Crypto-voting, a Blockchain based e-Voting System
Francesco Fusco
, Maria Ilaria Lunesu
, Filippo Eros Pani
and Andrea Pinna
NET SERVICE SPA, Via Montegrappa, 4/d, Bologna, Italy
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Piazza dArmi, Cagliari, Italy
e-Voting, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Shamirs Secret Sharing.
In most of the electing contexts, the secrecy of votes is mandatory. This constraint is unnecessary in the phase
of signatures collection which, by nature, are publicly available. This phase precedes, for instance, the popular
initiative referendums, or the composition of the electoral rolls. In past, many electronic election systems (or
e-voting systems) failed because they were not able to guarantee the total security respect to the vote privacy
protection, especially in the long-medium term and in the cases of brute force attacks. The purpose of this
study is the presentation and the definition of a new e-voting system named Crypto-voting. We base this
solution upon the Shamirs secret sharing approach, implemented using the blockchain technology. We use
this technology to integrate the management procedures of the phases and events of an election. These events
include the set-up of the system, the distribution of credentials, the voting, the collection of ballot papers, the
counting of preferences, the publication of results, and so on. In addition, our system aims to improve the
methods of traceability and audit about voting operations, with no middleman.
In the field of public elections there are several cri-
tical issues, for example relating to the counting and
verification of votes, which are managed by involving
different figures and equipment in the typical phases
of voting process. Infact, the vote represents a funda-
mental element of any collaboration between people,
with several methods, online voting, raising hands to
ballot boxes and so on. At this stage the idea of using
blockchain technology to distribute an electoral regis-
ter open to all citizens is becoming increasingly popu-
lar. Blockchain represents a means of recording and
verifying documents transparently distributed among
users of a selected network.
While votes are usually recorded, organized, counted
and verified by a central authority, a blockchain-based
electronic voting system could decentralize controls,
making voters take over certain tasks while retaining
a copy of the electoral register.
This would lead to the elimination of illegitimate vo-
tes because the copies of the voters are a voting his-
tory that can not be changed and whose changes can
be easily verified. An illegitimate vote, already regis-
tered or associated with an invalid register, could not
therefore be added because the other voters would be
able to see that it is not compatible with the establis-
hed rules.
Furthermore nowadays companies and administrati-
ons have to face an increasingly rapid need to make
decisions that corresponds to an increasingly fast
and massive acquisition of feedbacks and documents.
This can lead to a loss of collegiality and democracy
and a concentration of responsibilities towards one
person in charge. To avoid this, new tools for parti-
cipation in decision-making activities that are in step
with the times are needed.
In this scenario we introduce Crypto-voting. It is a
blockchain tecnology based system, that represents a
valid/useful mean for simplifying the decision process
of companies and to support the government of bu-
siness associations. It could represent an easy solu-
tion in all of situations related to the real involvement
of all stakeholders interested in the decision-making
As significant examples we can mention some cases
in which Cripto-voting is a support in the voting pro-
cess, the former is when participants are responsi-
ble for a network of Small and Medium Enterprises
(SMEs) called upon to make a decision regarding a
common strategy. The second when participants are
the subjects internal to a Public Administration (PA)
or to a specific enterprise that will have, for example,
to elect the representative person or the management
Fusco, F., Lunesu, M., Pani, F. and Pinna, A.
Crypto-voting, a Blockchain based e-Voting System.
DOI: 10.5220/0006962102230227
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2018) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 223-227
ISBN: 978-989-758-330-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
members. Finally, when the vote could concern citi-
zens who are asked for an opinion on the functioning
of the PA or, in order to carry out a market survey, and
customers (or tourists) who are asked for feedback on
the services they have used or desired.
According to our idea Crypto-voting it is placed
as a leverage of change with the end to achieve the
objective to reinforce the Information and Commu-
nication Technologies (TIC or ICT) applications for
e-government, e-learning, e- inclusion, e-culture and
e-health. The idea could be particularly innovative
in the cybersecurity field for consumer world (Go-
vernment to Consumer (G2C)), with a combination
of integrated and complementary data encryption and
storage technologies and a platform for the represen-
tation and use of open and scalable data. Moreover,
the proposed e-voting system could favorite the en-
hancement of Open Data, also in economics terms, in
particular in case in which the elections are related to
market surveys.
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2
shows an overview of related work. Section 3 we
propose our approach. Lastly, Section 4 includes the
conclusions and some reasoning about our work.
The project idea presented in this work can be placed
in the framework of the e-voting systems. The study
of the state of the art about already existent systems
for e-voting and in general about the rules which regu-
late the protection of results, encourages the research
of an alternative method based on the latest innovative
technologies. In the case of this proposal, we want to
exploit the peculiarities of the blockchain technology.
Blockchain technology is known for being the basis
of cryptocurrencies, such as the the Bitcoin system
(Nakamoto, 2008). The Bitcoin was the first cryp-
tocurrency system introduced and it is currently the
most important cryptocurrency in terms of capitali-
zation. Blockchain is a distributed and decentralized
data structure which records in chronological order a
specific typology of data called transactions. Block-
chain users interact with the blockchain by sending
transactions requests within a peer-to-peer network.
A transaction execution leads to the change of the
state of the blockchain. It is possible to define the
blockchain state as the set of information associated
to each user’s account (wallet) in a certain time.
The changes are collected and recorded within a
block, whose data is processed in order to calculate
a fingerprint called hash. The hash code of previous
block is also included in the current block hash cal-
culation, to make the whole chain actually unchan-
geable. Thanks to its technical characteristics, the
blockchain offers the security and transparency requi-
rements that so far lacked in the electronic voting sys-
tems adopted in various countries. It provides a toke-
nized trust mechanism, digital and decentralized, for
generating secure data, which potentially preserves
the anonymity of the participants but remains open
to public inspection. Applied to the voting process,
the blockchain technology guarantees that the votes
are accurately, transparently, permanently and safely
Most of the largest and most popular blockchain
systems (i.e Bitcoin and Ethereum) are public. It me-
ans that all transactions stored in these blockchains
are publicly available. It is not possible to hide the
data set of each transaction that includes, the body of
the message (that is the IT description of the opera-
tion to be performed), the sender and the recipient. In
general, we speak of pseudo-anonymity because the
sender and recipient are known in terms of an alpha-
numeric code generally called ”address”. Using tra-
cing techniques could be possible infer their identity
(Pinna et al., 2018).
The literature offers various studies still ongoing
on the use of blockchain technology for voting sys-
tems. The characteristics of this technology allow, in
principle, to create decentralized and automatic vo-
ting systems. It is also true that the scientific research
is still far from reaching a definitive solution to create
an electronic voting system able to completely replace
traditional voting systems. The replacement process
could involve the study and the development of solu-
tions to overcome certain critical points, such as the
guarantee of the secrecy of the voter (Khan et al.,
2018; Rubtcova and Pavenkov, 2018).
New and emerging blockchain systems put confi-
dentiality and anonymity at the first place. In parti-
cular, Zcash
is a public blockchain system that im-
plements a system for privacy protection and that co-
des transactions to hide the sender, the recipient and
the content of the message. In order to guarantee the
data integrity and prevent frauds and cheats, Zcash
uses a zero-knowledge proof called zk-SNARK (Sas-
son et al., 2014). This algorithm aims to maintain
the record of balances. Proposed solutions for voting
systems based on blokchain, are still at a prototype
stage. One of these is Vote Coin
, announced in 2014
and still under development. It is a decentralized sy-
stem of electronic voting that exploits the characteris-
tics of Zcash in order to hide the link between elector
KMIS 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
(or voter) and expressed vote, when deemed neces-
sary (Kappos et al., 2018).
Another system under development is Agora
(Agora Technologies, 2018), a voting platform for Di-
gital democracy, based on public blockchain and on
the sharding mechanism that protects the privacy of
the voter. They use cryptographic methods such as
the ElGamal system (Wang et al., 2018) for the pro-
tection of votes cast and a system called Neff shuff-
ling (Neff, 2001) that protects anonymity. Agora was
tested during the vote in Sierra Leone in 2018. The
concept of digital democracy is the main focus of the
Coalichain project (, 2018). This project
under development aims to create, in addition to vo-
ting procedures, an ecosystem to allow the interaction
between voters and representatives. The aim is to eli-
minate the communication gap between citizens and
governments. In addition, the project includes the de-
velopment of a set of services useful to make the pu-
blic service more efficient by promoting the transpa-
rency and traceability of data. The Agora system is
based on the public blockchain of Ethereum.
In 2017 Spanos et al. obtained a patent (Spanos
et al., 2017), that protects the invention of an electro-
nic voting system based on blockchain that provides
the existence of a network of voting machines and a
system for the allocation of voting rights based on a
mechanism of public and private keys. In their me-
chanism, votes are expressed by scanning a barcode
using a specific device, and forwarded to a blockchain
in order to be recorded in a counting block. A spe-
cial feature of this system is the use of a Slidechain.
Slidechains allow the creation of a blockchain with
multiple branches (i.e a sidechain) and to propagate
information simultaneously in each chain that bran-
ches off from another chain, following the rules of
their custom protocol.
We dedicate this section to the description of Crypto-
voting system a multichannel hybrid system based on
blockchain technology. The main potentiality of the
system is to allow to vote remotely, representing a
concrete benefit for those voters who live far from
the seat of membership (for example, voters abroad).
Usually the remote voting operation can be done via
mobile devices or personal computers.
Thanks to Crypto-voting system it will be possible
to guarantee the continuity with the traditional voting
operation and the accessibility also to IT-illiterate.
People can vote in a traditional way reaching an
e-voting polling station. The voting operation con-
sists in marking a symbol in a ”virtual” ballot paper
showed on a flat touchscreen.
To implement Crypto-voting we decided to study and
exploit the sidechain technology.
Sidechains extend the blockchain and allow the
creation of new features by avoiding both the writing
on the main blockchain (reducing costs and risks of
failure) and the need to create a new currency. Si-
dechain is based on the possibility of creating a sy-
stem based on the combined use of a main blockchain
and a subordinate blockchain that communicate with
each other according to specific synchronization crite-
ria. Typically, cryptocurrencies can be moved on the
sidechain and then return to the main chain. Crypto-
voting system intends to use a permissioned block-
chain (ie subject to authorization), in order to guaran-
tee access control without compromising the require-
ments of anonymity and confidentiality.
The assumptions and motivations of the chosen
technology choices are:
the need of a safe and reliable technology that al-
low the creation of a double transparent and public
ledger containing all voting results;
the need of voters, supervisory authorities and
candidates to have certified, transparent and ve-
rifiable information related to all voting process
The disruptive idea of Crypto-voting is the use of
two linked blockchain, one-way pegged sidechain
The first sidechain records eligible voters and record
the voting operation of voters. The second sidechain
counts the votes assigned to the various candidates
System Architecture
The proposed system manages 3 distinct phases of the
voting process
1. preparatory activities and formation of electoral
2. management of voting;
3. count of votes.
In particular, it clearly separates phase 2 from phase
3, thanks to the presence of two separate blockchains,
even if concatenated, which does not make any elec-
tronic voting system, where the voting automatically
implies the counting of votes.
Pegged sidechain is a blockchain that is attached to the
parent chain (blockchain). In one-way peg the transfer of
assets occur when one blockchain destroys its assets publi-
cly and upon deletion of these assets a new blockchain will
create new assets.
Crypto-voting, a Blockchain based e-Voting System
The permissioned blockchain of Crypto-voting af-
ter the creation of the sidechain BitPoll is frozen,
eliminating the blind scripts, through the association
with a hash signed by a triad of persons responsible
for the election with their own private signature. In
this way nobody can:
1. re-open the blockchain, without the complicity of
the triad;
2. alter the individual votes without the complicity
of the ex-post scrutinizing nodes;
3. reconstruct the association of the vote to the per-
son (voter).
Research Objectives
The Crypto-voting system will include the realization
of a network of installed virtual voting booth. The
project includes the study of tele-management and
tele-maintenance services to be implemented using
cloud systems that work together with the blockchain.
The research activity should interest the following
integration of cybersecurity tools on blockchain in
the cloud system;
development of a multi-tenant system with segre-
gation of individual customer data in private cloud
development of dedicated software engines both
on the Cloud and on the permissioned blockchain.
evolution of the algorithms of sharing a secret;
development of code libraries necessary for the
voting system.
Privacy issues represents an important research topic
in blockchain based systems, especially in the cases
of the blockchain represent a layer of more complex
system (Zyskind et al., 2015; Dorri et al., 2017). We
identified in the Shamir’s Secret Sharing algorithm
(Shamir, 1979) a solution for our privacy issues. One
of the aims of the Crytpo-voting project is the adap-
tion and evolution of this algorithm for the purposes
of the system. In addition, dedicated software will be
designed to manage specific configurations that des-
cribe the optimization of the first and second level
support process. The design of blockchain based soft-
ware systems must face the lack of specific guidelines
and design tools (Porru et al., 2017). The definition
of design protocols and tools represents another rese-
arch challenge of this proposal. In this way, the re-
search behind the project will contribute to the deve-
lopment of the engineering of the linked softwre app-
lied to the blockchain (Lenarduzzi et al., 2018; Tonelli
et al., 2018). Specific code libraries will be based on
modern deep and machine learning technologies, so
that the system learns from experience. These libra-
ries will be used for the control procedures.
This paper describes the research proposal to define
and implement a new e-voting system concept. This
system is called Crypto-voting and it is based on per-
missioned blockchain technology.
The elements of innovation, compared to the state
of the art, consist in the approach, in the techno-
logy and in the use of tools such as Smart Contracts.
The proposal focuses on the potential of the sidechain
technology. We described how it is possible to imple-
ment Crypto-voting system using two linked block-
chains. The first records voters and voting procedures,
the second counts vote and provides voting results.
This approach emphasizes the importance of anony-
mization of the network consensus nodes. Smart con-
tracts will be responsible for managing voting proce-
dures and results. Our system increases the efficiency
of the validation phase and of the assignment of the
candidate’s vote.
In addition, the proposed technology covers as-
pects not currently treated, such as a safe timing of
voting abroad, the automatic management of electoral
lists, integration of the identification process with that
of voting secrecy advanced, and automatic and reli-
able mechanisms to guarantee the security of voting.
The research will also focus on architectural issues.
For instance, the use of cloud system to realize the
virtual voting booth leads to the integration of cyber-
security and privacy tools to protect the blockchain in
the Cloud system.
The Crypto-voting system could represent an uni-
que in the technological European landscape and in
the e-voting market. The system could offer to their
own users services really customizable, integrable
and enough reliable at the same time. The nature of
this research proposal is itself of directed towards the
wide circulation of results in the research community
and in the e-government sectors. Considering the vas-
tness of the proposal, research results could interest
several research institutions, which can enrich results
by means an audience of experts more articulated than
that of the proponents. In the same way, it is essential
the public actors involvement in order to verify if the
ambition related to the project could effectively find
an application feedback.
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Crypto-voting, a Blockchain based e-Voting System