Nonsense Attacks on Google Assistant
and Missense Attacks on Amazon Alexa
Mary K. Bispham, Ioannis Agrafiotis and Michael Goldsmith
Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, U.K.
Voice-controlled Digital Assistant, Human-computer Interaction, Cyber Security.
This paper presents novel attacks on voice-controlled digital assistants using nonsensical word sequences.
We present the results of a small-scale experiment which demonstrates that it is possible for malicious actors
to gain covert access to a voice-controlled system by hiding commands in apparently nonsensical sounds of
which the meaning is opaque to humans. Several instances of nonsensical word sequences were identified
which triggered a target command in a voice-controlled digital assistant, but which were incomprehensible
to humans, as shown in tests with human experimental subjects. Our work confirms the potential for hiding
malicious voice commands to voice-controlled digital assistants or other speech-controlled devices in speech
sounds which are perceived by humans as nonsensical. This paper also develops a novel attack concept which
involves gaining unauthorised access to a voice-controlled system using apparently unrelated utterances. We
present the results of a proof-of-concept study showing that it is possible to trigger actions in a voice-controlled
digital assistant using utterances which are accepted by the system as a target command despite having a
different meaning to the command in terms of human understanding.
The growing popularity of voice-controlled digital as-
sistants, such as Google Assistant, brings with it new
types of security challenges. Input to a speech inter-
face is difficult to control. Furthermore, attacks via
a speech interface are not limited to voice commands
which are detectable by human users. Malicious in-
put may also come from the space of sounds which
are imperceptible or meaningless to humans, or to
which humans allocate a different meaning to the tar-
get system. For example, Carlini et al. (Carlini et al.,
2016) have presented results showing it is possible to
hide malicious commands to voice-controlled digital
assistants in apparently meaningless noise, whereas
Zhang et al.(Zhang et al., 2017) have shown that it
is possible to hide commands in sound which is in-
audible. In a taxonomy of attacks via the speech in-
terface developed by Bispham et al.(Bispham et al.,
2018), attacks which involve hiding voice commands
in a some cover medium so as to make them unde-
tectable to human listeners are categorised as ‘covert’
attacks, such attacks being subcategorised according
to their nature as they are perceived by humans. In
this paper, we show that it is possible to hide mali-
cious voice commands to the voice-controlled digital
assistant Google Assistant in word sounds which are
perceived by humans as nonsensical. We further show
that it is possible to covertly trigger target actions in
a third-party application for Amazon Alexa using ut-
terances which appear to humans to have a meaning
which is unrelated to the target action.
The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-
lows. Section II describes a small-scale experiment
demonstrating the feasibility of attacks using nonsen-
sical word sounds. Section III describes a proof-of-
concept study demonstrating the feasibility of attacks
using unrelated utterances. Section IV makes some
suggestions for future work and concludes the paper.
2.1 Background and Prior Work
The aim of this experimental work was to develop a
novel attack based on ‘nonsense’ sounds which have
some phonetic similarity with the words of a rele-
vant target command. In related work by Papernot
et al. (Papernot et al., 2016), it was shown that a
Bispham, M., Agrafiotis, I. and Goldsmith, M.
Nonsense Attacks on Google Assistant and Missense Attacks on Amazon Alexa.
DOI: 10.5220/0007309500750087
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2019), pages 75-87
ISBN: 978-989-758-359-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
sentiment analysis method could be misled by in-
put which was ‘nonsensical’ at the sentence level,
i.e. the input consisted of a nonsensical concatena-
tion of real words. By contrast, this work exam-
ines whether voice-controlled digital assistants can be
misled by input which consists of nonsensical word
sounds. Whereas the attack demonstrated by Papernot
et al. targeted a natural language understanding func-
tionality, the attacks demonstrated here target speech
recognition functionality. In terms of the taxonomy
of attacks via the speech interface developed by Bis-
pham et al., the attack using nonsensical word sounds
in a ‘nonsense’ attack. To the best of our knowledge,
no attacks of this type have been demonstrated in prior
The idea for the experiment presented here was
inspired by the use of nonsense words to teach phon-
ics to primary school children.
‘Nonsense’ is defined
in this context as sounds which are composed of the
sound units which are used in a given language, but
to which no meaning is allocated within the current
usage of that language. Such sound units are known
as ‘phonemes’.
English has around 44 phonemes.
The line between phoneme combinations which carry
meaning within a language and phoneme combina-
tions which are meaningless is subject to change over
time and place, as new words evolve and old words
fall out of use (see Nowak and Krakauer (Nowak and
Krakauer, 1999)). The space of meaningful word
sounds within a language at a given point in time is
generally confirmed by the inclusion of words in a
generally established reference work, such as, in the
case of English, the Oxford English Dictionary.
this work, we tested the response of Google Assis-
tant to English word sounds which were outside this
space of meaningful word sounds, but which had a
‘rhyming’ relationship with meaningful words recog-
nised as commands by Google Assistant. The term
‘rhyme’ is used to refer to a number of different sound
relationships between words (see for example Mc-
Curdy et al. (McCurdy et al., 2015)), but it is most
commonly used to refer to a correspondence of word
For the purposes of our experimental work
we define rhyme according to this commonly under-
stood sense as words which share the same ending.
See The Telegraph, 1st May 2014, “Infants taught to
read ‘nonsense words’ in English lessons”
See for example
See for example https://www.dyslexia-reading-
See for example
There are a number of features of speech recogni-
tion in voice-controlled digital assistants which might
affect the processing of nonsense syllables by such
systems. One of these features is the word space
which the assistant has been trained to recognise.
The number of words which a voice assistant such as
Google Assistant can transcribe is much larger than
the number of words which it can ‘understand’ in the
sense of being able to map them to an executable com-
mand. In order to be able to perform tasks such as web
searches by voice and note taking, a voice-controlled
digital assistant must be able to transcribe all words in
current usage within a language. It can therefore be
assumed that the speech recognition functionality in
Google Assistant must have access to a phonetic dic-
tionary of all English words. We conducted some pre-
liminary tests to determine whether this phonetic dic-
tionary also includes nonsense words, so as to enable
the assistant to recognise such words as meaningless.
Using the example of the nonsense word sequence
‘voo terg spron’, we tested the response of Google As-
sistant to nonsense syllables by speaking them in nat-
ural voice to a microphone three times. The nonsense
word sequence was variably transcribed as ‘bedtime
song’, ‘who text Rob’, and ‘blue tux prom’, i.e. the
Assistant sought to match the nonsense syllables to
meaningful words, rather than recognising them as
meaningless. This confirmed the viability of our ex-
periment in which we sought to engineer the matching
of nonsense words to a target command.
Another feature of speech recognition in voice as-
sistant which might affect the processing of nonsense
syllables is the influence of a language model. Mod-
ern speech recognition technology includes both an
acoustic modelling and a language modelling compo-
nent. The acoustic modelling component computes
the likelihood of the acoustic features within a seg-
ment of speech having been produced by a given
word. The language modelling component calcu-
lates the probability of one word following another
word or words within an utterance. The acoustic
model is typically based on Gaussian Mixture Mod-
els or deep neural networks (DNNs), whereas the lan-
guage model is typically based on n-grams or recur-
rent neural networks (RNNs). Google’s speech recog-
nition technology as incorporated in Google Assistant
is based on neural networks.
The words most likely
to have produced a sequence of speech sounds are de-
termined by calculation of the product of the acoustic
model and the language model outputs. The language
See Google AI blog, 11th August 2015, ‘The
neural networks behind Google Voice transcription’
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
model is intended to complement the acoustic model,
in the sense that it may correct ‘errors’ on the part of
the acoustic model in matching a set of acoustic fea-
tures to words which are not linguistically valid in the
context of the preceding words. This assumption of
complementary functionality is valid in a cooperative
context, where a user interacts via a speech interface
in meaningful language. However, the assumption of
complementarity is not valid in an adversarial con-
text, where an attacker is seeking to engineer a mis-
match between a set of speech sounds as perceived
by a human, such as the nonsensical speech sounds
generated here, and their transcription by a speech-
controlled device. In an adversarial context such as
that investigated here, the language model may in fact
operate in the attacker’s favour, in that if one ‘non-
sense’ word in an adversarial command is misrecog-
nised as a target command word, subsequent words
in the adversarial command will be more likely to
be misrecognised as target command words in turn,
as the language model trained to recognise legitimate
commands will allocate a high probability to the tar-
get command words which follow the initial one. Hu-
man speech processing also uses an internal ‘lexicon’
to match speech sounds to words (see for example
Roberts et al. (Roberts et al., 2013)). However, as
mentioned above, unlike machines, humans also have
an ability to recognise speech sounds as nonsensical.
This discrepancy between machine and human pro-
cessing of word sounds was the basis of our attack
methodology for hiding malicious commands to voice
assistants in nonsense words.
Outside the context of attacks via the speech inter-
face, differences between human and machine abili-
ties to recognise nonsense syllables have been stud-
ied for example by Lippmann et al. (Lippmann
et al., 1997) and Scharenborg and Cooke (Scharen-
borg and Cooke, 2008). Bailey and Hahn (Bailey
and Hahn, 2005) examine the relationship between
theoretical measures of phoneme similarity based on
phonological features, such as might be used in au-
tomatic speech recognition, and empirically deter-
mined measures of phoneme confusability based on
human perception tests. Machine speech recognition
has reached parity with human abilities in terms of the
ability correctly to transcribe meaningful speech (see
Xiong et al. (Xiong et al., 2016)), but not in terms
of the ability to distinguish meaningful from mean-
ingless sounds. The inability of machines to identify
nonsense sounds as meaningless is exploited for se-
curity purposes by Meutzner et al. (Meutzner et al.,
2015), who have developed a CAPTCHA based on
the insertion of random nonsense sounds in audio.
The opposite scenario, i.e. the possible security prob-
lems associated with machine inability to distinguish
sense from nonsense, has to the best of our knowledge
not been exploited in prior work.
2.2 Methodology
The experimental work comprised three stages. The
first stage involved generating from a set of target
commands a set of potential adversarial commands
consisting of nonsensical word sequences. These po-
tential adversarial commands were generated using
a mangling process which involved replacing conso-
nant phonemes in target command words to create a
rhyming word sound, and then determining whether
the resulting rhyming word sound was a meaningful
word in English or a ‘nonsense word’. For the pur-
poses of this work, the Unix word list was consid-
ered representative of the current space of meaningful
sounds in English. Word sounds identified as non-
sense words were used to create potential adversarial
commands. Audio versions of these potential adver-
sarial commands were created using speech synthe-
sis technology. The second stage of the experimental
work was to test the response of the target system to
the potential adversarial commands. The target sys-
tem for experiments on machine perception of non-
sensical word sequences was the voice-controlled dig-
ital assistant Google Assistant. The Google Assistant
system was accessed via the Google Assistant Soft-
ware Development Kit (SDK).
The third stage of the
experimental work was to test the human comprehen-
sibility of adversarial commands which were success-
ful in triggering a target action in the target system.
2.2.1 Adversarial Command Generation
A voice-controlled digital assistant such as Google
Assistant typically performs three generic types of
action, namely information extraction, control of a
cyber-physical action, and data input. The data in-
put category may overlap with the control of cyber-
physical action category where a particular device set-
ting needs to be specified, eg. light color or ther-
mostat temperature. The three generic action cate-
gories are reflected in three different command struc-
tures for commands to Google Assistant and other
voice-controlled digital assistants. The three com-
mand structures are: vocative + interrogative (eg. ‘Ok
Google, what is my IP address’), vocative + impera-
tive (eg. ‘Ok Google, turn on the light’), and vocative
+ imperative + data (eg. ’Ok Google, take a note that
cats are great’). For our experimental work, we chose
Nonsense Attacks on Google Assistant and Missense Attacks on Amazon Alexa
5 three-word target commands corresponding to 5 tar-
get actions, covering all three possible target action
categories. These target commands were: “What’s
my name” (target action: retrieve username, action
category: information extraction), “Turn on light”
(target action: turn light on, action category: con-
trol of cyber-physical action), “Turn off light” (tar-
get action: turn light off, action category: control
of cyber-physical action), “Turn light red” (target ac-
tion: turn light to red, action category: data input),
“Turn light blue” (target action: turn light to blue, ac-
tion category: data input). We originally included a
sixth target command, which would have represented
a second target command for the information extrac-
tion category: “Who am I”. However, no successful
adversarial commands could be generated from this
target command.
A set of potential adversarial commands was cre-
ated from the target commands using a mangling pro-
cess. This mangling process was based on replacing
consonant phonemes in the target command words
to generate nonsensical word sounds which rhymed
with the original target command word.
The tar-
get commands were first translated to a phonetic rep-
resentation in the Kirschenbaum phonetic alphabet
using the ‘espeak’ functionality in Linux. The start-
ing consonant phonemes of each word of the target
command were then replaced with a different start-
ing consonant phoneme, using a Python script and
referring to a list of starting consonants and conso-
nant blends.
Where the target command word began
with a vowel phoneme, a starting consonant phoneme
was prefixed to the vowel. The resulting word sounds
were checked for presence in a phonetic representa-
tion of the Unix word list, also generated with espeak,
to ascertain whether the word sound represented a
meaningful English word or not. If the sound did cor-
respond to a meaningful word, it was discarded. This
process thus generated from each target command a
number of rhyming nonsensical phoneme sequences
to which no English meaning was attached. Audio
versions of the phoneme sequences were then created
using espeak. A similar process was followed to gen-
erate a set of potential adversarial commands from the
wake-up word ‘Hey Google’. In addition to replacing
the starting consonants ‘H’ and ‘G’, the second ‘g’
in ‘Google’ was also replaced with one of the conso-
Our approach was inspired by an educational game in
which a set of nonsense words is generated by spinning let-
tered wooden cubes - see
nants which are found in combination with the ‘-le’
ending in English.
Nonsensical word sequences generated from the
‘Hey Google’ wake-up word and nonsensical word
sequences generated from target commands which
were successful respectively in activating the assistant
and triggering a target action in audio file input tests
(see Results section for details) were combined with
one another to generate a set of potential adversarial
commands for over-the-air tests. This resulted in a
total of 225 nonsensical word sequences representing
a concatenation of each of 15 nonsensical word se-
quences generated from the wake-up word with each
of 15 nonsensical word sequences generated from a
target command. Audio versions of these 225 nonsen-
sical word sequences were generated using the Ama-
zon Polly speech synthesis service, generating a set
of .wav files.
Amazon Polly is the speech synthesis
technology used by Amazon Alexa, hence the over-
the-air tests represented a potential attack on Google
Assistant with ‘Alexa’s’ voice. The audio contained a
brief pause between the wake-up word and the com-
mand, as is usual in natural spoken commands to
voice assistants. As Amazon Polly uses the x-sampa
phonetic alphabet rather than the Kirschenbaum for-
mat, it was necessary prior to synthesis to translate the
phonetic representations of the potential adversarial
commands from Kirschenbaum to x-sampa format.
2.2.2 Assistant Response Tests
The Google Assistant SDK was integrated in a
Ubuntu virtual machine (version 18.04). The Assis-
tant was integrated in the virtual machine using two
options; firstly, the Google Assistant Service, and sec-
ondly the Google Assistant Library. The Google As-
sistant Service is activated via keyboard stroke and
thus does not require a wake-up word, and voice
commands can be inputted as audio files as well as
over the air via a microphone. The Google Assistant
Library, on the other hand, does require a wake-up
word for activation, and receives commands via a mi-
crophone only. The Google Assistant Service could
therefore be used to test adversarial commands for tar-
get commands and for the wake-up word separately
and via audio file input rather than via a microphone.
The Google Assistant Library could be used to test
the activation of the Assistant and the triggering of a
target command by an adversarial command in com-
bination over the air, representing a more realistic at-
tack scenario.
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
We first tested the Assistant’s response to plain-
speech versions of each target command to confirm
that these triggered the relevant target action. Using
Python scripts, we then generated nonsense word se-
quences from the wake-up word ‘hey Google’ and
from each target command in batches of 100 and
tested the response of Google Assistant Service to au-
dio file input of the potential adversarial commands
for wake-up word and target commands separately.
The choice of consonant phoneme to be replaced to
generate nonsense words was performed randomly by
the Python scripts for each batch of 100 potential ad-
versarial commands. We continued the testing pro-
cess until we had generated 15 successful adversarial
commands for the wake-up word, and 3 successful ad-
versarial commands for each target command, i.e. 15
successful adversarial commands in total. Each suc-
cessful adversarial command for the wake-up word
and each successful adversarial command for a target
command were then combined to generate potential
adversarial commands for the over-the-air tests as de-
scribed above.
In the over-the-air tests, the 225 potential adver-
sarial commands generated from the adversarial com-
mands for the wake-up word and target commands
which had been successful in the audio file input
tests were played to the Google Assistant Library via
a USB plug-in microphone from an Android smart-
2.2.3 Human Comprehensibility Tests
We next tested the human comprehensibility of ad-
versarial commands which had successfully triggered
a target action by the Assistant. Human experimental
subjects were recruited via the online platform Pro-
lific Academic.
All subjects were native speakers of
English. The subjects were asked to listen to audio of
twelve successful adversarial commands, which were
the successful adversarial commands shown in Tables
1 and 2 for the audio file input and over-the-air tests
respectively (see Results section for further details).
The audio which subjects were asked to listen to also
included as ‘attention tests’, two files consisting of
synthesised audio of two easily understandable utter-
ances, “Hello how are you” and “Hi how are you”.
Subjects were then asked to indicate whether they
had identified any meaning in the audio. If they had
identified meaning, they were asked to indicate what
meaning they heard. The order in which audio clips
were presented to the participants was randomised.
Wakeup word triggered by nonsense_wakeup/Z’eI d’u:b@L.raw,
nonsense_wakeup/Z’eI d’u:b@L
INFO:root:Connecting to
INFO:root:Recording audio request.
INFO:root:Transcript of user request: "change".
INFO:root:Transcript of user request: "JD".
INFO:root:Transcript of user request: "hey dude".
INFO:root:Transcript of user request: "hey Google".
INFO:root:Transcript of user request: "hey Google".
INFO:root:Transcript of user request: "hey Google".
INFO:root:End of audio request detected.
INFO:root:Stopping recording.
INFO:root:Transcript of user request: "hey Google".
INFO:root:Expecting follow-on query from user.
INFO:root:Playing assistant response.
Figure 1: Transcription of response to adversarial command
for ‘Hey Google’ from audio file.
2.3 Results
2.3.1 Assistant Response Tests
Through application of the methodology described
above, the audio file input tests for the wake-up
word ‘Hey Google’ identified 15 successful adversar-
ial commands which triggered activation of the de-
vice. The audio file input tests for target commands
identified 3 successful adversarial commands for each
target action, i.e. 15 successful adversarial commands
in total, in around 2000 tests. Three examples of
the successful adversarial commands for the wake-
up word and one example of an adversarial command
for each of the target commands is shown in Table
1. The over-the-air tests identified 4 successful ad-
versarial commands in the 225 tests (representing all
possible combinations of each of the 15 successful ad-
versarial commands for the wake-up word with each
of the successful adversarial commands for the target
commands). One of the successful over-the-air adver-
sarial commands triggered the ‘turn on light’ target
action and three of the successful over-the-air adver-
sarial commands triggered the ‘turn light red’ target
action. The 4 successful over-the-air adversarial com-
mands are shown in Table 2. Also shown below, in
Figures 1 and 2, are examples of the print-out to ter-
minal of the Google Assistant Service’s response to a
successful adversarial command for a wake-up word
and for a target command. Further shown below is an
example of the print-out to terminal of the Google As-
sistant Library’s response to a successful over-the-air
adversarial command (see Figure 3).
In repeated tests, it was shown that the audio file
input results were reproducible, whereas the over-
the-air results were not, i.e. a successful adversarial
command did not necessarily trigger the target action
again on re-playing. Possible reasons for this include
quality of the microphone used to pick up voice com-
mands, distance from the speaker to the microphone,
and the potential presence of background noise. Apart
Nonsense Attacks on Google Assistant and Missense Attacks on Amazon Alexa
Table 1: Examples of successful adversarial commands in
audio file input experiments.
Text Tran-
hey Google assistant
hey Google assistant
hey Google assistant
turn off
h’3:n z’0f
j’aIt (“hurn
zof yight)
turns off
the light
Turning de-
vice off
turn light
h’3:n gl’aIt
turn the
lights blue
color is
turn light
j’aIt str’Ed
yight stred”
turn the
lights to
color is red
what’s my
sm’0ts k’aI
(“smots kai
what’s my
You told
me your
name was
turn on
p’3:n h’0n
(“purn hon
turn on
Turning de-
vice on
INFO:root:Recording audio request.
INFO:root:Transcript of user request: "what’s".
INFO:root:Playing assistant response.
INFO:root:Transcript of user request: "some".
INFO:root:Playing assistant response.
INFO:root:Transcript of user request: "summer".
INFO:root:Playing assistant response.
INFO:root:Transcript of user request: "what’s on Sky".
INFO:root:Playing assistant response.
INFO:root:Transcript of user request: "what’s my IP".
INFO:root:Playing assistant response.
INFO:root:Transcript of user request: "some months cause pain".
INFO:root:Playing assistant response.
INFO:root:Transcript of user request: "what’s my car’s paint".
INFO:root:Playing assistant response.
INFO:root:Transcript of user request: "what’s my car’s paint".
INFO:root:Playing assistant response.
INFO:root:End of audio request detected
INFO:root:Transcript of user request: "what’s my name".
INFO:root:Playing assistant response.
INFO:root:You told me your name was MK
I could never forget that
INFO:root:Finished playing assistant response.
Figure 2: Transcription of response to adversarial command
for ‘what’s my name’ (sm’0ts k’aI sp’eIm) from audio file.
Table 2: Successful adversarial commands in over-the-air
Text Tran-
turn on
s’3:n Z’Qn
j’aIt (“tay
surn zhon
switch on
the light
Turning the
LED on
turn light
tr’3:n Tr’aIt
str’Ed (“tay
turn lights
to Red
The color is
turn light
pr’3:n j’aIt
prurn yight
turn the
lights red
The color is
turn light
str’3:n j’aIt
str’Ed (“tay
strurn yight
turn lights
to Red
The color is
{"text": "switch on the light"}
Do command action.devices.commands.OnOff with params {u’on’: True}
Turning the LED on.
{"is_error_response": false}
{"with_follow_on_turn": false}
Figure 3: Transcription of response to adversarial command
for ‘Hey Google turn on light’ (t’eI D’u:bl= s’3:n Z’Qn
j’aIt) from over-the-air audio.
from the triggering target commands as described, a
certain proportion of the nonsensical word sequences
tested in the experiments were transcribed as other
meaningful word sequences, prompting the Assistant
to run web searches. For other nonsensical word se-
quences, the Assistant’s response was simply to indi-
cate non-comprehension of the input.
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
2.3.2 Human Comprehensibility Tests
As stated above, audio clips of the twelve success-
ful adversarial commands shown in Tables 1 and 2,
as well as two audio clips representing attention tests,
were played to human subjects in an online experi-
ment. There were 20 participants in the experiment,
from whom 17 sets of valid results could be retrieved.
All 17 participants who generated these results tran-
scribed the attention tests correctly as ‘hi how are
you’ and ’hello how are you’. Three participants tran-
scribed one adversarial command as the target com-
mand ‘turn on light’, but did not identify any of the
other target commands or the wake-up word ‘Hey
Google’ in either the audio file input clips or the over-
the-air clips. None of the other participants identified
any of the target commands or the wake-up word in
any of the clips. Eight of the participants identified no
meaning at all in any of the clips which did not rep-
resent attention tests. The other participants all either
indicated incomprehension of the nonsensical sounds
as well or else transcribed them as words which were
unrelated to the target command for Google Assis-
tant. Some examples of unrelated transcriptions were
‘hands off the yacht’ and ‘smoking cause pain’. One
participant also transcribed some of the nonsensical
sounds as nonsense syllables e.g. ‘hurn glights grew’
and ‘pern pon clight’. Another participant also tran-
scribed a couple of the nonsensical sounds as the
French words ‘Je du blanc’.
2.4 Discussion
The combined results from our machine response and
human comprehensibility tests confirm that voice-
controlled digital assistants are potentially vulnerable
to covert attacks using nonsensical sounds. The key
findings are that voice commands to voice-controlled
digital assistant Google Assistant are shown to be trig-
gered by nonsensical word sounds in some instances,
whereby the same nonsensical word sounds are per-
ceived by humans as either not having any meaning at
all or as having a meaning unrelated to the voice com-
mands to the Assistant. These results confirm a poten-
tial for using nonsensical word sounds to gain unau-
thorised access to a voice-controlled system without
detection by the users of such systems. Specific at-
tacks would involve playing such word sounds in the
vicinity of a target voice-controlled device, for exam-
ple via a malicious weblink which plays an audio file,
or by using a speaker in a public place.
One notable feature of the results is that the tran-
scription of the adversarial command by the Assis-
tant does not need to match the target command ex-
actly in order to trigger the target action; for exam-
ple, an adversarial command for the target command
‘turn on light’ is transcribed as ‘switch on the light’
in one instance (see Table 2). In one case, the tran-
scription of an adversarial command does not even
need to be semantically equivalent to the target com-
mand in order to trigger the target action, as for ex-
ample in the transcription of an adversarial command
for “turn off light” as “turns off the light”. This at-
tack exploits a weakness in the natural language un-
derstanding functionality of the Assistant as well as
in its speech recognition functionality.
The machine and human responses to nonsensical
word sounds in general were comparable, in that both
machine and humans frequently indicated incompre-
hension of the sounds, or else attempted to fit them
to meaningful words. However, in the specific in-
stances of nonsensical word sounds which triggered
a target command in Google Assistant, none of the
human listeners heard a Google Assistant voice com-
mand in the nonsensical word sounds which had trig-
gered a target command. Another difference between
the machine and human results was that whereas in
addition to either indicating incomprehension or tran-
scribing the nonsensical sounds as real words, human
subjects on occasion attempted to transcribe the non-
sensical word sounds phonetically as nonsense sylla-
bles, the Assistant always either indicated incompre-
hension or attempted to match the nonsensical sounds
to real words. This confirms that, unlike humans,
the Assistant does not have a concept of word sounds
which have no meaning, making it vulnerable to be-
ing fooled by word sounds which are perceived by
humans as obviously nonsensical.
3.1 Background and Prior Work
The proof-of-concept study described in this section
shows that the natural language understanding func-
tionality in voice-controlled digital assistants can be
misled by unrelated utterances which contain alter-
nate meanings and homophones of the words in a tar-
get command, or which share the syntactical struc-
ture of a target command. In terms of the taxonomy
of attacks via the speech interface developed by Bis-
pham et al., as referred to above, the type of attack
demonstrated here is a ‘missense’ attack. Missense
attacks are defined in the taxonomy as attacks which
are perceived by human listeners as speech which is
Nonsense Attacks on Google Assistant and Missense Attacks on Amazon Alexa
unrelated to the attacker’s intent. Missense attacks
may target the speech recognition functionality of a
voice-controlled system by crafting audio input which
is perceived by a human listener as one utterance but
transcribed by the system as a different utterance. An
example of missense attacks of this type are the at-
tacks on speech transcription demonstrated by Carlini
and Wagner (Carlini and Wagner, 2018). Missense at-
tacks may alternatively target the natural language un-
derstanding functionality of a voice-controlled system
by crafting audio input which is transcribed by the
system as it is heard by a human listener, but which
the system interprets as having a different meaning
to that understood by humans (in case of use of non-
homographic homophones in the adversarial input the
attack may involve mistranscription of this word by
the target system, but the attack will nonetheless re-
lay on misleading the natural language understanding
of the system as to the overall meaning of the adver-
sarial input). The attacks demonstrated here represent
the latter type of missense attack. To the best of our
knowledge, no examples of missense attacks of this
type have been demonstrated in prior work.
Natural language understanding in voice-
controlled systems involves a process of semantic
parsing for mapping transcriptions of spoken utter-
ances to a formal representation of the utterances’
meaning which the system can use to trigger an
action. The process of semantic parsing takes into
account both the individual words in an utterance as
well as syntactical and/or structural elements of the
utterance in determining the most appropriate action
to take in response to a natural language command
(McTear et al., 2016). The specific natural lan-
guage understanding functionality targeted in these
experiments is the natural language understanding
functionality behind Amazon Alexa Skills, which are
third-party applications which can be incorporated in
the Alexa digital assistant. Developers of Amazon
Alexa Skills can make use of generic templates for
actions to be performed by the Skill which are made
available in the Amazon Developer Console, the
so-called Built-in Intents, and/or create their own
Custom Intents using the tools provided in the devel-
oper environment (see Kumar et al. (Kumar et al.,
2017)). All Alexa Skills share speech recognition
and natural language understanding functionalities
with the core Alexa digital assistant. With regard
to natural language understanding, Custom Intents
implemented in a Skill make less direct use of Alexa’s
core functionality than Built-in Intents. Built-In In-
tents for Alexa Skills are based on the Alexa Meaning
Representation Language (AMRL), which consists of
graph-based structures containing components simi-
lar to the domain, intent, and slot fields in standard
semantic frames. Representations of natural language
utterances in AMRL are linked to the large-scale
Alexa Ontology, and mapping to AMRL has been
trained on a large dataset of labelled user utterances
(see Kollar et al. (Kollar et al., 2018)). Various
models are used to map natural language utterances
to meaning representation in Amazon Alexa Skills,
including Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) and
neural networks (see Kumar et al.). Custom Intents
in Alexa Skills do not make use of the pre-existing
Amazon Alexa Meaning Representation Language
structures as such, but they do make use of natural
language understanding models for mapping natural
language utterances to meaning representation made
available in the developer environment for Alexa
Skills, as explained by Kumar et al.. As stated by
Kumar et al., Alexa’s natural language understanding
functionality will generate a semantic representation
of the Custom Intent based on the sample utterances
provided by the user. Kumar et al. explain that
process of mapping natural language utterances to
the semantic representation of an intent, i.e. semantic
parsing, has both a deterministic and stochastic
element. The deterministic element ensures that all
of the sample utterance provided by the user will be
reliably mapped to the intent, whereas the stochastic
element ensures some flexibility in the parsing of
previously unheard utterances.
The attack concept demonstrated here exploits
two related characteristics of natural language un-
derstanding in voice-controlled systems which make
them vulnerable to such attacks. The first of these
characteristics is the imparity between machine and
human capabilities for understanding natural lan-
guage and those of humans, as the per the state-of-
the-art as implemented in current systems. Stolk et al.
(Stolk et al., 2016) demonstrate that voice assistants
are often unable correctly to determine the meaning of
a word which is outside their scope, giving the exam-
ple of Siri’s inability to determine the correct mean-
ing of ‘bank’ when used in the sense of ‘river bank’.
The second characteristic is the assumption in de-
sign principles for voice-controlled digital assistants
of genuine intent between user and device to commu-
nicate as conversation partners. The two character-
istics are related because the deficiencies in the cur-
rent state-of-the-art in natural language understand-
ing mean that systems such as voice-controlled dig-
ital assistants have no choice but to assume that any
speaker interacting with them intends to communicate
a relevant meaning; As current natural language un-
derstanding systems are not capable of processing the
entire space of human language use, they are unable
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
to reliably distinguish between relevant and irrelevant
input and therefore need to assume that all input di-
rected to them is relevant. The natural language un-
derstanding functionality of voice assistants therefore
depends on the existence of a shared context between
user and device. In an adversarial setting, the assump-
tion of shared context does not hold and thus puts the
system at risk of being misled by malicious input in
missense attacks.
The covert nature of these attacks depends on un-
related utterances used for adversarial purposes not
being detected as a trigger for a voice-controlled ac-
tion by human listeners. It is in fact unlikely that
human listeners will detect unrelated utterances as
covert voice commands, as humans are for the most
part so proficient at the language comprehension task
that a large part of human natural language interpre-
tation is performed automatically without conscious
consideration. Miller (Miller, 1995) states that the al-
ternative meanings of a word of which the meaning
in context is clear will not even occur to a human lis-
tener: “- people who are told, “He nailed the board
across the window,” do not notice that “board” is pol-
ysemous. Only one sense of “board” (or of “nail”)
reaches conscious awareness. This suggests that the
very proficiency of humans in natural language un-
derstanding may hinder victims in identifying attacks
which seek to exploit the limitations of automated
systems in performing the same task.
3.2 Proof-of-Concept Study
For the purposes of this study demonstrating the feasi-
bility of our attack concept, a dummy Amazon Alexa
Skill named Target Bank was created which mimics
the capabilities of a real Alexa Skill made available
by Capital One bank to its customers.
The Capi-
tal One Skill enables three types of actions which can
be requested by their customers via voice command,
namely Check Your Balance, Track Your Spending,
and Pay Your Bill. In the Target Bank Skill, three
Custom Intents were created which correspond to the
functionalities of the Capital One Skill, GetBalance,
GetTransactions and PayBill. The development of the
Target Bank Skill involved providing sample utter-
ances for these three Intents in the Amazon Devel-
oper Console
, as well as creating a JavaScript back-
end for the Skill hosted by AWS Lambda
, in which
dummy examples of responses for each Custom Intent
were provided. Testing of the Skill was performed
in a sand-box environment in the Amazon Developer
Console. For each Custom Intent, 8 sample utterances
were provided, with either interrogative structure (eg.
“what is my current balance?”) or imperative struc-
ture (eg. “Pay my bill.”). In addition to the Cus-
tom Intents, the TargetBank Skill also implemented a
few generic Built-in Intents for Amazon Alexa Skills.
These included some non-optional Intents such as the
HelpIntent and the CancelIntent. The Built-in Intents
also included an optional FallbackIntent which repre-
sents a confidence threshold for acceptance of valid
input by the Skill. Implementation of the Fallback-
Intent enables the Skill to reject input which scores
below a confidence threshold in being matched to a
representation of one its actions as being outside its
scope (if the FallbackIntent is not implemented, the
Skill accepts any utterance directed at it as valid input
and matches the input to one of its actions).
The methodology for generating potential adver-
sarial utterances targeting the three Custom Intents
in the Target Bank Skill was as follows. First, a list
of content words from the sample utterances for each
Custom Intent was extracted (content words are words
which give meaning to a sentence or utterance, as
distinguished from function words which contribute
to the syntactical structure of the sentence or utter-
ance rather to its meaning, examples being prepo-
sitions such as ‘of’, determiners such as ‘the’, pro-
nouns such as ‘he’ etc.). Second, any homophones of
content words were identified using a rhyming dictio-
and added to the contents words list for each
Custom Intent. Third, potential adversarial utterances
for each Custom Intent were generated manually, us-
ing one of three processes which all involved amend-
ing a sample utterance for a Custom Intent so as to
give it a different meaning, whilst retaining of the syn-
tactic or semantic elements of the original utterance.
The first process involved replacing content words in
a sample utterance with an unrelated word, so as to
give the utterance a different overall meaning, whilst
preserving the interrogative or imperative structure of
the utterance. The second process involved replacing
content words with alternate meanings and/or homo-
phones of the content words, whilst also preserving
the original structure. The third process involved in-
corporating alternate meanings and/or homophones of
content words from the sample utterance in a new ut-
terance with a different structure to the original sam-
ple utterance (i.e. a declarative rather than interroga-
tive or imperative structure). The hypothesis behind
these processes was that the natural language under-
standing functionality behind the Skill was likely to
be using both the presence of individual words and
the syntactical structure of an utterance to determine
Nonsense Attacks on Google Assistant and Missense Attacks on Amazon Alexa
a user’s intended meaning, and that therefore creat-
ing potential adversarial utterances which retained ei-
ther or both of these elements from a target sample
utterance, whilst also making amendments or addi-
tions which changed the meaning of the utterance as
understood by humans, might lead to successful mis-
sense attacks.
Six instances of successful adversarial utterances
identified using the methodology described above are
shown in Figures 4 to 9. Two of the successful adver-
sarial utterances were generated using the first of the
three processes for generating adversarial utterances
with a different meaning to the target sample utter-
ance, i.e. by replacing some of the content words in
the sample utterance with an unrelated word whilst
retaining its structure. In these two adversarial utter-
ances, shown in Figures 4 and 5, the word ‘money’
in the sample utterance “how much money do I have”
for GetBalanceIntent was replaced with ‘ice-cream’
and ‘dough’. The second of these replacements leads
to an adversarial utterance, “How much dough do I
have”, which is actually ambiguous with regard to its
relatedness to the target sample utterance, as “dough”
may be understood as a colloquial term for money,
or else in its literal sense as a foodstuff. Two of
the adversarial utterances use the second process for
generating adversarial utterances, by replacing con-
tent words in the sample utterance “what is my cur-
rent balance” for GetBalanceIntent with homophones
or alternate meanings of the content words, one us-
ing the homophone ‘currant’ (a dried fruit) for ‘cur-
rent’, and other using the words ‘current’ and ‘bal-
ance’ as understood in the context of electrical sys-
tems (see Figures 6 and 7). The last two successful
adversarial utterances use the third process for gener-
ating adversarial utterances, by embedding alternate
meanings of the words ‘spent’, ‘clear’ and ‘account’
from sample utterances for GetTransactionsIntent and
PayBillIntent in declarative sentences (see Figures 8
and 9). Some of the adversarial utterances generated
were not successful in triggering the target response
by the Target Bank Skill, as were instead rejected by
the Skill as invalid input. Two examples of unsuc-
cessful adversarial utterances, one targeting the Get-
BalanceIntent using alternate meanings of ‘balance’
and ‘bank’, and the other targeting the PayBillIntent
with an alternate meaning of the word ‘bill’ (in the
sense of a legal bill). Specifically, the adversarial ut-
terance “I lost my balance on the bank” for GetBalan-
ceIntent sample utterance “What is my bank balance”
and the adversarial utterance “The bill was passed”
for PayBillIntent sample utterance “Pay my bill” were
The feasibility tests confirm that the flexibility of
Figure 4: Adversarial utterance “How much ice-cream do
I have” for GetBalanceIntent sample utterance “How much
money do I have”.
Figure 5: Adversarial utterance “How much dough do I
have” for GetBalanceIntent sample utterance “How much
money do I have”.
Figure 6: Adversarial utterance “What is a three phase cur-
rent balance protection relay” for GetBalanceIntent sample
utterance “What is my current balance”.
Figure 7: Adversarial utterance “What is a currant” for Get-
BalanceIntent sample utterance “What is my current bal-
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 8: Adversarial utterance “I have spent my life do-
ing this” for GetTransactionsIntent sample utterance “What
have I spent this month”.
Figure 9: Adversarial utterance “She didn’t clear off on my
account” for PayBillIntent sample utterance “Clear my ac-
natural language understanding functionality in Ama-
zon Alexa Skills in terms of being able to accept input
other than the sample utterances provided by a devel-
oper exposes the system to manipulation by a mali-
cious actor using unrelated utterances which are ac-
cepted by the system as a valid action trigger. It is
shown that the natural language understanding func-
tionality used by a Skill may take account of both the
presence of individual words as well as the syntac-
tic structure of the sample utterances to determine a
user’s likely intent, whereby either of these two as-
pects of the utterance may be sufficient to trigger an
action in the target system in some instances, even if
the other aspect does not match the action. The re-
sults further confirm that, whilst the FallbackIntent
does prevent the Skill from accepting any utterance
directed towards it as a valid command, enabling it
to reject some adversarial utterances, it is not suffi-
cient to prevent the Skill from accepting all adver-
sarial utterances. This represents a security vulner-
ability in that it implies a potential for a malicious
actor to control a system using utterances which will
not be recognised by the system’s human users as a
voice command. Our proof-of-concept study supports
existing concerns surrounding the implementation of
voice-control in sensitive areas such as banking.
A clear limitation of the attacks demonstrated here
see for example, 20th June 2018, ‘Bank-
ing by smart speaker arrives, but security issues ex-
is that they do not take into account to need for an at-
tacker to activate the Alexa assistant using its ‘wake-
up word’ “Alexa”, as well as to launch the target Skill
using its activation phrase (“Open Target Bank”).
However, this limitation should not be viewed as one
which cannot be overcome in future work. In their
work on ‘voice-squatting’ or ’Skill-squatting’ attacks
in Amazon Alexa, Zhang et al. (Zhang et al., 2018)
and Kumar et al. (Kumar et al., 2018) investigate the
potential for triggering a malicious Alexa Skill via a
command intended for a non-malicious Skill by us-
ing homophones of non-malicious Skills as names for
malicious Skills. Zhang et al. (Zhang et al., 2018)
give the example of the Skill name “Capital One” be-
ing confused with “capital won”. Whilst the experi-
mental work described in these two papers consider
the potential for the creation of Skills with confusable
names by malicious actors, their work also points con-
versely to a potential for misleading a non-malicious
Alexa Skill to treat an unrelated word or phrase as its
activation phrase. In an analysis of systematic errors
in Amazon Alexa transcription, Kumar et al. identify
other types of errors apart from homophones, includ-
ing compound words, phonetically related words, as
well as transcription errors for which no obvious ex-
planation is apparent. This suggests that the space
of unrelated utterances which might be used to spoof
a wake-up word or activation phrase is not limited
to homophones. Thus it should not be assumed that
the necessity for activation with a wake-up word or
phrase will prevent the development of missense at-
tacks of the type investigated here in future work.
A further limitation of the missense attacks de-
scribed here is that they are demonstrated only in
relation to a natural language understanding system
which is not as robust as would be expected of a
system in real-word commercial use. By contrast to
the Custom Intents created for the Target Bank Skill,
Alexa core natural language understanding capabili-
ties and the Built-in Intents made available for Ama-
zon Alexa Skills are trained on large number of user
utterances, and supported by a large-scale ontology
(Kollar et al., Kumar et al.). Even Custom Intents for
Alexa Skills deployed ‘in the wild’ by commercial
entities are likely to have been supplied with much
larger number of sample utterances than were pro-
vided for the Custom Intents in the Target Bank Skill
(this is in fact the case for the real Capital One Skill
Capital One Skill, as stated in an Amazon Developer
blog post
). However, the fact that it is shown to be
possible to generate successful adversarial utterances
Nonsense Attacks on Google Assistant and Missense Attacks on Amazon Alexa
for the Target Bank Skill in a very small-scale study,
as that described above, suggests that it may also be
possible to generate adversarial utterances which are
effective against a more robust natural language un-
derstanding functionality, albeit that this is likely to
require larger scale experimental work.
Based on the small-scale experiment presented here,
we conclude that voice-controlled digital assistants
are potentially vulnerable to malicious input consist-
ing of nonsense syllables which humans perceive as
meaningless. A focus of future work might be to con-
duct a larger scale study and to conduct a more fine-
tuned analysis of successful and unsuccessful non-
sense attacks, to determine which nonsense syllables
are most likely to be confused with target commands
by machines, whilst still being perceived as nonsen-
sical by humans. This would enable investigation of
more targeted attacks. Ultimately the focus of future
work should be to consider how voice-controlled sys-
tems might be better trained to distinguish between
meaningful and meaningless sound with respect to the
language to which they are intended to respond.
Based on the proof-of-concept study presented
here, we further conclude that the natural language
understanding functionality in voice-controlled dig-
ital assistants is vulnerable to being misled by ad-
versarial utterances which trigger a target action by
the assistant, despite being unrelated to the action in
terms of the meaning of the utterance as understood
by humans. Future work should investigate the poten-
tial for attacks which are effective against a more ro-
bust natural language understanding functionality in
larger scale experimental work.
This work was funded by a doctoral training grant
from the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Re-
search Council (EPSRC).
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Nonsense Attacks on Google Assistant and Missense Attacks on Amazon Alexa