The above research explains the existence of
motivation as an action that is an element of change
in the way of thinking. In our research we clearly
discussed how cognitive thinking, or schemes, are
formed and are able to change, as well as the factors
that affect them. A schema is a set of structures of
knowledge or the understanding of some concept or
stimulus. The scheme contains knowledge about
concepts or stimuli, relationships between various
understandings of the concept, and specific
examples (Taylor et al., 2012).
This study found that the scheme owned by
members of Gusdurian Malang is the result of
knowledge gained from the family, the surrounding
environment, and the community’s dogma. Family
and environment are an important role of the
formation of cognitive schemes because humans
grow and develop within them. The dogma of
society is very capable of influencing the cognitive
scheme because the dogma comes from the beliefs
held by the environment.
These factors do not mean that the cognitive
scheme is stagnant. Our study proves that there is a
change in cognitive schemes. The factors that
influence such a change are emotions, specifically
because the subjects feel that peace is love, which
they find in the Gusdurian community of Malang
based on nine of Gus Dur’s values, a factor of
experience during discussions with Gusdurian
Malang, and the knowledge of Gusdurian Malang's
work. The main factor is the awareness of the
importance of peace and the courage to be open and
receive peace.
Based on the research we have done, we find that
activists who are members of Gusdurian Malang
experience a change in the anti-peace cognitive
scheme to a peaceful cognitive scheme after
following the Gusdurian community in Malang.
Prior to joining Gusdurian, many Gusdurian
Malang activists had a scheme of fear of interacting
with interfaith individuals. This fear was derived
from the surrounding environment and the doctrine
that developed in society. However, after joining
Gusdurian, their cognitive schemes changed.
Contrary to the fear of disappearing faith, Gusdurian
activists felt that interfaith interaction increased their
faith in their beliefs.
There are diverse factors that influence the
changing cognitive schemes in Gusdurian activists.
Among the emotional affective factors,
communication, experience, and awareness of the
importance of peace and courage in being open to
receiving and sharing peace.
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