Supporting Reuse of EHR Data in Healthcare Organizations:
The CARED Research Infrastructure Framework
Vincent Menger
, Marco Spruit
, Jonathan de Bruin
, Thomas Kelder
and Floor Scheepers
Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, Princetonplein 5, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Department of Psychiatry, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Department of Information and Technology Services, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
EdgeLeap B.V., Utrecht, The Netherlands
Keywords: EHR, Data Management, Infrastructure, Open Source, Repeatability, Data Preparation, Data Analysis.
Abstract: Healthcare organizations have in recent years started assembling their Electronic Health Record (EHR) data
in data repositories to unlock their value using data analysis techniques. There are however a number of
technical, organizational and ethical challenges that should be considered when reusing EHR data, which
infrastructure technology consisting of appropriate software and hardware components can address. In a
case study in the University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU) in the Netherlands, we identified nine
requirements of a modern technical infrastructure for reusing EHR data: (1) integrate data sources, (2)
preprocess data, (3) store data, (4) support collaboration and documentation, (5) support various software
and tooling packages, (6) enhance repeatability, (7) enhance privacy and security, (8) automate data process
and (9) support analysis applications. We propose the CApable Reuse of EHR Data (CARED) framework
for infrastructure that addresses these requirements, which consists of five consecutive data processing
layers, and a control layer that governs the data processing. We then evaluate the framework with respect to
the requirements, and finally describe its successful implementation in the Psychiatry Department of the
UMCU along with three analysis cases. Our CARED research infrastructure framework can support
healthcare organizations that aim to successfully reuse their EHR data.
The digitization of our society is rapidly creating
opportunities to use new resources for research in
healthcare in the form of routinely collected large
datasets (Murdoch and Detsky, 2013; Priyanka and
Kulennavar, 2014). Meanwhile, recent
advancements in Machine Learning and Big Data
analytics enable unlocking the potential value of
these datasets (Groves et al., 2013). While current
research in healthcare is predominantly based on
Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) and Cohort
Studies (CSs), a data analytics approach on the other
hand integrates real time data from various sources
within a health care organization, such as structured
patient records, unstructured text notes, lab
measurements, financial data, and various others
(Badawi et al., 2014; Friedman et al., 2014). This
approach can have substantial benefits in addition to
RCT and CS study designs, in terms of cost-
effectiveness, sample size and reduction of selection
bias (Raghupathi and Raghupathi, 2014; Gandomi
and Haider, 2015). In the near future, this may allow
a transition to a data driven healthcare, where using
real time clinical data for supporting important
decisions in the care process becomes the norm, and
research using data analytics becomes an important
driver of new insights into aetiology and treatment
of disease (Murdoch and Detsky, 2013).
In this context, the various types of EHR data
that have been gathered for the sake of delivering
care to patients have become an important asset to
healthcare organizations, that is nowadays typically
available in a digital format (Dean et al., 2009).
Healthcare organizations have therefore started to
assemble their EHR data in data repositories in order
to apply data analytics techniques to them
(Lokhandwala and Rush, 2016; Obermeyer and Lee,
2017). Several challenges in management and
analysis of data have subsequently emerged, not
only of a technical nature (e.g. secure storage of
data, data pre-processing and data analysis), but also
Menger, V., Spruit, M., de Bruin, J., Kelder, T. and Scheepers, F.
Supporting Reuse of EHR Data in Healthcare Organizations: The CARED Research Infrastructure Framework.
DOI: 10.5220/0007343900410050
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2019), pages 41-50
ISBN: 978-989-758-353-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of an organizational nature (e.g. combining data
from different sources, effective collaboration
between researchers, and reproducibility of research)
and an ethical nature (e.g. legal regulations and
patient privacy concerns) (Hersh et al., 2014; Safran,
2014; Meystre et al., 2017). To mitigate these
challenges, a dedicated infrastructure consisting of
appropriate hardware and software components is
essential for gaining reliable and secure access to the
data, and for sharing knowledge about the structure
and meaning of data (Jensen, Jensen and Brunak,
2012; Danciu et al., 2014). Current data repositories
however are often based on Data Warehouse (DWH)
technology which falls short in addressing most of
these challenges, leading to scattering of both data
and knowledge about data within an organization
(Roski, Bo-Linn and Andrews, 2014; George,
Kumar and Kumar, 2015).
A dedicated research infrastructure for reusing
EHR data improves on this situation by providing a
unified data management practice for all researchers
involved, ranging from data sources on the one hand
to applications in clinical practice and clinical
research on the other (Hersh et al., 2013). For
example, it helps reduce errors in analysis, improves
possibilities for collaboration among researchers of
various disciplines, and leads to more efficient use
of time and resources in the long term (Pollard et al.,
2016). Although the benefits of such an
infrastructure are apparent, a general framework for
an infrastructure to support reusing EHR data has
not yet been proposed. Our study aims to provide
such a framework. Because research infrastructure
software packages need to interoperate with a large
variety of health IT systems, databases, EHR
software from different vendors, and other local
standards (Hammami, Bellaaj and Kacem, 2014;
Kasthurirathne et al., 2015), our study will address
this problem on the conceptual level rather than
offering a software solution. Individual healthcare
organizations can subsequently use existing tools
within their organization, supplemented with (open
source) software packages to implement an
infrastructure consisting of appropriate hardware and
software components based on our proposed
framework, that is interoperable with their current
systems and practices.
In this study, we will thus identify the most
important requirements for an infrastructure for
reusing EHR data by means of expert interviews in
the University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU) in
the Netherlands. We then translate these
requirements into relevant concepts and their
relations and arrange them in a generic framework.
The main merit of the framework we propose lies in
providing clear concepts that need to be instantiated
in a research infrastructure for reusing EHR data,
thereby supporting learning healthcare organizations
that aim to do so. We furthermore describe the
implementation of our proposed infrastructure
framework in the Psychiatry Department of the
UMCU, and present three specific applications that
were enabled by this infrastructure.
1.1 Related Work
In contrast to research into reusing EHR data within
an organization, there are various examples of
projects that aim to integrate all types of clinical data
from different institutions. For example, the CER
Hub (Hazlehurst et al., 2015) which provides
standardized access to the patient centric EHR
across organizations, the SHARPn project (Rea et
al., 2012) which enables using the EHR for
secondary purposes in multiple academic centers,
and EHR4CR (De Moor et al., 2015) which offers a
scalable and efficient approach to interoperability
between EHR systems. Additionally the eMERGE,
PCORnet and SHRINE projects provide more
research into the ethical, legal and social issues of
combining data from multiple sites (Weber et al.,
2009; McCarty et al., 2011; Fleurence et al., 2014).
All of these projects address topics such as semantic
interoperability, data quality and data integration
through a Trusted Third Party (TTP), which are only
indirectly relevant when reusing EHR data within an
Data management practices within an
organization are usually designed for dealing with
data from CS and RCT studies (Krishnankutty et al.,
2012), accompanied with infrastructure in the form
of a Clinical Data Management System (CMDS) (Lu
and Su, 2010). The data that is produced by CS and
RCT studies contains measurements that are clearly
defined in a study protocol, and that are often static
after patient enrolment has ended. Challenges
include data-entry and medical coding of data. This
type of clinical data strongly differs from secondary
EHR data, which is already present data that is
updated live, and is often undocumented.
Research into infrastructure for reusing EHR,
which is scarce in the first place, typically describes
one or two requirements, and thereby only a small
part of the solution that is needed. For example, they
focus on the preprocessing and analysis pipeline
(Peek, Holmes and Sun, 2014), analysing and
storing large datasets (Youssef, 2014), integration of
data sources (Bauer et al., 2016) or composing
HEALTHINF 2019 - 12th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 1: The process of identifying the nine requirements for the infrastructure.
research datasets from secondary data (Murphy et
al., 2010). Not one approach however provides a
unifying data management practice, failing to
provide the broad scope for infrastructure that we
envision. The generic framework that our study will
provide therefore has additional value for the field of
clinical research data management.
2.1 Identification of Requirements
Requirements for an infrastructure for reusing EHR
data were identified in the University Medical
Center Utrecht (UMCU) in the Netherlands. The
process of identifying these requirements from
expert interviews is depicted in Figure 1. First, semi-
structured interviews were conducted with seven
relevant stakeholders in the UMCU to explore the
requirements for an infrastructure. A board level
stakeholder and psychiatrist, a nurse researcher, and
data and IT experts with several backgrounds were
included in the interviews, ensuring representation
of all relevant stakeholders. In this case, semi-
structured interviews are the most appropriate
method for eliciting new information (Gill et al.,
2008). Questions about the participants’ views on
current data management practices, possible
improvements to these practices and their feasibility
in the context of the UMCU, current issues
experienced, and their ideal data management
situation were asked.
The transcripts of these interviews were then
processed using a grounded theory approach.
Researchers first applied an open coding process to
the transcripts by segmenting them and describing
each segment in a word or short sequence of words
(Strauss and Corbin, 1990). This resulted in 156
codings in the seven interviews combined. To be
Table 1: The number of codings in each interview, distributed over the nine themes and seven interviewees. The rightmost
column shows the requirement that was formulated based on the theme in the leftmost column.
Theme Interviewee Requirement
Board level,
Data manager
Data Analyst 1
Data Analyst 2
Data Analyst 3
Nurse Researcher
Data sources 1 3 1 1 (1) Integrate data sources
Data standardization
and preparation
7 1 6 12 2 6 (2) Preprocess data
Data storage 4 7 1 9 (3) Store data
Software and tooling 2 2 12 9 1 3 1 (4) Support various software and
tooling packages
Coding best practices
and documentation
3 2 2 3 1 3 (5) Support collaboration and
Repeatability 1 1 2 1 (6) Enhance repeatability
Privacy and security 1 1 (7) Enhance privacy and security
Data process automation 3 3 3 6 4 1 (8) Automate data process
Healthcare practice
4 1 3 6 4 2 (9) Support analysis applications
Supporting Reuse of EHR Data in Healthcare Organizations: The CARED Research Infrastructure Framework
able to identify requirements out of these codings,
the open codings were then processed into broader
categories by grouping codings based on their
similarities and differences using Inductive Content
Analysis (Elo and Kyngäs, 2008). This iterative
process resulted in eleven themes that spanned
multiple codes and could not be further combined. In
a final step, all themes that were mentioned by more
than one interviewee were reformulated into
requirements. Table 1 shows the roles of the
interviewees within the UMCU, and the nine
requirements that were identified based on the
interviews, including the number of codings for each
interview and theme.
2.2 Requirements
The nine requirements that were identified based on
the expert interviews are discussed below.
1. Integrate data sources. In a healthcare
organization, typically multiple data sources exist
(e.g. different database systems for structured patient
records, unstructured text notes, correspondence, lab
values, financial administration, genetics), that store
data in their own format and do not necessarily
communicate and interoperate with each other
(Coorevits et al., 2013; Nair, Hsu and Celi, 2016).
Further integration with open data sources and
patient-gathered data (e.g. from wearables or social
media) can offer even better insights.
2. Preprocess data. Data preparation is a crucial step
in the data analysis process that is relatively easy to
model yet time consuming, especially if its steps are
repeated for each separate analysis (Priest et al.,
2014; Wickham, 2014). Applying preprocessing
steps (e.g. tidying, standardizing, reshaping and
integrating data) in a central, collaborative manner
thus saves time and effort for all researchers
involved. There is on the other hand a tradeoff with
flexibility, and researchers should also be enabled to
make their individual choices in data preparation
steps where needed.
3. Store data. Data that is gathered from various
sources and then preprocessed should be accessible
in a uniform format, allowing researchers to load
necessary data into their tools for analysis (Apte et
al., 2011; Jensen, Jensen and Brunak, 2012).
4. Support various software and tooling packages.
Data analysis teams are typically multidisciplinary,
consisting for example of data analysts, health
researchers, practitioners and statisticians
(Lokhandwala and Rush, 2016), each applying a
wide range of different techniques such as classical
statistics, machine learning and data visualization
(Katal, Wazid and Goudar, 2013). This leads to a
variety of different software and tooling packages
being used, which all need to be able to interoperate
with a central infrastructure if adoption is to be
5. Support collaboration and documentation.
Collaboration among researchers within a data
analysis project is vital for obtaining both high
quality data and analysis (Cheruvelil et al., 2014;
Priest et al., 2014). This is mainly achieved by
documentation and code collaboration (Wilson et
al., 2014), adoption of which is currently low in
health care research (Murphy et al., 2012).
Documenting data firstly improves shared
knowledge about data, a lack of which is one of the
largest barriers for performing analysis, especially in
health care (Lee et al., 2015). Code collaboration
secondly reduces redundancy and errors.
6. Enhance repeatability. Reproducible research is
slowly becoming the norm in data-intensive
scientific research (Peng, 2011), yet it is still not
uncommon for researchers to be unable to recover
data associated with their own published works
(Goodman et al., 2014; Pollard et al., 2016). Data
analysis in healthcare requires a reproducible
workflow, which has well-recognized benefits, both
internally (e.g. traceability of data, better insights
into data provenance) and externally (e.g. better
substantiation of results, enabling reuse of methods
and results for others) (Johnson et al., 2014; Wang
and Hajli, 2017).
7. Enhance privacy and security. Healthcare data
that are made available for research comprise
sensitive data, that should be handled securely and
with respect for patient privacy by design (Gil et al.,
2007; Kupwade Patil and Seshadri, 2014). Security-
wise, restrictions on who can access which part of
research datasets help prevent data leaks and
unnecessary risks of patient re-identification.
Regarding privacy, de-identification techniques (e.g.
pseudonymization, de-identification of free-text
variables, k-anonymity measures) are needed to
mitigate impact on patient privacy (Menger et al.,
8. Automate data process. By automating all data
processing steps, up-to-date EHR data becomes
available periodically, without the need to perform
additional time intensive operations before analysis
is started. This additionally leads to better speed to
decision (Wang et al., 2017) and even better model
learning (Lin and Haug, 2006).
9. Support analysis applications. The various
applications of reusing EHR data, such as decision
support, dashboarding, fundamental research, data
HEALTHINF 2019 - 12th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 2: The CARED framework, consisting of five data processing layers from left to right, and an additional control
layer that governs the data processing.
visualization, and several others (Chen, Chiang and
Storey, 2012; Gandomi and Haider, 2015), should
all be supported.
2.3 Framework Development
A conceptual framework for a data infrastructure
was designed based on the nine requirements
described above. As current data repositories are
commonly based on Data Warehouse technology,
the DWH model of Inmon et al. (Inmon, 2002) was
used as a starting point. This model defines four data
layers: the Data Source layer, the Staging layer, the
Data Warehouse layer, and the Data Access layer.
The layers in this model were iteratively refined,
separated and combined, and new layers were added
in order to meet all the nine requirements. Next,
these layers were integrated in a single unifying
framework. This design was presented and discussed
in a focus group with the stakeholders in Table 1,
aiming to demonstrate the framework and to
evaluate it with respect to the nine requirements. A
focus group is appropriate so that interaction
between stakeholders is possible, so that all opinions
about the framework can be explored, and so that all
its potential issues are found (Gill et al., 2008). One
of the researchers facilitated the focus group, while
the stakeholders were present to discuss the
requirements and the framework. Comments mainly
concerned the extent to which data preprocessing
can be done in advance, the privacy steps that
needed to be taken, and the viability of
implementing infrastructure based on the framework
in the UMCU. The participants attitude towards the
framework was generally positive, and based on this
focus group no major changes to the framework
were introduced.
An infrastructure based on this framework was
finally implemented in the Psychiatry Department of
the UMCU. There, an initiative to bring data driven
research to the daily practice resulted in some
preliminary results (Menger et al., 2016), but with
no further supporting infrastructure in place, making
it an ideal case for implementing the framework.
3.1 Framework
The CApable Reuse of EHR Data (CARED)
framework we designed can be seen in Figure 2. It
consists of five data layers (from left to right) in
which data is processed, and a control layer for
governing the data process.
In the data processing layers, first the extract
layer connects to various internal and external data
sources, and extracts the data in their own format.
The subsequent privacy layer performs operations
that help guarantee patient privacy, such as de-
identification, pseudonymization and removal of
non-consenting patients’ data. Next, we propose to
Supporting Reuse of EHR Data in Healthcare Organizations: The CARED Research Infrastructure Framework
apply data preprocessing in two separate general and
specific preparation steps. In the general preparation
layer, the extracted and de-identified data from the
several sources is transformed and tidying steps such
as standardization, reformatting and reshaping are
applied. The data remains semantically unchanged,
meaning that only transformations concerning the
format of data are performed. The cleaned data is
stored in an analysis data repository, where it can be
accessed by researchers through an Application
Programmable Interface (API). In the specific
preparation layer, advanced transformations that
require domain knowledge, such as imputation, data
integration and data enrichment are applied to data
from the analysis data repository. After this phase,
processed data are stored in a second, context-
specific data repository that is also accessible
through an API. In the final application layer, data
from the analysis data repository or context-specific
data repository are processed further by individual
researchers according to their analysis purpose.
Additionally, the control layer drives the data
through the data processing layers. This layer
consists of three parts. Firstly, it contains a code
repository where all code that transforms the data in
or between layers is collaboratively written and
maintained by all researchers involved. This creates
a scientific workflow that traces data and code from
source to application when guidelines for
documenting code and data with version control are
applied. Secondly, the scheduling and logging
component makes sure that all clinical data is
periodically extracted from the data sources and
processed as specified in the code base. Reporting
and notification ensure that errors in this process can
be noticed and corrected. The execution of code
thirdly is performed by using containerization on the
operating system level. Images that provide all
necessary software and libraries to execute code
from the repository in a container are specified, so
that the data process is not dependent on individual
researchers software.
3.2 Evaluation
Below, we will describe how and in which parts of
the framework the identified requirements are
addressed. Between square brackets, the abbreviated
layer(s) in which this requirement is satisfied is
written (e=extract layer, p=privacy layer, gp=general
preparation layer, sp=specific preparation layer,
a=application layer, c=control layer).
1. Integrate data sources [e]. Multiple data sources
are integrated in the extract layer, which allows
flexibility with regard to adding or removing data
2. Preprocess data [e, gp, sp]. We propose to divide
the preprocessing of data into two steps: a general
data preparation step and a subsequent specific data
preparation step. In the first step, operations
concerning the format of data are performed, and in
the second step additional operations concerning the
contents of data are performed. This distinction
allows researchers to choose between two datasets
with a different level of preparation, balancing
between flexibility and time-efficiency. In the first
case, all preprocessing operations are performed by
the individual researcher, but can be tailored to
specific needs, while in the second off-the-shelf
preparation both the effort needed to start analysis
and the likelihood of errors is reduced. In both cases,
the researcher needs to perform final analysis-
specific preparation in order to perform the analysis.
3. Store data [gp, sp]. Data are stored in an
accessible location, in two analysis data and context-
sensitive data repositories. An important
requirement for data storage is that read- and write
access can be provided for relevant software
packages through an API. The data storage method
can be subject to organizational and technical
requirements, with options ranging from a shared
drive to a database scheme (e.g. NoSQL) or
distributed file systems. To ensure that previous
versions of datasets are retrievable, snapshots of data
can be stored using data differencing techniques.
4. Support various software and tooling [a, c]. The
infrastructure is not dependent on specific software
packages. This means that both running the data
through the five data layers and performing analysis
can be performed using any software package that
can access data in the two repositories through the
5. Support collaboration and documentation [c].
Container images and documentation of code and
data are shared in the code repository. Access to the
central code repository for all researchers enables
collaboration both in the data process and in specific
research applications.
6. Enhance repeatability [e, gp, sp, a, c]. Firstly, the
pipeline structure of the framework ensures that all
data can be traced back to its source, providing data
lineage for all eventual applications. Secondly,
previous versions of data, code and operating system
containers that are all stored together create a
scientific workflow, which allows repeating analysis
internally. By making the combination of these three
items publicly available (e.g. along with a published
result), analysis additionally becomes repeatable for
HEALTHINF 2019 - 12th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 3: A schematic overview of infrastructure implemented in the Psychiatry Department of the UMCU based on the
CARED framework. It consists of an automation server and codebase that can be accessed through a web interface, and
several data components that can be accessed through an API.
the entire research commuity.
7. Enhance privacy and security [p]. Privacy of
patients is enhanced by incorporating a separate
privacy layer as one of the first data processing
layers, ensuring that no datasets with identifying
information proliferate in the analysis process.
Security of data is enhanced by storing data in two
central repositories that can be accessed by an API,
preventing creation of copies of datasets on personal
drives. Both the data access API and any other
interfaces that allow interaction with the
infrastructure can have restrictions on access for
individual researchers, for example when only a
subset of data is relevant for a specific analysis goal.
8. Automate data process [c]. All code that drives
the data through the processing layers is available in
the code repository, and can therefore be executed in
its specified container at defined time intervals by an
automation server. This ensures that data in both
data repositories are periodically updated.
9. Support analysis applications [a]. The data in the
two repositories can support a broad range of
applications that is able to read data from one of the
two data repositories through the API, such as data
visualization, dashboards, (re)training of machine
learning models, and decision support in the EHR.
3.3 Implementation
Based on this framework, an infrastructure was
designed and implemented in the Psychiatry
Department of the UMCU in a time period of 6
months. The subsequent programming of data
processing pipelines took another approximate 6
months. Software components were implemented
with open source packages such as GitLab, Docker,
Jenkins, Python and R, supplemented with already
present enterprise software to extract data from
internal data sources. The hardware setup consists of
a Linux and a Windows server, in order to allow
interoperation with existing systems.
The implementation is schematically depicted in
figure 3. The core of the implementation is the
automation server, which updates data weekly by
fetching code and OS containers and applying it to
data. The data is extracted, de-identified and stored
in a network folder. Then additional preprocessing
steps are applied, and another network folder stores
the data in analysis data and context sensitive data
repositories. After mounting the network folder,
researchers can access data in these repositories
through an API based on their autorization. The code
base and automation server are accessible through
their web interfaces.
Our infrastructure has enabled several
applications within the Psychiatry Department, three
specific cases are highlighted below.
Personalized antipsychotics and antidepressants
prescriptions. Patients with a psychotic or
depressive disorder are often prescribed medication
as part of their therapy. There are however various
types of both antipsychotics and antidepressants, and
choosing a drug and dose that improve an individual
patients symptoms while minimizing side effects is
mostly based on trial and error. During their
lifetime, these patients typically switch medication
and dose several times before the optimal
combination is found. To smoothen this process, we
Supporting Reuse of EHR Data in Healthcare Organizations: The CARED Research Infrastructure Framework
developed visualizations of medication history based
on information in the EHR, that is displayed to
psychiatrists and patients. An overview of previous
steps taken in finding an optimal prescription are
comprehensively displayed, facilitating better
decisions about next steps.
Prediction of inpatient violence incidents. During
psychiatric admission, violence from patient directed
at staff or other patients can occur. This topic has
been thoroughly researched in psychiatry literature,
yet a data driven approach had not been applied. We
integrated admission data, textual data in the first 24
hours of admission, and violence incident reports,
and then applied machine learning to train a
classifier that is able to assess violence risk for
individual patients, outperforming trained
psychiatrists and other existing violence risk
assessment tools (Menger, Scheepers and Spruit,
2018). This experiment is fully repeatable, while
predictions can eventually be shown in the EHR.
Tracking patient enrolment status. Before a patient
can start a planned admission or therapy, several
administrative steps need to be taken that can take a
span of multiple weeks or months. This includes for
example obtaining referral documents from previous
care organizations or a general practitioner, checking
health insurance, and planning admission or therapy.
Based on the current status of enrolment as written
in text notes in the EHR, we therefore designed a
status tracking system for patient enrolment. This
leads to better insight into a current enrolment status,
which benefits both patients and staff.
To fully realise the potential of analysing already
existing EHR data, an infrastructure consisting of
appropriate hardware and software components is
needed, so that important technical, organizational
and ethical challenges of reusing EHR data are
mitigated. Current data repositories in healthcare
organizations are often still based on DWH
technologies, which fall short in addressing many of
these challenges. Our CARED framework, designed
based on requirements that were identified in the
UMCU, provides a modern and unifying approach to
infrastructure for EHR data reuse. It addresses
important challenges, that are too often disregarded
or solved in an ad hoc manner, such as analysing
sensitive data with regard for patient privacy,
repeatability of analysis, collaboration among
researchers, and documentation of data and its
analysis. Current research typically manages one or
two of these challenges, while our research provides
a framework that covers all the important aspects of
reusing EHR data. We argue that adopting this
framework improves quality of analysis, enhances
patient privacy and data security, and aids efficient
use of time, resources and skills. By providing a
generic framework, we furthermore circumvent
problems of interoperability with current IT systems,
improving likelihood of its adoption. Adhering to
the CARED framework when designing and
implementing infrastructure in a healthcare
organization will therefore be able to improve the
state of data analytics research on secondary EHR
Implementing an infrastructure that is based on
our proposed framework in the Psychiatry
Department of the UMCU furthermore shows the
feasibility of such a project. Although organizational
factors caused some delays and practical difficulties,
no fundamental setbacks were experienced.
Additionally, we made use of existing open source
software packages, leveraging knowledge and
efforts from the extensive ecosystem of data analysis
researchers. This is an important benefit that remains
unaddressed in other software solutions. Modern
data analysts are well versed in performing analysis
using open source packages, typically implemented
in the Python and/or R programming languages.
Using such open software packages is a cost-
effective measure that additionally lowers the
threshold for data analysts from various domains to
join the challenge of obtaining value from EHR data,
which holds many promises for the future.
In this study, we used expert interviews to identify
the most important requirements for an
infrastructure for reusing EHR data, and
subsequently designed the CApable Reuse of EHR
Data (CARED) framework for infrastructure that
addresses these challenges. The CARED framework
we propose consists of five data processing layers:
an extract layer, a privacy layer, two preprocessing
layers, and an application layer. The framework is
governed by a control layer, which consists of a
code base where code and analysis is documented, a
scheduler that automates the process, and
containerization to make the analysis more robust
and repeatable. We have elaborated upon the
implementation of an infrastructure based on the
proposed framework, showing its feasibility. Our
study shows how an infrastructure based on the
HEALTHINF 2019 - 12th International Conference on Health Informatics
CARED framework in place will improve the
quality of analysis, enable types of analysis that are
otherwise not possible, and aid efficient use of time,
resources and skills.
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