Unsupervised Facial Biometric Data Filtering for Age and Gender
simir Be
, J
orgen Ahlberg
and Igor S. Pand
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Unska 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Computer Vision Laboratory, Link
oping University, 58183 Link
oping, Sweden
Filtering, Unsupervised, Biometric, Web-Scraping, Age, Gender.
Availability of large training datasets was essential for the recent advancement and success of deep learning
methods. Due to the difficulties related to biometric data collection, datasets with age and gender annotations
are scarce and usually limited in terms of size and sample diversity. Web-scraping approaches for automatic
data collection can produce large amounts weakly labeled noisy data. The unsupervised facial biometric data
filtering method presented in this paper greatly reduces label noise levels in web-scraped facial biometric
data. Experiments on two large state-of-the-art web-scraped facial datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of
the proposed method, with respect to training and validation scores, training convergence, and generalization
capabilities of trained age and gender estimators.
In recent years, algorithms based on deep learning
became a prominent technique for solving complex
computer vision tasks. Advancements in training al-
gorithms and model architectures along with large
amounts of available data and processing power ena-
bled researchers to design methods that surpassed hu-
man performance on difficult tasks such as image
classification (He et al., 2015) and face recognition
(Sun et al., 2015). The main remaining barrier for
solving many similar tasks is the lack of sufficient
amounts of labeled data. While techniques like trans-
fer learning are frequently being utilized to mitigate
this problem and achieve state-of-the-art results, trai-
ning with small numbers of task-specific samples can
result with domain overfitting, questionable genera-
lization capabilities, and unsatisfying performance in
unconstrained environments.
As biometric data collection becomes an increa-
singly sensitive issue, the research community strug-
gles with collection of large amounts of reliable data
for biometric tasks such as gender, age, and race esti-
mation. For more than a decade, facial age estimation
research was based on small manually collected data-
sets, ranging from 1,000 to 50,000 samples. More
recently, several research groups successfully utili-
zed automatic web-scraping methods to collect large
amounts of noisy data and improve the state-of-the-art
facial analysis algorithms. Although a low amount of
noise in the training data is not considered to be a pro-
blem for modern deep learning algorithms and can, in
some cases, even help to reduce overfitting problems,
large amounts of noise can reduce the smoothness of
the cost function hyperplane, lower the convergence
rate, and impair the final performance.
This paper presents an efficient unsupervised met-
hod for biometric data filtering that can significantly
reduce label noise in facial image datasets. To best of
our knowledge, this is the first completely automatic
and parameter-free method for facial dataset filtering
that does not require training of dataset-specific sys-
tems and utilizes only general purpose, off-the-shelf
algorithms. The method was experimentally applied
to two large-scale biometric facial datasets, and the
results were evaluated on three different biometric es-
timation tasks (e.g. real age estimation, apparent age
estimation, and gender classification).
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 reviews important manually collected da-
tasets for age and gender estimation, as well as most
relevant automatic web-scraping and dataset filtering
methods. Further, Section 3 describes the propo-
sed method for unsupervised biometric data filtering,
Section 4 experimentally validates the method’s ef-
fectiveness on the age and gender estimation tasks and
Section 5 briefly concludes the findings of this work.
c, K., Ahlberg, J. and Pandži
c, I.
Unsupervised Facial Biometric Data Filtering for Age and Gender Estimation.
DOI: 10.5220/0007257202090217
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2019), pages 209-217
ISBN: 978-989-758-354-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Publicly available age and gender datasets.
Dataset Images Subjects Images/Subject Labels Age Range
FG-NET (Panis and Lanitis, 2014) 1,002 82 12.2 age 0-69
MORPH (Ricanek and Tesafaye, 2006) 55,134 13,618 4.1 age, gender 16-77
CACD (Chen et al., 2014) 163,446 2,000 81.7 age 14-62
IMDB-WIKI (Rothe et al., 2016) 523,051 20,284 25.8 age, gender 0-100
This section presents a review of the most relevant
work on manually collected facial age and gender da-
tasets, automatic web-scraping methods for age and
gender data collection, and work on large-scale facial
dataset filtering.
2.1 Manually Collected Datasets
Early research on the automatic facial age and gen-
der estimation was conducted on small manually col-
lected datasets often having less than 100 samples
(Golomb et al., 1990; ?).
One of the first publicly available datasets for age
and gender estimation was The Face and Gesture Re-
cognition Research Network (FG-NET) dataset. It is a
cross-age dataset, consisting of 1002 images from 82
subjects. To collect the dataset, subjects were asked
to scan photos of themselves, ranging from photos
from their childhoods to their adult lives. Although
small in size, this manually collected dataset was a
difficult challenge and a stepping stone for early age
estimation research, as reviewed by (Panis and Lani-
tis, 2014).
Another important milestone for the facial age and
gender estimation research was the introduction of
The Craniofacial Longitudinal Morphological Face
Database (MORPH)(Ricanek and Tesafaye, 2006).
MORPH is a mug-shot dataset consisting of more
than 55,000 images, taken in a correctional facility
over a period of 4 years, with annotations for age,
gender, and race. Even though the images were col-
lected in highly controlled environment and the data-
set has unbalanced distribution of samples across gen-
der (85% male), age (80% between 20 and 50 years,
no children and old people), and race (77% African-
American), it increased the number of publicly avai-
lable samples for age estimation research by a factor
of 55 and made a great impact in that field.
Small amounts of samples, lack of sample di-
versity, and biased sample distributions are some of
the recurrent obstacles for the development of sy-
stems with good generalization capabilities and ro-
bustness to in-the-wild conditions. The next section
reviews work on automatic web-based collection of
large amounts of age and gender data, while Table 1
summarises the basic properties of the mentioned pu-
blic datasets.
2.2 Automatic Web-Scraping
A very simple, yet effective, method for automatic
collection of a large web-scraped gender dataset was
presented by (Jia and Cristianini, 2015). By querying
search engines with a list of gender-specific names,
they collected 4 million weakly labeled samples and
demonstrated the importance of large-scale datasets
for in-the-wild gender estimation. The dataset was
unfortunately not made publicly available.
To avoid the need for large-scale public datasets
with exact age annotations, (Hu et al., 2017) propo-
sed a method for web-based collection of samples
with age difference labels. To build their dataset,
they used Flickr
to crawl large amounts of images
by the query names from the LFW dataset (Huang
et al., 2008) along with descriptions containing da-
tes of image-taking. Although they did not collect
the actual age information, pre-training their network
for age-difference estimation improved their final real
age estimation results.
The Cross-Age Celebrity Dataset (CACD) was the
first public large-scale web-scraped facial dataset with
age annotations, initially collected for cross-age face
recognition by(Chen et al., 2014). Their goal was
to create a large-scale dataset with good sample va-
riety with respect to the subject’s age. The list of
subjects was created based on two main criteria: (1)
the subjects on the list should have varying ages, and
(2) they must have large numbers of images available
on the Internet. To satisfy the latter term, they de-
cided to collect images of celebrities. To deal with
the former term, they decided to collect images of
celebrities born in a 40-year period. They used the
popular online movie database (IMDb
) to find the
VISAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
50 most popular celebrities for each birth year from
1951 to 1990, resulting in a list containing 2000 sub-
jects. After the list was created, they used Google
Image Search
to collect images. In order to collect
samples across different ages, they used combinations
of celebrity names and years as search phrases. After
removing duplicate images with a simple duplicate-
detection algorithm and dismissing images without
detected faces, they ended up with more than 160,000
images. The years from the search phrases were used
in combination with the birth years collected from the
IMDb to automatically produce the age labels. Alt-
hough the authors admit this simple approach produ-
ces a lot of noisy labels, the collected dataset was far
superior to the existing ones in terms of size and sam-
ple variety.
Another similar famous people image-crawling
based approach was presented by (Rothe et al., 2016).
They managed to collect more than 500,000 images
with age and gender annotations from IMDb and Wi-
. The dataset was named IMDB-WIKI and is
the single largest public dataset for age and gender es-
timation to date. The authors used the IMDb to obtain
a list of 100,000 most popular actors and crawled ima-
ges directly from their IMDb profiles, along with gen-
der and birth date information. Additionally, they col-
lected Wikipedia profile pictures with the same meta-
data. After removing all the images that do not list
the year in which they were taken, they used the listed
years and the date of birth from the subject’s profile
to automatically obtain age labels. In case of images
with multiple face detections, they decided to keep
only the images where all secondary face detection
confidences were under a certain threshold. Similar
to(Chen et al., 2014), the authors note that they can
not vouch for the accuracy of the assigned age and
gender information.
2.3 Facial Dataset Filtering
Web-scraped datasets such as CACD and IMDB-
WIKI are shown to be superior to the manually col-
lected datasets in terms of size and sample variety,
but their overall quality is undermined by the high
amounts of label noise. This section reviews efforts
made toward cleaning noisy web-scraped facial data-
An early example of an automatic facial dataset
filtering method was presented by (Ni et al., 2009). In
an attempt of designing a robust and universal age es-
timator, the authors used image search engines and a
set of age-related queries to collect a large facial data-
set with weak age labels. In order to reduce the label
noise levels, they designed a simple two-step filtering
approach. In the first step, they used parallel face de-
tection based on multiple state-of-the-art face detec-
tors. To remove non-facial images and dismiss mi-
saligned detections, they only retained samples with
multiple detections overlapping more than 90%. To
further reduce the number of false positive detections
and to reduce the number of faces not correctly cor-
responding to the search query age, they applied the
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to all images
collected for a certain age and dismissed all the ima-
ges with a large reconstruction error.
The age-specific PCA filtering step was intended
to remove age-category outliers based on their appa-
rent age, but the largest reconstruction errors were
caused by face occlusions and non-frontal head poses,
thus removing samples crucial for training a robust
age estimator. Furthermore, due to the strict criterion
of multiple face detection overlap, an additional large
number of valuable difficult samples was removed.
Even though the benefits of pre-training on the
large and noisy IMDB-WIKI dataset were clearly de-
monstrated by (Rothe et al., 2016), a cleaned version
could further improve their age estimation results. In
order to create a cleaned version of the dataset, (An-
tipov et al., 2016) combined automatic and manual
processing steps. In the first step, all the images with
multiple face detections were removed to increase the
probability of the detected face corresponding to the
provided age label. In the second step, a subset of
the remaining multi-face images was manually filte-
red via a crowdsourcing annotation process.
The authors state that the first step ensures the cor-
rectness of the age labels, but both false positive and
false negative detections induce considerable amounts
of label noise even in the single-detection images. In
the manual step, the annotators were asked to pair
the provided annotation with one of the faces in the
image. A study on human performance showed that
average annotator estimates age with high mean ab-
solute error (MAE) of 4.7 - 7.2 years (Han et al.,
2013), indicating that even this seemingly trivial step
can produce additional noisy outcomes.
Compared to the limited work presented on the
age and gender data filtering, several more advanced
approaches for facial dataset filtering were proposed
in the facial recognition field, as it has become one of
the most data-hungry image analysis fields in general.
A data-driven approach for cleaning large face da-
tasets was presented by authors of the FaceScrub da-
taset (Ng and Winkler, 2014). To identify the faces to
be removed from their dataset, they exploited the ob-
Unsupervised Facial Biometric Data Filtering for Age and Gender Estimation
servations that the same person should appear at most
once per image, have the same gender, and look simi-
lar. The task of outlier detection was formulated as a
query-specific quadratic programming (QP) problem
based on a combination of terms related to those ob-
servations. Assuming that falsely detected faces form
only a small portion of the detected set, they were able
to train a one-class SVM and use the output of its de-
cision function as a score for a false positive term.
To enforce a gender term, they trained a two-class li-
near SVM for gender classification with query-based
gender labels. Similar to the false detection term, the
outputs of its decision function were used as gender
scores. A similarity term was encouraged by graph
regularization based on the normalized graph Lapla-
cian, and an additional prior term was used to encode
the assumption that most faces are correct.
By manually annotating a part of their dataset,
the authors assessed their algorithm and demonstra-
ted that their QP formulation outperforms the naive
approach where the classifiers were used separately.
However, the discussed benefit of manual workload
reduction was somewhat impaired by the need for the
dataset-specific classifier trainings.
The latest large-scale web-scraped facial recog-
nition dataset named VGGFace2 (Cao et al., 2018)
adopted and improved a multi-step semi-automatic
approach from the original VGGFace paper (Parkhi
et al., 2015). To achieve their goal of a 96% pure
dataset, their effort included more than 3 months of
manual annotations. The majority of that time was
spent on the initial name list filtering. The annota-
tion team reduced the initial list from 500,000 to only
9,244 names by dismissing all the subjects for whom
the top 100 Google Image Search results were not at
least 90% pure. After applying a relatively strict face
detection step, a set of 1-vs-rest classifiers was trai-
ned to discriminate between the 9,244 subjects. The
threshold was selected by manually checking results
for 500 subjects and all the samples with a score be-
low the selected threshold were dismissed. The next
step, designed to remove near-duplicate images, used
VLAD descriptor clustering and retained only one
image per cluster. To detect overlapping subjects (na-
mes referring to the same person), an additional clas-
sifier was trained to generate a confusion matrix and
remove classes mostly confused with others. The fi-
nal, partially manual step consisted of iterative retrai-
ning of the 1-vs-rest classifiers with an annotator team
manually filtering only part of the samples based on
the classification scores.
To reach their target in terms of data purity, the
authors of the VGGFace2 trained several versions of
more than 9,000 1-vs-rest classifiers, trained an addi-
Figure 1: Web-scraping noise in IMDB-WIKI and CACD
data for subject Gal Gadot; for each dataset, top row shows
valid samples while bottom row shows image samples that
have been wrongly paired with Gal Gadot’s meta-data.
tional classifier for overlap detection, performed ma-
nual threshold search and substantial amounts of ma-
nual filtering. This impressive data filtering effort re-
sulted in a state-of-the-art face recognition dataset.
To design an efficient filtering method, we firstly ana-
lyse the common sources of label noise in the current
state-of-the-art biometric facial datasets.
Due to the nature of commonly used web-scraping
approaches described in Section 2.2, there are two
main sources of label noise. The first problem is the
unreliability of the automatic age annotation process
itself. Although the dates of birth are mostly correct,
the year of photo-taking can be inaccurate or misle-
ading. As mentioned in(Rothe et al., 2016), a large
number of images are actually movie screenshots an-
notated with the year of the movie release, and some
movies have production times spanning over several
years. While this problem usually causes relatively
small age annotation errors, the following problem
can cause large annotation discrepancies for both age
and gender labels.
In case of multi-person images, face detector fai-
lures or simply bad image search results, collected
meta-data can be paired with a face detection of the
wrong person. For example, if the image is a photo of
a female actress and her son, and the son’s face gets
detected as the primary face, the image will a have
wrongly assigned gender and a high age annotation
error (e.g. 30 years). Figure 1 shows examples of cor-
rectly paired and mismatched images for one subject
from CACD and IMDB-WIKI datasets.
VISAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
In order to reduce the number of samples with
large label errors caused by mismatched identities and
to mitigate this main source of label noise, we propose
a filtering method described in the next section.
3.1 Unsupervised Filtering Method
The main idea of our unsupervised filtering method
is to automatically group samples with the same bio-
metric meta-data (images collected for the same per-
son) into clusters of samples with matching identity,
and only to keep the samples from the largest cluster,
while all other samples get discarded. There are two
prerequisites that need to be satisfied for this approach
to function:
1. There must be multiple images of every subject.
2. For each subject’s gallery, the number of appea-
rances of the subject’s face must exceed the num-
ber of appearances of any other subject.
There are a number of clustering algorithms that
can perform the required clustering efficiently, but re-
gardless of the type of the automatic clustering algo-
rithm, the clustering performance will greatly depend
on the way the samples are represented numerically.
For a good performance, numerical representati-
ons should be compact and highly descriptive of the
property of interest (e.g. the subject’s identity). In
case of facial image data, a favourable option for that
task are the facial recognition algorithms. Facial re-
cognition algorithms are specifically designed to pro-
ject high-dimensional facial image data to highly dis-
criminative low-dimensional feature vectors (i.e. face
descriptors) that encode subject’s identities. Howe-
ver, our method is not restricted to work on descrip-
tors obtained by facial recognition algorithms - any
image descriptor could be used.
To reduce the undesired effects of feature ex-
traction from misaligned and inconsistent detections,
we propose to employ a two-step detection procedure
consisting of regular object (face) detection followed
by key-point detection that allows precise calculation
of bounding box position and scale.
For the approach to be completely parameter-less
and unsupervised, the descriptor grouping should be
done with a clustering method that is capable of dis-
covering the number of underlying groups (identities)
automatically. For this purpose, a number of clus-
tering algorithms, such as Chinese Whispers Cluste-
ring (Biemann, 2006), Affinity Propagation Cluste-
ring (Frey and Dueck, 2007) or Mean Shift Clustering
(Cheng, 1995), can be used.
3.2 Implementation
Based on the method described in Section 3.1, we im-
plement a filtering pipeline consisting of several steps.
First, the datasets are reorganized into subject-based
galleries containing all the images collected for each
of the dataset subjects.
The second step amounts to detecting all the fa-
ces in the image. Although both datasets provide fa-
cial bounding box information, given bounding boxes
lack consistency with respect to bounding box scale
and positioning. To ensure more consistent inputs to
the feature extraction step, we first utilize a face de-
tection algorithm based on dlib’s
CNN face detec-
tor to re-detect faces, and then use a facial alignment
algorithm robust to bounding-box imprecisions (Bu-
lat and Tzimiropoulos, 2017) to precisely determine
bounding box position and scale based on the detected
facial landmark points. The bounding box informa-
tion provided by the datasets’ authors is used only in
the rare cases of a face detection failure, and even then
it is corrected by the face alignment step.
The next step is the extraction of face descrip-
tors for all detected faces. We utilized the dlib’s po-
werful facial recognition model based on ResNet ar-
chitecture (He et al., 2016) to extract compact 512-
dimensional identity descriptors. By calculating dis-
tances between the extracted feature vectors, the pro-
bability of two descriptors representing the same sub-
ject can be efficiently estimated, and by using dlib’s
default descriptor similarity threshold, a reliable iden-
tity matching can be obtained.
The final step is the sample clustering based on
the extracted facial descriptors. Since the number
of identities in each gallery is unknown, we utilize
the Chinese Whispers clustering; an efficient graph-
based parameter-free clustering algorithm introduced
by (Biemann, 2006) which discovers the number of
clusters in a simple iterative process.
3.3 Filtering Results
We apply the proposed filtering pipeline to the two
largest publicly available facial biometric estimation
datasets; the CACD dataset and the IMDB-WIKI da-
taset. As we can see from Table 1, the average num-
ber of images per subject is 81.7 for the CACD, and
25.8 for the IMDB-WIKI dataset, indicating that the
method’s first prerequisite from Section 3.1 will be
satisfied for the majority of subjects.
The probability of a well-defined image search
producing more bad than good results is very low.
The probability of a subject not being most frequently
Unsupervised Facial Biometric Data Filtering for Age and Gender Estimation
appearing person on his/her IMDb/Wikipedia profile
photos is even lower. Therefore, the method’s second
prerequisite is satisfied intrinsically for the majority
of samples from the CACD and IMDB-WIKI data-
Images that were damaged, or had an extremely
low resolution or biologically impossible labels were
removed in the initial preprocessing step and were not
considered in any of the experiments. Additionally,
only the IMDB part of the IMDB-WIKI dataset was
used considering that only one image per subject was
collected for the WIKI part
Prior to the label filtering, the subsets of the
CACD and the IMDB-WIKI datasets used in this
work had 150,383 and 452,261 samples, respectively.
After filtering, 130,571 samples were retained in the
CACD dataset (13.2% reduction), and only 216,939
samples remained in the IMDB dataset (52.0% re-
duction). As we can see in Figure 2, the sample dis-
tributions of the unfiltered and filtered subsets of the
datasets remained similar, while the number of sam-
ples was greatly reduced.
To examine the filtering results more closely, out-
puts for several galleries were manually inspected and
showed consistent results. Figure 3 shows the results
of a statistical analysis of filtering outputs for one of
the subjects from the IMDB dataset. The figure con-
tains a histogram for the top five sample clusters and
a chart representing the cluster sizes. The 48% of
the samples that were grouped into the largest clus-
ter were kept while 52% of the samples were filtered-
out. The analysis showed that the second largest clus-
ter (9%) grouped primarily non-facial images caused
by false-positive detections, and the subsequent clus-
ters contained facial images of subject’s most popu-
lar associates. The emphasised part of the Figure 3
Figure 2: Distribution of samples across ages for CACD
and IMDB datasets before and after filtering.
IMDB and WIKI galleries could have been merged by
Figure 3: Clustering results for the IMDB subject Danny
DeVito; images on the left show representative images for
top 5 clusters, histogram bars contain all cluster samples,
and chart on the right shows cluster size distribution with
emphasised part representing all clusters containing 1 to 3
chart represents the clusters with only 1-3 samples (1-
3 occurrences per identity) therefore grouping the less
frequently appearing outliers.
The proposed filtering pipeline described in Section
3.2 resulted with strong sample count reduction, as
presented in Section 3.3. To validate that the resulting
subsets of the original datasets have higher percenta-
ges of valid data and that the proposed automatic fil-
tering approach is beneficial to the dataset’s applica-
bility to the facial biometric tasks they were designed
for, we performed a set of age and gender estimation
To compare results before and after the proposed
filtering method was applied, we trained age and gen-
der estimation algorithms on both versions of the da-
taset under identical conditions, and analysed diffe-
rences in terms of convergence rate, training error, va-
lidation error, and testing error. All the networks were
trained for 100 epochs on an 80% split of the dataset,
with the remaining 20% of samples being used for va-
lidation. The training set was augmented with random
bounding box perturbations and horizontal flipping.
Good generalization capabilities, crucial for real
world in-the-wild applications, often directly depend
on the training set sample count and diversity. To va-
lidate that our quite aggressive sample reduction does
not impair the generalization capacity of the trained
estimation systems, we perform testing on separate
in-the-wild benchmarks.
To further show that the proposed filtering method
is beneficial even in case of highly specialized transfer
learning, we performed additional fine-tuning on the
training parts of the benchmark datasets.
VISAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 4: Training and validation MAE for the first 100 epo-
chs of training on the unfiltered and filtered (F) versions of
the CACD and IMDB datasets.
The deep learning estimation algorithms used in
the experiments rely on a simple 9-layer CNN model
based on the open-source architecture Tiny DarkNet
This minimalistic 1M-parameter architecture was pre-
trained for the task of facial recognition and further
modified to take a low-resolution 3 × 96 × 96 RGB
input, allowing efficient training and single-core CPU
inference in real time, even on mobile devices.
4.1 Age Estimation Experiments
To train the age estimators, the network architecture
was modified to output a single soft value ranging
from 0 to 100. To this extent, we added a fully con-
nected layer, applied a sigmoid function to its sole
output and multiplied it by 100. To train the net-
work, we used the Mean Square Error (MSE) Loss
and the widely adopted Adadelta optimization algo-
rithm (Zeiler, 2012) with the learning rate set to 10
To calculate the estimation errors, we adopted the
standard mean absolute error (MAE) measure. The
trainings were performed on CACD and IMDB data-
sets separately.
Figure 4 shows training and validation MAEs over
100 epochs for the 4 experiments. It is notable that
the trainings based on the filtered data (denoted as
CACD-F and IMDB-F) resulted in lower training
Table 2: Appa-Real real age estimation testing (MAE).
Dataset Fine-tuned Unfiltered Filtered
CACD no 13.73 11.68
IMDB no 8.94 6.67
CACD yes 7.30 6.87
IMDB yes 6.85 6.26
Table 3: Appa-Real apparent age estimation testing (MAE).
Dataset Fine-tuned Unfiltered Filtered
CACD no 12.40 10.40
IMDB no 7.55 5.51
CACD yes 5.71 5.32
IMDB yes 5.57 4.92
and validation errors, as well as better general con-
The testing was performed on the Appa-Real
age estimation benchmark, introduced in (Agustsson
et al., 2017). The Appa-Real dataset is a small in-the-
wild dataset consisting of 7,591 samples with highly
reliable real and apparent age annotations, allowing
us to perform testing on the two separate tasks. Real
age estimation is the task of estimation of the sub-
ject’s biological age, while apparent age estimation
refers to the estimation of age as humans perceive it,
based on the subject’s physical appearance. The fine-
tunings were performed on the two separate tasks for
500 epochs with SGD optimization and a relatively
low learning rate (10
Tables 2 and 3 present the real and apparent age
estimation errors on the Appa-Real test-set, respecti-
vely. The first two rows show errors for models that
are directly trained on the unfiltered and filtered ver-
sions of the CACD and IMDB datasets, while the last
two rows show errors for models that were fine-tuned
on the Appa-Real training set. Note that the high
CACD testing errors were caused by the lack of young
and old people in the CACD dataset, as shown by Fi-
gure 2, and were greatly reduced after fine-tuning on
the Appa-Real training set.
For both datasets and both types of age estima-
tion tasks, the models trained on the filtered versions
of the data resulted with consistently reduced mean
absolute age estimation error by more than 2 years.
Even after the specialized fine-tunings, versions pre-
trained on the filtered data consistently yielded 0.5
years lower MAE compared to the models based on
the unfiltered data, regardless of the type of the age
estimation task.
4.2 Gender Classification Experiments
The gender estimator used in the experiments was de-
signed as a simple binary classifier. The base archi-
tecture was extended with one fully connected layer
producing two softmax outputs, along with an additi-
Table 4: LFW gender classification accuracy testing.
Dataset Fine-tuned Unfiltered Filtered
IMDB no 96.06 96.71
IMDB yes 96.36 96.84
Unsupervised Facial Biometric Data Filtering for Age and Gender Estimation
onal dropout layer to reduce possible overfitting pro-
blems. The networks were trained by employing the
Cross-Entropy Loss and Stochastic Gradient Descent
(SGD) optimization with learning rate set to 2 · 10
Due to the lack of gender labels in the CACD dataset,
the experiments were performed only on the IMDB
Figure 5 shows training measurements for the un-
filtered and filtered (F) versions of the IMDB data.
The training and validation classification accuracies
for the training based on the filtered data were consis-
tently higher by a large margin of 17% over all 100
epochs, indicating very high amounts of gender label
noise in the unfiltered version of the dataset.
The testing was performed on a version of the
LFW datasets aligned by (Huang et al., 2012) with
manually verified gender labels provided by (Afifi and
Abdelhamed, 2017). The dataset consists of 13,233
in-the-wild images initially collected for the facial re-
cognition testing. All tests were performed on the
images of the official test-set subjects to prevent ima-
ges of the same person appearing in both training and
test sets. Similar to the procedure from the Section
4.1, the fine-tunings were performed on the training
part of the LFW benchmark dataset for 500 epochs
with SGD optimization and learning rate set to 10
Table 4 presents the gender classification accu-
racy scores on the LFW test-set. The testing accuracy
obtained with the gender classifier trained on the un-
filtered version of the IMDB dataset was almost 19%
higher than the highest validation accuracy reached
during the training (77.09%). This interesting result
further indicates that the cause of low training and va-
lidation accuracies during the training on the unfilte-
red data was gender label noise since the trained clas-
sifier demonstrated good performance on the clean,
manually verified LFW test-set.
In the case of simple tasks, such as binary
classification, modern deep learning methods can
achieve good generalization capabilities despite large
amounts of label noise in the training set. Howe-
ver, even in case of one of the simplest facial analy-
sis tasks (i.e. gender classification), the testing accu-
racy obtained by the classifier trained on the filtered
version of the data was notably higher. Even after
performing fine-tuning on the manually cleaned LFW
training set, the pre-training on the cleaned version of
the dataset was shown to be beneficial.
Compared to the manually collected facial datasets
for biometric estimation, datasets collected with auto-
Figure 5: Training and validation gender classification
accuracies for the first 100 epochs of training on the un-
filtered and filtered (F) versions of the IMDB datasets.
matic web-scraping methods can be far superior with
respect to the sample count and variety, but share a
common downside in terms of label noise. The filte-
ring methods for label noise reduction often require
dataset-specific trainings and manual intervention.
The proposed method for unsupervised biometric
data filtering, build upon parameterless identity-based
clustering, can automatically reduce the number of
noisy samples in facial web-scraped datasets by com-
bining only several general-purpose algorithms.
The implemented filtering pipeline resulted with
strong sample count reduction (up to 52%) on
two state-of-the-art web-scraped facial datasets (i.e.
CACD and IMDB). The filtering results were valida-
ted by training separate age and gender estimators on
unfiltered and filtered data under identical setup. Mo-
dels based on filtered data demonstrated better con-
vergence rates and better training and validation sco-
res, indicating lower amounts of label noise and im-
proved label consistency, with an additional benefit of
shorter training times.
The generalization capabilities of the models trai-
ned on the filtered data were shown to be considera-
bly improved by performing testing on separate in-
the-wild age and gender benchmarks. In case of age
estimation, Appa-Real testing MAE was consistently
lowered by more than 2 years for both datasets and
two separate age estimation tasks (i.e. real and appa-
rent age estimation). The gender classification accu-
racy on the LFW test-set was improved by 0.65%, and
the large testing-validation accuracy gap ( 19%) for
the model trained on the unfiltered data further indi-
cated very high amounts of label noise, compared to
a gap of only 0.96% in case of the filtered data.
The proposed filtering method was additionally
shown to consistently improve results for all 3 bio-
metric tasks even in case of specialized fine-tuning on
manually cleaned benchmark train-sets.
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Unsupervised Facial Biometric Data Filtering for Age and Gender Estimation