Towards a Declarative Approach to Stateful and Stateless Usage Control
for Data Protection
Francesco Di Cerbo
, Fabio Martinelli
, Ilaria Matteucci
and Paolo Mori
Security Research, SAP, France
IIT-CNR, Italy
Personal Data Protection, GDPR, Privacy, Security.
Virtually any online website or service has a rising need for data protection mechanisms, especially for per-
sonal data, considering initiatives such as the new General Data Protection Regulation to operate on the EU
economic space, or the Cybersecurity Law for the Chinese market. It seems therefore necessary to dispose of
mechanisms that help both users, as well as legal experts and practitioners to automatically manage the pro-
cessing of personal and sensitive data in a secure and compliant manner, to reduce the probability of human
errors. To this aim, we show here our initial proposal for an automatically enforceable policy language, UPOL,
for access and usage control of personal information, aiming at transparent and accountable data usage. UPOL
extends and combines previous research results, U-XACML and PPL, and it is part of a more general proposal
to regulate multi-party data sharing operations. A use case is proposed, considering challenges brought by the
new EU’s GDPR.
The advent of the new European General Data Privacy
Regulation (GDPR Regulation (EU) 2016/679) (Eu-
ropean Parliament and Council, 2016), entered in
force in May 2018, changed the legal framework and
the requirements for data processing of European ci-
tizens. Such changes are applicable for all entities,
anywhere in the world, that process EU personal data.
At least the same magnitude of changes are reque-
sted to actors operating on the Chinese market, ac-
cording to the prescriptions recently (Bird and LLC,
2018) published in the framework of the Chinese Cy-
ber Security Law (Standing Committee of the Nati-
onal People’s Congress, 2017). This imposes, to all
such entities, modifications in their processes and li-
kely in their software to be compliant with the new
In our work, we focussed in particular on a num-
ber of key requirements of GDPR that are also simi-
larly prescribed by the Chinese law. These require-
ments are formalised in Articles 5 and 25as follows:
“lawfulness, fairness and transparency”, “purpose
limitation” and “data minimisation”.
The “lawfulness, fairness and transparency”
principle refers to the mandated requirements for a
data processing, taking the point of view of the data
subject (i.e., the owner of the personal data). The
“purpose limitation” principle requires data proces-
sing to take place only for pursuing predetermined ob-
jectives (or purposes), explicitly accepted by the data
subject (explicit consent) with a contract prepared un-
der the fairness and transparency principles. “Data
minimisation” imposes to data controllers (e.g., com-
panies collecting personal data of customers) to re-
duce the amount of collected data to the strict mini-
mal necessary to carry out the requested service, also
reducing “the extent of processing, the period of their
storage and their accessibility”.
In the past, a number of research results had si-
milar objectives. In particular, we observed that the
security features of access and usage control seem to
fulfill the data minimisation requirement in the part
that refers to computation purpose verification, data
retention and data access. Access control refers to the
ability of permitting or denying requests to access a
resource, according to a predetermined policy or con-
figuration. Multiple access control models exist, from
access control lists where authorized requesting sub-
jects, operations and resources are explicitly menti-
oned, to the more complex Attribute-Based Access
Control (ABAC) where rules are expressed on the ba-
sis of attributes of such entities (e.g. for requesting
subjects, their role in a company). Access control
Di Cerbo, F., Martinelli, F., Matteucci, I. and Mori, P.
Towards a Declarative Approach to Stateful and Stateless Usage Control for Data Protection.
DOI: 10.5220/0006962503080315
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2018), pages 308-315
ISBN: 978-989-758-324-7
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ends its role when access is granted or denied; usage
control on the contrary, deals with the observation of
the usage of a resource that a requestor does, inter-
rupting or reacting dinamically to requestor’s actions
according to predetermined directives.
Our activity identified two solutions, whose com-
bination would allow a data controller to achieve
a transparent usage of personal data. T hey are
PPL (Trabelsi et al., 2010; Di Cerbo et al., 2015) and
U-XACML (Lazouski et al., 2012). The novelty of
our proposal consists of an approach (policy language
and reference architecture) that unifies both benefits
and allows to achieve new results, namely:
R1: to meet GDPR’s transparency requirement by
fully controlling information processing operati-
ons. This is achieved through the full support of
the Usage Control model proposed by Park and
Sandhu (Park and Sandhu, 2004; Zhang et al.,
2005), achieved through our contribution as sim-
ple extension to a well-known access control stan-
dard, XACML (OASIS, 2010)
R2: the control and tracking of processing purpose(s),
for the operations requesting an access to the pro-
tected pieces of information, both at the moment
of the access request and during their consump-
tion. This aims at meeting GDPR’s purpose limi-
R3: the support for GDPR’s data minimisation, consi-
dering for example data retention conditions.
In summary, we propose a language powerful
enough to express legal, data protection and usage
control policies in several contexts, such as the com-
pliant collection and usage of a resource in a cloud
environment and on mobile devices. Its adoption can
be part of an effort to achieve GDPR compliance in
an infrastructure.
The paper is structured as follows: next section
describes the motivation of this work that is mainly
part of a EU FP7 project named Coco Cloud about
the sharing of sensitive data through the Cloud, and
how parts of this effort are continued in project C3ISP.
Section 3 briefly recalls the existing access and usage
control policy languages while Section 4 presents the
new one, named UPOL able to integrate and enhance
in a unique language the expressiveness of both lan-
guages. Section 5 presents a use case for an UPOL
policy and finally Section 6 draws the conclusion of
the paper and discusses about ongoing and future
The Coco Cloud project (Coco Cloud Consortium,
2016) aims at allowing cloud users to securely and
privately share their data in the cloud, to increase
the trust of users in the cloud services and, conse-
quently, to increase their widespread adoption. Since
companies or public bodies are involved in the data
sharing, this sharing must be regulated by real digi-
tal contracts, called Data Sharing Agreements (DSA),
which must be paired with data and enforced every
time the data are used (Caimi et al., 2015). Besides
enforcing the constraints defined by the sharing par-
ties, a goal among the Coco Cloud project goals, is
to address also key challenges for legally compliant
data sharing in the cloud. Hence, the project places
an early emphasis on understanding and incorpora-
ting legal and regulatory requirements into the data
sharing agreements which are paired with the data.
The European data protection legal framework has
been one of the key legal focuses of our work.
Since the factors that are taken into account in
the data sharing agreements are mutable, i.e., they
can change over time, the policies paired with the
shared data follows the Usage Control model (Park
and Sandhu, 2004). In this way, the usage control po-
licy is continuously evaluated during the data access
time, and the access can be interrupted when the po-
licy is not satisfied any more. For instance, the DSA
could state that a subject can read the data only when
she is located within a given area (e.g., the building
of a company). Hence, a subject could open the docu-
ment on her mobile phone when she is located within
the building but, as soon as she exits the building, the
usage control policy (gracefully) interrupts the docu-
ment reading (for instance, it closes such document
saving the unsaved changes in a temporary document
copy). An obligation may also be attached, so that,
when the user leaves her country, the data is automa-
tically deleted from the device.
Moreover, the DSA also requires that some acti-
ons, called obligations, must be executed as a con-
sequence of the execution of other actions or when
certain events occur. For instance, the data sharing
agreement of a piece of data could include an obli-
gation, which requires that the file is deleted after a
given date. This concept has clear application in ex-
pressing a personal data retention period, according
to the GDPR. These actions can be naturally expres-
sed through obligations by adopting the Usage Cont-
rol model.
Hence, in this paper we describe UPOL, the lan-
guage we defined for expressing the enforceable ver-
Towards a Declarative Approach to Stateful and Stateless Usage Control for Data Protection
sion of the usage control policies representing the
Coco Cloud DSAs.
The usage control model allows to define very
expressive data sharing agreements which can be
successfully applied in many scenarios. For example,
we applied it to e-government, corporate and healt-
hcare (Caimi et al., 2015) solutions. Moreover, part
of the described approach is used in C3ISP
, an EU-
funded H2020 project focussing on cyber security and
in particular on the sharing of particularly critical pie-
ces of information, that are necessary for organising
an effective defense against online attacks but that
may also be used, if in wrong hands, to conduct ma-
licious activities. This is the case of information des-
cribing cyber attacks trace logs: other defenders may
tune up their countermeasures in order to identify the
latest attacks (malware received per email, specially
crafted web requests targeting a software’s vulnera-
bility etc) but on the other hand, an attacker may get
to know where and how a target system is vulnerable
and may be successfully breached. Specific extensi-
ons are being studied and they will be discussed in the
As mentioned, we aim at achieving the fulfillment of
requirements R1, R2 and R3. We identified the usage
control model as the theoretical underpinnings for our
objective but we observed a number of limitations
in the current approaches. Essentially, we looked at
a number of declarative solutions (i.e. controllable
through a configuration policy) and we concentrated
on three technologies that have available implementa-
tions. They are:
XACML it is an OASIS standard with several
open source and commercial implementations.
The main limitation is that it only covers access
control models and not usage control. It could
only partially fulfill R1, R2 and R3.
U-XACML extends XACML in order to bring
some usage control functionalities, most notably
the continuous verification of access control con-
ditions during processing of requested resources.
It can be used to fulfill R1, partially R2 but not
PPL as well extends XACML with the possibi-
lity to verify resource processing purposes against
a policy plus it caters the automatic execution of
obligations defined by a resource owner. It can be
used to implement R3 especially with respect to
data retention, R2 but not completely R1.
From these findings, we decided to work on a new
concept, UPOL. It extends XACML, combining the
advantages brought in by two other extensions, U-
XACML and PPL, later described more in depths.
From their combination, UPOL achieves new capa-
bilities as detailed in Sections 4. It is the language
we used to express DSAs terms and conditions in a
machine-enforceable manner. UPOL policies there-
fore regulate the usage of the data they are paired
with: following the sticky policy model (Pearson and
Casassa Mont, 2011), each policy (that regulates the
access to a resource) get attached to a resource to form
a bundle, normally protected by means of strong en-
cryption. This imposes that data can be processed
only by means of special mechanisms able to decrypt
the bundle and to allow its access in accordance to
the associated policy. Any attempt to consume arbi-
trarily a resource once it is protected by such bundle,
is destined to fail. The UPOL language is based on
the Usage Control model, which extends traditional
access control model by dealing with attributes rela-
ted to the subjects and of the objects which change
their values over time. The Usage Control model al-
lows to define policies which are continuously eva-
luated during the execution of an access, in order to
revoke such ongoing access when the corresponding
policy is not valid any longer. In particular, the usage
control policies define authorization and condition ru-
les which must be satisfied before and/or during the
usage of such data ( pre-/ongoing-authorizations and
pre-/ongoing-conditions), along with obligations (si-
milarly, pre-/ongoing-obligations). UPOL comprises
all such categories, extending the XACML capabili-
ties with two new contributions the asynchronous and
synchronous obligations, normally implemented by a
trusted third party. The asynchronous obligations are
usage control obligations which have to be fulfilled
when an event occurs. Events may used to model re-
actions to mutable attributes as in Park and Sandhu
model but, extending it, they may not be connected
to an access request, as such as when the retention
period for a piece of data expires (as requested for
GDPR’s data minimization). The synchronous obli-
gations are again usage control obligations. For in-
stance banners that appears while one watches a strea-
ming video, or logging of the exact consumption time
of a resource, for accountability purposes. Such kind
of obligations may also be considered as session obli-
gations and can be used in order to pinpoint when an
user starts and terminates to use a resource as well as
when the user’s access right to the resource is revo-
WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
In UPOL, the violation of pre-authorization or
pre-condition rules prevents the access to the pro-
tected data. Instead, when pre-authorization and
pre-condition rules are satisfied, the user can access
the data, and the ongoing-authorization and ongoing-
condition rules are enforced continuously while the
access is in progress. In this case, the violation of
ongoing rules interrupts the usage of the data. Ses-
sion obligations may be associated to passed or failed
checks, in order to model a desired behavior.
The U-XACML language is an extension of the XA-
CML language which includes additional constructs
to express Usage Control policies. XACML is a stan-
dard developed by the OASIS consortium for expres-
sing and managing access control policies in a distri-
buted environment (OASIS, 2010). Briefly, the XA-
CML standard defines a policy meta-model, syntax,
semantics, and the related enforcement architecture.
The top-level element of a policy is <PolicySet>,
which includes a set of <Policy> elements (or ot-
her distinct <PolicySet>), each of which, in turn, in-
cludes a <Target>, which denotes the target of the
policy, and a set of <Rule> elements which repre-
sent the authorization rules. A rule is defined by three
main components: the <Target>, the <Condition>,
and the effect of the rule which can be either Permit
or Deny. The <Target> denotes the target of the rule,
i.e., to which authorization requests the rule can be
applied. The <Condition> elements are predicates
evaluating the attributes. Optionally, a rule can in-
clude also the <ObligationExpression> element. A
rule is applicable to an access request if the target of
the access request matches the target of the rule and
if all the conditions included in the rule are satisfied.
If a rule is applicable to an access request, the effect
declared for the rule determines whether the access
request is permitted or denied, and the related obliga-
tion must be executed.
XACML allows to express traditional access con-
trol policies dealing with immutable attributes and it
does not have specific constructs to express the con-
tinuity of policy enforcement. Hence, the U-XACML
language extends XACML with some constructs for
usage control as follows. To represent the peculiarity
of the Usage Control model, i.e., the continuity of po-
licy enforcement, the U-XACML language allows to
specify in the <Condition> element a clause, called
DecisionTime, which defines when the evaluation of
this condition must be executed. The admitted values
are pre and on denoting, respectively, pre-decisions
and on-decisions. In this way, the conditions whose
decision time is set to pre are usual XACML conditi-
ons. On the other hand, the conditions whose decision
time is set to on must be continuously evaluated while
the access is in progress. We recall that XACML con-
ditions are exploited to represent both UCON authori-
zations and conditions. In the same way, U-XACML
extends the <ObligationExpression> element with
the DecisionTime clause to define when the obliga-
tion must be executed. In this case too, the admit-
ted values for the DecisionTime clause are: pre (pre-
obligations, i.e., usual XACML obligations) and on
(on-obligations), and post (post-obligations).
To deal with mutable attributes, U-XACML intro-
duces a new element, <AttrUpdates>, which repre-
sents the attribute updates in the policy. This ele-
ment includes a number of <AttrUpdate> elements
to specify each update action. Each <AttrUpdate>
element also specifies when the update must be per-
formed through the clause UpdateTime which can
have one of the following values: pre (pre-update),
on (on-update), and post (post-update). U-XACML
language, please refer to (Colombo et al., 2010).
3.2 PPL
PPL (Primelife Policy Language) is another XACML
extension that allows to express personal data hand-
ling and credential capabilities. It achieves this result
by providing access and usage control functionalities.
In particular it was designed for modelling personal
data exchanges between data subjects and data con-
troller , according to definitions provided by the Euro-
pean Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC. PPL adopts
the sticky policy approach: once data handling terms
have been agreed between data subject and control-
ler, a policy gets associated to the personal data given
to the data controller. This policy cannot be detached
from the data and regulates each usage. One notable
aspect is the expression of usage control obligations.
Normally in XACML, an obligation must be fulfilled
by the actor that issues an access request. In PPL,
they are defined as “a promise made by a data con-
troller to a data subject in relation to the handling of
his/her personal data. The data controller is expected
to fulfill the promise by executing and/or preventing a
specific action after a particular event, e.g. time, and
optionally under certain conditions”. PPL obligations
may also apply to data processors, i.e., entities autho-
rized by data controller to carry out computations on
the data, under the responsibility of the data control-
ler. PPL obligations are expressed as follows:
Obligation = Do Action when Trigger (1)
Trigger = Event Condition (2)
Towards a Declarative Approach to Stateful and Stateless Usage Control for Data Protection
Obligations modelled in this way are not depen-
dent on access requests and therefore differ from
access control obligations. They can be used to ex-
press a data retention period, e.g., data must be de-
leted by the data controller after 30 days from their
submission. As shown in (Di Cerbo et al., 2015), trig-
gers may also depend on contextual conditions like
geographic location.
As mentioned, the UPOL language originates from
XAMCL, adding statefulness to its interaction model.
To cater for that, a number of contributions are propo-
sed, in terms of reference architecture and language
syntax, explained in the remainder of this section.
The UPOL reference architecture originates from
XACML, mutuating many of the main components
for its enforcement engine (depicted in Fig. 1):
PEP Policy Enforcement Point intercepts the reque-
sts to perform security relevant actions, triggers
the decision process and enforces the results.
PEP is normally integrated in a client applica-
CH Context Handler coordinates the internal com-
ponents of the enforcement engine.
PDP Policy Decision Point evaluates requests (also
continuously) against UPOL policies.
PAP Policy Administration Point is in charge of re-
trieving applicable policies for PDP evaluation.
PIP Policy Information Point(s) retrieves all the ne-
cessary attributes of any actor (subject, action,
resource, environment) for enabling PDP evalu-
The new components, respectively inherited by U-
XACML and PPL are:
SM Session Manager is responsible for keeping
track of the ongoing usage sessions, i.e., of the
access that are currently in progress, and it is re-
sponsible to store the meta-data regarding these
sessions. It is the key component of the conti-
nuous authorization phase, enabling the PDP to
operate continuously.
OE Obligation Engine is responsible for keeping
track of obligation triggers and executing the as-
sociated action(s).
In UPOL, the CH has also the role to exchange
status information among SM and OE, in order to al-
low session obligations to be triggered.
The UPOL architecture is necessary to implement
Figure 1: The UPOL Reference Architecture.
its new obligations; they go beyond the capabilities
of XACML/U-XACML and PPL. Table 1 enume-
rates UPOL obligations as extension of XACMl/U-
XACML, PPL and the newly defined UPOL obligati-
ons. U-XACML inherits the standard XACML obli-
gations, they are pre-, or post-obligations associated
with an access request.
Instead, PPL obligations are not (necessarily)
bound to an access request (see Formula 1). PPL
supports triggers (see Formula 2) like proximity to
a specific geographic location, but also data deletion
or time interval expiration (Di Cerbo et al., 2015).
A trusted third party, different from Data Subject
and Data Controller and trusted by both actors, is in
charge of automatic obligation enforcement. Lastly,
UPOL obligations can be defined leveraging the no-
tion of session: UPOL defines three new event types
StartAccess, EndAccess and RevokeAccess that can
be part of UPOL triggers. Therefore, UPOL obligati-
ons may prescribe the execution of actions associated
with a session work-flow. A UPOL obligation can
start during a data consumption operation and termi-
nate at its end. We recall that a session is created when
an access request is approved and the requestor (or an
agent) notifies the beginning of a resource consump-
tion. EndAccess obligations are triggered when the
requestor interrupts a resource consumption opera-
tion. RevokeAccess on the contrary takes place when
a policy violation is detected and a session is inter-
rupted by initiative of the access control mechanism.
UPOL obligations also differentiate from other obli-
gations in that they can be used to execute continu-
ous actions, particularly helpful in streaming scena-
rios: like showing banners in streaming videos or in
Big Data streaming Analytics computation. Last but
not least, obligations differentiate also with respect to
the enforcement actor. XACML/U-XACML obligati-
ons are normally enforced at the requestor’s end, by
the PEP. PPL obligations, instead, are enforced by a
third party (for example, a cloud provider) trusted by
data subject and data controller. UPOL obligations
are triggered by the Obligation Engine run by a trus-
WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 1: Obligations part of an UPOL policy.
Obligation Type Reference Event Obligation Action
Obligation Enforce-
U-XACML pre- or
at the moment of the
punctual actions PEP
PPL obligations dependent or indepen-
dent from access re-
punctual actions trusted third party
UPOL session obliga-
at the beginning, end
or during data con-
punctual or continu-
ous actions
trusted third party or
ted third party but they may be also executed by the
PEP, according to the associated actions.
4.1 Comparison with UCON ABC
The Park and Sandhu model (Park and Sandhu, 2004)
defines a number of core usage control models, or-
ganised according to their characteristics with respect
1. access control constituents, namely authorizations
(A), obligations (B) and conditions (C);
2. the continuity of the decision: is the access control
decision made when a request is received (like in
standard AC, pre) or its validity is continuously
evaluated during object consumption (typical trait
of UC, ongoing)?
3. mutability of attributes: are subject or object at-
tributes changing following to a decision? and
when? This originates: immutable, pre update,
ongoing update or post update models re-
spectively for models where no attribute changes
are foreseen, updates takes place before, during or
after an access takes place.
We claim that our UPOL language can describe
all control models described by Park and Sandhu, by
means of, respectively:
1. the native XACML constructs.
2. the constructs brought in by U-XAMCL.
3. the specific extensions offered by U-XACML
combined with PPL: pre and ongoing conditi-
ons can originate specific events to trigger the ne-
wly defined UPOL obligations (synchronous and
Moreover, if used in conjunction with the sticky
policy approach, UPOL spans its scope beyond access
and usage control, as UPOL obligations can be trig-
gered also without the reception of an access re-
quest. Such functionality is particularly helpful in
cases like GDPR’s data minimisation requirement,
where a piece of data may reside on the Data Control-
ler cloud only for a limited amount of time. Provided
that a trusted third party runs a UPOL-aware enforce-
ment mechanism to control the UPOL-regulated data
on the cloud, such requirement may be fulfilled.
As an example, we may consider a simple online
commerce scenario involving a company, ACME
(data controller according to the GDRP), one of its
customers, Customer as data subject and a third-party,
a Marketing service provider that profiles customers
and suggests marketing campaigns to ACME.
The use case is depicted in Figure 2. The cus-
tomer submits a set of personal data, necessary for
ACME to serve the customer’s orders and of course,
to keep track of payments, warranties etc. This ex-
change is regulated by recording the data subject con-
sent to a data sharing agreement (Caimi et al., 2015)
stating precisely data controller’s rights and obligati-
ons, detailed as follows. Data submission and consent
recording take place through a specific service, called
“Usage Control Service” (the proposed contribution)
in the figure, that:
associates to the personal data, a UPOL po-
licy (using the sticky policy model) that states
their access and usage terms (the data sharing
enforces the UPOL policy upon incoming perso-
nal data access requests;
monitors usage of personal data, through inte-
ractions with the ACME information systems, en-
forcing continuous authorizations as well as usage
control obligations.
When the third party uses the ACME information sy-
stems, it interacts with the enforcement system, crea-
Towards a Declarative Approach to Stateful and Stateless Usage Control for Data Protection
Figure 2: An eHealth use case.
ting requests to access the protected resources. Infor-
mation systems cater for a number of attributes that
allow their requests to be evaluated by the enforce-
ment system, as well as providing indications about
the beginning and the end of information processing
operations. The interaction protocol between systems
and enforcement also allows the interruption of an
operation, in case of changes in the evaluation con-
It is out of the scope of the current work to include
a detailed analysis of the interaction protocol and of
the architecture of the enforcement system. Focus-
sing instead on the policy expression, it can be model-
led as a (sticky) UPOL Policy where a Rule with Tar-
get: subject role = marketing-third-party, contractor
= ACME may access the data. Two conditions (pre
and ongoing) control the geographic location of the
doctor, provided by the information systems, in order
to protect against data export clauses (GDPR Article
49). We can model the notification obligation by me-
ans of session obligations, triggered by StartAccess,
EndAccess and RevokeAccess. In this way, the begin-
ning and the end of sessions can be recorded for future
use. Last but not least, each access of the third-party
will trigger an email notification to the data subject, in
order to fully meet the transparent processing requi-
rements. It might be worth noting that other acces-
ses performed by the data controller will not trigger
such notification. Data minimization (with respect to
retention directives) is also enforced by means of a
specific obligation to delete the data associated to the
policy after 3 months from the moment when the per-
sonal data is received. The UPOL representation of
such policy can be found at Listing 1.
Listing 1. UPOL Use Case.
3 <!−− XACML Target: ABAC check for
, attribute ’marketingthirdparty’ of
, requestor
4 in the authentication system, i .e.
, role == marketingthirdparty’ −−>
5 <!−− Continous Authorization: requestor must
, be in EU to process the information
, −−>
6 <upol:Condition DecisionTime=”ongoing”>
7 <xacml:Apply FunctionId=
, urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1 .0
, :function:string equal”>
8 <xacml:Apply FunctionId=
, urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1 .0
, :function:string
9 oneandonly”>
10 < xacml:AttributeDesignator
11 AttributeId =
, urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1 .0
, :subject:subject location
12 Category=
, urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1 .0 :subject
, category:
13 accesssubject”
14 DataType=”http: // www.w3.
, org/2001/XMLSchema#string”
15 MustBePresent=”true”>
16 </ xacml:AttributeDesignator >
17 </xacml:Apply>
18 <xacml:AttributeValue DataType=
, http: //
, string”>
19 EU</xacml:AttributeValue>
20 </xacml:Apply>
21 </upol:Condition>
22 <ob:ObligationsSet
23 xmlns:ob=http: // /
, obligation >
24 <ob:Obligation>
25 <ob:TriggersSet>
26 <!−− UPOL Session Obligations −−>
27 <upol:TriggerRuleEvaluated
, FulfillOn =StartAccess />
28 <upol:TriggerRuleEvaluated FulfillOn =
, EndAccess” />
29 <upol:TriggerRuleEvaluated FulfillOn =
, RevokeAccess” />
30 </ob:TriggersSet>
32 <!−− Action : notify data subject
, −−>
33 <ob:ActionNotifyDataSubject>
34 <ob:Media>Mail</ob:Media>
35 <ob:Address>customer.
, email@email.provider</ob:Address>
36 </ob:ActionNotifyDataSubject>
37 </ob:Obligation>
38 <!−− Obligation: delete after 3 months
, from information received −−>
39 <ob:Obligation>
40 <ob:TriggersSet>
41 <TriggerAtTime>
42 <MaxDelay>
43 <Duration>
, P0Y3M0DT0H0M0S</Duration>
44 </MaxDelay>
45 </TriggerAtTime>
46 </ob:TriggersSet>
WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
47 <ob:DenyAllAndDeleteNow/>
48 </ob:Obligation>
49 </ ob:ObligationsSet>
Data protection, especially for personal information,
has a growing attention and demand. For example,
the EU General Data Privacy Regulation require sig-
nificant changes in the way entities collect personal
data of EU citizens, anywhere in the world. In this
paper we presented our effort towards the expression
of data protection policies to achieve compliance as
combination of access and usage control measures.
Our policy language, UPOL, was developed in the
context of the EU FP7 Coco Cloud project. Its main
aim is to obtain a unique language that is powerful
enough to express, legal, security, and privacy con-
straints in automatically enforceable policies, focus-
sed on the sharing and management of (personal or
otherwise sensitive) data over the Cloud. Now, our
development continues in the EU H2020 C3ISP pro-
ject, extending data protection also to Big Data ana-
lytics scenario, especially considering cyber security
information sharing.
Our preliminary results, with obligations enforced
automatically by the policy engine are promising es-
pecially with respect to the fulfillment of some data
controller obligations as stated by the GDPR. We are
currently working towards structuring and extending
more our language, in order to support more data pro-
tection use cases, looking at personal data but also at
more in general, confidential information especially
in the cyber security domain.
This work was partly supported by EC-funded pro-
jects Coco Cloud [grant no. 610853] and by C3ISP
[grand no. 700294].
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Towards a Declarative Approach to Stateful and Stateless Usage Control for Data Protection