An Orm-Based Method and Platform to Uniformly Access
Heterogeneous Data in China National Earthquake Precursor
Chen Wang, Yuntian Teng
,Xiaomei Wang, Xiaoyong Fan and Jiemei Ma
Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing100081, China.
Keywords: Object relation map, heterogeneity, access data uniformly, national earthquake precursor network
Abstract: The distribution and heterogeneity of data sources in a national earthquake precursor network make uniform
data access difficult. To resolve this problem, we propose a uniform data access method based on object
relation mapping, and then design a uniform data access platform. The proposed uniform data access
method adopts a view of the data in three layers with two layers of mapping. The former includes the
application subject view (ASV), a uniform access view (UAV) and a local data view (LDV), and the latter
includes mapping between the application subject view (ASV) and the uniform data access view (UDAV),
and mapping between the uniform data access view (UDAV) and the original data view (ODV). This design
has potential practical applications which validate that a platform based on the proposed method effectively
serving the China National Earthquake Precursor Network.
In China National Earthquake Precursor Network,
regionally distributed stations are responsible for the
collection and the storage of basic precursor data,
which enables the current data source distribution
situation, in which the data have diversity,
heterogeneity and autonomy properties. These
properties make it difficult to manage the data
uniformly, as well as share the data concurrently.
Consequently, this situation impedes further
development of businesses carrying out earthquake
precursors such as earthquake observing, earthquake
broadcasting and epicenter analysis(Wang et al.,
2011). Therefore, intensive investigations of
uniform access to earthquake data are needed.
Based on the above reasons, we propose a
UDAM based on ORM, and design a uniform data
access platform. Our proposed method realizes
uniform access based on the creation of three layer
views and mapping between pairs of layers. The
three layer views include the ASV, the UAV and
the LDV. The two-layer mapping consists of
mapping between the ASV and the UDAV, also the
UDAV and the ODV.The practical applications
validate that the platform based on the proposed
method can effectively serve national earthquake
precursor network in China.
With the ongoing development of computer and
wireless transmission technologies, characteristics of
data distribution and heterogeneity are becoming
increasingly significant. Accordingly, data
integration issues have aroused increasing research
interest because they facilitate the application-to-
application exchange of standard business
documents between different subjects(Andrea et al.,
2013; Len et al., 2013).
Traditional data integration studies mainly focus
on how to eliminate data distributed effects and
heterogeneity; they usually accomplish this by using
a certain persistent integration method (Lnmon,
1996; Guo et al., 2008). Recently, the view-based
data integration method (VBDIM) has become
increasingly popular. In this method, each data
source creates a uniform model based on local
information integration rules; a local information
Wang, C., Teng, Y., Wang, X., Fan, X. and Ma, J.
An Orm-Based Method and Platform to Uniformly Access Heterogeneous Data in China National Earthquake Precursor Network.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Environment and Geoscience (IWEG 2018), pages 434-439
ISBN: 978-989-758-342-1
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
view (LIV) is then developed. Finally a global
information view (GIV) is constructed based on this
view. The entire application program conducts
information access operations based on this global
view. Compared with other methods, the view-based
method (VBM) has advantages that include good
extendibility and dynamic properties.
It has been a common belief that creating XML
vocabularies was sufficient to achieve data
interoperability, yet this assumption goes far beyond
reality. XML by itself does not guarantee that XML
expressed business information exchanged in the
span of business processes across different
enterprises will be understood equally well by all
systems. This is because the XML syntax only
creating markup languages used as metadata, it does
not address how the underlying business information
must be modeled, named and structured. Semantics
come to cover this gap by attaching meaning to data
in a structured and technical way that both humans
and machines can understand and
process(Lampathaki et al., 2009; Nurmilaakso et al.,
Object relational mapping (ORM) is a popular
uniform data method, which provides a method and
mechanism for object-oriented systems to hold their
long-term data safely in a database, while
maintaining transactional control over it, and having
it expressed in program objects when
needed(Elizabeth , 2008).
3.1 Layers
To provide a simple method for accessing certain
business data, screening for heterogeneity, and
decreasing the coupling between the database
structure and the application program, we identify
three data layers, which include the ASV, a UAV
and a LDV (Figure 1).
The functions of the each view are as follows.
(1) Application Subject View. This view is a
kind of virtual view for various kinds of application
demands, including the data collection, data
exchange and data application views. The
application subject view screens for difference in the
underlying database, which makes database access
more effective.
Figure 1: Diagram of the three layer views.
(2) Uniform Access View. This refers to the
virtual table used to represent the data structure in
the database. A uniform access view acclimatizes
changes in database products and structure. The
uniform access view includes original views of the
national center, the subject center, and the regional
center. It is represented by a virtual table and virtual
fields; and, in this case, the application program
does not need to be concerned with the actual
storage manner. As a result, this view can increase
integration and extension abilities as well as
(3) Local Data View.This view is a kind of
lowest level view for various kinds of database,
which could access measuring instruments easily.
3.2 Rules for the Two-Layer Mapping
The two-layer mapping undertaken involves
mapping between the ASV and the UDAV, the
UDAV and the ODV(Figure 2). We have designed
and implemented two mapping rules for the two-
layer mapping: an application subject view mapping
rule and a local data source mapping rule.
Figure 2: Two-layer mapping.
An Orm-Based Method and Platform to Uniformly Access Heterogeneous Data in China National Earthquake Precursor Network
3.2.1 Application Subject View Mapping
The application subject view mapping rule is used to
map from the application subject view to the
uniform access view; i.e., to mapping the object and
property in the application subject view to a virtual
table and field in the uniform access view.
When mapping the application subject view to
the uniform access view, the application subject
view maps the table to the corresponding view by
creating a database view. Additionally, the
application subject view accesses the information by
reading the corresponding field in the uniform
access view. Accessing the uniform view is different
from accessing the ordinary table because it is not a
major feature in the view. For example, there is an
object (O) that has three properties: x, y, and z, i.e.,
O(x, y, z). There are two virtual tables A and B in the
uniform access view, where A has N fields: a
, and B has M fields: b
, b
. Then we
will have the following mapping results: O.xA.a
; O.zB.b
From the above mapping results, we can see that
an object could correspond to several tables. So once
the application design corrects an object, it can
operate several tables through this object; the data
access then will be more convenient and effective.
3.2.2 Local Data Source Mapping Rule
The local data source mapping rule is used for
mapping from the uniform access view to the local
original data view; i.e., to mapping a virtual table
and field from the uniform access view to the actual
table and field in the local origin data view. For
example, for a virtual table A that has N fields: A
, … AN, there is an actual table a that has M
fields: a
, a
, … am. We then will get the following
mapping results: A.A
; A.A
From the above mapping results, we can see that
the mapping relationship between the tables in the
uniform access view and the tables in the original
data view is a one-to-one relationship. However, the
fields in the two views do not have a one-to-one
relationship. The uniform access view can hide
some protected fields in the original data from the
3.3 Information Description Methods
we consider the information description methods,
which include descriptions of the data source, the
application view mapping rules and the local data
source mapping rules.
3.3.1 Data Source Description Method
In this paper, we adopt a five-fold description of the
data source.
DataSource= {DBName, URL, Username,
Password, Driver},
where DBName is the name of the data source,
which is the unique identifier for the underlying data
source; URL is the universal resource locator access
address of the data source; Username and Password
are the name and the password used to access the
data source, respectively; Driver is the name of the
driver program that needs to be loaded to access the
data source. An example description is shown in
Figure 3.
Figure 3: Example description of the data source
3.3.2 Application View Mapping Rules
Description Method
For the application view mapping rules, we adopt a
three-fold description.
AppObject={ObjectName, ReferView,
where ObjectName is the name of the unique
application object; ReferView is the name of the
virtual table referred to by the application object in
the middle logic view; PropertyList contains the
names of the fields included in the application
< DBSource name=”ORACLE”>
<URL value="
<USER value=" qzdata”></USER>
<PSW value=" dataqz”></PSW>
<DRIVER value="
</ DBSource >
IWEG 2018 - International Workshop on Environment and Geoscience
object, and each field is represented by another
three-fold definition:
Property= {PropertyName, ReferViewName,
where PropertyName is the name of the property
of the application object; ReferViewName is the
name of the virtual table according to the object
property; ViewFieldName is the property name in
the virtual name according to the property.Figure 4
gives an example of this description method.
Figure 4: Example description of the application view
mapping rule.
3.3.3 Local Data Source Mapping Rule
Description Method.
We adopt a three-fold description of the local data
source mapping rule:
View={ ViewNameReferTableFieldList}
where ViewName is the name of the virtual table
in the logical view, which is unique in the logical
view; ReferTable is the name of the underlying table
referred to in the virtual table; FieldList is a set of
the table fields included in the virtual table, with
each table field being expressed by a three fold
Field ={ FieldName, ReferTableName
where, FieldName is the name of the field in the
virtual table; ReferTableName is the corresponding
name of the field in the underlying data table;
TableColumnName is the corresponding property
name of this field in the underlying data table.
Figure 5 gives an example of this description
Figure 5: Example description of local data source
Based on the above analysis, we designed a uniform
data access platform based on the three layer views
and two-layer mapping. The main idea of this
platform is to create a globally logical view for all
heterogeneous data coming from different data
sources and to screen the heterogeneity of the data.
Then, based on this uniform logical view, each
application program can design a different
application object according to its demand; this can
result in the addition, deletion and revised operation
of a certain data object. The architecture of our
platform is shown in Figure 6.
The data access platform consists of four discrete
parts: mapping management, execution engine,
application program interface, and database access.
The function of the platform is the encapsulation of
the underlying database and files, which provides
data access service for all kinds of application
<Object name="TEST1">
ViewName="V_TEST1" />
<Property name="SID"
ViewName="V_TEST1" FieldName="V_SID" />
name="SNAME" ViewName="V_TEST1"
FieldName="V_SNAME" />
<Property name="AGE"
ViewName="V_TEST1" FieldName="V_AGE"
<Property name="AA"
ViewName="V_TEST1" FieldName="V_AA" />
<Property name="BB"
ViewName="V_TEST1" FieldName="V_BB" />
<View name="V_TEST1">
TableName="TEST" DBname=”ORACLE”/>
<Field name="V_SNAME"
TableName="TEST" ColumnName="SNAME"
<Field name="V_AGE"
TableName="TEST" ColumnName="AGE" />
<Field name="V_AA"
TableName="TEST" ColumnName="AA" />
<Field name="V_BB"
TableName="TEST" ColumnName="BB" />
An Orm-Based Method and Platform to Uniformly Access Heterogeneous Data in China National Earthquake Precursor Network
Error management
Figure 6: Platform architecture.
4.1 Task Execution Engine
Based on the mapping view structure, the main
functions of the task execution engine are to analyze
and execute the submitted tasks.
When the engine receives a task, the scheduling
module first schedules the task to be executed, and
then inserts the task into the task list.
The task analysis module first analyzes the
submitted task by assessing related information,
including the task type and the operation object.
Based on the uniform view generated by the
mapping and type management, the task analysis
module then translates this task into structured query
language (SQL) commands that can be recognized
by the database. Finally, these commands are
submitted to the task execution module.
When the task execution module receives the
information, the execution factory first creates a
corresponding execution class based on the different
task types; then, it executes the SQL commands.
During execution, it is responsible for managing
exceptions, logs, sessions and big objects (CLOB
fields), and so on. Finally, the module encapsulates
all the execution results into a uniform result set and
4.2 Application Programming
The application programming interfaces can be
divided into three categories: exchange application
interfaces, collection application interfaces and the
data application interfaces. The main functions of
these interfaces are as follows.
4.2.1 Exchange Application Interface
This interface is responsible for the following work:
data and information exchange between national,
regional and local centers; consistency checking and
issuing the error warning during the exchange; and
managing the parameters used in the exchange
IWEG 2018 - International Workshop on Environment and Geoscience
strategy. In the exchange module, the regional center
forwards the data to the national center, and the
national center distributes the data to the subject
center, which means that the data will generally
have multiple copies. Therefore, the exchange
method must maintain the consistency of the data
and be responsible for checking data versions. The
data must be unique for the whole platform;
therefore, the exchange module must be responsible
for change management.
4.2.2 Collection Application Interface
The data collection module is responsible for the
following work: collecting original observational
data coming from non-IP instruments, IP
instruments and the artificial observation
instruments, collecting data sourced from instrument
logs and the event; checking the data validation and
data storage; collecting and managing the metadata
and the basic data. Figure 7 shows the functions of
the collection application interface.
Figure 7: Functions of the collection application interface.
4.2.3 Data Application Interface
This interface is responsible for observing the state
of the platform, and managing information on the
nodes, stations and system basics. The database is
responsible for the management of the data version
and the user authority, and can provide different
users with different versions and authorities with
different functions. This interface is also responsible
for recording user operations, such as user login.
To deal with the difficulties in uniformly accessing
data under circumstances affected by the data
distribution and heterogeneity properties of the data
source, we propose a uniform data access method
based on object relation mapping(ORM), and have
designed a platform based on this method. We give
the detail of the platform architecture and function
implementation method, and also talk about the task
execution engine and application programming
interfaces.This design has potential practical
applications serving the China National Earthquake
Precursor Network and play a role in the future.
This work is supported by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41404141)
and the National Key Scientific Instrument and
Equipment Development Project of China (Grant
No. 2014YQ100817-2).
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An Orm-Based Method and Platform to Uniformly Access Heterogeneous Data in China National Earthquake Precursor Network