The Use of Physical Activity Trackers in Portuguese Adolescents and
Vítor P. Lopes
and Carla Sá
Departamento de Ciências do Desporto, Escola Superior de Educação, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal
Research Centre in Sport, Health and Human Development (CIDESD), Portugal
The pandemic of physical inactivity is associated with
a range of chronic diseases and early deaths (Ding et
al., 2016). Estimates from 2012 indicated that not
meeting physical activity recommendations is
responsible for more than 5 million deaths globally
each year (Lee et al., 2012). Nowadays, sedentary
behaviours are highly prevalent, and data from adults
in high-income countries suggest the majority of time
awake is spent being sedentary (Matthews et al.,
Physical activity can be promoted in different
ways, including delivery of advice, provision of
written materials, referral to an exercise programme,
etc. Wearable monitors (physical activity trackers)
that provide feedback to users have also been used in
longitudinal interventions to motivate research
participants and to assess their compliance with
program goals (David, 2012). Physical activity
trackers, as pedometers, accelerometers, smartphone
applications and heart rate monitors, could be an
important complement that enable people to modified
their sedentary behaviour and to monitor their
physical activity and exercise (Wen et al., 2017).
Despite the potential and the wide range of
wearables available, little is known about the interest,
usage, preferences (Alley et al., 2016), even the
efficacy for using wearables in physical activity
This study aimed to investigate the use of physical
activity trackers in Portugal, in particular how often
people use it and how they use it to monitor
exercise/physical activity.
2.1 Participants
Participants were N = 1498, of both sexes (N = 841
females) with ages between 14 and 85 years.
Inclusion criteria were being 14 years old or more
and residing in Portugal. Participants were recruited
from schools, universities, clubs, work sites, and
communities’ settings. Participants residing in
different regions of Portugal mainland (North,
Centre, Lisbon, Alentejo and Algarve), Madeira
islands, and Azores islands.
Questionnaire was distributed and answered in
paper format and online. In both cases, participants
gave their informed consent. The participants that
answered online were invited by email, explaining the
objectives of the study and including a link to the
online questionnaire. In order to select a large sample
we requested that the email be forwarded to
acquaintances and friends.
Participants were categorized by age
adolescents (ages 14-18 years), young adults (ages 19-
40 years), middle-aged adults (ages 41-65 years), and
older adults (aged older than 65 years). Besides, sex
and age, sociodemographic factors included education
level (no tertiary education, tertiary education less than
master level, and master and doctoral level), and
occupation. The occupation of the participants was
defined according to the Occupation Portuguese
Classification nomenclature (Instituto Nacional de
Estatística, 2010), and was subsequently classified into
3 levels: white collar (that includes the classes 0-4),
blue collar (that include the classes 5-9) and without
job (students and retired subjects) (Table 1).
2.2 Interest, Use and Preferences for
Activity Trackers
Interest, use and preferences for activity trackers were
measured troughs 11 multiple-choice questions.
First, participants were asked if they do, or they
did in the past, or if they not do exercise regularly.
The ones that answers they or they did exercise
regularly were asked how many times in a week.
Tracker use was assessed in the participants that do or
did exercise regularly by asking if they had ever used
wearable devices (yes/no). Participants who use
Lopes, V. and Sá, C.
The Use of Physical Activity Trackers in Portuguese Adolescents and Adults.
In Extended Abstracts (icSPORTS 2018), pages 10-13
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
wearables devices were further asked what type of
wearable they use, if thy acquired the tracker before
or after they start exercise regularly, what parameters
they register (time length of the exercise, speed,
distance, hearth rate, calories, accumulated climb,
power, VO2), how often they used the tracker (only
during exercise, during waking hours, only at night,
always all day and all night). A question about the
parameter that they think trackers should register was
also included.
Participants were also asked about their
perception of the possible influence of activity
trackers on the motivation for physical activity /
exercise (yes/no), and if they increased the amount of
physical activity/exercise after starting using it
(yes/no), and how much.
Participants who had not used a physical activity
tracker were asked if they would be interested in
using one (yes/no).
2.3 Statistical Analysis
Frequencies and Qui-squared were calculated with
IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 22.0
(Armonk, NY: IBM Corp)
More than a half of participants (57.1%) practiced
physical activity/exercise regularly (30.6% of these
were female), and 36.1% practiced in the past. Only
4.4% of the adolescents answer that they not practiced
and 17.8% of the older adults, 6.1 and 8.5%
respectively of young adults and middle-age adults do
not regularly do physical activity/exercise. Only 0.9%
practiced occasionally and 3.6% once a week. Three
times a week was the most frequent frequency of
practice (24.9%), 7.4% do it every day. Table 2 shows
the week frequency of practice by sex and age.
Table 1: Descriptive characteristics of participants.
Demographic factors n (%)
Males 841 (56.1)
Females 657 (43.9)
Age (years)
14-18 years 79 (5.3)
19-40 years 1047 (69.9)
41-65 years 242 (16.2)
Over 65 years 45 (3.0)
No tertiary education 671(44.8
Tertiary education < master level 481(32.1)
Master / doctoral level 346(23.1)
White Collar 623 (41.6)
Blue Collar 814 (54.3)
Not employed 61 (4.1)
Table 2: Frequency of the week practice by sex and age.
Age Occasionally 1·week
Adolescents 1.4% 4.1% 11.0% 28.8% 24.7% 12.3% 12.3% 5.5%
Young adults 1.1% 4.3% 23.2% 22.6% 19.3% 15.0% 7.1% 7.5%
0.8% 1.6% 27.6% 24.4% 21.3% 12.6% 4.7% 7.1%
Older adults 7.1% 7.1% 57.1% 21.4% 7.1%
Total females 1.0% 3.9% 22.5% 24.1% 19.7% 14.5% 7.2% 7.1%
12.3% 26.3% 14.0% 12.3% 28.1% 7.0%
Young adults 1.0% 2.9% 18.6% 24.2% 19.3% 16.2% 11.1% 6.8%
6.0% 21.4% 29.1% 12.8% 16.2% 5.1% 9.4%
Older adults 4.2% 20.8% 41.7% 8.3% 8.3%
Total males 0.7% 3.3% 18.6% 26.0% 17.2% 15.5% 11.1% 7.7%
Females and males
Adolescents 0.8% 2.3% 11.5% 27.7% 20.0% 12.3% 19.2% 6.2%
Young adults 1.0% 3.7% 21.2% 23.3% 19.3% 15.5% 8.8% 7.2%
0.4% 3.7% 24.6% 26.6% 17.2% 14.3% 4.9% 8.2%
Older adults 5.3% 15.8% 47.4% 5.3% 13.2% 2.6% 10.5%
Grand total 0.9% 3.6% 20.8% 24.9% 18.6% 14.9% 8.9% 7.4%
The Use of Physical Activity Trackers in Portuguese Adolescents and Adults
Table 3: Frequency of the parameters registered.
Parameter Frequency
Time length of the exercise 28.0%
Speed 19,8%
Distance 25.6%
Hearth rate 18.4%
Calories 19.6%
Accumulated climb 8.7%
Power 4.8%
VO2 3.1%
Of the participants who practice physical
activity/exercise regularly, 59% do not use activity
trackers, 27% were using, and 14% have used. The
majority of the participants (80.1%) acquired the
tracker after they started exercise regularly. The
parameters most register was time length of the
exercise (28%) and distance (25.6%) (Table 3).
The majority of the participants use the tracker
only during exercise (73.9%), 14.4% use it during
waking hours, 11.2% use it always, and only 0.4% use
it only during the night.
frequency of the parameters that participants
think trackers should register are shown in Table 4.
The most desired parameters were the time length of
the activity (27.8%), heart rate (25.8%) and exercise
intensity (25,7%).
Participant’s perception about the possible
influence of activity trackers on the motivation for
physical activity/exercise was low, 5% answer ‘yes’,
1.5% answer ‘no’, and the majority (93.5%) did not
answer the question.
Table 4: Frequency of the parameters that participants think
trackers should register.
Parameter Frequency
Step count 11.8%
Acceleration/movement of the body 10.8%
Heart rate 25.8%
Calories 21.8%
GPS track 17.7%
Sleeping pattern 11.4%
Exercise intensity 25.7%
Time length of the activity 27.8%
The most frequently used device was mobile
applications (22.2%), 11.1% used heart rate monitors,
and 11.4% used GPS. From the wearable device
users, 9.7% think that it had allow them to increase
their physical activity, 3.2% at least 1 hour/weak,
3.7% at least 1-2 hours/weak, 1.8% at least 3-4
hours/weak, and 0.9% more than 4 hours/weak.
From the participants who had not used a physical
activity tracker 72.4% would like to use one.
Independent of the sex there was not significant
differences between age groups in the desire to use a
physical activity tracker (Table 5).
The main goal of this study was to find out how
tracker monitors are being used in Portugal, in
particular how often people use it and how they use it
to monitor exercise/physical activity. The sample of
this survey study, were no randomly selected, which
is a limitations, is a convenience sample recruited
with a kind of snowball sampling. Even though it is
diculty drawing general conclusions about the
general population, this study is unique in the way it
were recruited a large sample from all over the
country, which is hard to achieve.
Table 5: Frequency of participants that would like to use a
physical activity tracker by sex and age.
Age group Yes No
Adolescents 64.7% 35.3%
Young adults 70.6% 29.4%
Middle-aged adults 72.6% 27.4%
Older adults 90.0% 10.0%
Total females 70.8% 29.2%
Adolescents 63.3% 36.7%
Young adults 77.8% 22.2%
Middle-aged adults 70.5% 29.5%
Older adults 53.8% 46.2%
Total males 74.7% 25.3%
Females and Males
Adolescents 64.2% 35.8%
Young adults 73.7% 26.3%
Middle-aged adults 71.8% 28.2%
Older adults 69.6% 30.4%
Grand Total 72,4% 27,6%
icSPORTS 2018 - 6th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
The majority of the participants do exercise
regularly and about half of them use physical activity
trackers during the practice, which demonstrate that
participants have some interest in using physical
activity trackers and monitoring the exercise.
The most used tracker was mobile application,
maybe because everyone has a mobile phone and
apps are cheaper (sometimes free of charge) than a
physical tracker. The most popular function of the
trackers was the ‘
time length of the exercise’, ‘speed’,
‘distance’, following by ‘hearth rate’. The participant’s
perception about influence of activity trackers on the
motivation for physical activity/exercise was low.
Anyway the majority of the participants that not have
a physical activity tracker would like to have one.
In conclusion about half of the participants that
exercise regularly use physical activity trackers
during the practice, and the ones that do not have one
would like to have.
Both authors were supported by the Portuguese
Foundation for Science and Technology under Grants
DTP/04045/2013; POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006969
and UID/DTP/00617/2013; and by NORTE 2020
under Grant NanoSTIMA: Macro-to-Nano Human
Sensing: Towards Integrated Multimodal Health
Monitoring and Analytics, NORTE-01-0145-
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The Use of Physical Activity Trackers in Portuguese Adolescents and Adults