The Influence of Customer Satisfaction on Trust, Word of Mouth,
and Repurchase Intention: Case for Consumer of Souvenir Stores in
Miswanto Miswanto and Yessi Ria Angelia
YKPN School of Business (STIE YKPN), Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Repurchase Intention, Trust, Word of Mouth, and Souvenir Store.
Abstract: The problems in this research are 1) whether consumer satisfaction has an effect on consumer's trust, 2)
whether consumer's satisfaction influences by word of mouth, and 3) whether consumer satisfaction has an
effect on repurchase intention. This research examines the influence of customer satisfaction on repurchase
intention, trust, and word of mouth on customers of souvenir store in Yogyakarta. Selection of the sample in
this study is done by using purposive sampling with one criterion: they have shopped in souvenir stores in
Yogyakarta. Data were collected by using questionnaires, and 200 souvenir store customers participated in
this study. The data were analyzed by using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Amos computer
program. The results show that customer satisfaction has a positive influence on repurchase intention, trust,
and word of mouth.
Yogyakarta is a tourism destination. Tourists
visiting Yogyakarta are interested in buying
traditional foods of Yogyakarta. Tourists visiting
Yogyakarta continue to grow and develop. Tourism
development in Yogyakarta affects the economy of
the people of Yogyakarta. Various businesses in
Yogyakarta develop along with the increasing
number of tourists coming to Yogyakarta.
Businesses in hospitality, culinary, souvenir shops
and entertainment venues continue to grow. Not
only do the number of food shops increase, but
souvenir store or shops also increase in number. The
stores offer a variety of products with good quality.
Increasingly competitive business competition
makes companies require good marketing strategy.
Consumer satisfaction is related to what is given
by the company that is service and product quality.
The ability of companies to serve consumers is one
of the success factors of a business. When things are
expected by consumers to be fulfilled by the
company, consumers will feel satisfied and share
their good experiences with others. Continuous
consumer satisfaction is the company's goal to keep
the company going (Hadiati and Ruci, 1999).
Especially in an increasingly competitive market
environment, businesses compete with each other,
and companies are driven to satisfy consumers.
Consumer satisfaction has influence on: 1)
consumer trust, 2) word of mouth, 3) repurchase
intention. These three things are very important for
companies in marketing their products to sustain the
company's success in achieving its goals. Because
these three things are very important in conducting
marketing strategy, empirical research on the effect
of customer satisfaction on these three things is very
With the trust of consumers that the products
purchased are satisfactory, the services provided
should also be in line with consumer expectations.
Trust from consumers can build good image, brand,
symbol, product, and company name. There are
many advantages to the company when consumers
feel very satisfied. This can reduce consumer
turnover, reduce marketing costs, increase customer
loyalty, and improve corporate reputation. With the
existence of customer satisfaction, companies can
still exist and retain consumers. Knowledge of
consumer characters can help marketers influence
consumers to stick to their products (Aryani and
Rosinta, 2010).
Currently, word of mouth can be one good way
of marketing. People are usually more confident
Miswanto, M. and Angelia, Y.
The Influence of Customer Satisfaction on Trust, Word of Mouth, and Repurchase Intention: Case for Consumer of Souvenir Stores in Yogyakarta.
DOI: 10.5220/0008492303080313
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM Untar 2018), pages 308-313
ISBN: 978-989-758-363-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
with what others are saying than ads that appear in
various media. Although word of mouth is
considered a traditional strategy, it is a powerful
way to convince consumers. In marketing, the
product on the store, the sold product can provide
satisfaction for consumers as they will believe in the
manufacturer and shop that sell it. Consumers will
express satisfaction to their friends and colleagues.
Thus, consumer satisfaction encourages the creation
of positive word of mouth. Word of mouth is
composed of at least two consumers, they
communicate about brands, products, or services
(Sallam, 2014). Word of mouth (WOM) can
encourage people to do or buy anything that has
been done or purchased by someone else. It includes
everything that consumers tell others about
satisfaction or dissatisfaction, how the
characteristics of the goods or services are used,
even how the company treats its customers. WOM
communications affecting consumer decisions are
well documented (Brown et al., 2007). When a
consumer conveys WOM, both positive and
negative aspects will often affect other consumer
purchasing decisions. The positive WOM of the
consumer can provide benefits to the producers, and
vice versa. WOM is strongly influenced by
consumer satisfaction. Therefore, companies that
sell goods or services can take advantage of them.
Companies should continue to develop the quality
of goods or services so that what is conveyed by
consumers can be a positive message.
With consumer satisfaction, consumers are
willing to visit the souvenir shop again and again
which was visited previously. One of the most
effective ways to increase repeat purchase intention
is to provide services that meet customer
expectations (Kim, Kim, and Kim, 2009). The
purchase decision is an expression of satisfaction
and dissatisfaction of consumers (Kitapci et al.,
2014). Customer satisfaction can encourage re-
purchase intentions and consumers will return to
buy more products. It is important for companies to
improve the quality of service so that consumers are
satisfied and retained. When an existing customer is
satisfied with the services provided, consumer
loyalty will rise, so the intention to repurchase will
Based on the background of the problems
described above, the formulation of problems in this
research are 1) whether consumer satisfaction has an
effect on consumer's trust, 2) whether consumer
satisfaction influences word of mouth, and 3)
whether consumer satisfaction has an effect on
repurchase intention. The purpose of this study is to
examine the above three problems. This research is
expected to provide the following benefits: First,
this research is expected to increase knowledge and
add insight into thinking in the field of management
and marketing. Second, this research can add
thoughts and information to companies that want to
build customer satisfaction and increase trust, word
of mouth, and repurchase intention. Third, this
research is expected to increase knowledge and add
insight into thinking in the field of management
science and marketing. Fourth, this research can be
used as a reference in marketing research, especially
in the field of service quality, product quality,
consumer satisfaction, trust, and word of mouth,
especially related to goods or services that contain
local wisdom.
The hypothesis to be developed in this study is
based on the following results of literature review.
Consumer satisfaction is the priority for the growth
of any organization. Satisfaction arises from
perceptions and expectations (Sabir et al., 2014).
Customer satisfaction will be fulfilled when what is
given by the company in accordance with what is
perceived by the consumer (Sriwidodo and
Indriastuti, 2010). Continuous customer satisfaction
is the goal of the company, so the company can
survive (Hadiati and Ruci, 1999).
Putro et al., (2014) defines customer satisfaction
as feelings or emotional assessment of consumers
against the use of products and services in which the
expectations of customers are met. Consumer
satisfaction is the main source of income and a
major key to winning market (Xia et al., 2009). All
business and marketing activities are certainly
aiming at customer satisfaction (Saeed et al., 2011).
Trust is the belief of a party that the other party
can meet their needs (Mosavi and Ghaedi, 2012).
With the confidence of the consumer, the consumer
has reached satisfaction at the highest level (Habib
and Aslam, 2014). Moreover, trust can also be
interpreted as loyalty or commitment of consumers
to the companies or products (Majid et al., 2013).
Rofiq (2007) states that consumer confidence is the
foundation of business.
Word of mouth (WOM) is a type of informal
communication that consists of at least two
customers as they communicate about brands,
products, or services (Sallam, 2014). It is inevitable
The Influence of Customer Satisfaction on Trust, Word of Mouth, and Repurchase Intention: Case for Consumer of Souvenir Stores in
that WOM is currently the main source of
information before consumers make purchasing
decisions (Lee and Cranage, 2014). WOM can be an
opportunity for the company. As such, the
relationship between companies and consumers
should be maintained (Gremler et al., 2001).
Lang and Hyde (2013) stated that WOM is a
concept that is able to attract attention. Putri and
Suhariadi (2013) mentioned that word of mouth is
an informal communication between people who are
not parts of the company and the recipient of
information about a brand, product, organization, or
services that have been felt. Dodds et al., (1991)
stated that when someone wants to buy something,
he/she is influenced by considerations and specific
Repurchase intention is defined as the behavior
of consumers who buy the product over and over
again, without including the feeling in it (Wibowo et
al., 2013). Hellier et al., (2003) defined repurchase
intention as a consumer's decision to re-buy the
products in the same company. One of the most
effective ways to increase consumer repeat purchase
intention is to provide services that meet customer
expectations (Kim et al., 2009). If consumers are
loyal, those consumers will make repeat purchases.
The purchase decision is one expression of
satisfaction and dissatisfaction of consumers
(Kitapci et al., 2014).
Consumers who are satisfied with a product or
company will be loyal and can increase consumer
confidence in the product (Majid et al., 2013). With
the confidence, the consumer has reached
satisfaction at the highest level (Habib and Aslam,
2014). The more satisfied the consumers are with
what is given by the company, the more confidence
the consumers will have towards the company.
H1: Consumer satisfaction has positive influence on
Word of mouth is the main source of information
before consumers make purchasing decisions (Lee
and Cranage, 2014). Consumer satisfaction can
provide many benefits for the company, and
satisfied customers will spread the positive story
(word of mouth) and can be a mobile advertisement
for the company.
H2: Consumer satisfaction has positive influence on
word of mouth.
Putro et al., (2014) states that when consumers feel
satisfied, the consumer loyalty will appear, so
consumers will make repeat purchases in the future.
When consumers are satisfied, and then they want to
buy the same goods, the consumer will come back
to the store he/she had previously visited.
H3: Consumer satisfaction positively impact
repurchase intention.
These three hypotheses can be presented in a
research model as in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The Research Model.
3.1 Source of Data and Sample
The data used in this study are primary data. The
sampling method is done by using purposive
sampling method. This method involves selecting
samples with a specific criteria. The criterion used
in the study includes respondents who have shopped
at a souvenir shop in Yogyakarta.
3.2 Data Analysis Method
The validity test is the first test in this study.
Validity testing is performed by using SPSS 22. The
question of validity of items is done by using factor
analysis. The item of questionnaire will be valid if it
reaches the loading factor of more than 0.5. The
second test is the test of reliability. Cronbach's alpha
score that is commonly used is larger than 0.5. The
greater the Cronbach's alpha score the better the
research instruments are. The third testing is
hypotheses testing using Structural Equation
Modeling (SEM) with Analysis Moment Structure
ICEBM Untar 2018 - International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM) Untar
3.3 Operational Definition of Research
3.3.1 Consumer Satisfaction
Consumer satisfaction is related to the fulfillment of
consumer wants and needs. Consumer satisfaction
will occur if the expectation of the consumer is in
line with what is obtained. For example, satisfaction
of the services provided. A favorable shopping
experience makes consumers feel satisfied. The
satisfaction refers to the satisfaction of the product
purchased in the shop visited. An example of an
indicator is that I feel content to shop at the stores
that I visit. Question items are measured using a
five-point scale of Likert, i.e. five points ranging
from one or strongly disagree (STS) to five or
strongly agree (SS).
3.3.2 Trust
Trust is one’s belief in the fact that another party
can satisfy his/her needs (Mosavi dan Ghaedi,
2012). For example, the product sold is not expired
or the goods have high quality as expected. An
example question is to ask whether the products
sold by the gift shop are not expired. Question items
are measured using a five-point scale of Likert, i.e.,
five ranging from one or strongly disagree (STS) to
five or strongly agree (SS).
3.3.3 Word of Mouth
The word of mouth is an informal communication
between non-partisan and the recipient of
information about a brand, product, organization, or
service that has been felt. Examples are as follows.
Consumers recommend souvenir shops that they
have visited to others. Consumers tell others
positive things about the souvenir shops they visit.
Consumers tell the positive qualities of the gift shop
employee who was visited to others. An example of
the indicator is I will recommend a gift shop that I
visit to others. Question items are measured using a
five-point scale of Likert, i.e. five points ranging
from one or strongly disagree (STS) to five or
strongly agree (SS).
3.3.4 Repurchase Intention
Repurchase intention is defined as the behavior of
consumers who buy the product repeatedly, without
including feelings in it (Wibowo et al., 2013). For
example, consumers will consider a souvenir shop
that is visited as a first choice when compared to
others. Consumers have the intention to buy more
products at the souvenir stores they visit.
Consumers have the desire to visit again.
Consumers decide to shop again at the same place.
An example of the indicator is that I have the
intention to buy more products at the gift shop I
visit. Question items are measured using a five-
point Likert scale, i.e., from five ranging from one
or strongly disagree (STS) to five or strongly agree
4.1 Data Analysis
Data were obtained based on questionnaires
distributed to respondents. Respondents were asked
to fill out a statement of questionnaires about certain
criteria that fit the characteristics of the variable.
The variables are consumer satisfaction, trust, word
of mouth, and repurchase intention.
Data collection is conducted for a week starting
from July 24, 2016 until July 31, 2016. Participating
respondents are visitors of gift shop in Yogyakarta,
visitors of Borobudur Temple who had been
shopping at a gift shop in Yogyakarta, and STIE
YKPN students who shopped at a gift shop in
4.2 Validity and Reliability Test
The results of testing the validity and reliability of
the research instruments show good results as
4.3 Fit Model Test
The result of model testing is done by seeing
whether in general the model has a good fit, so
hypothesis testing can be done with existing model.
Absolute fit measures: measuring the overall model
fit level by looking at the value of chi-square
statistics, GFI and RMR. The score of GFI
(goodness of fit index) is 0.847. It is good enough
because it is near 0.9. It shows that there is a match
between the model and the data. The score of RMR
(root mean square) is 0.024. It meets the criterion.
4.4 Hyphoteses Test Results
The results of testing the hypotheses above are
briefly presented in Table 1.
The Influence of Customer Satisfaction on Trust, Word of Mouth, and Repurchase Intention: Case for Consumer of Souvenir Stores in
Table 1: Hyphoteses Test Results.
Probability Status
has positive
influence on
0.793 P<0.1
is supported
has positive
influence on
word of
0.679 P<0,.
is supported
positively to
0.395 P<0.1
is supported
5.1 The Influence of Customer
Satisfaction on Trust
Consumer satisfaction affects consumer confidence.
There is evidence in this study that showed
customer satisfaction significantly influences
consumer satisfaction (β = 0.793; p <0.1). This is
supported by the study conducted by Kim et al.,
(2009) which showed that customer satisfaction has
a positive influence on trust. The higher the
perceived satisfaction, the more confident
consumers will be with souvenir shops.
5.2 The Influence of Customer
Satisfaction on Word of Mouth
Consumer satisfaction influences word of mouth.
There is evidence in this study that shows customer
satisfaction significantly influences word of mouth
(β = 0.679; p <0.1). It is supported by research
conducted by Hamza (2013) which showed that
customer satisfaction has positive influence on word
of mouth. Consumer satisfaction can encourage
consumers to tell others about their satisfaction, and
it creates word of mouth. Pleasant experience when
shopping creates customer satisfaction, so customer
satisfaction encourages word of mouth.
5.3 The Influence of Customer
Satisfaction on Repurchase
Consumer satisfaction affects repurchase intention.
There is evidence in a recent study suggesting that
customer satisfaction has a significant effect on
repurchase intention (β = 0.395; p <0.1). This is
supported by research conducted by Kitapci,
Akdogan, and Dortyol (2014) which shows that
customer satisfaction has positive influence on
repurchase intention. Consumer satisfaction can
encourage consumers to come and shop again in a
place that has been visited. The more a consumer is
satisfied, the more the consumer would feel like to
shop in the same souvenir shop.
This study contributes to the literature on the
relationship of the consumer satisfaction with the
relationship of trust, word of mouth, and repurchase
intention at a store or company that sells local
products. Based on the results of the hypotheses
testing, it is known that customer satisfaction can
affect consumer confidence, word of mouth, and
repurchase intention. Consumer satisfaction can
drive consumer confidence to shop for souvenirs.
Customer satisfaction will encourage consumers to
express its satisfaction to others. Moreover, it can
encourage consumers to come or go shopping again
in the same souvenir shop. The result of this
conclusion is also useful for the practitioner group,
the owner of a souvenir shop businesses, in
understanding the influence of customer satisfaction
on repurchase intention, trust, and word of mouth.
The next business strategy of owners of souvenir
shops is to create an atmosphere that is more
convenient. When the consumer satisfaction is
created, it would be beneficial for the owner of a
souvenir shop. Consumers also express his
satisfaction to others and would encourage others to
shop at a souvenir shop that they visited.
Additionally, when consumers want to purchase
souvenirs, if the consumers were satisfied they will
shop at previously visited shops.
This study has some limitations that may affect
the results of the overall research. Some of these
limitations are the following. The first, this study
investigates souvenir shops in Yogyakarta. So in the
future, studies should examine other businesses
rather than a souvenir shop e.g. restaurants,
ICEBM Untar 2018 - International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM) Untar
department stores, or hypermarkets. The second,
this study should have limited the last visit e.g.
maximum 3 months, so the consumers will
remember the condition of the store better.
Suggestions for further research are as follows.
Based on the findings obtained in this study, there
are several things that must be improved for the next
researcher. The first, the next research needs to
investigate businesses other than gift shops. The
research needs to do research on restaurants,
department stores, or hypermarkets. The second, the
next study should consider the limits of the last
visit, so that consumers still remember the state of
the souvenir shop or store visited.
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