3N Taxonomy:
An Equivalencies of Local Wisdom with Bloom’s Taxonomy
Cicilia Ika Rahayu Nita
and Tri Candra Wulandari
Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, jl. S. Supriyadi no. 48, Malang 65148, Indonesia
{cirn, fikri.chan}@unikama.ac.id
Keywords: Dance Learning, KHD, 3N, Local Wisdom, Bloom’s Taxonomy.
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to describe of equivalence between local wisdom learning concept, 3N’s
taxonomy, Niteni (N1), Nirokake (N2) and Nambahi (N3) with cognitive level on Bloom’s Taxonomy.
Observations, interviews and documentary studies were conducted on primary school students in one of the
primary schools in Malang, Indonesia on dance learning activities. This research observe forty students in
both low grade and high grade. 3N’s Taxonomy on learning dance in low class appears in core activities. In
high class, one of 3N’s concepts that is N2 does not appear. In low grade, N1 appears when students
observe the dance performed by the teacher. While in high class, N1 appears when students pay attention to
videos about dance. Ability of students to identification of dance has equivalence with knowledge. N2 in
low class appears when students are following the teacher’s movement. Ability of students to
comprehension the dance has equivalence with understanding. N3 also visible in low and high class. N3
shown by students perform dancing based on the example. Students are able to show their dancing, make an
equivalence between applying. The results show that there are equivalencies between 3N’s Taxonomy and
Bloom’s Taxonomy. The equivalencies are Niteni with knowledge, Niroake with understanding and
Nambahi with applying.
Ki Hajar Dewantara (KHD) is one of Indonesian
philosophy figure. A lot of KHD’s philosophy are
used in education especially in teaching and
learning. Learning activities must be guided by
teacher with their confidence, because teacher and
students should have mutual trust (Wahyu, 2012).
3N taxonomy is one of KHD’s characteristics in
learning, especially in dancing learning. 3N
taxonomy stand for Niteni (observing), Niroake
(mimicking), and Nambahi (adding).
Another taxonomy was used in learning is using
Bloom’s Taxonomy. Bloom’s taxonomy is well
known in learning. Bloom’s taxonomy lead us to
reach the highest level for thought from knowledge,
comprehension, and application (Dunegan, 2011). A
similar study has been done, it was about determine
students’ level of learning on cognitive domain at
the end of the dance unit taught by physical literacy
by means of a test prepared according to the
Bloom’s taxonomy (Alagul et al., 2012). The
differences with this study is the research focus. This
study is focuses on seeking the equivalence of 3N
taxonomy with the cognitive domain of the bloom
taxonomy in dance lessons at primary school.
Learning dance has characteristics in their
teaching process. Effective teaching of dance skills
is informed by a variety of theoretical frameworks
and individual teaching and learning styles
(Mainwaring and Krasnow, 2010). Furthermore, an
effective teaching of dance skills is informed by a
variety of theoretical frameworks and individual
teaching and learning styles (Bandura, 2002).
Teachers become facilitator to their students to
actively construct knowledge, concepts, skills, and
attitudes related to character education by using
social science learning that have been programmed,
by giving information meaningful and relevant.
(Asrowi, 2017).
Using Blooms taxonomy in new version, in
cognitive level start on remembering, understanding,
applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating.
Properties in remembering are retrieving,
recognizing and recalling relevant knowledge from
long-term memory. Then, for understanding has
Nita, C. and Wulandari, T.
3N Taxonomy - An Equivalencies of Local Wisdom with Bloom’s Taxonomy.
In Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ANCOSH 2018) - Revitalization of Local Wisdom in Global and Competitive Era, pages 561-564
ISBN: 978-989-758-343-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
properties constructing from oral, written, graphic
messages though interpreting, exemplifying,
summarizing and explaining (Mainwaring and
Krasnow, 2010).
According to the purpose of this paper, researcher
was using qualitative research design. Observing,
documentation and participants was doing to collect
the data from two classes with forty students in
every class at one of elementary school in Malang.
This research was using one class with low grade
and one class with high grade. Acquisition the data
was done during the dance lessons by participant,
observing and documentation. Descriptive analysis
is used to describe all results and research findings
by performing the validation process first. Data
validation using source triangulation, by comparing
the results of observation, documentation and
During the study, the learning was carried out as
usual. Researchers observe how teachers teach from
opening, core and closing activities. Observer
observes whether the 3N elements are implemented
in the lesson in every class.
Dance art learning was carried out in three stages of
activities, there are preliminary activities, core
activities and closing activities. Study was doing in
two different classes, namely low and high class.
The learning process uses integrated thematic
In low-class learning, teachers was using puppet
as media. Dance art learning was associated with
concept of pet motion. Puppets are used by teachers
to stimulate students about appropriate animal
movements. Students do the task of the teacher in
the form of group duty is how to care for pets. Then
the student representatives present their group
results in front of the class.
Remembering activities have three main
processes, the process of seeing, repeating motor
motion and the process of motivation. Furthermore,
(Ika et al., 2017) mentions that the process will be
seen from how the students see the object, how the
students remember the steps of motion to the stage
of repeating the movement of object. While
motivation, given by teachers when students try to
try to repeat the movement as a result of
3N taxonomy in low-class appears in the core
activities. When the teacher gives an example of
animal motion using a puppet followed by an
example of a teacher movement in front of the class.
Example of this motion directed to students, and all
of students was paying attention at that moments.
When students are paying attention, concept of
Niteni was happen. From student’s response with
paying attention is one of impact on pupil learning
(Harris et al., 2012).
Four components in learning are consistent with
learning theory through observation by Bandura (
2002) in The first component is attention, can be
seen based on the activity where the teacher gives an
example by demonstrating the movement of animals
in front of the class and students pay close attention
to guess the movement of the teacher. The second
component is that when the student looks at the
motion exemplified by the teacher and identifies
what motion corresponds to the animal puppet
shown by the teacher. The third component is
reproducing motor movement that occurs when the
teacher shows the puppet one of the animals then the
student progresses to demonstrate the appropriate
animal motion. The fourth component of motivation
that includes an external impulse, seen when the
teacher gives praise and applause for the students to
the front of the class so that the other students are
motivated to forwards the class to demonstrate the
motion of other animals.
Continue in core activity, teacher gives an
example of a rabbit motion in front of the class, then
the students are simultaneously guided to mimic the
rabbits movement exhibited by the teacher in front
of the class. The second concept Niroake or
mimicking looks here. Based on (Alpert et al., 2009)
the fact mentioned above, it is necessary learning
strategies that are better suited to the characteristics
of the appreciation of the dance, which provide
many opportunities for students to intensively
interact with dance either passive in the sense of
enjoying the dance work and actively participate in
the activities of art. In other words, imitating or
mimicking is a continuation process from the
observing stage, has been seen in the learning
process of dance art in low-class.
Next, teacher assigning students to do task, there
is making dance movements of animal motion.
Students are instructed to the front of the class to
display their dances alternately in the order specified
by the teacher. When students doing the task,
learning enter to Nambahi stage. Before students
present in front of their class, they must discuss
about the motion. Dancing with a group may also be
considered a social event that will decrease the risk
of depression and subsequently decrease cognitive
decline Baker (in Alpert et al., 2009).
ANCOSH 2018 - Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
Learning activities of dance art using 3N concept
in low-class are shown in table 1.
Table 1: Learning dance art in low-class with 3N.
3N taxonomy
Not shown
Paying attention,
Creating, Reproducing
motion, Motivation
Stimulus, Exploration,
Not shown
Learning dance in high-class start with giving
question from teacher to students. Teacher was
trying making connection between concepts in a few
meeting. Learning purpose was not delivered well.
Upon entering the core stage, learning begins to
apply the 3N concept, which begins with the teacher
presenting a video about dance and the students are
asked to observe. The teacher guides the students to
identify the type of dance starting from the tools
used, dance movements and dance types that are
aired through question and answer. In addition, the
teacher attributes the dance movements that exist in
the video show with simple movements in everyday
life. This indicates that there was found application
of N1 Niteni or observed according to one of the
four components delivered.
Next, teacher asked to students to present the
dance creations in front of the class. Based on the
results of interviews with teachers and students, the
task of making dance creations has been given
teachers at previous meetings, the task of making
this dance creation without any special provisions.
Students are given the freedom to make dance
movements. Teachers tend to apply N3/Nambahi or
adding. Activity and review stage has not been
found in this activity. The teacher closed learning by
greeting the students, there is no reflection or
evaluation of learning activities. Learning activities
of dance art using 3N concept in low-class are
shown in table 2.
Table 2: Learning dance art in high-class with 3N.
3N taxonomy
Not shown
Paying attention,
Creating, Reproducing
motion, Motivation
Stimulus, Exploration,
Not shown
In the study of dance art in high class it was
found that 3N concept has been applied by the
teacher. However, the application of the 3N concept
to learning has not been in accordance with the
established 3N structure, N1, N2, N3. The teacher
does not apply one N that is N2/Niroake or
mimicking. So that achieved in the learning process
focused on N1 and N3. Based on his experience,
teachers who can apply 3N sequentially will make
the class become more creative, but if not it will
affect the achievement of learning objectives (Ika et
al., 2017).
Based on the exposure and discussion of teacher
and student activities on the learning of dance in the
lower classes, all 3N concepts appear in the core
activities of learning. Learning beginning when the
teacher seemed to apply N1 concept, students
perform the process of identification of animal
motion through examples of movements displayed
by the teacher is an activity to build the concept of
knowledge about the movement of dance in
cognitive students.
Teacher activities are activities aimed at knowing
how to process or do something, ie students know
the criteria used to identify facts and examples
Activities build this knowledge in accordance with
the cognitive domain of Bloom's taxonomy at the
level of remembering.
When applying N2/Niroake, the teacher gives
students the opportunity to mimicking the motion.
That has been exemplified by the teacher in front of
the class. Teacher directs the students to follow the
movements that have been exemplified is the
activity of the teacher to develop the concept of
understanding of the movement of dance. Students
who do not understand the motion of dance cannot
repeat the movement properly. Activity in Niroake
builds on this understanding, so it must an
equivalent with understanding in Bloom’s
The last activity in core activity in learning this
dance art is the teacher asks students to make simple
dance moves in groups and each group will display
the movement in front of the class. Teacher-directed
cognitive processes refer to the application level. If
the students already understand the dance
movement, the next cognitive stage is the student is
able to apply to other dance movements. Students
can be said to be able to apply the concept if he can
apply the concept of dance movement that has been
obtained with a new dance movement. This activity
is in accordance with the cognitive domain of the C3
level of Bloom taxonomy. This suggests that the
learning of dance by applying the 3N concept to the
lower classes has an equivalence to the level of
Bloom's taxonomic cognitive domain at the levels of
remember, understanding and applying.
3N Taxonomy - An Equivalencies of Local Wisdom with Bloom’s Taxonomy
Next, learning the art of dance in high class.
Based on previous exposure, 3N concept in high
class only apply N1 (Niteni) and N3 (Nambahake).
In accordance with the equivalence of the lower
classes, in the high class the concept of learning
applied in the high class has equivalence to the
cognitive domain of Bloom's taxonomy only at the
level of remember and applying. Although only two
cognitive levels are applied, it does not diminish the
essence of learning the art of dance. However, it is
not yet clear whether there will be a change of
targets for achieving the goal of dance learning in
high class.
Learning dance art in elementary school using the
3N taxonomy are N1 (Niteni), N2 (Niroake) and N3
(Nambahi). The cognitive domain based on Bloom's
taxonomy that has been applied to learning dance by
using 3N taxonomy is remembering, understanding,
and applying. The 3N concept equivalence to
Bloom's cognitive domain is N1 with remember, N2
with understanding and N3 with applying.
Application of 3N taxonomy is expected not only
in dance lessons, but more interesting if there is
cross-field research that is implementing 3N
Thanks to headmaster of SDN Blimbing 1, for all
helping and kind attention for this study.
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ANCOSH 2018 - Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities