Understanding of the Convolutional Neural Networks with Relative
Learning Algorithms
Jieluo Peng
School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University. No. 37 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District,
Beijing, China
Keywords: Convolutional Neural Networks, back-propagation, applications.
Abstract: With the development of calculating ability, image detection has become one of the most popular research
fields recently. Convolutional Neural Network is a kind of depth feed-forward network, which has been
successfully applied in image recognition. Its hierarchical structure provides the power of weight-sharing
and down-sampling. The Convolutional Neural Network effectively combines the two stages of feature
extraction and classification in the traditional pattern recognition, and applies the gradient descent algorithm
and the back-propagation algorithm to realize the network training. This article will explore the structure
and function of Convolutional Neural Networks, with the introduction of the back-propagation algorithm.
Then it will introduce how to apply Convolutional Neural Networks in the application of face recognition.
The advantages of applying Convolutional Neural Network to face recognition are analyzed. This article
also introduces the application of Convolutional Neural Network in other aspects as well.
In the current era of rapid development of
information technology, how to determine a person's
identity becomes particularly important. The
traditional authentication technology such as
passwords and documents became difficult to meet
the needs of society, because they are easily falsified
and lost. And the use of biometric identification
technology (Matey J. R., 2010; Shan S. G., 2004;
Zhao, 2011) to test the identity attract more and
more people's attention. The identification of
biological features such as human face, fingerprint,
retina, iris, etc. which has human unique
identification has great research significance and
value. And face recognition has non-mandatory,
non-contact, intuitive, and simplicity and other
characteristics (Chugh T, 2017; Yang, 2013; Yan,
2013)thus it has been becoming the most important
way to identify each other. Especially in the access
control system, criminal investigation, video
surveillance, network applications and
Human-computer interaction (Tang, 2013; Wang,
2007)it has a wide range of applications. That is
why face recognition is a very popular research
direction at home and abroad.
However the academic research of face
recognition has a history of half a century, and
scholars also put forward many efficient and
practical methods, the face recognition technology
still faces enormous challenges.
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have
developed rapidly in recent years, and widely used
in the field of pattern recognition and image
processing. CNNs have great advantages in face
recognition because of its excellent ability of image
recognition Therefore, there is a great significance
to study how to apply Convolutional Neural
Network to face recognition and solve the problems
encountered in its application.
Face recognition research can date back to the 1888
Galton’s paper published in Nature. He used a set of
numbers to represent different facial features and
analyzes his own face recognition ability from a
psychological point of view. In 1910, Galton
proposed the use of the key points of the face and
the distance between the key points to form the
eigenvector representing the face, and used this
Peng, J.
Understanding of the Convolutional Neural Networks with Relative Learning Algorithms.
In 3rd International Conference on Electromechanical Control Technology and Transportation (ICECTT 2018), pages 657-661
ISBN: 978-989-758-312-4
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
vector for identity recognition, which was the
prototype of the face recognition method based on
geometric features, yet not really automatic face
The earliest research on automatic face
recognition originated in the 1960s. The
representative result was published by Chan at
Panoramic Research Incorporated in 1965(Bledsoe
W. W., 1965). Domestic face recognition research
started late, 1979 Journal of Automation published a
"review of artificial intelligence at home and
abroad" (Li, 1979), which is the first time to retrieve
the domestic journals "face recognition" concept. In
1992, Hong published the "Image Algebra Feature
Extraction for Image Recognition" in Journal of
Automation (Zi-Quan Hong, 1992) and Zheng
Jianping "Standard Frontal Face Recognition in
Computer Engineering, Is the earliest academic
papers retrieved in the field of face recognition
research (Zheng J, 1992).
In the past decades, more and more face
recognition technology has attracted the attention of
domestic and foreign researchers. Especially in the
21st century, with the rapid development of artificial
intelligence, the use of advanced algorithms for face
recognition has been pushed to the peak of research.
However, face recognition technology has received
extensive attention and research. It is still a
challenging task because of changes in light, gesture
changes, facial expressions and occlusion and other
Convolutional Neural Networks are inspired by
the structure of biological neural networks and
visual systems. 1962 Hubel and Wiesel through the
cat's visual cortical cell research, put forward the
experience of receptive field concept (Hubel D H,
1962). In 1980, Fukushima first proposed a
theoretical model based on the receptive field
Neocognitron (Fukushima K, 1987). Neocognitron
was a self-organized multi-layer neural network
model. In 1998, Yan LeCun used the gradient
descent optimization algorithm and the
back-propagation error algorithm to train the
convolution neural network on the handwriting, and
achieved the best effect in the world at that time
(Krizhevsky A, 2012). 2012 Geoffrey Hinton and
others in the very well-known ImageNet on the
Convolution Neural Network model to obtain the
best results of the world. The results was far more
than the second, which made the CNN attracting
higher attentions.
CNN is a specially artificial neural network
designed to process two-dimensional input data, and
each layer in the network consists of multiple planes.
Each plane consists of multiple independent neurons.
CNN was inspired by the early Time-Delay Neural
Network (TDNN) (Waibel A, 1990). TDNN reduces
the computational complexity of network training by
sharing weights in the time dimension. It is suitable
for processing speech and time-series signals. CNN
adopts the weight-sharing network structure to make
it more similar to the biological neural network.
Compared with the fully connected layer network in
each layer, CNN can effectively reduce the learning
complexity of the network model, with fewer
network connection layers and weight parameters,
and thus easier to train.
The basic structure of CNN consists of input
layer, convolution layer, pooling layer, fully
connected layer and output layer. That is, a
convolution layer connected to a pool layer, the pool
layer and then connect a convolution layer, and so
on. Since each neuron in the output feature of the
convolutional layer is locally connected to its input,
the corresponding connection uses the weights and
local input weighted sum, plus offset value to get
this neuron input value. The process is equivalent to
the convolution process, and this is why CNN is
called (Lecun Y, 1998).
In the convolution layer of CNN, each neuron of
the feature map is connected with the local
receptivity field of the previous layer. The local
features are extracted through the convolution
operation. In the convolutional layer, there are many
feature maps. Each feature map extracts one feature.
When extracting features, neurons in the same
feature map share a set of weight convolution
kernels. Different feature maps have different
weights. And weight parameters are constantly
adjusted during the training so that feature extraction
is performed in a favorable direction.
There will be a pooling layer after the
convolutional layer. Because the previous layer has
a large amount of overlap when window sliding
convolution is done. There is redundancy in the
convolution value. A pooling layer is needed to
simplify the output of the convolution layer. Pooling
layer will retain the main information convolutional
layer, while reducing the parameters and calculation,
to prevent over-fitting. The most common pooling is
max-pooling, which takes the largest feature points
in the field. Max-pooling transmits only the
parameters with largest value and takes others away.
ICECTT 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Electromechanical Control Technology and Transportation
When there is backward to put the maximum
position, the other positions can be filled with zero.
There are also mean-pooling (Boureau Y L, 2011)
and average pooling in the pooling layers.
After multiple convolutional layers and pooling
layers, there will be one or more fully connected
layers. Each neuron in the fully connected layer is
fully connected to all the neurons in its previous
layer. The fully connected layer can integrate
regional information in the convolutional layer or
the pooling layer with category classification
(Sainath T N, 2013).To improve the performance of
CNN, the ReLU function is generally used for the
excitation function of each neuron in the fully
connected layer (O'Shea K, 2015).
For a fixed sample set containing m samples
 
 
yxyx ,,...,,
, we can use the
gradient descent algorithm to solve the neural
network. Specifically, for a single sample
, its
cost function is:
,;b, yxhyxWJ
And for a data set containing m samples, its
overall cost function is:
The first term in the equation is a mean square
error term. The second term is a regularization term,
which is also called weight attenuation term, whose
purpose is to reduce the magnitude of the weight and
prevent over-fitting. Weight decay parameters
are used to control the relative importance of two
terms in a formula.
Our goal is to minimize
bWJ ,
as a function
. To train our neural network, we will
initialize each parameter
and each
to a
small random value near zero, and then apply an
optimization algorithm such as batch gradient
descent. Gradient descent method in each iteration
according to the following formula to update the
 
 
And α is the learning rate. The most important
step is to calculate the partial derivative.
Back-propagation algorithm is a very effective way
to calculate partial derivatives.
These two equations are the partial derivatives of
the cost function of a single sample by using a
backpropagation algorithm.
We must first conduct "forward conduction"
operation. The purpose is to calculate all the
network activation values. By using the forward
conduction formula, we can compute the activations
for layers
, and so on up to the output layer
. Then, for each node
in layer l, we would
like to compute an "error term" ߜ
that measures
how much that node was "responsible" for any
errors in our output. For an output node, we can
directly measure the difference between the
network's activation and the true target value, and
use that to define ߜ
(where layer
is the
output layer). How about hidden units? For those,
we will compute ߜ
based on a weighted average
of the error terms of the nodes that uses ߙ
as an
input. Afterwards, for each node i in the first layer,
we calculate its "residual" ߜ
, which shows how
much the node affected the residual of the final
output value. For the final output node, we can
directly calculate the difference between the
activation value generated by the network and the
actual value. We define this gap as ߜ
For each
output unit
in layer
the output layer set:
And the residual of the i node in layer l is
calculated as follows:
After computing the desired partial derivatives,
we can bring it into the gradient descent algorithm to
Understanding of the Convolutional Neural Networks with Relative Learning Algorithms
update the parameters. Then we repeat the iterative
step of the gradient descent method to reduce the
cost function value and solve our neural network.
5.1 Image classification
Image classification is through the analysis of the
image. The image is divided into a certain category.
The main emphasis is on the image to determine the
overall characteristics. In the field of image
classification, the ImageNet Larget Scale Visual
Recorder-nition Challenge (ILSVRC) is one of the
most important events in evaluating image
classification algorithms. ILSVRC2012 was a
turning point. AlexNet, for the first time to apply
deep learning to large-scale image classification and
achieved good results. Since then, deep
learning-based convolutional neural networks have
begun to occupy the dominant position of ILSVRC.
The new CNN model has been put forward
constantly. When the game record is refreshed, the
ability of CNN model to extract image features is
also continuously improved. At the same time, the
emergence of large-scale data sets such as ImageNet
also aided the training of CNN, which also promoted
CNN's classification learning.
5.2 Object detection
In the field of computer vision, object detection is a
more complicated problem than image classification.
There are many objects in a picture, and they belong
to different categories. We need to classify each of
them into different types. Therefore, the CNN model
used in object detection will be more complicated.
At present, CNN-based object detection model
mostly attributes the object detection problem to two
sub-problems of how to propose candidate regions
and how to classify the candidate regions. In the
development of CNN-based object detection, many
models focus on the optimization of training
methods and procedures. It makes the CNN model
improved in accuracy.
5.3 Gesture estimation
With the development of various online games and
the popularization of animation video, it has become
a very hot topic to recognize and understand the
human gesture in the image. Attitude estimation is
one of the most important computer vision
challenges nowadays, because it can be quickly
applied to character tracking, motion recognition
and video-related video analysis. The traditional
approach is local modeling, yet the ability to express
is limited. While the CNN has the ability to deal
with the entire picture so that the use of attitude
estimation has achieved good results.
5.4 Image segmentation
CNN has achieved great success in image
classification, target detection and pose estimation.
The further development is the prediction of every
pixel in the image. This task is image segmentation.
Image segmentation is such an issue: for a graph, it
may have multiple objects, multiple people or even
multi-layer background. The image segment is use
to predicted or classify each pixel on the original
graph, to the part it belongs.
The upsurge of deep learning makes artificial neural
network once again become the hot spot of research.
Convolutional Neural Network, as a kind of deep
learning, integrates three core ideas of local
receptive field, weight sharing and down-sampling
structure effectively. It effectively combines
traditional mode recognition, feature extraction and
classification. The application of gradient descent
algorithm and back propagation algorithm works for
network training.
This article analyzes the structure of CNN in
detail. The structures and functions of convolutional
layer, pooling layer and full connection layer in
CNN are respectively introduced, as well as the
back-propagation algorithm.
This article describes how to make use of CNN
for face recognition, which is the hot topic at present.
It summarizes and discusses previous studies and
analyzes the advantages of using CNN to face
recognition, as well as the existing shortcomings and
the future development prospects.
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