The Application of Heuristic Algorithm in the Location of Shared
cle Parkin
Xiaofeng Yan and Jie Zhao
Foreign trade college, Chongqing Normal University, The No. 9 Xuefu Road of Hechuan Distict, Chongqing, China
Keywords: Sharing single car, Heuristic algorithm.
Abstract: With the development of the shared economy and the advocacy of green travel, the shared bicycle has
emerged as the times require, and it is popularized rapidly in all big cities. However, the popularity of
sharing a single bicycle will also bring many problems, especially in the problem of vehicle management. If
it is not handled properly, it will affect traffic and travel. This article through analysing the factors
influencing the location, establishment of relevant indicators, under the premise of ensuring the user
convenience, which cost minimization as the objective function, take the example verifies the feasibility of
the scientific location based on the location of the heuristic algorithm. The experimental results show that
the algorithm is effective.
The emergence of the shared economic platform is
changing the traditional consumption concept under
the tide of the Internet. In recent years, sharing
bicycles has become a new hot spot of China's
shared economy, and it is deeply loved by college
students. As of the end of 2016, the third party data
research institutions released the "2016 China bike
sharing Market Research Report" shows that the
number of bicycle market overall user China share
has reached 18 million 860 thousand, It is expected
that the bicycle market share subscribers will
continue to maintain substantial growth in 2017, It
will reach 50 million users. With a large number of
bicycle bike sharing on the sharing, there are many
"urban diseases" in the management, such as shared
bicycle companies closed down unable to return the
deposit, because users sharing bicycle parking
blocking traffic, vehicle damage to a series of
problems faster and increase the number of other
damage. About sharing parking problems, Beijing,
Shanghai, Changsha, Shenzhen and other places
have issued sharing parking regulations, but all of
these provisions do not all assign special parking
area to shared bicycles.
Now many problems in planning theory, people
always tend to use firefly algorithm, simulated
annealing, genetic algorithm and ant colony
algorithm to seek the optimal solution, but in reality,
many problems are related to the complex system of
many factors, so we always cannot accurately find
the optimal solution. Heuristic algorithm is a
technology that can find one or even multiple
understanding within the scope of problem
constraints. The solution obtained by this algorithm
is not able to describe its similarity with the optimal
solution in most cases.
The sharing of bicycles cannot develop blindly,
if the parking is not order, it will bring great trouble
to the city management. In order to make the shared
bicycles able to park properly, this paper will
analyse the main parking places and surrounding
environment of the shared cars, and consider the
feasibility and cost of sharing the single car, so as to
find a reasonable parking address.
2.1 Problem description and index
2.1.1 Description of the problem
Because Chongqing is so special, so sharing bicycle
is not completely universal, but the Chongqing city
east area 470 km long, 450 km wide from north to
Yan, X. and Zhao, J.
The Application of Heuristic Algorithm in the Location of Shared Bicycle Parking.
In 3rd International Conference on Electromechanical Control Technology and Transportation (ICECTT 2018), pages 294-297
ISBN: 978-989-758-312-4
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
south, covers an area of 82402.95 square kilo-meters,
23 under the jurisdiction of the District, 11 counties
and 4 autonomous counties, the urban built-up area
of 647.78 square meters of 1000. There are 55
colleges and universities in Chongqing. There are
about 200000 college students in the university town.
In order to cater for the needs of college students,
currently, the main area of sharing bicycles in
Chongqing is near the schools and the places where
people flow more. According to the position set
easily, convenient maintenance, not hinder the
public space principle, seeking cost costs less and
profitable bicycle parking sharing address, this paper
argues that the Ardalan heuristic algorithm can
consider the main influencing factors of parking
location, which has a certain guiding significance.
2.1.2 Selection of indicators.
As a means of transportation, the related factors that
affect the parking location of shared bicycles are
users, convenient locations, demographic
characteristics, scalability, vehicle maintenance and
recovery costs.
Since the characteristics of the heuristic
algorithm are the selection of indicators, on this
basis, this paper selects a new index. The goal is to
share the lowest cost of the parking address.
Table 1: The index symbols in the model
Index name Symbol
Population flow
Sharing rate of single vehicle
Fixed cost of parked address
Total cost of parked address
Damaged vehicles (1,...,)itt X=
Maintenance cost of damaged
( 1,..., )aa n=
Population weight
The distance from the door to
the parking address
2.2 The basic hypothesis of the model
and the establishment of the
mathematical model.
2.2.1 Basic assumptions
Suppose one, the sharing of the bicycle user quality
is good, after the use of the car, all will be parked to
the designated location and lock.
Suppose two, The 80% of the traffic in the
shared parking place will be used, and the use rate of
the single vehicle, the damage amount of the single
bicycle and the traffic flow are linear functions.
Suppose three, each shared bicycle parking place
capacity and number are limited, a total of N
alternative parked points, the maximum capacity of
1, 2,..., )
, as a result of the sharing of single
vehicle operating costs, the location of a single
parking place is up to
Suppose four, the variable cost of a shared
parking place is a convex function of the function of
its traffic.
Suppose five, the level of the shared bicycle
scheduling is not limited, and the instantaneous
distribution of the vehicle between the
disequilibrium points of demand can be completed.
2.2.2 Location model based on VRP theory
Dantzig and Ramser put forward the vehicle routing
problem (VRP) in 1959 for the first time. A certain
number of users, because each has a different
amount of demand for goods, so when the center of
distribution to provide customers with goods, we
should choose the appropriate route and distribute
the goods by a team, our goal is to satisfy the needs
of customers, and under certain conditions, to
achieve the shortest distance, minimum cost and
time the purpose of the shortest…The definition of
VRP model in this paper is: suppose the function
relation of known user volume, parking location
distance, fixed cost and variable cost, it is required
to choose suitable parking address for shared bicycle
under the premise of satisfying constraints, so that
users and operators will have the lowest cost and the
same cost.
According to the above hypothesis, it can be
V2 2ikP b=+
V2 2ikP b=+
(1 0, 2 0)kk>>
The objective function can be expressed as:
min Y (maxV)=M+W*P *d+
Xi n
2.2.3 Based on the analysis of Ardalan
heuristic algorithm model.
Firstly, a n filter, consider the alternative address
for each m combination, a total of nm options, each
alternative address set by
T , the maximum capacity
of each group contained one by one to calculate the
alternative address
X ( 1,..., )i in=
. The filtration
The Application of Heuristic Algorithm in the Location of Shared Bicycle Parking
conditions are as follows:
iT j
(D is the total
demand for a single bicycle), If it is set up, the
combination of
T can be discussed; otherwise, the
combination of
T is filtered, not to be considered.
Then conditional filtering can be made to obtain
less than or equal to
feasible subsets, and the
corresponding sub-problems will be simplified. At
this point, there will be no 0-1 variables in the sub
problem, and the continuous variable will also be
greatly reduced. Except for the convex function in
the objective function, the rest are linear and
constant functions. The number of sub-problems is
less than that of the original one, and the difficulty
of solving the problem is greatly reduced.
Finally, the first convex function is separated by
the final processing, weight calculation, the complex
function is simple to cost as the goal function to
solve the linear programming solution, after adding
convex function value, qualitative analysis, which is
the location of the total cost sharing of bicycle.
In this paper, a university in Chongqing is taken as
an example to study the location of shared bicycle
parking. Because part of the data is large and cannot
be measured accurately, the real proportional data is
used. There are many other schools and residential
areas near the school. There is more flow of people.
There are three access doors in the school. They are
recorded as the main gate A, the side door B, the
back door C, and the bus stop near the three gates.
According to the volume of people's traffic from low
to high, they are ranked as C, B and A, and C is near
the residence. In the people's District, we are ready
to set up 4 shared parking places near the school,
with a fixed cost of 1000each.
Fig. 1. Sketch map of simple distribution in a university
Table 2: Initial assumption of related data
Step 1: according to the data of the above table,
the weighted distance of the population near the
door is calculated. The formula is weighted distance
= near population * distance * population weight.
The results of the calculation are shown in the
following table:
Table 3: Initial assumption of related data
Step two: calculate the sum of every column
number in the upper table, select the smallest area
from it, which means that the weighted distance
between users in each area to share parking places is
the shortest, that is, the total cost of users (mainly
the school's students) is the lowest, and the B gate of
the school is selected.
Step three: one by one compare the distance from
the B door to the parking point and the value of each
row. If the former is large, the value remains
unchanged. If the former is small, replace the value
in the table to the distance between B door and
single parking point. The final results are as follows:
ICECTT 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Electromechanical Control Technology and Transportation
Table 4 Compare B gate distance and door distance and
replace results
Step four: repeat step two, the C gate is selected.
Step five: repeat step three or four. Combined
with the traffic condition near each door and the
vehicle repair and recovery cost brought by the use
of single car, the reasonable shared parking place is
determined to be B gate, C gate and A door.
Based on qualitative and quantitative analysis,
heuristic algorithm is applied to modelling and
analysing the location problem of shared bicycles.
With examples, the heuristic algorithm is proved to
be scientific and effective. With the development of
the times, the heuristic algorithm is also applied to
all walks of life, especially in the location of
logistics centers. The algorithm can be used in some
complex system modelling, which simplifies the
elements in the system, and its innovation is mainly
based on the selection of the indexes.
The starting point of popularizing shared
bicycles is not only to get economic benefits, but
also to facilitate the public, and to share bicycles is
also a form of green economy. It has made great
contributions to the urban environment and accords
with the strategy of urban sustainable development
promoted by the government. As a fast developing
city, there are still some obstacles in the
popularization and sharing of bicycles. Chongqing
cannot completely block the market share of
bicycles in the future. A new industry wants to
develop healthfully, and its management system
must be followed up gradually, and more efforts
should be made in this respect.
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The Application of Heuristic Algorithm in the Location of Shared Bicycle Parking