Sentiment Analysis in Brazilian Portuguese Tweets in the Domain of
Calamity: Application of the Summarization Method and Semantic
Similarity in Polarized Terms
Ariana Moura da Silva
, Rodrigo da Matta Bastos
and Ricardo Luis de Azevedo da Rocha
Computer Engineering Department, University of Sao Paulo, Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, tv. 3, 158, São Paulo, Brazil
Languages and Adaptive Techniques Laboratory, University of Sao Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Keywords: Sentiment Analysis, Natural Language Processing, Polarization, Summarization, Latent Semantic Analysis.
Abstract: This research integrates an interdisciplinary project which mobilizes the areas of Computer Engineering,
Linguistics and Communication to perform the processing of texts in a natural language extracted from
microblogging service Twitter as well as to conduct an analysis and classification of the sentiments mined.
Many proposals have been formulated using the polarization method; however, most projects do not
encompass an automatic classification by semantic proximity. This research aims to evaluate the reaction of
individuals shared in the social network, not only to classify them as positive or negative, but also to
ascertain the semantic similarity of these messages in the same domain. Based on the set of tweets in
Portuguese extracted from a corpus of calamity, we apply three methods: a) the lexical classifier, called
Summarization Method; b) the semantic classifier, called LSA - Latent Semantic Analysis; c) the ASSTPS
classifier - Analysis of Semantic similarity in Polarized and Summarized terms. The results are applied to a
set of 811 tweets of the calamity domain and point out which method obtained the best hit rate and semantic
approximation. In this sense, the classification of sentiments by semantic proximity can help greatly,
performing the sorting of content of relevant messages, discarding unnecessary information, linking
messages with the same theme in common, and even generating Metrics for classifying emotions.
The insertion of the World Wide Web proposed by
Berners-Lee in 1990 provided the sharing of
information through the first web browser (Berners-
Lee, 2012). This feature provided the sharing of
documents published on the Internet. Later, there
was the availability of these contents in what is
called the WEB 1.0, considered static. Then Web 2.0
came, and it was considered dynamic, by allowing
end user interaction with the structure and content of
the page, inserting comments, sending photos and
sharing thousands of files. With the evolution of
Web 1.0 to Web 2.0, the user went on to perform
lower download rates and increased the upload rates.
With the increase in the collaboration of users in
Web 2.0, the need to search for such content placed
on the internet rose. Web 3.0 was then established to
facilitate information mining and to create a more
effective language exchange between man and
machine, also called the Semantic Web (Semantic
Web, 2018).
The information and opinions entered by the
users generated interest in the industry, by
companies and financial institutions, among others,
in interpreting the opinion about a product, a subject,
a theme. However, reducing the large mass of data
available on the WEB is a great problem, which has
stirred a new area of computer science studies called
sentiment analysis, which has gained prominence as
from 2000 (Liu, 2012). To conduct research on
sentiments analysis, it is necessary to use Natural
Language Processing - NLP techniques.
Human language is not merely the manifestation
of a physical action by the human being. Words are
like symbols, their meanings indicate an idea or a
thing. Language symbols can be encoded in voice,
gesture, writing and others. NLP has different levels,
from speech processing to semantic interpretation
and discourse processing. NLP aims to design, to
build algorithms capable of helping the machine
Silva, A., Bastos, R. and Rocha, R.
Sentiment Analysis in Brazilian Portuguese Tweets in the Domain of Calamity: Application of the Summarization Method and Semantic Similarity in Polarized Terms.
DOI: 10.5220/0006947802250231
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2018), pages 225-231
ISBN: 978-989-758-327-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
understand natural human language (Chaubard et al.,
An emotion is not simply a state of sentiment
(Plutchik, 2001). Sentiment analysis at the word
level verifies the polarity of this word specifically.
At the sentence level, not only the polarity of words
is considered, but also the relationship between these
words and their grammatical usage. At the document
level, it considers the full context of the document,
leading to a more complex analysis of how the
phrases interact with one another (Liu, 2012).
According to data obtained from the Internet
World Stats (Internet World Stats, 2018), Brazil is
the fourth country in the world ranking of the
number of users accessing the internet until
December 2017. In the third position comes the
USA, in the second position, India, and in the first
position, China. It also tells us that the Portuguese
language is in the fifth position of the most widely
used language on the Internet, following Arabic,
Spanish, Chinese and English in the first position
(Internet World Stats, 2018). Portuguese is the fifth
most used language on Twitter (The Statistics Portal,
2018), which currently has 330 million of active
users in the world (The Statistics Portal; Twitter
NIC, 2018).
With the exponential growth of social media,
users are no longer based on the opinion of people
close to them. With a Web available and easy to
access, users search for and find opinions on the
most diverse subjects from people around the world.
The same is true when you want to find a product
and think about issues from any part of the world.
Thinking about structuring data, the present work is
part of a slice of a larger research project, which
performed the automatic extraction of tweets in
Brazilian Portuguese from Twitter, used NLP
techniques to the notation of the corpus, assembled a
database of the domain of calamity using techniques
for the construction of ontology. With the annotated
corpus, two methods were applied: summarization
methods of the terms (Freitas, 2015) and the LSA-
latent semantic analysis (Catae, 2012).
A method is proposed from the result generated
in the two previous methods. We called it semantic
similarity in polarized and summarized terms -
ASSTPS. The details of this method are shown in
section 2. Section 3 shows works similar to the one
proposed here, sentiment analysis of tweets in
Portuguese. Section 4 shows a set of data in which
the methods have been validated, this set may be of
any other specific domain, in this work data from a
corpus of calamity was used. Section 5 discusses the
results found with the proposed new method and
section 6 explains the conclusions and future works
1.1 Contribution
Many works have performed methods of
summarization, polarization and LSA separately; it
is important to emphasize that the method employed
in this work is unprecedented. Here there will be a
proposal of a triangular matrix which indicates the
largest semantic similarity of tweets of a given
domain versus the description of the synset (set of
terms with the same meaning, as defined below)
more semantically similar to the tweet. In addition,
in this work we perform the complete translation of
Sentiwordnet (Esuli et al., 2006), including the
description of the synsets. The details of this method
will be shown in section 2.
1.2 Goals
The objective of this work is to find an effective
method to polarize terms, not in an isolated way, but
rather, in such a way that the crossover of tweets
with synsets and its descriptions of the Sentiwordnet
are as similar as possible so that the classification is
performed automatically without the manual
intervention of the man in the pre-classification of
similar messages. This research aims to evaluate the
reaction of individuals shared in the social network,
and not only to classify them as positive or negative,
but also to ascertain the semantic similarity of these
messages from the same domain.
Messages were extracted automatically from Twitter
and stored in MySQL database, composing the
capture phase. Traditional NLP techniques were
used for the cleanliness and notation of the corpus,
following the main steps as follows: removal of stop
words (words which are not aggregators of
sentiment, in this work), tokenization, stemming,
and tagging; composing the preprocessing phase.
For a third phase, we named the classification of
sentiments between positive, negative and neutral,
polarity of words, using the database of
Sentiwordnet (Esuli et al., 2006). This lexicon
feature has 117.374 entries coming from automatic
annotations from all synsets of WordNet 3.0. Synset
is a set of terms with the same meaning.
Sentiwordnet is a tool which assigns a note to the
degree of positivity, negativity and objectivity of
IJCCI 2018 - 10th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence
words, available only in English. Compared to the
lexical resources available in Portuguese,
Sentiwordnet contains a greater number of words,
and is a very used resource for the classification of
sentiments. Because of this we made the decision to
translate the whole database of Sentiwordnet to
Portuguese automatically, including the synsets and
the comments which composed it.
2.1 Summarization Method
The Summarization Method or Term Score
Summation (Hamouda and Rohaim, 2011), performs
the sum of the positive and negative items found; for
example, in the sentence below, the positive words
with their values are: flowered - 0,125 and
enchanted - 0,375, totalling 0,5, and the negative
word with its value: polluted - 0,375. In this case, it
would be categorized as a positive phrase.
Algorithm 1 - “term score summation”, from Sousa
(2016, page 26) describes the workings of the
algorithm implemented in this work.
Sample: “the girl drew the polluted river, the
neutral neg.0,375 neutral
flowered garden and the enchanted sky”
pos. 0,125 neutral pos.0,375 neutral
Sousa (2016) applies the same summarization
method to analyze sentiments in texts extracted from
comments from the site Tripadvisor, which is related
to tourism. In his work, he proposes a second
method in which, after doing the sum of the terms
found in the synsets of Sentiwordnet, the average of
the positive values and the average of the negative
values is calculated and this value is assigned to the
word (Sousa, 2016). If we use only the
Summarization method, or the method of
summarization with application of the average, after
the translation of the synset to Portuguese, we will
have a problem, as shown in the Figure 1. After the
translation of the synset, we obtained a result of 12
synset "feliz" for descriptions of distinct synsets in
its original form in English.
Figure 1: Example Synset “feliz” translated.
Thinking about this problem, we will explain
what the LSA method is in the subsection below,
and in section 2.3 it will be shown that the proposed
new method does not perform the average of the
summarization. We solved the problem by the
semantic similarity of the tweet with the detailed
description of the Synset.
2.2 LSA Method
Catae (2012) says that the Latent Semantic Analysis
“is a technique in natural language processing,
which aims to simplify the task of finding words and
sentences similarity. Using a vector space model for
the text representation, it selects the most significant
values for the space reconstruction into a smaller
dimension” (Catae, 2012).
As parameters to entry of data in this algorithm,
811 tweets will be confronted in one space sample,
where the same tweets are lines and columns, so that
we can visualize the similarity among all tweets.
2.3 ASSTPS Method
The ASSTPS method uses the LSA algorithm in the
similarity calculation between the tweet and the
description of the translated synset, to select the
values to use in summarization. For example, in the
case of the word "love", if the description of greater
similarity is "a loved one: used as terms of
affection", the values of the word "love" will be pos
= 0125 and neg = 0.
For each token in the tweet, its synsets are
fetched. The LSA is made between its synsets and
the tweets to generate the semantic space. Within
that space, the similarity between the tweet being
analyzed and the synsets is calculated, allowing the
choice of the most similar synset. Note that a new
semantic space is generated for each token.
In this way, the result has greater accuracy, since
we are not doing the sum or average of the terms,
including those that are not similar. In this new
method we are crossing the synsets which have high
similarity for their description translated into
Portuguese with the tweets of the corpus of calamity.
In recent years, the interest in building of sentiment
classifiers has increased. Sentiment Analysis using
machine learning algorithms and Bayesian networks
using texts extracted from Twitter in the Spanish
language was proposed by Grigori et al. in 2010
(2010). In 2014, Kanavos et al., (2014) proposed a
model of sentiment analysis which measures the
influence of the user on the network with the other
nodes of that network. In 2013, Porshev et al.,
(2013) proposed a model of predicting the
Sentiment Analysis in Brazilian Portuguese Tweets in the Domain of Calamity: Application of the Summarization Method and Semantic
Similarity in Polarized Terms
psychological state of users from the texts of
Twitter, and classified the forecasts using the DJIA
algorithm, classifying them into eight emotions.
There are three lines of Research in the analysis
of sentiment: the lexical approach, the one by
machine learning and the hybrid which is the
junction of the previous two (Wilson et al., 2005).
We are quoting the works which have characteristics
in common with the proposed work. Works which
also use NLP techniques in the Portuguese language
to conduct sentiment analysis. In 2017, Santos
proposed a methodology for identifying polarity in
Texts based on Brazilian law projects and applied it
in a data set which reports on projects of law against
and in favor of the liberalization of abortion in
Brazil (Santos, 2017).
Freitas and Vieira (2015) present a semantic
polarity classifier for the classification of comments
written in Portuguese taken from TripAdvisor, an
online portal of opinions on travel and
accommodations (Freitas, 2015). Duarte (2013) used
NLP techniques to extract mentioned entities of
tweets in Portuguese and performed analysis of
sentiment taking into consideration the grammatical
construction of the message (Duarte, 2013).
Dosciatti and Ferreira (2013) used Support Vector
Machines (SVM) to identify emotions in texts
written in Portuguese in Brazil, the Corpus used in
the experiment is composed of news extracted from
an online newspaper (Dosciatti and Ferreira, 2013).
Lopes Rosa (2015) ranked the intensity of
sentiments in positive, negative and neutral
polarities, by the means of a new dictionary of
words in Portuguese and a new calculation of
sentiments (Lopes Rosa, 2015).
To perform automatic extraction of texts, it is
necessary to first choose the ontology using
techniques of NLP. And for storing the large amount
of information we use computational linguistic
techniques (CL). One of the main types of storage
types in CL is in the singular corpus and in the plural
body. "Corpus is a collection of language portions
that are selected and organized according to explicit
linguistic criteria, in order to be used as a sample of
the language" (Percy et al., 1996).
A slice of data has been removed from a corpus
of calamity. Calamity represents an originally
positive situation and becomes a negative situation.
Actions can be taken, and again it is possible that the
situation which was negative becomes positive
(Segers et al., 2017).
Soon it is believed that sentiment analysis in this
set data becomes better validations. Although the
method can be applied in any set of data, for this
work we chose tweets from September 20, 2017,
which were part of the topTrend '#20deSetembro' or
containing the word 'Mexico' in the description of
the topTrend and should still contain the Word
'earthquake' from the description of the tweet.
Performing such query on the corpus returned 811
distinct tweets.
Figure 2 and the examples first show the validation
of the Summarization Method alone in the calamity
corpus. A total of 811 tweets, 6.789 tokens were
accounted. The positive value of 284.23 shown in
Figure 2 equates the sum of the lemmas values
found in the automatic translation of Sentiwordnet.
The negative value of 347.54 shown in Figure 2
equates the sum of the lemmas values found in the
automatic translation of Sentiwordnet.
375 tweets were classified for positive polarity
and 428 for negative polarity. It can therefore be
concluded that the issue in question "Earthquake in
Mexico on 20 September 2017" obtained 52.77% of
negativity, 46.24% of positivity.
Figure 2: Results Summarization Method.
Samples from the corpus which were sorted
correctly by the Summarization Method were
extracted below. The samples are in the Portuguese
Sample with 1,2867 positive polarity:Visitei o
México ano passado, um país sensacional, cheio de
gente feliz, tô mal com a notícia do terremoto”.
Sample with 1,7806 negative polarity:México é
um belo País! Que tristeza o Terremoto de ontem.
E agora, Porto Rico em perigo novamiente tambem
nao me deixa tranquila aqui!”.
Figure 3 is a sample of the data for the validation
of the LSA Method, where high rates of semantic
similarity were found in tweets compared two to two
with opposite polarities. At 0.53 rate of similarity for
the tweet ID: 4 and 446; and the rate of 0.52
IJCCI 2018 - 10th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence
similarity to the tweets ID: 671 and 765. Figure 4 is
a sample of the data for the validation of the LSA
Method, where high rates of semantic similarity
were found in tweets compared two to two with
equal polarities. At 0.61 rate of similarity for the
tweet ID: 29 and 47; and the rate of 0.72 similarity
to the tweets ID: 80 and 431.
According to the results from the first two
methods, discrepancy was observed, not allowing a
fundamental conclusion for the event of September
20, 2017 with the natural phenomenon of an
earthquake in Mexico. The results should obviously
be of sadness, unhappiness and anguish, pointing to
a negative polarity analysis.
Figure 3: Results - High Rate Similarity x Polarity
Figure 4: Results - High Rate Similarity x Polarity Equal.
We sought some common synsets in the field of
calamity, for example: Earthquake, volcano and
cyclone. And we realized that most of them had zero
values in the Sentiwordnet database. Figure 5 shows
examples of common synsets in the calamity corpus
with zero values. And one of the synsets
"earthquake" is of positive value of 0.125. This
caused the new applied method to show high values
for positive polarity, since the term "earthquake"
appears in all the tweets analyzed in this work. Two
analyses were performed for validating the ASSTPS
method. The first, as shown in Figure 6, kept the
original value found for the synset "earthquake" in
the Sentiwordnet database; the second analysis, as
shown in Figure 7, changed to 0.25 the negative
value for all the "earthquake" synsets found.
For validating the ASSTPS method, the synset
values found in Sentiwordnet remained; the result of
the method here proposed categorized in the base
449 tweets with positive polarity, representing
55.36% of the base.
The earthquake is a natural disaster event, and its
causalities stir actions of dissatisfaction in the
population. Thus, as a complementary exercise, we
adjusted the negative value of the Synsets
"earthquake" to 0.25. We re-processed the algorithm
and Figure 7 shows the values obtained from 647
tweets classified by proximity semantics in the
description of the synset, representing 79.77%.
Figure 5: Example Calamity Synsets.
Figure 6: Results – ASSTPS Method.
Figure 7: Results – ASSTPS Method with synset
“earthquake” negative value 0.25.
One of the main contributions of this work is the
research into sentiment analysis performed in a
Brazilian Portuguese calamity corpus. In this work,
we present semantic classifications of polarity for
analyzing texts. The classifiers used Sentiwordnet to
assign values to words. The entire collection of
Sentiwordnet was automatically translated into
Portuguese; even with translation errors, the
classifiers that used the translated Sentiwordnet
achieved good performance.
The Summarization method is a lexical classifier
that has some mismatches. The LSA method
performs the semantic proximity of the tweets
among other tweets and does not perform any
polarity check. The proposed new method performs
the semantic similarity of the tweets with the synsets
of Sentiwordnet by semantic proximity and performs
the polarity classification. The polarization of
sentiments by semantic proximity associated with
the synsets of Sentiwordnet and their comments can
be of great help in tasks, such as sorting content of
relevant messages, discarding unnecessary
Sentiment Analysis in Brazilian Portuguese Tweets in the Domain of Calamity: Application of the Summarization Method and Semantic
Similarity in Polarized Terms
information, linking messages with the same theme
in common, and even generating metrics for
classifying emotions.
As future works, we suggest improvements to the
translation process, performing bi-gram and tri-gram
words as proposed in the work by Lopes Rosa
(2015). Use the new method proposed to classify
emotions at a second level, such as anger, fear, love
and hate; above all, to use a base similar to
Sentiwordnet with values of positivity, negativity
and more accurate objectivity for the dominance of
The authors are grateful to the CNPQ process
141077/2015-8 for the support received.
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Sentiment Analysis in Brazilian Portuguese Tweets in the Domain of Calamity: Application of the Summarization Method and Semantic
Similarity in Polarized Terms