Document Image Dewarping using Deep Learning
Vijaya Kumar Bajjer Ramanna
, Saqib Bukhari
and Andreas Dengel
Informatik, Technical University of Kaiserlautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Department of Knowledge Management, Deutsches Forschungszentrum f
ur K
unstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI),
Kaiserlsutern, Germany
Document Image Dewarping, Deep Learning, Geometric Distortion, Page Curl, Line Curl.
The distorted images have been a major problem for Optical Character Recognition (OCR). In order to perform
OCR on distorted images, dewarping has become a principal preprocessing step. This paper presents a new
document dewarping method that removes curl and geometric distortion of modern and historical documents.
Finally, the proposed method is evaluated and compared to the existing Computer Vision based method. Most
of the traditional dewarping algorithms are created based on the text line feature extraction and segmentation.
However, textual content extraction and segmentation can be sophisticated. Hence, the new technique is pro-
posed, which doesn’t need any complicated methods to process the text lines. The proposed method is based
on Deep Learning and it can be applied on all type of text documents and also documents with images and
graphics. Moreover, there is no preprocessing required to apply this method on warped images. In the pro-
posed system, the document distortion problem is treated as an image-to-image translation. The new method
is implemented using a very powerful pix2pixhd network by utilizing Conditional Generative Adversarial
Networks (CGAN). The network is trained on UW3 dataset by supplying distorted document as an input and
cleaned image as the target. The generated images from the proposed method are cleanly dewarped and they
are of high-resolution. Furthermore, these images can be used to perform OCR.
These days, most of the libraries and companies want
to convert their old documents and books to digital
form. Evidently, these days Optical Character Recog-
nition (OCR) (Mori et al., 1999) is extensively used
for this purpose. OCR performs well on the undis-
torted document images. The hard copies of input
documents are scanned using cameras or flatbed scan-
ners. These scanned images are passed as inputs
to OCR. However, these scanned documents are dis-
torted in most of the cases and they are not in conve-
nient form to apply the recognizer. Also, OCR doesn’t
give a good accuracy for distorted images. Hence,
these images are not appropriate to apply OCR and
even not for archiving because of the existing docu-
ment distortion.
There could be several reasons for document de-
warping, sometimes the instruments used for scan-
ning like camera and flatbed scanner are the main ba-
sis. Camera-based scanned images are generally suf-
fer from perspective distortion because of the varied
angle of camera position and geometrical distortion
due to the curvature of the unfolded book surface. For
non-planner documents like books, the page curl is
added as an additional distortion to the scanned im-
ages. Apart from that, the distortion is also caused by
document aging, for example, historical documents.
In recent days, document image dewarping re-
search community is continuously growing and sev-
eral algorithms have been developed to dewarp dis-
torted document images (Liang et al., 2005). Most of
the algorithms are based on conventional aligned text
lines and few of them also utilize line segmentation
in addition to that. Some of these algorithms depen-
dent on only single camera images to apply dewarp-
ing. Most of the algorithms are for textual documents
but few recent techniques work on both text and im-
age documents. However, textual based algorithms
need some preprocessing of the input images before
using any of these dewarping methods. The majority
of the algorithms just focus on only one problem, so
we would need to apply two methods to remove mul-
tiple distortions (Ex perspective and page curl).
In contrast, our model doesn’t rely on text line
alignment or segmentation. Our approach won’t even
need any preprocessing steps for the input images. It
works well on text and non-text parts of a document
Bajjer Ramanna, V., Bukhari, S. and Dengel, A.
Document Image Dewarping using Deep Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0007368405240531
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2019), pages 524-531
ISBN: 978-989-758-351-3
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
like images, tables, graphics etc. The dewarped image
is a high resolution and it can be used for OCR. Un-
like other methods, we can use images from multiple
scanners or cameras as input.
Recently, Deep Learning has gained success in
many fields. The powerful matrix multiplication of
Deep Neural Networks with the combination of GPU
architecture has wide application. The research in
document images is getting extensive benefits from
Deep Learning. The proposed method is based on
the most advanced image-to-image translation Deep
Learning network, which has the ability to synthe-
size high resolution dewarped image by retaining the
quality of text or image/graphics in the input image.
The document distortion problem is formulated as an
image to image translation problem to avoid the de-
pendency on line/image/graphics alignment in the in-
put image. In our experiment, we the benefits from
the state-of-the-art image-to-image model pix2pixhd
(Wang et al., 2017). This network is trained on the
high-resolution UW3 dataset by using the distorted
image as input and the normal image as the target.
Document image dewarping is an essential prepro-
cessing step for OCR to get better character recogni-
tion. There is a wide list of developed methods (Stam-
atopoulos et al., 2008)(Bukhari et al., 2009)(Ulges
et al., 2005) for document dewarping. But, the most
popular approach is to use depth-measuring equip-
ments like structured light or laser scanner to mea-
sure the depth. However, Depth Measuring equip-
ments are certainly not appropriate for common users
because of the need for special hardware and cali-
bration of the hardware. Also, In case of non-linear
curled pages, these depth measuring instruments work
efficiently only on multiple images but for common
users, it might be too inconvenient to take so many
pictures (Koo et al., 2009). This limits the use of
depth measuring methods. Generally, people tend to
focus on easy and comfortable devices like mobile
cameras with a high resolution and flatbed scanners.
The majority of the currently available methods
utilize prior document layout information to remove
page curl and/or perspective distortion. These meth-
ods work by keeping text lines as basis as they are
the salient features of a document. The dewarping
method using an estimation of curled text lines (Ulges
et al., 2005) takes only single camera image as an in-
put. It’s a line-by-line dewarping approach, which
uses local text line extraction and depth extraction.
But, these methods made an assumption that the line
spacing is constant and the input documents must
have a single column. Also, this method takes nearly
10 secs to process one image. Another method (Kim
et al., 2015) which does not work directly by using
text lines instead they use connected components like
discrete representations of text-lines and text-blocks.
Nevertheless, this method is not suitable if the text
has multiple skews and each skew has different an-
gles. In general, there are lots of disadvantages with
line based methods as it is hard to extract text lines for
complex layouts.
In another research work (Wu and Agam, 2002),
they reconstruct the target mesh by using a single in-
put document image to remove perspective and geo-
metric distortion. To create the target mesh they cal-
culated the starting point and the orientation of curled
text lines. This method is language independent and
doesn’t depend on structural models, however, works
on the basis of an assumption that all the text lines
in the input documents are straight. So, this method
cannot be used to remove page curl and/or line curl.
In the proposed method, the document dewarping
problem is considered as the image-to-image transla-
tion. The goal is to translate the input image from one
domain to other domain by taking input distorted im-
age and the target clean image. The proposed model
has generative-adversarial networks to learn the style
transfer from input distorted images to clean images.
For the experiment, the training is performed on UW3
dataset. We prepared the synthetic distorted UW3
dataset using OCRODEG package (NVlabs, 2018) by
inducing random page and/or line curl distortion. The
generated input dataset looks similar to the originally
distorted test images. The experiment is conducted by
training the proposed network using synthetic UW3
dataset prepared and the evaluation is done on the
UW3 dataset and additionally, another originally dis-
torted dataset.
In our approach, we used the powerful image-to-
image translation network (Wang et al., 2017), which
translates the image from one domain to another do-
main. The model gets the benefit by using the adver-
sarial loss instead of L1 loss since L1 loss produce
blurry images. The adversarial training helps the dis-
criminator to learn to better distinguish between gen-
erated dewarped images from the generator and the
real images. The discriminator uses the trainable loss
which brings additional benefits to the results with the
ability to better distinguish images at the target. The
advantage of multi-scale generator, discriminator and
Document Image Dewarping using Deep Learning
the new objective function makes it easier to gener-
ate high-resolution images with realistic textures. The
generator has a global network which is responsible
for style transfer and a local enhancer which helps to
generate high-resolution images.
3.1 Pix2pixhd Network
There are a couple of methods to solve image-to-
image translation problem. For example, pix2pix im-
age translation network with conditional Generative
Adversarial Network (CGAN) (Isola et al., 2017) is
one of them. Initially, we made an attempt to ap-
ply this network for our problem but the restriction
of the network to use the image size of 256x256
limits the benefit for our situation because we have
high-resolution document images. Since the model
has Generative networks, if the input images are re-
sized then it’s difficult for the network to recon-
struct the characters. Nevertheless, pix2pixhd (Wang
et al., 2017) network accepts high-resolution input
images and furthermore, the network generates high-
resolution images with the help of GANs and by con-
sidering adversarial loss instead of the L1 loss. GANs
produce natural image distribution by forcing the gen-
erated samples to be indistinguishable from natural
images. This pix2pixhd model fine-tunes the genera-
tor and multi-scale discriminator, which helps to gen-
erate images conditionally at high resolution.
Figure 1: Synthetic data preparation using OCRODEG
package; (a) Original clean image, (b) After applying syn-
thetic distortion.
3.2 Dataset Preparation
The new method does not require any preprocessing
on the input images, which makes the dataset prepa-
ration quite simple. UW3 dataset images which are
in ‘tif‘ format are converted into the required ‘jpg‘
format and stored in the directory named ‘train
(ground truths). No re-sizing has been done on the
input images since the model can be trained on high-
resolution images. As mentioned in the previous sec-
tion, the distorted input images are generated by using
the package OCRODEG. This package let us to gen-
erate random noise and the images are distorted using
this noise. Figure (1) shows the synthetic data gener-
ated using this package. Distorted input dataset has
the same name, size, and format as the ground truth
and they are saved in a directory ‘train A‘. We have
used two test sets, the UW3 dataset which was not
included for training and a new dataset from the his-
torical domain; OCR-D images (, 2018). The
synthetic UW3 test set is prepared using OCRODEG
in a similar way we did to the train set but OCR-D im-
ages have distortions already in the original images.
3.3 Implementation
The state-of-the-art method for the image-to-image
translation problem is high-resolution photo-realistic
image-to-image translation (Wang et al., 2017), the
pytorch implementation of the same (NVIDIA, 2018)
has been used for this research work. The model is
trained by changing the network parameters to get
better result. We have used 1500 UW3 raw im-
ages without resizing, but during training, images are
cropped with a finesize of 768 (the network can also
be trained with higher resolution) and loaded with a
loadsize of 1024 to reduce the hardware requirement
for training. The number of label channels used is
0 and the maximum number of samples allowed per
dataset is 200.
Pix2pix baseline is a CGAN. It is a supervised
learning framework with two networks; a generator
to map the input images to real images and a discrim-
inator to distinguish between real and generated im-
ages. In pix2pixhd model, the generator is a com-
bination of two networks; global generator and local
enhancer. Global generator is responsible for the im-
age style transfer. It consists of three components; a
convolutional front-end, a set of residual blocks and a
transposal convolutional backend. It works at a reso-
lution of 1024x512. In our experiment we have 2 lo-
cal enhancers, that means the output resolution will be
doubled (2048x1024). The Local Enhancer is respon-
sible for a high-resolution output image and it also
contains the same three components. During train-
ing, the global generator is trained before the local en-
hancer network and they are fine tuned together later.
Multiscale discriminators have been used to avoid
over-fitting caused due to deeper network, which is
necessary to produce high-resolution images. In our
experiment, we have used 3 scale discriminators with
similar network structures but different scales, which
discriminates the synthesized image and real image
in 3 different scales. Basically, this network has
ICPRAM 2019 - 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 2: Training results of UW3 images using our method (a) Original Image, (b) Distorted input image, (c) Dewarped
image using our DL method.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 3: Comparing test results of Computer Vision and Deep Learning methods. (a) Original Image (b) Warped image (c)
Dewarped image using CV method, (d) Dewarped image using our DL method. As one can see from the patch (c) the lines
are not straight.
been adopted to guide the generator with both global
overview and minute details of an image by including
larger and smaller scales of the network.
During training, the overall objective of the loss
function includes the GAN loss and feature loss. This
features loss is extracted from each layer of the dis-
criminator and it will be matched with different scales
of real and synthesized image features. Additional
feature loss stabilizes the training since we are using
different scales.
Training: The powerful deep learning pix2pixhd net-
work is trained on 1500 UW3 dataset of average size
(3300,2500). However, the model is learned on the
patches of size (1024, 768) by cropping the input dis-
torted image. We considered batch size of one to train
the network to learn one to one mapping between the
distorted and the clean image. We used GPU with size
of 12 GB for training. The input training data is very
generalized and it contains images with mix of text,
images and tables.The entire training is carried out for
over 250 epochs. As we use the distorted images in
place of random noise as input to GANs, the network
has already learnt the layout of the document image
in the first few epochs. The reason for learning over
200 epochs is to train the network to learn and gener-
ate minute features of each character. Testing is per-
formed on two unseen dataset; UW3 dataset Images
which are not included in training and OCR-D histor-
ical images. The input warped image has been split
into patches and we applied the dewarping method on
these patches. The final dewarped image has higher
resolution (3300,2500), with a very good quality of
characters and images of the document. These re-
sulted images can be used to apply OCR.
The qualitative analysis of the results is done by com-
paring results of our method to ground truth images.
The proposed network trained on UW3 dataset is very
generalized and it works great on varied types of doc-
uments; Documents with a single column and multi-
column (Figure 1), text, images (Figure 5), equations
and tables. The model has been evaluated against all
these document elements. The training results are
demonstrated in Figure (1), these are UW3 patches
generated during the training at Epoch 225. The in-
put distorted image (Figure 2b) is a patch from two
column document image with line level distortion on
two columns. The generated image (Figure 2c) looks
similar to the original clean image (Figure 2a), all the
text lines are straight and the characters still holds the
same resolution as the ground truth image.
Document Image Dewarping using Deep Learning
Table 1: This table shows the average values for Pixel-based image evaluation for both Deep Learning (DL) and Computer
Vision (CV) methods. These results are calculated between the UW3 ground truth test image and synthesized image from DL
and CV method.
Evaluation Method Computer Vision Deep Learning
Pixel Accuracy 79.64% 93.25%
Mean Accuracy 61.04% 84.66%
Frequency Weighted IU 67.74% 88.53%
SSIM 61.17% 72.88%
HaarPSI 98.00% 98.99%
Table 2: Tesseract and ABBYY OCR evaluation results on the UW3 dataset. The average Character Error Rate (CER) is
computed between the ground truth text file against the text file generated by applying Tesseract OCR on the ground truth
image, input warped image and dewarped images using existing and proposed methods.
Image Type Tesseract ABBYY
Clean Image 3.78% 9.69%
Warped Image 17.1% 40.45%
Dewarped using CV method 5.07% 13.32%
Dewarped using DL method 4.39% 10.92%
(a) (b)
Figure 4: Testing results from our method on OCR-D his-
torical data. (a) Distorted input image, (b) Dewarped image
from DL method.
(a) (b)
Figure 5: Evaluation results on a document with image
(UW3 dataset) (a) Distorted input image, (b) Dewarped im-
age from DL method.
The performance evaluation is also conducted on
unseen OCR-D dataset by using the trained model to
remove distortion from these images. OCR-D dataset
is from a completely different domain and it differs a
lot from the UW3 dataset, which has a different lan-
guage (German) and font style (Futura). Besides the
fact that the model was trained on UW3 dataset, yet
the performance is also great on the historical OCR-
D dataset. Similar to the training process, no prepro-
cessing has been done on this dataset except that the
images are binarized. The reason for binarization is
that the input images are blurred because of document
aging and it is hard to distinguish the results. The bi-
narization method used is from (Afzal et al., 2013).
Dewarping results from our method are independent
of binarization. From Figure (4), it is visually evi-
dent that the proposed method successfully removed
distortions from the historical document image. The
image (Figure 4a) has geometrical distortions; the line
curls and page curls caused mostly by document ag-
ing and also a non-linear surface of the book. The
dewarped image using our method has effectively re-
moved the page curl and the lines are mostly straight.
Nowadays, there are numerous possibilities to assess
two images to check the similarity between them. The
majority of them are quantitative analysis and some
of them are based on the human perceptual analysis.
In our experiment, we have used diverse evaluation
methods based on our data. As pixel-based evalua-
tion methods are fundamental and common for im-
age comparison, we have computed Pixel Accuracy,
Mean Accuracy and Frequency Weighted IU (Long
et al., 2015) between the ground truth image and the
dewarped image. The numerals are tabulated in the
column Deep Learning in Table (1). These metrics
compare two images at the pixel level and provide
similarity score between the two images. our experi-
ment results reveal very good similarity (93.25% pixel
accuracy) between the dewarped image and the orig-
inal image. However, pixel-based methods estimate
absolute errors, which may not be adequate to assess
ICPRAM 2019 - 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
two images quality, so we have additionally consid-
ered the Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) (Wang
et al., 2004). The idea behind this strategy is that
the inter-dependencies between pixels in space, carry
very significant visual structural information. The
calculated SSIM (kersner, 2018) between the ground
truth image and the synthesized image shows 72.88%
(Table 1) of similarity.
Figure 6: Pixel Accuracy comparison between Computer-
vision method and Deep Learning method.
Additionally, another state-of-the-art method for
image comparison is Haar Perceptual Similarity In-
dex (HaarPSI)(Reisenhofer et al., 2018). In the ex-
periment, it has been proved that this method works
better than other currently available similarity mea-
sures so far and also outcomes from this method
are highly correlated with the human opinion scores.
Once again, HaarPSI reported outstanding similarity
(98%) between the synthesized dewarped image and
ground truth image. Based on these metrics we can
infer that the dewarped image is almost similar to the
ground truth image. So, the proposed method is suc-
cessful in removing the distortion from the input im-
age and the generated image looks close to the ground
truth image.
Another interesting evaluation method we have
used is Optical Character Recognition (OCR). We
have considered two OCR engines, which are freely
available on the Internet to evaluate the results of our
method against the existing Computer Vision method
and to the ground truth images. To evaluate the recog-
nizer results, we have computed character error rate
between text files the synthesized images from our
method and the ground truth images. This method
computes edit distance between the ground truth and
recognizer output image. The outcome of this evalu-
ation method is the character error in percentage be-
tween the two files.
1. Tesseract (Smith, 2007) is an open source OCR
engine, which supports a variety of languages. Until
now, it is one of the best open source OCR. This OCR
has been applied on three images; input distorted im-
age, ground truth, and dewarped image. The obtained
results are compared with the ground truth text file
by computing character error rate. Tesseract OCR re-
sults (Table 2 and Figure 7) show better error score
for the dewarped image when compared to the dis-
torted image. This proves the increase in recognizer
accuracy after using our proposed method and also,
shows the quality of the Deep Learning based dewarp-
ing method. Tesseract evaluation is also performed on
OCR-D historical images. The recognizer results in
Table (3) explains the improvement in the recognizer
accuracy after applying our dewarping method.
2. Abbyy (, 2018) is an
OCR engine developed by a Russian company AB-
BYY, which is used to convert document image to ed-
itable electronics format. For the evaluation purpose,
Abbyy OCR is applied to the results of the existing
method (Bukhari et al., 2009) and our method. The
generated text files are compared to the ground truth
text file using a character comparison method. The
recognizer results from the Table (2) and Figure (7)
also gave the best results for our method. The error
percentage for the results of our method is less than
the result of the warped image.
The Deep Learning based dewarping method
works well both on text-based documents as well as
on documents with images. However, these two OCR
engines work on the basis of document layout. More-
over, the ground truth text files of the images used
for the experiment include only non-image content ie,
only the textual part of the document. Hence, for the
sake of evaluation, we have cleaned (removed image
content from document) the images before applying
OCR. Nevertheless, if we look at the error percent-
age from the Character Comparison method, the de-
warped images have less error when compare to the
warped images. This quantitatively proves that our
method increases the percentage of character recog-
Finally, in order to better evaluate our method, we
compared our results with the existing document im-
age dewarping method, which is developed based on
a computer vision technique (Bukhari et al., 2009).
This method works only on textual documents but
fails to extend its application to documents with im-
ages. Figure (3) conveys the qualitative compari-
son of dewarping results for the current and existing
method. The dewarped results from Computervision
method (Figure 3c) still have line curls in the mid-
dle but the results from our method (Figure 3d) looks
similar to the original image (Figure 3a). In order to
make a quantitative analysis, the results of the two
methods have been compared in two stages. Firstly,
Document Image Dewarping using Deep Learning
Table 3: Tesseract OCR on OCR-D images(Error % is shown in table). The edit distance is computed between Tesseract OCR
output text files of the warped input image and dewarped image (proposed method).
Image File ID Warped Input Image Dewarped image
estor rechtsgelehrsamkeit02 1758 0119 21.84% 21.09%
luther auszlegunge 1520 0003 66.91% 56.20%
luther auszlegunge 1520 0029 34.23% 24.98%
Average 40.99% 34.09%
Figure 7: Comparison of OCR results. Tesseract and AB-
BYY OCR are applied on clean image, warped image, and
resulting image of CV and DL methods. The bar graph
shows the Character error rate in percentage.
we have considered the pixel-based metrics (Table 1
and Figure 6) to evaluate which method is better in de-
warping the distorted image and focus on to generate
the resulting image close to the original image. For all
of the pixel-based evaluation metrics, out method has
an average of 14% higher accuracy when compared
to the Computervision based approach. This infers
that the DL based approach generates un-distorted im-
ages resembles the original image. Secondly, in or-
der to evaluate the dewarping method with respect to
the recognizer accuracy, Tesseract and Abbyy OCR
have been applied to the results of the two methods.
The numerals are tabulated in Table (2), DL based ap-
proach increased the recognizer accuracy by 1-2%.
Besides, the work in (Bukhari et al., 2009) proved
that the Computer Vision method works better than
any other Document Dewarping methods. In our ex-
periment, from qualitative and quantitative analysis
of the results we can conclude that the DL method is
good dewarping method compared to Computervision
Based method. Hence, our proposed method is better
than other existing document dewarping method to re-
move page and line curl from the distorted document.
Until now we have discussed the best part of the
proposed approach, but the method also fails in some
cases. As discussed, the input image passed to the
model is always high resolution. If the input distorted
image is resized then it is difficult for the generator
to produce good quality characters. The model cor-
(a) (b)
Figure 8: Testing on a image with low resolution, from dif-
ferent language (Kannada) and domain (Source: google im-
ages) (a) Distorted input image, (b) Dewarped image from
DL method.
rects only the style of the images but fails to produce
a good quality image. As seen from the results (Fig-
ure 8), the model removed the curls from the text and
to generated straight text lines but fail to produce the
local features of the characters. The future work can
concentrate on training the model with resized input
data so that the model can be applied for low resolu-
tion or resized images.
In this paper, we have proposed Document Image
Dewarping Method using the advanced Deep Learn-
ing Image to Image Translation technique. The out-
comes are evaluated using the state-of-the-art eval-
uation methods and also OCR has been applied on
the resulting images. The experimental results show
that the proposed method works great on text docu-
ment images, documents with graphics and images,
and also on the historical documents. The main ad-
vantage of this method is that it doesn’t require any
sophisticated text line or layout extraction and more-
over, this approach doesn’t need any preprocessing to
be done on the input images. Currently, this method
can be applied to dewarp historical documents, ge-
ometrically degraded images, images with page and
line curl. The future work can extend our method to
include also perspective distortion problems.
ICPRAM 2019 - 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
This work was supported by my Supervisor, Special
thanks to him for his guidance to finish this work
smoother and successfully. The test dataset was bor-
rowed from, special gratitude for providing
the dataset to evaluate our work. Our appreciation for
the author for sharing the code of existing computer
vision based method, which helped us in great extent
to evaluate our method effectively.
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Document Image Dewarping using Deep Learning