Application of GARCH Model in Forecasting IDR/USD Exchange
Khairina Natsir
Economic Faculty, Tarumanagara University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Modeling, Exchange Rate, Garch, Forecasting.
Abstract: Modeling and Forecasting the IDR to USD exchange rate is crucial in business as it provides information on
the model of exchange rate fluctuation and taking the right financial decisions. Therefore, financial
managers in a multinational company are required to be able to understand exchange rate forecasting in
order to make financial decisions to optimize the value of the company. The purpose of this research is to do
the modeling and forecasting of IDR exchange rate against USD using GARCH model. The GARCH model
is a suitable model used for financial analysis because assuming the existence of heteroscedasticity not a
problem but can be used to predict future price volatility. GARCH models pay attention to the variance and
errors in doing the forecasting. The results showed that the GARCH model (1,1) was the best model in
representing exchange rate movements during the study period. The result of forecasting of IDR to USD
exchange rate for 5 days after the research period are 14065, 04072, 14078, 14084 and 14090.
Globalization has brought about openness in many
ways, including in terms of trade and economics.
Foreign exchange activities or shortened as forex is
often done by all business actors in the world, such
as import export activities, market needs and bank
institutions. Information on exchange rates helps
business people in making investment decisions and
trading their money in order to earn a profit.
Exchange rate forecasting, especially between
IDR to USD is one of the most important aspects in
Indonesia. The exchange rate of IDR/USD is one of
the foundations in the current national economic
activity. The exchange rate is the ratio between the
currency of a country and the currency of another
country. The exchange rate is also one of the most
important macroeconomic variables, because strong
currency exchange rates can maintain economic
stability in an area or country. The economic crisis
that struck Indonesia was preceded by the
emergence of the IDR exchange rate crisis which
was a consequence of an increasingly globally
integrated financial system. This can trigger issues
in financial and banking transaction activities.
Forecasting can minimize the risks that may occur
due to demand uncertainty and others (Natsir and
Mimi, 2017). However, the IDR against USD
exchange rate modeling has not been studied
thoroughly. Through this modeling will provide a
strong signal in the determination of policy and
planning everything related to financial transactions
involving the exchange rate of IDR against USD.
The exchange rate movement of IDR/USD
always fluctuates over time. The high volatility of
the exchange rate makes it difficult to model with
classic OLS, because according to Gauss Markov
theorem, one of the requirements in OLS model is
the variance and error must be constant
(homoscedasticity). This is as such so that the
estimator obtained is BLUE (Hueter and No, 2016).
In this era of globalization, especially in a
floating exchange rate policy, exchange rate
movements will be highly volatile or have high
volatility due to the large number of local or global
factors that affect it. High volatility has the potential
to cause heteroscedastic variance and error.
Therefore, the GARCH model would be more
appropriately used to analyze the exchange rate
because this model does not regard
heteroscedasticity as a constraint, but instead uses
that condition to build the model.
Several studies on exchange rate modeling using
ARCH and GARCH models have attracted the
attention of previous researchers. The study of
Natsir, K.
Application of GARCH Model in Forecasting IDR/USD Exchange Rate.
DOI: 10.5220/0008490001680174
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM Untar 2018), pages 168-174
ISBN: 978-989-758-363-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ARCH /GARCH Model Implementation for Farmer
Exchange Rate Forecasting has been conducted by
Pani et al., (2018). Additionally, a study on Neuro-
Garch modeling on the exchange rate of Rupiah
against the US dollar has been conducted (Adi et al.,
2016). In the capital market research conducted on
the stock price movement of SSE Composite Index
shows that EGARCH (1,1) is the best model (Lin,
2017). The implementation of the GARCH model on
short-term daily interest rate volatility has been
carried out in the euro-yen market with daily data of
980 observations. The results show that the ARMA-
RGARCH model is the model that best matches the
data analysed (Tian and Hamori, 2015).
Kristjanpoller and Minutolo (2016) developed ANN-
GARCH mixed model to analyze and predict oil
price volatility.
The purpose of this study is to determine if the
GARCH model in accordance to the movement of
the IDR/USD exchange rate and then forecast the
exchange rate of IDR/USD 5 periods ahead.
2.1 Arima Model
One of the famous time series data models is the
Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average
(ARIMA), commonly called the Box-Jenkins method
(Widarjono, 2002). ARIMA does not use other
variables in its model, but data movement is
explained by past data.
ARIMA method is divided into three groups of
linear time series model, namely:
a. Autoregressive Model (AR). The general form of
AR model with the order p or AR(p) or ARIMA
model (p, d, 0) in general is:
b. Moving Average Model (MA). The equation of
MA model with the order q or MA(q) or ARIMA
model (0, d, q) in general is:
c. Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average
(ARIMA. The general form of this model is:
= b
+ b
+ b
+ e
The ARIMA process is generally denoted by
ARIMA (p, d, q), where:
p shows autoregressive order (AR)
d is the process of differentiating
q denotes moving average order (MA).
The main requirement of ARIMA use is the
presence of stationary data. Stationary means the
data fluctuations are around a constant mean value,
independent of the time and variance of the
fluctuations. If the data is not stationary, then the
stationary data process is done using the process of
Stages for model estimation with ARIMA consist
of model identification process, parameter
estimation, and model evaluation.
2.2 ARCH/GARCH Model
Time series data, especially financial data such as
stock price index, interest rate, exchange rate and so
on, often have high volatility. This implies the
variance of error is not constant (heteroscedastic).
The existence of heteroscedasticity will require a
wide confidence interval in estimation with the OLS,
so the conclusion of the model may be misleading.
To handle the volatility of data, a certain approach to
measure residual volatility. One approach used is to
include independent variables that can predict the
residual volatility.
According to Engle (1982, 987), residual
variance is fickle because residual variance is not
only a function of the independent variable but also
the function of residuals in the past. Engle develops
models where the mean and variance of a time series
data can be modeled simultaneously. The model is
called Autoregressive Conditional
Heteroscedasticity (ARCH).
If the variance of the residual depends on the
quadratic residual fluctuations of some previous
period (lag p), then the ARCH(p) model can be
expressed in terms of the following equation:
while the GARCH model is as follows:
The GARCH(p,q) model where q denotes the
number of previous lags can be expressed as
Application of GARCH Model in Forecasting IDR/USD Exchange Rate
2.3 Variation Model of ARCH /
Some ARCH/ GARCH models are shown as
a. ARCH-M. This model was first introduced by
Robert F. Engle et al (1987). If the residual
variance is included in the regression equation,
the model is called ARCH in mean (ARCH-M),
can be written as:
b. TARCH/EGARCH model assumes a
symmetrical shock to volatility. But the reality of
money market and capital market data is often
found to be volatile contain errors that occur
when the negative shock is greater than when the
positive shock (asymmetric shock). The TARCH
model was introduced by Zakoian (1990) and
Glosten et al., (1993)
The TARCH model equation is:
The EGARCH model was introduced by Nelson.
Daniel B (1991). This model has the following
The steps in applying ARCH and GARCH models
consist of Arch effect identification, model
estimation, model evaluation and forecasting.
This study uses daily from data of IDR exchange
rate against USD in the period January 2, 2018 to 24
May 2018. In the early stages the model is estimated
using some mean model of ARIMA, and the best
model is chosen. Then we tested whether there is an
ARCH effect on the selected model. If there was an
ARCH effect then some estimation of ARCH /
GARCH model is conducted. From the estimation
model obtained the best model was selected and
several periods ahead were forecasted.
4.1 Data Description
The movement of the IDR to USD exchange rate
from 2 January 2018 to 24 May 2018 is shown in the
following figure.
Figure 1: Movement of the IDR / USD exchange rate
perod Jan 2-May 24, 2018.
The strongest IDR rate occurred on January 25,
2018 with the exchange rate of 13.290, But
unfortunately the next day IDR weakened.
4.2 Testing of Data Stationarity
In the early stages, exchange rate data (KURST) is
transformed into natural logarithmic form with the
aim that the stationary data to the variance. To avoid
spurious regression, the data analyzed must be
stationary (Sumaryanto, 2009). The stationarity test
was done using Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF)
method to Log KURST (LKURST) and the result
showed in Table 1.
Table 1: Results of the ADF stationarity test at Level.
Stationary test results at Level
-Statistic Prob
0.567448 0.9882
1% level -3.498439 Non-stationary
5% level -2.891234 Non-stationary
10% level -2.582678 Non-stationary
The stationary test results indicate that the data
(LKURST) is not stationary at the level. This can be
seen on the value of t-statistic test which was not
significant, either at alpha 1%, 5%, or 10%.
Therefore it was then tested on the first difference
ICEBM Untar 2018 - International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM) Untar
Table 2: ADF test results on First Difference.
Stationary test results at 1
t-Statistic Prob.* Description
-8.517092 0.0000
1% level -3.499910 Stationary
5% level -2.891871 Stationary
10% level -2.583017 Stationary
The result of the stationary test at the first difference
indicates that the data is stationary. This can be seen
in the significant t-statistical test values at alpha 1%,
5%, or 10%, where the probability is 0.000
4.3 Model Identification
The suitable ARIMA model used can be identified
through ACF and PACF plots of DLKURST as
shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: First Difference Correlogram.
The ACF and PACF patterns show that the spike
is significant in lag 2, whereas the others are not
significant. Therefore, the tentative ARIMA models
DLKURST = C+ AR(2) (14)
DLKURST = C+ MA(2) (15)
DLKURST = C+ AR(2) +MA(2) (16)
A comparison of the estimation of the three models
is shown in Table 3 below:
Table 3: Comparison of models estimation parameters.
From the comparison of the three models, the
AR(2) model is most statistically significant. In
addition the AR(2) model also has the smallest AIC
and SIC values compared to the other two models.
Based on these considerations, the AR(2) model is
the best model.
4.4 Model Evaluation
The ACF and PACF residual corelogram of the
selected model is shown in the following figure:
Figure 3: Residual corelogram of DLKURST = C + AR
From ACF and PACF plots of residual values
there is no significant lag up to 36. This showed that
the estimated residual value is random, so the
selected model is already the best model.
4.5 ARCH/GARCH Model
The estimation results in AR(2) above is an ARIMA
model estimation without including ARCH/GARCH
element. So, it must be detected whether the model
contains heteroscedasticity or not. If the model
contains heteroscedasticity problems, the ARIMA
model should be estimated by the ARCH/GARCH
The test results using Heteroscedasticity Test
White are as follows:
Application of GARCH Model in Forecasting IDR/USD Exchange Rate
Table 4: Results of Heteroscedasticity Test White.
The result shows the value of Obs * R-squared is
98.0000 while the probability value is 0.0000
(<0.05). This means that Heteroskedasticity Test
White indicates that the data contains
heteroscedasticity problems or there is an ARCH
effect on the estimated model.
4.6 ARCH Model Estimation
Since the estimated model contains ARCH elements,
the next step is to estimate and simulate several
models of variance equations by incorporating the
ARCH element and selecting the best model of the
simulation performed.
4.7 ARCH(1)
The result of ARCH(1) estimation is obtained as
shown in Table 5.
Table 5: Output of ARCH(1) model.
In the variance equation it is shown that the
coefficients of ARCH(1) (at output stated as RESID
(-1)^2) are not statistically significant, which means
there is no volatility in the exchange rate data in the
study period. This means that the exchange rate
residual is not affected by the residuals of the
previous period.
4.8 GARCH(1,1)
The estimation result of GARCH(1,1) model is
shown in the following table:
Table 6: Output of GARCH(1,1).
The variance equation shows that the ARCH(1)
coefficient is statistically significant, which means
there is volatility in the exchange rate data within the
study period and the exchange rate residual is
affected by the residual of the preceding period of
ARCH(1). The GARCH coefficient is also
statistically significant. This means residual
volatility affects the exchange rate.
4.9 ARCH-M
The ARCH-M model was developed using GARCH
elements with additional standard deviation
representations. The regression results are shown in
Table 7.
Table 7: Output of ARCH-M model.
The variance equation shows that the ARCH(1)
coefficient is statistically significant, which means
there is volatility in the exchange rate data. This also
means that the exchange rate residual is influenced
by the residuals of the previous period. The GARCH
coefficient is also statistically significant. This
means residual volatility affects the exchange rate.
4.10 TARCH
In this model, GARCH (1,1) is used with the
addition of threshold. The regression results are
shown in the following Table:
Table 8: TARCH Model Estimation.
The existence of symmetric effects in the model
is shown in the variance equation, ie the RESID (-1)
^ 2 * (RESID (-1) <0) variable. This variable is
statistically significant at alpha 5%, so it can be
concluded that the exchange rate behavior of the
model shows a symmetrical effect.
4.11 Selection of the Best Model
The selection of the best model is based on the
significance of the estimation parameter, the largest
Likelihood Log and the smallest AIC and SIC
criteria. Summaries for these indicators based on the
ICEBM Untar 2018 - International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM) Untar
models of variance simulation are shown in table 9.
Table 9: Summary of indicators for best model selection.
Based on the comparison of the indicators, the
GARCH (1,1) model was chosen as the best model.
Furthermore, the best models are then evaluated
with the Residual Normality Test, Residual Random
Test and ARCH Effect Test.
4.12 Testing of Residual Normality
-2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Series: Standardized Residuals
Sample 1/03/2018 5/24/2018
Observations 98
Mean 0.024940
Median 0.020504
Maximum 2.546436
Minimum -2.187636
Std. Dev. 0.978798
Skewness 0.172779
Kurtosis 3.007769
Jarque-Bera 0.487839
Probability 0.783551
Figure 4: Residual Normality Test of GARCH (1,1).
The test results show that the Jarque-Bera
Probability value is 0.783551 (> 0.05), means that
the residual is normal and stationary to the variance.
4.13 Testing Residual Randomness
The residual randomness test is performed using
ACF and PACF plots as shown in the following
Figure 5: The results of residual randomness testing using
ACF and PACF results from residual values
were not significant until lag 36, so it can be
concluded that the residual value of the estimated
GARCH (1,1) model is random.
4.14 ARCH Effect Testing
The ARCH effect test on GARCH (1,1) was
performed by ARCH-LM. Test results are obtained
as follows:
Table 10: Output of Arch Effect Testing.
Based on the calculation, Obs * R-squared value
is 0.5636 with a probability value of 0.5636 (> 0.05).
The ARCH-LM test indicates that the estimated
GARCH (1,1) model is free from the ARCH effect.
4.15 Forecasting
Based on all evaluations that have been done, the
best model with optimal result is GARCH (1,1).
This model can be used to forecast the exchange rate
5-days ahead, that is from 25 May 2018 until 31
May 2018. The forecasting results are obtained as
Table 11: Forecasting result of IDR against USD.
Date Forecast
25-May-2018 14,065
28-May-2018 14,072
29-May-2018 14,078
30-May-2018 14,084
31-May-2018 14,090
Based on Forecasting using GARCH (1,1), we
obtained MAPE value of 0.201594. This means the
average error is 0.20%. According to Zainun (2010,
16) a model has a very good performance if the
MAPE value is below 10%, and has a good
performance if the MAPE value is between 10% and
20%. With the acquisition of MAPE of 0.20% it can
be said that the GARCH (1.1) model is able to
provide excellent forecasting performance on
IDR/USD exchange rate.
A study of the volatility of the IDR/USD exchange
rate has been conducted. The results showed that
Application of GARCH Model in Forecasting IDR/USD Exchange Rate
there was heteroscedasticity in observation data.
Therefore, based on volatility analysis during the
observation period, the most suitable GARCH model
is GARCH (1,1).
Using the above volatility model, we forecasted
the IDR/USD exchange rate for 5 days from 25 May
2018 to 31 May 2018 and the results are are as
follows 14065, 04072, 14078, 14084 and 14090.
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