The Impact of Landslide in Tangkil Village Banaran Ponorogo
Incidents of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Siswanto Agung Wijaya
, Mei Dia
and Pramudana Ihsan
Department of disaster management, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, East java, Indonesia
School of Nursing, Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya, Surabaya, East java, Indonesia
Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya, Surabaya, East java, Indonesia
Keywords: Landslide, Natural Disaster, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Signs and Symptoms.
Abstract: Landslide is one of the natural disasters. In April 2017 Landslide happened in Ponorogo District, East java,
Indonesia. The number of victims which affected this natural disaster was 145 people. One of the impact of
natural disasters to the communities are psychological disturbance. Prolonged psychological trauma as an
effect from a catastrophic event called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD is a mal-adaptive
reaction which is similar to traumatic. This study aims to identify PTSD events and identify the signs and
symptoms of PTSD after landslide in Banaran Village, Ponorogo District. Descriptive quantitative research
design was used in this study. 50 of 57 victims of landslide in Tangkil Village, Banaran, Ponorogo, were
participated in this study. Purposive sampling was applied to obtain a research sample. The Civillion
questionnaire was used to collect the data. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics. The results of this
study indicates that 50% of the landslide victims experience with PTSD. Further, the dominant signs and
symptoms of PTSD in landslide victims suffer from fear feeling. Post-disaster PTSD incidents after natural
disaster are incidents that cannot be avoided but can be mitigated. The readiness of Health Care Workers
and Health Care Volunteers in providing activities such as counselling.
Indonesia is a country which vulnerable to incidents
natural disaster. This is because Indonesia lies at the
meeting of three continents of the Eurasian plate, the
pacific plate and the Australian plate. The
consequences of the collision between the plates,
formed ocean trenches, folds, ridge and fracture in
the archipelago, the distribution of volcanoes and
distribution of earthquake sources. Thus Indonesia is
prone to natural disasters such as volcanoes, floods,
tsunamis and landslides.
One of the natural disasters that often hit several
cities in Indonesia is a landslide. Ponorogo district,
East Java is one of the cities often experience
landslide disaster. Data from Ponorogo district
statistics agency in 2013 showed 50.04% of 863,900
Ponorogo residents were vulnerable population.
When the landslide occured in 2017, the number of
victims directly affected as many as 39 families and
this is equivalent to 145 people. A total of 117
victims were able to save themselves, 28 victims
were buried by landslides and the rest survived with
assistance. However, in order to avoid the increasing
number of victims of the continued incidence of
landslides in the area of the Banaran, 300 people
from the area Banaran moved to the refugee camp.
In general, natural disasters have the impact of
damage to the environment, loss of property,
casualties and health problems to victims such as
physical disorders and psychological disorders. Post
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychological
disorder resulting from the trauma that arises after
an event such as a disaster event. Trauma itself can
occur due to several factors, namely biological
factors, psychological factors, and social factors.
MPTSD is defined as an ongoing maldaptive
reaction to a traumatic event (Nevid, 2005).
According to Zlotnick et al, PTSD may last for
months, years, or up to several decades and may
arise after a few months or after exposure to
traumatic events (Nevid, 2005). So the impact of the
disaster experience can affect the life of each
individual itself. According to Kinchin (2007) As
many as 1.50% of the population experience Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) within a period of
Wijaya, S., Dia, M. and Ihsan, P.
The Impact of Landslide in Tangkil Village Banaran Ponorogo.
DOI: 10.5220/0007544804530456
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School (ICPS 2018), pages 453-456
ISBN: 978-989-758-348-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
four years due to experience various peritiwa
(Nirwana, 2012). Research results in the United
States showed 15-43% of women and 14-43% of
men experienced traumatic events, 3-15% of women
and 1-6% of men experienced Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder (PTSD).
In this case, the role of health care personnel is
needed to detect signs and symptoms of PTSD post
disaster on affected victims. Enforcement of PTSD
diagnosis in victims can be done 3 - 6 months after
the disaster is passed. Some ways can be done to
overcome PTSD incident. One of them is to conduct
post-disaster trauma counseling. Post-disaster
trauma counseling will help victims in stabilizing
their emotions (Nirvana, 2012). Implementation of
counseling can help the victim accept and
understand the reality. Counseling is able to activate
the sympathetic nervous system that is part of the
flight response. Classical conditioning occurs when
a person experiencing a trauma event returns to the
site of a trauma, an unconscious psychological
reaction and a specific reflex response. From that the
researchers interested to examine how the Post
Genetic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Landslide
Disease on the villagers Tangkil Village Banaran
Ponorogo who returned live to his own house.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety
syndrome, an autonomic lability, and experiences
flashbacks from a very painful experience after
physical and emotional stress beyond the limits of
ordinary people's resilience. In addition, PTSD can
also be defined as a state of extreme physical and
mental weakening that occurs after a person sees,
hears, or experiences a traumatic event and / or life-
threatening event (Sadock & Sadock, 2007).
According to Jiwo (2012) the symptoms of post-
traumatic stress disorder are generally grouped into
three types namely:
(1) Intrusive memories, is a repetition of the trauma
experience, shown by always remembering the
sad events that have been experienced namely,
flashback, excessive emotional and physical
reactions triggered by memories of miserable
(2) avoidance and numbing., includes avoidance of
activities, places, thinking, feelings, or
conversations related to trauma; loss of interest
in all things; avoiding activities once enjoyed;
feelings of alienation from others; shallow
emotion; memory impairment; difficulty
maintaining; close relationships;
(3) Symptoms of anxiety and increased emotional
arousal include, increased sensitivity, indicated
by insomnia, irritability / irritability, difficulty
concentrating, excessive alertness, excessive
response to everything.
The clinical feature of PTSD is to re-experience
a painful event, a pattern of avoiding and shutting
down emotions, as well as a fairly constantly
maintained state of mind. This disorder may not
arise for months or even years after the event.
Mental status checks often reveal guilt, rejection,
and derision. Patients also describe dissociative and
panic attacks, even illusions and hallucinations can
also be induced as a result of PTSD. Cognitive
testing may indicate that the patient has a decreased
memory and attention power. Associated symptoms
may include aggression, violence, poor impulse
control, depression and substance-related disorders
(Sadock & Sadock, 2010).
Descriptive quantitative research was used in order
to explaining the existing phenomena by using
numbers to explain the character of individuals or
groups about the incidence of Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder (PTSD) (Syansudin & Damayanti, 2011).
Purposive sampling was used to collect the data. The
population in this study were 57 people in Tangkil
village, Banaran, Ponorogo who directly
experienced by landslide on April 2017 and went
back from refugee’s area to their home. 50 eligible
respondents were participated in this study. The data
were collect using Civillion questionnaire for
measuring symptoms of PTSD. This questionnaire is
developed by Weathers (1993).
After initial data collection, the researchers
conducted a 5-day study. On the first day researcher
got research permit from research permitting agency
of Ponorogo district. On the second & third days of
research, researcher met with representative of
officer in Banaran sub-district office & Tangil
Village Office. After identifying the eligible sample,
the researchers distributed the inform consent and
questionnaires as well. At the end, the data were
analysed using descriptive statistic.
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
On April 1, 2017 there has been a landslide disaster
in the village Tangkil Banaran Ponorogo cause
dozens of damaged houses, loss of property and the
death of 28 souls. Landslide survivors have lost their
homes, and property. Many victims are shocked and
traumatized by the landslide. Trauma itself is the
feeling of facing an event or a series of events that
are harmful, both for the physical and psychological
a person, which makes him no longer feel safe,
making him feel helpless and sensitive in facing
danger. The traumatic experience can cause mild
outcomes, such as the victim to be doubted and
fearful. In fact, fear of trauma often spreads to many
things. If the trauma is not quickly handled properly
will affect Post Traumatic stress disorder.
As described in a study conducted by Sumarno
(2013) entitled “Post-Traumatic Psychological
Impacts Due to Merapi eruption” described the post-
traumatic psychological impact experienced by
respondents due to too long lived in refugee posts so
that residents feel saturated because there is no
routine that if developing (monotonous distress), and
the presence of new dwellings so it takes time for
the adaptation process around the new environment.
This then triggers the psychological impact of the
disaster. Stressors or trauma events are a major
cause in the development of Post-Traumatic Stress
Based on the result of the research, it can be seen
that the majority of landslide victims experience
PTSD by 50% (25 respondents), because in Tangkil
village many people at age 48-56 are vulnerable and
it is known that female is the most with the
percentage of 58% (29), while the male 42% (21).
Education can also affect the knowledge of disaster
victims in dealing with trauma caused by landslide
disaster. Non-school respondents were 42% (21), so
that respondents who had PTSD was the highest
Researchers assume that gender, age and
education will affect a person's susceptibility in
experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. At the
age of children and the elderly will be more
susceptible to experience PTSD than in adults. This
is because in children who still have a sense of
dependence on adults will feel shocked or sad
prolonged if the adult who made the place dependent
have died due to the natural disasters. The elderly
also experiences impaired motion, cognitive,
sensory, and social can affect the process of
adaptation and ability of the elderly it becomes very
sensitive, depression, sleep disorders and trauma
caused by natural disasters. The sex of the victim
will also affect a person experiencing PTSD because
the ability of female coping mechanisms is lower
than that of men. Education may affect PTSD due to
knowledge in coping mechanisms and inadequate
coping methods in dealing with trauma caused by
natural disasters.
The researchers' assumptions are reinforced by
the Weems (2007) theory which explains that risk
factors that cause a person to experience PTSD
include age, sex and education. PTSD can occur in
all age groups but children and old age are the age
group that is more susceptible to PTSD. Children
have special needs and vulnerabilities when
compared with adults, because there is still a sense
of dependence with others, emerging physical and
intellectual abilities, and lack of life experience in
solving problems so as to influence the development
of one's personality. And in the gender it is
explained that women will have a greater risk of
developing PTSD than men. This is because, the
likelihood of serotonin synthesis in women.
Serotonin synthesis will read chemical messages in
neurotransmitters in the brain that will provide
communicable between brain nerve cells. Low
serotonin will affect the susceptibility of depression
to a person. While the lack of a person's education
level will affect the high number of incidents PTSD
5.1 For Further Researchers
With the existence of this research, it is hoped that
further research can be developed in qualitative
research by describing it. So that it can be more
detailed about the incidence of landslide victims.
5.2 For Health Officers
The role of health workers can be expected to
improve services specially to deal with the
psychological consequences of trauma caused by
disasters by conducting counseling or counseling
about trauma prevention. Forming a program to
handle a disaster and disaster management is needed
in this case.
5.3 For the Community
The community can handle or deal with trauma so as
not to experience prolonged stress and trauma,
namely Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
The Impact of Landslide in Tangkil Village Banaran Ponorogo
5.4 For Community Nursing
This research can be used as a basis for counseling
or counseling for disaster victims who experience
trauma or stress due to a disaster so that the trauma
or stress they experience can be handled properly so
as not to experience trauma or prolonged stress
which is commonly called Post Traumatic stress
disorder. In community nursing can also be formed
cadres for disaster management.
The majority of symptoms affect biological factors
by 47% of respondents who answered very much (5)
in the questionnaire, namely the feeling of fear of 9
signs and symptoms.
Most of the victims of landslides suffered Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder by 50% (25 people) from
100% (50 people) in Tangkil Hamlet, Banaran
Village, Ponorogo.
The researchers want to thank the respondents who
have supported and collaborated with researchers so
that this research can be published in accordance
with existing data. Researchers hope that there is the
same follow-up research that can improve the
method of handling post-traumatic stress disorder.
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