The Influence of Subjective Norms, Taxation Knowledge, and
Perception of The Financial Condition of The Personal Taxpayer on
Personal Taxpayer Compliance in KPP Pratama Mulyorejo Surabaya
Heru Tjaraka,
and Dwi Nurwicaksono
Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Businessy, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Financial Condition, Subjective Norms, Taxpayer Compliance, Taxation Knowledge.
Abstract: This research aims to determine what factors affect taxpayers’ compliance in fulfilling their tax obligations.
The three factors studied are subjective norms, taxation knowledge, and perception of the personal
taxpayers financial condition in KPP Pratama Mulyorejo Surabaya. The hypothesis testing in this study
uses multiple linear regression analysis. Its results show that all the independent variables have a significant
effect on the dependent variable. The conclusion from this study is that subjective norms, taxation
knowledge, and perception of the individual taxpayers financial condition affects the level of taxpayers
obedience in fulfilling their tax obligations in KPP Pratama Surabaya Mulyorejo.
The taxation system in Indonesia is a self-
assessment system. The implementation of a self-
assessment system can run effectively and
efficiently if the taxpayer compliance level is
properly formed. However, in practice, the level of
taxpayer compliance regarding fulfilling their tax
obligations is low and this can be seen from a tax
revenue that is not yet at its optimum. To be able to
achieve the target tax revenue, then it needs to
improve taxpayer compliance.
There are several ways to understand
taxpayer compliance behavior, one of which is by
using the theory of planned behavior (TPB).
According to Ajzen (1991), the TPB is used because
it can measure specifically taxpayer compliance
behavior. In addition, according to Bobek and
Hatfield (2003), their research explained that
taxpayer compliance is strongly influenced by
several variables. Some of these variables are
subjective norms, knowledge of taxation, and the
financial condition of the taxpayers themselves.
Tax is one of the biggest income contributors
for the country. Tax Office Primary (KPP) is the
main gateway for taxpayers to perform their tax
obligation and conducts counseling, services, and
supervision of taxpayer income tax, value added tax,
sales tax on luxury goods, and other indirect taxes.
According to data collected through the KPP
Mulyorejo, state revenues in the tax sector in the last
three years experienced a drastic change, in which
the net tax revenue was unable to meet the budgeted
tax revenue. This is because the amount of realized
tax returns was still far from the number of effective
taxpayers, which indicates the compliance ratio of
taxpayers is not yet at its maximum.
This study aims to identify the factors that
affect the level of taxpayer compliance in order to
optimize the state revenue in the taxation sector.
2.1 Effect of Subjective Norms on
Taxpayer Compliance
According to Ajzen (1991), subjective norms are the
perception of social influences on forming certain
In the research by Bobek and Hatfield (2003), it
is found that subjective norms affect taxpayer
compliance behavior and one indicator is the
influence of family members, friends, and company
leaders. Hanno and Violette (1996) also use family
Tjaraka, H. and Nurwicaksono, D.
The Influence of Subjective Norms, Taxation Knowledge, and Perception of The Financial Condition of The Personal Taxpayer on Personal Taxpayer Compliance in KPP Pratama Mulyorejo
In Proceedings of the Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics Symposium 2018 on Special Session for Indonesian Study (JCAE 2018) - Contemporary Accounting Studies in
Indonesia, pages 230-234
ISBN: 978-989-758-339-1
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
indicators in their research. From this description,
the proposed hypothesis is:
H1: Subjective norms affect the compliance of
taxpayers in KPP Surabaya Mulyorejo.
2.2 Effect of Taxation Knowledge on
Taxpayer Compliance
Knowledge of taxation is one of the factors that
shapes perceptions about compliance behavior. In
his research, Prasetyo (2006) revealed that the lack
of information about the taxation system and related
regulations means small business owners in the
Jogjakarta area do not understand the obligation of
According to Hardiningsih and Yulianawati
(2011), knowledge about taxation is a process of
changing attitudes and taxpayer behavior through
teaching and training. Therefore, it is necessary for
each taxpayer to understand the tax system because
the more taxpayers understand about tax, the more
taxpayers will understand the sanctions that are
applied when neglecting their tax obligations. From
the description above, the proposed hypothesis is:
H2: Taxation knowledge affects the compliance
of taxpayers in KPP Surabaya Mulyorejo.
2.3 Effect of Perceptions About Financial
Conditions on Taxpayer
The financial condition is the taxpayers financial
ability that is measured according to their
profitability. Profitability is one of the factors that
influence taxpayer compliance behavior because
profitability affects taxpayers reporting their tax
(Slemrod, 1989).
According to Bradley (1994), taxpayers who
have a high level of profitability tend to report taxes
honestly while taxpayers who have low levels of
profitability will tend to make irregularities by
reporting taxes that do not fulfill the actual
conditions. From the description above, the
proposed hypothesis is:
H3: Perceptions about the taxpayer’s financial
condition affects taxpayer compliance in KPP
Pratama Surabaya Mulyorejo.
3.1 Conceptual Framework
Based on the background of this problem, the
supporting theories, and the proposed hypotheses,
the conceptual framework used in this study is as
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework
3.2 Operational Definition and Variable
3.2.1 Taxpayer Compliance Variable (Y)
The taxpayer compliance variable is a dependent
variable in which taxpayer compliance can be
measured by using several indicators. According to
Mustikasari (2007), taxpayer compliance can be
measured by looking at several factors, namely:
1. The accuracy of taxpayers in submitting a tax
return (SPT).
2. The accuracy of taxpayers in paying or depositing
3. The accuracy of the taxpayer in reporting their tax
return in accordance with the conditions of the
3.2.2 Subjective Norms Variable (X1)
The subjective norm variable is one of the
independent variables in this research. The
subjective norm is a social factor derived from the
perceived social pressure to encourage an action or
Subjective norms can be assessed from several
indicators such as:
1. The biological family encourages compliance.
2. The non-birth family encourages compliance.
3. Close friends of taxpayers are pushing for
4. The other party taxpayer encourages compliance.
3.3.3 Taxation Knowledge Variable (X2)
An understanding of the rules and obligations of
each taxpayer greatly affects the compliance of each
taxpayer. According to Hardiningsih and
Yulianawati (2011), the way to assess the taxpayers
The Influence of Subjective Norms, Taxation Knowledge, and Perception of The Financial Condition of The Personal Taxpayer on Personal
Taxpayer Compliance in KPP Pratama Mulyorejo Surabaya
knowledge about taxation can be seen from several
indicators, namely:
1. How much tax information taxpayers know.
2. An understanding of applicable tax laws.
3. The understanding of taxation programs issued by
the Directorate General of Taxes.
3.3.4 Perception About Financial Condition
of the Taxpayer Variable (X3)
The perception of the financial condition of
taxpayers is a variable that greatly affects the
compliance behavior of taxpayers. The financial
condition is the financial ability of taxpayers that is
measured from the taxpayer’s level of profitability.
Profitability is one of the factors that influence the
taxpayers intention to comply with the applicable
tax laws. According to Mustikasari (2007), there are
several indicators used to measure the financial
condition of taxpayers:
1. Conditions of cash flow last year.
2. The amount of profit before tax last year.
3. The number of total assets owned by the taxpayer.
3.3.5 Research Model
The variables in this study are measured using an
interval scale and a Likert scale is used to assess the
variables using positive and negative statements.
To test the hypothesis proposed in this study, a
multiple linear regression equation is used:
Y = α + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + e
Y = Taxpayer compliance
α = Constants
X1 = Subjective norm
X2 = Taxation knowledge
X3 = Perception of Taxpayer’s Financial Condition
b1,2,3 = Regression coefficient
3.3.6 Data
The data used in this study comes from interviews
with informants and questionnaires distributed to
respondents residing in Surabaya Tax Office.
The sampling technique involves a non-
probability method with a random sampling of at
least 100 respondents of effective taxpayers in KPP
Pratama Surabaya Mulyorejo.
4.1 Results
Table 4.1: Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Results
Based on table 4.1, the multiple linear regression
equation is as follows:
Y = 8,035 + 0,480 X1 + 0,573 X2 + 0,282 X3 + e
The result of the hypothesis test shows a constant
value of α equal to 8.035. This value is positive,
which means if the independent variable, namely the
subjective norm, taxation knowledge, or perception
of financial condition has a value of 0 or constant,
hence tax compliance is 8.035, which means the tax
compliance rate will equal 8.035 if other variables
are 0.
The result of the hypothesis test shows the
value of b1 is 0.480, a significant positive value. The
value indicates if there is an increase in the
subjective norm variable (X1) and if the taxation
knowledge variable (X2) and perception of financial
condition variable (X3) are considered constant, then
there will be an increase in tax compliance (Y) to
0.480. Such results indicate that the subjective norm
affects taxpayer compliance in KPP Pratama
Surabaya Mulyorejo.
The result of the hypothesis test shows the
value of b2 is equal to 0.573, or a positive
compliance value. This value indicates if there is an
increase in the taxation knowledge variable (X2) and
if the subjective norm variable (X1) and perception
of financial condition (X3) are considered constant,
then there will be an increase in tax compliance (Y)
equal to 0.573. This result shows that the financial
condition affects taxpayer compliance in KPP
Pratama Surabaya Mulyorejo.
The results of the hypothesis test show that
the value of b3 is equal to 0.282, a positive
coefficient value. This value shows that if there is an
increase in the perception of the financial condition
variable (X3) and if the subjective norms variable
(X1) and taxation knowledge variable (X2) are
considered constant, there will be an increase in tax
compliance by 0.282.
Col sta.
JCAE Symposium 2018 – Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics Symposium 2018 on Special Session for Indonesian Study
For the value of e (error) shown in the
hypothesis test, the results obtained a value of 3.305.
This value will be compared with the standard
deviation of tax compliance variables (Y). If the
value of e is smaller than the standard deviation of
the tax compliance variable, then the regression
model is good. The standard deviation value of the
tax compliance variable obtained a value of 4.362,
so the regression model used is good because the
standard deviation value of the tax compliance
variable is greater than the value e.
4.2 Discussion
The first hypothesis stated that subjective norms
affect taxpayer compliance in KPP Pratama
Surabaya Mulyorejois and is accepted. This is
proven by the results of the linear regression test that
shows a significant value on the partial test of 0.005
with a positive coefficient direction. According to
Ajzen (1991), the subjective norm is the individuals
perception of social influences in shaping certain
behaviors. Subjective norms are also a function of
perceived individual expectations where one or more
people around them agree to a particular behavior
and motivate the individual to obey them. Subjective
norms are formed from normative beliefs and
motivations from the influence of the referent group.
Therefore, each individual can be affected or not
affected by another, this depends on the personalities
involved and the will of others. The results of this
study are in accordance with research conducted by
McGraw and Scholz (1991) who state that taxpayer
compliance has an important influence on predicting
the behavior of each taxpayer.
The second hypothesis states that taxation
knowledge affects the compliance of individual
taxpayers in KPP Pratama Surabaya Mulyorejo; this
is accepted. This is seen by the results of the linear
regression test that shows a significant value in the
partial test of 0.001 with a positive coefficient
direction. An understanding of the regulations and
obligations of each taxpayer affects the compliance
of each taxpayer. Taxpayers who do not know or
understand the tax laws tend to become disobedient
taxpayers so that they need an understanding of the
tax regulations. According to Ajzen (1991) the fully
functional in individuals is to process available
information like behavioral traits such as social
attitudes, knowledge, and personality traits. It plays
an important role in predicting and explaining
human behavior. The results of this study are in
accordance with research conducted by Hardiningsih
and Yulianawati (2011), which states that
knowledge about taxation is a process of changing
attitudes and taxpayer behavior through teaching and
The third hypothesis states that the perception
of the financial condition affects the compliance of
individual taxpayers in KPP Pratama Surabaya
Mulyorejois; this is accepted. This is proven by the
results of the linear regression test that shows a
significant value on the partial test of 0.007 with a
positive coefficient direction. The financial
condition is the financial ability of taxpayers that is
measured from their profitability. Profitability is one
of the factors that influence the taxpayers’ intention
to comply with the applicable tax laws. According to
Ajzen (1991), performance is the most influential
factor, at least for some non-motivational degree
such as the availability of the necessary
opportunities and resources (e.g. time, money, skills,
and cooperation of others). Collectively, these
factors represent people who actually have control
over their behavior. The results of this study are in
accordance with research conducted by Bradley
(1994). Taxpayers who have a high level of
profitability tend to report their taxes honestly and
vice versa.
Simultaneously, the independent variables,
namely the subjective norms, taxation knowledge,
and perceptions of financial condition, have a
significant positive effect on the tax compliance
variable. This is because these three independent
variables interact and become determinants of each
individuals’ behavior. The subjective norm is shaped
by the expectations of others and the motivation to
act. Lack of knowledge about taxes means every
individual can be easily influenced by information
from outside. The financial condition of each
individual who has a low level of profitability will
also affect the level of taxpayer compliance.
5 Conclusions
Based on the analysis, the following conclusions are
1. Subjective norms have a positive and significant
effect on taxpayer compliance in KPP Pratama
Surabaya Mulyorejo. This shows that taxpayer
compliance has an important influence on
predicting the behavior of each taxpayer.
2. Tax knowledge has a positive and significant
effect on taxpayer compliance in KPP Pratama
Surabaya Mulyorejo. This shows that knowledge
about taxation is a process of changing attitudes
The Influence of Subjective Norms, Taxation Knowledge, and Perception of The Financial Condition of The Personal Taxpayer on Personal
Taxpayer Compliance in KPP Pratama Mulyorejo Surabaya
and behavior of taxpayers through teaching and
3. Perception of the financial condition of the
individual taxpayer has a positive and significant
effect on taxpayer compliance in KPP Pratama
Surabaya Mulyorejo. This proves that taxpayers
who have a high level of profitability tend to
report their taxes honestly and vice versa.
4. Subjective norms, tax knowledge, and perception
of the financial condition of individual taxpayers
all have a positive and significant effect on
taxpayer compliance in KPP Pratama Surabaya
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Bobek, D. D., & Hatfield, R. C. (2003). An investigation
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obligation in tax compliance. Behavioral Research in
Accounting, 15(1), 13-38.
Bradley, C. F. (1994). An empirical investigation of
factors affecting corporate tax compliance behavior.
Hardiningsih, P., &Yulianawati, N. (2011). Faktor-faktor
yang mempengaruhikemauanmembayarpajak.
DinamikaKeuangandanPerbankan, 3(2).
McGraw, K. M., &Scholz, J. T. (1991). Appeals to civic
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compliance. Law and Society Review, 471-498.
JCAE Symposium 2018 – Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics Symposium 2018 on Special Session for Indonesian Study