Job Motivation, Quality Work of Life and Organization Citizen
Behavior toward Organizational Commitment
Tiara Nurul Hidayah
and Windijarto
Master Program Study of Human Resource Development , Postgraduate School of Universitas Airlangga, Campus B Jl.
Airlangga No.4-6 Surabaya, Indonesia
Lecturer of Management, Head of Department Human Resource Development Postgraduate School Universitas Airlangga,
Campus B Jl. Airlangga No.4-6 Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Job Motivation, Quality Work of Life, Organization Citizen Behavior, Organizational Commitment.
Abstract: PT XXX Jaya Farm Hatchery Pasuruan is a company which engages in breeding of parent stock chicken
that have experienced a decline in production output significantly over last 5 years. This decline has caused
a decrease in productivity. There is also a gap in job motivation, quality work of life and organization
citizen behavior towards organizational commitment. This research aims to determine the effect of job
motivation, Quality Work of Life, Organization Citizen Behavior, towards Organizational Commitment.
Study at PT XXX Jaya Farm Hatchery Pasuruan either partially or simultaneously, as well as to know which
variable were the most significant influence on Organizational Commitment. This research was conducted
with quantitative methods. Data collection techniques used is a questionnaire with a sample of 120
respondents. The results of research show that job motivation, quality work of life and organization citizen
behavior have simultaneous and partial effect towards organizational commitment. The results of the
research stated that the quality work of life is the most significant variable on organizational commitment.
Variable Job Motivation, Quality of Work Life and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on organizational
commitment, has a strong relationship and the remaining influenced by other variables has not been
examined in this study.
One of the most capable factors to determine the
success or failure of an organization is the factor of
human resources or HR. Every
organization/company expects every employee to
have a high commitment to the organization to
achieve company goals, because basically the
commitment of employees to the organization that
ultimately affect the progress of a company as a
There are several factors that influence
organizational commitment. In personal factors
include job expectations, job motivation. In
organization factors include job scope, quality work
of life, organization behavior. In non-organization
factors include availability of alternative jobs
(Sopiah, 2008).
PT. XXX Jaya Farm Hatchery Pasuruan is a
subsidiary of PT. XXX Group, a large company in
Thailand engaged in various fields, one of the field
is animal husbandry. PT XXX is a company engaged
in the DOC (Day Old Chick) and the largest
processed food in Indonesia.
Problems that exist in PT. XXX Jaya Farm
Hatchery Pasuruan branch is a gap that occurs,
where the level of job motivation, quality of work
life and organizational citizenship behavior are done
well but there is an indication of the level of
organizational commitment is still not maximum.
Based on the observations of researchers, it is
found that employee turnover rate is quite high. The
employee turnover data for 2013-2017 is shown in
the graph below:
Hidayah, T. and Windijarto, .
Job Motivation, Quality Work of Life and Organization Citizen Behavior toward Organizational Commitment.
DOI: 10.5220/0007551107690773
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School (ICPS 2018), pages 769-773
ISBN: 978-989-758-348-3
๎€ 2018 by SCITEPRESS โ€“ Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Turnover intention of PT. XXX Jaya Farm 2017.
This figure shows that at PT. XXX Jaya Farm,
individuals who are satisfied with their work tend to
fulfill the commitment to the organization, resulting
in the emergence of employee loyalty to the
organization, which ultimately leads the employee to
have a sense of dependence and responsibility on the
organization. Individuals with low organizational
commitment will tend to undertake ways that can
disrupt organizational performance such as work
slowness and high employee turnover, low
commitment employees tend not to survive in an
organization because employees with committed low
feel does not have an attachment to the organization
so this is what triggers employees to not last long
working on the company. This is evidenced by the
high number of outgoing employees in 2014 and
2016 of about 20.6% and 18.4% and an increase in
the number of employees coming in 2017 by 42.1%.
2.1 Job Motivation
Motivation is a form of encouragement that exists in
a person. The impetus comes from internal factors as
well as external factors (Chen et al, 2016).
The motivation is divided into two, namely
internal and external. Internal motivation occurs
when a person wants something, then he will try to
perform a certain activity so that what he wants to be
achieved, which includes 1) Achievements; 2)
Recognition; 3) Responsibility; 5) Growth or the
possibility to grow and 6) Work Itself (Allen et al,
2013). External factors arise when the individual
does activities that get reciprocity from the outside
to achieve their goals, which is influenced by 1)
Company policies and administration; 2)
Supervision; 3) Wages, salaries or other benefits
including incentives; 4) Interpersonal relationships;
5) Status; 6) Job security and 7) Working conditions
(Hezberg, 2012).
2.2 Quality Work of Life (QWL)
Quality of work life is one of the forms of applied
management philosophy in order to manage the
organization in general and human resources in
particular. As a philosophy, quality of work life is a
management perspective on people, workers and
organizations. The key elements of the philosophy
are the management's concern about the impact of
work on people, the effectiveness of the organization
and the importance of employees in problem solving
and decision-making especially concerning their
work, career, income and fate in the work
(Husnawati, 2006).
Successful creation of quality of work life in an
organization is an effort that is not easy and should
be pursued by both parties, namely the management
and employees (Husnawati, 2006).
Quality work of life can be measured through
nine dimensions: 1) Employee participation; 2)
Conflict resolution; 3) Communication; 4)
Occupational health; 5) Work safety; 6) Work
security; 7) Decent compensation; 8) Pride; and 9)
Career development (Cascio, 2010).
2.3 Organization Citizenship Behavior
Organizational citizenship behavior is often defined
as the behavior of individuals who have the freedom
to choose, which is indirectly or explicitly
acknowledged by the reward system and contributes
to the effectiveness and efficiency of organizational
functions (Novliadi, 2007). Organizational
citizenship behavior has three main forms, namely:
1) Obedience; 2) Loyalty and 3) Participation
(Organ, 2006). OCB can be measured through five
dimensions: 1) Altruism; 2) Civic Virtue; 3)
Conscientiousness; 4) Sportsmanship and 5)
Courtesy (Organ, 2006).
2.4 Organizational Commitment
Commitment in work is perceived as a willingness
to provide energy, loyalty to the organization and
strive to realize the success of organizational goals.
This commitment is characterized by a strong desire
to remain as a member of the organization, a desire
to strive according to the organizational desires and
beliefs and acceptance of the values and goals of the
organization so that members of the organization
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
committed in working to realize the success of the
goals of the organization. Commitment is the key to
organizational success (Trinantoro, 2005).
2. 5 Methods
The sampling technique used is total sampling,
namely the technique of determining the sample if
all members of the population are used as samples.
The purpose of using total sampling is for research
that wants to make generalizations with very small
errors. So that the total sample of this study is 120
Data collection techniques are the most
important step in research because the main purpose
of the research is to get data. Data collection
technique used in this study is questionnaire.
That is a list of questions which contains several
questions related to variables in the study. Based on
the suitability between the level of measurement and
data collection techniques used by researchers. This
questionnaire is given to respondents, namely
employees of PT. XXX Jaya Farm Hatchery Unit
Gempol Pasuruan.
Data collection by collecting turnover intention
data in 2013-2017 was examined and other data
related to the company, especially data regarding
organizational commitment (Y) in order to support
and supplement. The analysis used in this study is
quantitative analysis. In quantitative research, data
analysis is an activity carried out after data from all
respondents or other data sources have been
collected. Activities in data analysis include:
grouping data based on variables and types of
respondents, tabulating data based on variables from
all respondents, presenting data for each variable
studied, performing calculations to answer the
formulation of the problem and performing
calculations to test the hypothesis that has been
proposed. The analysis technique used by
researchers in this study is multiple linear regression
analysis techniques. if you intend to predict how the
condition (ups and downs) of the dependent variable
(criterion), if two or more independent variables as
predictor factors are manipulated (increased value
Based on the results of the research hypothesis
testing conducted at PT XXX Jaya Farm Hatchery
Pasuruan showed that the calculation of F test
known value of F-count of 32.737 and F-table of
2.70 with df the numerator 3 and the denominator
94. Thus it is proven that F-count greater than F-
table which means H0 rejected and Ha accepted at a
significance level of 0.000. This means that there is
a significant influence of job motivation (X1),
quality of work life (X2) and organizational
citizenship behavior (X3) variables simultaneously
to organizational commitment (Y).
Job motivation variable when viewed from the
result of partial test (t test) get t count value in this
research is equal to 2,694 with significance level
equal to 0.008 bigger than t table equal to 1.98552 it
indicates that there is rejection of H0 and acceptance
of Ha which mean there is influence of significant
variable job motivation (X1) to the organizational
commitment variable (Y) of 26.8% so that the effect
is small because the partial determination coefficient
below 50%. And seen from doubled linear
regression showed that coefficient value equal to
0.396 stated that addition of job motivation equal to
1 will increase organizational commitment equal to
This is in line with the research of
Alimohammadi (2013) which explains that there is a
significant positive impact between motivation and
organizational commitment. So that it can be
concluded, the existence of high motivation will also
provide a high level of organizational commitment.
The next variable is quality work of life.
Variable quality work of life is when viewed from
the results of partial test to get the value of t count in
this study is 4.357 with a significance level of 0.000
greater than t table of 1.98552 this indicates that the
rejection of H0 and accept Ha meaning that there is
a significant influence variable quality of work life
(X2) to organizational commitment variable (Y) of
0.411 or 41.1% so that influenced small because the
coefficient of determination below 50%. And from
the results of multiple linear regression shows the
value of coefficient of 0.451 states that the quality of
work life of 1 will increase the organizational
commitment of 0.451. The last variable is
organizational citizenship behavior.
This is in line with the research of Wenda
Chrisienty O (2015). The results of the study show
that there is an influence of quality of work life on
employee organizational commitment at CV Sinar
Plasindo. Thus the quality of work life is very
important in creating employee organizational
commitment. This indicates that the higher the
quality of work life felt by employees, the higher the
employee's commitment to the organization.
Organizational citizenship behavior variable
when viewed from partial test result get t count
Job Motivation, Quality Work of Life and Organization Citizen Behavior toward Organizational Commitment
value in this research is equal to 2,313 with level of
significance equal to 0.023 bigger than t table equal
to 1.98552. This indicates that the rejection of H0
and the acceptance of Ha which means there is a
significant influence organizational citizenship
behavior (X3) variable to organizational
commitment variable (Y) of 23.2% so the effect is
small because the determinant coefficient below
50%. And from the results of multiple linear
regression shows the value of coefficient of 0.187
states that the addition of organizational citizenship
behavior of 1 will increase the organizational
commitment of 0.187.
This is in line with Bogy Juniar Gintang
Kumara's (2014) research, there is a very significant
positive relationship between organizational
commitment and the level of organizational
citizenship behavior in Ratu Luwes Pasar Legi
employees. towards organizational citizenship
behavior of 89.3%. Which explains more than the
average employee who has an OCB to work for the
company where he works, overall the employees
have a high commitment to the organization.
Of all the independent variables, the most
significant influence is the quality of work life (X2)
with the highest t count of 4.357 with the significant
level of 0.000 and has the largest partial coefficient
of determination that is equal to 0.411 or 41.1% and
the smallest significance of other variables. From the
results of multiple linear regression shows the value
of large coefficient the most among other variables
that is equal to 0.451. The result of the research
shows that quality of work life (X2) have the most
significant effect to organizational commitment (Y).
This shows how important the quality of work life.
Based on the results of research that has been done
about "The influence of job motivation,
organizational citizenship behavior and quality of
work life toward organizational commitment (Study
At PT. XXX Jaya Farm Hatchery Pasuruan" it can
be concluded as follows:
Job Motivation (X1), quality work of life (X2)
and organizational citizenship behavior (X3)
together or simultaneously affect organizational
commitment (Y). Independent variables have
influence together proved by result of F test which
have simultaneous influence of independent variable
to dependent variable. Thus the first hypothesis in
this study has been proven and acceptable which
means Ha accepted, H0 rejected.
Job motivation (X1) partially significant effect
on namely quality work of life (X2) and
organizational citizenship behavior (X3). Thus the
third hypothesis has been proven and acceptable.
(Y), organizational citizenship behavior (X3)
partially significant influence on organizational
commitment (Y), quality of work life (X2) partially
or each has a significant effect on organizational
commitment (Y). It is proven based on t test where t
count value of each variable is bigger than t table.
Thus the second hypothesis in this study has been
proven and acceptable.
The variable that has the most significant
influence on organizational commitment (Y) is the
quality of work life (X2) variable because it has the
highest t count. And has the smallest significance
among other variables.
The researchers would like to express their gratitude
to God and to thank the parties involved in this
research. Million thanks go to my beloved family
who always support and encouraged my spirit, the
lecturers of Airlangga University, the employees in
this research who became the respondents, and my
colleagues who helped in funding this research.
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Job Motivation, Quality Work of Life and Organization Citizen Behavior toward Organizational Commitment