Effectiveness of the “Jalin Matra” Material in Poverty Management
A Case Study of Turi Village, Jetis District, Ponorogo Regency, East
Java Province, Indonesia
Dwi Poernomo
, Suparto Wijoyo
and Abd. Shomad
Postgraduate School, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Faculty of Law, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: “Jalin Matra”, Poverty, East Java, Social Assistance.
Abstract: Jalan Lain Menuju Mandiri dan Sejahtera (“JALIN MATRA”) Program is a poverty alleviation program
that has been implemented by the Government of East Java Province and contains micro data of East Java
Province obtained through census by name and address of households with the lowest welfare status. In
2016, the program was still not well implemented since there were conflicts in its legislation requiring the
currently implemented mechanism to be adjusted. It was started from providing cash assistance to
impoverished households, into providing the goods assistance by the village government. The study aimed
to assess the effectiveness of “Jalin Matra” Program as a poverty alleviation effort at East Java Province in
2016 to be used as a consideration for the program sustainability. The method used in this study is socio-
legal research in which the review of legislation as the legal basis of the “Jalin Matra” Program is further
confirmed by a field research through interviews with targeted household beneficiaries. The result is in
accordance with what the aid providers expected that is the head of household beneficiaries are satisfied
with the “Jalin Matra” Program and a positive impact on the household economy can be provided by the
program. It is concluded that “Jalin Matra” Program has been effective to alleviate poverty in East Java
Province and it can be one of the reference programs for poverty alleviation in other area, with a proper
adjustment related to the special condition and characteristic of each region
One of the world development agenda for human
welfare is Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
This is the commitment that all members of United
Nations pledge to build a prosperous world. There
are 17 goals that the UN sets to achieve, and one of
them is No Poverty. It is in accordance with the
program of the East Java Government about poverty
alleviation. One of the government’s innovation to
implement the idea is through Jalin Matra program.
Jalin Matra is one of government’s programs to
empower the poor and to help them increase their
economy which is involving related stakeholder.
Began in 2014, Jalin Matra has three different
activities namely Bantuan Rumah Tangga Sangat
Miskin (BRTSM), Penanggulangan Feminisasi
Kemiskinan (PFK), and Penanggulangan Kerentanan
Kemiskinan (PK2). Other than that, Jalin Matra has
distributed financial help to families according to
what they need and their capabilities.
In 2016, there was a fundamental change towards
Jalin Matra mechanism because it contradicted the
central government’s regulation. The support that
the government gave was in the form of cash (ready
money) then it has to be changed into goods which
are provided by the local council which acts as Jalin
Matra’s secretariat. In order to know the
effectiveness of the implementation of Jalin Matra
BRTSM program, the researcher conducted a case
study in one of the villages in Ponorogo, which is
Turi village.
The research method used in this study is a social
legal method. Wiratraman (2016) said that social-
legal is a normative approach to law and it uses field
Poernomo, D., Wijoyo, S. and Shomad, A.
Effectiveness of the â
AIJJalin Matraâ
I Material in Poverty Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0007551708010804
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School (ICPS 2018), pages 801-804
ISBN: 978-989-758-348-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
approach in which law problems are explained
through field research. The researcher conducted in-
depth interview to all targeted household subjects. In
this research, the number of subjects that become
samples is 30 families which have represented data
according to PBDT 2015 and the Help Recipient
Replacement Data.
3.1 The Concept of Effectiveness
According to Effendy (Khadafi, 2017), effectiveness
is communication which its process achieve the
goals we set in accordance with the budgeted
expense, set time, and personnel which has been
determined. Campbell (Khadafi, 2017) mentioned
five prominent things that can be used to measure
this effectiveness namely program success, target
success, program satisfaction, input/output level, and
thorough target achievement.
3.2 Regional Financial Concept
In financial management, there are three main things
which are income, expenditure, and financing.
According to the Minister of Home Affairs
Regulations Number 113 Year of 2014 about
regional financial management guide, the income
source consists of regional income, regional fund,
retribution tax, regional fund allocation and financial
support. Meanwhile, the expenditure consists of
employee expenditure, goods/services expenditure,
and capital expenditure. Lastly, the financial consists
of financing receipts and financing expenses.
3.3 Jalin Matra
Jalin Matra program has several legal basis
including Government Regulation Number 6 Year
2014 about region, Government Regulation Number
43 Year 2014 hoe we implement Regulation Number
6 Year 2014 about region, Government Regulation
Number 58 Year 2005 about region financial
management, Minister of Home Affairs Regulation
Number 13 Year 2006, Number 37 Year 2007 and
Number 113 Year 2014 about region’s financial
management guidelines.
East Java Governor’s Regulation Number 13
Year 2016 about the general guidelines of Jalin
Matra program of domestic support for the poor
(RTSM) in East Java Province in 2016 mentioned
that Jalin Matra is a poverty countermeasure
program which has been performed by East Java
Province government based on the integrated data
update (PBDT, 2015) taken from poverty
countermeasure acceleration team (TNP2K) and
from loading East Java Province microdata that were
obtained by a census of name and address of
households with the lowest welfare status.
3.4 Financial Support
According to Yabbar (2015), the Government
Regulation Number 43 Year 2014 about
implementation rules and Regulation Number 5
Year 2014 Article 98 about region state that
provincial and district/regency governments can
provide financial support from their local budget to
the region needed. Financial support can be general
and special. The general financial support is given
to the region in order to assist the implementation of
local tasks. Whereas the special financial support is
established by the local government aid in order to
speed up the development of the region and for the
community empowerment.
The use of the Special Financial Assistance
(BKK) mechanism of Jalin Matra to the village
government has followed the prevailing laws and
regulations. However, in the Minister of Home
Affairs Regulation Number 113 Year 2014, Article
13 Paragraph 3 about regional financial management
guidelines, it is stated that the type of expenditure
only consists of personal expenditure,
goods/services expenditure and capital expenditure.
Because the money aid for the community is not yet
regulated by the Ministry of Home Affairs, the
financial support from the village to the community
cannot be given. In contrast, in the Minister of Home
Affairs Regulation Number 37 Year 2007 about
guidelines on village financial management stated
that village expenditure consists of direct
expenditure and indirect expenditure. Social
assistance and grants to the community are included
in indirect expenditure. Therefore, in 2016 the
assistance to the poor in the form of money aid was
changed into goods in accordance with the
applicable rules.
Thus, the use of a special financial support
mechanism of Jalin Matra to the Regional
Government has followed the rules of the applicable
legislation, but in Minister of Home Affairs
Regulation Number 113 Year 2014, Article 13
Paragraph (3) about regional financial management
guidelines, it is mandated that this type of budget is
only made up of employees budget, budget for
goods/services, and capital expenditures. Because
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
for budget assistance to the community has not yet
been set up by the Minister of Home Affairs, the
financial support from the village to the community
could not be given. In contrast, in the Minister of
Home Affairs Regulation Number 37 Year 2007
about village financial management guidelines stated
that village’s budget consists of Direct Expenditures
and Indirect Expenditures. Social assistance and
grants to communities are included in the Indirect
Expenditures. Therefore, in 2016 the assistance to
the poor in the form of money aid was changed into
goods in accordance with the applicable rules.
3.5 Stages of Jalin Matra 2016
The program was started with socialization by the
provincial government, then llowed by socialization
at the level of districts and villages for "Jalin Matra"
secretariat and village staff training.
3.6 The Mechanism of Jalin Matra
The program was started with socialization by the
provincial government, then llowed by socialization
at the level of districts and villages for "Jalin Matra"
secretariat and village staff training.
Jalin Matra Scheme is in compliance with the
Campbell Theory of Effective Measurements. This
scheme has been proven to ensure the right person to
get the Government Assistance through the
involvement of Village Empowerment Staff. The
community also expressed satisfaction and wish this
scheme can be applied in the next period.
Input/output level can increase the monthly income
of about Rp 183.500,-. The holistic goal of Jalin
Matra is to ensure the right person, on the right
amount and function of Government Assistance. The
weakness of this scheme is that the household
profile changes from time to time and that there was
less involvement of private sector.
"Jalin Matra" program in 2016 was changed due to
the conflict between legislation. It was in accordance
with the principle of lex superior derogat legi
inferior i.e. higher rules override the low (the
principle of at the hierarchy) and the principle of
Lex Posterior Derogat Legi Priori i.e. the new
regulations put aside the old rules; also with the
Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 13
Year 2006 about Regional Financial Management
Guidelines article 47, as well as the the Minister of
Home Affair Regulation Number 113 Year 2014
about financial management.
The effectiveness of the Jalin Matra 2016
program material in East Java regarding poverty
reduction can be said to be an effective gauge
theory, it refers to the effectiveness of which has
been delivered by Campbell as explained above.
As a program that had an impact on many
communities, the synchronization between the
legislation as a legal basis for the implementation of
the "Jalin Matra" should not be contradictory to each
other. Legal principles should still be used as a
reference for the foreseeable future. Despite changes
in the program, the development of mechanisms
already exist. In addition, the associated
stakeholders should update the poverty data so that
changes to the target recipient or replacement are
more appropriate.
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Effendy, Onong Uchjana. 1996. Sistem Informasi
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Khadafi, Rizal. 2017. Efektivitas Program Bantuan
Keuangan Khusus Dalam Mengentaskan Kemiskinan
di Gunungkidu. Yogyakarta: Journal of Governance
and Public Policy, UMY.
Wiratraman, Herlambang P. 2016. “Studi Sosio-Legal
Sebagai Studi Interdisipliner”. Makalah untuk
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Pelatihan Sosio-Legal, Fakultas Hukum Universitas
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ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School