The Influence of Non-Performing Financing (NPF) and Return on
Assets (ROA) Against Linkage Multifinance at Sharia Commercial
Bank in Indonesia
Safarinda Imani, Risma Ayu Kinanti, Achsania Hendratmi, Tjiptohadi Sawarjuwon, Sri
Sri Iswati
Postgraduate School Airlangga UniversitySurabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Non-performing financing, Return on Asset, Linkage Multifinance
Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of Return on Assets (ROA) and the influence of Non Performing
Financing (NPF) on the linkage. The population in this study was the sharia bank registered in Bank
Indonesia during the period of 2008-2017 using quarterly financial report data. As the sample of research
was 13 sharia banks throughout Indonesia that met the criteria. The analysis technique used was multiple
regression using STATA 13 program. The research methodology used was a quantitative approach with the
type of associative research. Quantitative research is a more focused numerical data analysis (number) that
is processed by using statistical methods. While associative is research by explaining the relationship
between variables x with variable y. Result obtained from all sharia banks was a relationship between ROA
with two-way linkage of 0.019 and 0.031, while NPF has one-way effect 0.166 and 0.26, with a probability
value smaller than α 0.05 sharia bank in Indonesia correlation between ROA and NPF to linkage. The result
on ROA and NPF should considered for decision to provide linkage program and information for investor to
invest in sharia bank.
Banks serve as financial intermediaries in
connecting the surplus spending unit of the
community to be returned to the community in the
form of loans. Banking plays an important role to
stimulate economic growth through loan
disbursement in the form of working capital loans
and investment loans. Both types of loans are
productive loans that can provide a direct multiplier
effect for the economy. Community access to
financial institutions is one of the keys to the optimal
functioning of the financial system. If the
community can utilize financial services easily, it
will encourage an increase in capital turnover. That
way, financial institutions can implement equity
capital in society, which will then encourage
economic growth.
In its development, there are many commercial
banks with sharia principles that implement Linkage
Program, including Bank Syariah Mandiri, Bank
Muamalat, BNI Syariah, Bank Danamon Syariah,
and so forth. According to Johan Arifin, the
implementation of the Linkage program is a strategy
aimed at empowering small and medium enterprises
through the involvement of the financial industry.
They channel it to the Linkage agency in an area
capable of reaching UMKM to remote areas. For
Bank Syariah Mandiri, starting from June 2012 there
is an internal regulation that prohibits the channeling
of Linkage Program to BPR.
At a glance the impression from customers both
Linkage agencies and end users about the
implementation of Linkage Program is very helpful.
The economy in remote areas can increase and the
welfare of society also increases. Basically, linkage
financing uses a muḍārabah contract that requires a
high trust between the fund owner and the fund
manager. In addition, profit sharing should be in the
form of an agreed ratio/percentage. In muḍārabah
the profit is called the profit-sharing ratio because
the amount of profit to be received by the owner of
the fund and the fund manager cannot be known
with certainty, because the amount of profit to be
Imani, S., Ayu Kinanti, R., Hendratmi, A., Sawarjuwono, T., Herianingrum, S. and Iswati, S.
The Influence of Non Performing Financing (NPF) and Return on Assets (ROA) Against Linkage Multifinance at Sharia Commercial Bank in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0007539001420146
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School (ICPS 2018), pages 142-146
ISBN: 978-989-758-348-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
received depends on the profit generated. Linkage
multifinance is a linkage financing program that is
done between the sharia bank with sharia financial
institutions. In the current developments, there are
indications that NPF and ROA can affect the number
of linkage multifinance. In the world of sharia
banking, this factor is inseparable from the high
level of financing and the quality of bank assets
reflected in the NPF level. Troubled financing
remains a daunting for sharia banking. Moreover,
experience proves that one of the causes of the
economic crisis is the high level of NPF. The high
NPF, particularly the stalled financing, contributed
substantially to the poor performance of banks at the
time. NPF is one indicator of whether or not a
healthy Bank. That way, if a banking has a high NPF
level then sharia banking will be more careful by
reducing the amount of linkage financing. In
addition to NPF, it is also indicated that ROA can
affect the number of linkage multifinance. ROA is
the company's ability to generate profit at the level
of income between fund providers and fund
managers. Seeing the importance of the influence of
NPF and ROA on various Islamic banking
transactions such as the linkage multifinance, the
researchers are interested to conduct research with
the title "Influence NPF and ROA Results Against
Linkage Multifinance at Sharia Commercial Bank in
2.1 Forms of Partnership in Linkage
Linkage programs are partnership financing. So,
Islamic banks issue financing to the real sector
indirectly. This partnership with 3 (three) forms,
namely channeling, executing, and joint financing.
Channeling is financing provided by Islamic public
banks to cooperative customers / KJKS / BMT and
BMT who act as agents who do not have the
authority to decide on financing unless obtaining a
power of attorney from a commercial bank. Records
in Commercial Banks as financing for BMT
customers, while the data on BMT is off balance
sheet. Executing is financing provided by the
Shari'ah commercial banks to cooperatives/KJKS/
BMT in the framework of financing to be distributed
to BMT customers, where cooperatives/ KJKS/BMT
have the authority to decide on financing to MSMEs.
Listing at Sharia commercial banks as financing to
BMT customers, while recording in cooperatives as
loans to BMT customers. Joint financing is joint
financing by sharia commercial banks and
cooperatives against cooperative members. The
authority to decide on financing is with BUS/UUS
and KJKS/BMT. Recording of outstanding credit for
commercial banks and cooperatives is as much as
the portion of financing to members of cooperatives.
2.2 Effect of Financial Performance
(ROA and NPF) on Linkage
According to Bangun Ika Haryanto, in Islamic
finance and banking journals, when a bank
experiences problems in linkage financing, the
profits that should be obtained by the bank will
decrease. The reduced level of bank profits will have
an impact on decreasing income which can affect the
bank's financial performance. Because financial
performance has an important meaning in an effort
to maintain its long-term survival, because financial
performance shows whether the business entity has
good prospects in the future. Thus every business
entity will always try to improve its financial
performance, because the higher the level of
financial performance of a business entity, the
survival of the business entity will be more
guaranteed. According to Harahap (2010: 305)
Return On Assets (ROA) describes asset turnover
measured from sales. The greater this ratio, the
better and this means that assets can spin faster to
gain profits. In addition to the financial performance,
the higher the NPF (above 5%), the bank is declared
unhealthy because the high NPF causes a decrease in
profits to be received by the bank (Popita, 2013).
The method used is quantitative. Quantitative
approach aims to determine whether the ROA and
NPF variables affect each other against linkage
multifinance, and whether there is a long-term
relationship or short-term ROA and NPF to linkage
multifinance. The variables are arranged into a
model estimated using granger causality analysis
and cointegration, then will be described. The
research approach used in this research is
quantitative approach. The population in this study
is existing sharia commercial banks in Indonesia.
Based on sharia banking statistics as of December
2017 with 13 sharia banks. The sample in this study
was taken by purposive sampling. Data analysis
techniques were processed and analyzed using the
program strata 13. Operational definition:
The Influence of Non Performing Financing (NPF) and Return on Assets (ROA) Against Linkage Multifinance at Sharia Commercial Bank
in Indonesia
ROA = Annual Report Islamic banking statistics
agency, Ratio scale in percent
NPF = Non Performing Financing, an indicator
of the annual Islamic Banking statistics
report, Ratio scale in percent
Linkage = Financing program for sharia
commercial banks to cooperative / KJKS /
BMT and BMT customers, annual report
indicators and evaluation, Ratio scale in
mudharabah agreement.
4.1 Stationary Test (Unit Root Test)
Table 4.1: Stationary Test Results.
Dickey-fuller test for unit root Value T-statistics and critical values
Interpolated dickey-fuler
Test Statistics 1ϑ Critical Value 5ϑ Critical Value 10ϑ Critical
Linkage -6.635 -3.655 -2.961 -2.613
NPF -9.274 -3.655 -2.961 -2.613
ROA -2.898 -3.655 -2.961 -2.961
Mackinnon approximate p-value for z (ԏ)=0.0000
Table 4.1 shows the stationary test results on the
degree level. The test results show stationary data at
critical values of 1%, 5%, and 10%, all variables
have met the stationary criteria because the resulting
t-statistic value is more negative than the critical
value of 5%
4.2 Optimum Lag Determination
Table 4.2: Optimal lag length.
Endogenous: Linkage, NPF,ROA Exogenous: _cons
The second stage in the VAR analysis is the
determination of the optimum lag. The
determination of the number of lags in the VAR
model is determined on the information criteria
recommended by the smallest value of Final
Prediction Error (FPE), Akaike Information
Criterion (AIC), Schwars Criterion (SC), and
Hannan-Quinn (HQ). The stata program has given
the star clues to the lag set as the optimum lag. Table
4.2 shows that almost all stars are in lag 2. lag 2 is
defined as the optimum lag and is used at all stages
in the VAR analysis.
4.3 Cointegration Test
Table 4.3: Cointegration Test Results.
Vecrank Linkage,NPF,ROA, Lag
Johansen tests for cointe
Trend: constant Number of obs = 38
le: 2 -40
Maximum rank
arms LL Eigenvalue
Trace statistics 5ϑ
LL LR df
0 -288.42 919.921
15.3939 15.4674
1 -237.975 100.89 9 0.000 104.095 13.1555 13.3406 14.6444
2 -226.339 23.274* 9 0.006 91.5537* 13.0179* 13.3399* 13.9224
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
0 3 -283.49754 37.4714 28.88
1 8 -273.4222 0.58360 17.3206 15.42
2 11 -267.10756 0.42253 4.6914 3.76
3 12 -255.761888 0.19451
From the results of table 4.3 can be seen in the
cointegration test using Johansen Test, obtained
results that ROA, NPF and Linkage cointegrated in
the long term, which is indicated by trace statistic>
critical value 5%. The value of the trace statistic of
the trace test is 37.4713, 17.3206, 4.6913 greater
than the critical value of 28.88, 15.42, 3.76 which
means that in the system there is one cointegrated
equation. This shows that in the three variables
(ROA, NPF and linkage) on Islamic bank in
Indonesia in the period 2008-2017 there is a long-
term relationship or cointegrated.
4.4 Causality Test
Tabel 4.4: Causality Test results.
From the table above, it can be explained that the
relationship between Granger Causality is a variable
with a probability value less than α 0.05 shows that
there is a relationship between ROA and two-way
linkage of 0.019 and 0.031, this shows ROA to
linkage is related, so every profit obtained by
Islamic commercial banks has increased assets,
capital, and the number of customers will increase
linkage financing in the linkage for the financial
institutions sector, while linkage has a greater
influence because of the financing factor there is
also a Sharia commercial bank linkage program
which is given to the financial institution sector in
the form of coaching so it will also improve
financial performance. This is the link between
return on assets on the improvement of funds and
On the other hand, NPF affects one direction
0.166 and 0.26. when there are non-performing
loans, the financing will be funded to provide funds
is also not smooth, besides that the ability of bank
partners in managing funds and profits is certainly
not related to the policy of the sharia commercial
banks themselves because commercial banks are the
only linkage financing providers. Linkage is one
form of real sector financing in banks.
The results show that ROA has a two-way
relationship with linkage, whereas the NPF has a
one-way relationship with the linkage. This shows
that there is a link between return on assets on the
improvement of funds and linkage. then every profit
that is obtained by Islamic commercial banks has an
increase in assets, capital, and the number of
customers will increase linkage financing in the
financial institution sector if the linkage also
provides large financing to the financial institutions
sector, while linkage has a greater influence on ROA
because in addition to the financing factor the Sharia
Commercial Bank linkage program given to the
financial institution sector in the form of coaching
will also improve financial performance. This shows
that there is a link between return on assets on the
improvement of funds and linkage.
The results of the NPF variable causality test
affect Linkage. when there are non-performing
loans, the financing will be stalled so that the
linkage program to provide funds is also not smooth,
besides that the ability of bank partners (financial
institutions) in managing funds and profits is
certainly not related to the policy of the sharia
commercial banks themselves because commercial
banks are the only linkage financing providers.
Equation Excluded Chi2 Df Prob>chi2
ROA LINKAGE 7.916 2 0.019
LINKAGE ROA 7.916 2 0.031
PF LINKAGE 6.96 2 0.166
PF 6.96 2 0.026
The Influence of Non Performing Financing (NPF) and Return on Assets (ROA) Against Linkage Multifinance at Sharia Commercial Bank
in Indonesia
Linkage is one form of real sector financing in
The number of finance linkage finance is not
only influenced by economic motives such as NPF
and ROA, but also influenced by other factors not
included in the study. We recommend that more
research needs to be done on variables that can
affect the number of financing linkage finance
Thank you for all postgraduate lectures of Airlangga
University, and more importantly is the ICPS
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ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School