A Case Study on using Crowdsourcing for Ambiguous Tasks
Ankush Chatterjee
, Umang Gupta
and Puneet Agrawal
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
Microsoft, India
Crowdsourcing, Deep Learning, Label Aggregation Techniques.
In our day to day life, we come across situations which are interpreted differently by different human beings. A
given sentence may be offensive to some humans but not to others. Similarly, a sentence can convey different
emotions to different human beings. For instance, “Why you never text me!”, can either be interpreted as
a sad or an angry utterance. Lack of facial expressions and voice modulations make detecting emotions in
textual sentences a hard problem. Some textual sentences are inherently ambiguous and their true emotion
label is difficult to determine. In this paper, we study how to use crowdsourcing for an ambiguous task of
determining emotion labels of textual sentences. Crowdsourcing has become one of the most popular medium
for obtaining large scale labeled data for supervised learning tasks. However, for our task, due to the intrinsic
ambiguity, human annotators differ in opinions about the underlying emotion of certain sentences. In our
work, we harness the multiple perspectives of annotators for ambiguous sentences to improve the performance
of an emotion detection model. In particular, we compare our technique against the popularly used technique
of majority vote to determine the label of a given sentence. Our results indicate that considering diverse
perspective of annotators is helpful for the ambiguous task of emotion detection.
Emotions such as happiness, anger, sadness etc. are
basic human traits that we experience everyday. In
the field of cognitive computing, where we develop
technologies to mimic the functioning of the human
brain, understanding emotions is an important area of
research (Thilmany, 2007). Emotions have been stu-
died by researchers in the fields of psychology, soci-
ology, medicine, computer science etc. for the past
several years. Some of the prominent work in under-
standing and categorizing emotions include Ekman’s
six class categorization (Ekman, 1992) and Plutchik’s
“Wheel of Emotion” which suggested eight primary
bipolar emotions (Plutchik and Kellerman, 1986). Gi-
ven the vast nature of study in this field, there is natu-
rally no broader consensus on the granularity of emo-
tion classes.
In our work, we improve the emotion detection
model, by using different strategies on consuming
judgments of textual sentences. Crowdsourcing has
become one of the most popular medium for obtai-
ning large scale labeled data for supervised learning
tasks. Since human annotators are prone to errors,
multiple annotations for a given sentence are required
to increase the accuracy of labels. Once the human
annotation for a sentence is done, labels from all an-
notators are aggregated to produce a single aggrega-
ted label. One of the most effective strategy used for
this aggregation is to output the class that receives the
majority votes and discard other votes (Karger et al.,
2011). However, these aggregation methods make an
underlying assumption that there is a single correct
label for a given sentence. In case of emotion labels,
since a sentence can have an inherent ambiguity and a
true emotion label cannot be determined for ambigu-
ous scenarios, the assumption of a single correct label
breaks. Table 1 provides examples where emotion of
the given sentence is ambiguous. The diverse annota-
tion from multiple annotators for such examples rein-
forces our belief that these data points are ambiguous
and difficult to predict. In such scenarios, strategy of
majority vote is expected to fail. In this paper, we ex-
plore the role of ambiguous data in training dataset
and strategies to incorporate this ambiguous data for
improving model performance.
In a nutshell, we explore various strategies and
techniques to find answers to the following questions
in our work:
Question 1 - Should ambiguous data be a part of
the training data? The presence of ambiguous data
Chatterjee, A., Gupta, U. and Agrawal, P.
A Case Study on using Crowdsourcing for Ambiguous Tasks.
DOI: 10.5220/0006955002420247
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2018), pages 242-247
ISBN: 978-989-758-327-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Examples of textual sentences with ambiguous
Sentence Ambiguity of Emotion
Why you never text me! Sad or Angry
I think I am going to cry. Joy or Sadness
will affect the model’s generalization?
Question 2 - If ambiguous data is present in the
training data, is majority voting the best way to
consolidate multiple labels?
Any supervised algorithm requires labeled training
data. Crowdsourcing has emerged as a popular me-
chanism to obtain labels at a large scale. However,
a major problem faced in acquiring labels via cro-
wdsourcing is that labels can be diverse and unreli-
able. Several researchers (Kazai et al., 2011; Stein-
hardt et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2014) have focussed
on detecting “spammers”, who are careless, submit
random answers, and “adversaries”, who may deli-
berately give wrong answers. A common strategy to
improve reliability is to assign multiple annotators for
each task and aggregate the workers’ labels. The class
of algorithms that infer true labels from multiple ob-
servations made by annotators can be put into the fol-
lowing two categories -
(a) Discriminative Models - Discriminative models
do not model the observations from the annotators.
Instead, they directly obtain true labels using aggre-
gation schemes. Majority Voting, where the label re-
ceiving majority votes is chosen, is one such scheme
(Karger et al., 2011). However, it is known to be
error-prone, because it considers all the annotators
equally skilled. In general, efficient aggregation met-
hods should account for the differences in the wor-
kers’ skills. The weighted majority voting that ta-
kes workers’ reliability into consideration is an im-
provement over Majority Voting (Li and Yu, 2014).
(b) Generative Models - A generative method builds
a flexible probabilistic model for generating noisy ob-
servations, conditioned on unknown true labels and
some behavioral assumptions. Examples of such mo-
dels being the Dawid-Skene (DS) estimator (Dawid
and Skene, 1979), the minimax entropy (Entropy) es-
timator (Zhou et al., 2012; Zhou et al., 2014), and
their variants. Early research characterized the an-
notators using confusion matrices, and inferred the
labels using the EM algorithm (Raykar et al., 2010;
Smyth et al., 1995). Recently more complicated gene-
rative models have been developed for this task (Whi-
tehill et al., 2009; Welinder et al., 2010; Raykar and
Yu, 2012; Wauthier and Jordan, 2011; Liu et al., 2012;
Checco et al., 2017). However, all the above men-
tioned methods make an underlying assumption that
there is a single correct label for a given data point.
The assumption of a single correct label breaks when
a sentence has an inherent ambiguity and a true emo-
tion label cannot be determined for it. The diverse
perspectives of annotators informs the model about
ambiguity of a given data point and improves genera-
lization of the model.
In this section, we describe the experiments con-
ducted to explore answers to the two research ques-
tions raised in Section 1.
3.1 Training Data Collection
To collect data for our experiments, conversational
data from Twitter Firehose covering the four-year pe-
riod from 2012 through 2015 is used. Tweets as well
as replies to tweets are considered. This data is further
preprocessed to remove twitter handles, hashtags etc.
and serves as the base data for the data collection. The
dataset D containing 61296 sentences belonging to 4
classes - Happy, Sad, Angry and Others is obtained.
We consider the three primary emotions - Happy, Sad,
Angry and group the other emotions under the Others
category. Each sentence in this data is annotated by
7 annotators. Describing the details of data collection
is out of scope of this paper due to space constraints.
Readers can refer to (Gupta et al., 2017) where a si-
milar data collection technique is used.
3.2 Certainty in Data
We experiment with datasets of varying degrees of
certainty which is defined as follows:
Definition: The Certainty p
is the ratio of the num-
ber of annotators in favor of the majority class to the
total number of annotators annotating the sentence.
Hence, for a sentence S, if 4 annotators annotate it as
Sad and 3 annotators annotate the same sentence as
Angry, then the certainty of the label Sad is 4/7 =
To study effect of various degrees of certainty
in data on model performance, we obtain subsets
of the dataset D, where D
is the
dataset consisting of only those samples whose labels
have a minimum certainty of p
. Here, p
< p
i < j, rendering D
as the least ambiguous dataset
A Case Study on using Crowdsourcing for Ambiguous Tasks
Figure 1: Size of dataset for different levels of Certainty.
of all. Since our original dataset was annotated by
7 annotators and a sentence could have the same la-
bel from 3 to 7 annotators to be marked as majority
class, we obtain subsets D
. As
one can imagine, the size of the dataset reduces as
certainty increases and the same behavior is observed
in our dataset as well. Figure 1 shows the decrease in
size of the dataset as the ambiguity of labels is redu-
ced. We evaluate the performance of our model using
these datasets with varying certainty as training data
to explore answer to Question 1.
3.3 Majority Vote vs Certainty
We introduce the approach of Certainty Representa-
tion (CR) and compare it with popularly used Ma-
jority Vote (MV). To understand the difference bet-
ween the two approaches, consider an example sen-
tence where 4 out of 7 annotators annotate it as Sad
and 3 of them annotate the same as Angry. During the
training process, considering the order of encoding as
- Others, Happy, Sad, Anger, multi-class model for
MV sees target vector as [0,0,1,0] whereas CR sees
target vector as [0.0, 0.0, 0.57, 0.43].
We train one model with MV and two models with
CR to explore answers to Question 2. The first model
of CR trains in the same way as MV and the only dif-
ference is in the target vectors used for modeling the
loss function. The target vector in majority class picks
out one emotion class as the true emotion class, which
may force the model to learn inconsistent represen-
tations for ambiguous sentence. We call this model
CR-Uniform, since the training phase treats all input
samples uniformly, irrespective of their ambiguity le-
The 2
CR model is trained with the idea that
noisy data hinders performance and hence sample
Table 2: Comparison of CScore values for different possi-
ble target values. A more ambiguous target leads to a very
low score, whereas a less ambiguous target produces a score
close to 1.
Target Max1*(Max1-Max2) CScore
(0 .8 .1 .1) 0.56 0.751
(0 .8 .2 0) 0.48 0.616
(0 .6 .2 .2) 0.24 0.271
(0 .6 .4 0) 0.12 0.127
(.2 .4 .2 .2) 0.8 0.083
with high certainty should be given more importance
during the training process. Keeping this in mind, we
calculate a Certainty-Score (CScore) for each training
sample and multiply it with the loss function to ac-
count for the effects of noise. If the target vector is
of the form (t1,t2,t3,t4), we find out the highest and
highest values as Max1 and Max2, respectively.
We then calculate Certainty-Score as
CScore = exp(Max1 (Max1 Max2)) 1 (1)
where 1/n Max1 1.0, n being the number of clas-
ses and 0.0 Max2 0.5
This returns a value close to 0 for highly ambiguous
data and a value close to 1 for highly certain data. The
CScore for some of the target vectors are shown in
Table 2. When a highly ambiguous sample is encoun-
tered, its contribution to the loss function is reduced
by a low CScore. On the other hand, a highly certain
sample gets more importance in training because of
a high CScore. Thus, the model learns from all the
samples in the training data, but focuses less on the
ambiguous data. We call this model CR-weighted.
The MV and CR-Uniform models are rather sim-
ple and evaluated to analyze the change in perfor-
mance with change in ambiguity levels in data. The
CR-Weighted method is expected to leverage the ad-
vantage of multiple perspectives of annotators while
not being drastically affected by noise.
3.4 Architecture of the Model
We approach the emotion understanding problem in
a multi-class classification setting, where the model
outputs probabilities of an input sentence belonging to
either one of the four output classes - Happy, Sad, An-
gry and Others. The architecture used is the same as
(Gupta et al., 2017) and can be seen in Figure 2. The
model relies on combining Long Short Term Memory
Networks, popularly known as LSTMs (Hochreiter
and Schmidhuber, 1997), which are well-known for
their sequence modeling abilities. The input user utte-
rance is projected onto two different embedding spa-
ces using two different embedding matrices. The two
embeddings of a word are processed by two LSTM
IJCCI 2018 - 10th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence
Fully Connected Network
Figure 2: The architecture of Sentiment and Semantic Ba-
sed Emotion Detector Model.
layers which learn semantic and sentiment feature re-
presentation. These two feature representations are
then concatenated to form a sentence representation,
which is fed as an input to a fully connected network
with one hidden layer. The fully connected network
models complex relations between these features and
finally outputs probabilities of the input utterance be-
longing to each emotion class. The dimensions of
each of the layer can be seen in Figure 2.
For each word in the input utterance, the authors
experiment with multiple semantic word representa-
tions. They tried Word2Vec (Mikolov et al., 2013),
GloVe (Pennington et al., 2014) and FastText (Jou-
lin et al., 2016). To get the sentiment representations,
they considered Sentiment Specific Word Embedding
(SSWE) (Tang et al., 2014). The authors train a sim-
ple LSTM model to test the effectiveness of each of
the embeddings for emotion detection. Cross vali-
dation results indicate that GloVe gives the best ma-
cro F1 score, followed closely by SSWE. They found
significant differences in the behavior of GloVe and
SSWE; a few examples are in Table 3. “Depression”
and “:’(”, both having a similar negative sentiment
are very similar in SSWE embedding space, whereas
GloVe gives a low score. For the “happy” and “sad”
pair, GloVe doesn’t differentiate much between the
two whereas SSWE rightly gives a low score. Ho-
wever, semantically similar words like “best” and
“great” have a high cosine similarity with GloVe as
is expected, but SSWE gives a low score. Based on
these observations GloVe and SSWE were chosen as
embeddings for Semantic and Sentiment LSTM layer,
A dropout layer is used to avoid over-fitting. Mi-
crosoft Cognitive Toolkit
is used for training the mo-
del, Cross Entropy with Softmax is used as the loss
function (LeCun et al., 2015), and Stochastic Gradient
Descent (SGD) (Robbins and Monro, 1951) used as
the learner.
Table 3: Comparison of GloVe and SSWE embeddings w.r.t
cosine similarity of word pairs.
Word1, Word2 GloVe SSWE
depression, :’( 0.23 0.63
happy, sad 0.59 -0.42
best, great 0.78 0.15
In this section, we outline our experimental results by
exploring answers to both Question 1 and Question 2
We use the average of F1 scores across emotion
classes as the evaluation metric, with a higher F1
score indicating better classification. On observing
Figure 3, we find answers to questions - Question 1
and Question 2 raised in the Introduction section. We
notice that for MV and CR-Uniform model, perfor-
mance increases as ambiguity decreases. We also no-
tice that there is a dip in performance of all models at
extremely low ambiguity. Also, the CR Models per-
form better than the MV Model for almost all levels
of ambiguity. The CR-Weighted model performs the
best at all levels of ambiguity and its performance is
consistent across ambiguity levels. The detailed ana-
lysis of the observations is explained in Subsections
4.2 and 4.3.
4.1 Test Data
We use the Twitter Firehose and extract sentences
from Twitter conversations using data from 2016.
Our evaluation dataset is preprocessed by removing
URLs, User IDs, hashtags etc. and consists of
2226 sentences along with their emotion class labels
(Happy, Sad, Angry, Others) provided by human an-
notators. While getting labels for these sentences, an-
notators are shown two previous turns of conversation
to provide context and get more accurate labels. Our
models, however, do not take the previous context into
account. This evaluation dataset was not seen at time
of training and all approaches are evaluated on this
4.2 Observations for Question 1
Increase in Performance with Decrease in Am-
biguity: The performance of MV and CR-
Uniform model increases slowly as ambiguity de-
creases. This observation aligns with intuition
that lesser quantity of ambiguous sentences leads
to lesser noisy data, which helps improve model
performance. But the cleaner data comes at the
A Case Study on using Crowdsourcing for Ambiguous Tasks
Figure 3: Comparison of Majority Voting and Certainty Re-
presentation methods for different levels of Certainty.
cost of lesser training data, which leads to a tip-
ping point at minimum certainty level 0.71, where
the model can learn most effectively.
Consistent Performance of the CR-Weighted
Method: The CR-Weighted model which was
devised to eradicate the effect of noise, per-
forms well even at high levels of ambiguity. We
also note the performance is somewhat consistent
across ambiguity levels. This is because the mo-
del focuses on the least ambiguous data in every
dataset for training, while still learning from the
more ambiguous examples.
Loss of Information at Extremely Low Am-
biguity: As ambiguity decreases, so does the
number of samples in the training data. After a
point, when there is almost no ambiguity in the
dataset, the performance drops as the model is
unaware of many sentences which might repre-
sent emotions in complex ways. This is true even
for the CR-Weighted model as a lack of informa-
tion containing training samples hinders its per-
A highly non-ambiguous training data leads to
loss of information and thus poor generalization to-
wards unseen data. We conclude that although lesser
ambiguity leads to better classification performance,
it also leads to information loss and the presence of
some ambiguous data in the training set helps mo-
del performance. We propose a novel way to deal
with highly ambiguous samples in training data by
accounting with a sample’s contribution towards trai-
ning in proportion to the ambiguity it contains. This
method achieves somewhat consistent performance
across ambiguity levels.
4.3 Observations for Question 2
CR Performs Better than MV: The Certainty
Representation Models perform better than the
Majority Vote Model for almost all levels of am-
biguity. This is due to the fact that CR Models
are aware of the multiple perspectives of a sample
whereas the MV Model ignores that information.
MV model forces the model to draw inconsistent
representations for ambiguous sentences.
Similar Performance at Low Ambiguity: At
high level of certainty, all three models perform
almost equally at certainty level 0.86. This is due
to the fact that at high level of certainty, there is
hardly any ambiguity in the data and majority vote
is a good indicator of the true emotion class of a
sentence. In such a scenario, the CR Model can
not derive any significant advantage from the mul-
tiple perspectives and tends to perform as well as
the MV Model.
We thus conclude that Majority Voting, although
a good aggregation function for most classification
tasks, is not appropriate for the task of emotion de-
tection. Due to the underlying complexity and am-
biguity of emotions in text, alternative methods that
consider the diverse perspectives of annotators should
be used. We propose a novel method for training mo-
dels with ambiguous emotion data and find its perfor-
mance to be better than the Majority Vote method.
We solve the problem of emotion detection in text
using Deep Learning algorithms, for which training
data is annotated via crowdsourcing. However, some
data points have an inherent ambiguity and their true
emotion label is difficult to annotate, even with mul-
tiple annotators. We study how this ambiguous data
should be considered in training a model. We notice
that performance of our model increases with the de-
crease in ambiguity of labels in training data. We also
notice that there is a dip in performance at extremely
low ambiguity in training data labels. We propose
the technique of Certainty Representation which ta-
kes into consideration the diverse perspectives of an-
notators and performs better than the Majority Vote.
With a small hack in the training procedure (CR-
Weighted), we can achieve consistently superior per-
formance with the Certainty Representation appro-
ach. In future, we would like to understand how the
presence of ambiguous data in the test dataset affects
the evaluation performance of the model. We also in-
tend to test performance of the model at various levels
IJCCI 2018 - 10th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence
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A Case Study on using Crowdsourcing for Ambiguous Tasks