Evaluating Better Document Representation in Clustering with Varying
Stephen Bradshaw and Colm O’Riordan
National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
Clustering and Classification Methods, Mining Text and Semi-structured Data, Context Discovery.
Micro blogging has become a very popular activity and the posts made by users can be a valuable source of
information. Classifying this content accurately can be a challenging task due to the fact that comments are
typically short in nature and on their own may lack context. Reddit
is a very popular microblogging site whose
popularity has seen a huge and consistent increase over the years. In this paper we propose using alternative
but related Reddit threads to build language models that can be used to disambiguate intend mean of terms in
a post. A related thread is one which is similar in content, often consisting of the same frequently occurring
terms or phrases. We posit that threads of a similar nature use similar language and that the identification
of related threads can be used as a source to add context to a post, enabling more accurate classification. In
this paper, graphs are used to model the frequency and co-occurrence of terms. The terms of a document are
mapped to nodes, and the co-occurrence of two terms are recorded as edge weights. To show the robustness of
our approach, we compare the performance in using related Reddit threads to the use of an external ontology;
Wordnet. We apply a number of evaluation metrics to the clusters created and show that in every instance, the
use of alternative threads to improve document representations is better than the use of Wordnet or standard
augmented vector models. We apply this approach to increasingly harder environments to test the robustness
of our approach. A tougher environment is one where the classifying algorithm has more than two categories
to choose from when selecting the appropriate class.
Clustering is the act of grouping items within a data-
set into related subsets to gain some insight about the
dataset. It can be done as a classifying technique, or
as a preprocessing step in conjunction with additional
approaches. It is an unsupervised approach that aims
to identify inherent patterns in the data and uses those
to select a cluster group for each item in the dataset.
There are many clustering techniques all with their
own strengths and weaknesses. There is no panacea
for clustering method that works for all information
Problems that exist with the use of K-means to do-
cuments lies in the so called curse of dimensionality
(CoD). When designing a clustering approach every
word in the corpus must be taken into consideration.
This leads to a large sparse dataset. In addition, the
polysemic nature of words can affect the efficacy of
the clustering algorithm. Furthermore in this project
the application of clustering is particularly challen-
ging because of the source material. Instead of clus-
tering standard documents, comments are selected for
categorising. Comments offer a greater challenge to
an automated clustering agent as they are often smal-
ler and less structured than standard documents (Hu
and Liu, 2012) (Zamir et al., 1997) (Zheng et al.,
The literature on clustering reflects a realisation
that standard approaches to clustering by themsel-
ves are suboptimal approaches (Zamir et al., 1997).
This is due to two salient issues a) the failure of
past approaches to incorporate the connectedness of
terms in their analysis and b) issues surrounding the
CoD. Techniques to offset these issues include Part
of Speech Tagging (POS) (Zheng et al., 2009), La-
tent Semantic Indexing (Song et al., 2009), the appli-
cation of nonnegative matrix factorization (Shahnaz
et al., 2006) and pointwise mutual information (PMI)
(Levy and Goldberg, 2014) to name a few. In short,
more recent approaches have focused on better do-
cument representation to improve clustering quality.
In this paper we outline an approach that uses graphs
that attempts to capture the intended meaning of text.
These graphs are used to improve the representation
of a document. We show that this leads to more effi-
cient clustering of the documents.
Bradshaw, S. and O’Riordan, C.
Evaluating Better Document Representation in Clustering with Varying Complexity.
DOI: 10.5220/0006930901940202
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2018) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 194-202
ISBN: 978-989-758-330-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The remainder of this paper is outlined as follows:
section 2 talks about related work, the use of external
ontologies to boost document representation, cluste-
ring, social media as a source as well as a number
of other papers that used alternative representational
approaches for their document sets. Section 3 outli-
nes the methodology; the source of the data used and
the reasons for selecting the various threads for clus-
tering. It talks about how documents can be represen-
ted as a vector of terms and how these vectors can be
altered to improve clustering efficacy. Section 4 de-
tails the result of our experiments, different clustering
evaluation approaches are outlined and discussed. Fi-
nally section 5 will detail our conclusions and future
There are many clustering approaches that achieve
different aims. Examples of clustering approaches
are hierarchical clustering and partitioning clustering.
Additionally two step clustering combines elements
of the two. Hierarchal clustering is the act of bre-
aking and joining clusters. It can be done in a top
down manner (divisive) or a bottom up manner (ag-
glomerative). In divisive clustering, one big cluster
is created which is further divided into smaller and
smaller clusters. This is an inverse approach to ag-
glomerative clustering which initially contains many
small clusters that are joined together based on simi-
larity. The final result for both approaches is a tree
like structure, which contains the large amalgamated
cluster at the top, and a series of smaller clusters at
the bottom.
The clustering algorithm has several ways in
which it can determine how to divide or join a clus-
ter. Examples of this include single linkage, com-
plete linkage, average linkage and centroid (Sarstedt
and Mooi, 2014). The purpose behind these approa-
ches is to establish a good metric for separating items
into their respective clusters. Linkage in this instance
is the connection between two items in two clusters.
Single linkage identifies the nearest neighbours of two
clusters. Complete linkage focuses on the distance
between the points. Average linkages aims to create
a distance between the mean of the items within two
clusters, while the centroid approach finds the mean
of each cluster and determines the appropriate clus-
ter by measuring the difference from each target point
with the mean of each cluster.
The selection of a clustering approach and a sepa-
ration procedure has a huge bearing on the resulting
clusters. Single linkage tends to form one large clus-
ter with the outliers forming smaller additional clus-
ters. Complete linkage is more affected by outliers
so it will tend to produce smaller more compact clus-
ters. Centroid and average linkage will produce smal-
ler clusters with a low within-cluster variance (Sar-
stedt and Mooi, 2014).
Partition clustering differs in approach and out-
come to hierarchical clustering. K-means is an ex-
ample of the most prominent partition clustering ap-
proach. Rather than focusing on the distance between
clusters, it examines the points within a cluster and
endeavours to reduce the variance found within each
cluster. It is an iterative approach, that assigns an item
to a cluster based on the members that are already
contained there. Initially, assignment is randomly se-
lected, but subsequently it calculates the mean of each
cluster and uses that to inform the allocation of each
subsequent item. Clusters formed in this fashion tend
to be more equal in size, so it is important to choose
the correct number of required clusters at the begin-
ning to avoid the creation of spurious clusters. For
this project, partition clustering was selected as:
it is computationally less expensive
we know before the experiment how many clus-
ters are required
this approach best suits the dataset as the aim is to
produce harmonious clusters that are wholly com-
prised of each individual subreddit
this approach is less susceptible to the outliers that
are inherent in sparse datasets
Its simple algorithm means that this approach can
be applied to large datasets that are represented by
sparse vectors
This paper posits that issues associated with CoD can
be offset by disambiguating the intended meaning of
a term. To achieve this we map the common co-
occurrence of terms as they occur in a domain specific
environment. While many other approaches have le-
veraged external sources for improved document re-
presentation, typically their sources are not dynami-
cally constructed from active online content. A com-
mon source of external information is Wordnet; ho-
wever there are a number of drawbacks in using this
source as it is created by experts and therefore sta-
tic in nature. Additional drawbacks to using a sta-
tic source are, the coverage and size may be limited.
It is not a domain specific resource the content can
quickly become outdated and it tends only to support
major languages. Muller et al (M
uller and Gurevych,
2009) conducted a study where they compared the si-
milarity in documents using 3 external sources: Wi-
Evaluating Better Document Representation in Clustering with Varying Complexity
, Wiktionary
and Wordnet (Wallace, 2007).
Taking the TREC dataset of 2003 they compared the
syntactical similarity of the query with the pre-labeled
relevant result-set. In 35.5% of the cases the required
documents contained multiple query terms, meaning
that there are many documents that do not even con-
tain a strong direct syntactical overlap. They showed
that through the use of external sources they could im-
prove the coverage of the queries, however Wordnet
was found to be less accurate than dynamically crea-
ted sources such as Wikipedia.
The use of Wordnet for identifying semantic re-
latedness in text focuses on using synonyms, hyper-
nyms, antonymns etc. Additional semantic factors
that have been considered are noun, adjective rela-
tions. Zheng et al identify noun phrases in the text
and classify them as concepts. They use these con-
cepts to gain a greater understanding of the docu-
ment, by increasing the importance placed on them
through use of a weight which is increased with every
re-occurrence (Zheng et al., 2009). The outcome of
using graphs to map common co-occurring terms, me-
ans that this proposed approach will also capture noun
phrase, but will not limit itself to using these when
identifying important common terms in a post.
An alternative approach for representing docu-
ments can be found in the work of Cai et al, who re-
present the documents as a matrix and represent it as
a second order tensor. This results in the document
properties being stored in a more compact format, al-
lowing for processing (Cai et al., 2006).
The strength of the approach proposed in this pa-
per is that it identifies words that co-occur frequently
and uses them to disambiguate the intended use of
words in the target dataset. The work of Nagarajan
et al bears a lot of similarity in approach and intent.
As part of their preprocessing steps they use statisti-
cal analysis to identify the import terms. Stopwords
and words deemed non important are removed and
the documents are clustered around the terms deemed
important. The advantage to removing non essential
terms is that they reduce the complexity involved in
computing clusters. They apply a agglomerative clus-
tering approach and correctly identify 90 percent of
the corpus. The is an example of K-medoids as spe-
cific datapoints are selected as centroids, rather than
the hypothetical mean points (Nagarajan and Aruna,
Hammouda et al use the clustering approach as a
preprocessing stage to group items similar in nature.
They subsequently identify common phrases in the
clusters and use these to label the dataset (Hammouda
et al., 2005).
This paper empirically shows that while Wordnet
can be used to improve upon document representa-
tion, it pales in camparison to dynamically created
content. YAGO is another external ontology which
is built on the structure of Wordnet; however it additi-
onally incorporates the knowledge found on Wikipe-
dia, giving it substantially more scope. It exploits the
hypernym category of Wordnet to inform connections
in its facts (Fabian et al., 2007). The paper by (Ba-
ralis et al., 2013) demonstrate how this ontology can
be used to indicate to an automated agent which sen-
tences are most salient, which they applied to multi
document summarisation tasks. Strapparava et al ex-
tended the functionality of it by identifying and label-
ling terms that have emotive connotations (Strappa-
rava et al., 2004).
In a detailed analysis on the state of the art of clus-
tering Shah (Shah and Mahajan, 2012) list a number
of factors that result in creating good clusters. These
factors are; representation, reduction of dimensiona-
lity, reducing the rigidity of cluster definitions so that
topics can be represented in two or more clusters, ap-
propriate labelling of clustering for subsequent use, a
good estimation of required number of clusters, stabi-
lity and the use of semantics to properly encapsulate
the intended meaning from the text.
Starstedt et al apply a two-step clustering method
to their dataset, which is comprised of market infor-
mation. Two-step clustering combines the strengths
of hierarchical and partition clusters. The first step
employs partitioning elements. The dataset is partiti-
oned into clusters, each one allocated to a leaf on a
tree. The second step employs hierarchical methods
which order the clusters by importance. As the aut-
hors are analysing the factors that affect marketing
they can use this ordering step to determine which va-
riables have the highest impact on the resulting clus-
ters. The choice of clustering algorithm differs from
the one used in this project as the desired outcome was
different. The goal of that project was to identify the
impact of a finite number of indicative features, while
this projected attempted to identify common themes
in a sparse dataset which highlight whether a docu-
ment is a member of a particular cluster (Sarstedt and
Mooi, 2014).
Li et al. (Li et al., 2008) compare the performance
of K-means and Dbscan on a storm dataset. The aim
of the project was to accurately group instances of
storms form their attributes. DBscan showed itself
to be more fit to the task as a result of the process
it uses to create clusters. While Kmeans created clus-
ters based on the mean value of the attributes, DBscan
focused on the density of items around the attributes,
KDIR 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
thus producing more accurate cluster results.
In addition to dealing with standard issues related
to clustering text, this paper engages the problems as-
sociated with dealing with text which is derived from
social media. Data from this source tends to be more
difficult to process as, it does not contain the same
structure as traditional data sources, it can often be
short in length and devoid of context. Additionally it
is often time sensitive (Hu and Liu, 2012). This last
issue is both an advantage and disadvantage when de-
aling with text. Take for example the case where so-
meone wishes to query a recent event such as the eart-
hquake in Mexico (2017). Prior to the specific event,
the terms earthquake and Mexico would not have a
link between them, so standard static knowledge sour-
ces will not be useful in providing context to the user
interested in getting more information on the topic.
However following the specfic event, there is a flurry
of social media reports on the incidents and it genera-
tes conversation threads. Thus the dynamic nature of
using Reddit as a source for constructing our external
knowledge means that there will be associations built
between these two entities. Identifying recent events
is known as event detection and there have been a
number of papers that deal with this using Twitter as a
datasource (Atefeh and Khreich, 2015) (Sakaki et al.,
2010) (Weng and Lee, 2011).
To the best of our knowledge our approach is the
first to leverage Reddit as a source of information for
extracting semantic relatedness in terms. Much of
the work conducted using Reddit has focused on the
actions of the users of the site (Gilbert, 2013) (Berg-
strom, 2011) (Duggan and Smith, 2013) (Singer et al.,
2014) (Potts and Harrison, 2013). A notable excep-
tion is the work done by Weninger who have done
preliminary work on modeling the threads found in
the subreddits. Taking a snapshot of the submissions
on the top 25 most popular subreddits over a 24 hour
period, they apply Hierarchal Latent Dirichlet Alloca-
tion to the conversation threads. They determine that,
regardless of the length of a conversation thread, child
posts tend to bear a resemblance to the initial parent
comment and conclude that this is an indication of
a conversational hierarchy. They propose that future
use can be made of these topic words with regards to
web searches and labeling document clustering (We-
ninger et al., 2013).
2.1 Methodology
In the following section we outline the steps taken in
setting up the experiments. It includes a discussion
on how the text is converted to a vector space model
and will go into detail on the various ways that the
Figure 1: Sample of Methodology Steps Taken.
text was augmented. For the purpose of maintaining a
point of comparison, included in this work are the re-
sults of applying the clustering algorithm on an unal-
tered dataset which we will refer to as the standard
2.2 Modeling Thread Language
Initially 10 threads were chosen at random from Red-
dit. For each thread in our experiment, we modelled
the language as follows.
1. The top thousand submissions from each thread
are retrieved. These 1000 threads are selected
from the subcategory hot, which is a subcate-
gory that displays the trending posts in a particu-
lar subreddit. The strength of using posts found
in this category is that they have been upvoted
by users of the site, thus we can conclude that
they are indicative of the theme found in a given
2. Threads are made up of a parent comment and re-
sponses or child comments. These are concatena-
ted so each document is representative of a parent
thread and all of its child comments. If a com-
ment did not contain a child comment, it is omit-
ted from the corpus. The reasoning for this is that
a thread that does not generate a response is not
deemed interesting by the subredditors, so can be
unrelated or poorly phrased.
3. We remove stop words and punctuation, and con-
vert the documents to a vector space model re-
presentation. Additionally a TF-IDF weighting
scheme is applied to the vectors.
4. Any vector less than 20 words is omitted and
from the remaining subset, 1000 vectors were
chosen. Some threads do not contain 1000 posts,
in which instance every post greater than 20 words
in length is selected.
Evaluating Better Document Representation in Clustering with Varying Complexity
5. Graphs are constructed from content found in a
related thread. To represent the semantic related-
ness in the text, we adopt a sliding window of
two over the vectors. Each term was assigned a
node and each co-occurrence is recorded by in-
crementing the weight between the term and tar-
get term. Co-occurrence is deemed if a term falls
within a radius of two terms from the target term.
The persistent co-occurrence of two terms indica-
ted that these terms are somehow related and can
be used to infer a relationship, pertinent to that
particular topic.
2.3 Selecting Related Threads
We selected the related Reddit threads based on the
nature of the content. So if the initial thread is
about rugby then we selected National Rugby Lea-
gue (NRL) as the related thread, python with learn-
Python etc. Table 1 shows a list of the original thread
paired with the corresponding thread used. To verify
the relatedness of the threads, similarity was ascer-
tained through the application of cosine similarity on
the text of the thread, with the text found in the al-
ternative thread. We found that the selected threads
exhibited a high similarity with their related threads.
It should be noted that cosine similarity only measu-
res the common presence, absence and frequency of
text. It does not reflect any level of the connectedness
in terms. For our purpose however, it is sufficient as
a rule of thumb measure of accuracy to confirm our
Table 1: Table List of Threads Used.
2.4 Creating Cluster Groupings
To test the robustness of our approach we created
three sets of thread groupings. Group3 contains five
instances of three threads. For the subsequent two
groups we added one thread to the groupings. So
Group4 contains five sets of four threads and Group5
Table 2: Selected Groupings.
contains five groupings of five threads. Increasing the
number of clusters should increase the difficulty le-
vel for the classifier. Groups were selected through a
random process and there are instances where a thread
appeared in more than one classifier problem. To
achieve this we created an array of all of the proposed
threads. We generated a random number between one
and ten (the number of selected threads). That number
corresponded with the index position of a thread. If
the thread had not already been included in the grou-
ping we added it, otherwise we continued to generate
a random number until each grouping was full. Ta-
ble 2 contains a full listing on the threads contained
in each group.
2.5 Graph Augmentation
Augmenting the target thread with information found
in the related thread was undertaken in the following
way. For each term found in the target thread, we
queried the related graph to determine its representa-
tion there. If the term is present, we select the highest
weighted correlate. This term was then added to the
original vector of terms. So while our original do-
cument was represented like this d =< t
, ...t
our augment thread retained the initial terms, but
in addition we added one correlate per term. Thus
augmented documents can be represented as d =<
), (t
), ..(t
) >, where tr
indicates an
addition of a correlate taken from the related thread
2.6 Hypernym Augmentation
The process for augmenting threads with hypernyms
is similar to the steps taken in creating the graph aug-
KDIR 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
mentation. However instead of querying the graph for
a related term, we used Wordnet. Thus the hyper-
nym thread representations appear as follows d =<
, ht
), (t
, ht
), ...(t
, ht
) > where ht
represents the
addition of a hypernym of the target term. In many
instances there are a number of candidate terms, here
we utilise the natural ordering of Wordnet, which
ranks terms by most common use. Thus the first term
in the list is more likely to be the intended hypernym.
Having conducted the previous steps we clustered
the resulting thread representations with K-means.
3.1 Metrics
The evaluation of clustering performances is a field
of study in itself. One must select an appropriate eva-
luation metric for the required task, given the cluste-
ring approach used and the desired outcome expected.
There is no one clustering evaluation method that cap-
tures all aspects of a set of clusters (Meil
a, 2007)
(Milligan, 1996), (Kleinberg, 2003). For this work,
four clustering metrics were selected, they were: in-
ertia, homogeneity, majority-representation and ad-
justed Rand Index. These four metrics were se-
lected as they best reflect the intended outcome of
the clustering. We aim to make compact clusters
that are reflective of each input thread. Both major-
representation and homogeneity are indicators of the
singleness of the predicted clusters, while inertia re-
flects the concentration of the cluster points. The ad-
justed rand index is one of the most popular clustering
evaluation metrics (Steinley, 2004) (Santos and Em-
brechts, 2009), that uses inherent and external factors
to create a score reflecting the level of quality of a
3.2 Majority-representation
Majority-representation captures the level of the cor-
rect division of categories. We define correct as the
allocation of our prelabelled documents into indivi-
dual categories. We populate a table with all of the
predicted labels. The rows represent the dispersion of
the class over the clusters; and the columns represent
the allocation of that class to that cluster. A class must
have the highest row value (highest incident of itself)
and be the highest column value (most representative
of that cluster).
We assign a designation of one to each categorical
cluster that contains a majority representation of one
category in that cluster. This metric is useful because
Figure 2: Tables show whether a category was correctly
it allows us to clearly determine which assigned label
matches our predetermined classes. It has been noted
that one drawback of K-means is that it does not pro-
vide cluster labels; this metric will enable us to clearly
determine the most representative cluster for a class.
We can see from Tables 3 - 5, that the standard
approach performs the worst, only dominating in un-
der half of the categories while also being the stron-
gest representation of itself. The hypernym approach
achieves second best results in this area, as it sho-
wed itself to be correctly separated in two out of every
three instances. The graph approach achieved best re-
sults as it always made a distinct cluster consisting of
distinct allocation of each member of its corpus.
Evaluating Better Document Representation in Clustering with Varying Complexity
Figure 3: Combined Inertia Scores.
3.3 Inertia
Inertia is a standard evaluation technique for any clus-
tering approach. It reflects the sum of the distance
of each point in a cluster to the centroid of that clus-
ter. Figure 3 shows the evaluation score for inertia in
the clusters. The x-axis shows a label indicating the
group being evaluated. The y-axis indicates the sum
of the combined inertia scores. In our experiments,
we found that the addition of hypernyms to a cluster
on average improves results, but it also adds a level of
noise to the cluster. This is reflected in earlier work,
where we showed that the addition of synonyms and
hypernyms improve performance on the mean of in-
stances but also add in additional noise to the final
score citation withheld. The Graph approach perfor-
med best in every cluster iteration. A low inertia score
reflects tighter more compact cluster representations.
It represents a better document clustering.
3.4 Homogeneity
A homogeneity score reflects the singleness of a class.
It looks at the presence of the predominant class, and
measures the purity of the clusters. Singleness/purity
reflect the make-up of the cluster. Clusters that con-
tain a high level of one class, with few representa-
tions of any other will factor highly on this scale.
While clusters that consist of documents from many
classes will receive a low score. It differs from
majority-representation as homogeneity scoring takes
the average of the representation and produces a nor-
malised score. It does not consider the distribution
of the class - so a document set with a hundred do-
cuments that produces a hundred clusters will have a
perfect homogeneity score. Majority-representation
requires the majority representation of a class to be
assigned to one cluster, as well as being the most re-
presented class in that cluster. Figure 4 shows the
homogeneity scoring from our experiments. Homo-
Figure 4: Combined Homogeneity Scores.
geneity is normalised so that values can be between 0
and 1. Higher scores reflect more harmonious classes.
In this instance the graph approach shows itself to be
almost twice as compacted as the other representati-
ons. the hypernym approach is consistently second
and the standard approach performs worst.
3.5 The Adjusted Rand index (ARI)
The Rand index, first proposed in 1971 (Rand, 1971)
is an intrinsic evaluation approach that does a pair-
wise evaluation of four factors when assessing k clus-
ters: true positive, true negative, false positive and
false negative. It iterates over the clusters and eva-
luates each cluster point with that of each additional
cluster point. If both cluster points are the same then
it increments the value of true positive. If they both
are different then it increments true negative. The fi-
nal score is calculated by summing the true positive
and true negatives and dividing them by the sum of all
of the pairings in the cluster set. The adjusted Rand
index (Hubert and Arabie, 1985) can be used in the
instances where the true labelling of a document set
is known. It is an extension to the Rand Index that at-
tempts to offset the element of chance assignment of
pairs of documents that could occur when the corpus
is large, by factoring the actual index against the pro-
posed index. In addition the ARI extends the range of
the evaluation score over a [-1,1] width. This addition
allows for negative scores being applied and reduces
the congregation of results around one (Meil
a, 2007)
(Rand, 1971).
Figure 4 shows our final clustering evaluation in-
dices. The results of the experiments show that in
each cluster grouping, graph approach rates notably
higher on the Rand Index Scale. The hypernym is su-
perior to the standard approach and the performance
of these two approaches reduces as the complexity of
KDIR 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 5: Rand Index Measure.
the clustering increases. There is no corresponding
dip in the graph approach.
3.6 Clustering Complexity
Figure 6 show the performance of each approach as
the complexity of the task increases. Predictably, the
error rate for group3 is lower in all metrics and incre-
ases as we move to group4 and group5. In all metrics,
the graph approach shows itself to have superior re-
sults, that higher in MR, homogeneity and ARI and a
lower rate in the overall inertia rate.
In this paper we have outlined an approach that uti-
lises Reddit as an external source for creating better
representation of documents. Improvement was me-
asured using three standard cluster evaluation indices
and one of our own creation. We compared the perfor-
mance of using these graphs against another establish
procedure of using Wordnet and show that better re-
sults are obtained when the source is dynamic. Future
work will involve dynamically sourcing the related
threads so that the system can automatically extract a
related source and to test its efficacy when used with
other supervised classifying approaches. This work
has future applications of opinion mining where im-
provement representation of comments can be used
for determining attitudes toward various items in the
news, recommender systems and query expansion.
The authors acknowledge the support of Irelands Hig-
her Education Authority through the IT Investment
Fund and ComputerDISC in NUI Galway.
(a) Sum Total of ARI Per Grouping
(b) Sum Total of Inertia Per Grouping
(c) Sum Total of Homogeneity Per Grouping
(d) Sum Total of M-R Per Grouping
Figure 6: Results Per Grouping.
Evaluating Better Document Representation in Clustering with Varying Complexity
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