Spiritual Story Telling (SST) to Improve Violent Behavior Control
Ability in Children
Wahyu Endang Setyowati and Iwan Ardian
Faculty of Nursing, Sultan Agung Islamic University, Semarang, Indonesia
Keywords: Violent Behavior, Spiritual, Story Telling.
Abstract: Introduction: Anger is often associated with aggressive behavior and other forms of violence. The purpose
of this study is to prove that spiritual story telling is able to control anger behavior in children, especially
violent behavior. Through tale, children will learn to understand a concept and cause; and learn to find
solutions from every life event experienced. Method: The research type is Quasi-experiment with pre-
posttest group design by giving a certain treatment to a subject group that is observed before and after
intervention. The sample in this research was 30 respondents of treatment. This study has been tested
statistically, the Wilcoxon test was done to identify the decline in behavior before and after Spiritual Story
Telling treatment. Result and Analysis: By bivariate test using Wilcoxon ranks test, it was shown that the
significant value was 0.00 and it was less than α (0.05). Therefore, it can be stated that there is a significant
difference between before and after intervention. Conclusion: Spiritual Story Telling is significantly able to
reduce violent behavior in adolescents.
Violent behavior is an extreme result of anger or fear
(Yosep, 2010). Anger is a normal expression of
feelings for the individual, but this feeling of anger
can be manifested by behavioral changes from
adaptive until maladaptive range. In the adaptive
range, a person can usually express anger in a
healthy way to achieve psychological satisfaction
and it does not affect future interpersonal
relationships. Healthy anger is expressed without
blaming others and gives peace.
Anger that leads to violent behavior can occur at
any age, ranging from the age of children, teens,
adults to the elderly. The behavior that emerges can
be a verbal, social, emotional, intellectual and
spiritual expression. In the theory of excitement,
behavior is a basic human need if the needs are not
met through constructive behavior then the
individual will meet his needs through destructive
Children, with all their limitations due to their
growth factors that have not been optimal, have the
inability to manage their wants or needs. A relatively
small age makes them less able to control anger that
leads to violent behavior ranging from mild to very
destructive violent behavior. A stable emotion is
believed to be a dominant factor, so that, children
are less able to manage the perceived anger through
unhealthy behavior.
Learning theory stated that violent behavior is
the result of individual learning to the nearest
environment with examples of models and behaviors
imitated from the media or the surrounding
environment to allow individuals to imitate the
behavior. We often find news in the media that a
child is capable of performing behaviors that are
very self-destructive to others and the environment.
The incident is caused by the accumulation of
frustration that occurs when the child's desire to
achieve something is failed or inhibited.
The research design used was Quasy Experiment
with pre-post-test design. The population is the early
adolescent in Semarang city. The sampling
technique used simple random sampling with
inclusion criteria of adolescence at the early age and
willing to be a sample; and the middle-aged
adolescents with exclusion criteria and not willing to
Setyowati, W. and Ardian, I.
Spiritual Story Telling (SST) to Improve Violent Behavior Control Ability in Children.
DOI: 10.5220/0008331206960698
In Proceedings of the 9th International Nursing Conference (INC 2018), pages 696-698
ISBN: 978-989-758-336-0
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
be respondents. Sample selection by selecting
children who engage in violent behavior of 90
children, 30 of whom experienced violent
behavior.There were 30 respondents obtained. The
independent variable is Spiritual Story Telling, while
the dependent variable is Improved Ability to
control violent behavior. Instruments used are:
1) Questionnaire A: it is to collect demographic
data which includes respondents’ code, age,
education, and occupation,
2) Questionnaire B: it is to measure Violent
Behavior (RUFA)
The implementation of this research can be said
successful and satisfying the research team.
Technically, it began from the preparation of getting a
very good response from the school and the
respondent. During the study, all the respondents
were enthusiastic to attend Spiritual Story Telling till
the end.
Prior to Spiritual Story Telling, 89% of the
children were unable to control violent behavior.
From the respondents' explanation, it was revealed
that violent behavior often becomes a means of
satisfying emotions and expressing anger. Expression
of anger is usually done in the form of insinuating,
chasing, punching, being rude, insulting, doing
activities that hurt the physical, social and emotion.
While, 37% of them stated that they cannot recognize
the anger they experience, and have a tendency to
deny when they are angry.
After the Spiritual Story Telling, the children have
got enlightenment in the form of the ability to control
violent behavior and natural feelings of anger (89%).
Spiritual Story Telling has been proved to be able
to improve the ability to control violent behavior on
children. the introduction of the fairy tales was
packed and tailored to their gender. Male students
prefer the heroism-themed fairy tales, while the
female students prefer the fantasy tales. The stories
of the tales contain some inputs in the form of
spiritual contents to increase the ability of
understanding its spiritual aspects.
Spiritual Story Telling has been proved to be able to
improve the ability to control violent behavior on
children. the introduction of the fairy tales was
packed and tailored to their gender. Male students
prefer the heroism-themed fairy tales, while the
female students prefer the fantasy tales. The stories
of the tales contain some inputs in the form of
spiritual contents to increase the ability of
understanding its spiritual aspects.
Some obstacles experienced by the researchers
were such as storytelling time that was considered
less than optimal, because it requires additional
sound effects through the sound system in order to
strengthen the dramatization of the storyline. Also,
the selection of story-telling hours that were on the
sidelines of school lessons also reduced
concentration, because children must share their
attention and responsibility to follow the next
learning process. Chamandar (2017), said from her
research said that in order to evaluate the content of
stories of aggresive children based on their drawings
on DAS Test, the animal pictures, first a graph was
prepared for analizing the stories and then according
to the research question, the finding were reported.
The extent that the stories content emphasized on the
agrression components was the main issues of her
After this research has been conducted, the next step
is to do the conclusion analysis i.e. the answer from
the research objectives that have been formulated.
The conclusions that can be submitted are as follows :
First; Violent behavior is a common occurrence in
children. Most respondents have not been able to
control violent behavior well. The violent behavior
experienced is the result of their inability to recognize
the sources of anger and express it well.Second: The
results can be felt after the Spiritual Story Telling has
been conducted, the respondents can recognize their
anger and are able to control violent behavior in a
good way.
Research in the future should consider to involve
some supports including a more lenient time and to
design supporting properties in the form of sound
system with more supportive music background.
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INC 2018 - The 9th International Nursing Conference: Nurses at The Forefront Transforming Care, Science and Research