Are You Ready When It Counts?
IT Consulting Firm’s Information Security Incident Management
Maja Nyman and Christine Große
Department of Information Systems and Technology, Mid Sweden University, Holmgatan 10, Sundsvall, Sweden
Keywords: Security Awareness, Information Security Incident Management, IT Consulting, GDPR, NIS Directive.
Abstract: Information security incidents are increasing both in number and in scope. In consequence, the General Data
Protection Regulation and the Directive on security of network and information systems force organisations
to report such incidents to a supervision authority. Due to the growing of both the importance of managing
incidents and the tendency to outsourcing, this study focuses on IT-consulting firms and highlights their
vulnerable position as subcontractors. This study thereby addresses the lack of empirical research on
incident management and contributes valuable insights in IT-consulting firms’ experiences with information
security incident management. Evidence from interviews and a survey with experts at IT-consulting firms
focuses on challenges in managing information security incidents. The analyses identify and clarify both
new and known challenges, such as how the recent regulations affect the role of an IT-consulting firm and
how the absence of major incidents influences stakeholder awareness. Improvements of IT-consulting firm’s
incident management process need to address internal and external communication, the information security
awareness of employees and customers and the adequacy of the cost focus.
Information and communication technology has
recently gained vital importance for organisations.
However, the benefits of technology use are
accompanied by the risk of becoming a target of
attacks on information security (InfoSec). This risk
is increasing due to the higher value and sensitivity
of information that organisations process (Ab
Rahman and Choo, 2015; Hove et al., 2014; Tøndel
et al., 2014). Here, an incident refers to an
unexpected or unwanted event that has a significant
probability of threatening the security of
information. For the concerned organisation, such an
incident can pose several negative consequences,
including economic loss, lost productivity, legal
consequences, impaired image and weakened
customer trust (Ahmad et al., 2012). Due to the
heightened occurrence of incidents, a structured
InfoSec incident management (ISIM) has developed,
which encompasses incident management,
awareness training, mitigation of vulnerabilities and
preparation activities (Ab Rahman & Choo, 2015;
Cusick and Ma, 2010). The development of ISIM
has generated several standards and guidelines
which provide assistance for the ISIM of
organisations but are often too general to be easily
implementable (Bailey et al., 2007). In addition, the
recently implemented General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR), which has been the most
significant development in data protection in the past
20 years, created immense uncertainty among
organisations regarding how to fulfil the
requirements (O’Brien, 2016). The increased duty to
report incidents to a supervision agency has
prompted major issues, such as delays of more than
five days and up to a month (MSB, 2017).
Research has rarely examined or described how
organisations have implemented ISIM (Line, 2013).
Thus, there is a need for specific and adapted
guidance for organisations and encouragement of
further empirical research on ISIM in practice. The
outsourcing of IT-related services has become
normal in business today, and subcontractors are
more vulnerable to cyber attacks because they have
access to different customer data (EU, 2016b).
Nevertheless, there is a substantial lack of studies on
ISIM at such organisations (Hove et al., 2014). This
study aims to fill this knowledge gap and address the
challenges that IT consulting firms (with over 20
employees) encounter in the context of ISIM. Hence,
the study results contribute to the development of
Nyman, M. and Große, C.
Are You Ready When It Counts? IT Consulting Firm’s Information Security Incident Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0007247500260037
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2019), pages 26-37
ISBN: 978-989-758-359-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ISIM within other organisations and informs the
development of future theory. To investigate the
ISIM of IT consulting firms, this study pursues the
following research question: What challenges do IT
consulting firms experience with regard to ISIM,
new legal requirements and their specific position?
After this introduction, Chapter 2 delineates the
ISIM framework for this study. After the methods
section, the results that were obtained from Swedish
IT consulting firms highlight several challenges that
are associated with ISIM. After the discussion of
theoretical and practical implications, the conclusion
summarises the study and suggests further research.
2.1 Standards and Framework
Many institutions have produced guidelines that are
based on international standards for ISIM, such as
ISO/IEC 27035:2016 and NIST SP 800-61 (Rev 2)
(hereinafter referred to as ISO and NIST,
respectively) (MSB, 2012; Tøndel et al., 2014).
ISO presents general concepts of ISIM and a
structured, five-phase process for handling incidents
and improvements of ISIM. Organisations of any
kind can apply this standard because the principles it
provides are generic (ISO, 2016). Although ISO is
not a complete guide, proper implementation can
reduce the negative consequences of an incident for
an organisation. Meanwhile, NIST assists
organisations with effectively structuring ISIM. The
content is generic in regard to platforms, operation
systems, protocols and applications (Cichonski et al.,
2012). Similar to ISO, NIST describes an ISIM
process, which NIST has condensed into four phases
and a sub-cycle to manage secondary incidents that
emerge from an initial incident.
Figure 1: The ISIM Process (based on ISO and NIST).
This study applies a four-phase framework that
derives from the mentioned standards (see Figure 1).
The four phases are (1) planning and preparation, (2)
detection and reporting, (3) response and analysis
and (4) learning and improvement. In addition, the
centrum subsumes general issues that relate to the
entire ISIM process.
(1) The planning and preparation phase targets
the creation of capacity to manage incidents when
they arise. This phase ensures that InfoSec policies
are up to date at all organisational levels and that a
comprehensive ISIM policy and reliable incident
response team (IRT) exist. Such proceeding implies
not only that persons responsible for ISIM must be
involved and trained but also that all employees
must gain proper knowledge about correct
behaviour. Moreover, positive internal and external
relations are similarly essential for a refined ISIM in
terms of dedicating appropriate organisational and
technical resources to responsible teams. The
hardening of systems, applications and networks in
advance can minimise the attack surface of an
organisation. In this context, further tools warrant
consideration, such as alternative communication
tools and facilities, hardware or software,
documentation of systems and applied rules that are
necessary for incident analysis, and software to
mitigate incidents (Cichonski et al., 2012). Finally,
the established ISIM process requires proper testing
to ensure its functionality.
(2) The detection and reporting phase focuses on
activities during an incident, which include
detecting, identifying the character and scope and
estimating consequences of an incident. Although
the routines that the first phase prepares can support
a rapid response when the incident is of a known
type, the detection of an incident among the large
number of warnings that a monitoring system
produces requires experience and expert knowledge
within organisations (Cichonski et al., 2012). This
phase does not classify events but rather manually
and automatically collects information about system
vulnerabilities, events and decisions regarding
measurements. Such information must be
comprehensible and of a quality that enables
analyses during subsequent phases. Apart from such
recording of evidence, events that can affect InfoSec
need adequate reporting to responsible stakeholders
to inform further decision-making (ISO, 2016).
(3) The response and analysis phase entails
measurements to both understand the character of an
incident, including the cause and consequences, and
respond quickly to reduce the extent of the problem.
Both parts of this phase are intertwined and alternate
until the incident is successfully treated. Properly
defined policies and processes can establish an
(1) Planning and
(2) Detection
and Reporting
(4) Learning and
(3) Response
and Analysis
Are You Ready When It Counts? IT Consulting Firm’s Information Security Incident Management
appropriate base of information for decision-making
about mitigation measurements. The analysis is
founded on the information that was collected in the
previous phase. Thereby, it classifies the incident
and suggests measurements for response. Response
implements these measurements and accumulates
further information regarding the success of the
treatment, which provides additional input for
another analysis. A comprehensive documentation
of analyses, decisions and measurements is
advisable, for example to meet legal requirements,
record evidence and learn from both successes and
failures. In addition, predefined procedures should
guide each responsible person in an organisation in
acting properly during the information assessment,
incident classification and mitigation. Such
guidelines should include up-to-date information
about the notification of other stakeholders, resource
allocation, required documentation, treatment and
notification of completion. (ISO, 2016)
(4) The learning and improvement phase
develops ISIM within an organisation, which
includes all personnel to some extent. Attention
should be directed to lessons that are learned after
each large incident and regularly after small
incidents and events (Cichonski et al., 2012).
Discussions involve acquired knowledge of how and
when the incident emerged, which lacks of
knowledge and guidance appeared and which
measurements may help to prevent the system from
further occurrence of similar incidents.
Comprehensive documentation of the incident
management provides the basis for future
improvement of ISIM. This phase completes the
documentation with information on the performance
of organisational learning and on improvement
activities regarding ISIM, which can also facilitate
improvements to this phase and inter-organisational
collaboration during ISIM (ISO, 2016).
2.2 Legal Regulations
The GDPR, which has applied within the European
Union (EU) since 2018-05-25 (EU, 2016b),
addresses the protection of individual data and
information and the privacy of individuals. The
GDPR aims to synchronise the requirements for data
protection and privacy within the EU and to adapt
former laws to the demands of a more digitalised
society. The regulation concerns the citizenship of
an individual rather than the location of the data
storage (Tankard, 2016). Important changes regard
the following: establishing data portability, assessing
consequences of data breaches, reporting incidents
regarding personal data within 72 hours and
appointing a data protection officer. Moreover,
organisations can encounter costly penalties if they
do not fully meet the requirements. In particular, an
incident report to a national data protection agency
must contain information on the character, extent
and consequences of the incident as well as the
measures that have been performed to reduce
negative effects. (EU, 2016b)
The European Parliament has passed another
regulation, namely the directive on security of
network and information systems (NIS), which came
into force on 2018-05-10 (EU, 2016a). The NIS
applies to operators of digital services and other
critical infrastructure, such as energy and water
supplies, transportation, finance and health services.
The directive aims to improve the security level of
information systems and networks within the EU. In
accordance with the NIS, providers are now
responsible for preventing and managing incidents
in information systems and networks, contending
with risks and reporting incidents to a specific
agency. Concerned organisations must implement a
systematic and risk-based ISIM. Deviations from the
stated requirements can be subject to sanctions, but
the amount of such a penalty would depend on the
extent of the deviation. In particular, the NIS forces
providers to report incidents that have a significant
impact on the continuity of critical infrastructure or
digital services without any unnecessary delay. This
reporting involves even incidents at a subcontractor,
such as an IT consulting firm. Such a report must
comprehensively announce the character, extent and
consequences of the incident as well as the enacted
measures to mitigate a further spread and improve
ISIM. (EU, 2016a)
3.1 Case Selection
The initial literature review assisted with framing the
investigation and theoretical background for both the
interview study and the survey (Bryman and Bell,
2015). This study applied a mixed methods approach
in which the survey results broadened and
complemented the evidence that resulted from the
interview study. This methodical approach yielded a
deeper understanding of the ISIM of IT consulting
firms. For this purpose, this study selected three IT
consulting companies for data collection: one parent
company and two subsidiaries from a business group
that consists, apart from this parent company, of 70
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
subsidiaries in several European countries, including
Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Germany.
The subsidiaries employ 30 individuals on average.
Besides the parent company, this study examined
one subsidiary of this size and one that is four times
larger, which ensured proper variation in the case
selection. According to Denscombe (2014), a small-
scale study requires at least five interviews and 30
survey respondents to appear appropriate. In view of
this, the present study collected data from six top-
level experts in the field of ISIM as well as 47
respondents with varying experience. Based on the
collected data, the investigation achieves an
adequate depth of understanding, which it extends
with a broader comprehension of the particular
position of IT consulting firms. Table 1 presents the
participants and their affiliations.
Table 1: Selection of IT Consulting Firms and Participants
from a Swedish Business Group.
A (CA)
Autonomous subsidiary to company
CC; IT consulting firm with 135
employees in Sweden
Consultant manager for 13 years;
responsible for safety, security,
InfoSec and management
Project manager for CA’s major
project and expert in customer ISIM
for three years
Employee who works with InfoSec
and CA’s operations for three years
Total of 47 respondents with
varying experience and knowledge
B (CB)
Autonomous subsidiary to company
CC; IT consulting firm with 25
employees in Sweden
Consultant manager; responsible for
InfoSec management since 2017
B1’s predecessor; responsible for
InfoSec and management from 2011
to 2017
C (CC)
Swedish parent company of the
business group of 13 employees; the
entire group employs 2.100 people
in 70 autonomous subsidiaries.
Employee at CC; responsible for
InfoSec and safety for the entire
group for five years
3.2 Data Collection
Information about the ISIM of IT consulting firms is
sensitive; therefore, this study employed interviews
as a main part of the mixed methods approach. Six
individual interviews were held with experts in the
field of InfoSec who were employed by three
companies. Each interview lasted between 40 and 70
minutes and was recorded and transcribed with
permission to facilitate subsequent analyses
(Denscombe, 2014). The majority of the semi-
structured interviews were conducted personally at
each interviewee’s ordinary place of work to ensure
that no external factors would influence the
individual’s perceptions. The point of departure for
interviews was the theoretical framework of this
study, which is based on standards and regulations in
the context of ISIM. Open-ended questions were
prepared in advance to consistently guide interviews
and allow interviewees to discuss and explain
particular issues if they appeared to be relevant to
the study (Johannesson and Perjons, 2014). Through
this proceeding, this study collected evidence that
clarifies the topic and addresses the research
question. Although the results of the interview
analyses are of primary importance, this study also
included a survey to broaden its knowledge base.
The survey complemented the interview study
and extended perceptions of interviewees to gain a
comprehensive view of the degree to which
employees who are not InfoSec experts are
conversant with the ISIM of their company. Since
previous research has considered answering closed
questions to be easy and practicable for respondents
(Denscombe, 2014), the survey applied six closed
questions. Two questions consisted of two sub-
questions, while one contained four. Of these 11
questions, three were binary, i.e. Yes or No, four
extended the binary choice with an indicator for
ignorance or irrelevance, i.e. N/A, and the remaining
four applied a Likert scale that spanned from one to
six. By omitting the neutral response option, the
study forced respondents to opt for one direction
(Croasmun and Ostrom, 2011), which heightened
the clarity of the results.
As in the interview study, the survey departed
from the theoretical framework. For stronger
validity, the survey included two questions that were
almost identical to determine whether participants
responded similarly to both. The survey originated
electronically, and participant A1 distributed a link
to 80 individuals who are employed by CA. To
obtain an appropriate number of responses, this
study surveyed the IT consulting company with the
largest number of employees of the three companies,
and it thereby excluded the employees of CB and
CC. After two weeks, the survey obtained a
satisfactory number of 47 responses, which
constitutes a sound response rate of 58.75%.
Are You Ready When It Counts? IT Consulting Firm’s Information Security Incident Management
3.3 Data Analysis
Recordings, transcripts and experiences during
interview situations were the basis for analysis in the
interview study. This analysis sought to clarify the
content (Schutt, 2015) and thereby nuance
understandings of how IT consulting firms navigate
ISIM. Departing from the framework and
questionnaire, the analysis arranged the evidence
from interviews in accordance with the four phases
of ISIM and further addressed general issues. To
strengthen the validity of this study, interviewees
received an opportunity to review the results of the
analysis and provide further considerations.
Therefore, the results emphasise challenges that IT
consulting firms encounter in ISIM and the recent
restrictions of regulations.
The survey yielded ordinal and nominal data,
which this study presents as the mode of each
dataset. Despite limitations to the mathematical
treatment of a mode, this study employs mode for its
resistance to outliers and ability to demonstrate
important information about the population under
investigation. By this representation, the analysis of
the survey results reveals the experience and
knowledge of employees in regard to selected
aspects of ISIM. A bar chart visualises the
quantitative results of the survey questions that
applied a Likert scale.
4.1 Interview Results
4.1.1 Planning and Preparation Phase
The participants in the interview study discussed
challenges that relate to the ISIM phase planning
and preparation (see summary in Table 2).
Two participants reported difficulties with
integrating planning and preparation activities into
daily business, particularly in dedicating a full-time
person to InfoSec. They remarked that people who
work with these issues must function within several
roles, which leads to postponements. Both
respondents acknowledged challenges in prioritising
InfoSec, especially regarding the focus on costs and
chargeable hours within IT consulting firms.
The majority of interviewees stated that GDPR
poses challenges because it can accompany a larger
number of incidents. In particular, C1, A3 and B1
stressed the requirement of incident reporting within
72 hours. C1 conceded that the company had no
routine at the time to meet this requirement. One
reason that C1 reported was that only two
individuals had extensive knowledge of ISIM; thus,
their absence due to holidays would cause time-
related problems. Meanwhile, B1 discussed the fear
of misjudging the severity of an incident.
Specifically, a misjudged incident that later appears
to be more severe than initially perceived could pose
penalties for the company. B3 explained that costs
are an obstacle to the 72-hour requirement. Given
the example of Christmas holidays, B3 argued that a
firm could weigh the costs for extra wages against
the risk that an incident occurs. A3 noted that the
actual time that is available to an IT consulting firm
is significantly less than 72 hours, as an IT
consulting firm needs to inform its customers first.
Another challenge, as A3 reported, is the
maintenance of databases of personal data, which
improve test results on customers’ IT systems. Both
partners, i.e. an IT consulting firm and a customer,
must become aware of new regulations and that such
data may no longer be shared among partners. A2
expressed difficulties with comprehending GDPR,
which could lead to variation in understandings and
implementations regarding, for example, the degree
of severity of an incident that would oblige a
company to report. In view of the risk of severe
penalties, A1 and C1 acknowledged the importance
of adapting service contracts to ensure that the
responsibility for GDPR remains with the customer.
Many participants reported a lack of routines for
ISIM. A particularly problematic aspect is that
existing processes must be adapted to GDPR,
implemented before the regulatory deadlines and
finally obeyed by poorly informed employees.
Therefore, C1 identified training on incident
reporting as imperative for implementing such
adapted routines. Although A2 and B2 recognised
benefits of practicing ISIM in advance, they also
considered its preparation and execution to be
challenging because of high resource restrictions.
Budget restrictions are a reoccurring issue in the
ISIM of IT consulting firms. The participants
reported that they experience higher security needs
from customers, yet they struggle to convince
customers to pay for work on customer InfoSec.
Most often, insights arise late, and they have to
extend the contract post hoc because of the extra
time that such additional task will require. The
participants emphasised this as a critical challenge
because an incident for a customer within the system
that an IT consulting firm has developed and
implemented also has negative effects on the firm’s
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 2: Summary of the Perceived Challenges in the
ISIM Phase of Planning and Preparation.
Perceived Challenges
A1, A3
• Integrating routines and processes into
daily business; nobody works full time with
A1, A2,
A3, B1,
• Avoiding incidents related to GDPR
• Establishing routines related to GDPR that
all employees know and apply
• Lack of a computer system to record
A2 / B2
• Dedicating training time / lack of training
to prepare for incidents
• Employees are not conversant in company
policies and company lacks some routines
• Lack of IRT; nobody has a qualification for
managing incidents
A2, A3,
• Convincing customers to pay for InfoSec,
particularly urgent due to tightened
A1, C1
• Establishing proper customer contracts
regarding GDPR
4.1.2 Detection and Reporting Phase
Several issues that relate to the ISIM phase detection
and reporting emerged during the interviews. Table
3 represents the identified challenges.
All participants stated that the major issue in this
phase is the uncertainty among employees regarding
the characteristics of an incident and which aspects
must be reported. A1 observed a large variation in
which information is reported and explained that
employees sometimes report less important events
that cannot be classified as an incident by any
means, whereas serious incidents not always are
reported. Such lack of recording constitutes an issue
since the event will nevertheless emerge, e.g. orally,
and will then be hard to analyse. A3 viewed a major
problem in the companies’ routines. Employees tend
to contact A3 instead to self-report an incident,
which forces A3 to prepare the record; otherwise,
learning or following up later becomes impossible.
A3 imagined that this behaviour was due more to a
lack of awareness of proper execution of reporting
among employees than to inadequate knowledge of
procedures. In contrast, A2 stated that employees are
solution-oriented; however, improper
overconfidence could result in an insecure ISIM.
In the context of GDPR, A2, B1 and C1 stated
that they expect further obstacles in detecting and
reporting incidents due to extended legal
requirements and new types of incidents that may
arise. C1 mentioned two issues, overreporting
because of the fear of making mistakes and under-
reporting because incidents are not detected. Apart
from determining whether an incident has occurred,
insufficient clarity of policies renders employees
uncertain where to report it if such incident concerns
a customer, according to B1. In contrast, B2 stated
that the parent company provides clear policies
which declare that all incidents must be reported
centrally and that no local intermediaries exist. If
employees have questions, they should contact their
consulting managers, such as B1. B2 claimed that
employee training is neglected since B2 is no longer
responsible for the firm’s security.
C1 shared that the parent company is working to
reduce the embarrassment that employees may feel
when they report an incident, as these feelings can
promote undesirable behaviour that can yield serious
consequences. C1 emphasised that anyone can
encounter an incident. Since CA does not have any
opportunity for system monitoring, as A3 stated, the
parent company is further responsible for network
scanning and analyses. Therefore, A3 demanded
better detection activities from the central level.
Moreover, A1 stressed the difficulty and
importance of developing a reporting process that is
easy to perform but still includes all relevant aspects.
Otherwise, employees would not employ it. In
addition to A1, A3 and B1 acknowledged that their
existing reporting processes have a common
bottleneck: only one person has access to reported
incidents, which can become a severe issue if such
person is not working.
Table 3: Summary of the Perceived Challenges in the
ISIM Phase of Detection and Reporting.
Perceived Challenges
A1, A3,
B2 / A2,
B1, C1
• Uncertainty about what an incident is and
what must be reported among employees;
particularly challenging in the context of
• Unclear whom employees shall contact if
an incident occurs that affects a customer
• Embarrassing to report incidents
• Insufficient system scanning from central
• Lack of an easy and adequate process for
incident reporting
A1, A3,
• Bottleneck in the process for incident
Are You Ready When It Counts? IT Consulting Firm’s Information Security Incident Management
4.1.3 Analysis and Response Phase
In regard to the ISIM phase analysis and response,
participants emphasised the obstacles in Table 4.
Although CA has routines in place, A1 perceived
two challenging issues: to be solely responsible for
the escalation of an incident to the right stakeholder
and to gauge the extent to which the daily business
must be adapted. A1 reported that CA never had to
deal with an incident that affected a customer but
feared the gauging would be even harder, which A2
also considered. The matter of concern is the balance
between tightening security and continuing the daily
business; in this regard, even A3 noted a possible
difficulty. With documentation and policies, A2 and
A3 spotted insufficiency in prioritising, escalation
and response, and they suggested clarification of
how a responsible person must act, particularly in
response to different types of incidents. A3 found it
essential that these policies are also available,
known and practiced within CA. In addition to
enhanced policies, CA trained another individual to
decide on technical issues during incidents to reduce
the risk that only one single person is capable of
performing such a crucial task, according to A1, A2
and A3.
In contrast to CA, CB does not perform any
analysis or response to incidents; according to B2,
this is instead managed by the parent company.
Although CB detects and reports an incident to the
central level, B2 criticised the fact that no feedback
returns, so CB consequently does not know how and
when CC handles such incident. B2 suggested an
intermediate at CB to heighten attention and ensure
fast response to particularly meet the time
requirements of GDPR. In this regard, B2 blamed
the general focus on costs for the absence of such an
intermediator thus far. B1 identified a lack of
policies and processes for handling reported
incidents. In addition, B1 demanded a more
thorough documentation of incidents and mitigation
activities. B2 perceived a stronger security thinking
and focus on solving incidents quickly and
comprehensively if a customer is affected, whereas
this is rather disregarded in the own business.
C1 declared that CC is responsible for analysis
of and response to all incidents that happen at
subsidiaries in Sweden. In addition to the
subsidiaries’ manually reported incidents, CC
monitors the entire system of the business group.
The group is large in size and thus constantly
attacked, so CC filters irrelevant ones from the
permanently arising incident warnings. However, C1
perceived a potential threat in the inadequacy of
knowledge and experience, which may lead to
inappropriate decisions when an incident arises,
especially if substitutes are responsible for the initial
Table 4: Summary of the Perceived Challenges in the
ISIM Phase of Analysis and Response.
Perceived Challenges
A1, C1
Escalation of incidents
A1, A2
• Gauging extent to which daily business must
be tightened in case of an incident, particularly
if it affects a customer
A3, B1
• Insufficient policies and routines for how
employees shall act and prioritise with regard
to different types of incidents
• Making policies about routines and processes
available, known and practiced
• Insufficient documentation of incidents and
mitigation activities
• No local analysis and response due to costs,
which must be changed
• Lower security thinking on and prioritising of
internal data and incidents compared to
external issues, i.e. data and incidents related to
a customer
• Lack of knowledge and training, especially
among substitutes
4.1.4 Learning and Improvement Phase
The fourth phase of ISIM concerns learning about
incidents and improvement of ISIM. The
interviewees reported particular problems which
prompt the challenges in Table 5.
A1 and A2 acknowledged that CA has
established a cross-functional group that discusses
mostly larger incidents during regular meetings. The
participants therefore emphasised the learning
opportunities that can stem from occasional events
or smaller incidents, particularly with regard to
avoiding larger incidents that easily can result from
the former. Despite these meetings, A1 noted the
challenge of allocating time for individual, in-depth
learning, which could also encourage an enhanced
feedback flow from the meetings to all employees.
In addition, A3 perceived opportunities to learn from
reoccurring patterns in attacks on the network, but
such opportunities are precluded by insufficient
feedback on incidents from the parent company.
According to B1, proper communication and
knowledge sharing about incidents with other
organisations would be a significant learning
opportunity. According to B2, CB does not conduct
any meetings to solely discuss incidents; rather, this
issue is only one point on the agenda.
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
In contrast, C1 stated that CC maintains a proper
process for the regular assessment of both small and
large incidents. However, C1 claimed that the major
issue is to decide how much of the information that
is discussed at assessment meetings should be
provided to employees. Since the sheer volume of
information can prompt employees to completely
stop reading such information, C1 perceived a
challenge in how much and which kind of
information to provide. Another issue that C1
acknowledged is the apparent ease of documenting
external knowledge, such as incidents and mitigation
activities, compared to preserving the internal
experience of a human expert in the field.
Table 5: Summary of the Perceived Challenges in the
ISIM Phase Learning and Improvement.
Perceived Challenges
• Misjudging of small incidents and
extraordinary events that had the potential to
become an incident
• Dedicating time to go through incidents
Information sharing among all personnel
• Lack of feedback from central level on
incidents that relates to networks
• Insufficient external communication and
knowledge sharing
• Lack of meetings only dedicated to incidents
• Balancing the content and scope of employee
information for enhancing awareness,
commitment and compliance to policies
• Organisational knowledge and experience
4.1.5 General Issues
In regard to the question of which issues participants
experienced that apply to ISIM phases, several
considerations emerged that substantiate the
challenges in Table 6.
All participants emphasised that high awareness
among employees is significant for both InfoSec in
general and internal policies and processes in
particular. Because of the business focus of IT
consulting, all employees possess sufficient
knowledge of technology and InfoSec. Although all
new personnel undergo InfoSec training, the
majority of participants noted that it would be
desirable for all employees to regularly repeat the
content. According to B2, obtaining a high security
level requires that such content is up to date and
employees receive regular reminders; otherwise,
there is the risk that InfoSec issues fall behind the
core business focus. A3 and C1 noted that even
though employees have knowledge of InfoSec, many
attacks are advanced and well performed, which
makes an intrusion hard to detect, even for experts.
Classified customer data provide another issue that
is associated with employee awareness and training.
Particularly, if an escalation of a detected incident
must target the right stakeholder, then the initial
classification of such incident requires adequate
knowledge, according to C1. A3 claimed that CA’s
employees have low maturity in terms of open
networks at public places. Despite a discussion of
risks, employees do not recognise them, as A3
noted, particularly when using mobile devices. A3
acknowledged that employees understand the value
of information, such as sensitive information that
employees share via e-mail, on a computer but not
on a mobile phone. Although CA sends e-mails in a
secure manner, it cannot ensure that customers also
do this, which renders it impossible for an employee
to properly delete sensitive e-mail. A2 mentioned
that mobile devices are generally more insecure than
Another risk emerged from the interviews: for
the benefit of a strong focus on customer demands,
IT consulting firms may neglect internal demands.
According to A1, it is easy to disregard work on
internal security, partly to avoid costs but mainly out
of eagerness to assist customers with their problems.
A1 explained that the implementation of GDPR has
recently accelerated this issue to ensure their own
compliance with GDPR in addition to the
compliance of their customers. B1 reported that this
tendency towards enhanced awareness of customer
demands also extends to incidents. A2 shared that
since customer systems are often more critical, CA
seeks higher accuracy in their assessment than in
assessments of their own systems. Such imbalance is
completely normal according to A2, as such
assessment produces further business opportunities
for an IT consulting firm. However, most
participants remarked that the will to fulfil customer
demands has even led to advancements of intern
InfoSec. Customers who require a high security
standard enforce IT consulting firms to devote effort
to security management of both internal and
customer systems. Participant A3 claimed that IT
consulting firms unfortunately focus on intern
InfoSec management first if it becomes inevitable
rather than not seldom first when an incident occurs.
As A2 concluded, it seems that we have much more
to do in the field of IT security, but it is hard to know
exactly what before something has happen’.
Three of the participants considered a focus on
Are You Ready When It Counts? IT Consulting Firm’s Information Security Incident Management
chargeable hours at IT consulting firms. A1
explained that since InfoSec management is a
continuous task, it sometimes seems difficult to
prioritise it in daily work, particularly when InfoSec
is not the core business. A3 added that IT consulting
firms prioritise tasks that generate profit, so InfoSec
may receive lower priority. B2 added that security is
easily forgotten and rarely prioritised by CB for
time- and cost-related reasons.
According to A3, employees never experienced a
major incident in CB. Because of this lack of
experience, employees cannot comprehend the
importance of thorough reporting.
Both participants at CB experienced a lack of
communication with the parent company regarding
particular aspects. For example, in reference to the
GDPR, B1 found it unclear whether CC would
provide common policies or if each subsidiary is
responsible for creating their own. B2 expressed
dissatisfaction because CB does not know how CC
handles the reported incidents.
Table 6: Summary of the Perceived Challenges Generally
Applicable to ISIM.
Perceived Challenges
A1, A2,
A3, B1,
B2, C1
• Obtaining high awareness of InfoSec
among employees
A1, A2,
A3, B2
• Excessively strong customer focus that
neglects internal demands
A1, A3,
• Focus on chargeable hours hampers the
implementation of a continuous work on
A2, A3
• Lack of (experience with) major incidents
B1, B2
Insufficient communication with parent
4.2 Survey Results
The survey compiled evidence from 47 employees at
CA. Almost three out of four respondents
(74%) categorised their knowledge on InfoSec as
insufficient, whereas only slightly more than a third
of the employees (26%) perceived it to be
Figure 2 visualises the perceived level of
knowledge of several issues in the context of ISIM.
The respondents selected their particular level of
knowledge according to a scale that ranged from (1)
very limited to (6) deep knowledge.
Employees expressed stronger confidence in
their knowledge of incident avoidance than of
incident detection, reporting requirements and
company policies. The results indicate that 13% of
respondents selected an answer to Q1 from the lower
half of levels (1-3); in comparison, this figure was
31%, 34% and 39% for Q2, Q3 and Q4,
When asked if recent changes in regulations,
namely GDPR and NIS, would affect the judgement
of the necessity to file an incident report, 11%
expected a more difficult assessment, 42%
anticipated no effects and the remaining 47% did not
Regarding incident reporting, the majority of
respondents had knowledge of how and to whom to
report an incident. Even though 94% of respondents
knew how to act in accordance with internal ways of
reporting, this level of knowledge fell to 70% in
regard to incidents that affect a customer. However,
89% of the respondents knew where information on
their company’s ISIM was stored, while only 11%
did not know. Reporting an incident can be
challenging, particularly if an employee or a
colleague has caused the incident. To the question of
whether a respondent would hesitate to report an
incident that she or he has caused, 9% answered
Yes’. The difficulty of reporting under such
circumstances may illustrate answers to the follow-
up question of whether a respondent would prefer an
anonym: 21% answered Yes, 66% selected
Irrelevant and 13% said No.
Figure 2: Levels of Knowledge on ISIM Issues according to the Respondents on the Survey.
Q 1: HO W Y O U C A N
Q 2: D E T E C T I N G A N
Q 3: J U D G I N G I F A N
Q 4: YO U R C O M P A NY ' S
1 - Very limited 2 3 4 5 6 - Deep knowledge
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
This study evidences that ISIM poses challenges for
IT consulting firms, whose various issues impact
both their own business and that of their customers.
Among these issues, certain challenges warrant
particular attention in this study of three Swedish
consulting firms:
(1) A strong cost focus
(2) Uncertainty among employees due to lack of
knowledge of the nature and management of an
(3) Inter-organisational collaboration
(4) Trust in technical solutions
(5) Inadequate documentation and knowledge
(6) Insufficient understanding of and adaption to
legal requirements
First, InfoSec competes with other profit-
producing activities, which results in a low priority
of InfoSec prior to an incident. This study thereby
reinforces the findings of Werlinger et al. (2009),
who have reported that organisations tend to
diminish the priority of InfoSec in response to costs.
Although the interviews emphasise the
establishment of training opportunities for
improving ISIM, such training requires preparation
and time for execution, which may be deferred
because of costs. Bartnes et al. (2016) have also
reported such low priority of training from their
research on ISIM in the electricity sector. The
consequences of such cost focus are apparent in the
example of company B, which lacks documentation,
processes and routines as well as personnel and
computer support for ISIM because of costs to
implement a proper ISIM. Another consequence of
the cost focus is that IT consulting firms value the
InfoSec of customer systems more than that of the
internal systems. This imbalance stems from efforts
to maintain valuable relations with customers and a
sober image as an enabler of future business.
However, enhanced awareness of InfoSec towards
customers results in stronger requirements, which
forces IT consulting firms to improve their
competence in InfoSec management.
Second, all participants in this study reported
some kind of uncertainty with regard to the nature
and management of an incident. Detecting and
understanding that an incident is happening
appeared likewise to be a challenge, as it involved
knowing when and which information an employee
must report, to whom it must be reported, and which
measures to subsequently follow. Such uncertainty
implies that policies and training opportunities are
lacking, insufficient or not properly shared within
the organisation (Hove et al., 2014; Line, 2013).
This study further evidences that employees have a
tendency to underestimate small incidents (Ahmad
et al., 2012; Bartnes et al., 2016). However, such
events should be used to analyse how to avoid the
advancement of a small-to-large incident. Since the
companies in this study admitted that large incidents
have not yet occurred, their lack of experience can
explain their ignorance of the importance of such
analysis for organisational learning. Another reason
for underestimation could be the focus on costs that
implies that IT consulting firms do not spend much
effort on small events. Moreover, the participants
highlighted the difficulty of transferring implicit
knowledge from ISIM experts into the organisation.
A solution could be the simultaneous involvement of
experts and novices in the ISIM process to learn in
praxis from each other (Werlinger et al., 2009) and
to avoid knowledge loss when an expert leave the
Third, the IT consulting firms in this study
claimed that inter-organisational collaboration is not
a substantial issue in their businesses. Nevertheless,
in terms of managing an incident, the evidence
conveys that deciding to shut down a customer
system in response to a severe incident is a
seemingly uncomfortable situation. Although all
participants emphasised the utmost priority of
security, they also acknowledged the benefit of
maintaining as much service as possible. From this
discrepancy stems an ambiguity that complicates the
decision of appropriate measures and the
communication of the necessary activities to a
customer. Flaws in such communication can affect
the external view of a company and, thereby, its
future business opportunities. It therefore appears
essential to establish reliable customer relations. The
standards for ISIM further suggest the use of such
inter-organisational relations for the exchange of
knowledge and experiences. This study could not
identify such trustful relations in practice, which
only one participant viewed as a problem. However,
a deeper inter-organisational knowledge exchange
could strengthen customer relations and improve the
ISIM for both partners.
Fourth, in contrast with previous research
(Werlinger et al., 2009; Werlinger et al., 2010), this
study could not confirm the argument that warnings
that IT monitoring systems generate are difficult to
handle because of their number and different
characters. A reason is that the parent company
solely maintains the monitoring of the entire system
and further purchases a service to filter the generated
Are You Ready When It Counts? IT Consulting Firm’s Information Security Incident Management
warnings. In addition, the parent company performs
minimal system scanning, which thus produces
fewer warnings. Nevertheless, future challenges can
emerge from this trust in technical solutions. For
instance, an incident that remains undetected for a
longer period of time can pose massive
consequences. In addition, this study indicates that
the subsidiaries have little knowledge of the
particular results of the system monitoring.
Improvements to communication and knowledge
sharing within organisations regarding benefits and
limitations of technical solutions could enhance
employee awareness of ISIM. As the interviews
highlight, experts with technical knowledge are rare
in the subsidiaries. Moreover, their knowledge is not
well documented, which can elevate to a challenge
in situations that require particular technical
experience (Werlinger et al., 2008).
Fifth, the lack of proper documentation is a
prolonged hindrance to adequate knowledge
management and sharing both within and between
organisations. Even if standards and previous
research continuously emphasise the importance of
proper incident documentation, this study reveals
that this aspect constitutes a major challenge to IT
consulting firms throughout the ISIM process. This
issue includes insufficient knowledge about the
following subjects:
Ways of reporting (Hove et al., 2014)
Responsible persons within the organisation and
the customers
Which aspects to document
The importance of recording
Handling a major incident (Jaatun et al., 2008)
Ways of analysing and responding to an incident
Policies, processes and guidelines
Means of communication and feedback
The lack of documentation and knowledge
cultivates uncertainty among employees.
Improvements should address the mentioned
knowledge gap to advance employee awareness of
appropriate behaviour and mitigation measures.
Such organisational learning must even involve
learning from failure and wrong decisions; therefore,
a proper documentation of both causes and
consequences is an essential precondition for
continuous organisational learning. Moreover, such
documentation must contain adequate content and be
accessible for all personnel with respect to the
determined security levels, which in turn demands
previous consideration of employee security levels.
This study reveals that future training efforts should
particularly address the secure usage of mobile
devices and public networks. In addition, according
to the interviews, meetings for discussing small
incidents and extraordinary events could enhance
employee compliance, awareness and competence.
Finally, advances in regulations introduce
another challenge to IT consulting firms. The
requirements of GDPR and NIS provoke uncertainty
among persons who are responsible for InfoSec.
Since these regulations are open to interpretation,
policies, guidelines and service-level agreements
must adapt to new and future changes in legal
requirements. The results evidence that responsible
persons at IT consulting firms are extensively
informed of GDPR and the possibly costly
consequences of insufficient compliance, which may
account for the recent high priority of this issue.
Experts in the field of InfoSec anticipate that GDPR
impacts the detection and reporting of incidents to a
larger extent than employees of IT consulting firms.
Moreover, this study indicates that organisations
currently focus solely on GDPR; this one-sided
orientation implies that the requirements of the NIS
risk becoming irrelevant. For IT consulting firms,
cost focus may be an influencing factor of this
orientation, as GDPR entails costly penalties while
the NIS does not.
This study addresses the gap in empirical research
on IT consulting firms’ management of InfoSec
incidents. In particular, it has examined challenges
that organisations perceive with respect to their
specific position as a subcontractor. The evidence
from interviews and a survey of InfoSec experts and
employees at IT consulting firms has highlighted
obstacles in the context of ISIM as discussed in
detail throughout this paper. These concerns include
communication issues, the cost focus of companies,
the lack of experience with large incidents, weak
awareness of InfoSec and inadequate comprehension
of documentation, policies, processes and
guidelines. Moreover, the recently implemented
regulations, namely GDPR and NIS, pose further
challenges for IT consulting firms, such as the
correct interpretation of regulations, the fulfilment of
requirements for timely reporting and the adaptation
of service-level agreements and policies to demands.
By demonstrating these challenges, this study
contributes to future developments in the ISIM field
in both theory and practice. Since no prior research
has focused specifically on GDPR or IT consulting
firms, the results constitute a novel contribution to
the body of knowledge in the InfoSec management
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
field. To substantiate the findings of this study,
further research must address the classification of
challenges for organisations in general. Therefore,
future research could extend the data collection to a
larger number of participants, companies and
branches for comparison. However, the enhanced
understanding of the position and challenges of IT
consulting firms with regard to ISIM provide
valuable insight for companies that want to improve
their internal and inter-organisational ISIM.
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Are You Ready When It Counts? IT Consulting Firm’s Information Security Incident Management