In Vitro Evaluation of Antacid and Anti-flatulent Activity in Ethanol
Extract Syrup of Clove Leaves (Eugenia Caryophyllata Thunberg)
Nurul Widi, Retno Widyowati, Herra Studiawan, Sukardiman*
Department of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry,
Faculty of Pharmacy
Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya
Keywords: Eugenia caryophyllata Thunberg, antacid, anti-flatulent, in vitro
Abstract: Objective: Peptic ulcer has high prevalence in the world that caused by high level of gastric acid. The
sample of this study was ethanol extract syrup of clove leaves (Eugenia caryophyllata Thunberg) that had
gastro-protective and anti-ulcer activities. Methods: The pH of ethanol extract syrup of clove leaves and
their neutralizing effects on artificial gastric acids were determined and compared with negative
(aluminium hydroxide) and positive controls (magnesium hydroxide). A modified model of Vatier’s
artificial stomach was used to determine the duration of consistent neutralization effect on artificial gastric
acids. The neutralization capacity in vitro was determined with the titration method of Wu model, while
Rezak method was used to test the anti-flatulent activity by creating foam from sodium lauryl sulphate. The
syrup was subsequently added and the remaining height of foam formed was calculated. Results: The
results showed that ethanol extract syrup of clove leaves had antacid and anti-flatulent in vitro. Compared
to the water group, ethanol extract syrup of clove leaves was found to possess significant gastric acid
neutralizing effects. The duration for consistent neutralization of ethanol extract syrup of clove leaves was
significantly longer than that of water group. Also, there are anti-flatulent effects by decrease of foaming in
vitro model. Conclusion: Ethanol extract syrup of clove leaves was consistently active in the artificial
stomach model and suggested to have antacid and anti-flatulent effects similar to the positive control.
Peptic ulcer (PU) is one of the most common
gastrointestinal disorders. The goals of treatment for
PU are to relieve pain, enhance ulcer healing,
prevent complications, and prevent ulcer recurrence.
Current drug therapy for PU is oriented primarily
toward neutralizing (e.g. antacids) or reducing the
amount of acid secreted (e.g. H2 receptor
antagonists, proton pump inhibitors) or protecting
the gastric mucosa from the effects of acid (e.g.
sucralfate). As the role of Helicobacter pylori is
becoming better understood, treatment with
antibiotics is becoming an important part of PU
therapy and recurrence prevention (Holle, 2010).
Although effectiveness can be obtained with these
clinical drugs, their potential side effects and drug
interactions represent a major problem in therapy.
Moreover, newer drugs introduced for the treatment
of PU are expensive and the cost-effectiveness is
also an important consideration. Clinically, many
people cannot use chemosynthetic drugs because of
the potential side effects. Therefore, traditional
herbal drugs possessing fewer side effects should be
investigated as an ideal alternative for the treatment
of PU (Blume et al., 2006)
Eugenia caryophyllata Thunb. is known as clove
which belongs to the family Myrtaceae and esteemed
as a flavouring agent, used as a spice for scenting,
chewing tobacco, an ingredient of betel chew and
control nausea, vomiting, cough, diarrhoea,
dyspepsia, flatulence, stomach distension and gastro
intestinal spasm, relieve pain, cause uterine
contractions and stimulate the nerves (Okasha et al.,
2007). The pharmacological activities of the plant
reported as anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-oxidant,
anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-platelet, anti-
stress, anti-pyretic, chemopreventive,
hepatoprotective, anaesthetic, aphrodisiac, and
insecticidal (Khanna & Parle, 2011).
Cloves leaves were used as a sample in this study
because clove leaves contain eugenol that has ability
to neutralize gastric acid and reduce bloating
stomach. The syrup dosage form was chosen because
syrup is suitable to cover the bitterness of extract. In
addition, the syrup preparation was faster than any
Widi, N., Widyowati, R., Studiawan, H. and Sukardiman, .
In Vitro Evaluation of Antacid and Anti-flatulent Activity in Ethanolic Extract Syrup of Clove Leaves (Eugenia Caryophyllata Thunberg).
DOI: 10.5220/0008361102720276
In Proceedings of BROMO Conference (BROMO 2018), pages 272-276
ISBN: 978-989-758-347-6
2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
other dosage forms (Oliveira et al., 2014; Oliveira,
The secretion of gastric acid (HCl) is intimately
related to PU disease. Antacids heal ulcers through
elimination of gastric acid by neutralization and
have been used in the treatment of PU for many
years. Common antacid preparations include sodium
bicarbonate (SB), calcium carbonate, and salts of
aluminium and magnesium. Since some people
cannot use chemosynthetic drugs because of their
side effects, ethanol extract syrup of clove leaves
should be considered as an alternative for the
treatment of PU. To reveal the anti-ulcer effects of
ethanol extract syrup of clove leaves, therefore, the
present study aimed to assess their antacid effects
on gastric acid neutralization compared to water and
positive controls (aluminium and magnesium). The
antacid effects were assessed in vitro using the
titration method Wu modified model of Vatier’s
artificial stomach. It was utilized to determine the
effects on gastric acid secretion and emptying (Wu
et al., 2010).
2.1. The Preparation of Cloves Leaves
Ethanol Extract Syrup
Clove leaves ethanol extract at 1, 2 and 3% was
mixed with 15% propylene glycol. Then, 65%
sucrose was added into the mixture and stirred until
it was dissolved. Water was subsequently added into
that mixture.
2.2. Chemicals and Reagents
Sodium chloride and pepsin were purchased from
Sigma (St. Louis, MO, USA) and 1 mol/L
hydrochloric acid was obtained from Merck
(Darmstadt, Germany), propylene glycol, sucrose,
aluminium hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide as
positive control drugs of antacid were purchased
from PT First Medipharma (Indonesia),
dimethylpolysiloxane as positive control of anti-
flatulent was purchased from Pharos (Indonesia),
and sodium lauryl sulphate (Germany).
2.3. Instruments
The experimental instruments consisted of an
adjustable electrode stand, a series flatbed recorder,
a micro tubing pump, a standard pH meter, a
stirrer/hot plate, and a series multi-functional
temperature controller.
2.4. Preparation of Artificial Gastric Acid
Two grams of sodium chloride and 3.2 mg of pepsin
enzymes were dissolved in 500 mL water, then 7.0
mL hydrochloric acid and adequate water were
added to make a 1000 mL solution of the artificial
gastric acid at pH 1.2.
2.5.Determination of the Neutralizing
Effects on Artificial Gastric Acids
Ninety mL of each test solution was added to 100
mL artificial gastric juices at pH 1.2. The pH values
were determined to examine the neutralizing effect.
2.6. Determination of the Duration of
Consistent Neutralization Effect on
Artificial Gastric Acids using the
Modified Model of Vatier’s
Artificial Stomach
Ninety mL of each test sample was added to 100 mL
of artificial gastric juice at pH 1.2 in the beaker glass
of the artificial stomach at 37 and continuously
stirred (30 rpm) with magnetic stirring apparatus.
Artificial gastric juice at pH 1.2 was pumped at 3
mL/min into the container of the artificial stomach,
and it was pumped out at 3 mL/min at the same time.
A pH meter was connected to continuously monitor
of pH meter in the container of artificial stomach.
The duration of neutralization effect was determined
when the pH value was returned to its initial value
(pH 1.2).
2.7. Anti-flatulent Test in Removing
One hundred mL of gastric acid was put into the
artificial hull and 0.625 g sodium lauryl sulphate was
subsequently added into it. The mixture was heated
at 37 with stirrer speed of 30 rpm to form 150 mL
foam. The height of foam formed was measured.
Then, 10 mL of clove leaves ethanol extract syrup
and water was added until 90 mL. The mixture was
observed within 20 minutes and the remaining height
foam was measured.
In Vitro Evaluation of Antacid and Anti-flatulent Activity in Ethanolic Extract Syrup of Clove Leaves (Eugenia Caryophyllata Thunberg)
2.8. Statistical Analysis
The statistical calculations were performed using
the software IBM SPSS Statistic 23. The
experimental data were expressed as mean ± SEM
where SEM is Standard error of Mean; Comparison
between the groups were analyzed by One-way
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using Dunnett
Multiple Comparisons Test by considering Test Vs
control. The differences were considered to be
statistically significant when **P<0.05.
3.1. Antacid Activity Test
The durations for consistent neutralizing effects of
clove leaves ethanol extract syrup at 1, 2 and 3 %
solutions were 80.14 ± 3.63, 104.51 ± 6.08 and
140.78 ± 5.33 minutes, respectively. Those of
positive control and negative control solutions were
268.31 ± 10.68 and 0.02 ± 0.00 minutes,
respectively. The action duration of positive control
was the longest, followed by clove leaves ethanol
extract syrup at 3% (Table 1 and Figure 1).
Table 1. Duration of antacid effect for consistent
neutralization of gastric acid
Time (minute)
Positive control
268.31 ± 10.68
Negative control
0.02 ± 0.00
Formula 1
80.14 ± 3.63
Formula 2
104.51 ± 6.08
Formula 3
140.78 ± 5.33
Data were presented as mean ± SEM *P < 0.05 when
compared to water group
Figure 1. The duration of antacid effect for consistent neutralization of gastric acids
Ninety mL of test sample was added to 100 mL
of artificial gastric juices at pH 1.2 in an artificial
stomach. The duration was determined as the pH
value was returned to 1.2.
3.2. Anti-flatulent Activity Test
Based on the results of anti-flatulent activity test, the
data analysis showed that positive control treated
with dimethylpiloxane was able to remove foam
with 0.2 ± 0.0 cm. While the height foam in negative
control treated with syrup containing only carrier
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300
t (minute)
Kontrol Positif Kontrol negatif Formula 1 Formula 2 Formula 3
BROMO 2018 - Bromo Conference, Symposium on Natural Products and Biodiversity
without clove leaves ethanol extract was 1.8 ± 0.1
cm. The height foam formed in the treatment group
of clove leaves ethanol extract syrup of 1, 2 and 3%
were 0.90 ± 0.0 cm, 1.2 ± 0.3 cm and 1.2 ± 0.3 cm,
respectively. The results of clove leaves ethanol
extract syrup were significantly different compared
to water (table 2 and figure 2).
Table 2. Remaining high foam within 20 minutes
Height foam (cm)
Positive control
0.2 ± 0.0
Negative control
1.8 ± 0.1
Formula 1
0.9 ± 0.0
Formula 2
1.2 ± 0.3
Formula 3
1.2 ± 0.3
Data were presented as mean ± SEM *P < 0.05 when
compared with water
Figure 2 Remaining high foam within 20 minutes
Ninety mililiters of test sample was added to 100
mL of artificial gastric juices at pH 1.2 in an
artificial stomach. Remaining high foam within 20
Stomach is an organ that undergoes propulsion,
mixing of food, digestion and absorption of food
along with secretary functions. The parietal cells of
stomach secrete about 2500 mL of gastric juice
daily. The acid in this gastric juice kills many
bacteria and provide a low pH for pepsin to start
protein digestion. Mucosal erosions or ulcerations
take place when aggressive factors overwhelm the
defensive factors of the gastrointestinal mucosa. It
leads to the arrival of gastritis, peptic ulcer and
gastroesophageal reflux disease (Katharinne et al.,
2010). The aggressive factors well established for
several decades are acid and pepsin. Hence peptic
ulcer diseases are mostly treated with antacids, H2
receptor antagonists and proton pump inhibitors.
Among them, antacids have been widely used in the
treatment of ulcer.
Antacids are generally inorganic salts which
dissolve in acid gastric secretions which release
anions that partially neutralize gastric hydrochloric
acid. They generally react chemically to neutralize
or buffer existing quantities of stomach acid but do
not have direct effect on its output. This action
results in increased pH value of stomach contents
and thus provide relief of hyperacidity symptoms.
These medications also reduce acid concentration
within the lumen of the esophagus which causes an
increase in intra-esophageal pH and a decrease in
pepsin activity (Katzung, 2010). These medicaments
do not decrease the volume of gastric secretions.
Most of the antacids available in the market are
efficient but is often unacceptable because of the
common side effects, especially altered bowel
0 5 10 15 20 25
height foam (cm)
t (minute)
Kontrol Positif Kontrol Negatif Formula 1
Formula 2 Formula 3
Positive control
Negative control
Formula 1
Formula 2
Formula 3
In Vitro Evaluation of Antacid and Anti-flatulent Activity in Ethanolic Extract Syrup of Clove Leaves (Eugenia Caryophyllata Thunberg)
Antacids that contain aluminium contribute
aluminium to the diet but may cause constipation or
lead to phosphorous deficiency where as on long
term or inappropriate use can lead to aluminium
toxicity. Calcium containing antacids contribute
calcium to diet and may produce constipation.
Magnesium containing antacids contribute
magnesium to diet and produce a side effect of
diarrhea on prolonged use may even lead to
magnesium toxicity (Gunawan et al., 2009). It is
reported that SB should be avoided even though it is
a potent neutralizer of acid as it contains significant
amounts of sodium and may alter the systemic pH.
One major fact that should be considered while
selecting an antacid for the treatment is its drug
interactions. Significant interactions occur with
quinolone antibiotics, tetracycline and iron sulphate
(Tsung-Hsiu et al., 2010). Hence considering the side
effects and drug interactions of antacids, the herbal
drugs having fewer side effects should be identified
as an alternative for the treatment of peptic ulcers. It
is widely understood that herbal medicines have
recently generated an increased interest in the
treatment of gastritis. Hence in our present study we
had applied the titration method of Wu the modified
model of Vatier’s artificial stomach, which mimic
the regular physiological functioning of a human
stomach, to explore the antacid effects of clove
leaves that were well known for its potency to cure
all types of wounds.
Clove leaves ethanol extract syrup has antacid
and anti-flatulent activity. Eugenol inside this
formula was expected to have antacid and anti-
flatulent. It included in polyphenol group that has
pKa of 10.19, thus it was considered as a weak base.
So, it had the same mechanism of action as antacid
drugs which are also considered as weak base by
reacting with hydrochloric acid to form salts and
neutralize gastric acid. In comparison to negative
controls, Remington stated that if the pH has
reached 2.3 then it has been able to neutralize gastric
acid by 90% (Hoover & John, 2005).
Anti-flatulent test was also performed in this
study due to the ability of high gastric acid to cause
flatulence. Thus, it can be concluded that good
antacids are the one that has high efficacy, few side
effects, and able to reduce bloating stomach.
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BROMO 2018 - Bromo Conference, Symposium on Natural Products and Biodiversity