Best Practice of Development of Nursing Knowledge Management
System at Universitas Airlangga Hospital Indonesia
, Nasronudin
, Nyoman Anita Damayanti
Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga-Universitas Airlangga Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Universitas Airlangga Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia
Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Keywords: Nursing Knowledge Management System, Knowledge Management Cycle.
Abstract: Increased knowledge of human resources in hospitals is needed in an effort to improve the quality of services.
These activities require a very high cost so that required a knowledge management in order to be useful for
the institution. Universitas Airlangga Hospital is a new operational hospital so it does not have knowledge
management system yet. Objective of this study is to develop knowledge management system in nursing
services by using knowledge management cycle. The methods that we used in this research was a qualitative
study with data collected from semi-structured interviews with strategic management team, nurses and then
give intervention to the nurses. The results from the first identification that more than 73% of employees said
that they do not understand about knowledge management because it has not been applied at Universitas
Airlangga Hospital. After intervention to the nurses there is an increase in internal and external stakeholder
satisfaction. From this research we can conclude that implementation of knowledge management system
should be extended to all employees at Universitas Airlangga Hospital.
Knowledge is very important to increase productivity
so it must be considered and managed well (Drucker,
1998). In reality, however, most of the existing
knowledge in the organization has not been properly
managed. The high level of employee turnover,
creating individualized knowledge, will come out
along with the individual of each employee
(knowledge walkout). The new employee turnover
should be provided with additional training so that the
time and cost of the training also impact on the
slowing performance of the organization. If the
knowledge possessed by employees is not developed,
then no knowledge is shared to be utilized by the
organization. Knowledge that has been well managed
and accessible will be very useful for organizations to
avoid the same mistakes. Knowledge must be well
maintained, so it can be developed, updated and used
continuously. That way, an organization can find out
how to take appropriate steps to address problems and
explore organizational performance by promoting the
use of structured information.
According to Groff and Jones (2003), there are
two main types of knowledge. The first and most
common type is tacit knowledge. The second type is
explicit knowledge. Tacit knowledge refers to
personal knowledge inherent in individual experience
and involves factors such as beliefs, perspectives and
personal values. Tacit knowledge is difficult to move.
Explicit knowledge refers to the tacit knowledge that
has been documented. Explicit knowledge is usually
in the form of a formal language and is more easily
transferred between individuals. In tacit knowledge
shows that the largest portion of knowledge (42%) is
faith in the human brain only. While explicit
knowledge in the form of paper documents (26%),
electronic documents (20%) and knowledge-based
electronic objects (12%). According to Tobing
(2007), the main components of knowledge
management are people, process and technology.
Each of these components will be interconnected with
each other and integrated into each other to form a
solid foundation for knowledge management.
According Tobing (2007), to organize and manage
the knowledge contained in the organization can be
started by grouping and categorizing problems
encountered within the organization. This is done to
identify activities that are considered as core
Purwaningsih, ., Nasronudin, . and Damayanti, N.
Best Practice of Development of Nursing Knowledge Management System at Universitas Airlangga Hospital Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0008330406530656
In Proceedings of the 9th International Nursing Conference (INC 2018), pages 653-656
ISBN: 978-989-758-336-0
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
knowledge management processes that are related to
each other.
The data on the number of nurses who were
trained and attended the seminar at Airlangga
University Hospital in 2016 was 21.3%. The low
number of nurses who were trained due to financial
factors in institutions is still small because it is still
prioritized for the use of repair and development of
facilities and infrastructure. Besides, the training and
seminars are done by sending the nurses to other
institutions so it needs a high cost. Based on that, at
the beginning of 2017 a knowledge-sharing program
from nurses who have participated in training to
representatives of nurses who did not attend the
training. The results of these activities have little
impact on improving knowledge and quality in
providing services to patients. Because not all nurses
are exposed to the same knowledge and unstructured
implementation. Evaluation result of this activity is
still 26, 6% nurse who have gain knowledge to
support in effort to improve service quality. Based on
the above experience, we want to develop a structured
KM system to have a positive impact on the quality
of services provided by the nurses.
Implementation of Knowledge Management at
Airlangga University Hospital was conducted in two
stages, the first was to design the application of
Knowledge Management using Wiig’s KM cycle.
Wiig’s KM cycle addresses how knowledge is built
and used as individuals or as organizations. There are
four major steps in this cycle, such as building
knowledge, holding knowledge, pooling knowledge
and applying knowledge. The methods that we used
in this research was a qualitative study with data
collected from semi-structured interviews with
strategic management team and nurses and than give
intervention to the 263 nurses.
Before starting the KM system, We start from the
entire head of nurse to set the strategy to be used. We
set the KM day of the nursing field is on the day of
every Wednesday afternoon. We set a Wednesday
afternoon due to the fact that the number of patient
visits in Wednesday is less than the other day so as
not to interfere with patient care. On the first
Wednesday trained were the head of nurses to
become trainer for the nurses. The number of nurses
at the Airlangga University Hospital is 263 nurses and
there are 19 head of nurse, so the total nurse is 244
nurses. Each meeting can be attended by 30 nurses,
so in one topic we need 8 meetings.
At the stage of building knowledge, we determine
the source of information can be obtained with formal
and informal education. In upgrading nurses’
capacity, we send nurses for further study to nursing
faculty at a qualified university, that is for
undergraduate and master's degree in nursing. By
2017 we can send five nurses for further study in the
master's degree education in nursing. For informal
education, we set by using the KM system with
selected topics are customer services, nursing care in
patients with respiratory and respiratory failure, ECG
training, intravenous infusion, and ICU nurse
training. Setting topics, we use the PDCA approach
and the concept of Kaizen. Example of PDCA cycle
implementation, When there is patient with
respiratory failure requiring referral to higher level
hospital, We have problem to contact by phone so that
the risk of impairment in the handling patient. P:
Increase nurse knowledge about nursing care in
patient of breath and respiratory failure. D: Provide
training to all nurses. C: Evaluate of nurse’s ability to
provide treatment to the patient. A: Make standard,
make job description specification each member of
code blue team (ABC and CPR management team).
All activities are conducted at Airlangga University
Hospital with an experienced internal resource person
and experienced in the field. At the holding stage of
knowledge we create a list of training that must be
followed by each nurse in the competence book that
is distributed to all nurses based on career path that
has been set. This will be able to monitor and evaluate
the development of knowledge in each nurse. The
first meeting will attended by all head of nurse with
trainer from expertise. At the next meeting, the
participants were 30 nurses and head of nurse as
trainer. At the pooling knowledge stage we do by
using role play and bedside teaching training methods
that adjust to real conditions in the field. Participants
are given the opportunity to try to demonstrate and try
the skills they need when giving services. Training
materials are provided in ppt format so as to facilitate
the participants to understand and can be saved and
where needed at any time can be accessed again. At
the applying knowledge stage, all nurses must apply
what has been obtained in the training and if required
standard operational procedures, it must be made
SOP it.
The results of the implementation of this KM
system can be seen from the results of patient
INC 2018 - The 9th International Nursing Conference: Nurses at The Forefront Transforming Care, Science and Research
satisfaction survey has increased above the minimum
standard of service set by the Ministry of Health of
the Republic of Indonesia, which is more than 90%.
Nurses who received training and knowledge
upgrading have reached 100%. to try to demonstrate
and try the skills they need when giving services.
Training materials are provided in ppt format so as to
facilitate the participants to understand and can be
saved and where needed at any time can be accessed
again. At the applying knowledge stage, all nurses
must apply what has been obtained in the training and
if required standard operational procedures, it must be
made SOP it.
Based on the above results, the development of a
structured KM system is very important to be applied
in the field of nursing because it is able to improve
the knowledge and ability of the nurses in an effort to
improve the quality. This is in accordance with the
concept of Becerra at all, 2004, that knowledge is
information that has value and can be used for
decision making with a specific purpose. For example
in the provision of customer services material on all
nurses, there is an increase in good hospitality
behaviour of the nurses in contact with colleagues,
doctors, patients and families and the community who
visit the hospital. The KM system that has been
designed in Airlangga University Hospital has taken
note of the things that can foster a knowledge sharing
culture in the nursing environment in order to
improve the quality of service. Some of the things you
can do to developing a culture of knowledge sharing
were: 1) Creating know-how, where every nurse has
the opportunity to innovate by providing
opportunities to synergize knowledge into service
delivery at the hospital; 2) Capturing and identifying
knowledge that is considered to be valuable and
represented in a logical way; 3) Managing knowledge
to ensure the current information to be reviewed for
relevance and accuracy; 4) Monitor and evaluate the
level of nursing knowledge and skills in stages.
In the implementation of KM in the nursing area
of Universitas Airlangga hospital also aims to build
mutual information or knowledge sharing among
nurse colleagues so that all information or knowledge
is not keep itself by individual but can be utilized by
all nurses in Universitas Airlangga hospital. In this
case shows that the area of Nursing Hospital of
Airlangga University has conducted the process of
tacit and explicit knowledge. Tacit knowledge is the
knowledge that remains in the mind of the individual
who possesses that knowledge. Filemon in 2008
suggests that explicit knowledge is related to the
document or something that has been implemented
from human thinking and also related to facilities,
products, processes, services and systems.
The results of KM activities have a positive
impact on quality improvement efforts at Universitas
Airlangga Hospital because there are increasing
knowledge, skills and behaviour of nurses who
provide direct services to patients. The KM approach
followed by the competent people and the right time
will create value. KM is also closely related to human
resources, documents and expertise so as to avoid
waste of time, waste of money and its impact is the
achievement of goals.
Knowledge that has been well managed and
accessible will be very useful for organizations to
avoid the same mistakes. Knowledge must be well
maintained, so it can be developed, updated and used
continuously. That way, an organization can find out
how to take appropriate steps to address problems and
explore organizational performance by promoting the
use of structured information. The development of
unstructured knowledge sharing has no impact on
improving the quality of service so that a structured
KM system should be implemented. This is evident
in what has been done by the Nursing Departement of
Airlangga University Hospital.
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INC 2018 - The 9th International Nursing Conference: Nurses at The Forefront Transforming Care, Science and Research