A Study of Various Text Augmentation Techniques for Relation
Classification in Free Text
Praveen Kumar Badimala Giridhara
, Chinmaya Mishra
Reddy Kumar Modam Venkataramana
, Syed Saqib Bukhari
and Andreas Dengel
Department of Computer Science, TU Kaiserslautern, Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 47, Kaiserslautern, Germany
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Kaiserslautern, Germany
Relation Classification, Text Data Augmentation, Natural Language Processing, Investigative Study.
Data augmentation techniques have been widely used in visual recognition tasks as it is easy to generate new
data by simple and straight forward image transformations. However, when it comes to text data augmen-
tations, it is difficult to find appropriate transformation techniques which also preserve the contextual and
grammatical structure of language texts. In this paper, we explore various text data augmentation techniques
in text space and word embedding space. We study the effect of various augmented datasets on the efficiency
of different deep learning models for relation classification in text.
Relation classification is an important task in pro-
cessing free text using Natural Language Processing
(NLP). The basic idea behind relation classification
is to classify a sentence into a predefined relation
class, given the two entities in the sentence. For in-
stance, in the sentence; < e1 > Bill Gates < /e1 >
is the founder of < e2 > Microsoft < /e2 >,“Bill
Gates” and “Microsoft” are the two entities denoted
by < e1 >< /e1 > and < e2 >< /e2 > respec-
tively. The relation classification process should be
able to classify this sentence as belonging to the rela-
tion class “founderOf(which is a predefined class).
One of the major limitations in the field of NLP is the
unavailability of labelled data. It takes a great deal of
time and effort to manually annotate relevant datasets.
Hence, it has become increasingly necessary to come
up with automated annotation methods. This has led
to the development of many semi-supervised annota-
tion methods for generating annotated datasets. But,
they fall short when compared to the quality and effi-
ciency of a manually annotated dataset.
One workaround would be to perform data aug-
mentations on manually annotated datasets. Data aug-
mentation techniques are very popular in the field of
image processing because of the ease in generating
augmentations using simple image transformations.
Contributed equally.
However, it is very challenging to find an appropri-
ate method for text data augmentation as it is difficult
to preserve grammar and semantics.
As per our knowledge, there have been no work
that studies different text data augmentation tech-
niques on relation classification for free text over dif-
ferent Deep Learning Models as yet. In this paper,
we investigate various text data augmentation tech-
niques while retaining the grammatical and contex-
tual structure of the sentences when applying them.
We also observe the behavior of using augmented
datasets with the help of two different deep learning
models namely, CNN (Zeng et al., 2014) and Atten-
tion based BLSTM (Zhou et al., 2016).
Data Augmentation in the field of Image Processing
and Computer Vision is a well-known methodology
to increase the dataset by introducing varied distribu-
tions and increase the performance of the model for
a number of tasks. In general, it is believed that the
more the data a neural network gets trained on, the
more effective it becomes. Augmentations are per-
formed by using simple image transformations such
as rotation, cropping, flipping, translation and addi-
tion of Gaussian noise to the image. Krizhevsky et
al., (Krizhevsky et al., 2012) used data augmentation
Giridhara, P., Mishra, C., Venkataramana, R., Bukhari, S. and Dengel, A.
A Study of Various Text Augmentation Techniques for Relation Classification in Free Text.
DOI: 10.5220/0007311003600367
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2019), pages 360-367
ISBN: 978-989-758-351-3
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
methods to increase the training data size for train-
ing a deep neural network on ImageNet dataset (Deng
et al., 2009). The increase in training data samples
showed reduced overfitting of the model (Krizhevsky
et al., 2012) and increased the model performance.
These techniques enable the model to learn additional
patterns in the image and identify new positional as-
pects of objects in it.
On similar lines, data augmentation methods are
explored in the field of text processing for improv-
ing the efficacy of models. Mueller and Thyagara-
jan (Mueller and Thyagarajan, 2016) replaced random
words in a sentence with their respective synonyms,
to generate augmented data and train a siamese recur-
rent network for sentence similarity task. Wang and
Yang (Wang and Yang, 2015) used word embeddings
of sentences to generate augmented data for the pur-
pose of increasing data size and trained a multi-class
classifier on tweet data. They found the nearest neigh-
bour of a word vector by using cosine similarity and
used that as a replacement for the original word. The
word selection was done stochastically.
For information extraction, Papadaki (Papadaki,
2017) applied data augmentation techniques on le-
gal dataset (Chalkidis et al., 2017). A class specific
probability classifier was trained to identify a partic-
ular contract element type for each token in a sen-
tence. They classified a token in a sentence based
on the window of words/tokens surrounding them.
They used word embeddings obtained by pre-training
a word2vec model (Mikolov et al., 2013) on unlabeled
contract data. Their work examined three data aug-
mentation methods namely; interpolation, extrapola-
tion and random noise. The augmentation methods
manipulated the word embeddings to obtain a new set
of sentence representations. The work by Papadaki
(Papadaki, 2017) also highlighted that interpolation
method performed comparatively better than the other
methods like extrapolation and random noise. The
work by Zhang and Yang (Zhang and Yang, 2018)
explored various perturbation methods where they in-
troduced random perturbations like Gaussian noise or
Bernouli noise into the word embeddings in text re-
lated classification tasks such as sentence classifica-
tion, sentiment classification and relation classifica-
One of the recent works by Kobayashi
(Kobayashi, 2018) trained a bi-directional lan-
guage model conditioned on class labels where it
predicted the probability of a word based on the
surrounding context of the words. The words with
best probability values were taken into consideration
while generating the augmented sentences wherein
the words in the sentences were replaced in a
paradigmatic way.
However, to the best of our knowledge, there have
been no work that specifically focuses on studying the
different text data augmentation techniques on Rela-
tion Classification task in free text so far.
In this Section, we describe various types of augmen-
tation techniques that have been used in our experi-
ments. As discussed briefly in Section 1, it is very
challenging to create manually annotated datasets
due to which we only have a few publicly available
datasets with acceptable number of training and test
data. Due to the constraints of cost and effort, most
of the manually annotated datasets have less number
of samples and it becomes difficult to optimally train
deep learning models with the limited amount of data.
The use of distant supervision methods Mintz et
al., (Mintz et al., 2009) to annotate data is able to com-
pensate for the lack of quantity but is often suscepti-
ble to inclusion of noise when generating the dataset.
This in turn constrains the performance of training
models while performing relation classification. We
consider applying augmentations on a manually aug-
mented dataset as one of the ways to workaround the
In our experiments, the training data was aug-
mented at two levels; the text level and the word em-
bedding level. Word Similarity and Synonym meth-
ods were used to generate new texts whereas inter-
polation and extrapolation methods (Papadaki, 2017)
were used to generate embedding level augmenta-
tions. In order to apply the augmentation techniques,
we tagged the sentences using NLTK (Bird et al.,
2009) POS tagger. We restricted the augmentations
only to nouns, adjectives and adverbs in each sen-
tence. It was observed that by applying the restriction,
we were in a better position to preserve the grammat-
ical and semantic structures of the original sentences
as compared to randomly replacing the words. GloVe
word vectors (Pennington et al., 2014), which are a
collection of pre-trained word vectors were used as
word embeddings for words in our experiments.
We describe each of the augmentation methods in
the following subsections.
3.1 Similar Words Method
This method by Wang and Yang (Wang and Yang,
2015) of text data augmentation works by exploiting
the availability of similar words in the word embed-
ding space. We replaced words with their respec-
A Study of Various Text Augmentation Techniques for Relation Classification in Free Text
tive top scored similar words to generate new sen-
tences. An example input sentence and the resulting
augmented sentence are given below:
Input Sentence : The winner was < e1 > Marilyn
Churley < / e1 > of the < e2 > Ontario < /e2 >
New Democratic Party .
Augmented Sentence : The winners was < e1 >
Monroe Churley < /e1 > of the < e2 > Manitoba
< /e2 > York Democrat parties
Here “Ontario” is replaced with “Manitoba”, “New
Democratic Party” with “York Democrat parties”
among others.
3.2 Synonym Method
We followed the work by Mueller and Thyagarajan
(Mueller and Thyagarajan, 2016) where they ran-
domly replaced words with their synonyms obtained
from WordNet Synonym Dictionary (Miller, 1995).
We restricted the words to nouns, adjectives and ad-
verbs and replaced them with their respective top
scored synonym words to generate new sentences. A
sample input sentence and the resulting augmented
sentence are shown below:
Input Sentence : Dominguez was not hotheaded
said < e1 > Woods < /e1 > a former < e2 >
Arizona < /e2 > attorney general.
Augmented Sentence : Dominguez was not hot-
headed said < e1 > Wood < /e1 > a former
< /e2 > Arizona < /e2 > lawyer general.
Here “Woods” is replaced with “Wood”, “attorney”
with “lawyer” among others.
3.3 Interpolation Method
As described in work by Papadaki (Papadaki, 2017),
we first obtained the top three nearest neighbours of
a word in the embedding space. Then, we found the
centroid from the embedding vectors of the nearest
We calculated the new word embedding vector
from the centroid and the original word embedding
using the formula below:
= (w
)λ + w
In equation 1, w
denotes the new word embedding,
denotes the centroid, w
denotes the original word
embedding and λ is a parameter within the range of
[0-1]. It controls the degree of interpolation. The new
word embedding vector tends to move away from the
original word embedding in the direction towards the
centroid based on the λ value. The λ value that was
Figure 1: Interpolation between the centroid and word em-
bedding to create a new embedding vector. The green points
(l1,l2 and l3) represent the selected nearest neighbors, red
indicator mark (l6) is the centroid obtained from the nearest
neighbors, blue point (l4) depicts the original embedding
vector and the yellow indicator mark (l5) depicts the result-
ing new word embedding vector. The black points represent
other word embeddings present in the embedding space.
used in our experiments is 0.25. Figure 1 depicts a
graphical representation of the procedure.
After obtaining the new word embedding vectors
for the words in a sentence, we replaced them in place
of their original embeddings and generated a new
word embedding list for the sentence.
3.4 Extrapolation Method
Similar to the interpolation method (subsection 3.3),
we calculated the new word embedding vector from
the centroid and the original word embedding for
a word using the formula given below (Papadaki,
= (w
)λ + w
Figure 2: Extrapolation between the centroid and word em-
bedding to create a new embedding vector. The labels are
the same as figure 1.
In equation 2, w
denotes the new word embed-
ding, w
denotes the centroid, w
denotes the old word
embedding and λ is a parameter with value in the
range [0-] that controls the degree of extrapolation.
The new word embedding vector tends to move away
from the original word embedding in the direction op-
posite to the centroid constrained by the λ value. The
λ value that was used in our experiments is 0.25 for
SemEval2010 and 0.5 for KBP37. Figure 2 depicts a
graphical representation of the procedure.
ICPRAM 2019 - 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
3.5 Random Noise Method
As described in the work by Papadaki (Papadaki,
2017), in this method, instead of generating new aug-
mented sentences we inserted perturbations to the
word embeddings in the embedding layer of our
model. For each word embeddings we added a Gaus-
sian noise value to them as per the equation below:
= w
+ x
where, w
is the original word embedding, w
is the
resulting word embedding and x
is the random noise
value. The values for each vector element of noise
was sampled from the truncated normal distribution
with µ = 0, σ = 1 and with range between 0 and 0.3.
Later we randomly selected the vector elements with a
probability of 0.3 and rest of the vector elements were
set to zero. The resulting vector is considered as noise
vector. The values were kept in a small range so as to
keep the resulting word embedding from moving too
far away from the contextual word embedding space.
One exception in this method to that of the other aug-
mentation methods is that, we inserted perturbations
in all the words regardless of its POS tag.
We have tried to explore the strengths and weak-
nesses of these methods in the experiments.
We have used two deep learning models namely;
CNN and Attention-Based Bidirectional LSTM, for
our experiments. Both the models have been briefly
introduced in the subsections below.
4.1 CNN
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) were first im-
plemented by (LeCun et al., 1998) on MNIST dataset.
The basic principle behind CNN is to apply convo-
lutions using multi-dimensional filters over an image
as a sliding window to extract feature maps. CNNs
have proved to be very efficient in the field of image
processing as they are able to exploit the spatial struc-
ture of pixel intensities in an image. Recently, it has
been observed that CNNs have also been able to ex-
tract lexical and sentence level features. We decided
to use the text CNN model proposed by Zeng et al.,
(Zeng et al., 2014) which is widely used for relation
classification tasks.
4.2 Attention-based Bidirectional
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are frequently
used in the NLP domain. RNNs capture the sequen-
tial word patterns since they are inherently able to re-
member the previous states. RNNs are good at mod-
elling sequential data (Boden, 2002). RNNs suffer
from vanishing gradient problem. Long Short Term
Memory (LSTM), which is a subset of RNN, is used
to overcome the vanishing gradient problem by mak-
ing use of a gated approach. One of the recent vari-
ants of LSTM for language specific tasks is Attention
based LSTMs. They are able to capture the key part
of the sentence by assigning higher weights to the rel-
evant parts of an input sentence. Attention mecha-
nism in neural networks have shown success in solv-
ing different tasks, like question answering (Hermann
et al., 2015) and machine translation (Bahdanau et al.,
2014). The attention mechanism in a model allows
us to capture the most important semantic informa-
tion in a sentence. In our experiments we are us-
ing the Attention-Based Bidirectional LSTM model
proposed by Peng Zhou and Xu (Peng Zhou and Xu,
We used two datasets to run the augmentation ex-
periments. The first dataset is SemEval2010 (Hen-
drickx et al., 2009) which has a total of 10 unique
relation classes (ignoring the direction aspect). It is a
manually annotated public dataset which is generally
accepted as a benchmark for relation classification
tasks. The second dataset is the KBP37 dataset which
was created by Dongxu and Dong (Dongxu and Dong,
2016) and has a total of 19 unique relation types
(ignoring direction aspect). We decided to use this
(KPB37) dataset because it has more relation types
and is more realistic than the SemEval2010 dataset
(Dongxu and Dong, 2016). We wanted to experi-
ment how different augmentation techniques worked
on these datasets.
Each relation type (except ‘other’ and
‘no relation’) is further split into two relation
classes for both the datasets, which considers the two
directions w.r.t the positioning of the entities in a sen-
tence. As an example, the relation ‘org:subsidiaries’
is further split into ‘org:subsidiaries(e1,e2)’ and
‘org:subsidiaries(e2,e1)’ based on the location of the
two entities e1 and e2 in a sentence. A few statistical
details about both the datasets are provided in table 1.
A Study of Various Text Augmentation Techniques for Relation Classification in Free Text
Table 1: Details about SemEval2010 and KBP37 datasets.
Dataset: SemEval2010
No. of sentences in train: 8000
No. of sentences in test: 2717
No. of relation types: 19
No. of relation classes: 10
Cause-Effect Instrument-Agency
Product-Producer Content-Container
Entity-Origin Entity-Destination
Component-Whole Member-Collection
Communication-Topic Other
Dataset: KBP37
No. of sentences in train: 15917
No. of sentences in test: 3405
No. of relation types: 37
No. of relation classes: 19
per:alternate names org:alternate names
per:origin org:subsidiaries
per:spouse org:top members/employees
per:title org:founded
per:employee of org:founded by
per:countries of residence org:country of headquarters
per:stateorprovinces of residence org:stateorprovince of headquarters
per:cities of residence org:city of headquarters
per:country of birth org:members
no relation
As mentioned in Section 4, we implemented the text
CNN model proposed by (Zeng et al., 2014) and
attention-based BLSTM model proposed by Zeng et
al., (Zhou et al., 2016). These two models were
considered as the benchmark models for our exper-
iments. We used PF (Position Features) method as
introduced by (Zeng et al., 2014), where we specify
the distance of each word in a sentence to the two en-
tities (nominals) and feed them to the CNN and the
attention-based BLSTM models along with the input
sentences. For instance, in the sentence “The winner
was < e1 > Marilyn Churley < /e1 > of the < e2 >
Ontario < /e2 > New Democratic Party., words be-
tween < e1 >< /e1 >,< e2 >< /e2 > denote the two
entities w
respectively. We find the distance of
the current word to w
and w
and use the resulting
distance vectors d
and d
in the models.
For each dataset, we randomly extracted 75%
samples from the train data and used them as a re-
duced dataset (which we refer to as 75% dataset in
the rest of the paper) for the experiments. While
re-sizing the datasets, we took care to maintain the
“data to class ratio” of the original datasets by se-
lecting a proportional number of samples from each
of the classes. Augmentation methods were applied
on each of the datasets, namely the 100% and the
75% datasets. While generating augmented data, the
same PF and class labels were used as that of the
source sentences. The resulting augmented data was
appended to the original data in order to generate new
train data. For example, on the 75% KBP37 train data,
after running the synonym method we obtain a new
list of sentences. This list was then appended to the
original 75% train data and the resulting list was used
as a training file for our models.
As mentioned in Section 3, we only considered
nouns, adjectives and adverbs for data augmentations.
It came to our notice that in many cases, replacing
verbs/prepositions with similar words/synonyms re-
sulted in making the sentences ungrammatical and
also in some cases changed the contextual meaning of
the sentence. The resulting sentences were no longer
a logical fit for their respective relation classes. How-
ever, replacing nouns, adjectives and adverbs retained
the meaning even though at times it was not 100%
grammatical. We were able to retain the context and
generate augmented data by restricting the replace-
ments to the above mentioned POS tags for each sen-
tence in the datasets.
When training the models, we first found out the
optimal hyper-parameters for each of the datasets
(original, and 75%) for both KBP37 and Se-
mEval2010 and used them as baseline parameters.
Since not every hyper-parameter detail and imple-
mentation was available for the considered models
(section 4), we implemented and optimized the mod-
els. Once we obtained an accuracy closer to the
benchmark after several runs, we froze the hyper-
parameters. Then, for each dataset we applied the
ICPRAM 2019 - 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 2: F1 scores obtained for KBP37 dataset.
F1 scores and Train Data Size
100% Training Samples 75% Training Samples
F1 score No. of Training Samples F1 score No. of Training Samples
Baseline 50.74 15917(-) 49.22 11922(-)
Similar Words 50.86 31834(+) 49.45 23844(+)
Synonym 51.68 31834(+) 49.28 23844(+)
Interpolation 50.89 31834(+) 50.25 23844(+)
Extrapolation 50.36 31834(+) 48.75 23844(+)
Random Noise 50.45 31834(+) 49.90 23844(+)
Baseline 51.84 15917(-) 49.05 11922(-)
Similar Words 51.84 = 31834(+) 50.40 23844(+)
Synonym 51.60 31834(+) 49.84 23844(+)
Interpolation 50.01 31834(+) 49.49 23844(+)
Extrapolation 51.51 31834(+) 49.87 23844(+)
Random Noise 51.19 31834(+) 49.63 23844(+)
(-) denotes the original number of training samples. (+) denotes that augmented data has been added to the original training
samples. (=) denotes same F1 score with respect to the corresponding baseline score in the same column. () denotes an
increase in F1 score with respect to the corresponding baseline score in the same column. () denotes a decrease in F1
score with respect to the corresponding baseline score in the same column.
augmentation methods and generated the correspond-
ing new augmented data. In order to verify the effect
of augmentations on the results, we used the same
hyper-parameters and ran the models with the new
augmented train data. We did not do any cross val-
idations during training. We used the pre-trained,
300-dimensional GloVe word vectors for all the ex-
periments. The embedding layer was kept as non-
trainable in all the models while training. Test data
was kept separate and no augmentations or data re-
sizing was done on it. For all the trained models we
used the same test data, i.e, for all experiments run
on KBP37 dataset, we used the test set provided for
KBP37 and the same was done for SemEval2010.
Table 2 shows the F1 scores for the experiments con-
ducted on KBP37 dataset. The results are split for
100% training samples and 75% training samples. For
testing, we used the same test set for all the trained
models which had 3405 sample sentences as provided
in the KBP37 dataset (1).
Table 3 shows the F1 scores for the experiments
conducted on SemEval2010 dataset. As described
above for KBP37 dataset, the results are split for
100% training samples and 75% training samples and
we also mention the number of training samples used
in each of the experiments. For testing, we used the
same test set for all the trained models which had
2717 sample sentences as provided in SemEval2010
dataset (1).
For KBP37 dataset, we take the results obtained
by Dongxu and Dong (Dongxu and Dong, 2016) for
PF( Position Feature) experiments as the state of the
art, where they obtained an F1-score of 51.3% for
CNN model and 54.3% for RNN model. Similarly,
for SemEval2010 dataset we consider F1 score of
78.9% obtained by Zeng et al., (Zeng et al., 2014) for
CNN and F1 score of 84.0% obtained by Zhou et al.,
(Zhou et al., 2016) for att-BLSTM as state of the art
results. The best results obtained after multiple runs
have been mentioned under baseline results. Since the
embedding layers were kept as non-trainable in all the
models, a slight dip is observed in the F1 scores with
respect to the state of the art results considered.
A decrease of up to 3% is observed between the
baseline F1 scores for 75% data samples and the F1
scores for 100% data samples. The F1 scores for base-
line and the F1 scores obtained from models trained
on augmented data vary by approximately ±2%. We
observe an increase in the F1 scores for all deep learn-
ing models across both the datasets, when training on
augmented data generated with synonym method over
75% training samples.
One key observation is that for augmentation ex-
periments performed over 75% dataset, there is at
least one augmentation method where we are able to
achieve an F1 score similar to that of F1 score for
baseline (100% data). This holds true for both the
SemEval2010 and KBP37 datasets. For instance, we
can consider the F1 score for baseline (100% data)
for KBP37 dataset. For CNN model we get an F1
score of 50.74%. For interpolation experiment per-
formed on 75% dataset, we observe an F1 score of
A Study of Various Text Augmentation Techniques for Relation Classification in Free Text
Table 3: F1 scores obtained for SemEval2010 dataset.
F1 scores and Train Data Size
100% Training Samples 75% Training Samples
F1 score No. of Training Samples F1 score No. of Training Samples
Baseline 79.51 8000(-) 77.31 5994(-)
Similar Words 78.35 16000(+) 77.72 11988(+)
Synonym 77.97 16000(+) 77.64 11988(+)
Interpolation 79.84 16000(+) 76.70 11988(+)
Extrapolation 79.52 16000(+) 78.08 11988(+)
Random Noise 76.54 16000(+) 76.56 11988(+)
Baseline 79.89 8000(-) 78.00 5994(-)
Similar Words 79.41 16000(+) 78.03 11988(+)
Synonym 79.04 16000(+) 78.42 11988(+)
Interpolation 78.40 16000(+) 75.78 11988(+)
Extrapolation 78.08 16000(+) 76.59 11988(+)
Random Noise 78.79 16000(+) 78.69 11988(+)
(-) denotes the original number of training samples. (+) denotes that augmented data has been added to the original training
samples. () denotes an increase in F1 score with respect to the corresponding baseline score in the same column. ()
denotes a decrease in F1 score with respect to the corresponding baseline score in the same column.
50.25% which is very close to the 100% baseline re-
sult of 50.74%. The same can also be observed for
att-BLSTM model on KPB37 dataset, where we get
a 100% baseline F1 score of 51.84% and 50.40% for
Similar Words method performed on 75% train data.
All such results have been highlighted in blue in both
the results tables (3, 2).
With these observations, we extrapolate that
adding meaningful augmentations which preserve the
grammatical and the semantic structures of the orig-
inal sentences enable us to obtain results similar to
that of the original dataset even with less data. How-
ever, one limitation in the augmentation techniques
used is the lack of ability to introduce new variations
with respect to the positions of entities in the origi-
nal sentences. For example, for an input Sentence:
“Dominguez was not hotheaded said < e1 > Woods
< /e1 > a former < e2 > Arizona < /e2 > attorney
general., on applying synonym method we obtain,
“Dominguez was not hotheaded said < e1 > Wood
< /e1 > a former < /e2 > Arizona < /e2 > lawyer
general.. It can be clearly seen that even though we
are able to generate a new sentence which preserves
the grammatical and semantic structure of the original
sentence, we do not change the positions of the enti-
ties denoted by < e1 >,< /e1 > and < e2 >< /e2 >
respectively. The position features contribute signif-
icantly to the learning while training the models. A
lack of new entity ordering results in an almost sat-
urated F1 score for augmentation experiments run on
100% data. Additionally, the interpolation and extrap-
olation methods may perform better if we used word
vectors that are more relevant to these datasets thereby
capturing their data distributions, instead of using pre
trained GloVe word vectors. We have not explored
all the variations of hyper-parameter values for each
augmentation method. Further tuning of these hyper-
parameters may yield better results.
In this paper, we investigated the available techniques
for text data augmentations with respect to Relation
Classification in free text. As per our knowledge,
there have been no work that studies different text
data augmentation techniques on relation classifica-
tion for free text over different Deep Learning Mod-
els as yet. We implemented five text data augmenta-
tion techniques and explored the ways in which we
could preserve the grammatical and the contextual
structures of the sentences while generating new sen-
tences automatically using data augmentation tech-
niques. We discussed the importance of manually an-
notated data and why it is crucial to build new meth-
ods to augment data on smaller manually annotated
datasets. The experiments are carried on one subsam-
pled dataset (75%) and it will be interesting to observe
the effects of augmentations in even more detail on
further subsampled datasets.
From our experiments, we observed that we are
able to mimic the performance of an original dataset
by adding augmented data to a small dataset. We
also highlighted the inability of the existing text data
augmentation techniques to introduce new features
for learning. This is a limitation which bars au-
tomatic data generation from being as diverse and
contextual as a manually annotated dataset with real
ICPRAM 2019 - 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
texts. Hence, it is crucial to develop new augmenta-
tion methods which can introduce diversity and at the
same time retain the grammar and context in a sen-
tence. As a future work, one can experiment different
combinations of these methods as an hybrid approach
and see the possible improvement of accuracy for dif-
ferent NLP related tasks and also generate syntheti-
cally similar sentences using Generative Adversarial
Networks (GANs) which are widely used in image
domain to obtain synthetic data.
Bahdanau, D., Cho, K., and Bengio, Y. (2014). Neural ma-
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A Study of Various Text Augmentation Techniques for Relation Classification in Free Text