Analysis of Macro Fundamental and Micro Fundamental Effect on
Ownership Structure, Auditor Opinion and Value of the Firm in
State-Owned Enterprises Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange
, Tri Ratnawati
and Indrawati Yuhertiana
Economic Faculty, University of 17, Agustus 1945, Surabaya, Indonesia
Economic and Business Faculty, University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa, Timur, Indonesia
Keywords: Macro Fundamentals, Micro Fundamentals, Ownership Structure, Auditor Opinion, Value of the Firm.
Abstract: The State-Owned Enterprise is a company that was unique and in demand by the public because the stock
price and value of the firm was high enough to give investor confidence in buying shares. High value of the
firm made researchers keen to test and analyze the causal relationships that affect fundamental value of the
firm in the form of micro and macro fundamentals of the ownership structure, financial performance, as
well as the value of the company of the State Owned Enterprises listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
The research population was in 20 state-owned enterprises listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This
research method uses purposive sampling with 12 companies in 2010 - 2015. Data of analysis techniques in
this study using Partial Least Square consists of Inner model, Outer model and Weight relations. The test
results show that all hypothesis tested are influential. This includes micro fundamentals influencing auditor
opinion (H2) and ownership structure (H4) and ownership structure (H7) and auditor opinion (H8) affecting
the value of the state-owned enterprise.
State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) are companies
established by the government for the welfare of the
Indonesian people and the SOE attracts the attention
of researchers where all leadership policies are
always related to the Ministerial Decree (SKM) so
that the managerial activities of SOEs become
independent. This lack of independence reduces the
provision of information on its activities to
Researchers are interested in observing SOEs
that are prospective for investors compared to
private companies, especially regarding the share
prices of SOEs and Joint Stock Price Indexes in the
capital market experience fluctuations in accordance
with the country's economic conditions and
government decisions that provide sentiment for the
stock market. In addition to fluctuating stock prices,
decisions taken by management are always related to
government instructions through ministerial decrees
including in giving opinions by public accounting
office regarding the company's operational activities.
Share prices as a representation of the value of
the firm are determined by internal and external
factors of the company. Internal and external factors
of the company are fundamental factors that are
often used as a basis for investors in the capital
market to make investment decisions (Pater et al.,
2014). In addition to fundamental factors, technical
factors are also important factors that can affect
stock prices that are technical and psychological.
Established companies including SOEs have the
goal of optimizing the value of the firm which is
reflected to the welfare of the owner. If the higher
value is reflected in the stock market price, it gives
prosperity to the owner (Fama, 1978; McConnell
and Muscarela, 1985). Unification of the interests of
shareholders, debt holders, and management which
in fact are parties who have an interest in the
company's objectives often causes problems (agency
problems) or conflicts of interest known as agency
theory (Jensen and Meckling, 1976).
Some researchers believe that the ownership
structure can influence the course of the company
which ultimately affects the company's performance
in achieving the company's goals, namely
Hwihanus, ., Ratnawati, T. and Yuhertiana, I.
Analysis of Macro Fundamental and Micro Fundamental Effect on Ownership Structure, Auditor Opinion and Value of the Firm in State-Owned Enterprises Companies in Indonesia Stock
DOI: 10.5220/0008490802140219
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM Untar 2018), pages 214-219
ISBN: 978-989-758-363-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
maximizing the value of the company (Khlif, 2015,
Farooque et al., 2010; Masulis, 1983).
Increasing the value of the firm is a goal for the
welfare of shareholders for the company's financial
performance in managing the organization's
operations effectively and efficiently for decision
making. The maximum value of the firm is derived
from the ownership structure and auditor opinion of
the accounting firm which states that a company is
based on macro and microeconomic fundamentals.
In this research model, researchers conducted
research by discussing empirically about how much
influence the macro fundamentals and micro
fundamentals, the structure of shared ownership and
the auditor's opinion of a public accounting firm in
the value of SOEs.
2.1 Agency Theory
Jensen and Meckling (1976) stated that owner as an
authority (principal) and management as the
recipient of authority (agent) have different interests
in the employment relationship. The interests of
each party will try to increase profits for themselves.
The owner wants the maximum return of investment
as soon as possible, while management wants its
interests to be accommodated as much as possible
for its performance.
Conflicts of interest between agents and
principals in achieving prosperity can occur from the
existence of information asymmetry. This
information asymmetry occurs when managers have
relatively more and faster internal information than
external parties. This condition gives managers the
opportunity to manipulate financial reporting in an
effort to maximize their prosperity (Cheng et al.,
2012; Wasiuzzaman, 2015).
2.2 Macro Fundamental
Macro fundamental factors originating from outside
the company can be in the form of economic,
environmental, political, legal, social, cultural,
security, education, and other factors that cannot be
controlled by the company, but the influence is very
large for change. This study discusses
macroeconomic conditions that are of serious
concern for analysts and capital market players in
deciding to invest by looking at the movements of
inflation, interest rates, exchange rates, and
economic growth (Claude et al., 1996; Eduardus,
2.3 Micro Fundamental
The fundamental micro factor comes from within the
company and is controlling and used in the
development of the company in the future. The
development of this company, management requires
several policies, namely investment decisions,
funding decisions and dividend policies that can
facilitate the company's operational activities.
2.4 Ownership Structure
The ownership structure is the percentage of the
company's shareholding which can reflect the
distribution of power and its influence on the
company's operational activities. Ownership
structure can be seen from the agency approach and
asymmetric information approach. Agency approach,
ownership structure is a mechanism to reduce
conflicts of interest between managers and
shareholders. The asymmetric information approach
views the ownership structure mechanism as a way
to reduce information imbalances between insiders
and outsiders through information disclosure in the
capital market.
The researcher uses all ownership structure
factors as indicators, namely managerial share
ownership, institutional share ownership, public
share ownership, government share ownership and
foreign share ownership in determining the influence
of company value.
2.5 Auditor Opinion
The auditor's opinion is part of the audit report
provided by the auditor through the audit stage. The
auditor's report (Boynton and Raymon, 2005) is a
formal tool used by auditors in communicating
financial reports to interested parties, namely the
owner of the company and investors.
Communication of financial statements by
auditors concerning the implementation of
management in daily activities is in accordance with
Indonesian accounting standards that have been
established, organizational structure including
division of tasks and operational activities that lead
to the company's vision and mission.
Type of auditor opinion, namely: (1) Unqualified
opinion, (2) Unqualified opinion with explanatory
language; (3) Reasonable opinions with qualified
opinions; (4) Opinion is not fair (Adverse Opinion)
Analysis of Macro Fundamental and Micro Fundamental Effect on Ownership Structure, Auditor Opinion and Value of the Firm in
State-Owned Enterprises Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange
and (5) Opinion does not provide opinions
(Disclaimer of opinion).
An audit report related to going concern is called
a going concern opinion, which is used to provide an
initial warning to shareholders in order to avoid
making wrong decisions. This decree is regulated in
PSA 29 paragraph 11 which states that great doubt
in the ability of business units to going concern and
the auditor must add an explanation paragraph in the
audit report even though it does not affect
unqualified opinions.
Going concern audit opinion is an opinion that
shows significant uncertainty over the company's
ability to continue the business and must be stated
explicitly by giving code 1 and code 0 if the auditor
does not doubt the company's ability to continue the
business. Giving opinions to KAP (Public
Accounting Firm) has a good reputation for
conducting a quality audit process that is
independent and objective by issuing modified
opinions on companies that experience financial
distress. KAP affiliates that are used and trusted by
SOEs are known as the big four, namely
Pricewaterhouse Coopers KAP, Deloitte Touche
Tohmatsu, Ernst Young Global and KPMG
Researchers use the going concern opinion audit
indicator, big four KAP, Return on Assets (ROA)
and Return on Equity (ROE).
2.6 The Value of the Firm
The book value in the financial statements is a
limitation of measuring company value and used in
investment. Investors use the perception based on
stock prices, the higher the stock price will make the
value of the firm become high or vice versa. The
main purpose of the company (Sirmon et al., 2007)
is to maximize the value of the firm that has a
broader meaning, not only to maximize the
company's profits but by considering the effect of
time on the value of money, considering various
risks to the company's revenue stream and the
quality of cash flow is expected to be received in the
The value of the firm as a stock market value
(Bowman and Ambrosini, 2007; Luo, 2013) that can
provide maximum shareholder prosperity if the
company's stock price increases. Firm value is an
important concept for investors, because it is an
indicator for the market to assess the company as a
whole (Wang et al., 2009; Bokpin, 2013; Joshi and
Hanssen, 2010). Or it can be said that the company's
value is the price paid by prospective buyers if the
company is sold.
In this study, the researchers used Earning per
Share (EPS), Price Book Value (PBV), Tobin's Q
and Price Earnings Ratio (PER) indicators.
The research hypothesis can be done as follows: (1)
Macro fundamentals have a significant effect on
ownership structure, (2) Micro fundamentals have a
significant effect on auditor opinion, (3) Macro
fundamentals have a significant effect on auditor
opinion, (4) Micro fundamentals have a significant
effect on ownership structure, (5) Macro
fundamentals have a significant effect on company
value, (6) Micro fundamentals have a significant
effect on company value, (7) Ownership structure
has a significant effect on company value (8)
Auditor opinion has a significant effect on company
value and (9) Ownership structure has a significant
effect on auditor opinion
4.1 Research Sample
The sampling technique uses a purposive sampling
method with 12 of the 20 state-owned enterprises
listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange with
observations from 2010 - 2015.
4.2 Variables and Indicators
The variables and indicators used in this study are:
Table 1: Variables, Notation and Research Indicators.
Source: data processed
ICEBM Untar 2018 - International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM) Untar
4.3 Conceptual Frameworks
The relationship between research variables can be
described as follows:
Source: Data processed
Figure 1: Framework for Research and Indicators.
5.1 Research Model Testing
This study uses the loading factor limit by reflecting
indicators based on the relationship between each
score item with a construct score with a
measurement scale that is considered sufficient at
the loading value of 0.5 so that the measurement
scale that does not meet the requirements is
Inner model test results can be shown with the
following picture:
Figure 2: Test Results of the Structural Model (inner
Statistical testing in the relationship between
variables required a significance level of 95% (α =
0.05) and the t-table value was 1.96 to accept the
alternative hypothesis. The results of the overall
hypothesis testing can be seen in the following table.
Table 2: PLS Analysis Test Results.
Source: Data processed
5.2 Discussion
Hypothesis verification results and relationships
between variables in SOEs listed on the Indonesia
Stock Exchange with observations in 2010 - 2015 as
From the analysis above, maximizing the value
of the firm does not directly affect the macro and
micro fundamentals, therefore it is necessary to have
a connection in determining the maximum
determination of the value of the company which is
shown t-table below 1.96. The maximum value of
the company is influenced by the ownership
structure and audit opinion which is the trust for the
shareholders, namely the investor indicated by the t-
table 1.96.
Ownership structure is significantly influenced
by micro fundamentals, but it is not significantly
affected, which is shown significantly by macro
fundamentals, even though the government has been
regulating the economic conditions of the country,
and the government owns most of the shares with t-
statistics of 1.96. Audit opinion is significantly
influenced by micro fundamentals where
management plays a role in decision making and is
not significantly influenced by macro fundamentals.
And the ownership structure does not affect the
auditor's opinion, the government's decision and
action as the holder of ownership control will not
destabilize the audit decision in giving an opinion as
indicated by t-statistics below 1.96.
5.3 Theoretical Implications
The company's goal is to increase net income
generated from operational activities including SOEs
by optimizing the company's value and the welfare
of shareholders. Share prices represent a company
value. Internal factors and external factors of the
company are often used as the basis for investors in
the capital market in making investment decisions.
Analysis of Macro Fundamental and Micro Fundamental Effect on Ownership Structure, Auditor Opinion and Value of the Firm in
State-Owned Enterprises Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Maximizing company value is influenced by
management controls that regulate the activities of
companies in paying dividends for company profits.
Determination of the value of the firm is influenced
by the ownership structure and audit opinion factors
as well as several other factors outside the object of
research, so there needs to be more in-depth
5.4 Managerial Implications
Policy implications in accordance with the priorities
that can be given as input for management in state-
owned enterprises are as follows: (1) Economic
exposure does not affect the ownership structure and
value of the company where the government as the
holder of state control can determine policies and
roles for SOEs in the welfare of the Indonesian
people; (2) Economic exposure does not affect the
value of the firm which is indicated by the risk in
managing finances through the provision of audit
opinions to increase the value of the firm and
investment decisions; and (3) The value of the firm
in the eyes of investors as consideration for the
company's operational activities reflected on the
financial statements for the future survival of the
company and accountability of management
performance as shown by the auditor's opinion on
5.5 Implications for Economics
The implication in the development of economics is
to contribute to the study of corporate value that
connects ownership structures, auditor opinions, and
macro and micro fundamentals in economic decision
making by management, government and investors;
the value of the firm can meet the needs and welfare
of investors, government and community welfare
and the value of the firm determines the
development of the Indonesian economy in
accordance with the objectives of the established
5.6 Research Limits
This study has limitations in the usage of secondary
data, not all state-owned enterprises are owned by
the public, only a few companies are listed on the
Indonesian stock exchange and managerial decisions
are based on the finance minister's decree
6.1 Conclusion
Based on the formulation of the problem, the
literature and data analysis that have been done
previously, it can be concluded that not all
hypothesis testing studies were accepted which
showed a significant level of influence of 5% with t-
table 1,960. The accepted hypotheses are that micro
fundamentals affect auditor opinion (H2) and
ownership structure, (H4) and ownership structure
(H7) and auditor opinion (H8) affects the value of
the state-owned enterprise. The rejected hypotheses
are the macro fundamentals of ownership structure
(H1) and auditor opinion (H3), micro fundamentals
(H5) and micro fundamentals (H6) of the firm's
value and ownership structure on auditor opinion
(H9) as indicated by the t-table below 1.96.
2.1. Suggestion
The suggestions that can be conveyed to the next
researcher is that they can examine the continuity of
the value of the company outside the State-Owned
Enterprises company, which can use variables that
are different from indicators regarding the value of
the company, (3) use different variables that can
affect the value of the company and (4) make
reference given the limitations of research.
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Analysis of Macro Fundamental and Micro Fundamental Effect on Ownership Structure, Auditor Opinion and Value of the Firm in
State-Owned Enterprises Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange