The Move toward Dynamic Governance in Indonesian Public Service
Case Study of the Dynamic Capabilities of the Immigration Office Class
I Surabaya Regions in Pasport Service
Endar Heryan Pajri and Sulikah Asmorowati
Department of Administration, Universitas Airlangga, Jl. Airlangga No. 4-6, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Keywords: Dynamic Capability, Excellent Public Service, Thinking Across, Thinking Again, Thinking Ahead.
Abstract: This paper aims to examine the dynamic capabilities of public institution to improve the public service
quality, in case on Immigration Office Class I Surabaya Regions; and the factors that drives such dynamic
capability in passport service. This research uses qualitative research method, involving depth interview,
observation and document analysis. The informant chosen with purposive and snowball sampling. This
research finds that the Immigration Office Class 1 Surabaya Regions has moved towards implementing
dynamic capabilities. Realization of thinking ahead start with the strong leadership role has, in turn, created
more motivated and innovative staff that eager to create various innovations. Moreover, the leadership roles
has intensified service performance evaluation, and later make the evaluation not only become more routine,
but also impacted on the changes of various service policies as form realization of thinking again. While the
realization of thinking across mindset shown by the staff’s attitude towards their eagerness to learn from
others through sight visit to other immigration office across areas in Indonesia. Ultimately, this research has
shed a light to the more fact that Indonesian bureaucracy and institution has move towards dynamic
capablities, and thus, may advance the global competitiveness of Indonesia’s public service.
The development of the world moves so fast with
changing environmental conditions, the limited
availability of the nation's resources but the
increasingly complex demands of public services
over time. In this situation, the government must be
able to move dynamically by understanding how the
environment is changing and influencing the
changing demands of public service in the future,
governance capability will be the main factor in the
government's success to facilitate the growth of the
quality of public service, as the lessons learned in
the economic crisis in Africa in “The 1989 World
Bank Study 'Sub-Saharan Africa - from Crisis to
Sustainable Growth' analysed the development
problems in Sub-Saharan Africa" suggest that the
stagnation of progress is caused by problems the
crisis of governance” (World Bank, 1989 : 60).
Dynamic governance becomes an answer for the
government in responding to this challenge, such as
dynamic governance is the government ability
continually adjust their public policies and
programs, and change the way they are formulated
and implemented, so that the long-term interest of
the nation can be achieved (Neo and Chen, 2007 :
8). One of the important tasks for the government is
about creating excellent service quality for the
citizen, as though public service becomes one of the
eight main areas of bureaucratic reform in Indonesia
that issued Presidential Regulation No.81/2010 on
Grand Design of Bureaucracy Reforms 2010-2025,
especially public service institutions that deal
directly with the citizen.
This research uses qualitative descriptive with the
purpose to examine the dynamic capabilities of
Immigration Office Class I Surabaya Regions in
their passport service activity. To gain an in-depth
understanding of the institution's dynamic
capabilities, then the researcher performs participant
observation by registering as a passport applicant in
the office, supported by documentary studies, as
Pajri, E. and Amorowati, S.
The Move toward Dynamic Governance in Indonesian Public Service.
DOI: 10.5220/0007550007040707
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School (ICPS 2018), pages 704-707
ISBN: 978-989-758-348-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
well as in-depth interviews with 31 people
composed of immigration officials, passport
applicants and partners-working with immigration
offices that support service activities.
3.1. Institutional Dynamic Capabilities:
Case on Immigration Office Class I
Surabaya Regions
Passport issuance service is one of public service
which be an attention for citizen of Indonesia.
Passport has become one of the important
documents for the peoples today along with the
increasing economic ability of society in Indonesia
every year which impact on the high intensity of
society to travel abroad. In 2017, the number of
passport applicants in Indonesia reached 3,1 million
people, a higher number compared to 2015 which
reached 2,9 million people ( In
addition to high passport applications by the
community, other challenges faced by the
immigration office are the high complaints about
public dissatisfaction with the quality of services
provided, the increasing of brokers, the uncertainty
of the services provided, and the technical problems
of the service.
Immigration Office Class I Surabaya Regions is
one of the main institutions that provide a passport
service for east java with working area includes a
part of Surabaya (south, central, and north
Surabaya’s), Mojokerto city, Mojokerto regency,
and Jombang regency. Although the working area is
limited to the 4 areas, but the people applying for
passports at the Immigration Office Class I Surabaya
Regions come from various regions, especially in
the eastern part of Indonesia including the applicants
from East Java, Sulawesi Island, Kalimantan to
This situation requires institutions to be able to
have dynamic capabilities, “dynamic capabilities is
the firm's ability to integrate, build, and reconfigure
internal and external competencies to address
rapidly changing environment” (Helfat dkk, 2007:2).
Dynamic institutions are able to design their various
service activities to adapt to environmental changes
and community demands to create excellent service
quality. In Neo and Chen (2007) the dynamic
capabilities of institutions are seen from their ability
to apply the three main mindsets that will lead to
dynamic governance. The mindset consists of
thinking ahead, thinking again and thinking across.
Thinking ahead is an institutional capacity to
identify future environmental and community
development needs, to understand its implications
for activities in achieving organizational goals and to
identify strategies and options needed to anticipate
them (Neo and Chen, 2007:30). The executive
manager (head and chief of division) in immigration
office class I Surabaya aware that their main
position in carrying the reputation of public service
of Indonesian immigration in the public view,
therefore they emphasize how the door-to-door
activity in the passport service can be reduced by
issuing various service system changes, first through
“one stop service” innovation to simplify the
passport service flow becomes shorter. Second, the
online passport queue to provide certainty to the
public to obtain a passport queue that was previously
enforced manually; Third, remove the payment
system manually into via bank in 76 cooperating
banks and PT Pos Indonesia; Fourth, by creating an
innovation service checking the status of taking
passport via whatsapp official account of
Immigration Office Class I Surabaya Regions.
Thinking again is the institutional ability to
utilize actual data, information, measurements and
feedback on problems that impede performance,
review various derivatives of policies and programs
from the past to find ways of improving their
performance (Neo and Chen, 2007: 36). The
realization of the process of thinking again an
institution that is on the evaluation of the service
activities. The formal process of evaluating service
performance in reporting is done in several phases,
every month, quarterly, in semester and years. In
addition, immigration office employees, especially
the sector that give the passport serving (division of
information and communication; and section of
immigration documents service) also conduct non-
formal performance evaluations such as in the form
of brainstorming, working meetings between
executive managers and each division at least once a
week. This has an impact on the immigration office
to detect changes that need to be made to improve
service effectiveness.
The evaluation and review of the various service
activities resulted in various policy changes and
redesign of passport services to improve services so
that in accordance with the public’s demands in
order to create excellent service.
The Move toward Dynamic Governance in Indonesian Public Service
Table 1.1 Changes in service policy at Immigration Office
Class I Surabaya Regions
No Passport Service
1 Implement an online
queue thoroughly by
“Antrian Paspor
Reduces the queue and
limits of the activities
space for brokers
2 Simplification of
Terms For Passport
Simplify the applicant
by simply bringing the
E-KTP and previous
Passport (real and
copying document)
3 Addition of Hour of
Passport Taking
Adding hours of service
to the public for taking
passports. (Previous:
13.00- 16.00 to 09.00 -
4 Remove the
manually payments
Provides ease in
payment system,
reduces case of illegal
levies in practice of
5 Enforcement of the
walk-in queue
system is only for
special needs
The walk-in queue is
aimed more
appropriately for the
applicant who really
needs special needs.
6 Implementing the
“One Stop Service”
Simplify the passport
service system and
reduce the number of
applicants arriving in
the passport
Source : In-depth Interview with immigration servant
Thinking Across is an organizational ability across
traditional boundaries to learn from the experiences
of others so new ideas can be adopted and allow
innovative new policies and programs to be tried and
institutionalized (Neo and Chen, 2007:40). The
learning process undertaken by Immigration Office
Class I Surabaya Regions is to conduct comparative
study activities with the immigration office from
other regions such as Banten, Palembang, Manado,
Bali and Jakarta. This is to take the lessons and best
practices from each of the advantages possessed by
each immigration office from other areas. in
addition, it’s also as an effort to compare the quality
of services owned by the Immigration Office Class I
Surabaya Regions as rivalry in one sector at the
directorate general of immigration to compete
become the best immigration office in Indonesia to
providing certainty and excellent service passport to
the community.
The comparative study activity became one of
the important agendas and became a necessity for
the Immigration Office Class I Surabaya Regions.
Organizations or sub-units between governments
unite to learn from each other, social socialization
will be formed and create what are called
innovation-rings (Kouzmin, 1999:131) the
comparative study process helps this institution to
get better service innovation ideas, the
ineffectiveness of the service system at other
immigration offices serve as a warning to prevent it
from happening. This is makes the service system in
Immigration Office Class I Surabaya Regions
continues to develop in public views, so that not
infrequently people from outside the East Java
region willing to apply for passports in the
Immigration Office Class I Surabaya Regions
because of the certainty of service that they can
provide more than other Immigration Office.
3.2. Dynamic Capabilities Driving
Process in the Immigration Office
Class I Surabaya Regions
The process of thinking ahead of the Immigration
Office Class I Surabaya Regions is formed by the
intensity of meetings that the head of immigration
always exercises to the executive manager to always
talking about innovative services that can be created
and the openness of his thoughts on the development
of the passport applicant's needs and the willingness
to accept the advice of his employees. As a result,
employees feel more appreciated and free to share
their opinions to think about what future services
need to be, and this makes employees more
motivated to think about the various innovations of
service, they to create a more excellent service than
The thinking again process is formed by routine
evaluation activities, both formally and non-
formally, which is often done by the head of the
immigration office to the executive manager. As a
result, the evaluation results are also increasingly
on-floor and accepted to all employees in each field.
This encourages employees at all levels (up to the
level of technical service) also often gather to
brainstorming and doing informal evaluations
together to respond the wishes and outcomes of the
evaluations conducted by the head of the
immigration office together with the executive
While the thinking across process is formed by
the needs from every employee in the entire division
to learn from other immigration offices performance.
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
This attitude is embedded from the various benefits
that they feel after doing a comparative study, for
the Immigration Office Class I Surabaya Regions,
the comparative study process is the best solution
when an institution needs the latest innovation
notion when the idea for developing a service
system is already limited. This comparative study
makes them think more openly by getting
information and fresh thoughts that were previously
unthinkable to be applied in service activities and
take lessons to prevent the ineffectiveness of the
services performed by other immigration offices at
the Immigration Office Class I Surabaya Regions.
In this case, we find that leadership factor is the
main roles to actualize the dynamic governance. If
there is still a leader in a government institution led
by an incompetent, intelligent and agile person then
dynamic governance will never happen (Andhika,
2017:94). The leaders is the mastermind for
institution, leader with the dynamic mindset will
drive the institution move dynamically as well,
especially in generating public policies and services.
Dynamic capability of Immigration Office Class I
Surabaya Regions through the analysis of thinking
ahead, thinking again, and thinking across in the
implementation of passport services capable enough
of generating various changes to the passport service
system that impact on improving the quality of their
passport services, although there are still some
things that need to be perfected in the dynamic
capabilities of this institution, but this analysis
shows implement the mindset of thinking ahead,
thinking again, and thinking across can drive
institutions to develop better in the activities
undertaken, in this case in particular provide
excellent service for public. This case show that
innovation of public services is an important product
of the dynamic capabilities of an institution that is
the result of dynamic governance, such as described
by Gulbrandsen (in Andhika, 2017:89) that dynamic
governance will be which says the concept of
dynamic governance will be more beneficial if
government policy also innovates, and this is
implemented by Immigration Office Class I
Surabaya Regions.
The process of forming dynamic capabilities at
the Office of Immigration Class I Special Surabaya
is dominated by the leadership role of immigration
office head that mobilizes all employees to be able
to create various innovations that become the
realization of the service minds thinking ahead,
service performance evaluation activities become
fairly routine and impact on changes in various
service policies that are the realization of thinking
again thinking patterns, and attitude willing to learn
service practices through comparative study with
other immigration office which is the realization of
mindset thinking across. As the work process
resulting from group learning process is one part of
the influence of leadership behaviors applicable in
the institution (Schein, 2004 : 11). The role of
leader is the key to improve the public servant
performance and establish a dynamic institutional
capability in public service activities in Indonesia.
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The Move toward Dynamic Governance in Indonesian Public Service