c
are two cate-
gories considered as sets of
This score ranges from 0 for categories that have no
document in common to 1 for categories that share
exactly the same set of documents.
Fig. 5 presents the overlapping analysis of Blog
technologie6 in the form of a heat map. Each cell
corresponds to a pair of categories and the color in-
dicates the degree to which they overlap. In multi-
categorical systems, a certain degree of overlapping
is naturally welcome, but we consider that the overlap
is too large if the size of the intersection between two
categories c
and c
is bigger that the complementary
parts in c
or c
(score of 0.3 or light blue color).
Figure 5: Overlapping map of Blog technologie6. The
categories are ordered from the bigger (at the bottom left
corner) to the smaller (at the upper right corner).
The yellow-orange cells on the technologie6
map points out categories that are both very large and
very redundant with each other. Those news, photo
(picture) and actu (a French term for news) catego-
ries cover a large part of the blog. It seems that the
indexer uses French and English terms indifferently
or even jointly. There are additional light cells on the
map that denote rather high degrees of redundancy.
As indexers have difficulties in maintaining efficient
indexing systems for document flows, they need a tool
to support their indexing work. This is the goal of the
following algorithm.
Restructuring an index is considered as a inte-
ractive process, where the system helps the indexer to
get a global vision of the index under construction.
It makes suggestions as how to restructure the in-
dex to increase its efficiency in terms of information
access. However, the indexer bears sole responsibility
of choosing and applying the suggested restructurati-
5.1 Algorithm
Figure 6 gives an overall idea of how the indexer can
interact with the tool which analyses the document
base, based on the above mentioned quality indica-
tors, makes a diagnosis and proposes some impro-
vements to the indexer(s), who may accept or refuse
them, depending on
the semantic feasibility of the proposed transfor-
mations, that only the indexer can appreciate;
the restructuring cost that is approximated by the
number of documents that need to be re-classified;
the expected gain of the transformation in terms
of indexing efficiency, computed under the hypot-
hesis of an optimal restructuring
Figure 6: Interactive restructuring of an indexing system
(here, the user is the indexer).
Algorithm 1
Entry : a system of categories and an indexed document
Output : an updated system of categories and an updated
indexed document base
User : person in charge of indexing the document base
Method : When the indexing diagnosis is triggered (by the
user or on a regular base), do until the suggestion list is
empty or the user stops.
1. Compute the quality measures (balance, cost, redun-
dancy) on the indexed document base
2. Propose a ranked list of suggestions to the user (see Al-
gorithm 2)
E.g. splitting a big category in the optimal number of
categories of equal size.
KEOD 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
3. Wait for the user to implement one or several suggesti-
Algorithm 2
Entry :
a system of categories
a document base indexed with those categories
a set of quality measures (balance, cost, redundancy)
associated to the indexed document base
Output : a ranked list of modifications
User : person in charge of indexing the document base
Method :
1. If the balance is low, add
splitting suggestions for the biggest categories
merging suggestions for some small categories
2. If the browsing cost is high (i.e. the granularity of the
categories should be refined), add
splitting suggestions for the biggest categories
a complex restructuring suggestion (e.g. one may
decide to add new categories that are orthogonal to
the existing ones)
3. If the category access cost is high, add a complex sug-
gestion (one option is to manually turn the system into
a multi-categorial or hierarchical one)
4. Perform the redundancy analysis:
if there are generic categories that include many ot-
hers, add suppressing suggestions for them
if there are couples of overlapping categories, add
merging suggestions for them
if there are categories included in others, add
suppressing suggestions for the smaller ones
a complex restructuring suggestion (e.g. partition
the big categories into smaller ones so as to form a
5. Rank the suggestion list according to
the internal complexity of the modification type (e.g.
splitting one category is much simpler than restruc-
turing the whole document base)
the expected impact of the modification in terms of
balance, cost and redundancy
the restructuring effort needed, computed as the
number of documents that must be reclassified
the internal priority of the categories to be modified
(this depends on their age and activity rate
Two types of suggestions are made. The simple
operations are supported by the system which propose
the categories to merge or split, even if the indexers
still have to decide how to reclassify their documents.
The complex operations are left to the indexers: the
system simply points out the need for restructuring.
Large categories deserve attention if they are still very
active and keep on growing but small categories that do not
seem active any more are good candidates for merging.
The algorithm has several thresholds, which have
been fixed on an intuitive basis so far. As future work,
we plan to start with arbitrarily high thresholds (to
maximize the number of suggestions and limit false
negative) and tune them incrementally as the indexer
uses the system and accepts/refuses the suggestions.
5.2 Index Analysis and Restructuring
This section shows the impact of the restructuring al-
gorithm on some of the blogs of our corpus.
Correcting the Balance. jeuxvideo3 (Table 2) is
a typical dynamic mono-categorial blog. The number
of categories is multiplied by 7 and the cost by 7.5 but
it remains close to the optimum (reference cost).
Improving the balance takes priority as it declines
significantly, from 0.86 to 0.76. The mean frequency
of the 91 categories is 60 but five categories exceed 4
times this size. The system first suggests to split some
of these big categories, starting with the one which
contains 15% of the posts. Formally, to limit all cate-
gories to 4 times the average size, the indexer has to
re-categorize 1240 posts and create 5 new categories.
The balance should improve to 0.832. The total cost
is expected to increase slightly (up to 153).
A second suggestion consists in merging the 31
categories with very few posts into one “miscellane-
ous” category. This requires reclassifying 118 posts
but reduces the number of categories to 66, increases
the balance to 0.890 and reduces the cost to 149.12.
Note that the indexer may reach the same result
in a different way. However, if local improvements
of the balance become too intricate, the only possible
escape is to restructure the indexing system as a multi-
categorial one. In that case, the restructuring cost is
difficult to estimate.
Reducing the Access Cost. technologie2 is a
small multicategorial blog, reaching 243 posts after
eight years of activity (Table 2).
The balance is good, constantly near or beyond
0.9 but the access cost is always more than twice the
reference cost, with the querying cost accounting for
almost 90% of the total cost. Not only is the number
of basic categories high, but there are twice as many
compound categories and the multi-annotation is not
uniform (in 2015, 45% of the posts are associated to
a single category, whereas 25% have 3 to 5).
The algorithm suggests first to reduce the number
of categories and multi-categories. One simple pro-
posal would be to delete the domotique category that
is uninformative (it is the biggest category with 1/4
Controlling the Drift of Semantic Indexing Systems
Table 2: Evolution of the quality of Blog jeuxvideo3 (top) and Blog technologie2 (bottom).
Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
# posts 92 110 193 338 473 805 1494 2293 3686 5486
# categories 13 14 17 22 31 36 52 68 79 91
Access cost 20.1 21.8 28.4 37.4 46.3 58.4 80.7 101.7 125.7 151
Reference cost 19.2 21 27.8 36.76 43.50 56.74 77.30 95.77 121.42 148.13
Balance 0.86 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.81 0.81 0.82 0.79 0.77 0.76
Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
# posts 45 79 94 100 109 158 205 232 243
# categories 17 22 23 23 24 27 33 38 38
# compound categories 23 42 48 51 56 69 86 98 101
Access cost 29.29 39.76 42.68 42.94 44.45 49.33 65.56 76.58 77.50
Optimal cost 13.42 17.78 19.39 20 20.88 25.14 28.64 30.46 31.18
Balance 0.931 0.935 0.938 0.937 0.933 0.941 0.937 0.900 0.896
of the blog posts, it includes several smaller catego-
ries and corresponds to the title/topic of the blog).
It would only require re-classifying the posts which
are not already associated to another category and it
would improve both the cost and the balance.
This paper presents a method for helping indexers to
control the quality of the document classification or
indexing systems they provide to facilitate access to
information for readers. On a corpus of blogs cove-
ring a decade, we observe that the indexing practices
vary a lot and that the quality of the indexing systems
in terms of information and cost of access for the rea-
ders often deteriorates with time.
Our algorithm helps indexers to get a global vision
and control the quality of the indexing systems they
build incrementally. It relies on quality measures that
are used to audit an existing indexing system and ma-
kes suggestions as how to restructure it. Our simula-
tion results show that those restructuring suggestions
can actually improve a lot the quality of the indexing
systems, sometimes with only a moderate number of
posts to re-classify.
This algorithm has been designed as a generic tool
that can be used in different contexts. The next step
will be to integrate it in a blog management platform.
It will have to be tuned for each specific blog based
on the indexer’s requirements or expectations.
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