Machine Learning based Predictions of Subjective
Refractive Errors of the Human Eye
Alexander Leube
, Christian Leibig
, Arne Ohlendorf
and Siegfried Wahl
Institute for Ophthalmic Research, Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen, Germany
Carl Zeiss Vision International GmbH, Technology and Innovation, Aalen Germany
Keywords: Big Data, Machine Learning, Subjective Refraction.
Abstract: The aim of this research was to demonstrate the suitability of a data-driven approach to identify the sphero-
cylindrical subjective refraction. An artificial deep learning network with two hidden layers was trained to
predict power vector refraction (M, J
and J
) from 37 dimensional feature vectors (36 Zernike coefficients
+ pupil diameter) from a large database of 50,000 eyes. A smaller database of 460 eyes containing subjective
and objective refraction from controlled experiment conditions was used to test for prediction power. Bland-
Altmann analysis was performed, calculating the mean difference (eg ΔM) and the 95% confidence interval
(CI) between predictions and subjective refraction. Using the machine learning approach, the accuracy
(ΔM = +0.08D) and precision (CI for ΔM = ± 0.78D) for the prediction of refractive error corrections was
comparable to a conventional metric (ΔM = +0.11D ± 0.89D) as well as the inter-examiner agreement between
optometrists (ΔM = -0.05D ± 0.63D). To conclude, the proposed deep learning network for the prediction of
refractive error corrections showed its suitability to reliably predict subjective power vectors of refraction
from objective wavefront data.
The current gold standard for the measurement of
refractive errors of the eye is the subjective refraction
that aims to correct the lower aberrations of the eye in
order to provide the best retinal image quality (Goss
and Grosvenor, 1996). The intra-examiner agreement
which is defined as the agreement between different
measurements of the refractive error by the same
examiner, as well as the agreement between the
subjective correction from multiple examiners (inter-
examiner agreement) are in the range between
±0.25D (80%) and ±0.50D (95%) (Goss and
Grosvenor, 1996). The subjective ability to judge the
level of focus depends on the depth of focus of the
eye, which is known to be around ±0.30D (Leube
et al. 2016) and higher order aberrations whose
influence is modulated by the size of the pupil (Wang
et al. 2003). Other factors that can affect the
successful computation of subjective corrections is
the ability of the visual system to easily adapt to blur
and contrast. For example, it is well known that the
eye is adapted to its own aberrations and can easily
Both authors contributed equally to this work.
adapt to spherical as well as astigmatic defocus (Artal
et al., 2004; Ohlendorf and Schaeffel, 2009;
Ohlendorf et al., 2011).
Pioneered by Applegate, Williams, Thibos and
others, computational attempts have been made in
order to predict the refractive correction of sphere,
cylinder and its axis from the monochromatic lower
and higher order aberrations of the eye, using image
quality metrics (Applegate et al. 2003; Guirao and
Williams 2003; Thibos et al. 2002; Thibos et al.
2004a). In general, one can distinguish between
pupil-plane metrics that are used to optimize the
wavefront aberrations of the eye and image-plane
metrics, which are used to maximize the quality of the
retinal image in relation to the subjective best image
quality (Guirao and Williams, 2003). While
comparing pupil-plane as well as image-plane metrics
to the subjectively best correction of refractive errors
in a cohort of 147 eyes, Guirao and Williams (2003)
concluded that image-plane metrics are the better
choice to predict the subjective refraction. In support
to this findings, Thibos et al. (2004) extended the use
of pupil-plane metrics as well as image-plane metrics
Leube, A., Leibig, C., Ohlendorf, A. and Wahl, S.
Machine Learning based Predictions of Subjective Refractive Errors of the Human Eye.
DOI: 10.5220/0007254401990205
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2019), pages 199-205
ISBN: 978-989-758-353-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and presented 33 different metrics. Their accuracy
(defined by the mean error of the prediction) as well
as precision (equivalent to the 95% limits of
agreement) to predict the subjective refraction in a
population of 200 eyes was shown previously (Thibos
et al. 2004). The range of the mean difference for the
estimated spherical defocus was reported to be
between -0.50D and +0.25D for all metrics, while the
limits of agreement (LoA) ranged from ±0.50D to
The mapping from detailed, high-dimensional
measurements of low- to high-order aberration errors
to the best possible subjective refraction correction
includes both, optical and neural factors that are
difficult to assess with detailed physical models.
Using a training set of paired objective and subjective
measurements, the task of predicting the optimal
subjective correction from an objective measurement
is essentially a (non-linear) regression problem.
While using for example a deep learning network in
order to allow enough space for a flexible function,
the prediction of refractive corrections should be
learnable from data. Further, it should perform at least
as good as detailed physical models, while the former
does not require the detailed mechanistic knowledge
of the latter. Additionally and by construction, such a
regressor inherently captures optical and neural
factors, while it is assumed that these are consistent
across subjects. The aim of the current research was
to explore the applicability of machine learning
approaches for the prediction of the sphero-
cylindrical correction of refractive errors and
compare their performance (in terms of accuracy and
precision) against currently used objective metrics
and subjective measurements.
2.1 Datasets
Three datasets were used: (1) An excerpt from a data
base of spectacle lens orders (provided by Carl Zeiss
Vision GmbH, Aalen, Germany) that included
monocular data from 50,496 eyes, measured by
various professional optometrists. Each eye in this
database was characterized by its aberrometry data
and pupil size measured with a wavefront
aberrometer (i.Profiler 1, Carl Zeiss Vision GmbH,
Aalen, Germany) and a subjective measurement of its
refractive errors. Aberrometry data were assessed up
to the 7
radial order and included refractive data
such as the spherical equivalent M from -16.00D to
+9.00D with a mean of -0.85 ± 2.67D. This large data
set was divided into a training set (32,316 samples,
coined ZV train), a developing set (8,080 samples,
coined ZV develop) and a testing set (10,100 samples,
coined ZV test). (2) A second set of monocular data
was collected independently for research purposes
with a Subjective Refraction Unit (SRU) and the
wavefront aberrometer (i.Profiler plus, Carl Zeiss
Vision GmbH, Aalen, Germnay) from 460 eyes
(Ohlendorf, Leube and Wahl 2016). The SRU
included a digital phoropter (ZEISS Visuphor 500,
Carl Zeiss Vision GmbH, Aalen, Germany) and a
LCD-screen to display optotypes (ZEISS Visuscreen
500, Carl Zeiss Vision GmbH, Aalen, Germany) with
a minimum luminance of L = 250cd/m
letters were used as optotypes and were shown in an
EDTRS layout (Sloan, 1959; National Eye Institute,
1991). This dataset was used exclusively for testing
purposes (simply called EagleEye) to discriminate
against ZV test. (3) A third dataset was used to
examine the inter-examiner agreement of monocular
subjective refractions in a group of 54 eyes, measured
by two of the authors both using the standardized
2.2 Machine Learning Methodology
An artificial deep learning network was used to
compute the best correction of the power vectors of
the refractive errors for a given set of low- and high-
order aberrations of an eye. Therefore, the target
values t drawn out of the power vector entries {M, J
} were predicted by using the set of Zernike
coefficients together with the pupil diameter as input
features for any given eye. Every eye was hence
objectively characterized by concatenating these
features into a vector 𝑥
. The non-linear
function 𝑦 = 𝑓(𝑥, 𝜃) to predict the subjectively
assigned value 𝑡 was learned by using the respective
target values from the training data set (ZV train,
32,316 samples): The networks' trainable parameters
θ were learned by backpropagating the errors between
predictions and target values. The separate
development set of data (ZV develop, 8,080 samples)
was used to determine all necessary hyperparameters
such as the network architecture described further
below. The two separate and independent test data
sets where then used to report final performance for
the sub data set ZV test that constituted a non-
overlapping split from the same database used for
training that was comprised of 10,100 samples.
HEALTHINF 2019 - 12th International Conference on Health Informatics
2.3 Model Development
In principle, any (non)-linear regression model that
fits the training data and generalizes to unseen test
data is conceivable. Here, we chose deep learning
networks because their effective capacity can be
tuned flexibly to the problem at hand. Initial
experiments (data not shown) ruled out a simple
linear model and Bayesian hyperparameter
optimization using hyperopt, suggested a similar
model to the one developed here by using current best
principles (Bergstra et al. 2013; Goodfellow, et al.
2016; Shahriari et al., 2016). More specifically,
development converged to using multi-layered
feedforward networks with a single linear output unit
to jointly learn the basis functions and predictions by
minimizing the mean squared error 1/N Σ
between predicted and subjectively assigned sphero-
cylindrical corrections. We trained three networks in
total, one each for M, J
and J
respectively. Every
network had two hidden layers, with 64 hidden units
each and parametric rectifier nonlinearities (He et al.,
2015). Initial weights were drawn from a zero-mean
Gaussian with a standard deviation of 2/n with n the
number of incoming connections (He et al., 2015). All
data were preprocessed by subtracting the mean of
each feature dimension calculated across the training
set. The network was trained using the Adam
optimizer with a learning rate of 0.001 which was
automatically reduced by a factor of 0.2 whenever the
loss on the validation set did not improve for 10
epochs (passes through the training data) (Kingma
and Ba, 2015). To avoid overfitting, small network
weights were encouraged via global L2 regularization
(λ = 0.02) and randomly dropping 0.2 of the hidden
units (Bishop, 2006; Hinton et al., 2012; Srivastava et
al., 2014). Training was performed with a batch size
of 128 and stopped, when the loss evaluated on the
validation set did not improve for 50 epochs ("early
2.4 Implementation
The machine learning models were developed in
Python, using the scientific computing stack and in
particular the deep learning library keras together
with tensorflow as backend (Francois, 2016; Girija,
2016). Network related computations were performed
on the graphics processing unit (GeForce GTX 1080
GPU, NVIDIA, Santa Clara, USA).
Code and models will be publicly available upon
publication under
2.5 Validation and Comparison with
Alternative Methods
To compare the performance of the machine learning
approach to (1) existing subjective measurements as
well as (2) alternative computational approaches and
(3) to the inter-examiner agreement of subjective
refractions, the following analysis was performed:
accuracy and precision in terms of Bland-Altman
analysis (Bland and Altman, 1986) of the machine
learning approach was compared to power vectors of
refraction (Thibos et al. 1997) from (1) subjective
refractions and (2) computations based corrections
using the visual Strehl of the optical transfer function
(VSOTF) (Thibos et al., 2004a), both for the
described dataset EagleEye. Inter-examiner
agreement was established for a smaller set of eyes
(dataset 3, n = 54 eyes) in order to be able to better
rank the obtained results in the framework of the
subjective assessment of refractive errors.
3.1 Testing of the Deep Learning
Using the sub dataset ZV train, the deep neuronal
network was trained and further tested, while using
the additional sub datasets ZV develop. In a first step,
the performance in terms of accuracy and precision of
the deep learning network was assessed, while using
the data-set ZV test. The results revealed mean
differences (accuracy) that were around zero for the
three power vectors (M, J
and J
), while the 95%
limits of agreement (precision) were twice as big for
M as for the cylindrical vector components J
and J
(see Table 1). In a second step, the true generalization
of the deep learning network was analyzed, while
using the independent dataset EagleEye and again,
mean differences were around zero for the three
power vectors M, J
and J
, while the 95% limits of
agreement was higher for M, when compared to J
and J
. Since the developed deep learning network
performed similar on both datasets (ZV test and
EagleEye), it will be also applicable to data from
potentially different distributions.
Machine Learning based Predictions of Subjective Refractive Errors of the Human Eye
Table 1: Mean differences and 95% limits of agreement between computationally and subjectively assessed refraction for the
power vector components (M, J0 and J45).
Mean difference,
D (95% CI)
95% limits of
agreement, lower, D
(95% CI)
95% limits of
agreement, upper, D
(95% CI)
Deep network
(ZV test, n = 10100)
0.01 (0.02, 0.01)
-0.64 (-0.66, -0.63)
0.67 (0.66, 0.68)
0.01 (0.01, 0.00)
-0.31 (-0.32, -0.30)
0.32 (0.31, 0.33)
0.00 (0.00, 0.00)
-0.28 (-0.29, -0.27)
0.28 (0.27, 0.29)
Deep network
(EagleEye, n = 460)
0.08 (0.12, 0.05)
-0.70 (-0.76, -0.63)
0.86 (0.80, 0.92)
-0.01 (0.00, 0.00)
-0.31 (-0.37, -0.25)
0.28 (0.22, 0.35)
0.01 (0.02, 0.00)
-0.23 (-0.29, -0.17)
0.25 (0.19, 0.31)
Visual Strehl
OTF (EagleEye,
n = 460)
0.11 (0.15, 0.06)
-0.78 (-0.86, -0.71)
1.00 (0.92, 1.07)
-0.02 (0.00, -0.04)
-0.40 (-0.47, -0.33)
0.36 (0.29, 0.43)
0.01 (-0.01, 0.02)
-0.27 (-0.34, -0.20)
0.28 (0.21, 0.35)
Human1 vs.
Human2 (EagleEye,
n = 53)
-0.05 (-0.13, 0.04)
-0.68 (-0.84, -0.53)
0.59 (0.43, 0.74)
0.01 (-0.02, 0.04)
-0.19 (-0.34, -0.04)
0.21 (0.06, 0.36)
-0.01 (-0.04, 0.01)
-0.17 (-0.32, -0.02)
0.14 0.01, 0.29)
3.2 Computation of Refractive Vector
To compare the proposed deep learning network
approach to other computational methods, the three
vector components of refraction of dataset EagleEye
were computed using the deep learning network and
the visual metric VSOTF and judged in respect of
agreement and precision with the available subjective
data (Thibos et al. 2004). The deep learning network
performed similar in terms of agreement and
precision for all three vector components in
comparison to the traditional metric (see Table 1). In
terms of inter-examiner agreement between
professional optometrists (see Table 1) that was
calculated from double ratings of the same
participants from two optometrists in 54 eyes from
dataset 3, the artificial neural network covers a similar
range of agreement and precision for all three power
vectors of refraction.
In the current study, an artificial deep learning
network approach was used in order to learn the
complicated transfer from objective to subjective data
and highly non-linear mapping from objective
aberrometry data to the subjectively optimal sphero-
cylindrical correction of refractive errors was applied.
Given the results, the detailed forward modeling of
optical, neuronal and perceptional contributions to the
transfer function using a deep learning network is
comparable to earlier introduced methods (such as
visual Strehl metrics) and the current gold standard,
the subjective refraction.
4.1 Comparison with Conventional
Computational Metrics
Compared to various pupil-plane and image quality
metrics that were developed and applied for equal
objectives, our results showed similar mean
differences and comparable 95% limits of agreement,
when compared to the VSOTF metric (Thibos et al.
2004). For the prediction of M from 200 eyes,
different used metrics resulted in a mean difference
between 0.24D to -0.04D, but were not the best
ranked regarding their 95% limits of agreement. Best
results in the precision of the prediction of M was
shown from two pupil fraction metrics: PFWc and
PFSc; two image quality metrics for grating objects:
AreaOTF, the visual Strehl of the optical transfer
function (VSOTF) and one contrast metric: light-in-
the-bucket (LIB) that all ranged between ± 0.49D to
± 0.59D (Thibos et al. 2004). Using pupil plane and
image plane metrics, Guirao et al. (2003) reported a
mean difference for M of 0.40D, when predicted by
HEALTHINF 2019 - 12th International Conference on Health Informatics
the metrics and compared to subjective data of 146
eyes (95% limit of agreement: ± 0.98D). With respect
to the 95% limits of agreement, the results of the
current investigation revealed similar or better values,
when compared to the best ranked metrics regarding
the prediction of M by Thibos et al. (2004) as well as
Guirao et al. (2003). The average mean differences
for the spherical equivalent refractive error M is much
lower compared to the typical steps in subjective
refraction, where errors are corrected in steps of
0.25D. Therefore, the performance for the prediction
of the power vector M, J
, J
of the developed
artificial deep learning network can be classified as
excellent, with the advantage over existing
computational methods that computational time is
significantly reduced.
4.2 Agreement with Subjective
The 95% limits of agreement for the computation of
M were similar compared to studies that subjectively
assessed the refractive to test the inter- as well as
intra-observer agreement. Zadnik et al. (1992)
reported 95% limit of agreement range from ± 0.94D
for cycloplegic subjective refraction to ± 0.63D for
the non-cycloplegic assessment of the spherical
equivalent refractive error, when refraction was
assessed by the same examiner multiple times
(Zadnik et al. 1992). In case of retinoscopy, the 95%
limits of agreement were reported to be ± 0.95D for
cycloplegic retinoscopy and ± 0.78D for non-
cycloplegic retinoscopy (Zadnik et al. 1992).
Bullimore et al. (1993) found a 95% limit of
agreement regarding the repeatability of the spherical
equivalent refractive error, measured by two
optometrists of ± 0.78D with a mean difference of -
0.12D (Elliott and Bullimore, 1993). Values reported
by Rosenfield and Chiu (1995) for the 95% limit of
agreement of the inter-observer variability are
± 0.29D, when the spherical equivalent refractive
error was subjectively assessed by the same examiner
for five times. When findings for the spherical
equivalent error from the current study are compared
to the previously reported subjective measures, it can
be concluded that the presented method is as precise
and accurate as the current gold standard, the
subjective refraction.
4.3 Retinal and Neural Factors
Affecting Perception
The question arises, whether a subjective refraction,
either under monocular or binocular conditions,
would lead to the optical best correction of the
aberrations, or if it represents a correction of
aberrations that is most accepted by the wearer. In
order to minimize any possible bias, we have only
analyzed monocular measurements of refractive
errors and additionally, the subjective refraction
followed the rule "best visual acuity with maximum
plus power". Compared to previous studies that were
conducted in order to predict the best sphero-
cylindrical correction of refractive errors using either
pupil plane or image plane metrics, our approach, an
artificial deep learning network that is able to
incorporate perceptual and neural processes,
assuming that they are similar over a cohort. Given
enough capacity from the data, deep learning
networks are able to learn any function, while
alternative methods provide design transfer functions
with possibly limited capacity. These approaches use
hypotheses and limited domain knowledge about
optics and the visual system in order to determine the
best correction of an individual's aberration, with- or
without the incorporation of for instance the contrast
sensitivity of the eye. Since the deep learning network
that was applied, is able to incorporate such
processes, the network learned the mapping from
Zernike coefficients to subjectively optimal refractive
error corrections.
4.4 Monochromatic Aberrometry vs.
Polychromatic Subjective
The prediction of refractive errors based on
aberrometry data has some shortcomings that have to
be taken into account. When measuring the refractive
errors subjectively, a polychromatic test chart (white
produced out of the red, green and blue LEDs of the
monitor) is used, while wavefront aberrations are
measured under monochromatic conditions.
Following, one has to decide, which wavelength to
use to compute the objective autrorefraction as well
as power vectors from aberrometry measurements
and the results are only valid for the specific single
wavelength. In the current analysis, the data were
analyzed for a wavelength of λ = 550nm, based on the
maximal spectral sensitivity of the eye and this is in
contradiction to for example Thibos et al., where they
have used a reference wavelength of λ = 570nm
(Thibos et al. 2004). Since the obtained results are
comparable to the data of the subjective refractions,
we conclude that the chosen wavelength only
minimally effects the results obtained.
Machine Learning based Predictions of Subjective Refractive Errors of the Human Eye
The aim of the current research was to use artificial
deep learning networks for the prediction of
subjective refractive corrections, in order to allow for
an effective description of perceptual and neural
processes that occur during the subjective assessment
of such errors. The obtained results have shown that
the presented methods lead to exact values of the
power vectors of refraction, when compared to the
subjective measurement and to a conventional metric.
Additionally, aberrations need not necessarily be
described by Zernike coefficients, neither is a detailed
description more powerful to predict the refractive
The authors would like to thank Steve Spratt from the
Carl Zeiss Vision International GmbH to provide and
support with the objective and subjective refraction
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Machine Learning based Predictions of Subjective Refractive Errors of the Human Eye