Distributed Crowd-based Annotation of Soccer Games using Mobile
Bruno Barros
, Carlos Serrão
and Rui Lopes
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Av. das Forças Armadas, 1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal
Information Sciences, Technologies and Architecture Research Centre (ISTAR-IUL), (ISCTE-IUL), Lisboa, Portugal
Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT), (ISCTE-IUL), Lisboa, Portugal
Keywords: Soccer, Annotation, Mobile Application, Distributed Crowd-Sourcing.
Abstract: Soccer is one of the most loved sports in the world. Millions of people either follow the sport or are actually
involved in its practice. Soccer also moves huge financial amounts every year and therefore teams always
thrive to be better than the competition. New technologies have become a common place both in the
preparation of the games and on the analysis of the games after they are concluded. In this paper, the authors
will present a developed system, based on the usage of distributed mobile devices, that will enable the
annotation of soccer matches, either in real time or after the matched is concluded (through the observation
of other media). The capture of relevant events in the game can be used to better analyse the game and the
performance of individual players fostering improvements and better decisions in the future. The application
is implemented in the Android platform so that it can be easily installed by typical soccer fans empowering
them as match annotators. This crowd of annotators, although not experts, can collectively provide a robust
and rich annotation for soccer matches.
Information technology is present in many aspects of
our live. Sports are a very special case of technology
application where mobile smart devices can play an
important role. On the individual and personal side, it
is more and more common to support the practice of
a given specific sport activity, such as running,
walking or swimming, on the data collected by smart
devices, equipped with several sensors. Smartphones
and smartwatches are charged with multiple motion
(e.g., accelerometers, altitude), GPS/location and
heartbeat sensors that track their users sport activities
and produce detailed reports about their performance.
This is a common trend that can be easily confirmed
simply by looking to every person conducting some
type of exercise.
Although these personal devices are adequate to
capture individual performance, they lack the
capability of analyzing collective sports such as
soccer, or better, they are able to determine the
individual physical performance of the players but
they are unable to capture their actions in the match
field. In order to acquire the capability of capturing
the players actions and analyze a soccer match as a
whole, annotation tools are often used.
Moreover, these annotation tools are often used by
soccer clubs that have the capability of making large
investments in specialized hardware and software
(e.g., GPS tracking (STATsports, 2018)) and
dedicated team members to annotate the games
(either through automated or manual video analysis,
e.g., data streams (Liu et al., 2013; OPTAsports,
2018)) and extract information from them. However,
teams without the necessary financial resources to
acquire such systems do not have the opportunity to
annotate their games and thus extract the required
knowledge to improve their players' actions on the
field and improve as a team. A particular example of
this are young age soccer teams, in particular those
involved in the development/formation of young
players, where both team performance and young
talent scouting can capitalize from the annotation of
team and players' performance (Fernandez-Rio and
Méndez-Giménez 2014; Müller, Simons, and
Weinmann 2017; Pastor-Vicedo, Contreras-Jordán,
and Prieto-Ayuso 2017).
On the other hand, using large communities (i.e.,
crowd-sourcing (Howe, 2006; Zhao and Zhu, 2014)
for solving large complex tasks has proven to be a
valuable source of data. This concept has already
successfully been applied in the real of sport events
Barros, B., Serrão, C. and Lopes, R.
Distributed Crowd-based Annotation of Soccer Games using Mobile Devices.
DOI: 10.5220/0006927000400048
In Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2018), pages 40-48
ISBN: 978-989-758-325-4
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and media (Perin, et al., 2013; Sulser, et al., 2014). In
the particular case of young players' teams there is a
particular interest on their progress and achievements
from parents and other relatives, which usually attend
to their matches and are thus a significant, and cheap,
resource pool (crowd) of annotators (Fernandez-Rio
and Méndez-Giménez, 2014; Pastor-Vicedo, et al.,
2017). That is, using the potential of distributed and
mobile annotation applications can help young player
team managers/coaches to develop training processes
to improve the individual skills of each individual
player and the team as an all. Additionally, the need
to have specific team members to annotate the games
is mitigated, due to the fact that any of the users of the
distributed mobile annotation application, can
annotate the games - for instance, parents of the
players can annotate the games, contributing to the
collection of game events for the team or club.
In this paper, a tool for the distributed annotation
of soccer matches is presented and described, based
on the usage of mobile devices, such as smartphones
or tablets. As first section of this paper, an
introduction to the usage of technologies in sports and
of the different approaches that are used for
annotation on soccer matches is provided,
highlighting their major advantages and
disadvantages. In the second section of the paper the
description of the distributed soccer match annotation
tool is provided, with information regarding the
different choices that were made concerning the
design of the mobile application and the implemen-
tation of the distributed annotation algorithm.
Following this, the description of a specific soccer
match annotation use-case is presented as a way to
evaluate the developed solution. Finally, the last
section presents the conclusions of this work and
draws the directions for some future work.
Annotation of soccer matches is an important tool for
the soccer game intelligence collection, both in terms
of the evaluation of the individual players and the
overall team performance. There are already
numerous solutions that are used for game annotation.
In this analysis, it is possible to categorize the existing
tools according to three different axes: focus,
collection and context. Focus is concerned about the
object where the annotation events are collected
(team or individual player). Collection refers to the
type of data collection being made, and it can be
manual or automated. Context refers to where the data
is collected, if the collection is made in real time, from
the field, or from some pre-recorded video.
For the sake of the analysis presented here, we
have considered just one dimension - collection. For
this dimension it is necessary to consider systems that
collected data from games manually or automatically.
2.1 Manual Annotation Solutions
Opta is a commercial system that allows the manual
collection of events from a soccer match
(OPTAsports, 2018). It uses is own computer
application and requires specialized trained operators
to manually collect the events from a video live feed
or from recorded video feed. It requires two
annotators, one for each of the teams. Opta is a
professional solution that produces statistics that are
afterwards analysed by professional soccer leagues
(Liu et al., 2013).
Another interesting solution is SAP Sports One
for Football (SAP News Center, 2017), although not
targeting specifically the annotation of games. This
solution is designed for football clubs and
associations and is capable of handling different types
of data, such as match statistics, player fitness data,
information about injuries, medication, and recovery,
training data, match analyses, and scouting.
A popular application is Longomatch
(Longomatch, 2011). Longomatch is also a system for
manual collection of soccer match events, mostly
based on either recorded or live video. It also allows
the edition and annotation of videos to prepare
specific trainings or instruct the players about some
of the movements they should conduct on the field
during the game.
In the mobile realm, the Muithu touch system
(Stenhaug et al., 2014) allows to annotate sport events
using mobile devices. The different interaction
screens are organized in a hierarchical way where, by
selection and dragging, players can be associated to
their actions.
2.2 Automated Annotation Solutions
There are currently several automated soccer match
annotation solutions, all of them targeting
professional soccer teams, mostly because of their
costs. Most of these solutions involve the analysis of
images captured from the field. An example of such
is the Bagadus sports analytics application that uses
soccer as a case study (Halvorsen et al., 2013). In the
Bagadus system, annotations provided via the Muithu
Distributed Crowd-based Annotation of Soccer Games using Mobile Devices
touch system, are combined with the result of a sports
analytics module that processes data from on a video
processing system using a video camera array.
(Pettersen et al., 2014) (the ZXY Sport Tracking
(Duh et al., 2013) also propose an automatic
process to analyse soccer matches broadcast video for
the detection and tracking of players based on the
automatic classification of the video into different
scenes based on 2-D Gaussian colour model of hue
and saturation, and the analysis of the player actions.
A framework for semantic annotation of soccer
videos that exploits an ontology model referred to as
Dynamic Pictorially Enriched Ontology is proposed
by (Ballan et al., 2010). In this framework, visual
instances are used as matching references for the
visual descriptors of the entities to be annotated on
the match.
Interplay (Interplay-sports., 2017) is a private
company that offer a set of products that are also used
to conduct automated analysis of live and video from
different types of sports - soccer included.
From the analysis conducted in the previous section
of this paper, it was possible to conclude that most of
well-known and financial powerful soccer clubs in
the World are already incorporating IT on their
players training processes, both to capture data about
their performance, but also to discover ways on how
to improve their results. Also, there are currently
different soccer matches annotations solutions that
are a mix of expensive and perfectly calibrated
hardware on the field with proprietary software
analysis tools. There are others that extremely
personal intensive, demanding a permanent team to
capture data from recorded videos in order to analyse
the soccer matches. These are solutions that are not
accessible to most soccer clubs and are completely off
limits in the specific case of young players formation
and training.
Therefore, current solutions are not adequate for
the purpose referred above and different solutions
need to be used. In this specific case, inexpensive and
lightweight match annotation solutions are required
to enable smaller soccer teams/clubs and young
players formation to use low-cost technology, such as
smartphones and tablets, to annotate live or pre-
recorded matches, in a distributed manner.
Annotation can be performed not only by the team
staff, but also by other external elements. For
instance, team fans while watching the game can
contribute to the annotation of the game using their
own mobile devices (Zhao and Zhu, 2014). Also,
family members of the young players can also
annotate the games where their relatives participate.
The solution presented in this paper is based on
using distributed mobile devices to annotate soccer
games. Multiple users can annotate the same game,
and some users can annotate one of the teams, while
other users can annotate the adversary. This way, it
will be possible to collect a higher number of game
events with a richer detail. This information is
collected, stored post processed. The post processing
of the collected data can be used to conduct a set of
Analyse the overall team performance and
individual performance of a given player -
identify the team behaviour in different moments
and aspects of the game, in particular, comparing
that performance with the adversary opposition;
Create game statistics - offer a statistical
treatment of all the data collected to provide
better ways to analyse and visualize the game;
Improve training processes - identify which are
the specific needs in terms of training to help the
coach to design better precise training techniques
focusing on the group or on individual players;
Discover new talents - finally, the solution can
also be used to identify new and talented players
As a way to achieve the overall objectives of an
effective distributed game solution the authors opted
by designing a system that would take advantage of
the extreme mobility presented by the nowadays end-
user devices and developed a mobile application (for
the Android platform) that would provide the
annotation capabilities required by a soccer match.
The system is composed by a set of different
components that enable data collection at the end-user
side and posterior storage at a backend system. Figure
1 displays the different architectural components of
the annotation system developed.
icSPORTS 2018 - 6th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
Figure 1: Architecture overview of the distributed
annotation system.
The fact that the system is designed deliberately
taking into consideration multiple, simultaneous
annotations (from the crowd), distinguishes it from
other mobile solutions.
The system is based on a client-server
architecture. On the client-side, the users will interact
with the mobile application, which will present an
interface that will adapt according to the different
conditions of the game. The mobile application uses
a REST API that is implemented and the server side,
and that allows the application to retrieve all the
information it needs about the soccer match and the
different players information (the REST API was
developed using PHP). Moreover, this API will
enable the mobile application to communicate the
annotations captured by the user on a specific soccer
match. All of this information is stored on a database
(a MySQL database).
Another important function on the server is the
ability of aggregating all the different annotation
events captured by different users (different users
may be annotating the same match and the same
team), creating an integrated and consolidated "view"
on the data of the events occurred during the game.
This consolidated view is also stored on the database
for further statistical analysis, that will provide the
necessary feedback to improve the players and
training performance.
4.1 The Data Collection Mobile
The application was developed for Android
smartphones and tablets. Special focus was placed on
the design and responsiveness of the user-interface
since it is one of the most critical components of the
system. Simplicity was thus one of the major
concerns on the design of the interface. A proper-
designed user interface will allow the human
annotator to capture more and better data about the
soccer match events (which is not an easy task, taking
into consideration the event speed occurrence on
some matches).
As it is possible to notice in Figure 2, the mobile
application presents on the initial screen, the different
elements necessary for the user to start taking
annotations. On the beginning of the game, the
annotator selects the team that he will be annotating,
and it is possible for other users to select the same
team or the opponent team.
Figure 2: Initial screen of the annotation application.
As soon as the user starts annotating the events on
the game, the mobile application user interface will
change and adapt to the new event that needs to be
annotated. For instance, Figure 3 displays the screen
that is presented to the user when a player attempts a
shot on goal. In this screen it is presented all the
options that may occur on that situation, including the
direction of the shot towards the goal.
Figure 3: Shot screen displaying the different annotation
Distributed Crowd-based Annotation of Soccer Games using Mobile Devices
This sequence of screens, resulting from a
sequence of events occurring on a soccer match were
defined and implemented on the annotation state
machine, presented on the next section, that allows
the user, to naturally capture the different events that
occur inside the field. This way, the usage of a
distributed system, will allow the collection of larger
number of events for both of the opposing teams, that
will be afterwards sent to the server and stored, and
aggregated and consolidated to provide an integrated
and faithful textual annotated view of the game. All
of this data collected will be used posteriorly to
produce detailed statistical information about the
team and individual players, allowing the trainers and
the players themselves to work towards the
improvement of their performance and development.
4.2 Annotation State Machine
One of the concerns that the team had during the
development of the system, was to adapt it to be as
simple as possible for the user to annotate the games.
A state machine was created to mimic the most
common situations of a soccer match to help the
annotator to capture a larger number of events. It was
possible to identify from other systems and from the
existing literature, which were the most relevant
events on a football match (Carling, Reilly, and
Williams 2007). In order to simplify the process, each
annotator only follows a specific team so that the user
interface only details the specifics of that team on a
specific situation. The most basic part of this state
machine refers to the events occurring between the
start and the end of the match (Figure 4). The focus
on simplicity of interaction lead us to three design
options that differentiate our system: i) the annotation
state machine is based on atomic events/actions (e.g.,
player A has the ball), ii) only these atomic events are
stored in the database, iii) non-atomic events (e.g., a
pass from player A to B) are obtained from atomic
events during the post-processing and not annotated
explicitly in the mobile device.
The first event to occur on a game is the "kick off"
event, so the first state is to show the user the “Kick
Off Screen”. After this, a specific player has the ball,
and pressing on the player button, will bring the
“Offensive Screen” to the user, where it will annotate
the event, by switching between different players,
until the game reaches halftime, where the “Halftime
Screen” is presented, or the game ends, bringing the
“Initial Screen”. During this annotation period, the
player may change roles, between offensive and
defensive actions, therefore switching between the
“Offensive” and “Defensive Screens”.
Figure 4: Basic soccer game state machine.
The state machine will result on a set of events
and screens that are presented to the users. The
following is a list of screens presented to the
Initial Screen: this screen is displayed when the
application starts or when a game ends;
Kick Off Screen: the initial state, waiting for one
of the teams to kick off the game;
Offensive Screen: this screen displays the team
while possessing the ball, to collect offensive
Halftime End Screen: the screen is displayed at
halftime and waits for a new kick off;
Defensive Screen: the screen is displayed when
the team doesn't have the ball, used to collect the
defensive events;
Goal Kick Screen: this screen collects all the
possible outcomes of a shot, necessary for the
annotator to select the type of goal kick that
occurred (shot off, goal kick, and others);
Foul Screen: the screen displays the offensive
and defensive infractions (for instance, foul,
penalty, and others);
Select Player Screen: displays all the players on
the field and allows to select a player that will
take an action, when the ball is stopped (corner
kicks, throw ins, fouls, penalties, and others);
Select the Faulty Player Screen: displays all the
players on the field to allow the selection of the
player that as committed a foul;
icSPORTS 2018 - 6th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
Card Screen: displays all the players on the
screen that allows the registration of cards the
player has received (yellow or red cards).
In the presented screens, different events may
occur. The way for the annotator user to record such
events is through different buttons:
Player Button: records the player that received
the ball - has possession of the ball;
Halftime Start: registers the beginning of the
game or the beginning of the second half;
Halftime End: signals the end of one of the game
End of the Game: signals the end of the game;
Own Goal: registers the player that scored an
own goal;
Ball Loss: registers the player that has lost the
ball possession;
Yellow (Red) Card: registers that a specific
player has received a yellow (red) card;
Corner (Goal) Kick: registers that the team has
been awarded a corner (goal) kick;
Throw in: records a throw in;
Foul: brings the Foul Screen, selects the foul and
records if it is a defensive or offensive foul;
Goal: registers the player that scored a goal,
awarding the ball possession to the opponent
Blocked Kick: records the player that had a kick
attempt blocked;
Shot off: records the player that attempted a shot
to the goal and the ball goes off;
Post (Bar) Shot: records the player that shoot the
ball to the post (bar);
Foul Awarded: records the foul that was
committed on a player;
Foul Committed: records the foul that was
committed by a player;
Penalty Awarded: register the penalty that was
committed on a given player.
The state machine allows the modelling of all the
possible situations on the soccer match (Figure 5),
allowing the annotation user to capture a larger
number of events occurring on the game. The state
machine, implemented on the mobile application
allows the different appropriated annotation screens
to be presented to the end user, according to the
different events that occur on the game.
After the development of the distributed annotated
mobile application the system was tested with real
users in a controlled environment. Users were invited
to annotate a soccer match sequence, based on a
video, where all the relevant events have been
previously captured. The basic idea with these tests
was to evaluate how the users, using the mobile
application, were able to accurately identify the
events that were displayed on the match video
Figure 5: State machine that describes the different
moments on a soccer match.
The video used on the tests with the users, with a
duration of around 10 minutes, was composed of
several other shorter video sequences containing
different types of events on a soccer match. The idea
of the tests was to simulate the real environment
conditions that an annotator user would find on a real
match. Therefore, the video was visualized
uninterruptedly, without the possibility of rewinding
it, and the events observed by the user on the video
were annotated, in real time, on the application. The
results from the tests conducted with several different
types of users are presented on Table 1, where que
Distributed Crowd-based Annotation of Soccer Games using Mobile Devices
number of different events that are presented by the
video to the testing user are recorded (E1), the
average number of recorded events by the different
users on the annotation application developed are
presented (E2) and the average number of correctly
identified and recorded match events are also
depicted (E3). On the table it is also presented the
accuracy level for each of the correct identified events
(AC). The tests were conducted on different users,
representing a different skillset on the usage of
mobile technologies (smartphones and tablets) and
mobile applications. Also, the users did not have any
previous contact with the developed application or
with any other existing soccer match annotation
Table 1: Results of the tests conducted on the system to
evaluate how users were collecting the events on a sample
soccer match video. E1: Refers to the number of events that
actually exist on the sample video; E2: refers to the average
number of events annotated by the users testing the
application on the sample video; E3: refers to the average
number of events that were correctly identified by the users
testing the application; AC: refers to the accuracy of the
correct event identification by the users.
Events E1 E2 E3 AC
Kick-off 1 1 1 100%
Failed pass 16 13 10 63%
Throw-in awarded 6 5 5 83%
Passes 116 102 77 66%
Foul awarded 2 3 2 100%
Goal 3 3 3 100%
Blocked shot 5 2 2 40%
Ball recovery 24 21 19 79%
Committed foul 3 3 3 100%
Corner kick awarded 3 3 3 100%
Shot off 3 5 3 100%
Post shot 2 1 1 50%
Off-side 1 1 1 100%
Halftime end 1 1 1 100%
Ball possession lost 4 2 3 75%
Game end 1 1 1 100%
From the analysis of the results obtained and
presented on Table 1, the most obvious conclusion
that can be drawn is that there is a slight discrepancy
between the number of events actually existing in the
soccer match video and the number of events that
were annotated by the users. The average accuracy
percentage is 85%, allowing us to conclude that the
developed solution can indeed contribute to the
collection of a large number of events happening on
a soccer match. The obtained value can even be
improved if we consider the consolidation of the
annotated events by the different users that
independently can annotate the same match and the
same team (which is actually one of the
functionalities of the developed system).
Another interesting conclusion from the
evaluation and tests conducted on the developed
solution is that there are some events in the match
game that are more easily recorded by the user
annotators than others. For instance, failed passes,
blocked shots and post shots are among the most
difficult events for users to record on the application.
On the other side, kick-off, fouls, corner kicks, off-
sides, goals and game end are some of the easiest
events to record on the application. There is a factor
that contributes to this difference in the identification
of events - time. Most of the events with a higher
accuracy ratio are events that require the soccer match
to stop (or at least pause for some time) making the
task easier for the users, that have more time to record
such events.
These results allow us to conclude that the
developed solution, if we consider the aggregation of
the different users annotating the same game, can
contribute to an accurate annotation of a soccer
match. Considering that the tests were conducted on
a controlled environment, using a soccer match video
sequence and not the real match on the field, the
results may differ. However, it was important to
conduct these tests on a controlled environment to
have the opportunity to capture the opinion of the
users annotating the game, through interviews after
the tests, to learn the opinion of the user about the
The technology is more and more present in almost
every sport. With technology, it is possible to better
analyse the game and the players and find
opportunities to improve players performance. The
presented system is an example of how technology
can play an important role on the annotation of soccer
matches, as a way to discover new talented players,
study the behaviour of the players and team on the
field, and find individual or group improvement
The presented system was developed using a
client-server paradigm, where one of the most
important components of the system was a mobile
application capable of running on smartphones and
tablets and representing the major communication
interface with the user that plays an important role on
icSPORTS 2018 - 6th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
the system - the annotation of soccer matches. Special
care was dedicated to the design of this mobile
application, because, in order to be efficient, it would
have to represent the different moments and events
that occur during a soccer match as best as possible.
The state machine that makes this possible is also
presented on this paper, where it is possible to
understand the different flow of screens (and the
corresponding user interface) appearing to the user
annotating the games, reacting to the different choices
the user makes on each individual screen. The authors
of this system opted by allowing each user to follow
only one of the teams on the match field (to maximize
efficiency) and also to allow multiple different users
to annotate the same team concurrently. This
concurrent annotation of the events on the soccer
match decisively contributes to a much complete
identification of all of them, through a posterior
aggregation and consolidation of all the collected
The system was tested using different users, with
different mobile application usage backgrounds, and
without no knowledge of sports annotation tools.
From the evaluation conducted, it was possible to
conclude that the system is able to accurately allow
the collection of the soccer match events, although
some limitations were also identified. The tests
focused more on the individual annotation task of
each of the users, and therefore it was not yet possible
to conclude if the aggregation of data from the
different users could increase the event collection
accuracy levels.
The work described on this paper focused
primarily on the quality of the collection of data of
events occurring on a soccer match. The second stage
of this work, that was not presented here, relates to
the processing of the collected data to produce
accurate statistics about the team and individual
players performance. This statistical information will
be of great value for all the different stakeholders
involved in the soccer team, mainly for the team
managers and players, and will help the
democratization of the usage of advanced IT to help
smaller professional soccer teams, or even for young
players training teams.
There are still some open issues that will need to
be tackle while we continue the research and
implementation of this system. The first one refers to
the huge amount of data will be collected either by
this system (where a crowd-based approach is used)
or by other sensor-based systems (Rein and
Memmerte 2016). The second issue to consider refers
to the quality of the collected data, since most of the
annotators have no or little experience on soccer
match annotations (Hsueh, Melville, and Sindhwani
2009; Nowak and Rüger 2010).
The authors would like to acknowledge the FCT
Project UID/MULTI/4466/2016.
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