The Effects of Trust, Service Quality and Perceived Value on
Satisfaction and Their Impact on Loyalty
, Melitina Tecoalu
, Soegeng Wahyoedi
and Eka Desy Purnama
Master of Management, Krida Wacana Christian University, Indonesia
Faculty of Economics and Business, Krida Wacana Christian University, Indonesia
Keywords: Trust, Service Quality, Perceived Value, Satisfaction, Loyalty.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to analyse the effect of trust, service quality and perceived value on
satisfaction and their impact on customer loyalty. The samples of this research are 115 customers, and the
questionnaire uses the method of data collection from the respondents chosen by the non-probability
sampling method and purposive sampling technique. The data analysis technique which was used was
quantitative analysis using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) and Partial Least Squares (PLS). The
results of the analysis demonstrate that Trust, Service Quality, and Perceived Value have a positive and
significant effect on customer satisfaction. Satisfaction has a positive influence on customer loyalty and is
an intervening variable that has a positive and significant impact on customer loyalty. Trust and Perceived
Value have a positive effect on customer loyalty, while Service Quality does not have a positive effect on
Loyalty directly.
The use of the internet network as digital promotion
media to perform a range of economic activities,
especially marketing, is called electronic commerce
or e-commerce. E-commerce is an activity of
conducting business transactions online through
media and devices integrated with the internet.
Laudon (2012) explains that e-commerce refers to
the use of the internet and websites for business
The e-commerce market in Indonesia has high
prospect, which is evident by the growing number of
active internet users in Indonesia leading to an
increase in e-commerce sites both domestically and
from abroad. This adds to the difficulty of
competing e-commerce businesses in maintaining e-
commerce sites/websites in Indonesia. To be able to
succeed in an online business, a service strategy
focused on the customer is required.
Every e-commerce site/website attempts to
provide the best offer and shopping experience for
its customer satisfaction by maintaining the
customer loyalty. Customer loyalty in online
business is not only able to be measured through
product quality, but also through the transaction
experience on the site as a whole, from ordering to
the arrival of goods to the customers. Online buyers
tend to be very critical as they can easily compare
prices and product specifications from one site to
another; hence, ordering and purchasing can simply
occur in a few clicks.
1.1 Research Problems
An intensely tight competition with numerous
similar competitors in the e-commerce business
world is the toughest challenge for Tokopedia to
retain its current customers and attract new
consumers to conduct online buying and selling
services through Tokopedia. Referring to this matter,
the problem formulations of this research are as
1) Does Trust have an effect on Satisfaction?
2) Does Service quality have an effect on
3) Does Perceived Value have an effect on
4) Does Satisfaction have an effect on Loyalty?
5) Does Trust have an effect on Loyalty?
6) Does Service quality have an effect on Loyalty?
7) Does Perceived Value have an effect on Loyalty?
Rico, ., Tecoalu, M., Wahyoedi, S. and Purnama, E.
The Effects of Trust, Service Quality and Perceived Value on Satisfaction and Their Impact on Loyalty.
DOI: 10.5220/0008492603250330
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM Untar 2018), pages 325-330
ISBN: 978-989-758-363-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
1.2 Research Objective
This research aims to analyze the effects of Trust,
Service Quality and Perceived Value on customer
satisfaction and their impact on customer loyalty.
2.1 Trust
Morgan and Hunt in (Akbar and Parvez, 2009: 26)
stated that “trust exists only when one party has
confidence in an exchange of partner's reliability and
integrity". Furthermore, trust is defined as a
condition when one of the parties involved in the
exchange process is convinced of the other party’s
reliability and integrity. Consumer confidence is
basically the consumers’ entire knowledge and
conclusions made on objects, attributes, and benefits
(Mowen and Minor, 2002: 312).
2.2 Service Quality
Service quality is defined by Zeithaml et al., (2013)
as the ability of website to provide effective and
efficient product shopping, payment and delivery
experience. Service quality dimensions, according to
Wolfinbarger and Gilly (2003), consist of website
design, reliability, security, and customer service.
Service quality includes the suitability of goods or
services purchased, shipping, and website
maintenance (whether the website loads quickly,
whether the payment system is safe and reliable,
whether customer service is friendly, etc.).
Meanwhile, according to Arief (2006), service
quality is the expected level of excellence and
control over the level of excellence to meet customer
2.3 Perceived Value
Kotler (2003: 60) states that "Customer perceived
value is the difference between the prospective
customer evaluation of all the benefits and all the
costs of an offering and perceived alternatives".
Zeithaml (1988, in Sanchez and Iniesta, 2007)
proposed 4 criteria of perceived value definition; i.e.
low prices, things on products desired by consumers,
quality obtained from products based on the prices
offered, and what consumers receive from what they
give (benefit and sacrifice).
2.4 Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is a comparison between
customer expectation and the perceived quality
(Kotler, 2000). Customer satisfaction is also defined
as a deep commitment to re-purchase or subscribe to
a product or service consistently in the future to the
same brand, despite the influence of situation and
marketing efforts potentially causes the switching
behavior (Jamal and Anastasiadou, 2009).
2.5 Loyalty
Customer loyalty in an online context is defined as a
commitment to continue purchasing certain products
and a tendency to consistently do word of mouth
communication in the future (Chang et al., 2009).
Furthermore, Griffin (2005) argued that loyal
customers are customers who: repurchase regularly
(repeat buyers), repurchase the same product or
service offered by the company, purchase across
product and service lines, refer the product or
service to others, communicate by word of mouth
regarding the product or service to others, and
demonstrate immunity to the full of competitions.
2.6 Conceptual Framework
H1 H5
H2 H4
2.7 Hypotheses
H1: Trust has an effect on Tokopedia’s customer
H2: Service quality has an effect on Tokopedia’s
customer Satisfaction
H3: Perceived Value has an effect on Tokopedia’s
customer Satisfaction
H4: Satisfaction has an effect on Tokopedia’s
customer Loyalty
H5: Trust has an effect on Tokopedia’s customer
ICEBM Untar 2018 - International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM) Untar
H6: Service quality has an effect on Tokopedia’s
customer Loyalty
H7: Perceived Value has an effect on Tokopedia’s
customer Loyalty
3.1 Objects of Research
The object in this study is the loyalty of Tokopedia
customers, with Satisfaction as an intervening
variable. Satisfaction is a dependent factor that is
derived from Trust, Service Quality and Perceived
Value as independent factors of Tokopedia
customers. The research also looks at how big the
impact is.
3.2 Population and Samples
The population covers Tokopedia e-commerce
customers who have purchased products in
Tokopedia at least 2 (two) times. Meanwhile, the
number of samples is based on Hair et al., (2010)
who suggested that the total number of sample size
should be at least 100-200 samples with 5-10 in each
indicator or estimated parameter. Therefore, in
fulfilling these requirements, the number of samples
is set at 115. The sample selection method utilizes
non probability sampling method with purposive
sampling technique.
3.3 Data Analysis Technique
The data analysis technique used is quantitative
analysis by using smart PLS. Furthermore, analysis
is carried out on the outer model evaluation, inner
model evaluation, path analysis, and hypothesis of
mediation/indirect influence testing.
4.1 Measurement Model Testing
(Outer Model)
The measurement model aims to test the accuracy of
the relationship between indicators in a variable in
measuring the latent variables. Testing of the
measurement model consists of: convergent testing
and discriminant validity, as well as composite
reliability testing.
Figure 1: Outer Model.
4.2 Validity Test
The validity test aims to measure the accuracy of
indicators in measuring the latent variables.
According to Ghozali (2008), an indicator is
considered valid if it has a loading factor above 0.70.
All loading factors of the indicators are above 0.7.
Hence, it can be concluded that all indicators are
4.3 Reliability Test
Reliability of a variable is measured based on the
values of cronbach alpha and composite reliability
greater than 0.7 (Hair et al, 2010: 157).
Table 1: Composite Reliability Value.
Composite Realiability Cronbachs Alpha
L 0,919 0,882
PV 0,868 0,798
S 0,891 0,816
SQ 0,872 0,816
T 0,808 0,723
All variables in this research have composite
reliability and Cronbach alpha values above 0.7.
Thus, all variables in this research are reliable.
4.4 Structural Model Testing (Inner
Model) – Hypothesis Test
The structural model (inner model) in this research
consists of three exogenous latent variables (trust,
service quality, perceived value) and two
The Effects of Trust, Service Quality and Perceived Value on Satisfaction and Their Impact on Loyalty
endogenous latent variables (satisfaction and
Table 2: Path Coefficients.
T Statistics
PV-L 0,458205 0,463466 0,093018 0,093018 4,925963
PV -S 0,17381 0,170467 0,104642 0,104642 2,66099
S - L 0,369324 0,367367 0,130187 0,130187 5,66197
SQ -L 0,113986 0,11152 0,131142 0,131142 0,86918
SQ -S 0,702024 0,703126 0,104892 0,104892 6,6928
T - L 0,586199 0,583746 0,030084 0,030084 2,0020
T -S 0,520436 0,520032 0,020624 0,020624 3,6028
4.5 Hypothesis 1. The Effect of Trust
on Satisfaction
The effect of trust (T) on satisfaction (S) shows that
the t-statistic value of 3.602 is greater than the t-
table which is 1.960. This means the first hypothesis
is accepted.
Trust has a positive influence on customer
satisfaction, namely: Tokopedia continues to
increase trust as a trusted third party (online
shopping intermediary media) by ensuring the
confidentiality of users' personal data. Their data is
safely maintained so that customer accounts are not
hijacked by other people. Tokopedia must be more
anticipative and selective about the potential store
seller who wants to commit fraud with various types
of covert frauds, such as issuing strict administrative
requirements and requiring clear account
accreditation data.
4.6 Hypothesis 2. The Effect of Service
Quality on Satisfaction
The effect of service quality (SQ) on satisfaction (S)
shows that the t-statistic value of 6.692 is greater
than the t-table which is 1.960. This means that
service quality has a significant effect on satisfaction
or indicates that the second hypothesis is accepted.
Service Quality has a positive influence on
Satisfaction, namely: Tokopedia in the face of
increasingly tight online business competition at this
time must be able to provide the best service
compared to its competitors. This includes active
response to customer complaints with call center
being active 24 hours a day, and faster delivery of
goods in order to satisfy customers.
4.7 Hypothesis 3. The Effect of
Perceived Value on Satisfaction
The effect of perceived value (PV) on satisfaction
(S) shows that the t-statistic value of 2.660 is greater
than the t-table which is 1.960. This means that
perceived value has a significant effect on
satisfaction, or indicates that the third hypothesis is
Perceived Value has a positive influence on
customer satisfaction, namely: Tokopedia can
provide convenience in terms of payment of product
orders by being able to pay using the COD (cash on
delivery) method. This is done so customers are
satisfied as they can see the goods, check the
suitability of the order, and then pay it in cash or
even credit.
4.8 Hypothesis 4. The Effect of
Satisfaction on Loyalty
The effect of satisfaction (S) on loyalty (L) shows
that the t-statistic value of 5.661 is greater than the t-
table which is 1.960. This means that satisfaction
significantly affects loyalty, or the fourth hypothesis
is accepted.
Satisfaction has a positive influence on customer
loyalty, namely: Increased customer satisfaction has
a higher influence on customer loyalty. Tokopedia
creates loyalty programs for customers by providing
special discounts, free delivery, and special
customer service ratings by tracking how often
customers spend and the amount of money spent in
one month or even a year. These were done so that
customer satisfaction and loyalty increases.
4.9 Hypothesis 5. The Effect of Trust
on Loyalty
Referring to the fifth hypothesis test, the effect of
trust (T) on loyalty (T) shows the t-statistic value of
2,002 greater than the t-table which is 1,960. This
result demonstrates that trust has a significant effect
on loyalty, meaning that the fifth hypothesis is
Trust has a positive influence on customer
loyalty, namely: Security in conducting transactions,
such as product photos that are appropriate and
relevant and providing compensation if problems
occur when customers make transactions.
ICEBM Untar 2018 - International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM) Untar
4.10 Hypothesis 6. The Effect of Service
Quality on Loyalty
The sixth hypothesis test shows that the effect of
service quality (SQ) on loyalty (L) variable in the t-
statistic value of 0.869 is smaller than the t-table
which is 1.960. This means that service quality is not
proven to affect loyalty, or the sixth hypothesis is
Service Quality has a non-positive (small) effect
on customer loyalty, namely: This indicates that
service quality or service quality does not have a
significant influence on the level of loyalty of
Tokopedia customers, because it must involve
several parties besides Tokopedia as an ecommerce
service. This includes service quality of sellers
(online stores/ Tokopedia merchants) and service
quality of goods delivery companies. Service quality
must be mediated by customer satisfaction in order
to have a significant effect on loyalty, so for that,
Tokopedia needs to focus as a regulator to ensure
cooperation synergy and service quality standards
from several parties to satisfy both customers (online
stores) and goods/product delivery service
4.11 Hypothesis 7. The Effect of
Perceived Value on Loyalty
The seventh hypothesis test highlights that the effect
of the perceived value (PV) on the loyalty (L) results
in the t-statistic value of 4.925 greater than the t-
table which is 1.960. This means that perceived
value has a significant effect on loyalty or it also
indicates that the seventh hypothesis is accepted.
Perceived Value has a positive influence on
customer loyalty, namely: a memorable and
enjoyable shopping experience such as easy and fast
in buying a product / service and being able to get
interest-free installments by cooperating with a bank
or other funding institutions. Tokopedia must further
enhance the promotional program by providing
products with the lowest prices but with the best
quality. They should also guarantee that the product
is genuine with an official guarantee.
Trust, Service Quality, and Perceived Value has
proven to be able to provide satisfaction for
customers and have a positive impact on customer
loyalty. Therefore, Tokopedia needs more
innovation and focus on considering customer
loyalty in order to survive among other high quality
and excellent competition of online retail services in
Other influencing factors can also be examined
in further studies by adding other variables, such as
price, promotion, discount, and switching cost.
Customer relationship marketing can also be
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