Theorising on Information Cascades and Sequential Decision-making
for Analysing Security Behaviour
D. P. Snyman and H. A. Kruger
School of Computer Science and Information Systems, North-West University, 11 Hoffman Street, Potchefstroom,
South Africa
Keywords: Information Cascades, Sequential Decision-making, Information Security, Human Behaviour.
Abstract: Human behaviour is an ever-present aspect in information security and requires special attention when
seeking to secure information systems. Information security behaviour is often based on an informed
decision where information is obtained by previous experience and observation of the behaviour of others.
In this research, the concept of sequential decision-making is contextualised in terms of information security
behaviour. Information cascades, which are based on sequential decision-making, are theorised as a model
to explain how decision-making (i.e. behaviour) takes place in terms of information security. A case study is
presented to illustrate how behavioural threshold analysis can be employed as an instrument to evaluate the
effect of information cascades and sequential decision-making on information security behaviour. The paper
concludes by theorising on the applicability of the models and approaches that are presented in this research.
A long-standing approach for protecting information
systems was a focus on technical solutions. It was
soon realised, however, that technical solutions
alone were not sufficient to protect the systems and
information from those who intend to access it
without due authorisation (Arce, 2003; Lineberry,
2007; Soomro et al., 2016). Humans are inextricably
linked to the creation and use of information
systems. They are fallible by nature, and it is
precisely this innate fallibility that can cause
vulnerabilities in information systems, even when
the systems are sufficiently protected by
technological means (Glaspie and Karwowski,
2017). In a recent publication on information
security threats, human conduct (mostly inadvertent
behaviour) was responsible for more than two thirds
of reported breaches in 2017 (IBM Security, 2018).
These behaviours ranged from human error in server
configurations, to human compliance with phishing
In order to attempt to address the human factor in
information security, the phenomenon of human
behaviour should first and fore mostly be
understood. Researchers have long been seeking
ways to formalise the study of human behaviour
which gave rise to many theories and models that try
to explain how behaviour is determined
(Granovetter, 1978; Ajzen, 1991; Wilson, 1999;
Kroenung and Eckhardt, 2015; Pham et al., 2017;
Ooi et al., 2018). Such models are then used in an
attempt to explain behaviour in terms of information
security. Examples of the most prevalent of such
models that have been used in this context include:
The theory of reasoned action, the theory of planned
behaviour, protection motivation theory, and general
deterrence theory (Lebek et al., 2013; Pham et al.,
These models aim to incorporate influencing
factors that are intrinsic to an individual and
describe how these factors contribute to the eventual
behaviour. Ultimately, the behaviour that is
performed is based on an informed decision by the
individual. The application of the abovementioned
models places a person in isolation, but this is
seldomly, if ever, the case in a real-world situation.
The theories fail to consider the influence that
the decisions of others might have on an individual.
When decisions are no longer made in isolation, the
direct application of these theories becomes
problematic because the motivations for exhibiting a
certain behaviour is no longer only an intrinsic one,
but extrinsic factors now come into play.
Information on the everyday decisions of others are
Snyman, D. and Kruger, H.
Theorising on Information Cascades and Sequential Decision-making for Analysing Security Behaviour.
DOI: 10.5220/0007258702050212
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2019), pages 205-212
ISBN: 978-989-758-359-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
typically overt for an individual to observe, for
instance, the choice in clothing brand, restaurant
preferences, etc. These decisions in turn help
determine the way in which someone would make
his/her own decisions.
Information security behaviour is similarly based
on an informed decision as mentioned above.
Behaviour in this context is also not confined to an
individual’s intrinsic motivations but is similarly
informed by the decisions that others make. The
process of decision-making is often of a sequential
nature, i.e. one decision informs the next, which in
turn informs another. An individual bases future
decisions on the knowledge of previous decisions.
Easley and Kleinberg (2010) describe the use of
information cascades to formally model iterative,
sequential decision-making of an individual in
relation to decisions in a group. Information
cascades, in short, refer to how an individual makes
decisions (sequentially) based on the probability that
the decision is correct, given the decisions
previously made by others. This approach has never
been used before to model information security
behaviour but has been mentioned as a possible
problematic phenomenon in relation to privacy and
security (see Chesney and Citron (2018) on so-called
“deep fakes” for a recent mention of information
cascades in literature). Therefore, this paper aims to
theorise on the applicability of information cascades
as a technique to analyse information security
The remainder of this paper is structured as
follows: In Section 2 an overview of the concept of
sequential decision-making is presented, followed
by an illustrative case study in Section 3. Section 4
consists of a reflection on the implications of the
study as well as the key contributions of this
research is highlighted. The paper is concluded in
Section 5.
In this section, the concept of sequential decision-
making is presented in a twofold manner. Firstly,
sequential decision-making is discussed in terms of
the information cascades model. Secondly,
behavioural threshold analysis is presented as a
possible instrument to measure sequential decision-
making in information cascades, specifically in
terms of information security.
2.1 Information Cascades
As mentioned in Section 1, information cascades
refer to a formal expression of the process of
sequential decision-making. The first mention and
the development of information cascades (also
called herd behaviour (Banerjee, 1992)) has its
origins in the field of Economics to describe, among
other things, investment decisions and consumer
fads (Bikhchandani et al., 1992; Welch, 1992).
For the sake of the arguments of this paper, a
simple, general, description of information cascades
is subsequently presented. The aim of this
description is to provide a high-level overview of the
model and to create an analogy to relate information
cascades to information security. The description is
based on the explanation of Easley and Kleinberg
(2010). They provide a more detailed explanation
with mathematical substantiation of the model for
further reading.
The decisions of a person are informed by
signals, i.e. information, in relation to an expected
gain. These signals come in two forms, namely
private- and public signals. A private signal is
information that is currently known to the person, be
it a belief or a fact. When a person makes a decision
in isolation, a private signal is what determines the
outcome of the decision. When the signal aligns with
an associated gain and is powerful enough to
overcome the risk associated with potential loss, the
decision is made solely on the information conveyed
by the signal.
Easley and Kleinberg (2010) note that everyday
decisions are rarely made in isolation from the rest
of society. Information can be conveyed by signals
that are formed extrinsically. Such public signals are
based on information that does not come from the
individual, but rather from the observation of the
decisions that others have made. In a public setting,
both private- and public signals will inform the
decision. If the signals indicate the same course for
the decision, the outcome is obvious but if the two
signals provide contrasting information, the
strongest signal will inform the decision. It is
important to note that both signals are normally
imperfect and do not convey infallible information.
The signal is always weighed against the probability
that the corresponding course for the decision will
result in gain, rather than loss.
Due to the sequential nature of decision-making,
the public signal becomes stronger with each
decision that was made in its favour. The decision-
maker is aware of all the public decisions, each one
informed by the previous. As a result, the perceived
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
probability that the public signal suggests the
“correct” course for the decision becomes higher.
The main premise of the model, therefore, is that
the public signal will almost always prove stronger
and influence the decision even when the private
signal initially informed a contrasting course.
Information cascades rely on four prerequisites
for the model to be applied to a situation (Easley and
Kleinberg, 2010):
1) There is a (binary/contrasting) decision to be
2) Each person has a private signal that originally
informs their initial proclivity;
3) The decisions that were made by others can be
observed and the decisions happen sequentially;
4) The private information of others is not known to
the individual.
However, inferences can be made about
another’s private information based on their publicly
noticeable decision from number 3 above.
Take, for instance, an example of adopting new
technology. An individual, let us call him John, is
looking for a new digital device and has an
expectation of the utility (gain) that the new
technology will have to him. He reads an online
review of the device which indicates that the
technology is in its infancy and it might be better to
wait for revisions, rather than adopt the technology
in its current form. John then forms a negative,
personal signal because of the perceived lack of
utility. The information that the signal relays
prevents him from adopting the technology.
As stated before, John is not in isolation. He
moves around in public spaces and notices that
another person has one of the devices in their
possession. He has, however, no sense of whether
the other person is happy with the purchase (i.e. the
decision to adopt was the correct decision to make),
and he does not know what the private signal of the
other person was that convinced him/her to adopt the
technology. Instead, John receives a positive public
signal that indicates that adoption of the technology
has happened. As he encounters and sees more
people that have adopted the technology, the higher
the probability becomes that adoption, rather than
rejection, is preferable and the signal becomes
As soon as the public signal becomes stronger
than the private and overcomes the associated risk
with adoption, John will make the decision to follow
the group of adopters and adopt the technology. The
prerequisites for an information cascade, mentioned
above, have been met and an information cascade has
taken place.
An example of how information cascades can be
evaluated and, possibly, predicted is the application
of behavioural threshold analysis. This is discussed
in the following sub-section.
2.2 Behavioural Threshold Analysis
From the brief description in Section 2.1, it is clear
that information cascades and sequential decision-
making may play a significant role in information
security behaviour. However, to do a meaningful
evaluation thereof, in a way that provides new
insights into information security behaviour and
specifically paradoxical information security
behaviour, an acceptable method for analysing
information cascades should be found. One possible
approach is to use behavioural threshold analysis
which is also based on sequential decision-making.
In this section, behavioural threshold analysis is
introduced briefly as a possible instrument to
evaluate information cascades. Parallels are also
drawn between information cascades and
behavioural threshold analysis to support the idea of
behavioural threshold analysis as an evaluation
instrument for information cascades and,
specifically, sequential decision-making.
The notion of behavioural threshold analysis pre-
dates the conceptualisation of information cascades
by some time. Behavioural threshold analysis was
first developed by Granovetter (1978) and was
coined “threshold models of collective behaviour”.
The premise supporting the model of threshold
analysis, is that the behaviour of an individual
(Sarah) in a group setting will be influenced by the
group’s behaviour if a large enough number of other
members of the group exhibit a specific behaviour.
The number of others that must perform a behaviour
before Sarah joins in, is determined by her inherent
threshold for participation. If the number of others in
the group that perform a certain action, exceeds
Sarah’s threshold for participation, she will follow
the group and also perform the action. To
demonstrate the similarities between information
cascades and behavioural threshold analysis, an
example of behavioural threshold analysis (in terms
of information security behaviour) is presented.
Information cascades, in information security
behaviour, can manifest itself when employees in a
group setting, follow the security behaviour of
others rather than relying on their own knowledge.
This is similar for behavioural thresholds:
Information security awareness training is often
conducted in organisations to educate employees on
Theorising on Information Cascades and Sequential Decision-making for Analysing Security Behaviour
basic security hygiene (Alshaikh et al., 2018).
Topics such as password sharing, incident reporting,
and responsible social media use are commonly
addressed in these training programs. Sarah has
undergone the training, and she internalises the
content. She forms an informed opinion on the
related practices and the associated risks
(comparable to the risk/gain from information
cascades that was mentioned earlier). When she is
confronted with either performing, or abstaining
from a certain information security behaviour, a
contrasting decision (as with information cascades)
is to be made. Sarah is not in isolation and she is
aware of the actions that other people in her group
perform (public signal). Her inherent threshold for
participating in the behaviour (private signal) will be
weighed against the number of others in the group
that perform the action. Sarah is not aware what the
motivations of the other group members (i.e. their
own private signals) are for why they exhibit the
behaviour, but she is aware of what their decision
for behaviour was. If her threshold number (private
signal) is exceeded by the number of group members
(public signal), Sarah will follow the group example
for the behaviour.
This parallel between the two models indicate
that they are both applicable to sequential decision-
making. The situations in which behavioural
threshold analysis can be performed, satisfy the
prerequisites for an information cascade to occur,
i.e. both models depend on a person to make a
contrasting decision, given both intrinsic and
extrinsic evidence that inform the decision. Finally,
the intrinsic basis for said evidence is not known,
but the evidence is clear to see.
Behavioural threshold analysis therefore seems
like a feasible approach to provide a mechanism by
which information cascades may be evaluated. In the
following section, a case study is presented to
support this claim.
To illustrate how behavioural threshold analysis can
be used to evaluate information cascades, a case
study was conducted and is presented below in terms
of the experimental setup, followed by the results
3.1 Experimental Setup
Behavioural threshold analysis depends on the
availability of information about the thresholds of the
the members of a group (Granovetter, 1978). One
way to obtain their threshold information is by
surveying the group by means of a self-reporting
questionnaire (Growney, 1983). An exploratory
study (Snyman and Kruger, 2016) on the application
of behavioural threshold analysis in the context of
information security has, however, determined that
the measurement instrument that was offered by
Growney may not be suitable when applied in a
context which is sufficiently different from its initial
intended use. This has prompted on-going reflection
on, and development of, a measurement instrument
for use in this specific context. In its current form,
the instrument suggested by Growney (1983) asks
respondents to directly nominate their threshold for
the number of group members that have to perform
an action before they will follow suit. Snyman and
Kruger (2016) found that respondents were confused
by this style of questioning which lead to inaccurate
responses. For this research, based on the ongoing
development, it was opted to alter the measurement
instrument in order to guide the respondents in
answering what their thresholds are. This was
achieved in the following way:
The respondents were asked to rate their
willingness to follow the group example on a four-
point Likert scale, i.e. 1. Never, 2. Somewhat
inclined, 3. Strongly inclined, and 4. Always. Their
willingness for participation in the group behaviour
was recorded for different threshold level intervals,
e.g. rate your willingness to not report security
incidents if 31-40% of group members fail to report
security incidents. Formally, the question was
presented as follows:
How inclined would you be to also ignore
security incidents by not reporting them, given the
percentage of staff that ignore security incidents and
do not report them?
An example of how the question, response
scales, and threshold intervals are incorporated in an
online questionnaire is presented in Figure 1.
In order to determine the minimum threshold
level for participation, all responses of a
2. Somewhat inclined and above for a specific
threshold interval were taken to mean that the
respondent will be influenced by the group if that
percentage of group members participate in the
specific action. For this illustrative case study The
abovementioned approach was applied in a real-world
setting by distributing an online questionnaire to
contract employees within a company. The identity
and other information of the company is not
revealed to comply with a confidentiality agreement.
The employees whom were surveyed, typically
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 1: Example of questionnaire layout.
work together in a group (in a departmental setting).
They were asked to rate their willingness to
participate in group information security behaviour
that relates to the non-reporting of information
security incidents. Willingness, in this context,
relates to the likelihood that an individual will not
report a security incident, given the number of other
group members that also do not report security
Responses were obtained from a group of 33
employees. Contrary to the typical expectation for
sample sizes relating to questionnaires, the nature of
behavioural threshold analysis actually requires a
smaller number of respondents but all the while
imposes another unique requirement: The group
members are required to have a knowledge of the
behaviour of the other group members (recall the
discussion on public signals from Section 2). This
requirement determines that behavioural threshold
analysis be performed with a group that have regular
interaction with one another. In a company setting,
this typically relates to business units or
departments. Furthermore, the analysis of responses
and any group behaviour prediction that is based
thereon, is only applicable to the group that was
surveyed and therefore the findings of behavioural
threshold analysis are not generalised to a greater
population. This means that regular guidelines of
sample size versus greater population size do not
apply in this context.
The behavioural thresholds were noted for each
respondent after which a graph of the cumulative
distribution of thresholds was constructed (see
Figure 2). In the next section, the results that were
obtained for the experiment are presented and
discussed in short.
3.2 Results
Figure 2 shows the employees’ cumulative
behavioural thresholds for not reporting security
incidents, given the number of others that do not
report security incidents. On the y-axis, the
percentage of participants in the behaviour is shown.
The x-axis represents the different threshold-levels,
also expressed as a percentage, e.g. the point X on
the graph indicates that 36% percent of the group
will not report security incidents if 30% of the group
do not report such incidents. The different
cumulative threshold levels that are shown, were
joined with a line to aid in the interpretation of the
graph. A uniform cumulative distribution of
thresholds was also plotted on the graph as a dotted
line. This in known as the equilibrium line. The
equilibrium line refers to a collection of points with
equal numerical coordinates (Granovetter, 1978;
Growney, 1983), i.e. x=y where the number of
participants in a behaviour and the threshold levels
intersect. When the number of participants becomes
equal to an individual’s threshold level, they will
start to participate in the group behaviour.
When the threshold line (i.e. the cumulative
distribution function F(x)) intersects with the equilib-
Theorising on Information Cascades and Sequential Decision-making for Analysing Security Behaviour
Figure 2: Cumulative threshold graph for information
security behaviour (incident reporting).
rium line, where F(x)=x, certain inferences can be
made about the group behaviour, based on the line-
segments to the left and right of the intersection
(Granovetter, 1978; Growney, 1983). The gradient
of the line-sections determines whether a stable
equilibrium is reached. When a stable equilibrium is
reached, the number of participants (y-axis) at that
intersection indicates to which extent the
participation rate of the group is likely to grow. In
other words, how many people will be influenced by
the sequential decision-making cascade until the
cascade eventually stops.
In Figure 2, the intersection of the two
abovementioned lines occurs at the point X (40,39).
The gradients of the line-segments indicate a stable
equilibrium is reached. The equilibrium-state may be
interpreted as an indication that sequential decision-
making will influence up to 40% of the group to not
report security incidents.
Many other explanations and deductions can be
made from the graph but are limited to only those
mentioned above due to space considerations. For a
more comprehensive discussion on how behavioural
threshold analysis graphs can be used and analysed,
refer to the work of Growney (1983) and
Granovetter (1978).
4.1 Theoretical Implications
The arguments in this paper are of an introductory
nature and attempt to explore new ideas that can
help with the problem of human information security
behaviour, which is often paradoxical. While no-one
doubts the importance of the human factor in
information security, it appears that the models used
to explain it (theory of planned behaviour, protection
motivation theory, etc.) have a disadvantage because
they do not specifically take into account sequential
decision-making and the influence of other people's
Information security behaviour is essentially a
decision-making process where one must decide
whether or not to perform an information security
behaviour. When people work in a group setting and
are aware of what other employees are doing
(deciding) then the problem will be further
compounded by sequential decision-making aspects
of their co-workers. In order to ultimately be applied
to information security behaviour, these principles
for sequential decision-making will first have to be
understood, and secondly be evaluated. This brings
forth a new problem of how to understand it and how
to evaluate it.
The principle of information cascades is
presented in this article as one possible way of trying
to understand information security behaviour and
sequential decision-making specifically. The
principles of how information cascades work as well
as the four prerequisites (Section 2.1) for an
information cascade fits the problem of information
security behaviour (especially in a group or
departmental setting where people can observe
others' behaviours and decisions). Information
cascades therefore provide a possible solution for
understanding information security behaviour under
certain circumstances.
In order to address the “how to evaluate”
problem, the principles of information security
behavioural threshold analysis are offered as a viable
evaluation tool. Section 2.2 explained the concept of
information security behavioural thresholds and
indicated that there exists a parallel between
information cascades and information security
behavioural thresholds in terms of sequential
decision-making. Section 3 then presented a
practical case study on how to measure and evaluate
sequential decision-making by applying information
security behavioural threshold analysis.
30; 36
40; 39
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Percentage of respondents who
do not report security incidents
Behavioural thresholds
Equilibrium Cumulative thresholds
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
The results indicated that sequential decision-
making in a group influences the individual to
follow the group example in matters of information
security behaviour. The extent of an information
cascade that takes place may be determined with the
use of behavioural threshold analysis.
Behavioural threshold analysis may, therefore,
contribute to understanding information cascades
and may serve to help predict the extent to which
such a cascade may influence a group’s behaviour.
4.2 Application Challenges
Behavioural threshold analysis in itself is still under
continual development and therefore it brings about
its own challenges in terms of its application as a
method to analyse sequential decision-making and
information cascades. Some of the related risks and
vulnerabilities relating to behavioural threshold
analysis include, among others, the following:
-The respondents in a behavioural threshold analysis
exercise need to have an intimate knowledge of
the behaviour of the other group members. Due
to their proximity in a group, the required level
of knowledge is presumed. However, if this is
not the case the results of the threshold analysis
may be flawed;
-Even though the number of participants in threshold
analysis is intentionally kept small, too small a
number will not allow for accurate analysis;
-Due to generalisation to a greater population being
disallowed, little information about the behaviour
of one group becomes clear by surveying another
group, e.g. performing behavioural threshold
analysis for the finance department does not
necessarily convey information on the IT
department, for instance or about the company as
a whole;
-No universal measurement instrument for
behavioural threshold analysis currently exists.
Even though there is continual development,
these instruments may need to be customised for
each application; and
-Respondents may not always be truthful in their
responses to questionnaires due to a perceived
correct or expected answer that the researcher
would like to see. This phenomenon is called
social desirability. Mechanisms to test for social
desirability may be investigated to control for the
occurrence thereof.
4.3 Contributions
The main contributions of this paper can be
summarised as follows:
-As described in this paper, this research is the first
to attempt to link sequential decision-making,
and specifically information cascades, with
information security behaviour and to show a
possible explanatory relationship between the
-Sequential decision-making and information
cascades provide a model to understand and
evaluate (often paradoxical) information security
-This study suggests a solution on how to evaluate
sequential decision-making by means of an
information security threshold model. This
suggested solution is explained, motivated, and
illustrated by presenting an investigative real-life
case study; and
-By theorising on concepts like information cascades
and information security thresholds, this research
can potentially create new avenues for further
research and enquiry which in turn might provide
new insights on the problem of paradoxical
information security behaviour.
This paper explored the possible influence of
information cascades in security behaviour.
Section 1 contextualised the research in the domain
of human aspects of information security. In Section
2, the concept of sequential decision-making was
presented. Two models were presented that aim to
describe sequential decision-making in a group
context, namely information cascades, and
behavioural thresholds. These two models were
shown to be mutually inclusive. An illustrative case
study, to indicate how behavioural threshold analysis
may be used as an instrument to evaluate
information cascades and sequential decision-
making was presented in Section 3. In Section 4, a
reflection on the theoretical implications and
practical challenges of this research is discussed, and
the section concludes with a summary of the
contributions of this paper.
Sequential decision-making and information
cascades may contribute to how individuals
determine their behaviour in terms of information
security. Behavioural threshold analysis may
contribute to understanding information cascades as
the two approaches share many similarities and are
applicable under the same circumstances. The
findings of this research are still in its infancy and
should therefore be understood as such. The theories
and concepts that are discussed in this paper, warrant
Theorising on Information Cascades and Sequential Decision-making for Analysing Security Behaviour
further investigation in order to better understand the
implications thereof.
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ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy