Contextual Based Development of Teaching Materials Subtheme
Rukun Life in the Community
Ari Metalin Ika Puspita, Hany Handayani, Mimin Ninawati, Agusfianuddin Agusfianuddin, and Rina
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Subjects, Based Contextual Product Effectiveness.
Abstract: This research aims to produce contextual-based teaching materials, teaching materials determine the
feasibility of contextual based products, and the effectiveness of contextual-based teaching material on the
five pilot schools Curriculum 2013 in Tulungagung. This research is a research and development-based
teaching materials contextual. Research methods and development covers conducting research and
information gathering, planning includes the identification of skills, goal setting, determination of the order,
and planning field trials beginning, develop an early form of the product, the initial test product, the revision
of the results of field trials beginning, field trials major product revision based on test the main field trials,
broad-scale testing, revision of the final product based on broad-scale trials. The results of the research can
be seen that the activity of students in the learning process using teaching materials categorized as active and
student learning outcomes after conducting tests at the end of the learning category completely.
Contextual based development of teaching materials
is a prepared teaching materials tailored to the
students learning environment. Teaching materials
have a very important role in the learning process,
because if teaching materials have good quality, the
quality process and learning outcomes will be
maximal. The needs of teaching materials that is
customized with characteristics of the students will be
able to spur activity and improve student learning
outcomes. Teaching materials arranged in a
systematic that present a variety of information and
knowledge which will enrich the students insight.
The teaching materials are materials that can
support all learning activities and competencies that
students learn which walk in a coherent and
systematic, so that cumulatively able to master all the
whole and integrated competency. According to
Akbar (2013) "teaching materials are textbooks that
are used as a reference standard on certain subjects".
According to Igbo (2014), the teaching materials
created by teachers should be included to teach all
subjects in primary schools to enable children to get
information from primary sources. According to the
findings Olaitan, SO and Akpan, AE (2003) on
teaching strategies, evidence suggests that the
learning process is done through teacher-made
materials such as visual aids, flash cards, pictures, and
the card has been used effectively in teaching and
learning at the pre-primary and primary schools. In
addition Effiong (2015) states that the need to
emphasize on the use and importance of instructional
materials in teaching and learning environments can
not be underestimated. For whatever happens
learning, teachers must use these materials that enable
them to teach effectively. It can be concluded that the
use of teaching materials is a very important tool used
in the learning process that aims to manage learning
in order to be effective. In addition Effiong (2015)
states that the need to emphasize on the use and
importance of teaching materials in teaching and
learning environments can not be underestimated. For
whatever happens learning, teachers must use these
materials that enable them to teach effectively.
Contextually appropriate teaching materials based
curriculum in 2013 which explain that learning in SD
/ MI emphasizes the provision of direct experience for
students and to develop students ability to construct
the information obtained by the students. "According
to Johnson (2005), contextual approach allows
students to connect with the material contents of the
context of everyday life to find meaning. In his book
Puspita, A., Handayani, H., Ninawati, M., Agusfianuddin, A. and Indriani, R.
Contextual Based Development of Teaching Materials Subtheme Rukun Life in the Community.
In Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ANCOSH 2018) - Revitalization of Local Wisdom in Global and Competitive Era, pages 90-93
ISBN: 978-989-758-343-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Trianto (2008) states that the contextual approach is a
concept that helps teachers learn the link between
what is taught with real-world situations students and
encourage students to make connections between the
knowledge possessed by the application of their lives
as members of the family and society. Based on the
understanding of contextual approach can be
concluded that the contextual approach lead students
to learn from the knowledge they get and connected
in everyday life. Contextual learning emphasizes
students to learn in their entirety so that the
information and knowledge that students have
encountered can be absorbed well and last a long
time. With this concept, the expected learning
outcomes more meaningful for students. The learning
process takes place naturally in the form of students
work activities and experience, not a transfer of
knowledge from teacher to student. Learning
strategies more important than learning outcomes.
Development models used in developing the thematic
teaching materials of Elementary School in fourth
grade Subtheme Hidup Rukun is Borg and Gall
Model. According to Borg and Gall (1983) Research
and Development (Research and Development) is a
process used to develop and validate the products that
will be developed.
Method of research and development includes
several phases: research and information gathering,
planning, development of an early draft of the
product, testing experts that media experts, linguists,
experts learning technology and expert thematic,
revision expert testing, trials and small-scale field
This research was conducted at five primary
schools in Tulungagung that implement Curriculum
2013 class IV Subtheme Rukun Life in The
Community, it took place in SDN I Campurdarat,
SDN I Boyolangu, SDN I Pucungkidul, SDN I Beji,
and SDN I Sobontoro. The samples in this research
was grade IV selected by purposive sampling. The
design used in this research is pretest and posttest
According Sugiyono (2014: 111) the structure of
the design of this research as follows:
Figure 1: Research Design Pretest-Posttest.
Explanation: O = Score Pretest (before the use of
teaching materials), O = Score Posttest (after the use
of teaching materials), x = treatment with contextual-
based teaching materials.
The data in this research was obtained from the
pretest and posttest scores were analyzed statistically
with Paired Samples T-Test. The qualitative data
obtained from the results of observations, interviews,
and student activity during the learning process were
analyzed and explained descriptively.
Teaching materials was validated by expert media,
expert thematic learning, teachers as practitioners,
and students to determine the attractiveness of the
teaching materials. Assessment carried out by the
expert content aspect of thematic learning and Social
Sciences who received a score of 89.63% and
84.75%. Design materials judged by media experts
which its score was 73.33%, practitioners assess the
feasibility of teaching materials which scored
94.98%, while the attractiveness of the material
showed a score of 89.15%. Results of student
questionnaire responses to determine the
attractiveness of the teaching materials once used by
86.5% of students showed achievement criteria very
feasible and can be implemented. Students also
provide suggestions and comments related to the use
of teaching materials. Student comments and
suggestions as follows: (1) contextual based teaching
materials easy for me to learn, (2) the my score
becomes better using the teaching materials, (3) I love
to learn about Tulungagung. It can be concluded that
the field trials, students very interested in using
contextual-based thematic teaching materials.
On the activity of students in using the materials
showed that only 12 students who obtain an average
score below 80%, while 131 students grades average
above 80%. Activities of students when working on
sheet student activity has a percentage of 91.6%. It
can be concluded that the criteria of student activity
was in very active category.
In testing these materials besides to see the score
of student activity in doing of teaching materials, the
researchers also see the results of student learning by
providing evaluation questions at the end of sub-
themes. Based on the data obtained from the results
of student learning that students who have rated 91-
100 as many as 42 students or 29.38%. Then students
who received grades 81-90 as many as 89 students or
62.24%. While as many as 9 students or 6.29% gain
value range 71-80. And 3 students or 2.09% scored
O x O
Contextual Based Development of Teaching Materials Subtheme Rukun Life in the Community
below 70. The difference in the percentage of students
values that obtained can be seen in Figure Pie Chart
as follows.
Figure 2: Chart Circle Student Results.
In the pie chart of student learning outcomes into
the category of "Completed". Lessons 1 to 6 value
learning results for students at over 90% and more
than 85% above the value of learning outcomes in
pre-determined criteria. The recapitulation of the
value of the test materials in five (5) basic schools can
be seen that there is a difference in values, in the five
elementary school, most students obtain the highest
value between 91-100 at 53 students or 37.06% and
the lowest value of the range of values 61-70 there
were 9 students or 6.29%, while as much as 2 or 1.4%
of students obtained the lowest value range is 00-51.
The overall results of the research in five elementary
schools showed criteria of "Completed", so that it can
be concluded that the use of teaching materials
already developed a decent used in the learning
Data effectiveness of teaching materials obtained
from observations of activity and student learning
outcomes in working on the evaluation at the end of
sub-themes. In each learning activity, researchers
conducted observations of student activity during the
learning process and it was carried out by two
observers who observe aspects of independence,
liveliness, accuracy, creativity, and accuracy in the
The effectiveness of teaching materials can be
determined based on these indicators: (1) student
learning activities while testing a minimum pitch
scale teaching material gain criterion of "active", (2)
student learning gets a percentage of 85% of students
gained value range ≥70-100. Explanation of data
activity of students and student learning outcomes
have been described in previous discussions.
Explanation data summary of teaching materials
effectiveness from the indicators of learning activities
and student learning outcomes demonstrate the above
criteria and the use of teaching materials teaching
materials is "effective to use in learning at primary
Comparative Test Results of student learning
activities that implement the five primary school
curriculum in 2013 with the formula Wilcoxon
significance value of 0.000 (<0.05). These results
indicate that there is a difference between the learning
activities before and after using the contextual based
thematic teaching materials. While the students result
of a comparative test with Wilcoxon formula
significance value of 0.000 (<0.05). These results
indicate that there is a difference between learning
outcomes before and after using contextual-based
thematic teaching materials.
Teaching materials that have been developed is
suitable to use in learning activity. The learning
objectives established by considering the needs of
students and the competence to be achieved, the steps
are arranged systematically, so it is easy to be
understood by the students, the material was adapted
from students real-life and assessment of learning is
made authentically and can measure the progress of
students during and after the research. Contextual-
based teaching materials capable of supporting
learning materials are created and customized for real
conditions where students learn, so that students
knowledge of local potentials to grow. These
materials can be used as reading material and other
supporting materials in addition to the main teaching
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