Service Quality of M-Bonk Application in Sidoarjo District
Berliana Mustika Rani, Allen Pranata Putra and Jitzhac Andrew Rafel Mandowen
Public Policy, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords : Digital Bureaucracy, E-Government, M-Bonk, Smart City
Abstract : This research intends to describe the program m-bonk of Sidoarjo District.This research is motivated by
the delay in handling road damage, thus affecting public satisfaction. The research used qualitative
descriptive method. The result of this study is the implementation of the M-Bonk is still not running
effectively. This is because the M-Bonk application has not provided a backup server. As a
consequence, community is difficult to get the informing access.
The concept of city arrangement is a concept that
continues to improve every year to realize a
habitable city for people. The concept of smart city
along with the progress in the field of technology in
recent years is popularly improved in various cities
in the world as the optional concept of city
arrangement. Smart city is a concept that encourages
the active participation of the community in the
management of the city so that a dynamic
communication between the community and service
providers produced an effective and efficient public
service. How to implement the Smart city is through
in the form of e-government method. According to
Forman (2005) e-government is the use of digital
technology to transform government activities aimed
at improving both the effectiveness and efficiency of
service delivery. One of the forms of government in
supporting e-government development is by
stipulating Presidential Instruction No.3 / 2003 on
National Policy and Strategy of e-Government
Development, which instructs each government
institution to formulate strategy / action plan for
their respective instant environment.
Sidoarjo regency is one of the districts in East
Java that continue to make efforts to provide
electronic public services to create the efficient and
effective service. The Government of Sidoarjo
Regency through Public Works & Spatial Planning
(PUPR) of Sidoarjo Regency in 2016 provides
electronic service based on complaint service to
overcome the existing road damage in Sidoarjo
regency in the form of online application called M-
Bonk. The online application is accessible to the
general public using Windows-based smartphones,
iOS, and android. Through M-Bonk, the public can
take photograph and report the location of the
damaged roads. The M-Bonk app, working program
between PUPR Service of Sidoarjo Regency and
Microsoft and Citynet, is present as part of the
program "Sidoarjo Peduli Jalan". The M-Bonk
program is systematically sophisticated. It proves
that the take and send process of damaged path to
the app admin is already connected to the GPS.
The M-Bonk application was made in the
background because of the sluggishness of
government in handling the damaged road leading to
the society dissatisfaction. The M-Bonk application
is created as a bridge of a community to convey
complaints or report on the existence of damaged
roads so that there is no need to complain in social
media. It was expected then, road repairement
complaints service would get easier, faster and on
target. The M-Bonk application is also easily
accessible via computer or mobile phone by people.
At the first time The M-Bonk application
launched at 2016, it received a positive public
response. Starting at 3 weeks after launching, there
are 160 reports on road damage in Sidoarjo. The
Public Works Agency of Bina Marga Sidoarjo gave
a quick response to the damage report. Of the whole
160 reports, it has mapped out 11 of the most
reportable roads. Among of them are Gedangan-
Betro road, Pilang-Tulangan and Tulangan-Tlasih.
60% of road complaints have finished of repairing
while 30% are under repair. The remaining 10% of
Rani, B., Putra, A. and Mandowen, J.
Service Quality Of M-Bonk Application In Sidoarjo District.
DOI: 10.5220/0007549706890693
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School (ICPS 2018), pages 689-693
ISBN: 978-989-758-348-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Public Works Office of Highways are being
surveyed. (Source:, 2016)
At the beginning of its presence in 2016, M-
Bonk application welcome a high appreciation from
many circles because of this useful tool as a means
of complaints of damaged roads in the Sidoarjo
region. However, the presence or absence of the M-
Bonk application did not play a significant role to
reduce the damaged roads in Sidoarjo. It proved that
there are still the damaged roads found in various
districts in Sidoarjo.
PUPR offices in 2018 received many reports of
the damaged roads from several districts in Sidoarjo.
Reports come mostly from parts of Waru
Subdistrict, Taman and Sedati. It informed that one
of cause of damaged road due to bad weather.
Sidoarjo is getting continually rain leading to the
damaged asphalt. Besides, the damaged road is in
consequence of the massive vehicles such as large
trucks passing through Sidoarjo street. (Source:, 2018)
His M-Bonk application was also considerably
less interesting because Sidoarjo had previously a
digital-based public complaint service that is the
Community Complaint Service Center (P3M).
Media complaints service to P3M can fill in the
complaint forms provided at the P3M Secretariat
Office through letters, e-mail, telephone / fax, print
media (newspapers, magazines, tabloids, etc.),
electronic media (radio and television), not to
mention the public complaints via website on
This paper intends to give the description about
how the service quality of the M-Bonk application is
and whether the M-Bonk application program is able
to change the effectiveness and efficiency of the
Sidoarjo Government service bureaucracy in terms
of reporting damaged roads in Sidoarjo.
The type of research used is descriptive with
qualitative approach. Explanation of service quality
of M-Bonk application in sidoarjo district uses E-
Government service theory according to Bhatnagar
(2009). Data collection techniques used observation,
interviews, documentation. While the data analysis
techniques using interactive models of data
collection, data processing, data presentation and
drawing conclusions.
In determining the quality of the results of E-
Government services in this study using the theory
according to Bhatnagar (2009):
1. The level of objectives - the status and impact
on the achievement of the social, economic and
political objectives set by the previous e-
government project
The M-Bonk application is aimed at reducing
social community's complaints about the number
of damaged roads in Sidoarjo, providing a means
for people to interact with the relevant agencies
to repair the damaged roads. In addition, the
handling of damaged roads become the right
target and is expected to reduce the damaged
road in Sidoarjo. However, the reality in the field
shows that there are still many people who
complain Sidoarjo in social media because the
number of broken roads in Sidoarjo, for example
on facebook and twitter, other than that people
also often complain in electronic media such as
The M-Bonk application also does not have a
significant impact on the handling of damaged
roads in Sidoarjo because there are still many
people who complain about the slow handling of
damaged road repairs that interfere with their
activities. As a form of protest because roads
often lead to accidents, the villagers of Wilayut
Village, Sukodono Sub-district, Sidoarjo
Regency, planted cavities with banana trees. As
well as a form of protest to the local government
to repair damaged roads. Because the number of
roads perforated has not received attention from
the government. (source:,
2. Level of service - the quality of individual
Factors to consider at the service level include:
a. The service must match the needs of real
The concept of the M-Bonk application
service supports the dynamic communication
between the community and the service
providers in this case of malfunctioning road
complaints, as evidenced by the assessment
of this application getting the value of 4+ (4
stars) from the users of the M-Bonk
application service. Because the application
of M-Bonk is able to channel the residents'
complaints about the damaged road to be
immediately responded by the government to
be repaired.
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
b. Service should mean a tangible increase in
existing services.
Sidoarjo previously had P3M program, but
public interest toward the use of M-Bonk
application also no more than P3M. The M-
Bonk application differs from P3M because it
only focuses on broken road complaints as
well, while P3M covers all service
complaints provided by the Sidoarjo District
Government, so the scope of P3M complaint
services is wider than the M-Bonk
application. However, the advantages of the
application M-Bonk has an application that
can be accessed by the community by
downloading it.
c. Services should be familiar to common users,
they should be promoted in other media,
usually in newspapers, radio, TV, or leaflets.
The M-Bonk app has been running for 2
years since its launch but there are still many
people who do not know about the M-Bonk
service. This is proven through interview of
researcher to Head of Section of
Development in Waru Subdistrict stated not
know about the application, there is no
socialization about the usefulness of M-Bonk
application and what exactly is the purpose of
the application. Waru Sub-district, one of the
largest sub-districts in Sidoarjo District and
the most reported on damaged roads by 2018,
needs to be socialized about this M-Bonk
application to the community. According
Heru Sastrawan, Chairman of Sidoarjo
Forum, that the socialization of M-Bonk
application is still not maximal. It would be
better Pemkab Sidoarjo through public
relations, can provide socialization to the
community that the government has this
d. Service must be understood. The simplest
case is when an electronic service matches
the existing service manual. A more
complicated case is when two or more
previously integrated services are integrated.
The most complicated is when the service is
entirely newly established.
The M-Bonk application has not played a
major role in resolving public complaints
about damaged roads in Sidoarjo. M-Bonk
application also still overlap with P3M
because actually in P3M have been able to
accept all public complaints about service
and physical development in Sidoarjo while
still authority of Sidoarjo regency. Prior to
the application of M-Bonk, the public
complained about damaged roads in various
social media, so it was aimed to be viral so
that it was quickly handled by the
government. The public also often complains
on the radio related to the number of roads
damaged in Sidoarjo for road users more
careful. Both the P3M service program and
the M-Bonk application do not have a
significant impact on the handling of
damaged roads in Sidoarjo as there are still
many damaged roads in Sidoarjo until 2018.
e. The service should be usable (technically,
semantically and well-designed, content-
The application of M-Bonk in terms of
operation is quite good seen from the
condition of PC, CPU, Other computer
devices and servers. However, when the
maintenance or application development
found the problem is often not able to open
M-Bonk application. This is because he has
not had a backup server by the Public Works
Department and Spatial Planning of Sidoarjo
Regency. The use of this application is quite
easy because it only fills the name, email
address, mobile phone number and potholes
road location.
f. Service must be culturally appropriate with
the user.
Culture of Indonesian people who like to use
social media as a means of complaining and
telling their daily activities. Included in the
case of Sidoarjo public complaints about
damaged roads are often the community
uploaded in various social media to get the
attention of Sidoarjo regency to be handled.
Seeing these opportunities, M-Bonk was
created as a new breakthrough on road
service complaints damaged in order to
facilitate its use for the community. Thus the
M-Bonk application is used as a means of
community to conduct complaints and
reporting on the damaged road directly to
Sidoarjo regency to be handled immediately.
g. Subjective satisfaction from the user is the
size itself.
According to the service user that can be seen
in the comment field of the application M-
Bonk stated that this application is good but
still difficult to upload photos. Some users of
M-Bonk applications expect immediate
update of the app for better use.
Service Quality Of M-Bonk Application In Sidoarjo District
3. System level - the quality of the entire system
for e-government portal services.
System-level criteria ensure that the
government as a whole is more efficient and
effective. Only efficiency measures are typically
used, but it makes sense to include effectiveness
measures as well. The development of portals
and electronic services should not be linked
prematurely to national performance targets such
as GDP growth or savings in the public sector, as
there are many other factors that influence those
steps. Instead, the focus should be on measuring
capacity improvement and process improvement.
The main output indicators expected to
contribute to making governments more efficient
and effective overall are:
a. Development of standards.
Implementation of M-Bonk application there
is no regulation governing and SOP in use of
M-Bonk application service. Efforts in
improving application standards continue to
perform maintenance, maintenance and
upgrades by admin and IT technicians.
Maintenance done 2 times a month to keep
the system application M-Bonk safe to avoid
hackers. Difficult to find this M-Bonk
application when downloading in playstore
cause the quality standard is still inferior to e-
wadul application owned by Surabaya.
b. Availability, outreach, benefits, capacity
building from a user perspective.
The number of people who still complain
about the number of damaged roads in
Sidoarjo through social media proves that the
application of M-Bonk has not reached all the
people in Sidoarjo and has not given a real
mafaat for the change of damaged road in
c. Level of infrastructure in terms of human
resource development, technical
infrastructure, government reorganization.
HR involved in the implementation of the
application M-Bonk is the employee of
choice directly appointed by the Head of
PUPR Sidoarjo Regency based on the level of
expertise and competence. However, her
educational background is not a major in IT.
For employees running M-Bonk applications
are given IT-based training to run M-Bonk
d. Enhanced / mainstreamed regulatory
system (cyber law).
The absence of regulations governing the
implementation of this M-Bonk application
so it has not been running in accordance with
the intended purpose
e. Increased incentive system in government
The absence of incentive enhancements in M-
Bonk's application program officers for the
time being.
It is known that the M-Bonk application program
has not been able to change the effectiveness and
efficiency of the Sidoarjo Government service
bureaucracy in terms of reporting damaged roads in
Sidoarjo. This is because the M-Bonk app has not
had a significant impact on the change of damaged
roads, because there are still many broken roads that
have not been repaired and the public complained
much in social media.
The results of the research of M-Bonk application as
described in the discussion above come to a
conclusion as follows:
1. Goal level
The absence of status and impact on the
achievement of the social, economic and political
objectives set by the previous M-Bonk program.
2. Service level
The quality of individual services in the M-Bonk
application is still not good because the service
of M-Bonk's service quality has not been better
than the previous service complaint program.
The M-Bonk application has not been familiar
with the community because of the lack of
socialization from the government.
3. System level
The M-Bonk app has not been able to ensure that
overall government services are more efficient
and effective.
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Service Quality Of M-Bonk Application In Sidoarjo District