Effect of Financing of Revenue Sharing on Return on Assets of Sharia
Commercial Banks in Indonesia
Faris Kurnia Hakim, Mauizhotul Hasanah, and Sri Herianingrum
Department of Islamic Economics, Postgraduate School, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya ,indonesia
Keywords: Financing of Revenue Sharing Principle, Mudharabah, Musyarakah, Return On Asset
Abstract: This study is conducted to determine the effect of revenue sharing principle by using mudharabah and
musyarakah contracts simultaneously and partially to Return on Asset of Sharia Commercial Bank in
Indonesia. The design of research is quantitative. The object of research is 13 Sharia Commercial Banks in
Indonesia which has done starting from January 2016 to March 2018. Analytical techniques used are
multiple linear regression or Ordinary Least Squares (OLS). The results show that the financing of revenue
sharing principle by using mudharabah and musyarakah contracts simultaneously has no significant effect
on Return On Assets of Sharia Commercial Bank in Indonesia. Mudharabah financing is partially no
significant effect on Return On Asset of Sharia Commercial Bank in Indonesia. Musyarakah financing is
partially no significant effect on Return On Assets of Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia.
Islamic banks in Indonesia consist of Sharia
Commercial Bank and Sharia Business Unit. The
channeling of funds in the Shariah Commercial
Bank is directly shown in the productive sector and
is included in income-generating assets (productive
assets). Productive assets can be financing the
principle of revenue sharing, namely: financing
mudaraba and musharaka. According to
Muhammad (2005: 272-279), mudharabah and
musyarakah financing affect the financial
performance of Sharia Commercial Bank which is
displayed in the ratio of the bank that is ROA.
The purpose objective is determined by the
government, namely to increase productive
financing in order to create economic growth and
people's welfare. In practice, consumer financing is
often channeled by Islamic Commercial Banks in
Indonesia. Consumer financing products that are
often channeled are referred to as consumer banking
segment financing.
Mudharabah and musyarakah financing in
several Sharia Commercial Banks have increased
annually from 2016 to 2018. The increase is also
shown in Return On Assets of Sharia Commercial
Banks in 2016-2018. However, financing by not
using financing the principle of revenue sharing
(murabaha) in Syariah Commercial Bank still
dominates the financing. This research was
conducted to find out whether ROA Bank Syariah in
Indonesia is significantly influenced by mudharabah
and musyarakah financing, either simultaneously or
This study raises the productive financing
channeled by Islamic Commercial Banks in
Indonesia which should be a motor of financing to
drive economic growth and equitable welfare of the
people but in reality, the motor financing is
consumptive financing that uses murabahah
financing contracts.
Sudana (2009: 26) explains that ROA
demonstrates the company's ability to use all of its
assets to generate profits. This ratio is important for
management to evaluate the effectiveness and
efficiency of enterprise management in the use of all
corporate assets
Arifin (2003: 63) explains that net profit rate
(profit) obtained by sharia bank is influenced by
several factors, including income and expenditure.
Assets that generate income is the financing of
profit-sharing principles by using mudaraba and
musharaka contracts
According to Muhammad (2005: 272-279), when
the income of sharia commercial banks derived from
the financing of the principle of profit sharing
increases and the cost incurred by the financing has
Kurnia Hakim, F., Hasanah, M. and Herianingrum, S.
Effect of Financing of Revenue Sharing on Return on Assets of Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0007539701760180
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School (ICPS 2018), pages 176-180
ISBN: 978-989-758-348-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
decreased or fixed, the ROA of sharia banks is
increasing. Then, if the income of sharia banks is
derived from the financing of the profit-sharing
principle decreases and the costs incurred by the
financing of the profit-sharing principle are
increased or improved, the ROA of sharia general
banks will decrease. From the above explanation, it
can be said that financing the principle of profit
sharing affects the ROA (Return On Asset) sharia
commercial banks.
According to Fredrick (2016) that musharaka,
ijara, and murabaha have a positive influence on
ROA with the value of regression as a whole
significant effect as seen from the ratio F for the
regression is 21.796 with p-value 0.0028. So when
musyarakah financing increased then it will improve
the performance of Islamic banks as well, it is the
Islamic banks in Indonesia to further increase the
financing of musharaka in order to maximize the
return of assets of sharia banks.
According Jaurino and Renny (2017), from the
results of research that mudharabah financing has a
positive and significant influence on bank
profitability. But musyarakah financing has no effect
on bank profitability. This is shown by the value of
t-statistics where when t the statistics> 1.96.
Nur Gilang (2013) states that simultaneously
FDR, NPF, ROA, CAR and the rate of profit sharing
affect the mudharabah financing. Partially, the FDR
variable has a negative effect on mudharabah
financing. NPF variables have no effect on
mudharabah financing. Whereas for the ROA, CAR,
and profit sharing variables have a positive effect on
mudharabah financing.
Ismed, Yenny, and Fauzan (2016) state that
mudharabah has a significant effect on ROA, while
murabahah and musyarakah have no significant
effect on ROA. Simultaneously the three
independent variables have a positive effect on
Based on this we have proposed the following
: Mudharabah and musyarakah financing
simultaneously have no significant effect
on Return On Asset of Sharia
Commercial Bank in Indonesia
: Mudharabah and musyarakah financing
simultaneously have a significant effect
on Return On Asset of Sharia
Commercial Bank in Indonesia
: Mudharabah financing and partial
musyarakah financing has no significant
effect on Return On Asset of Sharia
Commercial Bank in Indonesia
: Mudharabah and musyarakah financing
are partially significant effect on Return
On Asset of Sharia Commercial Bank in
The data in this study use secondary data, in form of
time series data covering the period from January
2016 to March 2018. Data on Return On Asset,
mudharabah, and musyarakah variables are obtained
from statistical data of sharia banking in the Otoritas
Jasa Keuangan (https: //www.ojk .go.id). This
research uses quantitative approach, using linear
regression method or OLS (Ordinary Least Squares)
using EViews 9.0. The object of research is sharia
commercial bank in Indonesia, in total of 13 sharia
commercial banks
3.1 Multiple Linear Analysis
Table 1: Multiple Linear test results.
Source: processed data
Based on table 1., The coefficient of
determination (R-Squared) is 0.057743. The value of
R-Squared is not good because it is smaller than 1.
This means 5.77 percent ROA variable can be
explained by mudharabah and musyarakah
financing, while the remaining 94.23 percent is
explained by other variables which have not been
3.2 Normality test
Table 2: Jarque-Berra (JB) Test.
Jarque-Bera Test:
Effect of Financing of Revenue Sharing on Return on Assets of Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia
Source: processed data
JB Test probability value is 0.360334. The value
is greater than α = 0.05. That means that the normal
distributed error term in the multiple linear
regression model.
3.3 Autocorrelation Test
Table 3: Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test.
Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test:
Prob.F (2,13)
Prob.Chi-Square (2)
Source: processed data
Based on the test result, the probability value of Obs
* R-squared is 0.0176. The value is smaller than α =
0.05. That means there is autocorrelation in the
multiple linear regression model. It also means that
there is a correlation between members of a series of
observations sorted by time or space.
3.4 Heteroscedasticity Test
Table 4: Uji Heteroskidastisitas.
Heteroscedasticity Test : White
Prob. F (3,15)
Obs *R-
Prob. Chi-Square
Source: processed data
Based on the test results, probability value Obs * R-
Square is 0.3437. This is a value greater than α =
0.05. This means that there is no heteroscedasticity
in the multiple linear regression model. It is also
significant that a linear regression model has a
constant residual variance.
3.5 Multicolinearity Test
Table 5. Correlation Matrix.
Source: processed data
Based on the results of multicolinearity test through
the correlation matrix, the relationship between
independent variables between mudharabah
financing and musyarakah financing is not
experiencing multicolinearity because the value of
the matrix of mudharabah financing correlation with
musyarakah financing was less than 0.8.
According to Arifieanto (2012: 52), little
multicollinearity does not change the properties of
OLS parameters as Best Linear Unbiased Estimator
(BLUE). The parameters obtained are still valid to
reflect the condition of the population. This means
that when no multicollinearity means the parameter
used is valid.
3.6 SimultanTest (F-Test)
Table 6. Simultant Test (F-Test).
0.489815 > 0,05
Source: processed data
Based on the test, mudharabah financing and
musyarakah financing simultaneously have no
significant effect on ROA of sharia bank in
3.7 Partial Test (t-test)
Table 7. Partial Test (t-test).
Source: processed data
Based on the test, partial mudharabah financing has
no significant effect on ROA of sharia bank in
Indonesia. Musyarakah financing partially has no
significant effect on ROA of sharia bank in
Indonesia. The results of this study are reinforced by
the results of research conducted by Jurino and
Renny (2017) which states that the results of his
research shows that musyarakah financing does not
affect the profitability of banks. Hendrawati (2017)
stated based on the analysis test and partial
discussion there is a significant positive effect of
profit sharing for profitability, there is a significant
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
positive effect of sales & purchases of financing,
there is a significant positive influence of financial
ratios on savings to profitability there is a negative
effect on financing a significant non-performing
profitability at PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk,
and simultaneously significant differences to the
financing of profit sharing, financing of sales &
purchases, financing to deposit ratio and non-
performing financing of profitability at PT Bank
Muamalat Indonesia Tbk .
The model equations that have met the
assumptions of normality and classical assumptions
ROA = 1931.887 + -74.71111 ln X1 + 11.49847
ln X2 (3.)
Based on the above formula there is a value of
1931.887. This means that ROA variables increase
1931, 887 units when there is no channeling of funds
in the form of mudharabah financing and
musyarakah financing.
The coefficient of mudharabah financing
regression is -74.71111. The coefficient is negative
meaning mudharabah financing has a negative
effect on the ROA of sharia banks in Indonesia.
Mudharabah financing changes are not in line
with ROA. If the mudharabah financing variables
increase by 100 percent, the ROA variable will
decrease by 7471, 111 percent with the assumption
that the other variable is constant.
The coefficient of musharaka financing
regression is 11.49847. The coefficient is positive
value means musyarakah financing has a positive
effect on the ROA of sharia banks in Indonesia. This
is reinforced by the research of Fredrick Ogilo
(2016) which concludes from his research that
musharaka, ijarah, and murabaha have a positive
effect on ROA, with the regression value as a whole
has a significant effect seen from the ratio F for the
regression is 21.796 with p-value 0.0028. So when
musyarakah financing increased then it will improve
the performance of Islamic banks as well. It is the
Islamic banks in Indonesia to further increase the
financing of musharaka in order to maximize the
return of assets of sharia banks.
Musharaka financing changes in the direction of
ROA. If musyarakah financing variables increase by
100 percent, the ROA variable will increase by
1149, 847 percent with the assumption that the other
variable is constant. Mudharabah and musyarakah
financing are productive financing channeled by
Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia, which can
be a driving force for economic growth and equal
distribution of people's welfare but in reality the
motor financing is the consumptive financing in the
form of murabahah.
Productive and consumptive financing can create
a balance between the real sector and the monetary
sector, now that can be a motor of financing is
consumptive financing that uses murabahah
contracts by Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia
because the disbursement of murabahah financing is
easier than the mudharabah and musyarakah
financing, generated by less murabahah financing
and in a fairly fast period of time, and in a short time
also can create a large profit for Islamic Commercial
Banks in Indonesia. Therefore, the results are in line
with the existing reality that mudharabah and
musyarakah financing does not have a positive
effect on ROA because currently people tend to
prefer murabahah financing.
Based on the analysis and discussion that has been
described, the conclusion is (1) Mudharabah
financing and Musyarakah financing simultaneously
have no significant effect on ROA of sharia bank in
Indonesia. (2) Mudharabah financing partially has
no significant effect on ROA of sharia bank in
Indonesia. Musyarakah financing partially has no
significant effect on ROA of sharia bank in
Based on the results of the analysis and
discussion that has been described, there are
suggestions for Islamic banking and subsequent
researchers namely, (1) Islamic banking should
increase mudharabah financing and musyarakah
financing because each channeling of the funds
affect the productive sector and the current position
of the amount of mudharabah financing and the
amount of musyarakah financing is not in large
amount so it does not have a significant positive
effect on ROA of sharia bank in Indonesia. (2)
Murabahah financing is still a motorcycle financing
channeled by sharia banks in Indonesia. Syariah
banking continues to channel murabahah financing
in large numbers along with a focus on consumer
financing that leads to the productive sector.
Shariah banking is recommended to increase
mudharabah financing and musyarakah financing
because each channeling of the fund affects the
productive sector and the current position of
mudharabah financing and musyarakah financing is
not in large amount so it does not significantly affect
Effect of Financing of Revenue Sharing on Return on Assets of Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia
the ROA of sharia banks in Indonesia. In the future,
further research can be done by adding time series
data and independent variables that may affect ROA.
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ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School