A Hierarchical Evaluation Scheme for Pilot-based Research Projects
Thomas Zefferer
Secure Information Technology Center Austria (A-SIT), Inffeldgasse 16a, 8010 Graz, Austria
Evaluation Scheme, Project Evaluation, Hierarchical Evaluation Model.
Evaluation is an integral part of most research projects in the information-technology domain. This especially
applies to pilot-based projects that develop solutions for the public sector. There, responsible stakeholders re-
quire profound evaluation results of executed projects to steer future research activities in the right directions.
In practice, most projects apply their own project-specific evaluation schemes. This yields evaluation results
that are difficult to compare between projects. Consequently, lessons learned from conducted evaluation pro-
cesses cannot be aggregated to a coherent holistic picture and the overall gain of executed research projects
remains limited. To address this issue, we propose a common evaluation scheme for arbitrary pilot-based
research projects targeting the public sector. By relying on a hierarchical approach, the proposed evalua-
tion scheme enables in-depth evaluations of research projects and their pilots, and assures at the same time
that evaluation results remain comparable. Application of the proposed evaluation scheme in the scope of
an international research project confirms its practical applicability and demonstrates its advantages for all
stakeholders involved in the project.
Leveraging the use of information technology (IT) is
on top of the agenda of many public-sector instituti-
ons. In Europe, besides various national attempts to
push the use of IT in public-sector use cases, the Eu-
ropean Union (EU) invests considerable financial re-
sources in bringing forward its digital agenda on pan-
European level (European Commission, 2018a). One
approach followed by the EU to achieve these goals
is the funding of international research projects that
develop innovative IT solutions for the public sector.
The Large Scale Pilots (LSPs) STORK 2.0
, PEP-
, or e-SENS
are just a few examples of recent
research activities funded by the EU.
Most research activities follow a pilot-based ap-
proach, i.e. they develop new IT solutions and inte-
grate them into pilot applications. These pilot appli-
cations serve a concrete use case and thus evaluate
the applicability and the usefulness of the developed
solution in practice. For instance, the LSPs STORK
and STORK 2.0 developed an interoperability layer
for national electronic identity (eID) solutions (Lei-
told and Posch, 2012). Several pilot applications re-
lying on this interoperability layer enabled EU citi-
zens to use their national eID to authenticate at elec-
tronic services provided by other EU member states.
Details of these pilots have been discussed by (Knall
et al., 2011) and (Tauber et al., 2011).
Obviously, the piloting phase is an integral part
of pilot-based projects. However, it is usually re-
stricted to the project’s lifetime. As a consequence,
even successful pilot applications are typically termi-
nated at the end of a research project. Turning the
pilot application into a productive service is usually
out of the project’s scope. It is thus essential that all
stakeholders involved in the project, i.e. researchers,
funding bodies, and end users, derive as many les-
sons learned from the piloting phase as possible. Af-
ter completion of the project, these lessons learned
are crucial to turn a promising pilot into a successful
productive service.
Accordingly, a sound evaluation of pilot applica-
tions is crucial. Unfortunately, the current situation is
often unsatisfying. It can be observed that pilot eva-
luations are often heterogeneous with regard to ap-
proaches followed, methods applied, and hence also
results obtained. This heterogeneity can be observed
within projects, i.e. between pilot applications, and
also between projects. Ultimately, this leads to a situ-
ation, in which obtained evaluation results are hardly
Zefferer, T.
A Hierarchical Evaluation Scheme for Pilot-based Research Projects.
DOI: 10.5220/0007228103560363
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2018), pages 356-363
ISBN: 978-989-758-324-7
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
comparable. Consequently, lessons learned from con-
ducted pilot evaluations often cannot be aggregated to
a coherent holistic picture, which in turn makes it dif-
ficult for responsible stakeholders to draw the correct
conclusions from obtained evaluation results.
To address this issue, we propose a common eva-
luation scheme for pilot-based research projects tar-
geting the public sector. The proposed evaluation
scheme is project and pilot independent and can hence
be applied to a broad range of research projects.
The scheme relies on a hierarchical evaluation-criteria
model and defines a common procedure to apply cri-
teria based on this model. By providing a common
basis for pilot evaluation, the proposed scheme ensu-
res that obtained evaluation results are homogeneous
enough to enable comparisons between different pi-
lots within a project as well as between different pro-
jects. In this paper, we introduce the proposed evalu-
ation scheme in detail and evaluate it by means of a
concrete research project.
During the past years, the EU has funded a series
of research project to improve public sector related
IT services. To support its strategy of a Digital Sin-
gle Market (European Commission, 2018c), many of
these projects have focused on achieving cross-border
interoperability between IT services of different EU
Member States. Examples are the Large Scale Pilots
, epSOS
. Re-
sults of these LSPs have been consolidated by the re-
search project e-SENS
. Leveraging the use of IT in
public-sector use cases has also been the main goal
of the international research project SUNFISH
, fun-
ded under the EUs Horizon 2020 research and innova-
tion programme, and of the project FutureID
under the ICT theme of the Cooperation Programme
of the 7th Framework Programme of the European
Commission. Scientific contributions of these pro-
jects have been discussed by (Suzic and Reiter, 2016)
and (Rath et al., 2015), respectively.
Having a more detailed look at all these projects’
internal structure reveals that all of them follow a
similar approach: developed solutions are tested by
means of pilot applications. Furthermore, all pro-
jects contain some sort of evaluation, where obtai-
ned results are assessed against defined criteria. Ho-
wever, the approaches followed by the various pro-
jects to carry out evaluations differ considerably from
each other. In the worst cases, the same evaluation
method is not even applied within a project consis-
tently, e.g. to evaluate different pilot applications of
a project. This heterogeneity in applied evaluation
methods has an impact on obtained evaluation re-
sults. While these results might be sufficient within
the scope of a single pilot application, they cannot be
assembled to a coherent big picture. This, in turn, ren-
ders the conclusive derivation of findings from avai-
lable evaluation results difficult.
In literature, interesting works exist that focus
on the evaluation of research projects. For instance,
(Khan et al., 2013) discuss the problem of evalua-
ting a collaborative IT-based research and develop-
ment project. While this work identifies relevant chal-
lenges to overcome, the proposed evaluation method
has been tailored to one specific project, rendering its
application to arbitrary projects difficult. More gene-
ric evaluation methods have been introduced by (Ei-
lat et al., 2008) and by (Asosheh et al., 2010), which
both make use of the balanced scorecard (BSC) ap-
proach and data envelopment analysis (DEA). Howe-
ver, these proposals do not take into account the spe-
cifics of the type of projects targeted in this paper,
i.e. pilot-based projects settled in the public sector.
In summary, evaluation schemes proposed in lite-
rature usually focus on very specific types of projects
or are even tailored to one single project. An evalu-
ation scheme that can be applied to a broad range of
pilot-based research projects from the public sector is
currently missing. The evaluation scheme proposed
in this paper closes this gap.
The challenge in developing an evaluation scheme for
a broad set of research projects lies in the trade-off
between assuring general applicability and obtaining
meaningful evaluation results. On the one hand, an
abstract scheme enables a broad applicability to arbi-
trary research projects. However, obtained evaluation
results remain abstract too and often do not yield con-
crete conclusions. On the other hand, a more specific
evaluation scheme can consider peculiarities of a gi-
ven research project or pilot application. However,
such a specific scheme can usually only be applied to
a limited set of projects or pilots.
To overcome this challenge, we have based the
proposed evaluation scheme on a well-defined pro-
ject model. The proposed scheme can be applied to
A Hierarchical Evaluation Scheme for Pilot-based Research Projects
any research project complying with this model. The
project model has been based on three basic assumpti-
ons, which define the scope of targeted project types.
First, the proposed evaluation scheme targets pilots
and projects that provide solutions for the public sec-
tor. Hence, the evaluation scheme assumes that an IT
agenda is in place, from which project goals are deri-
ved. Second, the proposed scheme targets pilot-based
projects, which test their results by means of one or
more pilot applications. Third, the proposed scheme
assumes the research project to be carried out in mul-
tiple consecutive project phases, each comprising its
own pilot evaluation.
From these assumptions, the general project struc-
ture shown in Figure 1 is derived. By intention, this
structure has been kept rather abstract, in order to as-
sure a broad applicability to concrete research pro-
jects. In brief, the shown project structure complies
with all projects that are driven by a given IT agenda
and that foresee development and operation of one or
more pilot applications.
Figure 1: The proposed evaluation scheme can be applied
to all projects complying with the shown general structure.
In addition to this project structure, general
project-execution phases and related evaluation pha-
ses can also be derived from the assumptions made.
This is shown in Figure 2. Again, also project phases
and related evaluation phases have been defined on a
rather abstract level to ensure applicability to a broad
range of projects.
Figure 2: The proposed evaluation scheme can be app-
lied to all projects implementing the shown general project-
execution steps.
During Project Planning / Evaluation Planning,
the project’s overall structure, contents, goals, and se-
tup are defined and the project’s evaluation is plan-
ned. Accordingly, relevant input from project plan-
ning needs to be considered during evaluation plan-
ning. The Project Planning / Evaluation Planning
phase is followed by the Execution of Project Pha-
ses / Project-Phase Evaluations phase. According to
the assumptions made above, the project is executed
in consecutive project phases. Figure 2 shows that
each project phase is accompanied by a corresponding
evaluation phase. Corresponding project-execution
phases and evaluation phases influence each other.
While conducted evaluations depend on the respective
project-execution phase and its goals and contents,
project phases should take into account available eva-
luation results (e.g. from previous phases) to conti-
nuously improve the project. Finally, Project Apprai-
sal / Conclusive Derivation of Findings constitutes the
third and final phase as shown in Figure 2. It is done
at the end of the project to collect all lessons learned,
draw the correct conclusions from these lessons, and
to bring the project to a round figure. In the corre-
sponding evaluation phase, findings are derived from
conducted evaluations and serve as direct input to pro-
ject appraisal.
Together, the project structure (Figure 1) and the
general project-execution and evaluation phases (Fi-
gure 2) define the general project model used as basis
for the proposed evaluation scheme introduced in the
next section. This scheme can be applied to any pilot-
based project that complies with this general project
model. Given the deliberately abstract nature of the
model, this should be the case for the majority of
pilot-based projects targeting the public sector. Thus,
the project model reasonably handles the trade-off
between assuring general applicability and obtaining
meaningful evaluation results.
Based on the defined project model, we propose a ge-
neric evaluation scheme for the systematic evaluation
of pilot-based public-sector research projects. The
proposed evaluation scheme aims for two goals. On
the one hand, the scheme aims to be sufficiently ab-
stract to be applicable to a broad range of pilots and
projects, in order to ensure comparability within pro-
jects (i.e. between the project’s pilots) and also bet-
ween different projects. On the other hand, the evalu-
ation scheme should still enable in-depth evaluations
that take into account specifics of pilots and projects.
The proposed scheme deals with this obvious trade-
off by following a hierarchical approach.
Details of the proposed evaluation scheme are in-
troduced in this section. Subsection 4.1 focuses on
the scheme’s evaluation-criteria model, which provi-
des a framework for the definition of concrete evalua-
tion criteria. Subsequently, Subsection 4.2 introduces
the proposed scheme’s evaluation process, which spe-
cifies a step-by-step procedure to evaluate pilots using
defined evaluation criteria.
WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
4.1 Evaluation-criteria Model
The evaluation-criteria model is the first relevant buil-
ding block of the proposed evaluation scheme. In
principle, evaluation criteria used for pilot evaluation
need to meet the same requirements as the overall eva-
luation scheme. Concretely, evaluation criteria should
ideally be the same for all pilots in all evaluated pro-
jects. Only in this case, direct comparisons between
different pilots and even between different projects
are feasible. At the same time, evaluation criteria
should be concrete enough to consider specifics of pi-
lots. Obviously, these are contradictory requirements,
which cannot be met by a simple list of evaluation
criteria. Therefore, the proposed evaluation scheme
relies on a hierarchical evaluation-criteria model that
defines multiple layers of evaluation criteria as shown
in Figure 3.
In general, evaluation criteria are closely related to
project and pilot goals. Concretely, evaluation crite-
ria are used to assess a pilot’s or project’s compliance
with defined goals. This close relation is also reflected
by the evaluation-criteria model depicted in Figure 3.
The left pyramid shows the different layers, on which
relevant goals can be defined. Note that the pyramid’s
structure complies with the general project model de-
fined in Section 3. The pyramid’s topmost level repre-
sents the relevant IT agenda defining the very basic
goals to consider. This agenda yields project-specific
goals for concrete projects executed under the given
agenda. Within a concrete project, pilot-specific go-
als can be derived for each of the project’s pilots from
the overall project goals. Finally, pilot-specific goals
can be further detailed by defining pilot-specific goals
separately for each project phase. Overall, the propo-
sed evaluation-criteria model defines relevant goals to
be defined on four different layers of abstraction.
Once all goals are defined according to the four
layers, relevant evaluation criteria can be derived. The
proposed model foresees evaluation criteria to be defi-
ned on four layers as well, yielding the right pyramid
shown in Figure 3. When deriving evaluation criteria
for the four layers, two aspects need to be considered.
First, defined evaluation criteria must cover relevant
goals defined before. This applies to all layers and is
indicated in Figure 3 by horizontal arrows. Second,
evaluation criteria defined in neighboring layers must
be related. In particular, given the fulfillment degree
of criteria in a layer, it must be possible to derive the
fulfillment degree of criteria in the superior layer.
Note that the proposed evaluation-criteria mo-
del deliberately does not define concrete evaluation
criteria, in order to ensure a broad applicability of
the proposed evaluation model. Instead, the proposed
evaluation-criteria model merely defines a framework
for the definition of relevant goals and related evalu-
ation criteria. This framework enforces a systematic
derivation process for relevant goals and evaluation
criteria on different layers of abstraction, ensures ade-
quate relations between goals and criteria defined on
different layers, and assures a precise mapping bet-
ween goals and evaluation criteria. This enables a
systematic evaluation process, where the fulfillment
of higher-level criteria can be derived automatically
from the fulfillment of lower-level requirements.
4.2 Evaluation Process
Once relevant goals have been defined and evaluation
criteria have been derived, the actual evaluation pro-
cess can be carried out. The evaluation process, which
constitutes the second building block of the propo-
sed evaluation scheme, is illustrated in Figure 4. In
principle, the shown process can be regarded as a de-
tailing of the general project and evaluation phases
as introduced in Section 3. Thus, the proposed eva-
luation process implicitly complies with the defined
general project model. Figure 4 illustrating the eva-
luation process is subdivided into six areas. First, the
entire figure is split into two halves. The left half des-
cribes process steps to be carried out during project
execution (corresponding to the upper part of Figure
2). The right half describes necessary steps to be car-
ried out during evaluation (corresponding to the lo-
wer part of Figure 2). Second, the two halves of the
flow chart are further split into three horizontal areas,
corresponding to the three general execution phases
defined in Section 3.
As shown in Figure 4, the proposed evaluation
scheme comprises 18 steps to be carried out in total.
In Step (1), which is the first step in project planning,
general goals from relevant IT agendas, under which
the project is executed, are identified first. These are
the most high-level goals to be considered during pro-
ject execution. In the end, the success of the pro-
ject is assessed against these goals. From these ge-
neral goals, concrete project goals are defined next
by Step (2). Project goals detail higher-level goals
by applying the project’s specific context. Hence, the
project’s context and its defined contents are a rele-
vant input to this step. Once the general project go-
als have been fixed, pilot-specific goals can be deri-
ved in Step (3). Pilot-specific goals need to comply
with the higher-level project goals, but additionally
take into account the specifics of the project’s pilot
applications. Accordingly, the definition of pilots and
their foreseen role in the project are relevant inputs to
this processing step. Derived pilot-specific goals can
A Hierarchical Evaluation Scheme for Pilot-based Research Projects
Figure 3: The proposed evaluation-criteria model enables the definition of goals and related criteria on multiple layers.
Figure 4: The evaluation scheme specifies process steps to
be carried out in the shown order.
again vary between different project phases. To consi-
der these phase-specific variations, pilot-specific go-
als are further detailed to project phase specific goals
in Step (4).
Step (5), i.e. derivation of relevant policies, is the
very first step to be taken in evaluation planning. Re-
levant policies to be considered are derived from ge-
neral goals extracted from relevant IT agendas. In the
end, the overall evaluation process will tell whether
the project complies with these policies. By taking
into account the policies derived and the general pro-
ject goals obtained in Step (2), evaluation criteria are
defined on project level in Step (6). These criteria
must be suitable to assess whether the project meets
its goals. From these project criteria, pilot-specific
criteria are then derived in Step (7). Pilot-specific go-
als obtained in Step (3) are a relevant input to this
After completing the process steps described so
far, all goals and (almost) all evaluation criteria are
defined and set in relation according to the evaluation-
criteria model introduced in Section 4.1. What is
left to be done is the derivation of project phase
specific evaluation criteria (Step (8)). This task
is intentionally shifted to the subsequent project-
execution/evaluation phase (i.e. the next horizontal
area), as the proposed evaluation model foresees a
dynamic adaption of these criteria during the entire
project life-cycle. In Step (8), project phase specific
evaluation criteria are derived for each pilot, taking
into account the respective pilot’s pilot-specific cri-
teria from Step (7) and project phase specific goals
derived in Step (4). For all but the first project phase,
feedback collected during the previous project phase
is considered for the definition of criteria for the cur-
rent project phase. This way, criteria can be dyna-
mically adapted during the entire project life-cycle to
consider changing circumstances.
The execution of a project phase according to the
project setup is covered by Step (9). Step (10) is exe-
cuted in parallel to Step (9) and collects evaluation
data. This can be achieved e.g. through interviews,
questionnaires, or the automated measuring or log-
ging of data. The proposed evaluation scheme lea-
ves the choice of the most suitable method to the re-
spective project evaluators. Step (11) analyzes col-
lected evaluation data in order to derive evaluation re-
sults for the current project phase. The concrete ana-
lysis process depends on the type of evaluation data
collected. Hence, the proposed evaluation scheme
does not apply any restrictions here. Evaluation re-
sults of the current project phase are subsequently
aligned with other relevant stakeholders involved in
the project in Step (12). Depending on the project
setup, this can be e.g. pilot developers or pilot opera-
tors. This step gives involved stakeholders the chance
to comment on results obtained, in order to ensure a
consensual overall evaluation process. In case there
is at least one more project phase to come, feedback
WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
on the applied evaluation process is collected from all
involved stakeholders (Step (13)). Again, the met-
hod applied to collect feedback is left open to the re-
spective evaluators. Independent of the chosen met-
hod, collected feedback serves as input for the defi-
nition of project phase specific criteria for the next
project phase. After completion of a project phase,
and if there is another project phase to come, Step
(14) is carried out by project executors. In this step,
evaluation results of the just completed project phase
are analyzed. If possible, lessons learned are derived
that serve as input for the execution of the next project
phase. This way, the project is continuously improved
based on intermediate evaluation results.
After completion of the final project phase, the last
two overall phases, i.e. Project Appraisal and Deri-
vation of Findings are carried out. Step (15) is exe-
cuted after completing the last iterative project and
evaluation phases. In this step, project phase speci-
fic evaluation results are combined for each pilot to
derive the overall pilot-specific evaluation results. If
evaluation criteria have been defined according to the
proposed evaluation-criteria model, this process step
can be carried out efficiently, as pilot-specific evalua-
tion results can be derived directly from project phase
specific results. Once all pilot-specific evaluation re-
sults have been derived, Step (16) combines them to
overall project evaluation results. Again, this is an
efficient process, if evaluation criteria have been de-
fined such that the degree of fulfillment can be de-
rived from the lower layer of the evaluation-criteria
model. Step (17) finally checks derived project evalu-
ation results against relevant policies identified at the
beginning of the project. This way, stakeholders can
assess whether the project and its results comply with
IT agendas, from which these policies have been de-
rived. This process step concludes evaluation-related
activities within the project. All evaluation results (pi-
lot evaluation results, project evaluation results, and
policy compliance) serve as input for the final project-
appraisal phase. In the final Step (18), all evaluation
results stemming from different layers of abstraction
are combined to derive the most valuable lessons lear-
ned. Due to the multi-layered approach followed, de-
tailed analyses of evaluation results can be conducted,
including specific results as well as comparisons bet-
ween pilots and even projects.
Although the above-described evaluation process
specifies in detail necessary steps to be carried out,
it deliberately remains abstract in certain aspects and
gives evaluators, who apply the propose evaluation
scheme in practice, room for parametrization. This
makes the proposed scheme more flexible and appli-
cable to a broader range of projects. In particular, it
ensures that the evaluation scheme can be applied to
all pilot-based research projects complying with the
general project model introduced in Section 3.
Of course, leaving certain aspects unspecified im-
poses an additional task on the evaluators of a pro-
ject. They need to parametrize the proposed evalu-
ation scheme, in order to adapt it to the specifics of
the respective project. In the following section, we
show one possible parametrization by discussing the
application of the proposed evaluation scheme in the
EU-funded research project FutureTrust.
Future Trust Services for Trustworthy Global Tran-
sactions (FutureTrust) is an international research
project funded by the EU under the programme
H2020-EU.3.7. - Secure societies - Protecting free-
dom and security of Europe and its citizens. The pro-
ject consortium consists of 16 partners from 10 coun-
tries, including EU member states as well as third-
party countries. The overall aim of FutureTrust is to
support the practical implementation of the EU eI-
DAS Regulation (European Union, 2018) in Europe
and beyond. Software components developed by Fu-
tureTrust are applied to real-world use cases by means
of several pilots and demonstrators.
FutureTrust fully complies with the general pro-
ject model described in Section 3. The project has
a focus on the public-sector domain and is motiva-
ted by an EU agenda, as described in the project’s
funding programme (European Commission, 2018b).
Furthermore, FutureTrust develops and operates a se-
ries of demonstrators and pilots. Thus, the evaluation
scheme proposed in this paper is well suited for car-
rying out pilot evaluations in FutureTrust.
5.1 Parametrization
The proposed evaluation scheme intentionally re-
mains generic in several aspects and hence needs to be
parametrized before being applied to a concrete rese-
arch project. In the case of FutureTrust, the following
parameters have been chosen:
Number of Iterative Project Phases: The eva-
luation scheme supports an arbitrary number of
iterative project phases and corresponding evalua-
tion phases. For FutureTrust, three phases have
been defined. Evaluations are carried out be-
fore piloting (ex-ante evaluation), during piloting
(mid-term evaluation), and after piloting (ex-post
evaluation). This complies with FutureTrust’s
A Hierarchical Evaluation Scheme for Pilot-based Research Projects
overall project setup as defined in the project des-
Relation between Evaluation Criteria: The pro-
posed evaluation-criteria model enables the defi-
nition of evaluation criteria on multiple layers of
abstraction. Criteria on neighboring layers should
be set in relation to each other. This way, the ful-
fillment degree of higher-level criteria can be deri-
ved systematically from the fulfillment degree of
lower-level criteria. The model does not impose
any restrictions regarding the definition of relati-
ons between criteria. For the sake of simplicity,
we have followed a rather simple approach, which
assumes each criterion to be equally important.
Method for Evaluation-data Collection: In each
iterative project phase, evaluation data must be
collected by evaluators. As FutureTrust piloting
partners are distributed all over Europe, question-
naires have been prepared and sent out to piloting
partners to collect necessary evaluation data.
Method for Alignment of Project Phase Speci-
fic Evaluation Results: The proposed evaluation
scheme gives all involved stakeholders the oppor-
tunity to comment on evaluation results in each
project and evaluation phase. Due to the local dis-
persion of stakeholders within the project, Future-
Trust follows again a document-based approach.
Evaluation results are compiled into intermediary
evaluation reports. These reports are sent out to
all involved stakeholders in order to provide them
the opportunity to give feedback.
Provision of Feedback: Finally, the proposed
evaluation scheme also defines a feedback chan-
nel from involved stakeholders to the evaluators.
FutureTrust organizes regular meetings (online
and face-to-face) that bring together involved sta-
keholders. These meetings can be used to bilate-
rally provide feedback as defined by the proposed
evaluation scheme.
5.2 First Results and Lessons Learned
After applying the parametrization as described in
Section 5.1, the proposed evaluation scheme has been
applied to the FutureTrust project. In particular, the
scheme has been applied twice, once for the eva-
luation of pilots and demonstrators, and once for
analyzing their impact. The applied evaluation pro-
cess was exactly the same, however, different eva-
luation criteria have been used for pilot evaluation
and impact analysis. Based on EU agendas relevant
for FutureTrust, the following general project criteria
have been defined for pilot evaluation: Security and
Data Protection, Functionality, Usability, Interope-
rability, Reusability and Sustainability, Legal Com-
pliance, and Compliance with Project Goals. Ac-
cordingly, the following general project criteria have
been defined for impact analysis: Demonstration of
Positive Business Case, Empowerment and Protection
of Users, Increase of Use of Trust Services, Reduction
of Administrative Overhead, and Adherence to Suffi-
cient Technology Readiness Level (TRL).
From these general project criteria, pilot-specific
evaluation criteria have been derived for each Future-
Trust pilot and demonstrator. For each pilot and de-
monstrator, 24 pilot-specific criteria have been defi-
ned for pilot evaluation. In addition, 9 pilot-specific
criteria have been defined for impact analysis for each
pilot and demonstrator. Finally, project phase specific
evaluation criteria have been derived (33 criteria for
pilot evaluation and 9 criteria for impact analysis).
Based on the resulting project phase specific eva-
luation criteria, questionnaires have been prepared
and sent out to pilot developers and operators. By
analyzing returned filled questionnaires, the fulfill-
ment degree of project phase specific evaluation cri-
teria could be determined. Furthermore, the fulfill-
ment of higher-layer criteria could be derived auto-
matically, based on their relation to project phase spe-
cific criteria. As an illustrative example, Figure 5
and Figure 6 show first results of the conducted pilot
evaluation and impact analysis. Obtained results de-
monstrate the applied evaluation scheme’s capability
to yield evaluation results that are comparable among
Figure 5: Results of FutureTrust pilot evaluation.
Figure 6: Results of FutureTrust impact analysis.
WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Overall, the successful completion of the descri-
bed evaluation steps in the context of FutureTrust de-
monstrates the practical applicability of the proposed
evaluation scheme. As the FutureTrust project is still
ongoing, the overall evaluation process is not yet fi-
nished. However, most process steps (including the
most challenging ones like the definition of evalua-
tion criteria) as defined by the proposed scheme have
already been applied successfully in practice.
Its successful application within a concrete internati-
onal research project shows that the proposed evalu-
ation scheme meets its goals. By relying on a hierar-
chical evaluation-criteria model, the scheme enables
an in-depth evaluation of specific pilots, while still
guaranteeing comparability of obtained evaluation re-
sults. Ultimately, the proposed scheme yields more
valuable evaluation results, from which all involved
stakeholders can benefit in the end. Especially fun-
ding bodies can take advantage of more homogenous
evaluation results, which supports them in steering re-
search activities into the right directions, and in com-
plying with relevant IT agendas.
Lessons learned from applying the proposed eva-
luation scheme to the research project FutureTrust are
currently used to apply final minor improvements to
the scheme. For the future, we also plan to apply the
scheme to other projects, to further test its project-
independent applicability. At the same time, we aim
to extend the applicability of the proposed scheme.
While its current focus lies on pilot-based projects
from the public sector, we plan to make it applicable
to other project types as well.
This work has been supported by the FutureTrust pro-
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A Hierarchical Evaluation Scheme for Pilot-based Research Projects