Applications of Eye Tracking in the Diagnosis of Early Stages of Autism
Spectrum Disorders
Giampiero Dalai, Sashidharan Komandur and Frode Strand Volden
Department of Design, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Teknologiveien 22, 2815 Gjøvik, Norway
Eye Tracking, Eye Movements, Test Design, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Diagnosis, Children.
In this project we designed a computerized diagnostic test procedure to measure gaze parameters known
to be related to early symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) (saccades and smooth pursuit eye
movements). An eye-tracker was used to gather gaze data. Custom visual stimuli and guidelines for collecting
eye tracking data from the subject group (children between 12-24 months of age) were developed. A first
proof of principle study was performed on three children without suspected clinical diagnosis in the target age
range. The results were promising and the procedure seems to be applicable to small children. Further work
needs to be carried out in order to validate whether the procedure actually will be a good diagnostic support
tool in clinical settings.
The aim of the research is to understand how eye
tracking technology can be used for the early de-
tection of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in child-
ren younger than the average age for diagnosis. ASD
is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder which af-
fects behavior, communication and social functioning
(APA, 2017). It can be diagnosed as early as 15 - 18
months of age. Even so, the average age of diagnosis
is about 4.5 years, and some subjects are not diagno-
sed until adulthood (APA, 2017).
As B
olte et al. (2016) describe, research into early
stages of ASD make use of various methods for ex-
amining the children development and responses to
interventions, right from the first months and ye-
ars of life. The methods can be classified into two
groups: (1) informant and clinician-based behavio-
ral methods (e.g. questionnaires, observation scales,
interviews and developmental tests), which are more
based on observation, subjective and sometimes qua-
litative; (2) technology based and/or measurements of
basic cognitive or neurological processes and structu-
res (e.g. eye tracking, electroencephalography (EEG),
functional and structural magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI)), which are more direct, objective and mostly
quantitative. It is conceivable that eye tracking can be
used as an integrated part of screening and diagnostic
assessments in the future (Falck-Ytter et al., 2013).
Diagnosing ASD in the first 24-30 months of life
of a child poses particular challenges to clinicians,
among which that there are no objective diagnostic bi-
omarkers for ASD (Samad et al., 2017). Issues in sen-
sorimotor control are involved in ASD (Johnson et al.,
2016), therefore tools for measuring these kind of de-
ficits are promising. A particularly promising appli-
cation of eye trackers is the study on young children,
in order to capture early-emerging developmental me-
chanisms in this critical period of the development
and to illuminate the early course and characteristics
of ASD. Indeed, eye tracking has already been lar-
gely used in studies on people with ASD (for some re-
cent reviews, see B
olte et al., 2016; Falck-Ytter et al.,
2013; Frazier et al., 2017; Johnson et al., 2016; Papa-
giannopoulou et al., 2014).
Eye trackers can provide measurements on eye
movements which are impossible to assess with naked
eye (e.g. saccades, smooth pursuit). Remote eye trac-
kers (infrared / corneal reflection types) are unobtru-
sive and do not constrain movements, which makes
them ideal to use on small children for early diagno-
sis (B
olte et al., 2016; Falck-Ytter et al., 2013; Samad
et al., 2017).
The present on-going study does not aim to deve-
lop an eye tracking procedure with inherent diagnos-
tic value, but it aims to develop a framework (con-
sisting of a rationale of relevant eye parameters and
the methods to measure them) and a procedure which
proves to be applicable to the target children. The
study intends to apply the findings in the eye tracking
Dalai, G., Komandur, S. and Volden, F.
Applications of Eye Tracking in the Diagnosis of Early Stages of Autism Spectrum Disorders.
DOI: 10.5220/0006951201560162
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2018), pages 156-162
ISBN: 978-989-758-328-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
scientific literature to clinical settings for ASD diag-
nosis. We started the research work as a Master The-
sis (Dalai, 2018) and we intend to refine and improve
the tentative procedure outlined in this paper by doing
further research, until in the future we will be able to
assess its clinical diagnostic value.
In this context, we see the eye tracking technolo-
gies as a supporting tool for ASD diagnosis, which are
designed to be used together with the already valida-
ted behavioral diagnostic praxis. Given the complex-
ity of ASD, it is fundamental to have a rich descrip-
tion of the children’s development condition, inclu-
ding quantitative and qualitative measurements. The
current screening and diagnostic tests (see Mag
Maganto et al., 2017; Towle and Patrick, 2016; Char-
man and Gotham, 2013) already assess qualitatively
atypical gaze behaviors as a sign of ASD. Even so, the
clinicians need to assess many other complex behavi-
oral manifestations related to ASD in order to formu-
late a diagnosis. Eye tracking alone cannot provide a
definitive answer, but it can provide useful evidences
to support clinical decision making.
We reviewed literature with the aim of identifying
those eye-tracking metrics which seem to be suitable
to support early ASD diagnosis. The vast majority
of the collected literature shows results from experi-
ments done on adolescents and/or adults with ASD
(see for example the review by Johnson et al. (2016)),
while the number of studies involving small child-
ren in the early diagnosis age range is rather low (see
for example the review by Falck-Ytter et al. (2013)).
Even the few studies which have found differences in
specific eye parameters between typically developing
and ASD groups, have been carried out on subjects in
older age groups. This offers one of the motivations
to start a systematic experimentation with the target
children group.
So far, the eye parameters we have identified in
literature as potential useful early ASD markers are:
standard deviation of saccade gain (Johnson et al.,
2016), open-loop and closed-loop smooth pursuit gain
(Johnson et al., 2016; Takarae et al., 2004). Up to
this point, we have left aside the analysis on fixati-
ons on Areas of Interest (AOI), due to the difficulty in
determining the ecological validity of the stimuli in
a controlled experimental setting. We left aside also
the analysis on pupil diameter, since this parameter is
sensitive to environmental lightning and it is difficult
to assess consistently in a variety of different clinical
settings. The framework focuses on the assessment of
saccades and smooth pursuit eye movements, which
require high frequency and precision measurements
and also a more controlled experimental environment.
These two condition suit better eye tracking techno-
Discussing with a speech therapist expert in ASD
diagnosis (Minichiello, S., 2017, personal communi-
cation) it emerged that a possible validation process
for the usage of eye trackers in this clinical context
requires the following steps: (1) defining the steps
of age for testing with the children (e.g. 18-24-36
months of age); (2) recording a series of eye tracking
measurements on a typically developing group, in or-
der to collect baseline data and to assess the reliability
of the measurements; (3) administering the same pro-
cedure on ASD children, in order to assess differences
between groups.
Conducting eye tracking studies on small children po-
ses a series of challenges. Small children cannot be
instructed to behave in a certain way or to focus on a
stimulus for a certain period of time, due to their ob-
vious lack of linguistic competence for understanding
complex task instructions. Therefore, the visual sti-
muli need to be salient and interesting enough to be
followed with the gaze by the children, without furt-
her prompting by the researchers. Another issue is to
keep the children’s interest over the whole experiment
time. Short trials displaying simple eye-catching vi-
sual stimuli should be staggered with some audiovi-
sual contents as interstimulus materials, in order to
keep the children entertained and provide variety and
3.1 Apparatus
We carried out a first iteration of testings, as a proof
of principle, by using a SMI
tracker. Its sample rate is up to 250 Hz, which is
sufficient for tracking saccades, smooth pursuit mo-
vements and fixations with great accuracy. It is moun-
ted on a laptop computer, underneath a 15.6 inch dis-
play monitor (refresh rate 60 FPS, covering around 39
degrees of visual angle horizontally and 22 degrees
vertically at 50 cm of distance, resolution 1920x1080
px). The setup is portable and can be carried around
and used in different settings.
Applications of Eye Tracking in the Diagnosis of Early Stages of Autism Spectrum Disorders
3.2 Setting
The research protocol follows the guidelines provided
by Sasson and Elison (2012) for eye tracking studies
on young children with ASD. The light in the room
should be kept a bit dim, in order to encourage the
child to focus on the display monitor on which the
visual stimuli are presented. The caregiver sits on
a chair (positioned in front of the screen at an ade-
quate distance) and the child sits on the caregiver’s
lap throughout all the experiment, in order to make
both the child and the parent feel more at ease. De-
pending on the location, the researchers can use an
external monitor connected to the eye tracker laptop
computer, and they operate the computer in a position
out of the child’s sight. If the use of an external moni-
tor is not practical or not feasible (as it was in the first
proof of principle study), the researchers start the eye
tracking experimental routine on the laptop and let it
run until the end, placing themselves far away enough
to not disturb the experiment.
3.3 Procedure
The experiment consist of four different phases:
Introduction and setup phase: The caregiver and
the child take a seat, and they are administered the
informed consent form. In the meantime, a video
is shown on display monitor, in order to start to
capture the child’s attention;
Calibration phase: When the caregiver feels that
he/she and his/her child are comfortable and re-
ady to start, a calibration routine is shown on the
display monitor;
Visualization phase: A series of videos is shown
on the screen. Some of the them are stimuli mate-
rials, others are inter-stimulus materials with the
aim of keeping the child entertained, but which
are not suitable for eye tracking measurements;
Conclusion phase: When the series of stimuli is
over, a message is displayed on the display moni-
tor and the test is ended.
The detailed experimental protocol has been sent for
approval to the Norwegian Regional Committees for
Medical and Health Research Ethics (REK), which
did not raise any issue concerning the procedure.
3.4 Stimuli
We identified appropriate experimental paradigms for
each eye parameter of interest, leading so far to the
development of four kinds of stimuli which we put
together in a single experimental procedure:
Sinusoidal motion stimuli, assessing closed-loop
smooth pursuit gain (von Hofsten and Rosander,
Triangular motion stimuli, assessing closed-loop
smooth pursuit gain (von Hofsten and Rosander,
Step ramp task, assessing open-loop and closed-
loop smooth pursuit gain (Takarae et al., 2004);
Step paradigm (Zalla et al., 2016) for visually gui-
ded saccade tasks, assessing the standard devia-
tion of saccade gain (Johnson et al., 2016).
We followed the recommendations from Smyrnis
(2008) in order to set up the parameters for the crea-
tion and the presentation of the stimuli, among which
sampling frequency (200 Hz), amplitude ranges, di-
rection of movement, number of cycles, etc.
In order to attract the children’s attention only on
the moving target in the stimuli, we designed it as the
only colored element in the scene, while the back-
ground was medium-gray.
We generated the visual stimuli programmatically
by developing scripts in the Processing 3 software,
which is based on the Java programming language.
The executive files are parametric and they allow the
researchers to manipulate the stimuli variables. The
software generates the visual stimuli automatically,
taking care for example of the conversions between
measurement units (pixels to degrees of visual angle),
the drawing of periodic waves starting from trigono-
metric parameters, the rendering of the target mo-
vement, etc. Due to the fact that the stimuli are pa-
rametric, they can be adapted to be used on different
devices and for different experimental designs. Figu-
res 1, 2, 3 and 4 illustrate schemes and visuals from
the experiment stimuli.
The experimentation has not fully started yet, but we
have started the recruitment process. We carried out
a first small proof of principle study (Dalai, 2018, pp.
53–81) on three typically developing children (9, 15
and 24 months of age, all female) in order to assess
the applicability of the procedure to target subjects
and the effectiveness of the eye tracking technology
to collect the eye parameters of interest. We analy-
zed qualitatively the eye tracking records of the ex-
periment subjects and compared the records with the
ones of on an adult subject (male, 25 years old) with
no vision deficiencies an no clinical diagnosis. The
adult subject’s records acted as reference dataset. As
an example of the kind of data we collected, Figure 5
CHIRA 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
Figure 1: Scheme of the sinusoidal motion stimuli. Reworking from Dalai (2018, p. 59).
Figure 2: Scheme of the triangular motion stimuli. Reworking from Dalai (2018, p. 59).
Figure 3: Scheme of the Step-Ramp stimuli. Reworking from Dalai (2018, p. 60).
Applications of Eye Tracking in the Diagnosis of Early Stages of Autism Spectrum Disorders
Figure 4: Scheme of the visually guided saccades stimuli. Reworking from Dalai (2018, p. 61).
shows the eye tracking record of the adult subject, and
Figure 6 shows the record of the 24 months old sub-
ject. All the graphs have been outputted by the SMI
eye tracker software. In the graphs it is possible to
observe similar gaze patterns.
The framework and procedure seem to elicit the
expected gaze patterns in the children, while impro-
vements are needed in terms of timings, quantity of
recorded data, some stimuli parameters (e.g. target
velocity) and guidelines for the setting. Indeed, even
if the procedure elicits the right quality of gaze pat-
terns, the quantity of recorded data is still low overall.
Table 1 shows some metrics of the proof of principle
study with the target group. The tracking ratio is a
quantitative metric outputted by the eye tracker soft-
ware, which describes how much eye movement data
was collected during a trial, and basically how effi-
cient was the eye tracker in collecting data. The rese-
archers determined the percentage of correctly perfor-
med repetitions by analyzing visually the graphs out-
putted by the eye tracker software. A high percentage
of correct repetitions of the same gaze pattern streng-
thens the reliability of the measurements. It is more
of a qualitative metric: the lower it is, the more the
correct gaze patterns are scattered and not continu-
ous. A low percentage might be due to the children’s
lack of attention to the stimuli target, or to the children
moving too far away from the eye tracker or in other
directions. The last metric was determined qualitati-
vely by the researchers, stating if overall it was possi-
ble to detect in the graphs the expected gaze patterns
under investigation. The children’s records show the
expected gaze patterns for the custom visual stimuli
in 9 out of 10 total performed trials. Therefore, the
procedure shows potential to analyze specific types of
eye movements in the target children, if not younger
We analyzed the eye tracker records with the aim
to highlight possible improvements for the procedure
and no judgement was done on the children’s perfor-
mance. More refined and sophisticated algorithms for
the analysis of the data are needed in order to discern
clearly between the various types of eye movements
and analyze them statistically (see for example (Gior-
dano et al., 2017; Jansson and Medvedev, 2013; Lars-
son et al., 2015)). Nevertheless, we have already de-
veloped preliminary guidelines for the computation of
the parameters of interest from the eye tracking re-
cords and we have identified improvements for the
experimental procedure and stimuli. In particular, the
experimental design needs to balance better the dura-
tion of the presentation of the stimuli with the neces-
sary amount of stimuli repetitions needed for recor-
ding a reliable amount of data. The active collabora-
tion of the caregivers helps in redirecting the attention
of the children towards the display monitor.
The study will contribute to formulate a clearer
hypothesis for a future validation study of the pro-
cedure, which will aim to support clinical diagnos-
tic decisions. Systematic measurements conducted on
target children and in collaboration with clinical per-
sonnel will provide the necessary data about the eye
parameters of interest. The data will allow to assess
the validity of oculomotor performance as an early
ASD indicator. Collaborations with mathematicians
and software engineers will allow to complete the fra-
mework in its data analysis part. An on-going dialo-
gue with cognitive- and neuro-scientists will also al-
low to investigate further on which neural pathways
could be involved in the divergent development of the
oculomotor control in ASD.
CHIRA 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
Figure 5: Pilot test eye tracker record, 25 years old, male, no clinical diagnosis, sinusoidal motion target. Picture taken from
Dalai (2018, p. 66).
Figure 6: Participant’s eye tracker record, 24 months old, female, no clinical diagnosis, sinusoidal motion target. Picture taken
from Dalai (2018, p. 72).
Table 1: Summary of the experiment preliminary results. Reworking from Dalai (2018, p. 70).
(Age months) Test Trial n. Stimulus Tracking ratio (%) Repetitions (%) Correct pattern
P1 (15) 1 1 Sinusoidal 58,8% 50% (3/6) Yes
2 Triangular 71,6% 33.3% (2/6) Yes
3 Step-Ramp 79,3% 75% (6/8) Yes
4 Saccades 37,9% 20% (3/15) Yes
P2 (24) 2 1 Sinusoidal 78,7% 75% (4.5/6) Yes
2 Triangular 54,9% 33.3% (2/6) Yes
3 Step-Ramp 10,7% 0% (0/8) No
4 Saccades Not performed
P3 (9) 3 1 Sinusoidal 23,6% 16.6% (1/6) Yes
2 Triangular 52,9% 50% (3/6) Yes
3 Step-Ramp 29,1% 25% (2/8) Yes
4 Saccades Not performed
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CHIRA 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications