The Test of Saccharomyces sp. Potential Filtrate to Inhibit The
Growth of Aspergillus flavus FNCC6109 Broiler Chicken
Concentrate Feed Model
Putu AnggaWiradana
, Ida Bagus Gede Darmayasa
and Ngurah Intan Wiratmini
1Postgraduate, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia
2Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia
Keywords: Aspergillus flavus, Broiler Chicken, Concentrate Feed, Saccharomyces sp.
Abstract: The test of Saccharomyces sp. culture filtrate potential aims to determine the ability of Saccharomyces sp.
isolates that was obtained on Bali cattle swap saliva by in vitro and in vivo tests on FNCC6109 Aspergillus
flavus in broiler chicken concentrate feed model. The highest inhibitory ability on A. flavus FNCC6109
growth in vitro with experimental method was conducted in Saccharomyces sp. filtrate culture. The in vivo
study used 24 experimental units divided into 8 treatment groups with 3 replicates respectively, i.e. A:
Concentrate without A. flavus FNCC6109 and without Sc.I culture filtrate; B: Concentrate + 15 mL of
sterile water; C: Concentrate + A.flavus FNCC6109; D: Concentrate + A.flavus FNCC6109 + 10% Sc.I; E:
Concentrate + A.flavus FNCC6109 + 20% Sc.I; F: Concentrate + A.flavus FNCC6109 + 30% Sc.I; G:
Concentrate + A.flavus FNCC6109 + 40% Sc.I; H: Concentrate + A.flavus FNCC6109 + 50% Sc.I. with a
15 days of storage period. The quantitative results data was analyzed using ANOVA assay and followed by
Duncan test. The filtrate culture had been incubated for 48 hours at 62.6%, therefore it could be used in in
vivo testing. The addition of Saccharomyces sp.I culture filtrate concentrate by 40% and 50% was able to
inhibit the population of A. flavus FNCC6109 by 97% in broiler chicken concentrate feed model. The results
showed a significant difference (P≤0.05), which means that Saccharomyces sp.I culture filtrate with the
concentration of 40% and 50% in broiler chicken concentrate feed model had the highest inhibition on the
total population of A. flavus FNCC6109.
Livestock business in Indonesia is dominated by
local farms with quite large production output
(Subandriyo, 2006). Lack of feed availability can
lead to the decrease of production, decreased health
status and bad effects on livestock reproduction
(Saptahidayat, 2005).
According to Sudarmono and Sugeng (2008), in
general animal feed ingredients are classified into
three types, namely forage feed, concentrate feed
and additional feed. According to Kartadisastra
(1997), concentrate feed is a staple food made from
a mixture of several sources of nutrients such as
energy, protein, vitamins and minerals. Feed quality
is not only determined from the nutrient value
composition of the feed, but it also must be free of
contamination such as aflatoxin that has the potential
to contaminate fodder (Rachmawati, 2005).
Aflatoxin that contaminates the concentrate feed
and its processed ingredients is produced by
Aspergillus flavus. The optimum condition of this
mold in producing aflatoxin is at the temperature of
25-300C with relative humidity 85% and water
content 15-30% (Dwidjoseputro, 1989). According
to Rachmawati (2004), maize is the basic ingredient
of feed and used most up to 50-60% in poultry
Application of Saccharomyces sp. as a biocontrol
agent is one of the efforts to prevent the pathogen
growth. Further research conducted by El-Sayed and
Eman, (2011) mentioned the use of yeast as a
biocontrol agent in controlling leaf disease in sugar
beet plant with the application of 5 types of yeast
and fungicide significantly reduced leaf infection in
sugar beet plant compared with control.
Effort to suppress the growth of A. flavus
FNCC6109 is still important. Therefore, it is
Wiradana, P., Darmayasa, I. and Wiratmin, N.
The Test of Saccharomyces sp. Potential Filtrate to Inhibit The Growth of Aspergillus flavus FNCC6109 Broiler Chicken Concentrate Feed Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0007546405320536
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School (ICPS 2018), pages 532-536
ISBN: 978-989-758-348-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
necessary to study the Saccharomyces sp. culture
filtrate potential to be used in the field of animal
husbandry to control A.flavus contamination in
concentrate feed as an effort to increase livestock
2.1 Preparation of Saccharomyces sp.
Culture Filtrate in Broth Media
The isolated yeast successfully isolated from Bali
cattle (data was not shown) was grown on Yeast
Extract Peptone Dextrose (YEPD) Broth media by
taking 1 dose inoculated on 3 Erlenmeyer containing
25 mL of YEPD Broth media. Each Erlemenyer
containing media and isolates was incubated
consecutively at room temperature for 24 hours; 48
hours and 72 hours
2.2 Inhibitory Test of Saccharomyces
sp. Filtrate Culture on Aspergillus
flavus FNCC6109
Inhibitory test of Saccharomyces sp. filtrate culture
was conducted experimentally by preparing 3 sterile
Petri dishes, each Petri dish was deposited with 1
mL of Saccharomyces sp. culture filtrate that had
been incubated for 24 hours; 48 hours and 72 hours,
after that it was poured with 15 mL of PDA media
and then shaken simultaneously to obtain a
homogeneous mixture. After the culture mixture of
the filtrate and media solidified, then right in the
middle of the Petri dish a piece of A. flavus colony
with a diameter of 0.5 cm was placed. As for the
control, sterile Petri dish filled with 1 mL of sterile
water and 15 mL of PDA media was prepared, as
well as A. flavus with a diameter of 0.5 cm. All the
treated Petri dishes were incubated at room
temperature for 7 days and repeated 5 times
2.3 Effects of Saccharomyces sp.
Filtrate Culture on Aspergillus
flavus FNCC6109 Population in
Broiler Chicken Concentrate Feed
Effects of Saccharomyces sp. culture filtrate on A.
flavus FNCC6109 population in broiler chicken
concentrate feed model was obtained by Completely
Randomized Design (RAL) with 8 treatment types
and 3 replications. Saccharomyces sp. isolates used
in in vivo testing was the ones with the highest
inhibitory ability in the previous test (in vitro).
Before the formulation was done, the feed ingredient
was treated in autoclave first. Treatment to the
concentrate feed model included:
A: Concentrate without A. flavus FNCC6109
and without Sc.I culture filtrate; B: Concentrate + 15
mL of sterile water; C: Concentrate + A.flavus
FNCC6109; D: Concentrate + A.flavus FNCC6109 +
10% Sc.I; E: Concentrate + A.flavus FNCC6109 +
20% Sc.I; F: Concentrate + A.flavus FNCC6109 +
30% Sc.I; G: Concentrate + A.flavus FNCC6109 +
40% Sc.I; H: Concentrate + A.flavus FNCC6109 +
50% Sc.I. After treatment, all of the feed was dried
in an oven with a temperature of 400C for 48 hours.
Concentrate feed was then stored for 15 days at
room temperature. Observation of total A. flavus
FNCC6109 population was determined by using
plating method with dilution series (Nester et al.,
3.1 The Saccharomyces sp. Filtrate
Culture Inhibitory Potential to the
Growth of Aspergillus flavus
FNCC6109 in Vitro
From in vitro test, the results obtained was the
percentage of Saccharomyces sp. culture filtrate
inhibitory power where the highest was 63.6 ±
2.07% by Saccharomyces sp.I culture filtrate isolates
with an incubation period of 48 hours. When
compared to Saccharomyces sp.II culture filtrate
isolates, the highest inhibition percentage occurred
at incubation period for 24 hours of 60.8 ± 8.43%.
However, when compared with the control treatment
of A. flavus FNCC6109 diameter that grew on PDA
media and in incubation for 7 days, it reached 4.00
cm (data was not shown).
The data shown in Table 1 shows that the
treatment of Saccharomyces sp.I culture filtrate with
48-hours incubation period used in this study had the
highest inhibitory ability so that it can proceed to the
in vivo testing stage by testing several
concentrations of the Saccharomyces sp.I filtrate
culture added to the broiler chicken feed concentrate
model in inhibiting the growth of A. flavus
The Test of Saccharomyces sp. Potential Filtrate to Inhibit The Growth of Aspergillus flavus FNCC6109 Broiler Chicken Concentrate Feed
Table 1: Percentage of Saccharomyces sp. filtrate
inhibition at different incubation periods to the growth of
A. flavus FNCC6109.
3.2 Aspergillus flavus FNCC6109
Population in Chicken Broiler
Concentrate Feed Model Added
with Isolate Filtrate Saccharomyces
sp. I
The analysis result of total Aspergillus flavus
FNCC6109 population on broiler chicken feed
concentrate model showed the decrease in the total
population of A. flavus FNCC6109 after given
Saccharomyces sp. culture filtrate I with various
concentration. Differences in A. flavus FNCC6109
population before and after storage for 15 days were
able to maintain the quality of concentrate feed. The
highest population of A. flavus FNCC6109 was
found in concentrate feed which only added A.
flavus FNCC6109 suspension at 29x105 CFU/g
before storage and 66.2x105 CFU/g after storage.
The lowest population of A. flavus FNCC6109 was
found in the concentrate feed model with the
addition of 50% (15mL/25gr) concentration of
Saccharomyces sp.I culture filtrate by 1.4x105
Table 2: Total population of Aspergillus flavus FNCC6109
in broiler chicken feed concentrate model added by
Saccharomyces sp.I filtrate before and after storage
Table 2 shows the effect of the addition of
Saccharomyces sp.I culture filtrate to the total
population of A. flavus FNCC6109 after concentrate
feed model was stored for 15 days. The total
population of A. flavus FNCC6109 prior to storage
period had shown a decrease in some concentrate
feed models that had been added Saccharomyces
sp.I culture filtrate. The results of statistical analysis
using Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) showed
a significantly different mean value (P≤0.05)
between controls (A and C) with the concentration
of each treatment (D, E, F, G, and H).
In the concentrate feed model without the
addition of A. flavus FNCC6109 suspension and
Saccharomyces sp.I culture filtrate before and after
storage period, the growth of A. flavus FNCC6109
after analysis with dilution method was not found.
This could be due to the sterilization process on the
concentrate feed model that was running well so that
there was no contamination from other
microorganisms. The population of A. flavus
FNCC6109 contained in the concentrate feed model
was 66.2x105 CFU/g with rate of increase reached
56%. While the lowest population of A. flavus
FNCC6109 was found in the concentrate feed model
that was added with Saccharomyces sp.I culture
filtrate with 50% concentration of 1.4x105 CFU/g
with the increase only 28%.
The small diameter size of A. flavus that was tested
in vitro by Saccharomyces sp. culture filtrate proved
the effect of an enzyme or other compound excreted
by Saccharomyces sp. culture. According to the
research conducted by Chan and Tian (2005) in
vitro, by using modification method on
Saccharomyces sp. ability in lysing the cell wall of
A. parasiticus, there was a direct interaction of
Saccharomyces sp. cells on the hyphae of A.
parasiticus. It was allegedly due to β-gluconase
enzyme activity produced by Saccharomyces sp.
Furthermore, Albers et al. (1996) mentioned that
yeast culture filtrate is capable to produce several
types of enzymes and organic acids such as ethanol,
glycerol, acetic acid, pyruvic acid, succinic acid, á-
ketoglutarate and fumaric acid. In addition to the
inhibitory ability possessed by yeast isolates, the
role of lactic acid bacteria such as Lactobacillus
plantarum is able to inhibit spore germination from
A. flavus due to pH changes in fermentation media
and nutrient competition (Xu et al., 2002).
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
The ability of Saccharomyces sp.I culture filtrate
to inhibit the growth of A. flavus FNCC6109 in the
concentrate feed model was suspected to occur due
to the nutrient competition and culture ability in
producing primary metabolite. A research from
Dharmaputra et al. (2003) mentioned that mold has a
faster growth ability compared with A.flavus that has
the potential to control A. flavus attack on peanut
seeds. Based on these results, the percentage of
inhibition to the growth of A. flavus FNCC6109
from the addition of Saccharomyces sp.I culture
filtrate with concentration of 40% and 50% during
storage period had percentage of inhibition equal to
97%. The results were consistent with a study
conducted by Darmayasa (2015) stating that the
administration of Trichoderma asperellum TKD
filtrate with a concentration of 9g/100g could inhibit
the growth of A. flavus FNCC6109 in the
concentrate feed model of 74.93% with 30 days of
storage period. Raharjanti (2006) also mentioned
that the culture filtrate of M. rouxii and
Saccharomyces sp. was able to inhibit the growth
and affected the morphological structure of A.
parasiticus. However, if compared with the M.
rouxii culture filtrate, the inhibitory ability of
Saccharomyces sp. culture filtrate was much higher
as it reached 98.1%.
Based on the research results, it can be concluded
that between 2 isolates obtained from swap saliva of
Bali cattle, the ability of Saccharomyces sp.I culture
filtrate used in this study generally has positive
correlation between in vitro and in vivo testing in
inhibiting the growth of A. flavus FNCC6109.
The Saccharomyces sp.I culture filtrate potential
in inhibiting the growth of A.flavus FNCC6109 in
the concentrate feed model provides an effect in
decreasing the number of A. flavus FNCC6109 after
15 days of storage.
Head of Bali Cattle Breeding Technical
Implementation Unit, Sobangan Mengwi, Badung
regarding sample taking permission, Mr. I Made
Mudita, S.Pt. M.P on permission to use flotation
machine. Mrs. Dr. Dra. RetnoKawuri, M.Phil, Dr.
IrianiSetyawati, S.Si., M.Si, and Dr. Ir. Ni
LuhSuriani, S.Si., M.Si for all the input, criticism
and suggestion.
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ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School