A Phenomenology Study View of Mental Health Enforcement in
Surabaya Urban Society
A Systematic Review
Nurul Arifah
, Merryana Adriani
and Hanik Endang Nihayati
Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga, Kampus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya, Indonesia
Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, Mulyorejo, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Phenomenology study, Mental health, Enforcement, Urban, Society.
Abstract: The mental health policies that are part of the national and regional health systems seek promotive and
preventive activities that are integrated in cross-sectoral programs and involve society participation. The
objective was to briefly describe the view of phenomenology study for the mental health enforcement in
Surabaya urban society. The key words used were mental health, enforcement, and urban society. Journal
articles search were done electronically using multiple databases, namely: DOAJ, Sage, Proquest, Medline,
Google Scholar, Science Direct and Elsevier. Limitation year used was 10 years (2007 -2017). From the
results obtained twenty literatures selected of journal articles from more than 600 journal articles found.
Twenty studies raised in this study support the study of phenomenology chosen as the research’s design.
Combined findings of this study provided reference for the view of mental health enforcement in Surabaya
urban society. The enforcement of mental health in urban society needs to be developed more widely and
deeply that can be applied in order to improve the high quality of individuals’ mental health in their life.
One of the factors causing the high number of the
recurrence rate of people with mental disorders is
the lack of family knowledge in dealing with mental
disorders patient when they are back to the
environment. According to Marasmis (2010), in
addition to somatic factors, psychological and socio-
cultural factors are also as a source of mental
disorders. Survey proved that 53% of the factors that
cause psychiatric disorders are derived from
processes that are interwoven in the family
(Wiliamson, et al., 2008). Basically, Roesmaladewi
(2010) added that the obstacle for the patient to be
healed, not only from within himself, but also is
precisely the majority of families and societies who
underestimate the problem.
The prevalence of mental disorders in Indonesia
is not much different from the prevalence in the
world. The incidence of mental disorders in
Indonesia based on RISKESDAS data is 4.6 / 1000
people (Balitbangkes, 2008). This figure is equal to
the median prevalence rate of mental disorders in the
world. In Indonesia is estimated about 1 million
people suffer from mental disorders (MOH, 2012).
In East Java, people with mental disorders
experienced a drastic increase in 2016. East Java
Province shows the number of 2.2 people based on
all East Java population of 38,005,413 lives, it can
be concluded that 83.612 lives have mental disorders
in East Java. In addition, national data on the
incidence of severe mental illness (schizophrenia) in
East Java is 1.4% and Surabaya accounted for 0.2%.
While emotional mental disorders (such as anxiety,
depression, etc.) by 35% and in Surabaya recorded
Mental health policies that are part of the
national and regional health systems seek promotive
and preventive integration across multiple cross-
sectoral programs and involve community
participation. One of the efforts that can be done to
support the recovery of patientswith mental disorder
according to Kepmenkes no 220 / Menkes / SK / III /
2002 is to involve community participation in
supporting the recovery of patients with mental
disorders. The phenomenological study of how
Arifah, N., Adriani, M. and Nihayati, H.
A Phenomenology Study View of Mental Health Enforcement in Surabaya Urban Society.
DOI: 10.5220/0008327404950499
In Proceedings of the 9th International Nursing Conference (INC 2018), pages 495-499
ISBN: 978-989-758-336-0
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
mental health enforcement in the Surabaya urban
city community becomes important primarily in
concerning with knowledge, trust, values, and
culture, patient and family backgrounds integrated
into planning, treatment, to participation in decision-
making related to mental health care. Therefore, the
study aims to briefly and clearly describe of how the
urban society of Surabaya got involved in the
enforcement of mental health regarding to those
several factors mentioned.
Firstly, the source of references used in this study
was obtained specifically from the search engine.
DOAJ, Proquest, Medline, Google Scholar, Science
Direct and Elsevier by entering the keywords of
mental health, enforcement, and urban society were
some major databases for the literature search. Year
limitation used was 10 years from 2007 to 2017.
From the results obtained twenty literatures selected
of journal articles from more than 600 journal
articles found. From those articles obtained, the
article’s inclusion criteria were: 1) the
phenomenology study; 2) mental health
enforcement; 3) the urban society
The parameters used to determine influencing
factors of mental health enforcement in the urban
society was by using various keywords particularly
in a range of the concept of the mental health, family
and community centered, and the historical concept
of urban society.
From the sources related to several keywords using
in this systematic review, the importance in knowing
the mental health enforcement for the urban society
is in line with some findings of some studies.
The first reviewed study from Yearwood (2010)
noted that in 2001, non-communicable
neuropsychiatric disorders accounted for 12% of the
global burden of disease (GBD) worldwide and that
number is expected to increase significantly by
2020. One of the causes of this phenomenon is
supported by the result of the next reviewed study by
Schmidta, et. al (2017) who noted that neighborhood
context may make exposure to stressors and the
expression of stress-related outcomes.
Considering those real condition in society,
actually, family is the most important part in the
healing process of mental disorders. This is proved
by the statement that family support in the process
becomes a hope for patients with mental disorders
during their lifetime (Thalefi, 2017). Therefore,
Kwazulu (2015) added from his study that families
can also extend knowledge about mental disorders
and not stay away from their family members who
have mental disorder.
The importance of public education on the myths
and facts of mental illness can help suppress the
stigma faced by family members of mental disorder.
In this case, another study showed that mental health
stigma is closely related to different mental health
care reforms (Sercu et.al, 2016). A care, in
philosophy, is known as a link between patient and
the family-centered care. The form of such care
focus on cooperation, dignity, respect, information
sharing, participation, and collaboration with
patients and families (Kuo et al., 2012; Wells, 2011;
Johnson, 2000). The care of patients and families is
relatively at the highest policy level in developed
countries and has the privilege point of most health
care systems that have led to the innovation of many
patient and family care agencies that provide some
resources and collect data on their application
(Abraham & Moretz, 2012). These several reviewed
studies shows how importance of mental health
within the society.
Related to this, this systematic review added
several studies which have points to widen the
indicators. From Gregório (2012), the priority-
setting research exercise highlighted a need for
implementing investments at the primary- care level,
particularly in the family health program; the urgent
need to evaluate services; and policies to improve
equity by increasing accessibility to services and
testing interventions to reduce barriers for seeking
mental health treatment. Then, Bee (2015) also
supported that involving users in mental health care-
planning is central to international policy initiatives
yet users frequently report feeling excluded from the
care planning process. The Mental Health Parity and
Addiction Equity Act of 2008, the Affordable Care
Act of 2010, and subsequent federal regulations
improve access to mental health services, but lack of
funding and poor enforcement of new rules continue
to hinder progress (Medford, et. al (2017). However,
result study from Sivris (2015) noted that in order to
get in progress to be achieved in this area, a holistic
and multidisciplinary approach was unanimously
suggested as a way to successful implementation.
Study from Meulen, et. al (2017) can be one of
option to measure the indicators of achieving the
optimal efforts for the application in society context,
INC 2018 - The 9th International Nursing Conference: Nurses at The Forefront Transforming Care, Science and Research
that usefulness of psychological resilience is limited
as a predictor of mental health disturbances (if any).
Thus, the protective value of psychological
resilience declined sharply over time. Then finally,
the other reviewed study made a sum that the
implementation of nursing care in the community
are interconnected with each other, because the
services provided must be comprehensive and
sustainable due to the needs of each individual are
different from each other, then the nurse must
behave according to the individual needs at that time
(Alligood, MR, & Tomey, A. M, 2010).
Mental health disorders (in the developing side)
significantly contribute to the global burden of
disease (GBD), which quantifies the effect of
mortality, morbidity, and disability for specific
diseases. This condition has correlation to several
factors. One of the main factors found in several
reviewed studies showed that the socially patterned
distribution of exposure to stressors may be
particularly relevant for understanding why
disadvantaged neighborhoods are associated with
worse mental health.
The society itself cannot be separated from the
concept of particular family living in such different
view of life. Most indicators mentioned in reviewed
studies noted that a family with member of mental
disorder one can be the source of another problem as
side effect. In handling several cases of mental
disorders within a family in the society, each person
need to be viewed holistically and comprehensively,
so the need for care and healing can be more
optimal. Mental Health Nursing is known as an
interpersonal process that seeks to not only enhance
but also sustain behavior so that the patients can
have their function as a whole human. When the
patients return to their family in hope that they
would have their functions back with the society
which accepts them again, mostly what happens in
real is not as which is expected. Several cases
reported that not only the society but also the smaller
circle of it (family) cannot totally ‘accept’ many
different conditions later in advance.
The health policies have basically been made
beyond the needs of relevant and beneficial
constructions for all individuals in society. Not only
in the small city or rural area, the big city or urban
area are having their own considerations for mental
health sectors which has promoted and applied.
However, the phenomenon which shows as if the
policies are not totally well implied continuously
burden the program of mental health enforcement in
society. Several indicators for this still cannot be
described and explained completely. In this case, the
role of all important persons in the stage of society
setting should be considered and evaluated.
In the term of public health centre, persons in
charge for this kind of program started from the
nurse and so another health provider exist. Nurses'
professional role perception is related to the quality
and safety of care. Community mental health sectors
include all levels and actions of mental health
nursing. It is a full service, ranging from specialist,
integrative, and community-focused of mental health
services. In addition, nurse in society (particularly in
urban area) could be determined as the key role to
apply and convey the message of mental health
enforcement. Any kinds of disturbance happen in the
society as a narrowing way of the implication of
mental health program in society can be range in
number related to the resilience of the people living
in the society. The wider and deeper descriptions for
the main efforts of mental health enforcement should
be the completion for the range of numbers reported.
Empowering all potentials and resources in the
society is also important to realize an independent
society in maintaining health. The enforcement of
mental health in urban society needs to be developed
more widely and deeply that can be applied in order
to improve the high quality of individuals’ mental
health in their life. Therefore, several reviewed
studies collected and summarized in this systematic
review can be some basic references in order to
enrich the phenomenology study of mental health
enforcement in urban society (particularly in this
case: Surabaya).
Mental health services focus on communities
starting from district-level services, public health
centre, groups with special needs, and families. This
service is known as community mental health
nursing (CMHN). The mental health services at
CMHN start from advanced, intermediate, and basic.
Providing health education to the patients, families
and communities that includes mental health
education, mental disorders overview, mental health
characteristics, some causes of mental disorders,
family functions and duties, and care efforts for
patients with mental disorder. Good practice
approaches in different countries and stressed the
A Phenomenology Study View of Mental Health Enforcement in Surabaya Urban Society
importance of a strong policy and enforcement
framework as well as organizational responsibility
Phenomenological studies of mental health
enforcement in urban society (in this case is the city
of Surabaya) are needed as an effort to know and
measure how the family in the community is able to
overcome mental health problems to maintain or
improve the quality of life of each family members.
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A Phenomenology Study View of Mental Health Enforcement in Surabaya Urban Society